UALE1GH,(N;C.)';. X r XlNTtft WfcSSLT, BT ALXX. LT7CAS. .Ttm lfripti- Tlirte dollar peryeai-, one lf (rerUunthlct months after jtvi tubfptiqix be comMiae, nd notice thereof ihall haw been wn Jdxttimnentt not esteeming 14l.nes,re instrtedthrUe frr die dQUar.-WKV KMT ivxiliy-nve ce;i invpv am nt insertion: l.Ke propqruon wnere niepe t r y ny vi" made, the discovery. Nay j dull and stupid as' courl dVaHiainent; The Prince, Regent learned on the. spot, whether there wag- any foundation for the charge. ! This, however, Would riot have answered the purpose equally well-Xas they wanted to impose upon the pub lic,' the safer -calculation was, to pretend to take the story from the District of Maine, and when detected, to swear the lie over flpon Ton Nofces at ; a rdistance.From the Patriotthe RoM -TH e jAii ii m can , d Ail Y AdvBRTISeh. tale flew into the other upright papers of tlie jar. jrottiWTt -i Hin iwnaiHjr iiciguu.T party--anfl the uominoian, ine Aurora, ine is u greater pttrnx-s .Political. Segar. Veaver, or in -ptwsri intfllieencer. &c. availed themselves of the ov words, a Tobacconist ; tne otuer morning as i , portunity, to villify the Legislature of Mass m t J a. looaccu was palling yScgar, I fiajfpened to take, up j chUsetts. It appears, however, that the story your useful napertjwhcn J ras my eyeon ;aiii a sheer fabrioatjontliendte waaPBolwne'a, certain .articlesmust ainoto rt ttnm Col lector, give to the whole wa "a democratic electioneering , onbr befoit the4 8th of Apid n?xt, artd pjn hingiiJected in tliis shameful o Mm satisfactory security awl tlien ob-S theedttoi'sof the Patriot have the as- tain from his honor to get leave to work in P? surance to inquire why itts thalihe contradid- an shop after that daMhe saine advertiwinent ifa'tid not take plate : iooner l,:This is a new ; on count 'of his attack on this city, passes i i- lencewxr thelgaHant defence of FortMTleni ry, ani at, the same tiriae stated that the fifth regimen were said to be annihifiated:, Gen eral Rws relates his destruction of Commo dore Barney's" flotilla ; Whereas it was blown up by th'Ainericans themselves when the Bri tish - squadron- were four- roiles-below.-We donht whether there is one British officer, whb, if he would declare his Veal and horicst opin, would echo the assertion of the Prince Be.jjent tbat the success of his Majesty's armd in t'P11?0 brilliant. It was a weitty.5uny and marauding system of warfare ujiworttijtf attwmindeiiiKCKl gttctoo. my. It was a warfare calculated to awaken and perpetuate!! the worst passions of the hn- man heart, , leading to , a. ferocious retaliation, and destructive of a hoble minded and gener ous hostility. It had all the miseries of war J 4 jjwawurc wuuwwraiiupiutun, earlier or later, cimm nave any enecj upon vie j ly is maue io iuh raruaineni, uiat the said law, but what do you think was my character of the transaction. , If it had not his Majesty's fleet had captured more Ameri- ffUows; were drowned, tVheiii floated out t -little expected to see the captain , or any one . else ; but they were clinging to the sidi ofjh wreck; After I had regained the aide flho went over the second tip and both i,f V iuasi5 went j ner mainmast went close pora aim . ner wreinasi ien about, four feet, hich we Ittiulediately made for, and lashed our- ' selvei and remained lashed to the stump until Wednesday morning when it became a little more calm, we then unlashed ourselyes to give' little ease, for where the ropes were, round our body you might lay your three Angers. I had nothing on hot ajftMrt and tfowsers : that morning we snwDiieof the poor fellows float ing in the cabin and wc directly hove him verboard for fear hunger Should press s W eat him, and we got tliem all and likewise tewthein ovHmerd.' wit kn4rwin:.hw mm it mjghf come to our inrriWibecnal. m?t Jour days withoutpHtrigone mouthfyi ih our mouths, either to eat or to drink lot it pleased God to send to our assistance a Brii. tish sloop of war on the Saturday followiogi which made the eighth day that we'had nothing to eat or driiik, . I lost every thine: f hart ev-1 cept my protection and a few sniail artk Ifft which I had in a belt round mv waiwt ; but I assuriTyou; I was very thankful forrrettiha-ofT . the wreck withiny life when I shall get hnme -Goti only knows, but I hope it will be next spring " - . - - - ': k ' - FTJJ. 1 . astonishment,. Wbw I found that the law con- hw.n Cbtrauicted in twelve years, it would ws 1 can frigates than ever floated on the ocean ; it tained the following" rules TofinTConduct ' verthl.-ss4ave been a sheer lie through the, is but too plain that England, in her contest Yo must keep your house open from sun M h()e ime ' i with us, has hist the high arid splendid cha- rise to. Sun wt, everyUay,T for the reception of , This, however, is the ' democratic mode of racter thaishe gained in tlie confederacy oyer bis honor hj Collector ; five hundred dollars managing busings of thin sorti It has repeat- Bonaparte Never did England appear in sd fine If, you refuse. Must buy two books, dey happened, that a stiiry has been fabrica: splendid a character as in theniomcnt of that Write down in one all you matlafactiire or tedcespectinic something' said-tohave happen- victorji London was then the resort of the al- make !ailV : in the Other, all VOU Bell, With 0 & Kj? ti;u.rt Af ritumkia: and nnhliahAd lid Snvorof na. mUn Pmil nnTirinti fa im the price and to whom SMld. Must deliver said itfV remote part of "the country in some demo-ti their homage to such persevering bravery and nciaL documents, .jbopkAttheend.ofMryuartefto his honoriprat3e mm.t fm.i afterwards republished with- fortitude. What a contrast to this high and,' relative to the find the Collector, to be by turn retailed, although -ifcthi VirMd, though known by the printer? dazzling scene is now presented ! the books are yours 3Iust sweat that a stated i thereto hate been nttnlv untrue. But such ' The British cannon that Dour ment of all jron baye made, or manafactured aseaefs ans .Vef ihe nurooses oF a.Dartv who Ininff thnndprs in the Bav of Aboukir : which tailor . of France having been appointed by ; as $sm9 may be, is contained in thohe.arc jmf(.bt(!d to in ition, fraud, and false- o(T the .Gajfe of Trafalgar.aiuminatedthe'O-jhMaj-'the prcaent monarch, to collect book, and you hayMpld in the other M-ist ; ft,r th'2..pwer they possess arid abuseccari with such a spangling blaze of gloryd all;t!e evidence previous, aWnd subsequent to 1 pay 20 per, centum ad valorem on the mark ui t)0 a nf v hjrj, t!v never could has been employed in the Chesapeake in the the obsequies of Louis and Antoinette, report- price ot all the gootls you manutacture aye i j,.. lnlcU this oss,y deluded country. Con. destruction of ovster boats aiidfishin? smacks, ed the deposition.otthe Vicar of the Parish of Mir -jr.- r, - - -hTuwi siifv-MSM without contests. victories the Magdalainc. lie - stated that on the 0th Without danirer. arid triumnh without battle, I January Mr. ;Picard, the Curate of the TVoi-.ii I . spa' nnmnmislv dpnominated bv the-Prince MagdalaineV; was ordered by the Executive r Foreign. . ' ' - - ' " - , Remains of the Kins and Queen of Frdiicei we nave seen in $ XMew.iork paper, the or- uciauingaue circumsiancea irig of the bodies of -the mur dered Louisvand Antoinette, of which a brief The. British cannon that noured such deaf-1 analysis may n)t be unacceptable. The Chan- r--,. ' ' T O ' and whether vou ever sell them or not. . Well,' Mr. Poulson, I know but little about - pr centum, and less about ad valorem but I' be can cypher some, so I give the qupst4(.n t Jolve, viz. What is 20 per centum ad volo em ?-rto work the littJe fellow goes,; with his slateand pencil, and after a great deal of pnz zlirig ana scratching his head, he comes with a "very idesMng'yaienaae, vyi iejjn me he bad certainly discovered what 20 per centum, We ther A rom ROAl TUB BAXT1 MORE TLttiilAFII. aoxiHisly aw aft for the uinval of fur- fdid puccessss. Our naVal officers; the pride A the health of Mr. Picard was then in ade- j hn h.iast of their country, nave almost, to a '"".'ft u,c v.uimc wmtmicu m uus 8icau inflligence from the fjigate Constitution, j,,,,. prcscryeil a prouder tone. When com- The quantity of lime to be thro writ into the ijm ,ur has reached m from New-Yofk,! by the fate of war, to surrender, they the digging of the grave and the depth were au naiicra ui sfnxiHU uirettiOH. , jivix were' appointed to watch the bodyof the lnur derexV tnotrarrh until its interment The bo. Ad Valorem iswell,say8li my lad what do carinmutling was heard if this frig'aie should ' confidence - that the sensibilities 'oftheir.coun- 97 wa3 drtSscd in a white Marseilles i waist Jron make itf y ; A. . .x. , ; safely .-aiiive. in port, she ought to belaid up trymon wouij appreciate their motives, arid coat, with imall-clothes of grey ailk, and stQcr -Why,'says fte you know sister Susan makes and preserved as a national relic. , She has bcai ti,em out. They have not been deceived 1 tihgs-.of the same color, r- It was deposited ir aU ouu oegai-s uau, ano congi-rss mm nave oop;u'.vn un urt-ans, .unuer uivtnu l'roviuence, onjJecatur, whether Victorious or vanquished, is ' wJHn ' omn, ana pnvious 10 us lnjermeni was hundred out ve which the little cre'- liwprr'ssing Americans' with a confidence in;u nhirt nf nnp imdimi niched and adm'rr'me- inai una wnnu s mj was uui iw nines 10 ! hare candidly stated the character of the opi windward, of. a British squadron Uiejni in fuUiPosing force,- the hopelessness of the contest,! chnsr, and toW&riis sunset a trtmeiidvitr A tli .f.r.i im mni;ni She has awakened in our coun- ture makes, or the value thereof- indeed, savs he, it is all oue, as though congress had said , trymerK thoughts and convictions which they you must give us' the fifth share of your bust-' never eiitertained before. Tliey now deem ness let that he little or tiuch, for that iscer themselves able, abundantly able, to meet on tainly what they mean by this 20 per. cent ad equal terms be Lo"rds oi" the. Ocean. The .valorem. C)h ! saVs I,-isthis whatthev call Constitution hasUone more than this : she has "freedom; f to gorpartriers H' ith me when they impressed .tins conviction on the, minds of our the object of our thdiminished,, and admiring regard; We augur well from such auspicious omens. 4We indulge, and we trust so visionary hope, that the naval splendor of our eountrymen is destined to fill a larerc and dazzling space in the annals of American history please, when iny business will barely maintain former enemies themselves; Tljey have.niani-' of glory, are rusliing into the naval service, , myself and familyir4ndeed it seems this Collec- fested a soreness and irritation point, ' anj we Inay anticipate the day as not far dis- ""I-rKE", ucaioi, uiai too piaimy lesiines iuw morpicauon, j tant, when the American tlmuder will be heard WU.WM1 w iwoi i vncisjt in nuu uia.ij'jFoiMUjiiiii. uov rt" u" r and lcit Detorc tne wails oi Algiers. e le- just in the midst of my ruminations, in steps i temieranfe of language, . and tliMr irritated lidtate ourselves in the hope,' that it is reserv ?ob Yeimierthe Cabinrt-maker, and Jacktsensibilily is ijiroyey Ihe ptrvmWverity" foP this continent, so recently a wild, and Sweep, the Brush-m.'iker, whose tiades by the bye, are not advaloremed at all, and to con sole me, tell nte that 20 per centum is to raise money to actray the expences Incurred by tak . : i.v ry n - - ri ot their invectives. Every -capture oran A merican frigate, now "undergoes a regular er 1)1 'zoiiry of 'misrepresentation, of which Com. Decatur may be remarried As a memorable in- ing the TI wo Canadas, and for securing Tree stance.. Com. Dec atur states, that he sur- Trade and Sailor's Rights, and to settle the rendered his sw ord to the commander of the boundary line into the bargain ; and that t English squadron tjiatjiisparuls testified to ught not to complain after Mr. Madison has the same fact--that theEnd vmion was so much obtained for us such glorious terms as those, injured by the engagement, that she did not, officer of the Argus had arrived there, in the which vthey say is cpntairied in the Treaty 5 join the squadroii until si hours after the cartel San Flilippe, and reuorted ! that having and that if I rcannot find security to satisfy, battle tliat. the'fiMernnr of Bnrniuda waited ,.f e. 4, I'llRIHU lfc .! I til ViUi I iumilili J uni hu In... 4V. IL:'. 111 A.. i.1 1 1 J t ! 1 l a 1 a . .V io, iiuiiui , IMC V""1CI UJl 1 no haunted only by prowling Favages. to disci pline ttiose ferocious barbarians justice, and toeiieve the civilized world fro in disgraceful scritudo and tribute. ' NAVAL INTELIGENCE. Warn sloop of war, Capl. BiaMy. Letters from Washington stated authent ically, that an 1 nave sua uucriy f- uii.uie pnuier who naa puoiisncu mat mo iraint coriect v. from the crew ot an limrnsh UChleft tonuit mv business and lot. mvrhild, .'.Prrsidnnt. hud iipi(mlpppd in tho Knilvminn. w.' ii. oil.T... "'Vk -rr , 2 ,,-T-jr - . v " I . ... . . a. v ......... UI It. iUIZiV: HI , V Mil UIC i7lli all. lllrtl ren staFveOh I Glorious Liberty. . J and caused hiiri to retract the calumny. -.The, the Wasp had, a few days-previous, put into . I am, Mr. Poulson, yoor constant Reader, 1 printer, did publish a retradio, andiiow it;Iagador (Morocco) for supplies. This ac- ni Hn n 1 mm - , i w ;vi aw vniu'n - 1 ...-.-,-. j-a I t AWL V seems that the inhabitants ot Bermuda, are a- , counts for this interesting vessel be about bout nrpspmine" the. rnntnin nfthat fritf-atft with a:l. ..V nn.i.n v fant'nl -la -v 1 1 j, - . -.j...... ... ...... .... luc cuu yt jj utuu , , HISIOII UIIHM.,. : When tbtflgislato of the President : ' : ' In session a shorttime since, they ordered the jCom.; Decatur states strong facts;, if untrue; MELANCHOLY 'ACCIDENT, treaty negotiated by Messrs.- Monroe vand akundjmUy capable ordisproof, and which are Extract of a letter from one of the erexo of the Tinkney, with Grekt-Britain, which as'cava-jn.ct coriy,borjjtcd by the testimony ..of our Scliooner Decatur, Capt Dougherty, dated Jberly rejected by U, Jefferson, to be publish- jfornir enemies. The ; surrender of his sword, , y pqrtmIth,F.ndan.'lc.3,,.l8ili ed in a namtmleL Some time afterwards, the the terms .of his parole, and the ret ruction of Dear Mother and Sister. Through the editors oi the Boston Patriot declared, as theV The-printer, are Ull-strtfn say. on the strenpfh nfa Ittier from tlie IhsttriefaF We should uiw, mat vie. note accompanying rneiiea iiiMiviucniic lilt. ui. uu'.'vMmr iii uuu i hiii Buio.iitiiui-ij 111 ununuu We should apprehend that the captain 6f ater running-a very narrow chance, of losing l vered embedded 1 theEndymion would scorn the inception of a my life j on our passage from NewOTork to St.i ance " of '& coffin. fy,fromthe British. Commissioners, was su-jPsent that he cotild not take with truth and B arts, eight days out, we were upset in a hur- ; prefaed by the Legislature, and not published nonor .: that he would let I jus sensibility as a ricane and all hands lost except the captain, irith thfftrC manr and his pride as anioffieef rouwi t it 'understood, that '' emss. attcmrit had been the acceptation of a present.' wiiH h he-'does hott bdut 12 o'clock, we all went below in. the ca . maue pjuiatrespectahie Doay to; impose upon ; weir constituents. . Now, it is perlecwy appar : ent, that had an attempt ojf this sort been, made ft could not possibly have escaped detection by .epatf.tnl' the'toyvn tf Boston-t would ; not have been reserved Tor.-'softicJaghi'eyed ' patriot at a nundrcd or two ndles dist c. Hadilyotevfor rlntindf tn-ovided for-leavltfc M ut the .note; the records of the vLeprlslafure tLniil.I- !i sir - 1 ' ' : 'Af JL i - a . r oiiuw iu-7. ii n was none. wiujoDratiinoH V - T ' - l,w rf,i,c rm.emoer- ranu 11 none fthci rest, had disrerr.ment enough, the" il- ohp. Holmes," at least, might have dffiPl'VP ' in nil tl.m ' t,..i.n id ....fliin humbling to the pride of - ns-. ": WhiEivlEngland wifli her 'gigaut ic naty at her beck descend' to such artifices to main tain her pre-cmhiciice "on the ocean, what sball wc think ? It shews a spirit ?f jeahnisy, of rivalry anu aiarm, woicit siie wni eiuieavor 10 biiffo "get something to esit, Txcept one man who' was ion deck, We had had nothing to eat since Saturday, the weather was so very. bad We culd get nothing cooked ; wehad not beeji below five minutes when she upset. The side being over and'- we thrown in such confusion we coidd "not recaiti the companion, way, before veil , even1 at the ', expense uf .truUind ho slie ;wateri:"- arid four poor fellows past, that the English character has been un-l them any assistance and expecting every mo dergomg air awful revolution. These gross ment to share the same fate: but through 1)1 arid palpable misrepresentation are not confin- vine Providence I got safe out of the cabin, at- cu to subordinate, agents . tuey itucct tue covered with quicklime, and a quantity oC that article was thrown into the grave before tlje body : was committed to the earth. Anothef witneas stated . that he was not present at tliet interment of the m'unlered Mon trcl hut t't;it the body was covered with quik lime previa ous to "its interment ; that ". the place was the garden of Mr; Desclozeau, where the body of the Queenvas 1 likewise 1 dcpoted.Ah()fhvrv witness testified 4o4Jie fact of his being pre,-. . gent while the grae-iMfFIajeslty rwaslEdial : -up?;:wha likewise made oath to the identity of -the spot. Another witness testified -that was at the funeral of both of thrirMaj-.'sti . 4 -that 4ie saw both at the bottom ..of thrir graves, and that the head of the King waspla- ? ced between his !tS. He. likewise certified to the identity of the spot. This was the me teriar evidence reported on which a stare hi was ordered tohe made. Mr. D.-vsrlozciu it appears had purchased the ground hi ttOJisa qiu? nee of this interment. ! Search was ..first made fin tliebody of th Qucen and the ground was opened to th length of 10 feet' by five. The bed ofliniei was soon discQveied, aridinthnf bed an empty place large enough for therirh're of a Cof fin. Boards were found iri l a tolerable state ; of preservation, and human bones. The head was in a '.perfect state of preservation, and! " from its position, it had been obviously sever ed froni the body. A few remnants ot gaf. t toients were bones, the ground, arid the lime were taken and care fully deposited in a box. - t)n the 19th of Jan. 18t5r search was made for the body of the mo- : narch. After opening the ground to the depth of seven feet, fragments of a board were disco- bedded in lime, parts to all appear- i In the middle or this mix ture or earth and lime, were found the bonec of a human body and the head covered uith with1ime,';was: seen '-r placed, .betwegn.tlie' ty; " v legs. 'The renTains werecsrefuiry' collected."! . T deposited; in lead coffins, and transported to the church ot St. Dennis. . . . We cannot fail to remark that it was on the 21st Jan. 1793, when thejxwly of the royal Martyr was thus ingtoriouslyinterred in quick liirie, as if his murderers wished to wipe from natureihe vestiges of their own enorinity.- . . In tlie very . same rnonlh r which t his deed was doneU at the distance of 22 years, and within' 2 day of the very time of this inter- ment these venerable re'licsare Jtaktn from the grave, to mingle with the ashes of their jTAyCf' tcr remaining : fifteenymiriutes after. tlc priojp: ancestors. iEyen r 1 5,8 ' ' N' "V'.

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