1 tnd who now UiyWHak they are infjrmea, end believe It to ory'eeiisive journey and ageneie j will 1 1 (redaee tne rate ai npepv q ne s'Vr 000 WiHglVe loi ihe SJate,Vnb her Tte of , t' v. "TAXatiOtt inanjiereioiorp impoaeu, wc imr" Tftonrece iVe bnt WhVusaml twe4iundred and Hfi r, and in piaemg the Bank upon aa equal t ' oatiog so oou as tbe audit lonal capital k hall V-be subscribed, will give dnd preserve a balance ' f per, ; eUher , wake the institution! i friend by making Vkenequaisj or bymakjng their respective; counteraction more enefuve ; 1 ' ' '.render their hostility liarmle, and leave their 1 T I , f Ability and inclination free! to attend to the only legitimate object of their charter ; the good of I r Hhe- State, and the interest of the Stockhbld- y hi; J i. - i.Av...ri:i f; .vl w" v Fvov5. -7iJ5 io ine miuua laws. Cape-Fear Bank ha never vet been taken t and ' that: the Leeislature of 18 1 I brovidins for1 -the accomodation of the public whenahe Bank of r 5' 1 1 i ' i- tm-j-i. ."! .. 1 4 ..s- - uape-rear aim newiiurn buuuu cipnc, rciju.ii" ed in the apt before referred to, ihat the 'book of the State- Bank should be then opened for the subsenptioh of the-; whole of the remaining gnart' message whicare. Mnanv for-the urpose of renderiPff nayi-f H;Wtnri..ntl Kill . . -J ornr. - - appoint eotnmissioRer of tlployrri i of JLumbertonj I row setter reeuiauon oi ine roam ia -ftmniii nn hr:jratahim hk i,;k: .v . on Wraliy real thjfiMi "nt ci Read and ien the i k :.;--'rt':-u-'':'zi.;-;r'l'-MrrBMiii';nrMentea a hill f i?T'' MrVmeeleJ 'from -,the committee on so moch;-imM 0f -erti5n nmon ia On.lw p... . ? earefuUV avoid any controversy with the loeal Banki.!TiMj,hii;h respaet for yonr lion irable body wohM forbid oh a course. Its Optra tions in ivery resiect have been condircted with a view io lOinr ics enamm wim me leeiS" sion of the militja laws reported a bill to amend the muitia laws of this state, which was the 'first time and sent to' Uie senate." The hof asreeably to the order of' the .rnend Mr Hill pfwented a biU to authorise tl !Tea5I , eommiBsioners of the town of Louisbure to -" i ii. i .01 . . 0 lcr day resonied th the select com i.. a 1 - . 1 , r . . charter and y ..w ",-,y-Vl ruuc . bern and Cane1 M: tt t..e paper carrency. u is hound,! . c .s c consi f in 1 1 1 deration of the report of reiaiivc 10 cxienuin iue s the capitals of Ncw- lessr. illiams, Car ed the motion for in- CffB it lTAlH .T J lVK.il -.(1114 4 oiiestion was taken hv uestion of postponement . i Voiir Memorialists cherish the idea, that the ... Jmt: . 1 1- J. ti.... -i tavant cmzws, Bey kud Ioseas fi'J nays CO hn derWtMirrOrtitlieir institution, me iiopar-ioner wiin conicrapw-1 ir wwicci hi reiusinzt ' r , tiality and liberality wltWwhicH it acepmmo- .i obi Mr Hoean prertnted a bill te.tablis'hand ' datioas bavc,beeo..extciU.iavery.airecuonne-nope oi Prevenv.uc buuk ,rom. ,,nSt ,ay 6ff a4Wimthe.andJi-of SNbaliiGardiieri ttnl i!f nn rnrrn inrreetnens of their nroceea-i 11110 operation : ine oiaie uanit cuaner com- . . r..i.ii. r ----- - - . . 1 11 ii f . 1 , .. mine eouniv 01 naiiuoiim. Head and sent to a ings, give this their representation aft honora.,peuea me nanK 10 reueem us notes wnn 8P'cie- tne 8enate - i ' 'tj-i T.WeeWai to the favorable consideration the .SPuh on8tilHa wav greatly at variance nie biM to alter and regulate the elections , , 'Legislature.; Nor will .the supenor wisdom of with a system ot policy calculated only t. enrich . le count asse(1 itst1,lrd reading. the legislature fail duly to estimate the ad- Uie htockhol. erS; No wonder the Nowbern R ,R fJitntQ(l a bill to conIfrm Bnd & : Vantages Wheh the propositions of your Memo- Bank should divide twenty per cent, as safely makeva,i(l certaiii conveyances for lands in '! ri'ltt.' ree.t to their acceptance, uor to m ,ght the issues have made hve times twenty, tfti . gtate male Ivy husbands and their wives 'I'U' weiirh the iniuries which inmeihS from their I lie people at large, had no altemative but a c;., mj un rejeetionr and "the dissolution of the present Newbdrn or Cape-iearnote, or the ragged pa r. ,1 charter oft be Bank of Newbern ' la behalf of the MemonalistR, - EDWARD PASTEUR, f JOHN STANLY, : i WovembeY, 1313c J "7 $ Agent. COUNTER A1K MORTAL. per currency, both without credit abroad, and received only from necessity at home. It is. a fact too notorious . to be denied, that these Banks had collected nearly all the specie in the State, and there was no' possibility of reaching a sin gle dollar without their consent, except by' de priving them' of the paper jnoTiev. Placed in -. . . . . . . . . . mo; T the Honorable the General Astemhly othis situation, it maybe asked, what had they tfifwr-- 'pxWorfhCarolina. to fear fr$rm a return of their notes ? And ; The Stockholders of the State Bank of what was there to hinder them from issuing ' JforthlCarrilifca, at this time attendinsr their with perfect safety as ninny millions aw they 'knnnat ncting, btjng inor med U'.at.the Agents pleased ? If the va ilts of a Bnk can by the f the IHoks of Newbeni and Cap-Fear have oticy or the directors be torever petitioned vonr lionorablevBod? to extend their of no consequence to the holder eitaners vaml increase-f their caiutals : and wneiner tney contain snocic or not. in vain lia'vtagreftr.nte6Teopi8)i f .SBwdiirion "' he"may call 5 he will be tnformed. as once was irQnlated atiarge wh"rejy the yo'oy of the the case with the local Banks, that "It is the ''acts.of 1810 and 181 i$ devising a oiode for re- pleasure of the Bank to redeem in paper mo de aming the paper-money is condemned and the nev." tdlidil'j of tlie'laUsesf both acts pledging the f he Stockholders of the State Bank beg faitfi of the State to grant no olher Charter du- leave further to represent to yoiir honorable jring the contiuoauce lof tha State Bank question.' body, that by the charter granted to the local ' i .;aiid lr.ep.reeatiP5 te ' the : Leictatare .'the Banks, it will be perceived that the capital of licnefits te ba1 derived by the State from such a both Banks-was contemplated 'to' be in specie. faeaiorerrfeel themselve&lalkdiipott respect- The ,folly to represeHt to your honorable body. .be. paid in gold and .silver eoin, whence it is That liaving been 1 incorporated- by Hie Act of , fairly inferablo that the bills were to be redcem 4310, books of suliBcriptiou wer openedpdjed ouUf the stock subscribed : that one prinri after many faciiltli? throwa i their waV by pal object expected to be obtained by thfrpu1- lHe7MilISarTl)r;Uie -Iewoe,rR anil Vape-rcar.i'c n pajier 01 vencr ctcuii iunn uir einissions ' were enabled .to lot this Mate. How far. such was in theeoii- Senale. - - Mr. Campbell presented a bill concerning a part of the militiaof Umnberlan.l countv and Mr. Benton a bill further to provide for the widows or persons dying intestate. The bill concerning divorce and alimony was rejected 67 to 50. Tuesday, Dee. 14. Mr. Kilpatriok presented a bill to incorpo rate a military- and literary oeiety in Lenoir county ; Mr. Drew, a bill further to regulate the fisheries on Roanoke river ; and Mr. An- flarcnn hill In a it mir? nn not liiatf inn Knmr A ' ' I f ' 1 a " 1 null Mill fcW Ullll U f . L l.Vtlll'B NU w irectorsbe torever locked, it is i lia .,i;,i K. th m,i,.n f V...ki;- 0 e bins . sjia jn fntre nroeeed to recover damages. Banks to discount notes, they procure the -subscription and 'payment of suf ficient stock to commenes their operations. That their difficulties at t his period were more pressing from the entire want of specie in the band pf (he'pedleVand their inability to ex--traet itrrom the Van'ts of the Banks That teiitplaiion of the grantees, piay probably be ascertained by the course 'they have pi:rti:ed ; but it is qnite evident the c ircnlahug inedium of the State wn not bettered in credit. The Kto.cklialdcrs ask leave further to shew to you r Jio narajj e body , that fee I i :i g the m s e I ves . . 1 . 1 t a' - it. . ill!.. A Xfri'n-liAM t llAlinH Kv 1 1 1 . 1. tkntma n.mant i t I. Trio ilafit . 7. - ... 1 A I . I t ft - I ami sausueu iney were cmpiDypa in a niiainess both politic and 'lonorablc, because sanctioned and Cape-Fear were so" depreciated in this State as to become a- Rtibject ot general com plaint : and in the neighboring states passed at adisebunt of from if; to 12 perVccnt. In this JtfLoXllM-BSlijOeamc iwpossibjehatthe State Bank couil make HTjeral discounts; be CftUse; being-established lipon a spVcieeapital, and required by law to1 redeem its notes in spe cie, they obtained Credit abroad, and when is sued, were either bought on a premium for re mittance to an ther state,' or iu a short circu lation found their way into the Newbern or Cape-Fear Banks Thatlhese; Banks at that time were pressing their debtors with, a heavy fcandyojfbring some mitigation 'for payments In pc,hihlwi.oitsJfied .''by MoteV: of 'the State Bank. The notes issued from the? State Bunk w ere necessarily sought for by the mer chant for remittance, and the debtor to these The hardships of the people, and the 1 1 m f 1 "BtMiks Embarrassed condition of thetatcBank sprang from the same cause. The paper currency in 'the vaults of the Banks of N ewlem and Cape Fear, by which they'sfiieWedrthtrr specif ren dered it" impossible for the Slate Bank to he useful to the people at large or profitable to the Stockholders. -The Legislature of 18H saw it in the, sam; light; abd a committee fro,n their b4y was- appoLatttd.io -eoofar wilh the AgMiU of the State Bank to remedy the oviU It was then evident that the community want obliged to bear the evils Ihey.wep then oppressed with, until the charters ofJbee pri vafe Banks expired, unless some plan was de ris;'d byhieh they should be deprived of tlie Mer currency . Tiat money belonging to the I it, .j.lt hail long been a reproach, to her ; Sfe emitted it in a time of ditliculty .These Ba'iks had acquired it, not in payment for toitk ; tney were required by their charter, to revive nothing haigtM knd silter. "They- ac . quired it not in the ordinary course of receiv ing, but by eirchangesryi-.- -;" . Upoa a eonfeieiice between a eommittee of the .Legislature, afid the Age tits of the State Ba nk?, a com part wa formeil. It was solemnly agreed by both .parties, that the Stnta Bank bhould take up on or bfore the 17th day of Ijeeembec, 1817, the whole of the paper money: at which tiiue it ceased to he a tender, ecept to the State Bank. The State Bank also conce -rdod to the State foil dividend npt.ii 2.j()0 wlcn the State had paid for. about Ton fc'uYres. The .State, as an equivalent, on her part Kfjreftl t allow ttie Mule i3an - to regain ii - i.fli..p i.rrits from dividend, four ner cent jj.Uri;ira til Xar nttyzM fur $ to oatoidj by -the approbation of the sovereignty of tjie State; they witb good faith' embarked ii; their undertaking, and have forced the vaults of the local Banks rtaken- from them th-paper mo ney given credit to their bill by compelling them to redeem with specie, and, relieved the citizens of the country from the heavy loss they sustained by the depreciated .condition of their Bank bills. -Thus have the Stockholders pro ceeded iu their undertaking with the State, and intended, if permitted, in true faith to finish the whole. The Stockholders have been led to make this detailed statement, from no other view tha as fitrnjjshing it reason for the dissatisfac tion and dipplcasureof'the local Banks, and their manifest anxiety to destroy the State Bank and throw again into circulation the pa per monev, without which, the v say, "nop fits" can he made by banking. 1 he Stockholders forbear to remark any thin? to your honorable body, upon the adequa cy of the consideration which the State receiv ed for pledging her faith to grant no?other charter. IUs confidently hopi'd that yoar hon orable body, to whom the power cf making such grant U wisely ewnhdi'd, stand upon ground too elevated to be; teinpted even to listen to a -better bargain :' And the Stockholders, beg leave, to assure you, that their; conduct in this respect has not arisen from any distrust in your honor able body, or any suspicion that you will re cede from the plighted faith of the Legislature ; but solely with a view of laying before you a brief history of t he local and State Banks, aud placing en proper grounds the pretension of the former. On the contra'Vi they are fully im pressed with the high standing of the Lcgisla turej anuWibnceiv it would be unbecoming, e yen to doubt your readiness to perform your engagements, and therefore forbear to say a.ny thing upon the obligation of the, contract enter ed into bet wen the Legislature and the State Bank, lliey tcct satisnea that that body, w hie h is a compound of the collected w isdbm of the State, and deservedly placed above tie 'fair, on account of their wisdom and integrity, will at all times be found a safe depositary will iu every instance act according to jthe trae spirit of its promises and would reproach vrith high censure those w ho would presume to supplicate a favsr inconsistent with its honor and dignity. By rfcr of ttie Meeting, r. J. UAKKu,' Chairman.. feet the titles of the owner of lots in sMrlu. Read and sent to the house of commons. ; A . x ' Wednesday, Dec. i5, :;': CENSURE OF MR. STONE. . Mr. Branch front the committee appointel to enquire into the couduct of Mr. Stone hand, ed in the following report : , - The committee appointed to enquire into thr political conduct of David Stone, esq. u So. nator from this state in the Congress of th 17. States, respectfully report. That it was to have been expected that ant man who valued the.hoiior.ov the safety of his country would iiol have: withheld that iJV Avhichr was indispensible to tlie preservation of I both, much less was it fb . be anticipated thai one who to the duties of a citizen hatf superadd ded the strongest professions of his apprsli u tion of the measures of t!e eneral goverrrapnl in entering into the war, wbo impliedly il naj expressly avowed himself among the foreiii4 of its supporters, wouUFEave t-dopted a cuars of conduct directly opposite to that expM.i f hy his constituents, aud hostile 'to the lioona and the i.'iierest of his country. This has been done by the honorable Dav! : " Stone. The sentimcnis of the people of thl State and ofthe Legislature, at its last session, . were unequivocally in faybr! of ,a: proecutioa f " the war in wfcich the U. S. was engaged vjtk Great Britain. Their opinions We: e known by , Mr. Stone. And those professed by him" were inuniso'i with (hem. ? Uoder these ptofejsiOBf"" he was 'chosta : iehatoY. - No cireumstanet , has ever occurred to alter the- opinion of the people ofthis state, or of that body by 'whH he was chosen No circumstance could ocettt -which would authorises ehange of those opin iona, so long as we value: our natioBal charac ter and desire that the peace which we so ar. deutlywisb for mav be obtained without (hV grace. Yet we fin that for reasons which hi thought proper to iihhold from the people of this state, thejcomlnct ofMr. Stone has beet directly in opposition to bis professions. And w e are forced to believe that he avowed prim ciples w hich he did not possess or that he has without cause vhaiigrd tlitrtourse of his politic cal conduct,' whereby he has. as fkr as hi voice or his exarape could extend, jeopardized the safety and the interest of his countrj. Justice demands that thoe who ar fightine our battles should receive the support, confide ing in which they enlisted under our banner. IIon r forbids the adoption of aay measure by which our national character may be tarnish-, ed, and policy dictates a vigorous prosecutio .of the war, by w hich we may obtain an early 1 1.1. f. ' f ana nonoraoie cermmarion our. Resolved, therefore, that the said David Sto7ie;hatlrdiwppointedhe.reo talidnsaud incurred the disapprobation of t!ii iieneral Assembly. - - - Mr. Murphey jnoved tliat this report be re committed. ;Lost43 to .17: ! The tame gentleman then nioved an indefi4 Inite postponement which was likewise nsja llVell 41 lu IV.'.' ." .... The ones tion on adontinsr the renort and ra'4 The bill for the division of (he regiment of isolation was then taken and carriedYeas 4 uavsl8. "' i;'- . -- : 5 YEAS Messrs.- Atkihsoh, Arpold, Allen Read the first time and sent to the Senate. A bill to pro vide for t he pay meni of witnes ses in New-Hanover ; a bill for the better gov ernment of the city of Raleigh ; aud abill res pecting elections in the county of Warren, se verally passed their third readings. Re'ceived from. the senate a bill to alter the time of the meetings of the Legislature of this state; a bill to establish an uniform mode of taking toll within this state ; a bill making further provision-for the owners of strays ; and a bill to raise a poor tax in the county of Mecklenburg. Read the firstgtime and return ed. A joint resolution that no bill of a privato nature shall be received after Friday next, was concurred in. Received from the senate, a bill to amend the several-acts regulating the inspection of (lour in tlrfs state, which was read the first time and returned. ... . ' . The bill fur the removal of certain uits in Lhe$ y per i 0 r ico u rls o f Law amf Lquity was read the third time and passed The bill more eiTee.tuallv to mitigate the e- verity of executions was postponed indefinite ly 8 Mo 30. Wednesday, Dec. 15. Messrs. John Armistead, Bryan Whitfield, Gideon Alston, Thomas Ke 11 a n. Robert "B urlon and Benjamin Robinson were chosen council lors of state for the ensuing year. Wavne passed its first reading. Mr. Loft in presented a bill to alter the times of holding the superior courts of law & equity 1 Bower, Bell, Ballard, Branch, Brulon, Doddieg for the countv of Lenoir : Mr. P. Barrinaer a ! i'toM pi,.,v; vn-..iJ-'i.., , v,.rrr- bill to amend the act for the better observation iFaiconer, Gillespie, Gurrot Hampton, Holme, and keeping of the Lords day, and for the : Hoskins, W. S. Hiiiton, Hawkins, Hill, Jones, more effectual suppression of vice aud iramor- Longmire, M'Farland, Moore, Nance, Ovens tality. Read the first time and , sent to-the Philips, Rabburne, Reddick, B. Sanderson, Ti senates Sanderson, Shufford, Wingate, N. Williamt- jwcll, Fuller, Foy, J. Hinton, Johnson, Mr phev, M Kinnic, Parker, R. Smith, peigni Slade, Stewart, J. Smith, J. Wright, J. nil liams, R. Williams 18. Jr 'flieillonirninthe-IIaw-fiIdcimentTV of militia in Orange passed its third reading, t NAYS Mess"; Bender, Bodenhamer, Cald' iur. urew prescnieu ine iououing resolu tion: .'..-:. '.'' -: jtesolved, by this General Assembly, that it is highly impolitic and manifestly cntrar to the sound policy of this state, and,. the due and impartial administration of justice that7 any of the judges of this state shall be a director of the Slate Bank of North-Carolina or of any other Bank. Made the ordarof the day for Thurs day. '. 1 - " A bill to divide Buncombe county was in- definitely postponed 6 to 51. A bill to suspend execution for a time there in mentioned was received from the, senate. Mr. .Pickins moved that it be indefinitely American Intelligence. BRITISH OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. ' From the Montreal Gazette, of November IP H.Q.Ln Chine, Uth Nov. 1813. GENERAL ORDER. His, Excellency the Governor General n Commander bf the forces, has received from Lieut. Col. Morrison, 89th" regt. the official i r xur . 4mCiw." .....vcu i..u uc icuc,y port of the lion whi6h tQok ,ace oa the utn postponed Not agreed to, W voting for and lflst Crysller. Farm, 20 miles above Cora-. 67 gainst the postponement. The bill then Lval, bet4 th(, co of ob8ervation, coi!;tr passed its first . reading. - ; . - . .... . ' thr-M. ami - detach ment from the garrison of PrescAtt, iindf r LU Col. Pearson, the whole amounting to alout, 800 cipal division ol the enemy an vu. ecedinsf thai action, an aflair too placenn consequence of the corps' of nf,'r?r tion pressing on the enemvw!iicii ai,cr . ' " .. , conOint terminated in his dofeat, the British -'. vision oeeupying that night the ground on wkicll the affair, had t:ikcu place. On the l lib Lt. Col. Morrison continued hit pursuit, when the enemy concent rated his forCCi made a grand effort to "relieve himself fromJi troublesome an opponent, alid advanced '.. his h?avy column of infantry supported I bv ar tilier)lnsfrout eovered by anumeroiii bodj '. cavalry and rilWh, Lt. Col. Morrison rca back iradaaii,, Ml leek u,p a judicious poiH '.- ' . IN SENATE, Thursday, December 2. Thef eommittea bf propositions and grievan- men, and the princ ces, to whom had been referred the petition of army, commanded by Maj. Gen a number of tlie inhabitant of rayetteyille, Mhe daypT prajing 1 in? rciuuTH,! wi certain onsiriiciions in a street of said city, reported unfavoraMyto the prayer of the petitioner. - . Mrt Gillespie presented & bill to alter the place of holding a separate election in the cunty of Duplin. r-" ' ' V . Friday, December? B. On motion of Mr. Murphey, -Resolved, that the committee to whom wa referred th'e report of the Secretary of "State be instructed to en quire into the atate of the bid public reeords, and what measure should betaken for the bt tr keeping aud preeming the iame I;'-