A PROCLAMATION. Tnformafioti : has been receive!, of the United Whereas .i.. iwrsons. citizens eiallv within the siaie 01 .xiummi., spirins; toother, to begin ami set ofl foot, pr0i a''d prepare, the.meau fur a toihtary ex edition or enterjmze against . the dominion U Spain, with whieh the United State, are Wail at neace: that for this purpose they art eolietifa arms, military stores, provisions, ve-, eM and other means 5 r "". r, -: .iwiL honeat ami well-oieaoi.uircitizens to,en- nw in their uitlawfurenterpraejirgani "2.?.- r,r.w, -iinir mininhemelve9 tor the game, Contrary to the laws in suh cases made ana prov.ucu . ' Dm:nMrfii.ntlv I.Wh (Vnm the Water and MwdeY to thriniddls of the Cabin, Mid infowrir ed the- crew if theydid not; restore, the ship, they would 'Wow.: her, up.--The crew were pot intimidated, but enueavouresa 10 iorceiiieir wy into the cabin, upon which Ibe supercargo fired a'nistol and. whether he intended it or not.it enitituunicated fire to the powderl and the ship hlew up. The aiipereargo and several of Jbe erew were 'saved. The supercargo found him self) after the explosion, on a. pleee of timber ifi thewater: The eaptain tnateiand most of the crew perished. The mutineers, at one time, endeavored to bring one of the carriage guns to bear, sof asoTfire into the cabin,, but did not succeed. .,'' " ' r ftMibieTbbiected to' the construction oif tfie national ship Independence of 74 guns', built at i Boston, that her lower deck ports were not stif- as the ,.r Trt ialITV THIS Ml rWWli4) iriuiut . -Q au laithlui citizens wuo nave ' 1 54u,i ki t i.xvo,-, , ...... te'eVled0, without due knowledge or eonsidera-f pbreys and Penrose, of Philadelphia, and tiou to participate in the said unlawful enter- launched on the 4lst of Augus last from-the rizes, to withdraw from the same without de- nav yartf, was Supposed .to. be on the same lav : and commanding all persowJrwhatBoever,1 model, apprehensions of aimilar defer in that iLednreouecrad in the Bame', to Cease all hip has been entertained. Ihee apprebt-u- further proceeding thereitw as they will answer . n re relieved by the subjoined com the contrary at their pern, and i ukhjsix !wv-.-v hvi.w vw r.. enjoin amb KtquiHE all officers, civil and mil itarf of the United States, or of any of tin omparison Feet.. Inch. cwUerred irlbrVon.: ibia ItemiUib. and to '4ec1M tpor. opinion Uat the covintiirt will justly incu te charge f lugmtituae, u napes not reward nirnjqr w jr me posi universal and extensive patronuge. fed. Sep. . -EMAKAC? fork t6V Joiifeii4nll iW-talaNlre-Minerva Ullif Vv'tii nninl ttty ir gingle, at the usual pi fW v i p:, 1$, J ' ji. ,. Tipi acknowledged faitlifolhcss and punc tuality' with which' the Slriffs of the seve- .: '"-i'- THE STOrtVt. ' " . . 1"m IJuring the night of Sunday last and the Morning of 1 1 the foMowiner day a most dreadful Slorm of 4 Wind and Rain-wa.expenenced nUhis place. The Caimniya of ' rat .countietfof the.-tate aft!tai have, to yeaniM e. ue vn;-rtin: uAiih. ui . hc oi'imv v.j vuiuicu lur ure i uutic i axes, wtuui seem to supercede ATm. Giles, Esq. dec. of Mr. Robt. Mitchell;, of thethe necessity of the cusiomarv annua; advert isem.-nt l-Stores occupied ly lr. Jeunett and Messrs.. vRrt andt The Pubhc Treasurer Uierefore holds, he will Ka A. Corrie were, blown down and the Roof of- the last, men- all that is necessary, when he reminds the Sheriffs af pre tioned Store was carried away. The Wharves have . ent in officei that tlielaws rejOiiir? the ainountot the Pub- been ionewhat injured, a Sloop from Bermuda sunk and lie Taxes shall fee paid into the Treanury otfpr before tti a Brig forced from tlie Vharf and driven some distance Jltrtt day of October, in ech and every year. V below on the shore f-4r." CarnpheH'S Plantation. For. : JOHN HAYWOOD, PubUc Treasurer (tunately rio lives have been ost nor have we heardTpf, Raleigh, Sept, 8. j gtS. - "1 14 4t'. peratalnjury received by any one -in tlie Town. But; EXECUTIVE OFl'ICEi NonTH-C AltOI j 5 aljff the SoUud thei4evstatiQn has been wide spread ar:-rZZ. : TX. ualug ; Bk Y iM andi-winous. The tidVrose In s.)me places-to six and lirrHEV .n im1!i:.V . .! 4 i ii others to 14 feet abov high' Water Mark, highness in V 1 ftlff V ' " ff Pardn 8,,ail the direction of the Salt Works of Messrs. Jocelyn and T oe made, atndavits BUpportlOg the facta Gamier. These Gentlemen, who had deservedlyhe-t1"6 in the petition, ami statement of the cause . . . . ' . . . 1 !' .Tin AnnA 1 I . 4 T . I 1 . 1 . mctipttiiwui me inai maae oy xuc court, will be considered as indispensable. , . ""T- " credit of havine ciiTied their experiments in Salt Vlak. ilig to a successful result, and led the way to the estab lisliment here of Salt Works, which had rapidlyextend ert along the Sound, have bn tlie greatest simerers.. 14 putot 17,000 teet ot tneir Works have been wasnea away, besides 3000 bushels of Salt. Mr. James W. Wal- WILLIAM MILLER. t-tf. HE TRUSTEES of ihe AtiAl)EMY STAT ESVILLE, have elected th Jlev. krr and. Cm. A. F. 'M'Ntiil nave lost considerable Salt. . . besides a part of their Works. Messrs. Blake, Cowan, T ",,ltt' P"nPal.I!,t U,al wtitutiim : Vnl on tji Geerand Robeson have suffered k total loss of their r?' l he..w,y commence teaching tlie Latin Works, besides a quantity of Salt already made. Maj. Vff an Hebrew Languages, English Grain nar, Geo f,.i.n w in-Unoi fr H ftr-uA .ff0A . tv.rf.ui KPhy. Euclid's Elements, Rhttonc, Loffic, Natural and. The Independence, when lannchedr ...i. .n.i.rr inr pi. mi .iutioe8. justices, aim i uicw ui eil.er officers of the Peace, all Military oiheers Frank Iiu, do. do. of the army or naw of the United States,vaud iMfoendence, do. forward, officers of the militia, (6 be vigilant,: each wijh ' ankliii, do; v do. lu his j-espective department,and aeeordiag tt"I&aepeudence, 4th port from-An,. his fnetii, iif searehioig oot jaa ' Q wtttr' ." - . in sueh enterprises, iii seizing and deaiuingji .Independence 0tn port "Jfrooi; for subject to. the disposition of the law, alKaruis ward, te . , : ' '- a Q Snitarystores, vcBei7o'i' olKer uiepa. pTofliJ'-.B'ftluklin, dd. do. 1Z - d. in creneraL The Iiidenendence had on board, when r ii til it w t Mb vwM'-' - n - - ' t . - y . - .19 17 114 13 ko 11 0 "2. ,6 0 ' 0 ' 81' in or presenting the oarryiug on such expedition lauuched,a0 toas ballast, which could not have enterprise, by all the lawful means within seti led her more than two inches- Her bowi r: A lhiur-4WW4ii;XM4xllttWu faiiht'ul citizens and others, within the United The Franklin had States, to be aiding and aisisiing hereiu ; and, her bowsprit was in. eiueciallv in the discovery, apprehension, and bunging to justice, of all such offenders $ in prewnting the execution of their unlawful com binations or designs, and in giving information against them to the proper authorities. ,Ln TtsTiMosY wui 'F, 1 Jiuve caused the seal of the no ballast on board, but Political Register. From the Boston Daily Advertiser. Ferdinand IV, king of Sicily, is the son of Charles, 111. king of Spain, and was born Jan. 12, 1751. He ascended the throne Oct. 5, 1759, on his lather's becoming king of Spain. He was married April 7, 1768, to the Priueess tv-nibi-r. in the vearof ourlxirdone tiiousand eipht Mary L-aroline. naushter ot the empress Maria hunched and fifteen, mA -of the Independence of .Theresa of Austria, and aunt to the present (emperor. As he has' lately been brought into ! notice, by his new accession to the greater halt of bis dominions on the downfall ot' Marat, Bradley suffered a part tho' still severe loss occastoned by the wind alone. In deed we understand that pot one establishment of the Moral Philosophy, &c. It is confidently expected, that, the acknowledged taknts of the teacher, tlie. health). kind, with the exception of Mr. Henry B. Howard's, has 'f.' 8''fr' nc raLty of the inhabitants. uutirely escaped the ravage of the Stortn. The loSs I'.V' rr!?A I'jrenw.ai o. ffaaroian; to sustiiedbvthe dirK i-ent Owners of these Works mav ,lce.tr.,? this institution. Boaiding may be had qii fb. estimated at between 50 and g)f00O. . ' , . JhW ' Wlla!,!C' Vt'niLe3 r at wansDorougn me tormrageawiingreai violence- . nrrrrnw a t. .Jt-JL " o i1-,T ; . v , shore, asfciC i (Ionging- to Messrs. Burns and Pigot and S"? jhj students ouiy tie snpplted with BOO ICS a sciKxmerio a Mr? Jones weretakiit oi UutatoeV and I?JaaelPll'a P - ,: driven tosrtine distance in the woods.' At tJie Solnid beC. . . ioi- ,UbitI WOR.KB, Secretary. lovrl.WrdSlt tVorkr were .totally dcsti-oygd-On ugmtlth . 13 eotUOc. Brown's - Bank a house occupied byMr. Nelson and no it a i-w ' ""'v't 1 !;-'' -0, i'i11' T - ralTdy7w wishins; .to orphan child wereVdrowned, himself and one son es- JL remove to the Mississippi Territory, is. de caped.ona partof the wreck; which was driven 10 or 12': sirous to st-llhis landed property. Four imlcs from Iia miles as far as Stone's Bay Anotheii llause intlievici- ligh be lias a Mill and 333 acres of land, $6 acres 'of. nity belonging; to Mr. Evans, was alsOVashed away, which are cleared and motf4t-iiO"eorn.Thts pmp&i-tv : Two white woroe'h ai'id a hhek maB4inda.:wonuHi prhth Is- worth .-tlie f tteiition of anyone TncTin-.-d tq five edih it. "..-'.' ' i - ' "eat 'theseat of government, or in tjie city " Tlu'niill is ine wreck: or a schooner was found near the mouth situate, in a very good neighborhood ,or custom, and on o New-River, supposed to be frdta the "Northward from neyei failing stresunj there are two pajr of stones ; two some Cheese being discovered hear tlie wreck. bolting cloths and a cotton machines-all of which go by It is supposed that 20 or 39 vessels ' lying inside the 'ater: the mill having the preference of arty near the ci Swash at Ocpacock must have been driven ashore as ty for making good flour. There isso a saw-mill in tbr srnle seems to liave l?en more violent to the North wardnass, which, it i supposed, will be very profitable and as they were eompk t' ly elposeJ. iM. Gun . J when completed, as Uiere is abundance of. good timber, - --wiiJltc. and a great demand lor stuff at hieh m-iees. .Thr( United States , of Aiiierica to be affixed to these pre: nts, and signcdAhe same With my hand. Done fx. a.,.it the Citj ot AVaslungton, tne hrst aay ot hep the said Ui.ittd States of America ihe fortieth. - - . JA.viES MADISON. Bx tus "TaxsiDEsx ; JAMES MONROE, , Secretary of State. ' . f IT. n r f mum ma.. .1 A... ... . 1-. n n.n I ! K ...l . .! n buiud v uui icaucis uiny uo giaiiiicu mi'i .a number of wild beasts ; he said American uictia uau uu ci y uuiuiiuua 111 Indies. little information of his character. PrcfUhnt't Protlamuthn. The following extract from a. jn bjg person,he is deserved, by those who CiTKlar ptttiblied wtiw- New-Orleans prints, wil him manv Vears asro. as tall, muscular .';..vn r.Tnln'111 in unw Tnetianrp.lhe nri.clumation of on.) ..nKI.. f :.nn.anu .. ,1 " irirs"! annarentiv formed far lorn? lite: his fpalVri. ! T ."rLrs Bau ueen Ver r- . . . . , t r i J . o " ' " . Sir The favorablemdoient hasatjength ar- course and harsh ; his nose immoderately long rived for making a suceescful attempt ijj favor like that .of his father aud brother Charles 111. of tile patriots of new'spain. The. .eutt-rprize and Charles IV. king of Spain. In his mau- fl'trs an opportunity for distinction,. aud prom- ners and conversation there was an unpslished Lrs a complete triudiph. The place ol reiidez-.simplicity and rudeness, which being found on V'ius is Belle Isle, near tlie nuuth of CJiadaliu. a throne wiiere more of disguise and artifice are Aiiuut 500 ciiosen Tnen, Binoiig whom are smi.e expected, were rather pleasing. -He is said not late commissioned officers of the U. 8. Artry, to be so dehcient in understanding as in nian wiit aecouipany me'from that piitceto Maira- neri aud the.artifices by . which ignorance it rde, wheie we land tlu u io "LiM' -Lic .is u-.ualy'eAeealed. His appearance is like that u lrty-iive utiles At Lahuliia, on the i ivcr of a rustic, suddeuly raised to the throne by ac tuii Antonia, about forty miles trum the f ea- eideut. coast, and eighty milps froiii .Sii Antonia, I' w ill It is asserted that his education was syste wait.for Jreinfpreelnents. Iron! Nachifochea,.&e. malieally- neglected by his father, least he LabahLtf will fdll an easy sacrifice ! it is badly should become a dangerous rival to Jus older defended, aud its weakness is v til known". brother Cuarfes IV. who was aeknowledsed as Captain Lucket, of thd ship America, from 'S? 7irMiriiT'tll,pa'' r- I . i .ii j . eel ot gwod.truit t tes. I wih sell, with the above, some Liverpool, arrived at Alexandria the 7th lust, cattle and hogg and crop now growing It is deem spoke July 27, the British frigate Niger,, from edunnecessaay to say ftitire, as no one will purchase with the East Indies, 7 weeks, bound to England, in- oul viewing the premises TOWN PROPER f'Y. Tlie formed us he had on board the crown,nd g;fnble U)T on which I resi, -conuioinir one acre, is, ,. c.i i ir i i u i f- "m lts elevated situation, amomjst ithe most valuable in throne of the king of Ceylon, which placTwal the city ; it lies between the Eagle Hotel, ami New! Jn in possession of the British, having been cap-Branch Uan)i:,And near tlie State Bank and State-I louse, tured after a hard fought action, in wfiich Vh& Likewisc,.two.6fbee lots, one of ane acre, and the othjr uritisn lost two general omcers and a u umber "f u,i wiut-wuwi intirwemBHu, u a . v riinvniant iqi 4liA t .... ...... 1 IJ. .11. . I , ..11 of men. The crown -and throue were valded at eisrht millions they had- likewise on board a therte f set " Sabeln the pwsei'ied'Palnot, a untive of heir to the .Spanish crown ; Philip, Diike" o pioviuce of Vuea.'itun. and delegate from Calabria, the oldest brother, being entirely se eriee "td the .Cortes 'l'Spa!ii accompanies hie. aside from the rignt'of succession, ou "account o AVe huVe arms and aiiiu,uru(iiii.'i-iooi) itieft el- ackuewledged debility of uiiderstandiiisr. Jle rendy engnged aiitt-Cah calculate largely ou the cohsijuently hardly understands any language ajd Ironi Tebnesse and Keulii;kj,--The couor,. but Italian, aud even does. not speak. or write try thrr-ugb which - wfr ps, and seat 01 our operations, '.tfhoiibds m cattle, .sheep, and no- thiue will' be wanini.to ensure complete sue- has i j i - i - . i - i ' . - . i convenient, part of Ui town and Polksborpugh, 1 w Jl ikc a reasonaoie price m casn or young negroes, tor all or any ofthe above property s or if more agreeable to pri- the purchaser, I will give six and nine months' cred'tt on lhi"EaSfc!'e " purchasemoney; bTgivriig hego'tiiible , . paper, payable at either of thcants' in Uils cityi i have y- . a parcel of hous. hold 'awd kdchen fitrniiure and ptanta- xx7f. tt 11 4. 1 1 .1 t ' . fwh may be made to ine at"arty-'timo before' the. 22t 'of ' At Willie Mail, a leV Hays past, py tne Itev. Isaac V- Srtltpmhr nr T Tf nnt snl,l hefnr t'.ut ,1 W Dowel to Miss Fatieuee Gal--!, tA th ln' i,i ln . 'L. oiVi'Si" the balanqe here in(Lhi8 place . ' .'. I if. Ita th'.a (itti'ftitiiltif itiJvTrr oil 41iaa mia h,... On Sunday, at Smithv i:K Carolina Louisa, between 2 -B1W r.Utm' nmmtt : tn i,n- h r.Zi ...1; and a years of aire, vountrest dauirhu-r ot Col. 1 homas . ai !... .!.. -. .. -.i. ... w . " ' r .1 ' . v m.Tv. 1 i tit Aiir.tis 1111 iiir-.. xm Lately at cw.Yolk Mr. Joiit JirActU, eldest cau wiUvutdelvnd make DavneAt.o tonsr. r indul gence will be given. J.. SCOTT. ' Julv ll 1S15. . 'trtof- ' STATE OF i. CAltOUN A, ? Court of Pleas Quarter 1 , N. H, On. the s.-cond day of sale, (Sept. 23) I will sell joiinsto torTr. Hemous, Jlur term. 1815.' to the hielicot bidder, lor cash. TEN SHAKES in the John Pe!ircer T . Thomas Grav, Original tUclimcnt. SlatcvBank. 1 Wish to return myincere thanksio a re- AMUEL G. SMITH and Larkin Smith," neroifa publje for past favors and inf irm them that I nave ju.n receivcu irom iew- oi'K aim rriaiiij)iiia, a , nanusome assortment or jew iry k some good u.olu ana lexandcr, .Mr Thomas leiit, all of Mecklenburg county. Cowan. son of Dr. D.iniel McN.Ul late of WiuuiHgt. 1 k3 summoned as Garnishees, and the defend am, li.iv ng removed outot tlie Stale,-sthat the ord.nary amuse- that with elegabCe.-T-Aimnst his only iriient and occupation through his whole life. been hunting, fisliing, and other active process oi law cannot be served on'' him - U is therelore irder. d, hy tin; Court, that publicatiou. be riaile in the liateigh Jtlli.crvdt tin-lime months, that the defendant in;iy ci'ine .'or war; I and j eplevy oi-plead, &c. by next Court, or judgiiient will beciiiered against him. . It. S .NDtHS,C.C.C. -Scpteinlar,1815. 15 3m. : STATE OF N gAkOlTN , Court of i'leas (J Quarter j'iistuji rou.vrir. S Sessions, .fop. term, i8i5. Sil-.er Watches ; a parcel of good Odver Spoons made in. ray shop; silver-nioimted Swords, with Epaulettes a At Pfiimes, at N. IT. Prices. I will have finished, in a short time, a parcel of good cjghtidav Clocks, warranted tor be of the best aind, and on the lowest terms. I have a very good Workman, and all kinds of materials for clock aud watch making, and wi.l repair arid warrant all kinds ot watclie8, clocks and time keepers of the most csmpli cated nature and ,wi!) contmne to do, aqd have doite eve-. ry thing, in my .line as formerly, iG, long as I remain in this place- - a .j J. SCOTT- Our cause enibmees he best iiderests of sportsY In iuduleitie these snorts, he never re Joseph iriV'Vain, r-1 liomas ray Original Attachment. ft nishee, aud the defendant, hai iur removed fXT:W BOOKS.-Boylan and Sloai have just received tlie following Books, iz; i-.i . i. 1 im m iiihi rf ifPivpii 111 i e, tt ... . - . . i- a ; ' . ir ni iiu. s au'. m uiut 11 ( ( n la v 11 rt t ( ss oi i;iw cur . a. u - numanuy--the gttierwtta-reemenl of an op- garded latiirueor privations. . His skill i:such ! il-.....i .', 1,;.., it '; ,1,.,,, r. ,..h, i, tim 1 Cant.Torter's Cruise to the Pacific Ocean. &c'. presseu peoue, auu an 11. e uiesiiis aiitliuaut upon uiue8tiaiiied,i:ouiinerce and industry, this too, accompanied bj aprog)eet of incalculable advania tha ITtwt.'H Wli,.i. 79 .' IIENKY PERRY. Copy of a, eW?r rem font, lTecatur, to the Se- , cretary of the vYcvy, dated - V -- U, S. ship Out mtiV, .n" Cape Palos, ': . June 20th, 1815. Sir--I have the honor to inform you, that au the lVJlh inst. ntf Cape Palos, the squadron tinrfer my .command, raptured 11 Algeniie brig f tweuty-twp guns, ad one hundred and eigh .iy tnen. After a ebase of thjee holirsVslie ran intu slioal water,' where idiu not think it ad visable to follow with our large ships, but dis patched the Epervier, Spark, "Toreb tnd Spit fire, tn whom she surrendered after a short re sistance. Twenty-three men were frt;md dead onboard. Aye received from her eighty pri soners, the residue of her crew hariug left her in boats. Many of them must have teen kill ed by the fire of our vessels, and pne of the boats wax snok. JNoue of our vessels sustain ed any damage nor was there a man kill ed or wounded. This brig is larger than the Epervier was built in AlgiefrtivTiearH ugo. hy a Spanish coust meter, the same who built the frigate captured on the 17th inst. and is 1 have the honor to be. - . v sj , . 1 IIVI, 1CI tu "U iniii.T"!1. in Hf'it. iMUVitUf M V viiij . 1 ;r - - " . , that he rarely misses a sbof, and the qoantity ; Cotirt, that publicat.on 6c made in the Raleigh Miwrva, .Kerr "Porter's Russian Campaigns rof l812 wth anatrative of rame whifch he has killed in theV.oursK of for three months, that the.dc4endanl.Miay. come forward 1 of.the . events which folh)We4' Bonaparte toJua de- In..u. KA "; M k. ..:i.. i...r4. ' and renlev v or nleatl. 'tic. bv next Court. or hidtrtncnt vail ' thronemeat He takes great pleasdre in disSbcliug and dress- bed aSa'nst Uun ing the game which he has killed, an .iperation I Pealelr, 18 5 ... I " -L. 1. . i . , J ' 1- t I I 1 II i 1 a i I wuicii ue iniremaraoiy skiiuui. oucn nas.i s 4 a 1 1. OF CaUOLLN a, 'T-sris in 1802 and 1814 1 "Magic of Weal tl, n novel- ' Very respectfully, &c- ' " ' ; 7 STEPHEN DECATUR. Mm. Benjamin IF. Crowniiuhiild., . . , Sseretury of tie,'uvy. , ' v . r :" '. 7."''it- "'- ' 1 ';;. ' ;-' ',' '' .. BOSTON, SEPTEMBER i. ',- The English ship Perseverance, on her pas age from Canton to Bat&via, with a, Javauese Malay crew j was. risen uptm. The chief mate B as' ou'deekj was, kilfodthe Caiifatn," ae condmate aiid snpereargo were in the eabin .onumg what had happened (be? barneadoed been his passion for fiohing too, that in his di version he regarded neither heat coId hunger nor banger. , - ---- "-,, Picture.- 1'krV's Victoht. TueLoak F vfkcti i) I'iCtche or tins important and uxuaord.naj actum. has at length been published, and not oniy cquala but sui passe sail that wasexpected from, u, ihoiih the hopes 0 the public were raised very hrgli by the reputation of tlie Artists' who undertook it, and by tlie grandeur of the subject, upon which their talents were tniplojfeu. 1 he .point 01 'the acinon seicctect by It SAXDERS.C.C C. ! 15-3m. . Lowl of the Idles by Walter Scott , .j J ...'.-" Waverly.hy. ' -lo. .null u m 1 mi it v.v win ir r . - t v-7 -j ' Uer.Insp of Korwnvhv Miss Ptfrt-r Reuben Sanders,. Thomas f;ray.:,Onginul Attachment. t" Srvej;ing D AJlUhh U. felllH, summoned as. Uar-.,)ubuey9Pin nishee. and the defendant, having removed Ciniper's History of Amepica out of the slate, so that the ordinary process of law can-; Urania; a Foeni by B. Allen not be served on him. It is therefore ordered, bv the 1 Artist a Al iimal Court,' that publication be made in the Raleigh Minerva', ' Locke on tfe . UndcraMndimf ior tiiree moninsj inat ine titenuaiii may coiiie lorwmci Hamilton r vyorKs -and reHtvy or pliad.&c. by next Court; or judgment will- Harper's Vfulo. . . be entered against huh. T . -; Mavor's UniversalHistotv, 25 vol. R. SANDERS, C. C. C. Cutbiish's Chemistry ' September,'' 1815. 15 3m. The Marty's, by Chatca'ibriand. 3 vol". - - ...... . r- r .. "y. i.' t . f . i . s-r : . 1 '.. f - ttie Piiu:-,isot all others the most inUresttOft- arid ini i LJ TOLKIN, on the misht of the 20lh &Ugt.V w-u iiove anaymmac.; oi iwcaavagw, w. d.eatheniostfavou,ablt to tl- Artist, because better j Q ast,from Col.uSe.n Hpenifer'i UAm' . ., ' nun a other caIcui.;M to exll.bit.t hcpr.nc.pal hguro SlZh Uone, tipwardsot fivctcethigh, iourn fore-! ut of AuUiorf AuSrof Calamities of Au , ilivtlic n.ost pumment 'altitude, and to freseht it n,osJ i ickbA . eft' hmd hoof split on the out side , lately f ot AuUlor8' AutUo. ot Calamities ot An- uieuifcugcn.eiii filial., oeMiics, me auvaui.ig'e ot ti- ha nol , v th ck l W.H thank any person tof pHrttmhPr 1 1K1 i " " ldttTK iibi.gUic l..in n September 1, 181a. ; , , . bv Uie cXiTiwn oi lus BOTU'ior ttiind he rose abiv onli. v' ' c?iw enrvrrn statp. fit w- Aiinf.fM4 . the companion-nay. loaded their muskets and liai-y coiiimaiidv rs", and accomplished what mere courage unaccompanied ny geiuus never culL have--attained. Il Calls U) to-, tlie aiy'iiiation hot merely the weight of U.e wan ior's sword, but tthe fertility- bfl his resource;' ' The tune chosen is thai crisis'when, tindiing his ship the Lauieiice, .unfit for continuing the action, coriiinodore, Ptrr), shifted Ins flag to the Niagara. The fleets in volved m smoke and confusion constitute tlie back ground of tlie. Pic.ture.1ine,;m'the fore, thcUoroino.-' dom is exhibited standing in his boat under the bow of tnc latter snip, trom, which a man is seen throwing out a rope to draw-the boat along side. 1 his is unquestionablv one of the noblest pieces in that department of pain ting that we remerubfiv to have seen. The likeness of Commodore Perry is strikingly fine: we are told too tha,t several others of the portraits bear a strong resemblance to the persons they are in tended to "represent 1 And' we think that, in advertinsf to the great-Mlue ef-thlg work, we should be unjust, and shamefully unmindful ot what due to the deserv ing person to whose enterprise and,inctustrythe coun try is indebted for it, and tor Other firtt rate Works,' if We nrglceted tcomplfflneht Mei -Jjelaplaineottthis-occav sionj to obserte,- tor rrHvi. public consideration, thsthe is the first,' audi indeed the only fferson in the Union who hs done any thing effectually to commemorate by graph- Septemlr 8. 1R11 Near Charlotte C. U. Virginia, wars counts . ' " - ; 14 7tpr- " "T wiiiiam KOtes'totne court, on motion to prove will. VALLAtil MtOtitlllt OltbALli. j A.rAl'JiH rriting, purporting to be Mid eon The subscriber will sell six hundred and 1. tain the jioncupitive wilLoiJoJ.n.S. ; Jor- t'ortv-five aores of Land, lying on the Waters of Second f bpe-nciiurt ottered fi.r probutu.-- Whereupon - Creek, ttowan county ; belonrfing to the Heirs of Hatch "Ordered by the court that not.ee tosue to the neX, of fvnt it i, ,wJ,,hSi to rrive a minute des- km, and' that publication be made m the Raleigh .Mi- ssary to Five criptbn jof tint land,,.as. U is rumiidihod'kbjaigia, purchase, Will view the premises. Tlie soil is fertile, and well adapted to the erow th of Corn, Cotton, kc the sit- kiation plea arit and healthy.. The ternf may be known Ly. applying to the subscriber in the neighbourhood of hjahsbury. Rowan county. . - : I I1VJJ1A3 U. 1J. 1 . - putoU for" dcfehce and then dreif ft cak of C reprcwntUtm, tlic actw lijowan County, August 30, 1815 1515tp. have just received &h. elegant assortment nerva. for six weeks, that those interested mav come" Forwai same at next court tp be held for the county aforesaid, on the 3d. Monday inuoVt-ruber next -,'- Test, . B.S.K.Nfi.C.C, C. ; ttalejirh. Aner35th .. : 1 V7-6i. 1JIAN0 FORTES, The subscriber has'on 7 fiahd, and will receive within a few days, several' $uperb PIANOS, of lie newest, construction which wdl be all. ytairanted, Aeim.?' -- making a choice cahnot well otter i, 'as thei;ewijbe . !an anxi - anionpr tlie number, common and upiijrht, Apier.ran ; Kn&tish", iiistritineiitar- titters. Post idd, will receive of DliY GOODS, which they are opening nest door above the Star Office, Ualeighi Their purchases were made in NeW-Yoik ftiHbsshu awl dio'iiftifcs carefully detected.. Thev can therefore urondise the niost reasonable' XJrtns to -September 15,; 1815.. -. , .! , IJU.. iirediate attention anl the pianos dcHpatched IQ- ji part of the Siaie Wtthnut danger of injury. ---.JA-'Cs. Tl.-"f . . at the Mioerva-Oflke. -V.L ...4 rt . - s.:.