n 1 r ".. ' -litqoothAtof the tfattr taxed MMte Ffcocbe, , tfapt, farter's Slattmsnt-concUtded land Essex., v'tV- J- : v a-,.;. -a,. , ..n : . ' -r r--; r f-iiuDe.-glr: that ourVondncl mav prove M-:- "5 " TfcL aide lo step xh&Wks,--w&tVki.Urtg liatl hce,n J . shot' 'away $ and it was" wiUivdilfteulty Tk was yyittVed' front rtfwnlnir'Vf he enemy, frtrrv the IX h i smoothness of the w aten and the impossibility y ''''Hfouir.-reihiBtf him with' our carronades, aa'c ineiiuie apprenensjpn inai wasexe.ueq uy our lfireY ivhich nadowbeomj& ttiuoh slackened, ,was enabled to take. aim at us a, at a target j ' his shot uever missed imr hull, and my ship was k cut, lap in a manner whilih'yasy perhaps neVer before I witnes sed-r-in fide, J. saw no hopes ; of Mvinse her, and at 20 midutes after ftl'. M. tfaVe the nainfulorders to strike the iolor-s.75 V mep, including officers,' were all that remained fr :;iof my iVt'olecrew,' Afteit the .action, csipalile oft ; ";doidg dutVi and many.of theni ; severely wuund :'tft oine of whom jiaye ji qc. died. v. Th e enemy ( itill ontiaucd his fire, and my bt are though oui' ijjfor)unate' eopanioiis, still falling about ; hew tHem , e,intcnde4 ,nq further resistance ; ' but they dii not desist t four men were killed '."'at my aide,' and 'others in different parts of the - ,rhip,C I now; Relieved he intended to show OS no .ittaftaQ4'tna0;;Wil9lif he as well to die with . "bit fla llyihg as struck and was on the point, , of again hoisting ' it, wheX about ten minutes ? after hauling the colors down he ceased'firing. I cannot speak in jsufficien Uy :r: high tefms of . . tne eohduet;of those engaged for sueh an uri rjparallejed length, of time (under such circum h stances) with me id the arduous ,and unequal -' contest, v Let it sufliee to sar that more braver skills patriotism Bi(iiid eal werenever "difs- jDl&jred on any occasion. '. Every "one seemed determined tq dk in defence of their much loved Viiijnry juauseV and nothing but Views to hu manity could ever hare reconciled them to the .surrender of the ship ; thejr - remembered their vvonnedlMSdJIielpless'lshipraate's- below; "To 4lr3urntcjjht lilteJ, woiddcf arid tniisl fc loard the U States Jrigdte JSssAV. ' ' 7 I i ue nauiejL.uijuvMcut ttV. v,vij..fc.v,ji.4&v.cu .l-oweune-uie 'exehiini 'A. " . "weE- KTHed,and have siaee aiedof their vomd , ol the, air: Andrew UammrtT V Kal ly t jvouoded --; 31 f number of theatiitmen of the lata it ku q W&i f V. etly .iti,fac,ory.fi After ibiae conversation aitne aubjeet the wcjng uem vvithyou shall be,VnV7e fofiowing'fcorresponrfen 0 :yUfAAUiMi 4tlCl8i. t? for Jhe; JJnited States. 1 a is. an ce we ar the'oncertainty Majesty's ships; elnues thd pos nent arrangement ana crew iate ttttenieutenantslnieht-and 0 4rn ujhsu HHituu mi umi -ciciuuin anil crew jje ave oraera tnai me property v jmiu urarcrjiitrougnoui ine action in ngniing ; oievery perso rL'upc, lr.Y that tar :rtfndact may - prove satisfactory to our country, and that It will tes tify hytaininjourspeedyexchange,' tfeatl Severe. wmay again. nave 11 iu .our; power; io(yrorc oilfrapeal. . ; '-v- ! ;tjomnorforV H.Jlilly'ar .(;ainrCnJtprlrn':l thought proper to state to' Iiis pyernment that tlie action only lasted 45 winutes ; should he hive done ao, the motive may he easily discovered- but the thousands lof dUInterestedwitneBes who cdvered.tV tarrohndipg hHlf in testify that wefousht nis ships near tw Jiour and an Imlf ; upwards f fiftv,broadsides weic fired by the enemy agreeaoie to tneir own accounts, anu u pwards of seventyfive , by ours ; except the . 1 . v.. -i" - iL. tew minutes tney were repairing uamagesue firinff was incessant. l 8aon after my eapture 1 ..entered into an a greement with; Com. Hillyar -.to disarm, niy prize the Essex' Junior, arid proceed with the survivors of my officers and creW in her 'to theJ U. States, taking: with, me all hr oflicers and crew ' He Consented to erant her a passport to secure nenrom re.capmiex ue su,p was sn an faeto . rcqulst that; should you con: ana ws Knew we naa mucn io suaer, yei we uo-i -jj - -sn ped soon to reach our Country m safety might again have it. m our pow This an anerement was attended tional ; expense, as she was abundantly plied with provisions and stores aire. '".''.'. In jnstiee toVCommodore Hillyar, I must observe, that (although 1 can never b recon ciled to the manner of his attack on the Es sex, or to his conduct before the action,) he has, since our. capture, shewn the greatest humanity to fny wounded f whom he permitted me to land on eouditiod that the United States should bear their expenses,) and has endeavoured as much as lay in his power to alleviate the dis tresses of war by the most generou .nd de- possibility Sf my Wking i perma fUi f ment jA transooft1i5it offieert"-. , J hio be , U(ta' eof tfieEssexEifpe; andthe ' fast app reaching season which renders" apis. . y t t- 1 P.. POaTpn sagend Ce 'Hor , gcfous :' I have the honor to propose for Vour Commanding ;HVM, rigate Ph approoation me jotipwins arucics, wmcu hope, the government of the Ubited States, a$ wefl as that of CrreatlBr'ttain, will deem satis ,ii . . . - v -a i ' -l.l'-.U i."' In equity, March Ten i win W'Imi irfiA ia. i- w t mi w in h w a MMW.W u u. a an miiu ifuv a ' a v -' . vi'iv thatr!Ces.ahoidft; fulfilment. ,"'V- s - ana Wife, and Henry fiO. er.to serveit. ,1t-The Eggef, Juntor toue dsprived of all , i he Heirs of Robert Ilicks, and otU with no addi-,i.M -..j o..ri;pi . - ' oioinal bill. ' vnvaare solelv and u boll v I ..appearing at this Term to the enf:f..r.;. for the voyT' f the exnense of the Aberican irovernment t ! X CcujfhatRiw.:. ' aat.ie, joab u ;. , J'1 rson. should-be respected hu or- u encouiagiiig . tue uirn at ineir qi visions, i ders, however, were not so strictly attended to Sot the dextrous managctiieiit of the long guns, ftS 1!?hi have been exnected : besides beirii? Sanl for their proittptnesllrtreianniriff their : (t,,lliv,j nf hhoLs. olmrfs. ike. 8lc. both mvsnlt' . 4itin! m their f ctpwi wprpi-nlrtiie-iitpppd. rh -4 .,;;, U4i.:nn. . , o 1 . O nil vi umma niiiij aniens ui uui ymi iniijy; .rftH and heroic offieeractrng; Mohieto a considerable amount. I should nSt I flaeuu John U.well, who lost his leg m the j,av COi5!jidercd this last circumitanec of suf tJatter tlart of the action, excited the ndmJhratjoncienlnj a fve man-ii4he ship, and after being gtrifcing difference between the Nqvy of. Great ,;tyounded would-not consent to be tHken below ; Britain and that of the U. States JiiglUy crediT . tintil loss of blood reudered him insensible, table to the latter. i . lr. Edward B'arnewalJ; acting sailing master, By the arrival of the Tagus, aifew days af t;whose activity and courage was .eqnally coji- ter my capture, I was informed that besides the picuous,.returned on deck after his lirst wonnd,; ghips which had arrived in the Pcifie in pur- iand remained after reeeiying hia steond until rsuif of me, and those still expeted, Others -fainting with4oss of blood. , Mr. Samuel B. f Were sent to ci oize foLmV in the Unina Seas, 'Johnson tyhhad joined, me the day before, f0ff Jew -Zealand, Timor and New Holland, ;.aoia-aeteaMniarine...onicery;;etimiiueteir t)imse anj that another frigate was sent io the River la FlataT , To possess the Essex it has cost, the British Government near six millions of dollars, and vit- cir ImpKiintiiro una ninv entirplv tn no. ':Mti JVBortwTekv whow..tad appoin(4tidcnt : and if we consider the expedition with yt aetmc purser or liie r.ssex Junior, and who which naval cnietB are now 'decided, the r. Vas on hoard my ship, did the duties of aid, inftjon is a dishonour to them. Had they broueht m. uiiutuvr w men j 35onor. Ogde .Vith great bravery, and exerted himself in as "fisting at the long guni the musketry after J the first -half hour "heingUseless (from our .'lonr distance); ",':''': ' on noara my snip, am tne uuties ot aid, mftion is a dishonour to them. Had they brought ianncr: which reflects on him the highest t their ships boldly into action with a force so ve sr, 'and Midshipmen Isaacs, Fanagut and ry superior,- and having the choice of position, lew,' as Wll as Acting Midshipmen James! they should either hve captured or destroyed and to proceed with a"pwpervA'merichn6ffieer'W i Joef-Pemoa; ihI' K?cy: W av Mourni-w2 nnl" froiv ftJt tvln'rli T uiati f n lif fiirniihed Willie tlw Joab Horn, are inhabitanti ?fiV. ... ' and Crew far WHICH . 1 WISH to Ue iurnisueu ""wwP' uaDnurn, areinnaoiianit ollheSL.i.ir. with a list.) for the purpose of civine the Heces- and Ablsha H xn U in th Unitfd Siitet , inv-ti. - - I- . . w i - v. . . . - . .. . ..... Mwtajs sarv passports to any port of the United Stales ' tix ?tise whbin the limit of ih i Stat, u of America that you may deem most proper. moti . Orfetei iff the CriijtttcjiSoabe 2d. Yourself, the omcers, petty Oihcers, sea- wtilt In the Rdle fch Mier,. for three M,.nihSucc T men, marines, OiC. composing your crew, iu uo inavuniew.ine;ove detemtenn Hir7 ijfl'x V exchaiieed immediatelv on 'their arrival in A- hoWen tor the above Coumv. n the r.on.;.H..'.. : ,tl merirk.i for an pnnal number of itritih urisoil- ouh. on the lecoud MAncav a t,. ers of Mmilar rank .Yourself and officers to be . lead. niwei jr denwr. t.iie wmulalnaiitv Riir.u . dT' orisiderjed on their parole of honor until You retaleb pro. cootew at that Twin and tordjewMit- I and their exchange shall be uffectt d. ihcm. , ' , . 1 Copy from jfhe Minulti. . (jw5rtstdart.m,e:; TV" In case of theforecoinir articles Lei .g accept ed, the Essex Junior, will be expected to pre pare immediately for the voyage, arid to pro ceed on it before the' expiration of the present month; should any ot the wounded at that pe nod be being su i... imp UJ'isi iiuiiiauc aiicuuuu miay uc mm uicui. rwrmvtn Q. L...,l.s L. 1 1- 1-1 rr ifii. n i.vTrli.T; fT HE Subscriber has established KiSf uuu aiirj 911(111 uc ivi naiuuu uu uiu ui tuv aia m- . j . . - ,? , v favorable conveyance that may offer. - ' ' 4r ' JfTi. "hf 'a ' "0"4 I have the honor to be, &c.' ? (Signed) JAMES HILLYAR. Capt. pavid Porter, The Mineral Spiings, found incapable of removal, front not Ckox-0astsb, i kikgham Wm, ifficiputly advanced ia their recovery, ' jroRX-cAnot,jNA "."'' humane attention shaUajd themf JiriMrv fl.A.l;i.Vr hMtlxf ,.EliTitRTAIMETj ind i making.etnie preara! this placerjduTingSOuer months' eitfcef a, amusement. Toe Mii'jial Waiert are of various Lid: eual io their virion to any in tbfr Union. hs iif tt'id and tae Spring will be kept in good of tkt. ICiiiiti one of the most healthy arid agreeable SuuitMi via tbt iuV ern statej : won the maia ' roadlcading ttum tbi .asqgJf the Western parts ot orth Carolina. A Post office is ith 'i ' Vterry, James R. Lyman and Hamiiel Duzenbii f 5vfyrtnd Master's Mate WiJiUm Fierce werted themselves in the performance of their respec tive duties and gave an earnest of their value to. the-?: service ; the three' 'first are loo vonne to .recommend for "promotion tbe; latfer 1 beg ' leave to' recdiamena for confirmation as well "x las the . acting lieutenahtstahd Messrs. Barne-,-IWell, JohuSton and Bostivicfc; ' ?'" , ; We haver been unfortunate, but not disgraced ' fc-the defenceof the; Kisex has not been less tipnorableto her oftieers and crew than the cap- ture of an equal :foree, and I now consider my . X situation, less unpleasanCthan that of Commo--2ore Hillyar, vho, in violation of every princi ple of honor and generosity, and regardless of Jthe rights of nations; attacked the Essex in her ,', ippled state, within pi$tol shot of a neutral ,hore; when for six weeks I had daily offered , him fair and honorable eoinbat, on terms great -"I y to his i advantage the blood of -the slain Jflust be on his head, and he has yet to re con -fiile his .conduct to heaveftV bis. conscience And to the 5world,' The .annexed extract of a JietterTfrom'.ponimooreHiUar,vwhieh was Written previous to- his returning me my sword, iHll shew his opinion of for couduet. v j -ft My loss has been dreadfully severe, ITS kill edvor have since died.of ;their wounds, and a bong (hem Lt. Cowell 39 were severely wound ed, 2 slightly, ' and 3t -are misjng) making in "111 10, killed, wounded, and missing, a list of Vhose, names is annexed. -r'Xr; v.'r i ; The professional knowledge; of DoctorKi- chard IfdSiiian, acting Surgeon, and Doctor A-1 'Jexander Monrgoraeryi acting '6 urgerm's Iate c added to their assiduity and the' beiievohmt at tentions and assistance of 'Mrr D,5Pt Adams, ' 1 the Chaplain, saved i h JfVCs f aianr xif the v wounded; those gentlemen have been indefatiga ble in.' their attentions to them f Jtbe two first I beg leave to recommend for contimationj and the tatter to ihe notice of the Department. vr Iniustln ustifiealionjof myself bseryethat nYitirourlix this action, our carronadea, . being almost use- .: The loss in killed and wounded has ? been great with the enemy j among the fonnei is the first Lieutenant of the Fhoebet and f the latter 'Capt. Tncker of the Cherub, whose wounds are , severe.".. 'Both the Essex and .Phoebe were in a sinking state, and it ; was jwith:;difficulty- they nnuld hekcibt afloat until thev anchored in - "Valparaiso-next morningfThe baUerd state oftne Essex , wilv JIbeevje prevent her ever ' reaching England, and I also think it will be .Out , of theic power. to repair "the damages of the Phoebe, so as. to, enable; her. to'. double OapeHorri. All the malts: and yards of the Pnoebe and Cherub are badly crippled, and their hulls much cut up) the former diad ; 18' twelve pound shot thro' hef below her water line, some - tree feet- under water.,,; NUung hit the ! us in one fourth the time thev Were about it. During the actiou, our Consul General Mr. Poinsett called on the Governor of Valparaiso, and requested that the batteries might protect the Essex. This request was refused, but he iromised that if she should succeed in fighting ter way - to the common 'anchorage, he would send an. officer to the .British Cominander and request him to cease firing, but declined using force under a&y circumstances, and there is no doubt a- perfect understanding existed between them $ this conduct added to the assistance giv- J en to the British, and their friendly reception j after the action, and the strong bias of the fac-' tittu which govern Chili in favor of the English, late commander of the United States frigate .. . u9c) t aiiai ttiv. Valparaiso, 6th April, 1811. ,S1R I hare the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your several favors of yesterday's The conditions offered by you for our return l p'ace'ai ;n,cn w twJce !n ttc !l$ to the United Htates are nerfectlv satisfactory mAW 4 lneiaryJori.l,.pi erent Ciiki .. i to me and I entertain no doubts of their being: Uned )Ute n f"'6 GrJMV .Gte equally so to my countryrI therefore dff u6t ' P An srwient:of tMVt hesitate to pledge my honor (the strongest bond ; ?Pt.0n hnd atvery endeavour made to provijie ihe.ls I can give) that every article of the arrange- Accomydationi that the Comtry wiU aiffjrd. The Cbf ment shall on our part be. fully complied with irfliini:,hcelleacetrfilVer;and t.'.e Healihme'irf 7 A list of theKsiea:Jfuniors rew shall '.be' ' t. Jwiuoo, 'ajiiwiiiaut njudft -.thi an agteeabit pifi furuislud you as soon as it ian be liiadeout, ofrewrt. ' ' 1 JOHN JUjLtSKUi and her disarmament effectedith all possible . .20lh Mav ,8i - Al""Sn1, ' dispatch. :r"r " " ; " '-' '--r-W, (Signed) D.PORTER. Valuable Property for Sale, Commodore Jame$MiUyart . , , . . ' , ' , ' ., Coiumanamgli. B. Majesty's Jrigate f hoebc, iVl ILL be soldLby he subscriber, nff Paraiso- :'. jr w eaoiiati.e :cnn, ihe Lou aim House 4 pubic Commodore Hillyar sent me a paper certl- eKai..ment, in the tuwo ul Oxford, reserved bj him vheti fyingi thai he had exchanged certaiu indiyidu- j mw wa etabiiied on his iands." The property jwueucl als therein named, making part of the crew of j superior ad. amagei woickwiitaiways lecote to the pnpini the Sir Andrew Hammond, for an equal number j a preitrencs ot ffusni,' each .tot leing cgntiguout tout w ydr ', and haDswoxily nituatcd j upon one ot which are y Cmnw-.ioUi house, twosioncs high, containing tlurteei'iooal 4ur, .tie accommodation Ol' gentlemen of the bar and oibeiii : with rct'neme ( ; with eveiy neceisary oui-. ouse, and a t : tlea and.yaj;4pcc'u y tng neatly lour acreC : Upotuh othej jft of the most severely . wounded of my crew j this occasioned tne following letters. tiit-re is a t ivern house which is ab Via tu be repairea an, e - Valparaiso, 4th Jpril, 18 Li. SIR I have received ajpaper sigucd hy j ou, dated y esterday, stating,lhat you had I'xchang- as well as their hostilitv-to the Americans, in. ed certain wounded nrisenerar makiiia: part ot duced Mr. Poinsett to leave that country. Un- j P1 crew, for the Capt. and crew ot the prize ! ja ged, a capacious iiamed able beside oikr house, wdi dersuch circumstances, I didjiot conceive it ! bip Sir Andrew Hammond, which' paper 1 j n-isc lor adjuining. which will be extended to any sue the fl would be proper for me to claim the restoration ) have taken the liberty to return to .you, .aud ;Che.may desire, to'wokn will be aikteUM wuchUnd,... of my ship, confident-lhat the claim would bef Pro1 el the strongest, terms against ---sueh-af cinnto'Th7toW, as day be Quired foi fi e wood ampi made by my tJOverhmentHo more effect, v find-1 rangemeni. -Z , '-rktn.A any general deciiptionoi the premietin neck ing some dirhcuirpin the sale of my. prizes, I f n wenrsx piace me wounuea ana neipufsun- sarily prove unsatisfactory to strangers m ho may be ce.rus ' had taken the HectorandCatharirie to sea and j dividual therein named, do not wish sucji ex- luch property, they ,e iov.ted to vie .t. Tuc burntthem with their cargoes. -1 Change one died last uigiit and several others ,c;ibei wi, ali0 ,ea:jauV ground, to mitthepurchaitr, inson- I exchataffed Lieut. M'Knin-ht. Mr. Adams J expect to share bis fate. and Mr. Lvraart and eleven Seamen for nart rif! becondly, should J from any circums the crew of the Sir Andrew Hammond-and j parted from them, which v ould be more i sailed from Valparaiso on the 3Zth Anrif where 'yiu be the case than if they remained pri tIieenemyere.sVillpatehingupth'eirihini situation would be- more deplorable put them in a, state for proceeding to 'Riode Ja.tnauit at present. Thfrdly, Thi arranger neiro previous to tcbistr to Entrland. ment has been made without my cousent, aud & Annexed is a list of the 'remains of nty crew n terms iar from offering fcqual advantages to ' , joining the town and conveninet to the ford Acjiemv,'p hi r,ff ID like-. ...-..: ' . jjituiion. " ' . . TH. B. UTTLEJOHN. Oif rd, Granville cminty, 3tst Maicb ' M North Carolina. ' v.. to be exchanged as also a conv of theeorres pondence between Com. Hillyar aud myself, on that subjectr- 1 also send you a list of the pri soners have takeji during my cruize", amount ing to 343 .. I bare the honox to be, &e.;r - 7fJ':Jj, ::i-r '; D. POUTER. ' " ihe HoiScCTetiV'.0f-Uie Navy " . 5-v.' J. ' : oi' the U.S. Wash inptoti. - P. S. To give you a correct idea or the state pf the Essex at the" time of her Surrender,! send you the Boatswain's and Carpenter.s report of uamagi x aiso se sions. Extract of d' letter from Com. Hillyar to me. u MyiDear Sir Is ieither; in our conversa tions nor in the accompanying letter, have 1 mentioned yn(.r swot;d'" Asenjie niy remissness in the first instance to j forgetfuintss ; 1 consi der it bnljrin ray servant's - possession .with my ownuntil the master may please to call for' it ; and although"! omitted, at the moment of nre- sentation, from nfyvinind,biugjnuch enerossed the United States. 1 have the honor to be, &c. (Signed) O. POTTER. Commodore James Hillyar, . Commanding 1. B. Majesty's Frigate Phoebe. "'. ' 9. B. M. SHIP HrS. Valparaiso, JiprHiui. ". sir,-! have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this day's date, pro testing against the arrangement 1 majde in the paper you returned, - and to express a' regret that my wisby which was to alleviate ad not in crease the alHictions of your wounded oftieer and crerh;asfaHedTif being gfatified.Iam'sorry you have thought proper to mention the dead and dying,-as i so fully explained to you this morning that, in the event of the loss of any; oiuer names snouiu ue auaea ' 10 the list. 1 shall, now direct capCAVm. Porter o consider k:m.it' .in .vLi'. - uiuisEti oniio riuucrui - war on; jus parole: but as I .-hare ordered the people to go oh board the Essex lo work, under the impression that no UHueuityonid nseipwil ( liberate ia ex T . i. .....I---... ..-V -.- ..- O '- in attending to professional .duties, to -offer its j change for them an equal number of prisoners; rcstoratioa, the hand that received will be most ias their names, heiu? ieamn ' .hall k r..W,i gladly extended, to pot it in poiisession of him follow each otberon your fate shin's bookstand nuv nuio it bu uuuuiaui luuccumu 4118 Coun try's eause.' ' "':, ' : " Believe me, my- dear sir, ' very "faithfully; y ' Signed ' JAMES HlLLYAft, aptairf:;;:; gire up also two mates or midshipmen, for the two mates which are of the English party.' : I hope this may prove satisfactory to your go vernment and self, I am yours, e. - (8,.Sned) JAMES HILLYAR. iCttpt.&Tortltrl HE Auditors for that purpose appoint? by tM. laji General Assembly, ill proceed l" wuh to nettle and report - the ciaims ot the fficen aud sc diets called into public service, by the Goernw of thi iWr ih the nionfl of July, and the Claims of othcis gew ' Wt of 'tfce aid caU J-The Ctas lor military tv wnli be tested byTthe" Masie.-Rolls and settled accjm livery other cUimTot' what kind or ruture soever, must kf lormally proved before one Or moit jatices oi ihe Pce. v .Ji"RietgtV..7ts Miy, Ul:" r -7Sl vpStSifi ROWA.?J COUNTY. ' '' l- " ; ' , . Court of fleas and Quarter Session "William Moore rs. Joel Noel, .. , ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT. LiCViea on T appearing to the satisfaction Jof this .cour that the Uefetidaht is not an inhabiiaui, ot f , ; .herefote ordered, ibat pubjtcation bo made lor three w ucceSMvtly in the RalelgV M.nci?, that 'he said J' ppear at our court ol Pleas and tjux-twr Stwt .: ,- the CoMrty of Rowin:at the Court Mouse'., i Salisbury on-'-r second Monday ia August neat, and en cr bi plea'o 4f. or judgment will be tafeeii according to the Fla1? S"0 ?'' V;-:--' : ' JOHNGILES,CX . i i . In, ii " i. " ETTER-PAPER, plain and pinty jLA t OOLSCAP, t tV ! id xtnd tjiiatn.evj j . ; ' BLANK CARDS, &'c. ; , F ide attbi TE 1.