A -Vv 4- -v ,T' 'y ' 5 ' iV 1 A T;Dt V -. n 1 - -1 f -j 4 , alls MrlraM tKt tffinee if Benmt(o intend teport that Fleshing, ttitluherost of tlit? $Ml momcntif tff rei1fccfiau,:fie wrote an ; wt of ab- &orf!r'to ftife ' fete" auUlwUftt which thciffofrWuIcherin, had likewise hoisted (he: JtaMdfeatioii in. favor-of J '. j Ailerwards ;iic Majesties Ihe Eaiperori and all the allied Prrn port standard. . ' i U ; yilH -T---. , , ' "v'Hi4 Malestv th&Emncrof -of Russia has tliii vav hnnoredTVIarshal Ncv with visit, and has fjtflirn at LieWis not ix plained Ltit it is niij been pleased to accept .a breakfast which ha nosed to have originated in delicacy his Roy ''t. r. tanreio drench the hosoin of-hU, native aoij .ettten&nr'uenertu oi iiia wun me moou oi jus ciMinirvBjeu. ,cotue non the 9th" fo Pari. . The caasa of hu Jan? i1- , iilies la(r.b6el;ivleL, ' t.$iry Council of late,tleTriHeef Bt'ucvento set hit conduct, Jfwe are to judge from his for jthl)ak:&;of ConoliaWy 'Marshal of France jj u'rer dUtingtiishMzeaIaul service ta tlitfcour "Hhe"'Diike'' nl ' BegoAlai'sharof Ftanre j the,l mon, eaiise.- ' i)nlce of Altera t thte Conn! of Jancom t ; tfenc-r .The Earl otllarrow hi j$ to he the Dt ilih Vnl iTauiit' nriurnonviUc. ' Senator : tho .Aohc Siinister sftHhe-nnivroacJiir.j; Ccnyi .-(6 Ili 'MontesViuieir':- and : General ?If ssoIch. - Thc , Lonlshxp -will tvftcrwartla he our Ainlfasiailor -"4ajesiy, ndcr the vacant 'It hanishirc, it had at FontainMcaaamtjolo- IrineoEu l'pup. He'rcncaled ' several tlmes-i- If , I ar rive, I ara certain of heing acknowledged hy ,i From the Uoft thai wat.a dhr ptoportio,, pf tW peoplo Ywedtaat meaiiirVfti ' t hX Lj ' reuresehtafiipin'. mu. afterwards at crerr sul.'n,.t.,, ' TktA all Italy.' ; Ucisain revlewrd his froops, and tata legi9lature. Our national rul Sf,ll hi countenance was pala and altered. Ie re- fore, had lio reason toexoect.' tUt i jiaiaui-,! kuoiiiicuw, wn suoam uo any mirp ; ed by their represehtariresHh'n '., and maiiied oulv eicht or ten miimtesjipoi and having reentered the palitce, sent for thejof tho War,J.haii they had aiLt bvnSU4fJ Duke of Kegio, and bskt d w hetber thetrooa' stitution, .oudeinaud and they could would fulJ6w Vim ? No 6ir,' aiitwered Vic?j pect ituule'ss they snptioscd we wCrn i"0' ei tor.vou have abdicated lo whien .Uona- 'i ? - 1 ' .State, .will, act a Secretary of the Council. : ' Louis, '18th. This appointment re b (. vi8th.-i.At. one o'clock this day hn lloal post of President ot the Council - l . . HiVlinefis reviewed f the second divisloA f tb.c will be filled hv the Karl of Uuckins Iff1- ' . parted replied, Yes butnpon certain eondU lioits.' -'.'.Victor replied The soldiers will tiot understand sneh a'.iblleties.. They believe that j ou can mi longer commAud them.'- ' "Evory thing is said, tlien, whicu can be sanl upon this project Lctus jWiiit for news frohi Paris, said Bonaparte,- - Tbe .Marshals who had ben sent 'to Paris of moral -priucipl hey supposed WCtfCrc destW ipLv Nor- has thc m carrying oijr the a. rt i . ui y us oi ug ii iiiLfionsvl i nurds The same acclamations und transports of joy were manifested thi day as .yesterday, aud' as the weather w as finer , the 'number of spectators was iore numerous. . . , h General 'Criarlct DelasraiiEr' aecompanjed. hy M. deCambia. jun; his aidde-camp, .set'ofi' vesterdav from Paris for .Boulogne to meet his - majesty Kinej'LouU XVJU. . - tlie ta oflfudis inhabitants of Cana many of the people of the'Re fat ed, by the tits of blood and the habit-rreeU ship. Dat as eoiigress luVc authorit A"'?' conitituiion, to declare war, -ana i,npV 8J7f Willi to det'rav; the exnenM(. i F. ,as me laws wnicn are uuly evaded JW ti ci ..tria. and;tof.'Hu8siawcat vthi vdav to'dme at . v nambouiliet.-fti 4ier . imperial hihnessV the sflirchduchesi Maria ' l4iftum"Tuat Princess . ril! let off for Vienna" w'i tit her- ion on Thu rs. , ilay.'Shte'ia Accompanied . by the Counss of Jontesquiea , govcrnewana Dymauamc boui i' flat; aabeoverne$i of her son. Kt J - .11 is saiu xnai oiouaicuri ouiigur iu wusiy the wishes- manifested byeyeral "Provinces of ' beholding the Frmees of the Royal family, in- find j to travel thrulpart of kiagdomrf hojliy - After the arrivar of Lonis XVIII. V l, : ? 19th.-fcIIis ttoyaMligfinessthe Duke of An - fgoufeme vmll shortly airife in Paris, accom - Ranted by Count de Much, Mayor of BorUcaax. 'UiCpyaL highness the Duke of ..Berry, will ;irtivin Pari jlo-mofow v - ;. L J-Vviv:,?, .v. " e rlf oatwttiATV.ii IP. f 'The lMniess Maria? Louisa, arrived here at , 7 ' b'clacK last evening, with her son, ander thc , sccrt of her guard. Her equipages are vcrj oamerobf. ' ,- ' M .-. ''4 1- . . ''. It is whispered that thc Marquis of Welling ton will be appointed our minister at Paris, to Vtreaf in concert with the allies for peaoc. He Is expected to he before this time at Paris, and r we understand . that col. Adams : is7 to be the , hearer :of despatches to him. t w certain ly ; uwith great propriety tba the gallant command er who has contributed so effectuallvto the won- , j derfiil turn "of events, should haTei.the glory of rconciuaigg a peace . - - f - : . AYR!!. 10. Maria Louisa is, hr ft new report, made , Arch Duchess of Gustella. "We do hot believe . ; that any thing it definitely. settled on tnis point, v hut think it probable that her marriage will be declared null,' void and-illegal, as in the truth -r-it'Tii.for'' Josephine fieatfliarisois Is the un- doubted lf of Bonaparte"; V ' " - ; ThelPope has arrived near Lucca, on his , r.way to Rome. ' : - A letter from Harwich, dated April 17 ivlio retires from the Board of Coht roh'Ldrd i returned and 'Ney entered the first. Vv ' .Melville quits the AdmiralitV, and returns to Have voa succeeded ? aked Bonapaf.e the Board h( GontroiJl 'ahd Mr.tJanhtug is tof " Partly,5 Sir,?, answered Ney. But nut as jpose ; and I am happy to observe tm f ' be the new first Lord of the AdmiralUy, in tbelto the llfgeney. Revolution never gow lek-jthe ineasoresof the eL'ueral gdvernmiir?-if i;odm Of LoM Melville. .:.. congratulate the; ward. This has taken its course j you was too f beeu opposed by violence, 'and" no it.. We commotp,n8 Have disgraced tbe' pCopje common wealtb: I -Hatter- myselr that fi l f , low citizens will still continue tomacif v same regard to order,,ad;4ia.e gentUuien,jLs the guardians of their ri4;? adopt auch measures tor . thuir relief inFlll stitution of orconntry justify? , w " can nanny conceive that country upon the- accessionj to thc eabiuet, of late j the Senate will (o morrow acknowledge the sucli a man as jir. Cajuanc;. ilourbons.' B) the arrial of a Duch schpj t on Su nday j W'hero, then, ara I to live with my fami at Harwich, we have received 3he. erratifvintr lv ? ' . . . , ielitcenQe hat Verhpul who bad so obstinate- ' Where your mafestyplcasoslin the island of ly aaueieu i tue mieresis oi nonitpnrie, nati: jina, lor example aim wun a f-ension oi sri. offered -lo,,lui render the Fleet attir Island of the 'millions.' A Texel to the.f)utch government. .&. j Six millions 1 fhat'f a grea dine with Sir II. Nealc, on board the Zealous, a Few days since. , , ' , srreat deal, siace I aih Brest uhd Rocheforl have 'hffistcd Ihe whitej now hothing bnt a soldief. I see I must reaiu Dag, and our squadrons off those ports' are on myself. I Aid adieu to allymy companions- io uie uesi. terms ynu tne squaorons ia inera. arms-; xxaviug saui : tins, ue was sueni. The Vrench Admiral received an i iu itatiqii to AVe'are assured that the bonkers of London have made Louts 18lh an offer ' of a loan of twelve'hiillions sterling, at 3 per cent. Nego tiations are about to be opened batrt'eeu tjn land and the United States. Lord Castlereacb and Mr. Crawford met at the house of one of the principal ministers in Paris several con siderable personagc,'Freuch and English, be ing present. ' ' ..." It is stated that Bonaparte left Foutainblean on the 19th of April, having delayed his de parture under various preteuces until that time. Her royal highness Maria Louisa, will leave Rambouiilet on Sunday next, for Vienna. . ' FIIOH TriE NATIONA1 "APVOOATE. Wc have read the Paris Journals . received by the Olivier, and have made - from them the : fol lowing abstractor the most interesting articles : " PARI, APR ix. SO. The allies ordered the irregulars (Cossacks) ont e.fJFrance. " The late empress Maria Lou in sa was about to proceed to Vienna w ith Iter son (the late king of Rome). ; The emperor of Riis sialav'ted to a fete given by marshal Key, and accepted the invitation. Bonaparte lias de. mauded'a cbymist, a, botanist and an astrono mer to go w(ib him into the island of Elba. It is not vet known who will have the romantic generosity to accompany him. no reads evety morning the Paris nows papers j blames or approves, the acts of the new government ; and if any fhing displeases him too much, breaks out into a furittiii slorni of passion. He sars that when he arrives in the island of Elba. ie intends to be very busy to wrjta his (vvvu life to dcvelope cireumstauces aud incidents known to hiraseli'otjly and to characterize, the grejit men of the pcefent age The emperor Alexander has resolved to Ti berate all the French' prisoners now in Russia.' Ueneral Lerebre Uesuouettesgocs With 1j naparte to Elba, but has declared his adhesion to. the , Bourbons. Te ; general ot arli Jerv Druor also accompanies him, arid sen.""Ber '"'; By , sehnyt' arrived this afternoon, we ;;have a report that the'Texel fleet and island ".have surrendered-, ' ' : ' 4'.If-iii aid -that , the naval arranffoments for 'i ' corfvey iirt the king of France to his owii coun :;try wlllbe very splendid j and for this pur .'oltft'O' sail of the line have been ordered tt& to ;ibe English and RussianA The Buke of Cla- rence to ' have: the command of Ihtf whoI,.with (fa Admiral' and proper complement of men un 4erhim, for the superintendenre of t?acli ship. -,Thciuit of the king of France is expected tube ' vcry- large1 before the tim of his sailing takes vl-plaee,',as deputations are, -reviting . daily to , , him from the. coast of Fraricei . 'I A-'private letter utatrtf that-1 the ' Marquis . of Wellington was preparing to set off for Pa .; ris, .in onsequcnee of au invitatlou from the . Emperor Alexander- A ' -i r. Accounts reached town yesterdav of the ca Jitulation of Ostend on Friday last, on w hich ay the White Flag wjis hoed - : A Marshal Marmont is-now very popular in ' - France, not only on acco'nnt of his heiiwf the first great military man in actual command who , gave his snpport to the restoration, hot also - on account ot his convenantingfor the personal j - sat, ry or uonaparte, ana proviuing a secure , retreat and suffieientrnaiutenanccfor him j and, prior to that, for having fought gallantly in de fence of Paris, and taking care of its-safety when it wa no longer tenablc , 0 "trirtrovittfif that Bonaparte had rrprcMy ordered the defence of .Paris hy ulf jmssiblc means. He wished the streets ta be harricad . cd and. unt-v'ed," that loon holes should be made .la all,f"h..hA,iifa' thfi wtftljtWjJiylaiftHi-zaf trand. The- judges of the different courts of jiBtice at Paris liave beeii adaiilted to an audit ne of Monsieur, who observed,1 that ' Iouis XKlU iWOuldjnof have desired to ascend the tl-orip uf his ancestors, but with the unanimous consent of the French.' : On the 4th April, marshals Ney and Mae dohald, accompanied. by Caulincourt, eatpf to Tans trom the II. (j. ot tr.e French arm) to bring proposals from Bonaparte to submi to the decision of the French Senate and people. and to abdicate in favor of his son. This Jro posit ion was rejected. . f ! It is suid that cardinal Fesch (uncle) nd mudame Bouanarte (mother) of N"apoleori,will retire into tho Papal territorios., Joiph anil Jerome will go to America and Loni to Switzerland. . The provisional government had publiihed an aaitress to tue oracors and soldiers of the army, declaring that their honors, ranl and pensions shuoid he preserved, and ordered all prisoner, of war in France, of whatever na tionV to be liberated. ; x v ; l Tjie Prince f;jfettfhatel (Berthier) had sent in his adhesion. : : " 1 A The emperor Alexander havine visited the InsVitute, M. Lacreteile, the President, address- ed, to which the empej-or replied: j 1 have always admired the progress lijhich the JFrench have made in the sciences and! let lers. They hai?e creatlv contributed ta siVhpftd throughout Europe the lights of knoivhhdgtl. I do not impute to then the misl'ort ultes which hare desolated their country, and I take great interest. In the eiestablishment of their liber tjVi t useful tp'mankiwd is-ch fude-olyfct of my pursuit, and no therTuoUve ha led me into France,' ''l.A"'''- "'. ' '.'. Marshal Serrurier uncle to I lie French- min-istF-i!l4hiai5aiiat and Senator, concurred i the dethronemen of uonaparte. ',. . .. Oti the. 4th April, Bonaparte reviewed the From a London, papft April 10. The celebrated Chat enubriand had publish ed in Paris an article, complimentioif the allies, particularly the British, ou thc overthrow of tho tyrant Rumor states, that transports are ordered to carry 23,000 of Lord Wcllinginn's army to A merica j andthat they are to aid in replevying the territory of Louisiana; which the celebrat ed Cevailos has stated, was swindled from the Spanish King, by Bonaparte,' and sold to the. United States as stolen propejrjv. Cambaceres, Arch-Ch'neeUor f Camlaceres, Arehbishop, of Uouen ;ftfiAs4)uke of riacetitin ; the DUkc of Massa ; Marshal QadrhbT: Count Segur ; Gens. Maurice, Malbieii, Moreau," Col. Merlin de Thionville, Admiral William, &c. havcdeclar- cd-for Louis. Bergen-oprZoom, Antwbrp, Os tend and Links havc: declared for the Bnur bona. Thc Texel fleet is said to have surren dered. Havre-de-Graee has declared for the Bourbons. The French ,81 Polanaise, was sent over for Lbui XVIilj but a British and Russianet wi'l convey him to France. 30,000 stands of arms, we" understand are ordered to be sent to America. Domestic. state of France aud England, the mewCJ our government can have anv tU V continue the war. , We hoe' tuey w!ll , , ? danger of heng involved in lho pBjltic"1! quarrels of Ewrope.-That they tfiU 1'v ? for the common defenoe, .and maktwirmS to extend our territftrv. k.. 7T? Vnlgxt the Kihjeets of()rei power 16 become eitizeus of the; VM3 That they wiU prutcct the lnd.an Tribes t their-rightful possessions j and that they seek peaw in the spirit of candor ami rej ciliatron, and.imposo no unreasonable resirainu hereafter upon Commercial enterprise. We may then hopeo become onco more, a nrosperoi and United people. ' I have received a letter tern fa gnvernor or Pennsylvania, which enclosed a resolution of the senate and hufisc ortcpreffenfatiraof tint state, proposingthat art amendmeat to the cm stitutiort of the 0. State han be adintcd, bT which the term of sgrviso of tliis senator in c?B. grcss shall be reduced from six to four years" these paperswilKhe laid bVfore' you.' A we have been selected by our eontAtMfr to tlic-o hees in vhich we hive now eiisa j v iigui i exppt mat wo shall m the city t that atones, loil of wood, and hoitine till. !mOlit thrniwn fpnm tlip u'inrln-ua s thrti in case the-northern': 4rt of Ue rilv should be . . - . ' . ,.-a.-i ... .. - t - i . - ... ; i i ' - - - forced, they snouid retire toTne souinern part j.ltroops at Jbontaiubleau,. and the marshals and ;that mines should be placed in adyauce, under generals -having ..learnt the revolinion which Vie uridges, to uiowuiem ipi that tne other had talfen place at Paris, conferred (Aether. pan Biiouiu ue uuienuen in iiic : as the northern . v yield iintil toerfee A Dutchman arrived yestrrdav conveyance we learn that the-garnsoiis of Ber- fiuet. He asked him if he knew of the great gen-np-zoom, Antwerp ami Ijle, apprized ot j revolution that happened at Paris ?t Bonaparte MASrtACi.JSlSf TS LEGISLATURE. , . ' - "BOSTON, MAY at. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, agreeably I to diseVss them : 4.1. .. a a . . a 1 t isintcrested and impartial course of eoi duet, and recard their interests with sfpn.liU anihfidelityr Whatever r elainis ftattl patrotismi if we appefar solicitous ar our ailvancement, or endeavor by u a fair" medio toensiire the success of a partywe belong our fellow citizens may well doubt our sinew- -j ty w pen we pretend to an anxious mm -Iforfho pnblio erobd. m&fttofiAf no sacrifice of tnith or duty to again the ti fidence of the people,, jjor will be .deviate frur the strictest rules of integrity to effect J purpose how imjiortant s.iever it may Meni'f the interest of his country ; he wMieVtHjt.4 state and nation may prosper whoever direct! I their affairs, ami is cojitent with his 6wn pri portion of the public happiness. - , - Div"er8,sul)jects, interesting to partidlarwe : Irons". df the state, or to individual. e postponed at the close of tho. last session cf the general court, from the want of sufficient tik I presume thev will now re io mo assignment, nrs excellency tne governor eeivc thc attention to wlrieh they are entitled, met the two branches of the legislature in tlic If any matters of unportajicchaH WctjftoiS representatives' chamber, and delivered the j0f which you, gentlemen, may not be informed, following. Ainn or which may seem to escape yourrecllectif SPEECH j Gentlemen hf the Senate, and s, Umtlenieu of the oust of Representatives, At the last session of the late general court, memorials were presented from a number of towns, complaining of the act of congress lay ing au embargo ; they were referred to a com mittee, who reported that j in their, opinion, the act was unconstitutional and void in divers of its provisions ; hut, at the sr.me time, expressed iui-ir nope, mm. mo people oi mu common- I will commumeate them by a measare. CALEB STUOXG. May 30, I&14, , ;;' - Governor's House A?ain. THE Commissioners appointed to contrwl fur t!iebU'lling of a Prwtirj Hou3e for tUGov itoV have recchTed ne propisals ;', "fcut 4io ieinj ?3tif!i ''! ny y ojff-jied, and havlnjj changed l!ic plan of the btMf and hemg moreover deirou tliat Afthiltcts onim same manner ana snoKe sa loua mat liin:marte Itpstrii llim art, that t lie cify.was not to lie aliected, Hov erer, not to listen, and the tly destroyed.' - ' jrcview being ended, MarslmAVe'v cutcre.l tho , by which inalace with ..him and followed him in his inli. the hannvchanre which haI taken-nlace.-had hoisted the white cockade. : A friendly com munrcation'wis'iminediatefy opfied from (he two former townSv With the ftorps that were employed in conducjing. the siege j and this eyentis i the more 'to be hailed as prrnarations ara saiu to nave ueen in a very lorwara state ormaKing very vigorous aiiacKs 0a .u01n. r4V 1 ej-y drop of blood that is now'shed "must cause deep regret, as itwould be sacrificing so many' irjcndlj and innocent persons rtlirouglFinadver te,aeyi We liave, througlrthc same chanucl, a . & . .a . .... an s we reu i n ar- ire Kuewji p 1 n i n g o f 1 iTTAey theif handed hi in the Paris newspapers. He see vcd.tD Jbe reading; them with attention, in order to gain time for an answer. Marshal Lc febrO entered, and said -with an animated ac centr to the ci-devant emperor 4 Yoir are Inst ! you would" not listerrto tiho advie of any 'or jiiui ui.t ci Tuiun ; oenaio nave pronoun ced .ybflr .'destiiiatioh'. These woKls mada so awful an impression upon the man who was accustomed to regard himself as above lawnf that he burst into a flood of tears, fter some tisfactiou to the people of this stte, as it seems to indicate a milder and more nacilifl distnai tion in the govf rnmejit and rnav be, considered as a finaHrelinquislniient of that restrictive system, the effects of which we have abundant. iy expmenced,4n the course . of the last,. se ven years; arid, which, hoivedosigncdNo operate against tf people of ' G. Britain, has been found to be fyir more injnrions ' to its than to them. -' '; .":''- .- --'. . .Tjie last actjaying an embargo, interdicted th'TrighT ofaviga!i(mnfn7m port'to port wit h - tishin 1 and ri lh llm'.l-.' . f 1 - in inu iiioiiv 01 uie stare, and rislung on its coiists j from tins specie of restraint, we have probably suffered more than allthe other states. Bat though those provisions, and other parts of the aet.'were aenerallv thoiiP-ht in l! in. fringemcnts, of the constrtulion; we have not learu 01 any violence in opposing them, Qur fellow citizens are therefore entitled to-mueh eredit, for the exercise of that forbearance which was recommended hr the state' lesUla.- ture. - . . hut en'aTwl the lime for rcccivin'c 'w'twta'i to tlif n' of ftext. month.' Any perron then foie wilfa'g " tittf,itl't job, may. ce tlm.plao of . trie house b'a; plving 10 thKA" rbisiioiit ri 'on bi before the taidflei'fT'rdrfjv. ' " THE COMMtSSlO' KIS- riW-l 9th turn. 'tfll. " ' . " it-31' . j 7 - - - - 7 Weallh wrtufiTa as far a9 pOSSlbrc restrain their liquid l aveanoiberopptjrruniiT puiting.fniheirtmT reelings, anu wait patientlyTor the interposi tion Of the state government for their relief. This report was accepted by the legislature; aud it wus thereupon resolved, that the memo rials above mentioned should be delivered to the governor, with a request that he, or his successor m oihee, should cans thc same to be laid before the then eeneral court at an earl dayin their first sesitim. In conmliance with this r uest l wiU direct ;.the secretary to deli vcr mem me two nouses. . H .;'....,,. Shvee Uie transactiohs , . . . Hi Jargar and Trorrni porTalton TaWshavebeTn repealed; this event must afford1 peculiar sa- A ' ?itt -oouw rr. r. Reading Bclf, w. Wui, Murphej and I otfierV 6 1 Court of Efk s ; ."A- ' March term ttU- of the co".rt ' onioiXAL B r 1 1 . B Tannpflrin tn Hit satisi.-U tmS JL-that John He -to. omA the deiM ajit in iU i .,' an luhabiiaat of this Hate it t orl-rst, dt tn ;e lie notice be given to tSie said Jfno HaiS Jiy a lve.i'n'n ' . he Rjle sh' Mmrrva thai wim he apyeatt lt hit C..u.t to .be I.Jd at the O'iri Hsus!i'Cif l ' 15 mi-Monday oi Sej hrrt lcr dkxT, nd P' hi' r,wer ( 8iti m'cominrj-jient wiU b.e ii.tc-ed &tx hta'f co;jlsso. Tt-itJ ; . J'i -St. Joliirs 33 iy. 1 . vn re THE members of Hiram Lodge, it quested to ai'en.1 at th. ir R m, on FrM.ay, J"1 . ..... r to r A nruft -the dniiiverry of ST. JO-iN T ,C ' ' SlJ,: JionwHI Ije torrnedat ( l o.Dock, anu - - . . .. .:n L, Aa'.oirrtn OY wr- . House, wftcifC an UKAIJU J Win u- -r b-eih,enare?o'icitto.'0.rt'- t.-d la be u eient at the Sijte itme. - V) "l'r' iR-Ueiih. Jjne 10, ti4, A. Li 33l ' " ex. Lucas. Vi'it'1 rtoniali ; and thtf cit tent of ih place are I