. pleof this state a eedy.orguiization of some similar; pert tyr-But whatnders-hcm theroost dangerous tot STATE OF frCOEOLINA,? Court of puat and company .-Our tawp8.ar imminently exposea to aes tructkm by ftre?: One of them has lately suffered with evt raweknbTr not howooti we may oe Called upon to bewail a devastation similar to ihat' of Peters- burg. : c"- ' "v- . f.r ' ' " V ...' ; , ' r " -.''. ' ." : 7!S JRr atPettriburgfft have copied from the In telligencer a minute detail of the houses destroyed, with the kufferers, n amesjThe fdlowing is-tren as a sum mary!' T -?: ": " ' On.Bowlingbrook, - . . 7 houses. , Back-Street, 'v : 21 Sycamore,. - - 3.2 . -Old Street, ' . " " ' '' 25 Bank Street,.--'- 2 . ' - Market Sljiiarel -24 To these $e inay add lumber houses, he. 200 A while the latter 50 free ? If theoeand 11. Ma unv-nnr fnmnB-in currier must cone .r- ing" fish pf one and iAer also to collect them ? What good reaaan Can be given for ihus maki Rut hard as is this partiality in the provisions of life law, something so odious-- foreign from this habits of free and independent citizens, . that 1 should not wonaer u me nauer should hair resolve to aipmauauj uemocracy ; I.;. dv tuli .if the bootmaker should resolve m stiek lit awl in her back if the euf Her should determine to tan her hide, and the sad dler to halter the jade, before they would con spnt to I he mean, humble and degrading terms imposed by this abominable law. Yes, it is provided, that every one oflheine chanies must, keep, a book must enter down every article of work done; thai, they have pieaSfll 10 iaX MUV MUCC u va j vv mvuiiu . gti to the collector, and JI51 pose all tbeir private .joneeros to his inspection, or else be fined jn hundreds, and if they do not pay it, go a"ndrot ' in jail with felons ! Is this liberty ? Is this en oourain? domestic manufactures f Why, sir, , 'this slavish and abominabU law would produce a rebelion even in Algiers, What say ye mechanics, havf you put your necks into the yoke? HaVe you got liberty from your most patent lords , and'(raster8i the; ;high. and treil BoreoiocraiiiMi. apiy par "patriots in the landhave ypitt got their liber ties to work in your shops I Have you entered iiito bunds ! bonds more galling than ever were attempted to be imposed on freemen. - A good citizens, you nuwt obey the lawsj Ijtit if you would break those bonds and shake off these fetters wfcich enslave you, you must jaise jour voices to so audible a pitch that they shall be heard, or by and bye, even the right of . complaining will follow' your other rights to the grave. And ye, smiths, joiners, hou9ecarpenter9, & every olhef sort of mechanics, view in the yoke, fixed on the neck of your fellows, the fate that awaits you ere long, if the people do not rise in their strength, and trample the chains under their feet, and hurl the tyrants from their con fidence. SAMUEL MARKiiAM. Oakhill, May 1815. FROM THE KKINE (N. H.) CENTINEt. TAX ON BOOTS, &c. I This law requires, in the first place, the per son who manufactures boots and shoes, to sign a bond," the eonditiou of, which fill two close printed half sheets . of paper, and to procure sureties Jie "then is entitled to a license frotri government, after signing aTprinted '7ejuest for tliesame ; but must keep a book, ruled out to set down every pair of boiM sold. v'h the price, and also the name of the purehastr, 1a all cases when the anionnt sold eieeedsiO dol lars. - 't h ee; oaths mdit KoltakenXeJiual to 12 everTryearenougb to learn almost a minister to swear) and the different . papers signed and countersigned sixteen times. In addition to this, the manufacturer must make faur or five jouruies a year, to the collector, and his sureties .jDoe. .,-.-. ' ' We have lately seen the quarterly Teturn of ene these, poor tax-ridden ;-' victims of war," covering three quarto pages, signed five times by the manufacturer, and sworp to three times, and three times countersigned by the eollector, to include the time when made, when sold, and a generdl account to be forwarded to Wash-lii"ton-the whole duty of which amounted to 1-2 cents, with tyvo per cent, deducted,' leav ing 74 cents to be divided, about 4 to the col lfictornd the remainder to government 1 ! our safety and common interest, is their fatal predilection presents itself tcrAemln themort fiisCmating aspect!; Hi'l,e.S?.'l!?Jf MisfaetWD t)f tbe coarti Thev a led . bv cuoiditv. . and driven on binrevenire r? MO :""en"a W V UM - w icr m - ' v . AijLaLiiifcrTi. in run. aHinninirant m m-m .4 . . ' No one who loves petttTe and calm prosperity can, without j by aaid court, publieatidnbe Tin the compromitting his'princjples, give a afingle vote fdr! Minervathroeweeis successively,, that unless tflBaid them.fc They and" their friends 'are for war ; 'and peace TlbnhMiilitA4l.k...!. ..... . ' men cannot support them. f Wiiiam Hastings, appear withon the.Clirte first dvs of judgment wH rendered against bittu; . y AtXffpXt;; , J. TAYLOR, C O. The President of the United States and his T .Sh ft Vf IavV Ii!m Sllltt Atl "IVaililaAilu V 4ftl 1 riAl'lt CAft T'rjul ""uoov , ri state opn. Carolina, p&ar wkW in Virginia j wliereJ thty are expected to remain OBiireI ,lajS53!i-' for jeveral weeks. JV a. Int. h ' Jame Hastings, -WiHfam HastrngsAOr' ia ' . . TTappearingtoJhe.satisfaetioof.theoolt " Vew-tOhK, JUtt 19. "T."l" now" iitline lhat the deferiiftnt. Willie Rodgergi sailed frooj this port yesterday morn- V 8SU Belieto the tvtferete.--A. circular, from the committee appointed of the needy oeived here place the next TilAaJ.flia aaImmUIa. Vl Hlf,1. Tho andll. . . . I 1 iners. is not an maabltanf rf th; .. . ; j , d court, that publication b iwad in th Rnu;rK Minerta, three weeks successive!, that unlf. th ?.A ' . ... . . . 1 . ,1 ... . iv. i 1 1 met uiaiiuuu.ui lUD jucuiicnaucnui iv iuiu u 11 1 ' 11 inretersourgK? aooress ine puuuc on ucuiu, - . .t t '- - n - .V'U1 inPPearwiul, me three firstdayaof sufferers by the late fire, having been re- V? w" w, t. vui.,u.C penext termot tn.s Courtk and replevy plead, kc. ihat pntheSSd, ameetingof pur pitizens toot, " , . JAv. Tv, I day and a subscription was directed to be- T, n p ,v Ta,;l.,- . ' 'T-r. V ' '.' ' ' S1"!"") "Tf . .. ' 1. I1 1 , TiES'i! y' T T ' - Steam Boat Enterprize, Shrie ve, of Bridgeport. X the eity of Haleigh; .itiiated nea .Raleigh, July 23 1815., IOti SALE. le subscriber,, wiin? to?' . v remove to the Mississippi Territory, is de rros to sell his landed nroDertv. ' Fum- anU leigb he a MiUand J3U crt of land, 50 acivj of vitdjcu, wiu uiou m p. p corn. , Tlus property i well worth the.attentjon of any oneincld live heat lue. Msiifftf jMt rtun'taif or In the isitv. Tfc mi.l- AI-KTwo uuimproved LOTS ia ja iuc ;iT v , tticisu, auuaiea nearvth .. from Npw-flrlonitB. in hnllncf: hnvif itidi.'.ui-v. Aciulcmv. and conrement t6 tions, was forwarded to the gentleman appointed tore- ed.her cargo at Pittsburgh. She'is the iBrst1 lhe ty. For terms apply to Jhn R. Leigh, of Tayoo ceive tdhtoftationsOf the foregoing sum 1UU was fitil nn,;HU-.w.r ,l..ln.5B l ih. IWT'?n? . . . . ..; JUNtUS SNKED. the UberalstthsCr:itionof an individual, Mr.. Glemden- ,0th 0f the Mississippi and back. She made' H-- Indeed our iU2ens generally displayed a becom- thft TDyag-freni New-Orleans to this port, in! ingJiberahtjrt sad isattkmsiaWtlutou;tom'4 days '30 days" of which were employed in consists of a population in the whole very littKiTxcead loading aud unloading freighter different toVns Sag 10tXlersoBia'H js t be4utbU wcaive.tioi 41- osthief iiaiuippl and Ohio, so that she , was en beneath what was due fronpi7 j bnly fft davs in active? nevtfl, in mk'"g her, " . . i . ' . .Tl - aasi. whh nnr rpitrtpri'will rimpmlir mini official detail given this week has - u,. . iZJarM-i.,: ' 9ituw good-neigWrhoott ir custom;-W oii . ... .. . . ........ vu...-..v... ... v. iM,u.i)iMi.hu.n..k . - . . : I suggaierrioiyxne aavocaies tor war.-iney pe fthat it is hardly possible to make the unfortunate affair ' , . , . SXr rPbf; L K...-,enW: . . . . -water: the miU 1 g thejprefcie ofwy war t cU ' s-,uu, v ""'"rts"" ..,w..r ;. jast Saturday evening the tf team was first iy ir mmg gjoa aour. I'liere is also a saw-mitt in for--statement , convinces every one that there much to tried on the Despatch, another Stea' nc Boat "csi, whicl), it ts supposedV .will be -trery profitable : blame oh tHe side of the British soldierynd some se. ate, y buUtat Bridgeport, and owned as well as Jcatfen-u gd ' rious censures must attach' to their officers3ut the the Enterprize,by the " Mouongabela and Ohio arehousei Tsufficent for .two ma faS3s' 121 whle affair is now rather one that is to be lamented Steam Boat Company." We are hereby to col of good fruit trees, "I will sell, with the'above, Beem. than one that can call for revenge or retaliation. learn that she is likely to auswer the most cle al,d noSs and crop how growing, ftisdemo- '' sahtfuina exneeta'tions of' the ina-enious -Mr " wes8y "'PW'th- JVan newt.-Thc intelligence from Europe does "Sa,e exP?W,(,n8 M,e ingenious-.. Wr-T out-view.ng.tbe premisesTOwTf PKOPEBtf.The r French, engineer, on whoso plan she is eon--, eliriblc LOT on which I reside, eontain.no- not seem to keep pace witf, .the h,gh.wroufht expea.. 8tructed. .,ft U e cted thath.n. faer works KutleLTdS tions of our active pohUcans. Reproaches directed. afe iQ comp,ete opJration she pi88 tfirougU the citv ; it lies between the Eagle. HoteL ahd NewbeS ga.nst the allies for tlieir tardiness are frequently heard, the tbo ate Df NINE miles an hour." i ?rnc Bank "d ne&r Stte Bank and State-House. and fears are expressed that Napoleon wil have left to - i 'kewise, twother lots, one.of one acre, and tlie other him leisure and opportunity to collect the mean, of a ! fAe fi publication of ! SRjM&l'iS formidable defence if not a mighty attack. Qur latest yesterday, we have seen some letters, and re-' take a reasonable price m cash or yoW negroes, "for all atcuums give us nu aaia oy which w lorm any reiuKin. feived UStUraHCeS. Which jUSlUy US in the belief 'v u luc aOYC properly or u more agrcoutte tp ble opinion, either as to the period when hostilities may that the government are perfect ly satined with &SfhJ SUES " 'ft8 n" J.it commence.oras totheDrobableDlanornolicvofonera. IKa .f.r. f h,;. MH.I .nrnhn.V t!rl .V Puasemoney bx givvng negotiable a wv av ' wv vo wu u uaiJtir. UHVM.U1P U.L PllllfT flT TflR nunra in hiar itu I liotrA tions We do not indeed even know that war will be arguments to the Contrary notwithstanding, i a parcel of hous hold and kitcheii furniture and D antlT commenced at all within any short space of time. We therefore decline making pubiicany further-tion utensils, that I will sell low, for cash only. -Appiica- "Ccftain Jt is, however, that France herself is a prey to communieations on this- subject, as we conceive ! tion may be made g me atnv time before'the 22ud of 4 civil war, of the most serious and bloody nature. Men that it would be highly impolitic to give publi- j KiKSASS SoS -gJSI .Thh-hnn. t. . ... ' 1 .1. 1 . l - " . . . . . .I I . -. I .. .1 . . t. . . J 1 . . . . - . . . . .. - - - v i-uuiajjc iu rc?isi tue ruie or m.ipoieon cuy i u-pariiruiar a.nuwieugc oi inaniccriu- uie Daiance nere in this plce, must do it with the most bitter and deadly determina- tion ot machine, a possession of which might tion. I take this opportunity of ihrormimr allthose who have? any claims against me, to bring tjiem forward for ad justment ; and aH.those who ure m arrears with me, to. Hence there is eood ground to believe that, the ' be attended with, great advantage to an enemy, allied armies once ,n motion, the tyrant's power must d serious injury to ourselves. The invention l&vSS speedily fall Hi fickle jwmyjiave. tJeait.jhaJf AlLLs Nation against them. They themselves fight, hot frohl ieaTr exclusively, to proht Dy it JVUt. lilt. principle but from those habite which lead a mercenary t " ; ; -- , - jr: '..:..z:,-rL soldierv to seek a life bf riMcTtv anS niimdsp. Hp u;iii rXjOtl SALE, 'WILLIS a mulatto . bov. . . r j r . , .. v js iweniy years oi age, neauny, active and Agricultiiralr ' - 'To viake Posts and Rails more durable. There are many, who know the, effect pro duced by lime mortar, or whitewash, on wood, where it has, beep accidentally applied, and not with any intention to preserve the wood from decays-Boards that are repeatedly w hitewash ed, or used about a mortar bed, ure known to beeonte very hard aud not, prone to rot. This effect of lime on' wood suggests. tue foilowlug mode of subiectine Dosts and rails Iat fences to a process that Will increase their durability. Let a pit be made, water tight, sufficient to j a "... I . contain one or two nunureu posts, or as many therefore be deserted the moment he can no longer lead them to victory. They will not cling to him in his fall; for they have none of the magnanimity which sustains noble and virtuous men when struggling with adversity. Mr. Madison.r-'thc latest National Intelligencer in forms us, that the President and his lady havcretired tor a tew wei-ks to tWeir family residence of Montpellxr, in Virginia. I! Mr Madison employ the leisure afford-- time wtfh me expired, worked journeyw'ork in Rrteieh : ea Dy tne retreat, as ne is capable ot doing, happy tor the ana is capnoie oi aomg gooa wora in com prnc4ies." nation over w hich he presides will be . the influence of solitude and retirement'. An opportunity is how placed stout: a Carpenter and Joiner by trade and considered a goyd workman his price will be made knowii on appli cation to me in Kaleigh, or. to poctor James. Webb or John Taylor, jun. esq. in Hillsborough, who are author ised to 11 and where the boy maybe seen. .. WILLIAM iOLst i trcrtify that Willis a mulatto; boy belonging to Col. rolK erveaan apprenticeship ot -tour years with me. to the carpenter and joiners business-&tiat he has since his before him of repairing all thai evils which unfortunate councils have brought upon the union, if he will recal to recollection thXglonous and promising morning oT his career, a juster ambition than has lately swayed h im will fill his soul. Surely he cannot wish, that a morning of brightness and a meridian cf . splendor shall close by an eyeniivg of murky obscuration and ominous darky ncss !-VLct him return to the generous impulses of 'his own bosom, lie may afford the world the majestic spectacle of a great man renouncing his errors. Build- July 22d, 1815 mj a. a ajaa-j a uiai i ii WUJJAMJOXES, postomce.at . III IUC liusiuuitr, Statesville, 1st July, 1813. James Alexan dti Charles Beggarly, Amos Black 2, Jphn JM Black, John ..Brawley, Mary Brawley, Margaret Bogle ; llavid Brown, Gabriel Bodine, Joseph Bell, Thomas Bell, Ro bert Bowman Coroner of Iredell, John Cochran, John A. Colvert, Jane Colver, James Creswell. Barton Dyson: I Jeptha I)isniang.--Bostion Eddleman, Ethelred Ellis, Joshua bllis. John Forsythe 2, Mary Felps, Widow Fietclier-ReEin, Caither, isabell Guy, Andrew Gra ham, tsaac Green. CVrus liutphinson 2, James II.. Hall, Pleasant iiudgins, David Hogshead, Thomas Hair. Beni. Johnson or, Henry Pralher, William Irwin, Da vid Kearney, Erasmus Lovelace, Thomas Lovelace, Tho haunts. Mr. M -id-son has it now in his power to give the happiest impulse to the destinies of our country. By rails. If it is made as the rain water cisterns ult.vatmg peace with s-.ncerity and good taith by ad. are now made, it, with care, may 1 1st: for ages, ipropriating with economy the public revenues to, a. dis and would be the only expense, except a few ! charge of the public debl, fbv : encouraging agrlajRur?,, bushels of lime, that each set bf posts and rails.) commerce and maWacturcs ; and finally by legislating Would require- Into this pit put posts ready j f" natim and no longer for a party, he may place the morticed, or rails ready shapeued ; lay aveieht United states once again on tlie most enviable footing. vu iuuiu iu Keep iiieni irom rising ur 8111111115, then fill the pit with water andlidd three or four bushels of fresh lime and mix the lime and water well together. They .may be more ef fectually mixed oat of the pit than in it, if oth erwise convenient. -The posts should be dry Aiciure iney are. put into tne pit. iei mem jay : twoir threenaontlrf ia IhTwhifewsliTthe lone ingon a calculation of his weakness, the artific -rs of im postiire are already at work. They will have war ! Tlie i mus lj tacn. vm. Mulhollanci, Kooert wuraan, kod . u - r- 1 j a .u ' 1.1 . 'ert Morrison, Margaret M'Curdy, James M'Donald, vultures or prey are already flapping. then- black wings j JaiTU!S M1Iargue, mM'Leod, Jimes M.guire, James m transport and whetting their beaks upon the ruins -of ;j A. M'Coiincll, Mary M'ConneU. John Patterson, vnne the capitol. A ' 'n uous determination may refuse theni Pitcher .Phoebe Itounsaville, Wm- & Thomas Benshaw, i their yictiias, ar,d chase them far from our peaMfui:irh:irloUeKl?minferton' .Alexander itcad, u;-ia Kamsay.-- j oecreiary oi Blount aiorian, iioajje, APei .-siierni, neury Smith, Shcntt ot Iredell County, Joseph aharpe, Clei a of Superior Court. Jacob Troutman, Roby 'Tuckerj Samuel Tarr:eiily Walker,' Joint Washam. . . -July 1:1, 181-5. , . 6 3t. ORTH-CAROLINA.--iThe Auditors ap: pointed by the last Assembly to settle and allow the claims of the officers and soldiers of the local and detached militia, called into serv ice in the year 1813 : A"d to allow the claims of others in consequence of such call i Herebyinform all concerned; that they have commenced and are Tlowemployed in fhe business as signed them. . , 1 Raleigh, July 13, 1815. 6 4t. - er the better, always having a second parcel to put in as the hrst are taken out, addiug some fresh lime at the same timo. The pit will be better preserved by always keeping it full; keep it from freezing ia the winter byeoyeriug it rthrstraw. y ..-. -.. t 1' Water dissolves a small portion of lime, just . As it dissolves salt. Iu proportion to the quan 1 Hty dissolved by the-water that soaks ioto the ood, ifiesame propoR : the. wood when, it becomes dry. . - ' U This inay be the cause why boards that have beeaVhitewashed afe s6 hard and ddrable. : Lancaster Journal, " ruiOAT, ivly 28, 1815. . , :ra?he Mutual insurance Association of Vir pn comes largely in to relieve the l6ssei'Petersburg . na JUJt lUtftained. It il alrMlv oaato',r,.rl tVmt noln. I V..200,00p dollara wort 1 of pronertv was irisaredin 1 Can' the 'election of another Virginia president stand in cohipetion with this glorious "object ? Or how can a ruler, sinking intQ the grave, possibly sacrifice the cause of the people to the ambjtion of a hollow friepd,or the cravings of a 'feWjbffice-huhters f 'Posterity.eould.aman so act, would believe that he bought his own eleVatioh .bjbiMisgliiipsi'lf to scrHre.thfe.aac.'wsaion of h$mal. Ii has taken- JWr. Madison infinite pains to blast his well-earned reputation. but the struggle would be worthy of such a mart as he once was. . rWENTY DOLL AHS REWARD. S to -- JL ren; from the subscriber, on the night of the tfth inst. A BAY HORSE, about 4feet2.ortt inches .rVS"versd7MWwind, two hind feet white, apNudf "f edueaht ondmpbori pHKc mtm also his "off-side fore one, his near pastern joint Wgcr famMf of ihe Author and it is hoped. Under, these A struggle can alone icgamJCf "tnan" Ihe other from an old hurt, his mane hangs on both siucs ot nis necs 11 nui cui ou, a lew waive iiairs auuui uwt company, v Thus We See the admirable, utility of " a msutution, and we earn.esUy submit to the peo- In ther:'fail experiment which the democratic admin istrations have had an opportunity of making, if they hajd given the nation any c4use to rejoice at their "eleva:-- tion, they might on that bu'iJ4 some claim of continued suppjJftatJevhjive made good ftot ana of theii1 pro mises. Economy, peace and good .will toWards all nations, aversion to taxes,' standing armies and navies have all been .forsaken. The nation has bled in war,ithaa suf. feredfrom embargo, it has Jieen plunged into debt, it has been bbw'd 'down by burdens, and when deprived of the usUal resources of Irade it has seen,' besides the sus pension of habeas corpus and the violatipn.pf the bench of justice, a most odious attempt at conscription. - . However the jriasspf the people may still retain theiv principles, certainly the men inoffice have most widely a bandoned them. Hence they cannot, consistently; be sup ported by their former friends They nave shown them selves, unworthy. 4 They have thrown the natldn, f its progress, fifty years back again in and In that point 0 f view njaVybe considered a3 deadly enemies of its pros the middle of his neck, Just under the mane, that a nine pence will cover ( . and a swab tail. The horse I believe to be stolen by Joseph are.p, a soldier ot , the U. o. in fantry, who deserted from the barracks near this place on the night the horse was missed.- Step is supposed to have been born in Rowan county, is -2 years ot age,-5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, of fair com plexfon, gray eyes. Thd ab6ve reward, and reasonable charges, will be' paid for the-horsc 'ndh-dliveid,'to--tnerTn- Raleirte''C!rtea''- dol larsfor properly securing either; so that they can be " : ;. - JOHUAJH .WU1WI1AM. Raleighj June':a3, 1815. - ' 4 t. INDSOR CHAIRS. Geo. ,W; Grimes resbectfulh informs the citizehs of Ra leigh andthe public generally .'.that he has taken the House oft Hillsborough street, opposite to Mr.. Wm, Roylaa's, where, e intends carrying, on the Windsor Chair.making, in all its various branches. He will also, car ry on theSign and Mutary Colour painting, in the neat est and most elegant mamier., ThV.Chaira will be made to any jashion, and finished in a stile of elegance inferior t(4 norte jn the JIhion. Orders from the country Will be thankfully received and dispatched with celerity, . ' 1 3m. . , Raleigh, June 2, 1815. N. D, An Apprentice to the aboye businesn, of good famdy and about 14 ot,lS years of age, will be taken, - Julv 13. 1815. . fitf H. B On the second day of sale, (Sept H3) I Will seil to the highest bidder, lor cash, TEN SHAKES In the State Bank. .1 wish to return .my sincere thauks to a ge nc-rous public for past, favors, and inform them that I have "just received from New-York and Philadelphia, a vhandsome assortment of Jewdry ; some good Gold ard, Silver Watches ; a parcel of good Silver Spoons m ie ;ni my shop ; silver-rootmted Swords, with Epaulett- i-. I Plumes, at N. Y. Prifcs..:. I will have finished, in a short time, pwxei of good e;ht-da Coks, warrorited u ae of the best kind, and ;on. the lowest terms I bivo.a very goffd Workman, and nil kinds of materials for clack and watch making, and wi. I repair aiid warrant all kind of watches, clocks and'ti me keepers of the mostcorm i ca'.ed nature,, and will continne to do, anji have done eve ry thing in my line as formerly, so long as I remain in this place. ' J. SCOTT.. . T ' " 11 ini 1 it ,i 1 1 1' 1 . . 1 V""m ""m muw - mm- i'r 'i 1 h ',.- PROPOSALS Tor rcDLisuisu Br suBscniPTioy, The History of the United States, ' bt David Ramsay, M. D. Autlior of the Historj of the American Revolution, 8cc. IT is expected the work will be eorniprehended in two volumes, octavo to be printed orr cleir paper, with good, type, and to be delivered to sub scribers, in boards, at 3 dollars a volume. - These volumes will form a part of an UNIVERSAL HISTORY, coni. p'.eted by-the Author a short time previous to his death... It is well known to the citizens generally, that Dr. Ram sat had, been, for many years, preparing such a work for the press.. . Since the melancholy event, by which society has been deprived of one, of its brightests ornaments, great anxiety. has been manifested , on this subject. We are happy jn being able to say.iV is finished. ; The History ot the United States which We propose first to publish,' is given at full length," and may either . be considered as a part ,of the Universal History or as an independent work. It was. tHe Author's original inten tion to publish it seperately, but it was. afterwards in- " corporated in- the General Work. We propose to pub lish Jthis as a specimeii of the whole,-and if its reception in die world shall be snch a is confidently, anticipated, the work will be regularly continued (commencing with, the first volume) until the whale is coaipleted. Should any circumstance occur to prevent a continuance oftke publication beyond the two volumes above mentioned, the Subscribers will still be in, possession ot.Jt work in itself complete and entire ,. Those persona' whd maj be disposed to subscribe to the History of Vat Ujpited States, independently of the. Universal iHtstory, yill be at liberty to withdraw tlieir subscription af tep the delive ry of that portion of the work. The prijiti viiti be exdu- famitv of ihe Author! and it is hoped.'under theje cir.' cumstances, that a liberal public wUl hot Hesitate 'in be. stowing their patronage to accelerate the publication of thework. . ?1V'1 Sliihsr.riritionA received-at die, 'different Tvistiffiee!! throughout the state, and at the book-store of Elijah : Weems, Raleigh; agent tor tne above work. . ,.I,alyr,l3l5. .. . 5-3t. STATE OP "NORTH-CAROLINA, j :0TICK.-The subscriber having qual ifie A.f at the last term of said eouhty-eourt, as atlministratpr with the will anneicd, on the estate of" Wm. Guf;' decd; requests all persons having claims gainst said estate, to bring thein . n, duly stienticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice w'4.1 p plead in bar of a recovery i ahd all those indebted to said estate, must make immediate payment.1 ' - --p Jp-v; " - ... . . .. ft'lf. HELME, Adm'r. .; , ' MILITIA LAWS. A few eppies of tho revised edition of the Militia Laws of North-Carolina, with the acrof last session, may be bad at this office price 35 cents. discount will beihade to those who may buy to Veil again. . . . , March 24. V . 90-6t :4 ..- .: ,, .-4. .. ... .. ,. w, - ' . SL4NK9 of every description may-be had a the MtOpAfw; 2. 1 1.; M