-i i "in .1 . in ' ' , ' .1 m i i 7. . . .ii . i. ,, - " ' -""" FRlDAYJULYri 1815. JV. 1005. rTo. 19. . r.. .sr., ' . i . '4 PRINTED, n'fvihicnpi to he paid in ad RALEIGH, (N. C.) wf.T.KLTi BT ALEX. X.UCAS. advance, v . , ths after". years subscription dc- oeen given, nsertedthrie each aubse funt insertion; andm ii proiwi - is a "f rater number dflines than fourteen. fflr than three mon coniMM'.'ie, and not ice-thereof slum nave conies v - pjini, u Unit, are i ',iT ,1. ' fmr twphtv-five cents or one ii'H"" Domestic. his ptlif wwewion to their ntimeuts olrRlte procedure of . . BUFFALO, JUNE 13- To the publicThe disbanded hflicers of the annv on the Niagara frontier, hold it aduty tW owe their friendMtSont,try nd ih,8av '.,,1,' U. tiara thev onus into- the shade of re- uVment, to give -,,,..a(i.na nnil SC Je hoard of General Officers, in forming a mm. urv peace establishment of the United Slateo. . 'they decline any". animadversion -on their ' ,rf n their thankless dismission from ser vice, by the 12th congress. The principles -of republics are well known to be in hostility to a '''permanent military force, and they approve, with every good citizen, of its reduction But to the soldier, after all his exposure and forti- lllll'. Alii! " seekint; the bubble, reputation even iu the eannnn's mouth,' to find thei councils of his country bankrupt in thanks as well as in funds, was an unexpected as welt as unwelcome fettafd ttrr his perils and his danger. --I he go-J ve, ament, is rich in lands jafew acres would not have, impairedthe national -funds; and with (lie troops . enlisted for the war; and now dis charged, their officers could have formed. mili tary frontier, that would hereafter have set at ticnance any savage lrrnpunn Politicals BLADENSBlf RGB HEROES. It is the high reward lof thoseVho-have " risked their lives' iu & Just and necessary war, " that their names shall be sweet in the "months " of men, and every acre shall know their ae tioasV ; . , .. JAMES MADISON, 1 JAMES MONROE, - JOHN ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM JONES, RICHARD RUSH. .Foreign; posterity do justice to their merit lives were risked ; for had their horses Let Their stumbled in the velocity of their'fiight, their necks had eertainly been broken iu the fall. . JT.S. Qaxett.. When Washington City was attacked by the British, every motive of honory'pride,, duty, and patriotism, called upon the commander m chief of the army and navy, and his cabinet, DEW YORE, JUNE 2. LATEST FROM ENGLAND. Bf the Portuguese brie Piedade4,CaptMer rissy, from Liverpool, which port he left on the llth of Mat. the Editors of the Mercantile Ad vertiser h.ave received London dates of the th of that month. They contain nothing; of great politiekl importance. We have condensed into a sammary the principal articles. ' v'apt, worriRsy informs us that war Had not a superior foree. . SomeTmputeit to our havintj declared var afrainst him. which made lun fear for the safety of. his canitoF .other, n.-ritw. it to an expedition from Palermo aeini ' ,'n -A third party suppose it to have ben ' :-.a- sionea qy nis navm bea severely wounded. xne loyalists are cniffifea with assumine the ciwicwrji lunou jaeobins,jn order to bring odium upon Bonaparte gojernmnt. v The funds are slill fdlli lip t.'.v arc an I.Q The Bank Shares 777 U2. Paris, Mty 2 Yesterday a hnmal nribli Tairw TtjurriftBy u Dial huuiuudv i , i r - .' Umi anil thAt the liwl adicfrel rranoe 5:t, " , T-V.- inim m. - ".(.,, iai uut ut jiner mui nor ny other German paper has published surb'a docn ment. I -( ' . About amofath a?0 Certain n'nrana nnn ti . an impoiUntmi,,on, but it object liiiot hln.,:";: w, ' nanriptcie ted at. - : ihe!e. Hitherto we have hrard bf none. ; T . .ji nam ihh roiano lnHrretiOfL Ml represented t he Emperor Napoleon, as not hav ing left fans, but aji Ueing on the eve of his departure Torljbe frali-rsj j'; Mars!aUl M of tier had setVot tromT Parts on The Property Tax Bill was read a third time in the British House of Commons on the 0tb May and passed by a great majority. " f . I . . I j. I 1 . m un me or a me lunas expeneoceu u rise, oi i James Monroe, John Armstrong, m.i William per eent, which conia not pe accountea lor py Jones,to whom chiefly this generous people had, th? arrival of any particular news. -eonfided the conservation of their dearest rights,' 0,000 men wereexpeeted on thePyrennean to tlirow themselves in the Trout of the battle-- frontiers ; and, if a sufficient fund is procured to rally theti oops by their voic, to cheer them for the enterprize, wonld descend from the bv their examnle tTanimate them hv their no- mountains, and make an important diversion in ble daring and if neeessalTTo die, gloriously the southern department ot if ranee. i v,v- is k'wt rrrwverea.- strugg ing for v ctory, ere the hateful foot of the ir i nomas naru; i u c m ui u -TMarihaI'MortHr lft Pr5fl tA ft.lfil -ii ted to press thehallowi'd ground of our nnon ; the llowns. : , .;i . ... Emperor - ........,v-..,i--.w Capital. Didt.eydoso? AV, iiev JbJa.e-j 'fhe Allied Sovereigns remained atienna X ' I r ' " U5C 19 IIIIIT- IMIFC. Ul - I I, is-nnhlv fled, and hv Ihi ir nreeinitate ififfhtfft the 23d April. J l r" j t j " . . I r . cj i . . , . . ; spread the contacion of fear amone those, who! l"e English government has given nonce that the Ottoman Porte miktb$jlkwpp0tA -gainst Russia, tt is added;, thatjhe tvr e vents have forced the Russian columns, whiek were on thir mareh, to retrogade. ' ,.w There hkye been, violejit quarrels oetween the English and the Prussians at Tournay. Courier Extraordinary of Tuesday Mornng. It is said that the Emmwr head nnartr - are to he establiaUed at Condej. Letters from Brussels state, that the Count ae JLille is perfectly rceovered.- Allowinsto the olheers retained, all theme- if they had been nobly led by the men whose du ty it was to give them an example ot gal lant and manly exposure, would have saved the city and the nation s honor.. But.ihey tied. rit to which they havea fair claim, even more, fAd now, forsooth, because we will not bow it would be acknowledged by the most mento- down and worship the golden calf which demo eracy has set up, we are stigmatized as ene uies fious that accident anu goon Toriune aiene placed them in their post of danger, and there fore of distinction but where their fellows, nnt so fortuuate, would, it may be presumed, Lave plucked equal laurels, had the field of ho nfir lpn onen to them. Instaricert)f individual gt!lantry-they honor, and yield with pleasurel their claims to distinction. It is the ioul of; . lervice.' But they deeply, regret) - that the Wy d of their brother officers, who havamade Vi" selections, should, in marry, instances, dhre- .f-nlthe-ctaimrn nwHtwltthrwwmre, warrwttrGrHnJrltaTiCITwh n hiel. that it is ready to receive proposals for the purchase ot eight thousand tons of hemp approximation between the allies and Napoleon. 1 he observations on the Declaration of the 13th of Mareh will be read with, interest, but Plladelphia papers to the 28th March were """"5- - "promise or.apo. . , - Kr .. .t. ..l ii Ieon to adhere to the treaty of Pans, is suonorti ea Dy no guarantees. Mad received in London on the 4th Mav. It is said that great numbers of Freneh sol d"ers desert, and join Louis XVIII. chiefly ea n!ry", fully equipped, IThe garrison of iTun- to our country as traitors ! -Is there a ma .!-. Jkirk had begup to desert by wholesale. t, ui, whose iiciiith ana youtn naa neen ex hausted in his eo'jntry'a service, and whose Small pittance had h;'en expended' in her warfare, to introduce-m;uy propped ooly. by patronage and coin ; some who had ignorriiniously fled ..their standard in the face of the enemy. Be lidi's one officer maybe as useful to his country in recruiting, disciplining and preparing men for tli" Gold, as his brother who fights them, be cnusp if not trained, his.corps will most proba bly disgrace him anil itself. .They regret too, that a Winter's Campaign1 at Washington, sh uld often avail more ihau seven in the field, aud that those who remain at their posts, on a frozen frontier in the performance of their du ty, should thereby Ids; their grade, to give place to some, who had been basking in the sun shine of favoritism j and feasting on the deli cacies of the Metropolis. -t They acknowledge no mode of graduation as! fair and honorable witK the exceptions above i iLi j" i t uiiiiueu, qui CO.'id spirit in the nation that does not ieel.mdignuj at such baseness ? , And yet we are called upfon toupport J:i Monroe for .President. To nerfei't the !; Hull ought to be placed upon it for Vice V. dent. A noble pair. Ho long, () 1) cy, will you abuse our patience? (.' - , The United States atf a .tiatiojrayiiL mocraey has ha.rj tut honor oi irmortal.z ne of her heroes and champions." ; ,i the for er, Thomas Jefforson. then cover. '..it and coni vies of th p the Ciipital Ir-ritish force. iug secreted red th" "amf . , . . a " i urated su .fit ,Timo. Vin4 4ate, an com V aiiM havh.1 for wander in chief of t te armies ar of the State of Virginia, fled f of the state, on the approach of i abandoned his command, and ir himself in a place of safi ly, rer.i of Carter's Mountain is c -, immortal as his owi. In ' . disou President of the Utii mander in 'chief "of the mil" ces oi i lie naiion, actual Is Kt' e held in per son accompanied by hi - -re'ary of uar and his whole cabinet, for iho i tepe '' of the capital of the Union agairist a p.ii-y niaraiidin pal y of4lle British, and up ui ttieir ap'uroicii si.nn p red off at full speed with his whole court it his heels, leaving his army to follow or U, iiiit at their option. The flighl'of Madison stands a ffood chance to he as lone renu mbered a.t the that ot seninritory, where the se-j Heeeira, or flight of Mahomet, and whoever stands heir to tho first L every other is shall read, in future ''time, th thrv of mi wa: Lased in faVoritism,prejudice or combination.-- will not fail to do jusice to the captain genera: Hazard would afford a better criterion of merit . I of the democratic party, who won the jpiize in The', intermixture of officers from different. Uie Bladensbureh races U. 8. Gaz. ! ' -' p, i jicjt iiuiii a pciuiciuus ruie, as wiiiisi 11 A new plot had been discovered at Vienna, tieh had for its object to carry off the King tome. he Continental Congress, it was said, would nrnte until the result of the present . t' fTiirs shall havebeen decided. ? ; said to . hove been repulsed, and ; : ny were assailing" him in his rear, aLin boaruJiayms ailed ironvl purpose- V y 6.We received this morning of, Thursday last. They 1 ins of Buonaparte' ii.tended depar ii is certain he left Paris onTues- uiidev n t iron escort of drkro, he . promised as a pledged of peaeeito deliver up the fortresses of aiiosuuig, uunmgut;n,ew nrisaeK. juanaau, Besancon, &c &c. faith might then have been placed in his pacific intentions. Milan, Jiprit i8. Anew report from Gener al Nugent, dated Poggie, the 16th, states, that the enemy having abandoned Florence, retrent: ed by the road of Arezzo. A column of torib Neapolitans, which. had arrived at Mont-Roii, and was advancing on Tuscany, has algo ehang ed the direction of its march, and lias takeXJne. route tojVnconaf-, , " Hanks of the Vishda, April 20. The Rti. sian army, to the amount of 225.000 men, and 76'000 horse, marches in three cola-nri!;, under coliima g'" ' the" . how e (i oil', that. Mow 6i ' Pli; unfits them for eminent service m any, a favorite may by means of such transfer, be. promoted in- -iiuioosly and without merit TREASURY NOTES. In yesterday's Gazette, vn by mistake, tnade inquiry respecting a reaenf sale of treasury l he practice of raxeeins as deffradine the : notea in t hi eitv. It th nnlil hnvn htpn sniil civ officer, they disclaim and hold in abhorrence. per cent, stock of the U. Staffs, which to the a Tliey ileprecate that in the hospital department,Mnount of upwards of a million of dollars was promotions have been made from the lowest to disposed of in this city last week, in ia most ex the highest grades; without the rendering of a--traordinarv j prodigal and wasteful m'au'ner. ny service or even the eapacitrof rendering a- The public have a right to knov how much of by, to the exclusion of acknowledged talents; Mis money has gone into the pockets of some of and long service. In fine, whole familierap-j Mr. Dallas's family confiexi.mand how much pnr to have been viewed as endowed with more has been cornlptly sacrificed for the pur- rtillltarV talents 'and in h.ivi enrnno nn hf rOeal nmia.r il. ...,!.. I . I. . . . -r -t" ui ciiiiiciiiciu a iuuiiuiiuit ui iiic uauiac -the- counting house r.-doimd In the fllflirfa fttma aT ilia!i Ahiintiu. , ' v,UIVil l IH II VUUIIll 1) UIIU frTSreat ource of "eonsolation to the retir 'rtticers, to4 be abU with the patriotic Gf-e-eija who w.i extlrfded byuffragc, to exeiaim. "I rejoice that my country can boast so juany ortTiy citizens." " ROB. PUHDY, coi;4thinfy. .:- , In behalf of the officers of the line of the drmy. arid desk this must jtion, instead of going'fiuhlicly into the market. J ted with the position of France when they re i here has been something more than ordinari ly atrocius, in this, affair, aiid the guilt ought to De exposed And puiuhed.-L'. a. (Jaz. What commission-did a member of Mr. Dal las's family, who had a monopoly of Uuitt-d States stock to the amount of more than ufhtii lion of dollars, demand from those who were al- i L. ....'I. .:l - T ." .! I l. - I'incu i uecuiiic suijscriucrs ami nimi uiu lie WM. THOMAS, Hosp't. Uu rg.,' receive? HoW maOy per cenf-h'elow the current In behalf of 'the 'Jlmpiial and , market price was that stuck disposed of. and Medical Staff. - - m" . . Another "Murder,- A letter from St. Mars tlated the 17th ult. savs: fl fpvv .lave sine an ?erittiei-was-t-ommitted-Tiear-Traders l, orvSt, Mary'u river. - A Spaniard was raveUl"5 in company with a Mt, Ropers ; the 'er lay down fo ryst hiiii3elfuud fell asleep ; 1 'i whUo in'Vu& condition, the Spaniard ,r "rJ ;red,hiii; Avith a light-wood knot. The PuUwas iconductCil by Mr. Felts, (one of the Pwt) who pursued tthe murderers of Mr Bes- nahO ty whonf the culprit rFiiended, aud js uow in-irons and loi m i hen " WAS 'aken, the hat and other ; property werefooiwl upori him,which had been -of tf ,fin Mr gcrs." This Spaniard is one .ioro Ca8tle villains, who were turned was ap' lotleed id 008 atSt.Ausugtiae.' ; for what purpose was it sold below the current vak'e ? Distinct answers to those queries, oe cotnpauied by proo.fs. w ould much oblige the Editor of this Gazette.ifi'.' If the Secretary of the treasury sbonfd an thoi ize me to sell a million of dollars wort h of slock at1 niiietj-five per cent, when the knon current market price is nint ty-eight, think y ou that I sliould'find any difficulty' in persiiadiiig a stock broker, a hank, or any othrr dealer (to whouvl . might think proper to' make the offer) to allow me one'or two per cent, for so a a lageous and profitable a preference v, If one or two percent, could be-made by any one npoji a transaction of this nature, who con Id be better entillfd to it than a friend and connexiou of the man who poseste the power of dispcasiossuch benefits. ' :'rl-:rv;:-:''T' Field Marshal Barclay de TuJIy Tl oi.ine rigiu wing proceeds by way oi i.npsic to Bamburg. The centre column inrrc ie from 1 . !lbl i n Wn rm vti . a kn VL waal A Pi.,..j....U . . U . . . . y . ... - " . U W IT. i . . I V . ' V M ' (I e route to Lisle. It is said that e to Nuremberg. The colHmn of the l't wing pect the state of the fortresses and'maN hes in two divisions tht firat -fr. rrn. .'if the northern frontier. The Party !Cowh Prague to Eichstadt, and hegeco. dfroni iiiuaci. Dw.r,.b jvauscn oy Dresiau, also bv a vdna. Brnndenberg, April S3 It is understood that Prince Antony RadzivHI' m ill rei le at Posen as Governoi of Prussir,n Poland. . We are assured that the taking possessier. of Poland, on the. part of Rossi a and Prussia, ii be proclaimed on the 1st of May. Th Kin of Prussia; it is. saidv will assume the title of . Grand Duke of Poland: . tower Rhine. April 24.Gen DohsehiMz 'i hourly expected at Aix-la-Chapelle toass'ti the military goverpment of the countries onj he Rhine given to Prussia, and to organize ihci Landwenr. ; Ther are. daily conferjnees at Liege between G.enerals Blueher, Gneieaun? Thielmao, &e. With the exeption of some trifling recont res of patroles, all is yet tranquil on the French confines. ..Letters fro oilt Bonaparte will be declared Dictator. Hamburg, April 28. We have just received, by express, the letter from Vienna, which con firms the account that the Neapolitaus con tinue to retreat- and are briskly pursuer! py the Aiistrians. " Vienna, April lfli For some days past ther is much talk of a new plot in favor of Napo leon. It is Mated that above 20 persons,' araoug whom are several respectable citizens, have been arrested. This plot, it is said, extended as far as Switzerland. From this circumstance, it is presumed that it was a new plant to carry off young Napoleon. ; ' v - NEW YORK, JUNE 29 . tiy the. ships Othello .and Pacific, and. tbe" British Packet Ranger, which arrived at this port yesterday, (the two former from Liverpool, and the latter from Falmouth) the Editors of. the Mercantile Advertiser have received Lon I don papers-to the evenihg of theil3th of fay and Liverpool of the 13th They contain no wei . will nave it ne leeis m o commeuee onensive operations; ? vill endeavor to stcke an immediate : at a battle will be f iught before the . ' this month ; and " what horrors- riiqst adds the Opposition For all of which I a ne is accountable. The Pifris Papers say i Ha" his head quarters are to be at Cond", close upoii the frontiers, on the road from Vaienci enues. The French military force is divided into ten corps ; the four first of which are at Lisle, Valenciennes, Mezieresj Metz, and Thionvilje, commanded by General d'Erion. Ittille, Vandaiiime, and Girrard the 'fifth Corp- is under General Rapp, at Strasburg the ixth at Laononder Count Lobutlie seventh at Grenoble and Cher burg, under Marshal (rrouchy the eighth al Bordeauxi under Gene ral ..Clauzel the ninth i at Toulon, under Mar shal Brune the tenth at Perpignan. It is cu rious that of all the old Marshals, only one, Brune, is employed in the command of any ar my ; and he. was "in disgrace during the last campaigns. Grouchy has been but lately made a Marshal. Ney, Soult, Massena and "Suchet, have no commands. Treachery cannot trust them.,--. . . v.... ",;"""' : The treaty between' the Allies, signed at Vi enna on the 2. l h March, and is published in these papers, with some. remarks, stating that the perusal of the Treaty will prove that the rYlued powers were not in any manner acquain newe'd thS treaty of Qhauthont. These papers have also published the King of France's De claration", dated at Ghent on the 15th' of last month. They add that it has been introduced into France, but that it is not authentic. This is w hat is ealled Bonaparte's, freedom of the Press. The documents which he reads are de clared to be fotged, such as the Declaration of the Allies at Vienna, and the Declaration pf the;0ll,er news of importance than thatof which wi King of France. '-Jrnd tfi? papers are .pot per. here give a brief outline:" mitte'd to publish them without adding that they A report from Foiiche, the Freneh ministei are not authentic. : I hen follow a stnns oi falsehoods of Russia being indisposed to war, of Austria leaning towards France, of the Dutch e SHJ 0r atil ie to his cause. f niorJ.a.LQ!.ia.rTels Getvieen tlji Jlrit isli and thvlVussians, of insur rections in' Poland, &c. None of these ; have believed,'-and the public rvirid thus kept from desponding at the prospect of a fresh War. vThe' retreat of Muratieeins TiiaVe crifatfd uneasiness and surprise i Biiiparter-The papers ednnot account far far , he had not been beateu in any great battle, nor opposed by ster of Police, to the Emperor Napoleon, present! an alarming picture of. tie &tate of the publje mind in France; It states that theft existed a correspondence carried on, in trctocift with f,F- eign agents, throughout Prance, for the purpose of exe.itine disatTeition towards the govetnmept, ) and had in several instances oceasiotied: Some acts of rebellion, especially in the department of the Worth aud W est ; hx nothing mote was Decessary than to call forth the existing laws, and determine their application. ' The Empc: '. ror, in eddsoqeence, issued a Deree, requiring r (he least foundation iu truth; but by suffering otlier.articl!S to be published .which are direc ted agaiast'tumself, which articles, however, we repeat, he does .not permit to be published without remarks or asserths tending to throw discredit anon tliem. ne hones these other state- frnr. in consent:ene. issued alieeree. rena inner . . . ! . I - il.. All' " . . "II I. 1 i -m ' I - . . .. . . 1 I " '' - menis oi? uitseniionsjjeiween ine jviues.wui ue rttn renenmen in tne service oi nre Douroons ro sr ! - return t FrancuBder certain pnalties, and for the punish ing correSpdpdence with Oiero Bonaparte re mained at Paris on the totb May j-'and his de lay so long beyond the; expectation of his de- pairtur lot Vial Tonliersi was suf posed tn he : -a i" --. - if- .. ;r'"v-- "'.