4, ' "V ft .r . 4.- . Faj t i. 7 V I . Confess "of 'tUts United 1 ' 'j InrWiatea' by a Mssiy iaaatit is, teteify jf Wee iia(.4 Vrf At ttaftitof :.n n avjng fty States' pagatejd among them. - committed to the' national authority, auseofi ji was necessary .io,erusn sucu a war before mat force, as the best provision against, an .Vlfthewarhasexpss us ft iBereui 8J nations on the ocean. hi.iI in-tiw,.!.... . r: . 1.. . i" V iTi-Va nniii. i lnn1 it 1, o i .7'' ",rr. 0n Monday the Mh, the two Louses convened ; .,...1.1 amr;.1(i ii,- Pohtinioii. tri fl .af, mlllmrv n.tuM!aT.mrir: an well as a re-'al means of retaliafimr the fum.. f in then; respectwe tihoioers, and on lues- Rf0re it covld farorenterprUes of the enenit goiirac peculiarly adapted to a country having viding protection against thekttcr : demJ n- SBifwinwiSS niica nv ' i,,to that vitality. , With this view a force was the extent and the exposure of he U. 8. I re- trating to all that eyery blow aimed at IT "r Ulfc 9 MhfcJVU15: lealled,into the service of the U.Wtates from the, eommend to Conaress a revisioA of the militia1 marilime independence is an impulse aeceUr JeUntvCihzftts of Lie Senate, aiid ,? , stales pf Georgia and , Tcunmee, which, ifh Jaws for the purpose of securing; more effec- tins the growth of our maritime power flfHMj$Rrwenve$2 lJtejiMrcstJcgularJfaopantfothejLffflrpafxomuji of all" detachments calledj y diffusing through the mass of t,e . In meetinevoii at the nreseat interesting con- i,. l ir..:j Rtatna- ' o,. nLminti r miliar. j:..:t: . uaini V ' t: ' ""cfuru hut mafce a Jt wiHdeseryeUe consideration of Congress tioh,; by augmenting and distributing Wa i'i VeouldAe-W "also: whether, amonff other imbfoVement ini preparatiotis, applicable fo future ws?. . ' a re-; cine 'the zeal and Valor with which thL ilition, ander due precautions, for defray- be employed, and the cheerfulness witk LvJ f linni'j) iil ttiA ATiintiaa ;tilnt a fircf Acamlilinir 1 avpCv npppssnrv mii!in will l.a Ui..,.. V" ' ? reiguwh? had inyite.d tliem by h otttr..ol me-,, 0f a .gaibfactory" issue are authorised by the a?Vel! as to the subsequent movements of de-.ter respect for our rights and a longer da-it ' -t UatiottaseeptedHoMhearU a ofile To give to onr vessels of -warriibliendipeeted-w4tlwi4-Hw IHHHrfsfHhtattr1 ii tatesnd Iromhe plede;to befpu requisite' advantage in thair character and resources. m; tt of their gitlaturc for the hberality,whMh liUa of Tennessee, mider,the gallant eommand cruises, it is of mtich importance that they, The war has proved, moreover, thai our ft ' i ihr;PIeBipotentiai;ie. would earry'mto tht ne- of 0en Coffee j and by a still .more-iteportant should have, both for themselves and their pri- government, like other free government - ;;; ' go;ciatton,ihjo .timewouW ,be lost by.the.Bri-, vict6ry overv jarger .lfcd of them, gained un- zesj the. use of the ports offriemlly powers, though slow yi? its early movements, acu,,;, ' . tish Govefnmept in embracing tlie expejimeut derthe immediate command of Maj. Gen. Jack- With this view 1 recommend to Congress the in its proeresi' force proportioned to Its f, ( ' ' for hastening a.:8top; to the eflai"n o ..:o!i f.att officer eaally-distipguished ior it, eipedieuey of aneK legal provisions at may sup- dam: and that the union of these state r f v t A prompt ana.eoraai aceepiaiiae i e.foavpatriatim and his military talents. ply the' defeetofN remove the doubts of the guardian of the freedom and safety of all Z . 1. 1 w rtn i.ax hi. IB ivao inu ibuh lai ill ..'i m m . . - .x'.i r ii . .. . . - r nun uu siu tin- iv w 1 un iva ri h 11 neripv ra 1 cpnrmv r.vppniivp nin hv g hu n n rmufN nt ni mh 1 ainiii.nfii i. . . .. tvnu uj crcij uccasiOl) that 1 V it was of a uattsrt not to tabmil rights or'prf courting the aid of the savasre in all uarters, other.nowcrs, at! fvith enemies of the Unit- nuts it to the test. tensions on either side to the decision of an em. i.a(i j.a naturai effeet of kind insirtheiT ordinal- ed Htate such u- the AimMicrin tiolI and In finp. war- with I1 Ua . - - X , ( " ' "vy y .. ui j 10 - 1 v llitlt B ) li l uv T: o . lurDcM Uiriiimi ust iX tivpari ui e iiuiuuai i-ro- ier desire f peace tor a rtreaa n urrtwii power, or traeWd.-forbearancc-'HMieccpt the services ten- have exceeded thirtv-seven millions and a half authorise.?, bv its u i,nl; t:..,: Jt! J - milled bv other fallacious ealcuiatior.fe, fckh Um- ,,.riJl v 1MS. iilltu i,f i,,,;.,,,! i.tinn n. f ,l,,na. i ..-..,.f.. r.. n i , r ' . ,c,rv. I" J'- appointed tfcis. reasonable unt.c.Fat.on, u vicl(1J ng l? -j, the relaiiaii.u has been were the produce of loans. After meeting all reciprocity Beyond these their ciin.ll! i IV vuiniuuiwiiiv wwL'- 111111V1.1PU mb mil e II RH IIOHSIwlI'. UCLII 111 I IS cl" me HP!.'I(U I or Ilift n::l-.lin prviiP. t i"ip ri- ni.vi.ixlni.Harf. nr.A :.. 4..j: .; -rr- lk ;. . ' 1 - . I .... I : I. .. . "... -' . . . - ! U i CU US HO Uiiorinaiiou on me buuirvi ii uuim-- eeivetl lioni that source, liirt it is knonn Uiat ! ' the nediation was declined in the Ju st instance, and there is no evidence, nttwitliftandiug He faj se of tine,1 tlnl a change of (iispostnu',inl Jl .. V). !4I T. I ...t,Ai.) Lil3 t' L.n tttni.it In I . . . a- . . . uc 011IIMH.DUUU1I I.U. vu rilv, w tneir nucai practice oi in;scr.miiiaie massarre more favorable to the United States than those, JAMES MADISON .he ejpeet'ed. ' , ' Jon' drfecekiM -iiihabitunts, or from scenes af of the prueeding loan made daring the present' Washington Dec. 7, 1813 Vni'er such circumslaneesr, a nation proud ol .iarmiir nnhmii u naiallvi. on nnsuners to the vur. KiinliPr nmt A,.e,MAMKl- ;,... '.1 i ' 2 I 1 i' f l I l 7 1 J .-'- m ,v.ac,.V'u,i.ri,. HUlillHb iH-rtgiiis,.anu conscious oi n-iici, ; Uritish i-riti gtianii-a liy all the laws ol liu- Mill be necessary to be obtained in the same ciitilt tut an eicruua oi wie one m kuppvri oi reanit and of hoi in its ex- the demands lor the public service, there re- never extended : and. "in e.nnti.nAn far T,rr tent and in its character,; stoiping far short -of maincd in the Treasury on 'that day, near we'behold a subject for oar congratu batons, ii ihc exnniiIe of the rneuiv. w -no on e the fulvnii- sj'vpii in!!!ir:ia n f ilnli n . " ITn lui-ilm niiil.nriiv i. i..:k, :,,.: " .t- 1 ,, . ..v. .......... .vj mC uanj nonumiiics ui eiicreasing iiarmunT taes (bey have occasional!) gaintd in baMle, contained in the act of the id of August last, throughout the nation and may humbly reuosi ehief!y to the uumber ot.lhe'rr savage associates f for borrow ing seven millions and a half of dol- our trust in the smiles of Heaven on so xAu ad v'hS have not coniroiled thtin eith.tr from lars, that sum has been obtained on terms eousacause. 3 ft S tv '4 " At . i. ue uiner f , rKVi t f.ta Vli toVrwinntinll. meiit is'deiiVed from tLe siiecess ith hieb it the bett encourare- iUl UlilC ' hi'. way during the ensuingytar; and from the in- "1,IT r state of woeth-c For these enormities tlie euemy are equally creased capital of the country, from the fidelity rouna.) y' jiil-onii.:o ; whether v.ith tlie power it pre- with which the public engagements have becii SCHEME OF THE OXFORD ACADEJHP ii t- !. (k,...;l: tl. !.. , .'..I.I . ...... - , liii iir.'iii i iir y jt am iiic ill. ui ni'.u ur i:un' b.i-i. u nu ic.'i Iiu.uii rri-iin iniiiitnifi. ii m t r lai! pieced M e AiinSghty to bless our ' arms, j fa want p.Xikl 4H avail them- be expected on good grounds that the" necessa hoUiOi the lard and ci. ite water. : selves of sin L uisii4.ents. rv ntenniarv annni;.. uniwT-Tu,T'T. i f . , , . ....... . ... ..V. I. MU L 1 I. fci. V Ki let r.rmtrii h-vt I.nii inni 1:111 Pit nl thlin. 1 ..... 1 - ...i - . t. .. -- r' 1 0 M 1 - .in j . . lerpriae aiui kiii oi our cruisers, pu thetn-j ju 0t!,er respects the enemy were pursuing a The expeiicea of the current, year from the lie .fours e which t hi ratons consequences most af- multiplied operations falling within it, have nc b'a,nt'" f?icting to 1 omnii.v. ' ccs.saruy been extensive, liut on a jnaiti- I -A 'standing law- ot tj. li. naturalizes, as is mate ot the campaign, in which the mass of e well know, all aliens, complying wilh'condi- them has been incut red, the eost will not he al tions limiu'd to a shorter period than -those ro found liisproportionate . to the advantages, which to quired bv (IteU.lp. and uaturali.cd subjects have been gained. The 'campaign has indeed. iff- . .!.... i . 1. . . 4 :.. 1 ... . . . . - 1 -. V in its Iatierstages in one niuirter. been lest favorable than was expected, but in addition 1 3 6 20 20 .40 80 100 800 1 priro at U dci . do . d do do do do do do do Lottery:; gjioo ; 1000 ,. 00 100 20 tickets eacTr 50 20 ' W ' 10 6 10iJ . joa ceo 609 10C9. 1000 4800 I' I i pmafre, oh the ocean-aiid a new trophy "iu the capture' of a British by an American ves sel of ar, alter an aetion giving cticrity.to the name of the victorious oommauderj the great tnland waJeri, tin which ti.e enn;y'were also bencoonter our naval arms, as briiuaat in their character, ,.., nil :!, Hiiv .iiLii ei. In a ponti'-nmi : i .. .- '-; ..a . ' "it- - 1 : r v 'o - as ineytnave nen lmporiani in meir conse-, jjrit,gi, proviBt.e, regulation promulgated to (heimportance of our naval 'success, the pro-ijoenee8.f.-".; , v . ' ! since the commeneeinent ol the war compel ci gross 'of the campaign has been filled with in- OnXalc;iel.hnadrairttnder foniiaiiaticnsof tie I'nittd States, U-ing there' under cidents highly honorable to the merican of captain I'erry, having net the Kritish sqnnd- tertain circumstances to bear-e-.m ; whilst of arms. ,rou, of snpejior force, a. angury conflict end- (ie aliV(i emigrants from the L. S. who com-; The attacks of the enemy on Craney Island, ,ad ill the capture of the ; whole. -The conduct of , nsf. nuinh 0f tlip nonulalion nf the nrovinee. a;'on Fort Mi..i. nn ftn,.l-n, 1 f .1 ol. r . . i t , , - ,,. , V 111' 1 A 7 J -. . I r. UIUUII. OIIU Ull tl'Ut oihecr, adroit as it was uahn and which :namm.r have actually borne arms agaiuit the U. Sandusky, have been vigorously and sueccssful- Mas sojiyeltseeojHjLby repulsed; nor hav. liny in any case sue- titles them to 'the admiration and gratitude of; jng done so, have hecome prisoners of war, and ceeded on either, frontier, excepting when di- their country ; and w ill fall, an eat ly page m its , are now in our possession. 1 he British com- reeled agaiiuUjie peaceable dw ellings of indi MLvai annab, witiVj.-rictryiievcr surpassed j majtdej- in thai province, nevertheless, will the vidnals, or villages unprepared or nmlef nded, ialtistr howeviif much it may have been m j sanction, as appears, of his government, thought On the other hand Ihe movements of - the A magnitude. , . ' proper to select from An-eiiean prisnneis of '.nieiican army have htwn followed bv the re- Ua JUike Untano, the caution t the Jintish ; ar. and send to t;. II. for trial a crimmnN.. dnHionofYr.il.-. mifl wmmaiider, favored toy contingency, fr ustrat-1 a number of individual,, who bad emigrated. Maiden ; by the recovery of DctToit and the ,hc30,h ineluL, excepting. he d the eftor sot the; American commander, to fmn ,beBni,h dominions'. loi.g prior to the extinction of the Indian war-in the Vv est : and Tickets constituting PriL, 90 t.c.r- i. At a- ...b. ."t a .. 1 1 "" ..s, u; nccnipuMiiiig ineir enure aicendine to the 39th. Dolls.-? - Dulli. 10 Dulls. Doll. -09; Dol. 2 1 10T2 prizes, 1 Not two blanks to Rl5 j 0 828bta.ik. $ ' a prir-; - 3i()0 tickets at 5 wlars each, ia J' gt5,509 The cash r.zes tubjcci to a deduction of fifteen per oeaj Stati nwjf Prizes ! (tt jolknit ; FrstJQO.diawn Blanfej, o;itkd to A: JJ'dolls. ea First drawn Ticket i)ittu. on the 4th, 6th, 8ib, mti 10th days, ; Ditto, on the 12th, J4tb, ifeih and . AK I. . , 200 dolii.. SO doWi. eal SO dulls. ei blMHMPPimiiMAoi moreshu.utguispiay of ins o.u taknts and oi country, hghting for its rights and its safely. . prowess of our soldiery, (he host aiaurics of , Z l H the gallantry hu,cc sunder his cominard. The proteclicn due to these eiliei. requ.r- eventual vietorv. In the same scale are to be n V' ' ' The success on Lake Knelmving opened aj ing ttu elKctual interpositfon in their behalf, a -placed the late successes in the south, over onen' ' ' J9 . . passage to luc icijuoiy m uie eueiin , me oi.,cer j iljvC number ol British prisoners of war were 1 the-most powerful,. which had become one j ar.niiti'dins the hortli-wcsterii aiinv translVr-1 ni n ;.... ....("... , ....i;..,: . t. ... i . :i i. . .i Last a awn iicHet,- 77 ; ;vo . .... : " . v ; If 1 u,u .wiii;uiiin-iii, ivii;i a iniiui, -miuii. u.iu ui iiii uiusi iiuniiic aisu, oi tile Illuian iriCCS. her j and rupidly pursuing the ,he would expr. ;eeiiitt with their savajre assoei-Pntumittrd nn fience whatever violence nii;!it , " '7 . - The public will perceive that in the fimgoiag scbemt, a It would !;e improper to c ose this commit- -r. - . i. L r ' i. ts . .. . . . .. ' ultpi-uli.in ha hpftii ma. p hv r.in.. linn tl... ii'fIA i.n iiol kfuiness, in numerous TRp ration ha. been ma.ie by conve.tiig ibe ii'00 dollars into il mating p izc, and the 2000 dollar Ir.io a Stationary preniiuiai Ted Ue war thither Lode troops noting whij inetr savasrt .atw), forced ti general act ion, wl.ieh quickly ter Biiaatwl in the capture ol the British, -and dis ptrsToii af lite savage force." " ' ' - V' S1!,t isisaljy honorable to Mj. Gen. !. uuld have led lief go en.ment to netiect on overspreads our laud, ai;d theprcvailing health commence uwter ,he sa!e of Prt ul ,h Tkkelt .Harrison, by w host in unary talrnUit - na'pre-tl.r inconsistencies oi it nmdui-t. and thai a of its inhahifauta v I'm rMirv?si r They me agrc, that, n times iske.be present, ot general pre- pared; to toi. Johnson and bis mounted yolun-bftlpaii. uilh the Biiiish, if not with the-A- our internal tranquility, and the stability of :"' .in i, uuc 1 1 , i b u meriean satterers, wotthl l.ave arrested theerucl our free institutioos ; and above all for the ii le coitoinitted on the American prissuers ot war nieation w ithout expressing atha!:kfi ser.t to C. Britain. ' . ' wiiieli all oii"l.t to in.iii. f,.i- d a It was hoped thai this neeessarv conseaue nee blessis with which nr beloved .iu.rv ,,. t d V W-ihe sole purpow .4' ba r it... .i 1. ii. a i Ti -.. a . . . i - i i .. . . . . . ins the diawinlt. bv ulacine- in the rrwe.r of the manafeis ui sifp uiiuuviseu.y laKon on me pan oi j. unites to ne lavorcu; lor me annulancc which , c . - Wow tr the ranks oi Uie enemy j and to tliespi- eareer opened by its exanii.le. "inui iiic iuiuinit.i u.uKia cijuttii urarc aiiu patriotic, vvIlo bore au intcTesTing part in the , individuals doi not wiiiHigly let their mone remain irbeia . n is inactive. ' i inervmic mcir wisti ana in fit ct.i. of divine truih. and tba tii ntPi tinn nf pvitv This wasunhaiiiiTv not the case. In viola- man's conscience in theeniounent of it. Ami aft'enhe adjournment of the Legislature. Those who mtf . jtiflii both of. consistency and of humanity, A- although among our blessings we cannot num- ive already purchased tickets, and do not approve of ae .St-, lie; more especially to the chietmagistrate ihericiin ofi;cr nmi iiMid.n.lunM ahHoW.. I.ir jin -Ytniiiinn f.-..n; si .;tnT' -..-.. toinc ai . u i - as a-vB . uuiiu i.iriiuiiv. .k usa-i.a7B X- m. Hvfla a i ffl i ii,. w wv an : - . w tlouble jhe number of the British soldiers - these will never be rcearded as the ereatcst of orbcire . of-iouituckj ,ci the Lead of them, whose hero-'i sigftaliztd inlhe war whteli' eslablisTic: contmed here were ordered into ci ll:t itoepenufcueeoi im coumry, sougiu at nninient, wilb forinalnot ice, that in the event of a of nations. Our countrvlhas before preferred auv.ijted ae, a shj.re m hardships aiia tattles, 'retaliation i'nr iIip rlf.-itli . ' j - : v.VM ir iv i iiiikiii. mv. mini,- uvHKauucitk. v'iiniiiirii nuir i vrnx. f ! n II... .- n n . a a close conhnc- .evils, by the friends of liberty, and oit he rights! r. . A...:..t :l... ... . jor ii;i.i;iii:. ii' us jtsTTtm unu lis The etti'Ci of ibefe sa'fdy. successes has been to '.'" rescue M he ij.habitr.nls of Ai ichigan from their i filso. ted on the prisoners of war sent to 6. B. for tri-j alternative, when the sword was draw n iAthe al, theoiicers so conliued would be put to death 'cause which gave birth to our national hide v oppreif.ioiiA a'ggravatedhy gross infractions cf the eai.ittila'iisiu which subjected them to a fo- iplU ubjected !'! reijiji. power ; ,to alienate the savages ot nume rous tnLes from tut fclao. It w as not ibett at the same time that the Ipendence ; and none w ho contemplate the mug- commanders of the British fleets and armies on !nitude,aud feel the' value of that glorious event, ' oai coasiS aTC instructed, in t be same event, to w ill shrink from a struggle to imiintaia the I'TPdjnth-a destrticlive severity against our high and happy ground on, which it placed the." tbwiis and their inhabitants. - American-peorde. ' L erann, will oe at liberty ty return their nuroneram before the first day ol Januaty next, but not atirrwa TH : B. UTTLElOHVj WILLIAM ROBAKDSi W ILLIS LEWIS, THOM .S HI NT, WM. M. SNttD, ; - - Maiigrtf Tickets at 5 dollars each, fcr sale at the Minerva 04ce. " Koy. 9. . . 20 if Twinds for Sale. enemy, by whom they w r'c ' - ... .... . . i .i i, i- ..-i,-. . i 4 J. 1 rr'i , m - . . - - . . . a . . - . . us-apiiHu iu Ua.iviiu j-auu-iusi-iive an inat no donbt mic'Iit be left w.'t h the enemy l With all euod citizens, the ust eo ;nhd w.-'twn , .,,-. , . ..... ..c Ur ..ii. a . ... . . 1 r De soiu ai veuuue, ai xue nousc ui exienuve res;ou ot country from a i;:tieiipss ;nf hnv nrlliora..... 4 ..i: ... : c . 1 ' E u 7. j . '-.- -'.v.. .. v . . ii.-r. hi i i. it rr t i i i. cm r-uanri iiii lubsili .111 iliiiih iii:i it. 11 nv rn!ii r.no nn m .... warfare which desolated, iu ' frontiers,- aiid im-: posed on us. a correspondent number pf Bri-. longer to be borne, wiTi sufficiently outweieh ' A "'MJer. TtwM' W 1te,,.coun' on 0N7 poseu ou Us citizens tlie most, harassing ser-; tish otTcersnrisonPr of war in I.....,!, the nriv ations and saerifipp8. i..Si.pKI ivm 24th dav of JMuar7 nex, tne t Real Es,tate.ei-S" " . - v , t " Y'" OUl uviw, - 1, 7 --. I a J V- 1IUUI viees. 1 immediate fv nut ;,,i .!;- Pn .a atate. of war.- Bui. !.' n wHaM .to the heirs ol Auiawdu Wof.k, tU-ccutr.to wit. - --,. - . . . J 1 - -v. llllllVIIIWUlw KKr -v " - ' v v vtuiit UMifCU I consequence ot our naval superionty on btile the fate of those confined by the enemy ; ver,peeuliarly.ionsoling, tliat whilst wars are " .-. Lands in Iredell County. ,c-.ui,i, uhu tsic urpoMwnny sHiuu wy ana me .BMfijiJivjiuni'nUiasJi j.aKe-uiuaiio, unu tne opporiUBUy Hraaa by . and the BMsh eorextiinait Wbeei ot D-.dso's Creek, near it lor coiteen rating our fi-recs by watcrpera- of the determination of this government, to re- on the iuternalimproveuients and permanent! Centre Meeting He in Iredell county, on which u , linns 111 i'ii nail uci h 111 1' iiiimi v ninnnpn. unrptiini.. - i i ' s- . i i . i a: m i n - -i . .. .l. .a gant dwelling house, with all necessary out bouses, late i sulence of Cof. AVorkeT 157 acres of land, on Davidson's Crerk, near the aloresaiU Itraet, ,i; . 1 1 " - . . ', r.. nwiuuiHnmiui mis u urttmeiit. tions whiehhad been-previously planned, were Vallate any other proceed in etainst us, set oa loot, -againsi the possessions the ene- trary lo the legitimate modes, of warfare, hiy ou the St. Lawrence. Such, however, was ; It is as fortunate for the United States con- prosperity of the nations engaged in. them; such is te favored situation or the United States, fint 'that I hp f.al:lmitia nf tliA inntaat tn .. V.,'.1. j fl . " . . 'V , , , .- 'l i . . ".-w " v, . .uy uuilCU IJiatCl LilU. 1 " . . u . .. u i. . I II t. V TT 1 1 I V It IK- . :''3PU! ,u lr? nr" iancc,.oy au- they have it in their power to meet the enemy in I they have been compelled, to euter, are mrtieat yerse w eultibfof unusual iolen.ce liud contiuu ouiie, aii.i such the ti.n uiuiUr.i-es attending the hual liioveineutu of the B, my that the prospect ur ono tinie&o iavorauie, yvaa noj, realised. Tho efiiejty of the.enaniy, iu enlisting the savages iiVty a w ar with a tuition desirous oi' mutual einuiatioii in mitigating its calamities, hasijot beeff oTiliued to any one quarter. AVher cvtr they eoeld be turned 'against us. no .e'ier tiifus 1 0 effect ithav6 been spared. On oiir SytiilWesterti border, the (ittk tribes, who yivldiug to our pencveiing etitlenyors, were raauuiiy a'ciiuiringnii'ie' civilized habits, Lc tuinq the ciis'ui't'niiate victims of .ecduction,. A "its ucpioralile contest, as it is honorable ti eui that-they do not join in it but under the c iiujici tuns iiuiiguiioiis anu wiin tne nu manpuiose of eftVetuatiug a return to the es tablished usages of war.. , , The'vieVs pf the French government on the subjects which have been so long committtd to tiegneiationhavc received no elucidation since the close of your late sossion. Tl e Minister Plenipotentiary of IX. Starts at Paris had not .been eualded, by proper 'opportunitienio. press the object pf his mission, as prescribed by his inslrctliens. . .-' -' ' -: . . . , '1 lie .militia -being always to be regarded as war ia jliut qi.arUfibai been the taseuonce-jjle great bilwarkof defenie and sevsrily forlahrpcrmaa(tsaiah ed by improvements and ad varitacea of 'which the contest itself is the source. . f the war has lhcreased the interruptions of our commerce, it lias at lite same time cherish ed "and multiplied our manufactures, so as to make its independent of all other countries for the more essential branches, for' which vie ought to be dependent on none 5 and is even rapidly giviug them an extent which'-will cre ate additional staples in our future intercourse with foreign markets. ' ' If .roach treasure has been expended, no in considerable portion of it has been applied to jecis iu t note-in meir vaiu&, 94 reymafy to I . .. -I. AAA 34 acres of land, on Davidson'! Creek, sailed White s pivv 53 acres of land near same. - Lands in Mecklenburg County.. 223 acres of iand, formerly he property of Andrew Alea -ter - .'..T' ' T Jl - ' " 400 acres of land, lying on Second Broad River, in the onniy f Ru'hcrford. . v V , " ' tT Aa,e Yn ve!y lie rasde of the shares of all who d6notdUseiitbfcre 2Ti'day of JawatyilesH -A l& -: beral credit will be giveff; ahd Ijorlds with approved security rt- lu'red Any "further- information necessary wilt be givel i-edayofsnle. ' " ' ' . M.STOKIS,. V Uairt ol CoL Wort - NeT.8,18f3i- . ; fr 1 ft. V

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