is! 4 Poetry. ' IHOM THE HOKTMAMrrO OAXtTTI. ' ODE FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1815. ; J3y Mr. IF. C. Bryant.- This festive day when last we kept, The battle raved along par share; ','.. ,And woe m all oto borders wept-- . v- But they shall stream with blood no more;- O'er her slain lover? Ironsleep, " No more the maid shall poUr her tears ; The matron bowed with ftge may keep ' Her child to gfuard her tailing years. Qh, welcome as the light restored To lids in death-like trance long seal'd . The quiet o'tr our region poured, -, The beach, and silent buttle fieldi". War flies but on our ravaged bourne, ' .'. His foot-prints traced in gore remain ; And peace is come, but comes to mourn The ruins of, her gentle reign. .It is as when the morning greets,', - Serene in smile and rosy light, Some prostrate city, thro' whose streets The earthquake past at dead of night 1. . JU siV!beiflff all the Treaiprti. Notet du'e, or becoming d Vat DhU prior Co the 1st day of Augot,18lff. And the .Rid Treasury Notes will according- running at -the; rata of 4 ot 8 knota an hoory' and that ihe stemmed this stream for some time, and even made head-way against it,' Now the main point to be settled is, whether she is able to make what rate. at New-York in I hT ' rhnminiy ebbed 1 hoar and 46 minutes, and of course, as to "be payable upon the said Treasury -Holes.-the writer justly observes, the tide was run- 1 And notice is hereby If arther givenjitnat uug nv tut lazuli ui uijicitu iivuir a uia . j uuus uais wct;i .-o.j i. was an excellent opportuBity of convincing the fcuch Treasury Notes, and the interest thereon nation that she was able to stem a atrons tide, r & became dne at the Loan Office in Savannah, neaa-way against tue tide, and at Iv be paid, upon ine nppuwiy- In the first was high water thereof respectively, at the said f-aan uraw m on that day at 1J minutes past 7' tbf City of Philadelphia, on the isiaay .oi au- IW which dav interes wui cense It was only necessary that she should have pro ceeded to Hell Gate, or Sand's Point at the rate (tjfarr.amilei. per hour, and the question would, then have been settledbut she did not. The friends of the Floating Battery thought it much easier to float with the tide to Sandy nook,' ana return with. the Hood in the evening, " 1 n. n n tUa. fAllnu'imrnnTI. in tne late oi ururgm u 7-j-7 to wit: ; j - -.' -.j , . - ' On the -1st of April, and the 1st of May, 1819 ; being all the Treasury Notes due, at Savannah, "prior to the 1st day f Septem- . lf. iftm. - And the said last mentioned Treasury Notes' Scientific,- than risk another abortive attempt to stem the; will accordingly be paid, upon the application uue.- vn caicuiuuiiir me lime oi iovv waier at, ni tne noiuers uierewi iesicvuxtj " " Sandy tlook on Jhat day, it.will be found to! loan office in Savannah aforesaid, on the 1st , agree nearly exactly to ine time wiien tne in-j clay oi sepieraoer next j auer wiiiirn uj, imn I gate began to return to the city-so that itfully est will cease to be payable upon the said trea I appears that this experiment was altogether sury notes. ' t 1 confined to floatiner down to the Hook and backl And notice is hereby further given, that -.. . . , . r . . ., .t. v..l d. aiaisiea in iir mire nv in nnupr in iiir.tiinria nnvp incn rssisticu i r wavincu vt Cplambian says", in a piece whieh you copied steam in making her goaster than a raU would stich treasury notes, and the luieresi thereon, intn mar naoer of vtsterdav. ihat the exueri1 have done in the same case; b.ut it does not at as became due at Washmgtou, in the District ment lately tried at New-Yorfc by the sfeaw all prove, ;what waa so much desired, thaf she fri-otc, to move against wind and tide, wai ca vben heJ armament is on board, and draw-wes5u.-Now, 1 believe about 10,ood tators think' Artt. I Oppose Mr. H0it Je arany glvn rate. - - E. upply of dry goods, &C Which h. J; !e,,ad.d,tl0"l JUSt Best Mersallles Fine white Jeans. T Striped . do. Ivory Combs . Ladies do. : --. Hair Brooms Hair Brushes FROM THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE!!. was not present, and has had his account from another, or he would not deny what was So manifestly true. It It very surprising, howe Very that no gentleman of nautical skill has stepped forward to vindicate this steam frigate, and point out the cause why she did not make her intended excursion; It was pompously an nounced in the public papers that on a certain daw at a certain' hour, the steam frigate, Miscellaneous. Colombia, on the followiue-days, to wit: On the 11th and 21st of April on the 1st andtst of May and on thellth of June, -1818; being all the treasury notes due at Washington. 1 :. And the said last mentioned treasury notes will accordingly be paid, upon the application of the holders thereof respectively, at the Trea sury of the United States in Washington afore said, at any time subsequent to the date of ttfis Indicts 4ifairs. Address- of one of the Souix Chiefs to (iovernor Clark : ... ' . - Jllu Father We have come a lone way to see you, to receive lutormation. l he wmte ; notice ; and interest will cease to ue puyame -people call the Indians dogs; they arepo, but we upon the said treasury notes after the 1st day are inoffensive dogs, who traverse tbe plains in , of July next. And all treasury notes payable "Fulton the First," in company with the steam ro, P ; are ai me treasury. m uu cir. . u- JttrFl?n: would rntke&n excursion, and ? ean ne!er stained the, ington alorcsatd, will be there punctually paid, from time to time, as the same shall become due and payable, and the interest thereon will cease on the dajyor days, when such treasury notes shitll respectively become payable. And is hereby further given, that funds have been assigned for the pay'tikent ofi'stich treasury "note's, aud the interest thereon, as be came liib at the loau uffice in Baft iuiore in the It i t i.- i .ii. . i..i- ;to their villase, the water-Stained with blood t-V 1 - . - .if - He read covernor Clark's attenti ..t like a raft, and to the no small danger jof a veil ael that lay in the stream The JFuIton steam boat now joined her, and she proceeded on her ratrsioR that is, to float with the tide down the channel towards Staten Island. The " having slackened," and the "'wind belli toler bly fair and-blowing frgih, she contrived, what with floating amffowingto get into the dock at th fooFof Liberty street, in the NorthTiver. Thus ended the excursiSin Will Mr. H.' please to say, why she did not stem the tide, and re-! turn to her situation in the Ea6t river ? I Will ; attention to the robe on his back. He said the red hands were Americans, the black hands were Indians, and the bloody stripes on his back were inflicted by t;.i Ithe Auerieansas.wcll as the Indians who snr- rououea jjiem;,- ine wnites jiave Kiuea a fi&r ha chief,, and the' Missouri is red with his blood. ."' Governor-Clark had the affair explained, when it appeared, that a trader from this place, killed a Muha, long before the American ero- vernment took place on this side the Mississip- lt ''.I . ' . n Venture to Answer for him-sAc could not VU "iaae was upiaineu anu me cnie! When I say she did pot regard her rtulder, j appeared satisfied. . a 1 i w T t ,1.' m ,. that i This being acomphmentarv visit, the busi but floated like a raft, I do not mean that thei .. r . . r,,A,0 hA ir. pffi.Pt Hi I I. mean to sav. i. ! uc" " ... uc ... ...UJcvi .., uuuv-ft fc w 9 " J T - that it had not the effect of guiding her like any other vessel ; and as the long dar willgiiide the raft, when floating with the tide or current, sueh Wa the effect of the rudder on her. Had she really been able to stem the tide at the raie; of one mile per hour, 'this would not have been satisfactory proof, that she was able to do the same when her armament should be on board. She theh drew nearly ten feet water7 With ouly five gunv oh board. What will she draw When she has 32 guns, with four or five hundred men, their ammunition provision, &c. ? 1 think at least 12 or 13 feet which are"2 or 3 feet more than Mr. Fulton ever calculated. Besides her being unmanageable, there are a few'other trifling objections, as to her invul nerability, and power of annoyance. Owing to the thickness of her sides, in order to train the sdns to a noirit, it is found necessary to gratfd eouncil to be held in a few days. souri Irazette. r.tflS- FROM THE BOSTON GAZETTE. THE 0IUG1N OF THE WUKU YANKEE. Mr. Edit or Perhaps thereTSTe none igno-i rent of the lact that the New Englanders are universally called Yankees; and as it may be pleasing and perhaps ne w to some of your rear ders, I take the liberty of sending you this short account of the origin of the word. It is from a source that may be relied upon. There was an old farmer who lived in Cam bridge, Mass. about the year 1713, whose name was Jonathan Hastings, The word yankee was one of his own invention, and was a favorite one with him to express excellency .Thus, an ex cellent horse, or excellent rider, was with him, a yunkee horse, or yankee rider. The students ni' ihe rnllcpe in that town, were in the liahit of) t Kpcnmp ! hiring liorses of him and from their frequent Office in New a po make the port holes 'very wide, which lays b- !.. ..., I. Ii.. .ill. . nP noo l IU . .. . . -i ii . .i i nilrcniii e with him. and his constant use oi the one ball miour war iriKe tne nun ai me pro- i .i i r. . per height, will go in, without having to pene- wrd UP? al1 occasions, they were ed to adopt tratethesides. For the same reason also, viz. 'V themse ves, and.they gave him the name of from lb thickness ofLher sides, carronades can- ankee Jon.-Jonathan ivas a worthy honest u . rt.i.:K ., k. o .;." ;cn,iw-:tmaui but was never renowned lor Ins wisdnm. ' J ... . ti' . I, i ii.ii aUnnn Ihu Wftl Kua. n .n ..on H'n.A.n llillaiina eha f. 0 - X' I U UJ V VU . o w w T v. uwk valuta IU M Fine Cambric Ginghams Jaconott Muslins - Seeded " ' do. ; Figured do. ' -tenon. Pink Crape , Pearl edged & plain Ribbons Plaid V do. A large assortment ' Cotton Cambrics Linen do. -. biik uud Cotton Shawls Ladies silk Anglice Hand - - kerchiefs v" do. do. square, do. Fringe for dressed ' Nankeen and Cotton Casj. -;; meres . Cotton Bandannas Kussia diaper -Calicoes, Bordered CraVats Madras and various pther Handkerchiefs Black BombazeUs Gi-een do. Blue - -dp. v Cotton Shirtings -Miilmett Men's Beaver Hats do. wool do... Boys' do. - do. St k Umbrellas ''' Domestic Cidtlis, Coffee,-Coppvr; at 10 cts, andP er ar Silk, Cotton and ett 5?- penders Large assortment Ladi Ked Morbcrn sh,... Children's d0. ' Children's Morocco Hats Imported Boxes Thread Ladies Ridicules Bedtickmg to. Cords ' Checks, turkey cotton Northern Honiespuns Superfine c oth's and casi- " meres t A large assortment of La'. Uies and Gentlemen's Silk and Cotton Hose. Ln- " Slieetin linen - Men's G;oVes'K.d, Cotton and Sill ' Gloves'. if jns of different kinds White Faired Silk Silver Ep.tu'ettes - pf-Ib: Pepper, Sp'xe, Window Glass, and a variety ofolC tides. . . ',Ju'y-21,i815. r-st. t.1 . u .i nr. i .i .... prove her ability to . It i th?iu' tions that receive your presents and put them many way "Wj under their blanket; and Ven turn their back, on jens who went on hoard $e latter irew to pay, . gomeUli gha . our b I believe, two dollars, this was tiie excur J . , , , . , . . , ' m she performed r She started from the wharf J m K'P """ejve. and by so doing help you. Xhe foot of Beekman-slip, near the time of ,lhe ky is clear,and the father of the world high water, with the wui fresh, to' the best hears what we say; have much to say. - ipM "' Q a v- . j i AMehacluef next occupied the floor,-hav- oi'Div rememnrauce, uuuui o. o. n .i j o...i. ft.i ' . . ..j ...i-i.. ioix a,..i torlearY Hofc, at,the rate of no t hif ,houlder9 to his hee,8, emblematically pain- that the said last mentioned treasury notes will one .eper hour. p ted with hlopdy hands inlermingled witMla.k! accordingly be ,,afd, upon applicalion of the a small distance, not than three arter3 anJ a d , f j Vespec.ivcly, at the said loan of a mile, J et K presen.ation of the Missourifrom it! mouth office in Baltimore aforesaid, at any time s'ub nofheins able to stem it, s e floated towards F watertaid with blond. Mu,t.tft thH date of this notice : and that in terest will cease to be payable i:pon the said treasury notes after the 1st day of July next. And all treasury noees hereafter payable at the loan Dfi'ice in Baltimore aforesaid, w ill be there punctually paid, from time to time, as the sunn shall become due jind payable ; aud the inier rtEmonw' eeaSTori'lhe oly '6FTIyTI tttfll such treasury notes shall respectively becoaie payable. " - . ' : ' And notice jshereby lurtuer given, mat iunus in current money cannot at present be obtained at Boston in the state of Massachusetts, to pay such ofthe treasury notes as become due and re main unpaid, at the loan office in Boston afore said, on the following days, to wit : On the 1st of November; and the llth and 2ist of December, 1814; the iist of Jan uary : and the. 1st of February: 1815. Subscriptions in the principal 'and interest ol the said last mentioned Treasury Notes, will be received to-the Loau of twelve millions ol dollars, at the rate of 93 dollar: in principal and interest, iu Treasury Notes, for 100 dol lars of six per cent stock, The holders res pectively ofthe last mentioned Treasury Notes may, also, at their option, receive drafts oh Philadelphia and Baltimore for the amount of their claims j or they may exchange the' old! for new Treasury Notes, lundable at six per cent, to inelude the principal aud interest now due. And notice is -hereby further given, that as funds in current money cannot at present be ob tained at the city of New-York, in the state of New-Yorkyfo pay such of .the Treasury Notes TOT ILLBROOKt FOR SXLEKsubTclT: 1? Jl her wishes to sell that elegant and high ly approved situation ; liaving theruon a most supe b dwelling house, the workmanship of which is not inferior to any in the State ; with eyeiy out honse thereto attaclied for its convenience, anda spacious ice house. A . Ml LL on big Fislmig tet kr wttlnn-two hundred- rards" of tlie dwelling; having four grists, vis. onopair of burrs, one pau- Cologen, two pair Albany stones, two sett bolu ing lotlies, 6ue screen and ia'i, a cotton jin with 52 siiws nine mches-in diameter, and a saw mill , all in gorJ re pair : a Jumbling dam, filled in with rock nearly one hundred, j ards in length, with a fine rock-foundation, " wh'ch remlers it safe- from undermining at all times. Ti these conveniences may be added about three thousand young apple trees aitd.twice'that number of young peach trees j all of which are beginning to bear and ere long will yield an abundant harvest; as great pains have been ta. ken in pruning and manuring the m. A,t he, quart r (one mile distant) is a very valuable granary, 32 by 3J lett, with two sheds 32 by 22 and.3j hv 22 feet, there are atuched to the premises about 1750 acres of land, weil ' conriecUd ; all of which may be considered creek lands, and first rate ibi this part oi the country, good for pern and very suitable .for cotton, tobacco and wlu at witn twelve constant running spmrgs thereon. A residence,af ten years has sufficiently proved this a healthy situa tion. (XjA quantity of household and kitchen furnitum may be h..d with tlie prumtse, should the purchaser heed. Those wishing to purchase, I presume wdl fuv.t viewthe premujes, and F flatter mystlf they will be high Iv pleased; as it is generftlly reckoned one of the mu desirable situations in the state. . L havefor sale also, a TII A.C T. OF LAND containing 579 acres, situaUiPtwd miles from Halifax, and cxtanT ;n;r from little, across big Quanktv, on the main road lead,, ing from HilifUx to'Warrenton. There are a suffic.ency of apple trees on jlhis place to make e.ght or'ten-barreli -Dt'brandyTpd' yri?.-Thr 5&H Mwtne ToFtfte1 pr8ytte" tion ot corn, coUon, &c. A cotton jih, a saw and grist mill, with a bolt .ng cloth, on big Quankey ;' a of which 1 am now repairing. -Also, two well improved lots near -he public qaareTiTThe town of" Halifax;" Terms mads known on application to lhe subscriber. ISAAC HlLLIARD. Millbi-ook, Halifax Countv, July 15, 1815. 7- 6t N. B. Miilbrook is 20 miles S. W. from Halifax, o( milt-s west of Tarboi ough, two miles above Culpepper's" brtdg-e and sixty miles from Ualeigh. 1. H. - 1FTY DOLL A US HE WARD. liana-, way, from the subscriber about the first of January last, a negro man by the name of BILLY ; he is a bout 34yeara1ofaje,by trade a carpenter and Has a 'huge scar on his M-east occasioned by a burn, received some years ago.' He is about the common' stature was raised near the wi of Halifax, N. C. where he has a wife and Itmrbem-lurking until within a few weeks., At present, I have good reason to believe, lie is some where in thf State ot Virgin.a. ' ' J wl 1 give the above reward, to any person who will deliver the saidegro to me, in the City of Raleigh, be sides defraying reasonable exnces. , Or I will give tww ty-five dollars to any one who will apprehend ami se cure tlie'hegro in any Jail, in Virginia "or ift N- Carodns -so that I get hnn again. . A g u. BUUGF.S Raleigli.-Jidv 15, 1815. 73t. 1' 1IFTY DOLLARS UEWAHD Br.k Jail in the town of Concord; oV. C. on the 17ih in s't. a mall." callins , himself JohiTWest- He wai confined for passing counterfeit bank notes, app;'remiic about forty 3 ears ot ;.gc, five feet eight or nine incheshff!:, tasre in close action : be trained to-a,point to produce a concentrated '. fire, till the object is nearly double the distance required by a frigate or a snif of theline. The .tater wheel Is, 'not entirely protected, as the Covering can be seen through one or two of the fiort holes ; of course a ball may enter in at the ine of lieht. These are a few. amoocst ma- njt objeetionf Ihave to thia vessel. Vjunot iyisg to bo nnuerstootl as opposing noatipg hat teViMt' as .lulftTess andTmp contrary f im.inj'avor of -them for harbor' de- feucc whent,built on - gaod principles. 'All I 5, -jne not answer i it is radically w rong. Mr. Ful ton, though . an. iogenious mechanic, knew but little of calculation, To'prove this, let any V one ealculatelhp area of water acted on in pro portion to the weighv'arid area of the vessel to be moved in the case of the North river steam 7"" hoas7and fibmpare thlr r , 'the steam frigate will give when sunk; i$ feet in the water, and he will find, by the result, that she has not a fourth part of the power to move. against tide-that one of these has. Mr. Ful ton thought he doubled the power to move the - teasel When he doubled the power of his steam ." cngiae i, this is not the ease : not to mention o ther pointi, which he appears not to hare con - lideredi "-u" Vv" ' '''l',flJi JVasJiington, July thi IMS, ; ' ! u " Since writing the abtve, anothfeif experiment, jJ&find, h been tried on the Steam Frigate, "We are told that the frigate moved from her 'moorings near Corlear's Hook, at 9 o'clock in the noruing of the 4th of July : " the ebb tide among the collegiates, to denote a simple auk ward person ; and as they dispersed lb their respective homes they carried the word with them, and by that means "it became" in'. iise throughout Mew-England; and wa9 at last ta ken up by the English (but-very unjustly) and applied to the New-Euglanders in general as a term of reproach. - '-V':' ' ue, and reonaiu unpaid, at the Loan abou iv-Vnrlc aforesaid ori "th'fi folio winer t dark cpmplexn)nr nttinilly,tlbOH)fh long imprisonnKiit . ' u i v.... ,i,:,..w..i ti. . i n.:.' i !nve In wit ' ' n kuiicii ii, iiq is a verv uiuiiHDjf iciiow, anu pu uajs, to wu . - - . .: .iia.AM ., sessi-s a great deal of assurance. It is said he has a UU me lsianu inn oi uccciuuer, ioi, mc scar on one of b.s letrs. occasioned bv a shot His sun 1st and llth of Januarv ; the llth of bruary; the llth of March: the 2'lst Fe -! posed he is lurking alwut in some of the western couii- ofT'tso' this state. Whoever , will secure said villain "t any jail, and give me notice, so that he caa be brought to ,)ustice,.!haU receive the above rewai-d, and all reasonii bio expences from me. ' JOHN M'CLELLANU, Concord, June 27, 1815. ' 7 titp Slu:ri f HMtEES WVNTED: The committee pointed to superintend the April ;.and the llthpf May, 15, Subscriptions in the principal and interest of the said last mentioned Treasury Notes, will be received to the Loan of twelve millions of dollars,at the rate of 95 dollars of principal and interest in Treasury Notes, for 100 dollars of 6 ner cent, stock. The holders respectively ' ef the Capitol Square, wish to contract for of the last mentioned Treasury Notes, may al-1 PPlar trees, -not less than 2 inches diameter and 8 tec. s, al U,,ir .ptl.., revive arai-.8 on li;ilel-j lS'nm.0''0 " phia and Baltimore ior the amount ol theirj ttaleiyH. .lulv' 16.1815 claims ;( or they may exchange the old ior the r - AKEN," improvement jr loO lombanly N Irnin rt initlnMn ni na u a v. till Treantry DepartmpntriMfc at ! per ceut l!le -cth of June, a likely HAY IlUItSlu ; i makinr-toi uc,uuc me, principal anu luieiesv uuw uue.ria,((Ur6-yrai TOT1CE.-Afrancements are discharge '.'the- whole of the arrearages of the l reasury iNote debt, vt here the same be came 'due' and payable, ras soon as a competent supply- current money 'can be obtained, a the seat of the several Loan Offices. Arrangements are also, making to furnish a competent issue of Treasury Moles, to assist in the re-establishment of a circulating medium, thro ughb u fr.thoiUftUediaieshtttiiaabee a ascertained that an issue..of Treasury Notes, ant bearing interest, and fundable at 7 per cent, eannof, at this time, be employed for that pqr po'se. ' . - -' .- '";'.'-' Notice is, therefore, hereby given, that funds hate been assigned for. the; payment of such Treasury, Notes, and the interest thereon, as became due, or shall become due, at the Loan Office in Philadelphia, in the State of Penusyl vaniaVon the following days, to; wit : Oa the 2lst"f November j the 1st and the il llth' December, 1814 ; jhe lsl.of Janua-1 feryTB 1st and 2lst of February f the 21st of April j the 1st, llth, 21st of May ; the lstj llth and 21st June j and the llth and is hereby civ en, that ou! was anout. 5 tt-ct inches high, perhaps 'Zl or '22 ytars t -next, instructions wiILbe ZZJZZ Vl . tlrZ Collect6rs ot duties on t1edcmllim.; .,...,1, .tJu M-MWMi'brtJt .1 "T " 7 . " - . . - . 1 I I A. 1 - - ,(. . jvna unniiy, nonce the 1st day ot Augus issued, forbidding t ho imposts and tonnage, the collectors of ternal duties, and taxi's, aud the receivers of all public d uesVtiatsoever, to receive in payment of such duties, taxes and dues, the haiik notes of my bank, which does not, on (Teniand, pay its ouatiatciiLgoldndje tinie, refuses to receive, "cretfit7 re-TslHIey and circulate, the Treasury Notes emitted, upon the faith and security of the United States, in depo-. gits,. or in paymeuls to, or. from,, the bank, in the same manner, and with the like effect, as cash, or its own bank notes. ; , The Loan Officers of the several states are requested to make this notice generally known, by all the means in their power ; and the prin ters authorised to print the law's of the United States, will be pleased to insert it in their res pective newspapers. V :''!i'.-l-V-.-Ci5:iJ:.'. V-., :. : . ".v -f .:vW-U:Ar;.D AtLAS;:' - 'v';- Secretary of the Treasury. - July 4, 1815 . 'C 3t. ; ' . ;iv ,-'.-.'' ,..-"'V ; ' ' -;V -;-:; 4"' custody, and-abscoiided. Any person proving the. horse anu paving all proper charges, can h:iye him, t. om .1 AMI'S SIMMONS, 9 miles nortl-of Cliarlotte, Mecklenburg, K-C. Juiv i4, rsij. .. ; .-. 3,r- rfliE MINEilAL SPRINGS; -at iox t -JL-AaxutyJiLJiojrJuiig paroiina, ;ire situate ia oitof the most pbasant and a-" greeabl& prtof thcatatci eighty niles north east q , Salisbtuy. There are several springs in the iwiglibisfil'T" hood of each other, differently impregnated with ;M iff?-. ral qualities and furnish 'ma varutybf Mineral Waurs, which have been fo'und efficacious, in many diseases, and particularly sq, in, eases of debility, biistnictiohs in the , viscera, rheumatism, and disordered state of bile. ; The subscriber iuvites tjie attention of invalids.-and olhers j Jo their springs, where he has .- prepared'. '. acconnnpu" ions, ior them-- He promises to spare n ; $ please all those v.ho slia.1 favour hini with tlieir comps?; ny. ' '--'--,.. . JOHN L. LESLTtB. . -. Jim! lfUH. ISl - '. : 3r-6t. " . (3The' Ne wbern ffera RefrMcan, the trff going, weklv, (j times, and .-forward their accounl.-, - pajTncnt, to tliis office, '-' ''. . 7 . "pC V- - -

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