VT vmi.L WriiM oun-iTMftf Mstaf. crawsed the arms of hi eold-bearteo 'T"r,T"'T,'njiV""C'T,w wH,"r51'. Book I iha PnEIUIHft l K J ' - ' . a .. . t . I Tan? Castanos left wbIiwearaa ranch tneesmplexien or romance, ,w "Wiymp suoscnptions, t0r stuu-es m ITU, ?kf Cape--, t.theprop iBadeartboffecetg -. - .1 'Ihat in wm w openedlin the 1st; . r - r'"V' ,7'rri"-""Z - i.adrta the amnsement of oar reader. 1 he ur, i "ZV. tend t the amusement of oar readers At Lexjlgton, in Rowan tountv. unlr th At.., inn r . ' if .. .,7, j, ' " -im vwuuu.vi . . , . a - v m n a am k aa.an . w aw wars an aiiraf aa aa. a w bj av l Mint.. - , ...-;. " ' .J&.iLJZAiMt.w.Tith wm Mjteneed.'W fth- tlH?Aitlie Mmnn. houwsou rrw uip..i5. '- . .l :. J:.Ti k. k. fh. HIIIIIA AT! IUC SHIUIIIUCIIIIU W ire w i"'l,v t iub w ' M-uaiKftu.IIanllr Rhode- smvirnmenU-war is a ereat Ed Daeget, '-Dana- - CounectieaWKiog,, great miiery, bat if i preferable to a terme nb-Yart-Horwy, Wells, DelawawGoldi mUiiOtt tnftlie idandalei of iDjatice. 'B"' wfloirh,HarperMarjlandMawalrlh- U ; ; i ; v ' r "oirts iaylorS, Caroliaa-'lait, WW, ; rol?ljK ilbaiit abous, march 19. Seoreia. KerrOhi.rfpmeiUrn, Broa OmcrfiiirtAboiit a year ago, the Louisiana. JW. irtfeer. ' provincial Wiembly of Lower Canada prefer- ': vr'K itd ecrtait eharge against two f iheir jodgea, C(Ksian,w,nflWt"ate R Colonel in Who ar- Bewail awl fonk, and claimed to be permitted iT..;rl Stipa. irannointed.br theito nabitairtUte i them befora the council. Tbeir m u ni iir, in tv , w w r w . r i-- 1 r III 7 ' . " - - , VrAent and Senate, to be Ateount&ai o f the ' request warefuedfaltereation ensued, and the , di?e. .'governor dissolved the assembly by proclaraa- . A MartinsTiHe; in dudford 'eountyi und-th direc tion of Bobert Lindsav, -: U , . j vw XAt Centre! in Gadiord tountv: under th Jl Jonkthan Parker.- , - comraafvder ' of the garrisoo. to whoin ho an-. .t HiUwigh; in Orange countji under directioit Dotinefd himself ks the eon of the mordered Iet Lo He eatl,pre.,edforJB ioterv AlZ , with his sister, whom it will be remembered is pieawmt Henderson. ' ... -V- . I theDoehessof Angouleme, then residing at Vi- At Pittsborough in rjhatham cburtyifcW edj enna. r He was then sent to thyAustrian geoer- rection of W ULam Scurlotk and at other Mace in the aK Melas: who head naartara were at Turin. .jj,ndr ate djrectwnrf Mardoch - iiVi -i i . , " . mmm e, i nomas anypeg, joftn B. Mebabe. lidmunii WhiUho remained at Tuna, he was recogniz- nceand Jdlm Ramsay r W . ed br ia old Swiss, who had formerly been in the serf fe& of Louis. He is reiiorttd to, have told his story : that when by the command of Vavv UepartmenUf Vice i nomaa a urnv William mrt ti appointed, by the same au- 'tien. On the24lh ult. the question waa Bguaiea 5u,j Uu.,,vC., u..c.., v tTZbVxM the UnUed State, for by the new assembly, who approbated the eon- budn apprentice to a shoemaker, his master h DiS of ViSnia, vice George Haj, ,edW tlelr predeessors, an5 resolve.1 to ear-! 8.JJ WM .t heart a royalist, and I devoted to Wd "f i rf up an appeal to the throne for a redress ptyh Ovurbons, That Simon treated him with & A-i is appointed, by the'same author- gt i!ranee On the opening of the next meet-; ttiueb epparent harahnesi, to elude the susp. itX be , K y Agent a the ttort of Norfolk, f. a messagejrasjinnouneed from tho gover- on of the police at Paris, while he was secret ltJ, to m y Ag i j., dwwin5iBlWy dissolved. A meet- ly w?riS Pja ft; hi. eseape. H.s master !:., ..i. .i,..nn.f.w -uiud nf (hn oitixena reeemf the orders of liobesmere to poison bis nj The Siprcme Court f the United States jesWtaWreU, evidenU to tfito.lta'M.ffi TrP . . .V ..: 4 .,.-. -r rvi i,;J-ik -nvfcrnor in di.lvine thotssewblv, The demandi hatta faet, aubtitted the .... . . , ' . A. .. A . I Wt-ei7 Of the eases, oi the docket, seventy wvp finally diftmsed of, apd tn continued a orders o addnce lurtTif prof f. The records of no court of apbealii iu the Union exhibit auch an instance of dispatch of business where the questions W dispute are so momentous; $ , v ' r . -It gives in plasnre to announce that every ! in whith (lit; United Stales were concern- d, Jtxeired due " attention j and not a single Canada for calling a new.Parliament. Thee case which wa reached was continued at the lection to be held previous t the 25th of April insance ofUicAttomey General, u Tu 23 ofthe next. The present patliament has been abrupt ;f o cases hiially decide (f the-Upited States-wjeJysiilyjOoj, its conduct in respect to the partes, audvfour other cases were argued for 'Judges since the PrineTKegentand hisTconncil dc-Aucy bf a 4ri5d :t the the United States, but not finally decided; a proof oftae great induAtryTuld atteution tonr- acquitted them. Marci 16. ciiil duty On. the part of -the Ia'w'affiee'r 'af theM-Iti reported (and we are inclined to believe itUliat tneramous Jayaieue, wnoescapea irom prison in Paris, arrived. at this port on Thurs day night in the brig Eugone from Havre. United States. ib. The hohorableMr. Bago't, minister from St James, has arrived at Crawford' Hotel, in tbis to'.vii. This gentleman is a son of Lord Bagot, bv marriage is nearly allied to Lord Wellington, and fur his last five years was under secretary of stale for the foreisn department,' We imder- ftandfhehas broiieht his ladv-and two children . with him. Jn his suite :s Mr. Chadd, secretary - tit luffutinn rIMii(i wantliimah iatliA ttttflinp ftl'fhf rfowfor-liurope, the review1 or which may oe ' Edinburgh review, we do hot recollect tvhich. Mr. Bagot it is to be hoped will-remain in the eountry ratlrer longer than Mr.Foster,and when he leaves it, leave' it for a very different cause. Hon. Mr. Bagot was yesterday presented by the 'Secretary of State to the President, as Min- rtter Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary ; fronrthe soVerument of Great Britain to that of the United States jfat.lni 3. W , Tem G Att Esq.' Charge des tTairt from the king pf tbe Netherlandu, and 1 se cretary, have arrived at Baltimore in thevlari sa from Amsterdam. Lt. Col TotTEK, of the U. S. EBgineers has advertised for 2,300,000 Bricks t be delivered tin the months , of April, May, June, July, Au- gosi au September or tlie current year, at a The St. Louis paper of February 21, states, that a letter had been received from Mr. Boul- vtri, Indian agent at Prarie du Chien, of a late uate, oeseriomg ms siivanou an chcuicij . some surrounded by hostile savages who afe n the dailv habit of intercourse with the. British traders,' who urea them to hold themselves in readiness for another war;' stating that. the French covernment bavins; now Joined the Jng lish, the Americans M ould be attacked in the spring, and cnjsimng it on the Indians tu pre vent. the American iroopanscenaing-tne Mis sissippi to the Prairie.Tind in no wise to dispose of any ef their lands. They are invited to a grand council to be held at Maiden, where they will receive presents from their English father, also, be instructed in the kind of deportment they are to exhibit to the Americans J soft way of saying a bitter thing. We un- aerstanu mat tne republican vaeces ai ain metlTng was attended hy about 200 of the prm-eu3j ta..' TLor auhieet underwent a'" apprentice, ions-discussion, and finally a resolution' was my, was ascHbed to the effect of the poisoOc " a . . .1 a. U 2 itaara lliaM-SAAMAiail k m an tl AUft ItAllfiP mnvail annrfthfltrtrv ftf thA ETftVemora COnUUCl.i wtaavcf and rejected oy a greai majoniy. . A Proclamation has been issued m Lower In Kandolph county, under the acnarkt inn nf" John Craren and John Long. . '; .... j' In . Moore county, under, the ' separate.' iirection ih James Gainesi John J'Iver, Archibald ftraryde and Atlaa Jones. . t - . j ' - In Cumberland; , " " . ' j ' John rfusk, at Fajettevillei :- -( ' ' Hugh Smith, at ATerasboro', . " 1 In Bladen, under the separate direction of Ames Oweni Wm. H: Beat ty and John B. Brown. . '. In NAj vyHanover, under tbe separate direction of John Ilogg and llmtoh James, ' i Sampson', Under, the separate, direction;, of Gabriel . Hobnea and William Blackman. , ft-. Robcaon. ondel the direction iSf nhrl tiV Bnmrvick' under the direct ion of JusJi aamo age h J , J6lo Bwks will be keptpen uoHl the fi and the difference or the puysiogng- l jujjexir- -a iwi ut be. n, m-. a k ' f .'v narn Biinnrri 13bare subscribed, either t the time 61 1 Mcore. a Potts. v Monday pf ' upOn eacli ' scnbjng of: ICillpcu ill luc cucvt v i.v ivi.ii , , ; - t, .. . r ""'"fi w far aeieral days, and at last furnished him with J ot'Nmety-toiiari remaining on each Share. iind riot md?e ' a jguide, and a sum of money to defray his 'ex-'' than Thirty 'Three Dollars and Thirty Three cents ara pence to Bordeaux. ".-From thence he set sail bt in any one year. s ' for Corsica, where his companion died, and the!cur-? mnmnn inan i-mIWp.1 t wri.nl nponninrv distress. .11 .1 i. . .t . iu""u -UOtiarg. encaged in tne capacity oi a servant, ia Keep a eoHew-hoiise at Bastia. Hearing that his sister was at Vienna, he embarked and sailed for Ve nice, from whence he bad passpar.stojy.iennaJ to which nlaee lie was travelling on foot. UffT his way he fell in with a party oi" Austrian re crnitt who compelled him to enlist as a drum mer in their service ; his tender age incapaci tating him from bearing anus. This is the story wnicn oe is reporieq in invr iuiu i fu neral Melas, who dispatched a courier to V u enna with the intelligence. Orders arrived to hare tho nrisoner tried bv a court martial, and And all thos wish to advance the honnc penty OfNorth-Carblina, are requested to If nd&heir aid to the utipro venk nt of our Inland Navigation. " itlCH RD STANFO Rp, .President -Ina - ' '-. 'e Company. be was promised that jf he told the trutb, bis sentence. should be remitted e but that if he persisted in falsehood, he should, on detection, siinef death., The account adds teat lie per sisted in his., declaration, aud that he shortly aflemards disappeared, no per?on knowing whilW he had eone. It Vtates'iiotmthstaiding, that he was comppll- ed torun Hie ganstlet, aud that when tbe corpo ral was strippipcrVT his shirt, tbe prisoner ex claimed, what aa .indignity for a Bourbon This is tlfo amount of this wonderful story, of which we may be allowed to remark, that we do nnt believe one word of it. If this candid ate fnr the throne of the Bourbons had been brosht into the presence of the Dutchess of Angouleme, the imposture, if there was one, It would to impo.e might have been easily, detected. be rirpossible for this young man iogJton on Saturday evening, agreed t reeom- J 07 r'r- Bhf would, he ahie to call up so many connacntiai scenes si ineir rany j cn that un impostor in his personation ofthechar- . - a V i .t ' - ii i : .i . I.:.. acter ni ner orntner, wouia ue inrown iroin ms gtiar.!. Nevertheless', stories as ineredibff.as this have endangered the security of crow ns, and plunged kingdoms and empires into al the horrors of civil war. Halt. Xelegrttpn. M. V. WOOLSEY & Co.' JVb. 227, FiARL Srsxs r. Jvl w. J oatfHave for sale by tlie .Package or othe.ttY'' arge and general ' a,sortmentot' IURUVVaRE, CUTLfcuV,&c just im ported and well adupte.l for the Norf h-CJaroIina Sales t wh ch they will dis-puse of on accommodttting tcrats as to price and time. . ; ' ; ; .;; In addition to a lar?e assortment noi on hand, theY expect to have, by the first Spring vessels from England, an extensive importation ofihe same 11110 of Goods.1 yiarch 2nd, 1816. - ' - 43 3f. i Persons' wishing 10 apply t;o the abowe House, may obtain satisfactory references from , : ' LfcAVICANXGN.or JOIIX ftEVERE .UX. IVtarch29, 1816 -;. 43 3t. VALUABLE LANDS FORHALb. ihe subscriber qualified as executors, last Fe' brury Trrip, 1816, t 'Ve -eal estate of John B. Shaw,' dec-r-pftc tiierejore grvenslhaX fcin person wishme: to make a private contract for between eight hundred' and a thousand acres of LAND, with) its improementsr lying on Neuse ULver, of a good quality, the s tuation of said dec will apply to the subscriber, can examine the I.arwi anl cjitimttrin nA Irnriur i-Wtria ' Ntarr.b 29, SW. NATHANIKU W - RHKV. - ' - (v . " ' -'At. Ex'rs. mend James Monroe aa a candidate for the Pr sideney and Daniel D. Tompkins as a candi date for the Vice Presidency of the U. States. It is understood that the nominating of Gover nor Tompkius is considered as a compliment to hid Datriotic services during the wan but that the interest of the republican party in N. York and their horror at the idea of the possibility of decline the Vice Presidency, and republican candidate for the office of IN ew-York. JJem. i'ress. Le-ters from Egypt, of the 26th July, state, that Mahommed Ali, the reigning viceroy, who had undertaken personally, the late expedition against the Wahabee Arabellas at length ter minated it with conipifite success. After driv ing them from Mecca, Medina, and.the ports a- lone the Ked 5ea. taking possession ol their inland capital Tarabe, &e. the strone bold on which they chiefly depended, he effect ed their total defeat, by pursuing them: to the rempiest coufines of their territory. . pointintbe oorthetparf Lake4 hapli i, , .. . tus luug, wiuuetermineuoveruor x JLiif JVewHampshire Election I ook place en 1 uesday last." We have seen the returuS'of only ix towns, which gave Mr. Sheafe the fed eral candidate 734 votes, and Mr, Plumtner, tbe democratic 930 Net democratic gain 3. . The Washington, 74, Com. Chauncey, which two or three days since dropped down ihe'har- uuur, is stui lying near tort itmepenuenee, one is expech'd to sail' shortly for the Mediterra-nean.r-ifos. D.M., J The; Court.vf Ndrfolk Cottnty,-bh Wednes day -the 30th inst.' dec lared as current in that county, the notes of the State Bank of North Carolina at par, When compared with the notes of the Bank of .Virginia and Farmers' Bank of 'Yirginia.-i-Thoseof the chartered Banks of the I eity of Philadelphia at 5 per cent ilepreciat ion ; and those of the, chartered Banks of the City of Baltimore and the Distrie t of Columbia, at 8 per eeo'tepreeiitioB."7: ffolk 'Ledger.-- A very remarkable ease;, in testimony of the effieacyVr vaccination, has occurred in this city, and wit'ftin our own knowledge. ;. ' ' t Solomon Hammond, lately .one of the -car-. J riera of; this paper", was a few days since taken by the small pox in the natural way. He soon became violently ill drtd at last died. He had three children, one of whom, little boy aged. 9 -f years, slept with him while diseased with the " small jinx, until within two days of his death. -The boy was vaccinated two years ago. There , is out the slightest reason to apprehend that there is wanting at this da'yrproof of the tffi cacy of vaeeinnation. But if such proof were wanting, tbis case would satisfy the most obsti- uale. The little boy and the other two smaller uuuren,- vacein&ted alsoptre perfectly well. I .,..;';v'"-'t " -:- r:v;- : True American ttimifritolwiktitiiftiiiilteffim v . son events either from being" inserted. Tbe Tast num-t c ,i ..,v m om.n nA'lnr continue tne ber'of s. . S. ;r. and the communication sijmed Cato are -""r."' TTu JS.'"ruY:Z:Z. .p f.. l , ... ... , ... . . x.l unuiiry t iui ilia, i ann vvquiuliilc mi v"Vugs Of Governor also hud aside. The latter contains some useful ."r-1 inortVietiooa to thia piaco' On" 'onday the Stbof 7V Correspondents. The' length of two communica- An interesting account of the voyage of the bold but unfortunate La Peyrouse,- who sailed from France about 23 years since on a' voyage of discovery, and respecting whose fate so much conjecture has been made is in the papers- ami was obtained from M. Dagelet, the astron omer, who accompanied revrouse-i and who was taken off from a rock, in 1615, at the east of the Phillipine islands. It appears that one of Peyrouse's two -vessels, after leaving Botany Bay, in 1788, struck upon a chain of rocks and was lost crew saved by Perouse's vessel they ' afterwards discovered an island in the S. h. ot ' JNCw Zealand, and anelioredin the. bav when i tins state jit his vessel accidentally eaught on fire and wai lt?ear''ls'fi ew Knurt of pfeas and quarter sessions to be mationand much just remark, but as the persons spo ken of are but little known in this state, the warfare would perhaps be a little unfair in regard to them and .somewhat uninteresting to the majority of our readers; It is probable " Zerubbabel" will appear in our next. It he can, as ct old, lay the foundation ot a second tempie, he ought to have all our good wishes ; but does he not propose a tsk by much too mighty for the pigmy effort of a ne wspaper essay i :i , DIED, - Id Craven county, on the 3d instant, Mr. Itobert SpAr row; and on the 8th; "Mrs.' Ann Borden. jn ke'wbern, on the 14th, Mr Moses Griff it, for many years a rcspectableinhabitant r-OF that town!Mr.,Gr.iffin was a man of advanced age, and was perpaps the only sur vivorof those who fouglu thatiattle of AUemance, and dispersed the regulatorin tlie year 77i- It is understood that Mr. Griffin ,lias left by his will a large estate tor a purpose no less honorable to hirnsjf, than itpromises to bo.; ueful to society, the establishmeiltof a Chanty cnooi. we sav unaersuma, as nouung can jei oe k.iiowh withferMintyiJn the subject Such however is the lan guages of report". Tit NasviilCrfTen.) ISttilt. capt. George Stmther late of the Kith Itegt. U. States Infantry STATE OF N,(JAUOLlN A, ; Court of flea if..Q.ui ter N EW TWO STORY HiiUs.EFOKSALK. The subscriber offers for sale, his House and Lpt, near ihe Academy, wih all the improvements. For elcft-anca of situation, there js noncj perhaps, supe rr ntbe citv.'f and none bet'.dr calculated for a Board ing Uouse. T if furlhf r p.u-ticula.;.-;, appiv to . , J F GOXEKE. : .Raleirh, M.i-cH 29 '1S16. ," 4 43 f The officers, nun-totomissiafried officers, mu cians and privates of tllfe 5th itegt. JVorthf :-Car6tina 1Jttilititt, late m the service of Ac United States. - -' rOU are, hereby informed that I she ll very shortly commence paying you off in your coutismous to this piace --On 'onday Apri!i I shaP attend at Pittsborough, to pay of Capt. Evans's coiripaiyy j and on Fiday the 12ih, at Hillsbo roughi to pay on Capt. Younffs company. The appoint ments tr tne other counties cannot with certainty be made at this time, but they ivill in due time through the medium of the Raleigh newspaper?. , Vn Observance to a recent publication of vajr!inced's, the District Pay Master, as tothe rule whiirli Will erovern the claims and hag, will preclude the necessity of my repeat ing it. . StkRegti W. C. , M. U. S. 8. iiaMgh, March 28,:18l6. 43 It. HownmiuTv ; Cm 5 AV Se. iE W LIATHEBSTORK The Subscri hers have opened a Leather 8tore in the room lately oc4'.upiedby W.AV,. Mason, ni the Star build- ings, Raleigh, where threyffer for sale a general assort mentof the best NirthemLarAet, ftt Petersburg price's, for Cash They have now on hand, ' soal and tipper lea ther, calfskins, grain andiwaX, skirtinirnd harness lca- tUar."-- ivWi. nnA itlintf- KiHoX. KllnWA Lilijii.:..Bhef) 1Andr lamb skins, morocco bkina, hatters' skins, boof trees and lasts. All wuicn tuey wiu waminx oi nmi quaiuy. , u I loir BRBWER & t A IRLAMB. ' -v-VA-'-.i43 tf. . . 1J EMOVAL. -rni. TV. MMi, Has remov Bs. d,I hi. STOHK to ifi hoase lalelv ocea- ssiout, Feb: term. 1816.,"- T; . t ' . . . .iv. mi,.,i cm;K . Jloseph Donaldson,! Robert VV i lu.msu,i.Onginal ,vt- -I oJ. .. 'corilinuanceof public patronage. ' a-tv iiiiiliiV Kii VtVi li T annearinsr to I hp satUfactiiirt of the nourtrC 43 tf Ct of a letffif VnmA Itltlfor nn hnrimt thm V 9. frisaU United 'States, to" his friend in ':: ' this city, dated y'--X ;? ' -f-r"-MAt A A ROADS) fkHr 1, 1816.. ' . .. : 1 have just Ijeard bf an instance of human fu '""'which oughrforever to eauso.me to . wank Oad thatj have been permitted to live un r.M tflag which has never been stoned by afla- ueo. Cast anos must ba familiar to y on. ' It was no who o bravely defended Saragoisa from tb co.nsumed that the nativea during the first ?l years were amicably disposed but rerouse, tir ed of waiting tor reliel, and anxious to return home ordered trees to be felled for timber to build a vessel the natives considered this as an act of hostility, wr ctimmeriCed, and finally Pe rouse, and all who were with him were massa cred, except Daeelet and "17 others, who esca ped,'" after"reatperilsin birch canoes ta the 1 place where he Was iound, and where he nact resided two years those who e'scaped with him. had all died and Dagelet himself died a fefr days after he was taken from off the rock. His journal of events was preserved, and deposited at .Macoa, from whence the account is receiveu. 'Nearly a year ago, we remember to have seen a floating rumor, in the English papers, that the Dauphin of France was still alive; arid in the custody of 'the Mayor of Lvous.Tliis rumor shared the fate ef many other report of that the defendant is not an inhabitant of I f AU KOK Sf LUi. S wwetniiy orua. - . j rt i -, lai a f ' i. ' wh wa ras arravi wfw a a an mm Therefore, tfvitered, mat tiieuaienaaniap- nm tetiTK. uc- -, w- We 1 i nnberect anu vaiuRote u-uuv ui. uim ouui-u cast o' " Italeigh.jo'mirig.the lands of Slierwood Ilajrwood, Wm,- H, Havwooa, aiiajosnusoiisgj ir, i , v,wui7. cnnty of Rowan, at the Court House in Sa- lisbury,Oti the third Monday, of May next, then and there to plead, or judgment wdl ue taken accoithng to the plaintiff's dunund :-and that this notice be inserted for three weeks 'in the Baleigh jlfincrva . " Test, JXQ GILES. C. C : March "29, 18: G. 11 '" 43 3tp. STATE OF N. CAROLINA, ,Cr of Plea & Quarter howai cocRTr- 3 Sessions, reo. term, laio. Ilyder A. Davie vt. Allen Davie Original Attach- mtntjtevu-rt, &c Ralelghi March 2; 1816. r42-tC IT appearing tohe satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state "; ft is therefore Ordered, that the defendant ap pear at the next court of pleas and quarter sessions to be" neia ior tne county ot. Kowan. ai ac uoun House in oa lisburyj on the thim Mondav in May next, then and 'there to. plead, pr judgment wilt be taken according to the plainttff's demand -ahd that this notice be inserted fo? three weeks in' the Raleigh Jlftneriia: v 'V- r.; ,. ''",-i'v--v 'Trst,'.;. '.' ' '. ;im&tLlS3r C C-' Mafdf 29. 1816. ..V : ". ' .v::':43 v3tp--- Xttl. STANLY'S SPEECH Just pubilsF ivJL ed and for sale at this office, iricaib . . i. j m " cnts tingle, asr.Stonly I speech oq Mr. Urown resoiu- tBeianre character it lived its little day, .nut-1 tjon. . " -' . .-. - - . UN A WAY On the night of the first iV Z. - ...k- ..ii. k:.iir niil .1 . i n I fC I V SIS " w mm mmm W- , fori v.ttve tears ot age, near'y six fett high, welt macfe: i.-, 1 dark complexion, who says he formerly belonged to'a William Miller.- tn Cumberland County. Virginia, has a habit ot hemming or clearing his throat when about to sneak i haa on when ne went awayya roona-aoout coai. lar marked P Q.assu,mes the charactiCT of a HorseleYv says he has also been i the habit ofboatine on James R-; Tn dollars reward will he nven it taKen in mis county fifteen dollar's if taken. within; this state and reasonible expences paid if aCcured to any jail so that I gethim.Or rfdeUvered tome i Rowan county, N. Car olinaT near Salisbury, r- 'V r ALES. FROHOCK, ;.Marcn o io.o. -. yyyy -- 7rTrM ' ' - riOCT'RS FALCONER & HENDERSON r havin entered into partnership1 in tha p o,r Bnrtrprv. &e. all aCDlicationS will be particularly auenaetjio. w- . ,. . XUleigh, March 22, 1816. :;:rzyyyy'i