-f -1 - ,71 11 B Hi . V M'scellarieo&s. On Wi m it ted ti of the mo whole fa; hie inhabi 5 Dufco -Dtntt Crot-3 J. Marshal the Duke of Uegioiia. the Count irEsears-th. lar- ft f!vi- tli. Cannt Kti -oopEMBuacH, (vrirfrtBtor vj Daffcf t-7th7Mmfca'i Count Jaerdan 8lh. HORRID MURDER J NutMaiion--lIi.CuntdPav8etfoiwiotii. nesdav fast a Frenchman WSJ om- , Cnnat d'AKhRmtw tllh. the Datc-Tri (ir -un ite jail in this Tillage, for a murder ' monWUtb. Coinl 4e But hesj 43th. Count de Extract of a let frr, received by the brig Clotil' :The celebrated speculator, Daniel Pn xfea, has at last reaehed th? jail of St. Pelagie, in favor ef Janits IB ioiho first dheUwhiidwilins-houia oiiayettevHe street. He i wf to receive one or two young geat kmen of regular babita and good Jorl diaracwr, as iiuusmu. . Raleie-li. March 5. '1 816. '41-tf. in Ti is Pnyuv a- published by Junius Sneed,Bsq. District Pay , muster, in the Raleigh newspapers of last month. Fer 4irnt' ! sol)! having claims-would do well to look at said regula- al Paris, by a judgment Swan for 600,000 francs, and another in favor of Mr. Holker for 3,OOO.flOO franos. last was had in Boston, and has been confirm in farts. Ail his immense estate iiave been iKm-betoiv they apply, attached." Amtric an. . 7 ... jcaietirn, JUttrcn i ;Marct.dukeof Bassano. is about nublishine WHOLESALE blUIlL, my bp his memoirs sion were expected respecting Bonaparte's jj " TAKE NOTICE. The subscribers having ' ,r an-ntn , qualified at March Term, 18J3, ofCnm- E . aPPear,.DJ . ' berland county Court, as Executors of the last will and " ,mnn a- mem the Court, that the defendant abitunt of this state, it is Order- testament oMobert Drmirhanttec Rive notice to all the '"' "8' pumicauwi ue m iuc in me McaieigH.tuturya tni e Qi'editors of his etste, to ura3iLtheirdtiAknls or chiims r1" successive.) , mat umess ne appear w.toui uut tnre. of whatsoever nature to (hem, within the time prescribed "l U13 " "CAl t""' 'i'lJ"5':" ' by the acts of Assembly, in snch east3 provided, r.z. e be enlc''cU him t - actsof 1789 and 1799. nrtht9P.nr.ta will in harof ' ' Iest J. lAiLUU, CO. them. And further, for all nersons who are indebted to . M-rch 15' 181G 41 3tp Substitute for CHARLESTON, MARCH . ship 1 7o?p(?r. The Freneh ivo Aiarvfu now iv this port, nas a comvosi- tion bottom, the ingredients of which are, iron, lead, pewter, copper, &c. mixed and tempered in sueh a manner ai to be perfectly malleable. copper, and is said to-be as durable, in warm climates. In climatis more severe and frosty, it is rather brittle, and' apt to crack. In France it is much ne, and is infinitely cheap er than copper. Thii composition was invent ed by Bonaparte, ahu is known only by the name of BonapartehlOopfet. For iron-fas- ttnea snips, ibis is said to tie preferable to cop per. ower Canada, insued the Frovineial;Parlia- use whieh led to this given as follows ; eland convevinsr the -Parlimnenlf-Ltnti jentlemaii direct from Canada informans (says the Neiv-lfork Cttmnertial "Advertiser) that a day er Uyq before' he' Irtft Quebec,, Sir George jurummond, go? ernor of - aprocianiauoB,aeciarin meiu aissoiveu. .me e , extraordinary measare The doeuments from 'Prince RegcBt'e approbation of the late con vuc oi iae .mages or tne a u ore me vourt in that proVinee, when read w Parliament, excited ..:...' high.jtate nf angry ianl indignant feel ug. ' . To the -mentcnt of extreme exasperation, lan ;SttaSe was uttered and measiires proposed in the v liou$e tvhieh the- Governor deemed indecorous ' hnd improper and to put stop to the proce lure, he deeUred the Lee;klative Badj no loa tfe recently mentioned the flture of three iothers. t appears that exports oF manufaei vur,es anoT British "commodities have been sent the U. States from Liverrjool "alone, with. a. short interval,' to the amount of nn wards sixteen millions sfr rfino-' rso.ooo.nnr 'It XHtomputcd that, iocladioi GJasrow, and the y jiwi m imuing io America, me 10- rtat export-in the same iuterval exceeds thirty umlUmsMerlingt&iSQWQoQijQR fbis im mfense enm, no returns have, from unavoidable ';ue'yt been received. MiM rattersoh, former Madame Jerome Bonaparte, is nour a leading star at the ambas adorial halts of the duke of Wellington, und in. all the circles of high fashion at Paris, i -Where f he is particularlyndnlH'ed for her beau ; ;ty and accomplishments. London paper, y ' r r ' By an Ordiilanee of the loth Jan. his Majes v4v Louis XVI III haiannn'iatpd th fl!.n .- - 7 ri --- ut.w.TM.w Persons iojiiw w xiiuiary uivision of France t FirstPiTiiion, Manhali Pernigaon -3d. the atroeious kind, havinj- butchered the yiomenilUl4th. the Duke de FMtre lflth. Ihe I j Of a Mr, Scarborough, a respeeta. j.,! the Duke of TrevisotSth. the Mar ant of Louisville, in the lower part OI klr t nl(nnn. irih. Count f!hr1a de this county, The circumstances attending Uiis Dimas 18th. Count Coeeor de Damas lOth. l Woody rMsactibu, as Uey have been related to 7tftrjuis de Lagrange20th. Marshal he : as, r aslfcllbws i ' ' ' 1 Dskef Tarentum -Slst. CodutlDupont 32d. I i - The villinliavirig learned hat MrvSetrbo-; General Wllfbt; iCTlv ' - " rongh vaibs(ent from Home on Business iojjiou treal, delfrmined on robbing bis house, for 'Which porfose he told hvs wie ne was eotrg io Quebec to ittciid to some business, and should he. Hlmpnt seme davs. He then repaired to the woods near the residence of Mr Scarborough, h here he remainel lurking during the day (18th : iust.) At rilght he went tothebarnof Mr.9- aud slept till nearly day-light, when" he proceeded to the hou in order to effect his purpose. Hav ing formeYly lived with Mr. S. he was perfectly j . acquainted '''witSTeiery part of the house, nnd foundno difficulty in entering it. In endeavor'-! ,,' ing to ope a truk in the, room where Mrs. 8. slept, anu in which he knew Mr. S. generally j kept his tnney, ha made a noise ; this alarmed him and In order to preclude the possibility ef the robber beindiseoTfered, he-fojjpe fhp 6or-1 ' rible desigi ef m ordering the whole family. .lie seized, as ae and slept to the bed-side of Mrs. S. who UyVlth hef two children (an infant ef three menttsi and a daughter aged jihoUt two and a half ears) in a sound eleep. The villain 1 " My he reciiiled several times from the perpe ' traiion ft this diabolical dejed left the room 7 .-nd went to the adjoiDing roomj to see if the lad .a boy fourteen years of age, and, who, was his brother.in-Uw, was asleep. But although he found all quiet, the fear of being detected while engaged in lie robbery, urged him to the com- mitmentf-hr horrible-act. He cbrameneed hy despatching Mrs. B. whom he rut and mang led in the mtt shocking manner, and in.daipg irbich the children received several blows ; af ter which herjmurdered his brother-in-law, aud proceeded io jibe execution of his first design, by breaking njen the trunk, from which betook About 29 dol'.iirs, and made off with his plunder. -pA neigbboli going tothe house early in the ' morning, wai the first to witneis, the horrid but : T affecting sights-lie instantly jave the alarm and -the mnrderer(Wa pursued 4 slight snow hf ing fallen duftug the night, had effaced the old t tracks he wais therefore easily tracked, until they came up tjkith him within two nrils of St. Regis,anLttffi!jve fnwn where he perpetrated "the murder. Short sighted and deluded man ! all his dreadful and precautionary measures were not sufficient to screen him from justice, ,and only tended to make his apprehension more certain. On his heingbrought back to the bloody . $eene he mads fll confession of the whole trans ' action." The eldest of the children was still a live when our informant left Louisville, but the Joungest expired in a few hours after discovery, lesays he was unconscious of hating murder ed the children jbut sujvpoees in murdering the mother he must have given them some blows. The Circuit Co urt will be holden in tjiis vil- lage od Monday t te first of July nelt, when he will have his trial, 7 " :" "" MM. nerioer, rnav inc pMhaged f iu- , ,MW. Jtu, his poHessKMia C&e corner of PaveVw.? Harget streets, intends to makeit s'permSrr,,an " his business ; where he has iust El Y0, and intends keeping for sale, a jreneral 'm of MEptClNliS, PAINTS, HATTEKMat GROCERIES, and a fresh astorKt of r a ALSr SEEDS,; all of which will Be sold lowcash A DElr - The object of haying a house established in tk m where all medtcmes of the first necessitv ar Uined genuine, cheap, and fresh, ia too'obvWto? any .further comment. Medicines put un forrw4 kerchauts nd Physicians, at i liberal discoS." ... Rakish, March8,m6. 4ftl,B' - aboVeB"Ml 1fAHATEES PrcPand1iSda p.u fthoHwtt ttetrimsnt of JV. Carolina uil- itio'iatein the U States Serviced Norfolk. i TTBwnAPR iH h iven at the fallow 7 in times and places, to pay Inch Claims as remain unpaid, for services in the' above named Re giment, viz . l : ; ' -- . At Raleigh, on the 26th and 27th inst ; , - At Nash Court-House, on the 1st of April. , At Tarboroiigh, the 3d, 4th and 5th" do. At Enfield (Halifax county) on the 8th do. At Halifax, " -9th; do.., At Wmton, Hertford county, 11th do; At Northampton C. House, 13th do.- At Warrenton,- 16th do. At Xilliamsborongh, ISth A do. AtGianviltq Court-Uouse, - - 19th do.. At Lewisborg, 7 22d do. ' ' And atSmithfield, , - 26th and 27th do. The same rules and reffulations will be observed WILLIS WH1TAKER, P. M. latReg.N. C4D. M t.dukeofBassano, is about publishing ftj VV.iOLLhALL & l ORt, Uay .oirs, in Germany, and previous eeJilafcfcO.. T? HKARSEV, VinY.! prf.nPi.H-n. RnnnriR : J,J!,t r ccivexl, ami oilers tor sale by the piece. r Hge, on. the most accommodating terms, a zr 1 v . . '. ; "' . . " " ..' "". 11 : -ot superior uoiiee, war anu uumi) ugar. o. c. Unyi.--4Deau0serittr HaVigi8fir&t Country MerchanU wishing a supply of spring or Xj BtS StOCa Of tioods to Mr. UCorge Hall, , summer gipds are invited to call and examine the atwve. earnestly veq&at all those indebted to him to make im-' March 22. '816.'- ' . S 4&3tl ' Kio; " CUARUB1 ST?7' It M INKRVA KSTABLISHMENT,or sale. .,,:y...7-.v.., .:v . itX -The subscriber, purposing to remov "rtitur. vnui.uiii, oitn oj riewi - ct- 0 Washington'City, will dispose of his XstabUtfiment m CABAfcars cousty. 5 Sessions, Jan. term,lSl6. Ylali-.r-h. A romnptmt Mnn would find it to be hisrhlv Richard Brandon, to. Elijah Cotton ...Original Attach advantageous-The aubscription list ja-numerous-and meiit levied in the hands of Ph dip Hamhart and Valen- respectable ,' the materials entirely v new ; and the job tine fagot and summoned as l,arniiheea. 'custom of the ofiice,ery great. A large quantity (, 1, appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, paper, ink, &c. is onhandijwd in short every tbmg that Eliiuli Cotton is not an inhabitant of which may be requisite in conducting the' business. th'ia state. Orrleredbv tli court, that nuhlirat Inn hf mad The terms of aate shall be liberal V And will be commu- Jthiec-Week44Hhe Raleigh ,Mn?i,Hbat El jab appear at ine next term oi tins court, to be Held on tne - n. uwvo. third Momtay of April next, replevy and plead to issue, . RM?b, March 5. ... ' . 41 -tf, or judgment will be entered against him. M A I E OF N. C AROLINA, . ,o, ' Test, UEOUfcEPHIFER,&C. ohasoe couxr. 5 Fehy Term 1816-:;. March 22. 1816. 4 a "f. James Hastings, t. Henry Haslings-Original Attach- liii PUBLIC JOURNAL OF THE U- N1TED STATES, to be printed at the City ot Waih.ngton. The subscriber proposes to coni , mencc, Within a few weeks, adu-ly and thrice-a-week. Newspaper, under the foregoing tide; to be published at the scut of the general government, it Will be national in its character, and liberal in its political complexion..... attemping, with moderate .firmness, to do justice to the sentiments and opinions of those, who have not regarded with approbation the system of policy pursued, for seve--.rat years, by our public councils. ta a Newspaper, no pains will be spared to render it the estate, to nuke uavitM-nt immediately. - PKTERKDWAltnS, ' ROBERT H. DllAUt.MAN, ' MAt.SL'S D'lt U(.llA, . Lxenttars tajlobert l)ruugluiK f Will. March 8, 1816. 4t. TARE "NOTICE. The snbscriber having qualified at March Term, 1816, of Cum berland County Court, as Executor ot the last will anl testament of Oetije JJruiighan,' dec. gives notice to all the creditors of his estate, to present their demands or ! i' L . : A l. a - . I. . . . I ciauns oi w iiaisocvcr nauir io niui, wiiiun me urne pre- usef ul and intcrfe&ting. scntjeu by tbeacts ot Assembly, in such cases provuleU, As apolitical j-.ttrnai; it w.ll be held open, 'to each side, viz. the acts of 1789 and 1799, these ac ts U. be for H Citlm discussion of public measures rejecting, as plead in bar of them. And further, for ah persons, who improper, every unnecessary indulgence of pcrsonuiitics are indebted to the estate, to make payment immliate- a detail of the proceed.ngs and debates of ; ongi-css, :u, V' : '",,', ,JO J 7". Sample as possible, will be given ; as wiil all document jjjeiuiur to CBi !fc tjraiigaun s if ill, V AL!iAL.E .Th?8 y senber being aathonsed by the PresiiW Directors and Company of the Bank of Cape-Fear n receive proposals tor the purchase of the following Cl lying io .Brunswick couhty, viz s fa Wda - V"y. Acres ot land in sundry tracts, lying on royA Creek find its branches, including a valuable Mill Llv!ngstoti with the dam already made, commonly known bv $ name of - the Bell swamp Milis. , - y 5 228Q Acres in different tracts, situated on and dp Lillimit rnct inrlnliilrr n v.Iu.Ua mill ..a. way Acres, more or less, on and near creek, including a mill seat. All that plamatioti, knOwnby the name of Oi ton W ing on Cape-Fear fiver, and Orton creek, containinJ 4000 Acres oflartd,a git portion of which lsvaW ble swamp, a rice machine, saw-mill grist-miU and cot ton gin, with other improvements. ...-.; . ,. Belvidere planjaYion, "ami all the lands adjo'mtr. thereto, belong.ng to the Bank, Bituated on t aue-Feaf River wd Sturgeon' creek, coaUining about n )U sand acrs, to be divided iiUo the following bur pec vis : . " ' . . . , 1st All the tide swamp on the Island and on the west side of the river to the south of the Causeway ditch and all the uplands on the West of the river, and on 'the oath 'and east-bf-the road leading. from the Brick. Housej to Brunswick, except 5 acres around th Bnck. House, in one lot. This lot contains about 97 cit, sWamp, of "which about 50 we improved and a luigj b dx of upland. , , Snd. The Brick-House and brick stable, andferriak or the right of receiving toll at the North-Kast m North-West branches of Cape-Fear River on the rem' r. nr:i n!, j . . ... u limn , Hilling igu. vg,, y icj J ivA.-uuuc,-u5ei.Her Wrtft tHS I acres of high land around the Brick-House, and all tU lands lying between the roads leading from the Brick House to Fayetteville and to Brunswick in another lot. This lot contains a large 2 story dwelling house andt brick-stable, the right ojf receiving toll at tlieftrnu antLabuut 600 acres of upland. - 3d . AH the lands lvinar on the Island on the XortU rf j tlicCause-way'ditch aSJ-'between the causeway ditch f-jr- I a. . r 1 L T" 1 ll . L i anu rjooper "oouiiiein tuie, anu en ine lanas oppotite thereto embraced by the fo.lowuig lines, viz :-!btgin-nin at a oint on the West aitle of the N. W.branctiof the Capt -Fear. River, immediately oppsite the Western termination of Iooper's Sotitfierii line, ttience runt ing Westward the same course as Hooper's Southern, to the first branch or gul'.y, emptying ino Sturgeon cr.ek, tiience south to the maiii road leading from tbi Hr;ckHouse to Fai-etteyille, thence Eastwanlly dora I the wad to the-Northern cause-way ditch and aiwig Uit uuen to tne river, except nve acres 01 upland around .the nr.ck house,) in another lot this lot contains about 215 acres of title swamp, ot which. .115 are improved, a considerable quantity of upland, together AVith a convenient dwelling house'aml all necessary out houses and f very largebricfcbam and sthbie; " ' .. ' e4t-i. All the lands owned by the Rank, .beijg eithy a part ot Belvidere or adjacent tTiereto, and not iiiciudiij in thcabove parcels; in another lot. . " This lot contains near 4000 acres of land, of which about 100 are Hide swamp, and of that about 80 acrei are improved, and several valuable mill seats on Stiir geon creek, across one of which there is a dam al ready finished. Proposals for the purchase of the above property, o? March 8, 1316. 42':t. Wairwoutu 6c TASctr. for pubkshing in tne town ot retersburgn, in addition to their present semi-weekly Intelligencer, a paper once-a-weck for the country, at three dollars per annum. , - This paper will be printed en a large crown sheet ; will contain twenty-four Columns, from eight to ten of which the editors promise shall be original matter. Not an advertisement to appear more than or.jc, unless pur ttcuiariy important .iiWMfW which, From their importance, niay hie deemed worthy ot any part of it, wiil be rejceivcd by the subscriber, until i.. i i i. n i i . r .i ' j . . i i i.i. : a. ii i. i.. j itfiiiir ; 1 1 :i -ft iii4irv ifiniiriia- it -tvi iiin nn tir unv nan win iif rnii: i'in. E W V i.r.KLV tA tilh . Prcfusils bv ,n olhe-' resjHicts, it wul, of eours'e, be the interest ar!V vd befert the 1st day of Morcii next Tiie lands will a n t - w U.. C .1: . i... i . . i l t. . V 1 " . .1 a. r. ' a a. - m 1 n li. uc soisi cti a cKlit oi .1, . o, o, ami w years, jayaBit ih ctjUal instalnir nte, bearing interest ficom. the d;i'e. Notes with approved indorsers, and a mortgate ontht prop rty will berrequ-rcd. - - WM. B. MEAK1.S. F.hmr,rv3. 18'6. ' 38 tl.A A liANCE. - t he pronerty I u VU1. . l.l iM W HOVJ ui Wagtmr eKy.nrroH'atlpy"' stable "iu Warrenton. N-O.theen- suiiijs-ie.on l'erms. &c. will be m.tde'known m-tlti's . time. - PHILEMON HAWKINS..' Fehitiary 4th, 1813 36-tf. u 10ACU MAYING BUSINLSS. Tltesub j scriber informs the puhlie7(aner thanking them fir former favors) that he has oo hand, finished between 1500 and 2000 -dollars worth of ELEGiST WORK, part of which is for sale ; and invites those ! want, or may want, any tbing in his line, to call at his shop, west of the court house, J. T. C. WIATT. Ralekh 23th. Nov. 1815 - STATE OF X. C-.KOLlN A. i In I'.timtu.Set). tern, object of the editor, to gratify, by various and careful txj. 1,..:. .1.. ...... ...l ... . i i leeiiun, me lasie anu wisncs oi ins reauers So far as regards the manner of execution, the atten tion to advertising patrons, with regularity of publica tion, and care in transmission to subscribers, the edrtor hopes to be able to give general satisfacuon. ; ' ' Tlie TSBJis proposed, are .' :;.... v 1. The Public Jstcrnal of the United States, printed on . .1 . ..i.f I ... II 1 I..,. to, the tfiiintrv inimtstTirt fthr-AtFa;iaHilWla,' """" ig-rurmsinua rUs7a lolidinass of New. It will be issued evcrv aa'y Wars fier annum tnrice a weeK ;Jrve. Thursday evening, and sent ;ff to subscribers securely pacaea up. , In the editorial department, Frs. Garland Yanccv and Thomas Wbitworthwill.be occasionally Assisted with ! oroewa . ana uie--eaiwr wtu, at nis;oF literary easavs and remarks by Mr. John Wood, Presi-1 haVc r!Kht t0 regard such order of discontinu Wh pt-r.K.n- A.Ai uL.:. i unless all arrearages arfc at the time paid oft. sed from other gentlemen. - . I Wiere accounts hare been forwarded, and no pay- Snbaci iptions will bt taken by the. differeat Postmas-1 "VV - .v-0-uc imuiciiuiucs in vinrmia. x.rth n,l sii, f,i;. n ! o delinquents may be erased from the subscription list. subscription to be received without payment, in advance, for the term specified. '. 3. Subscriptions will be presumed as continued,' unless otherwise ordered ; and the editor will, at his ODtiou. ance, ttts in Virginia, North and South Carolina pricej three dollars per annum, to be paid upon receipt of the first number. -' Every Postmaster or other person who will obtain ten subscribers, and become responsible for the aanaeahall. e entitled to receive the paper gratis The subscription lists are expected to be returned by the first of .May ; at which time the paper will be com menced. CCj" Subscriptions received at this office.- March 22,1816. 42 2t. H ARD WAKE- At reduced rics tor Wes tern Bank Paper. MicuAti Rixmbl. 1.,.. - V. ' no. 4, iortn luiwara. street, opposite M, Joseph Wor ley's Tavtri., Baltimoix; is now opening 502 packages as sorted CUTLERY, SADrM.ERY, PLATED BRASS and JAPAN'D WARE, tfUTTONS, &c. 8cc. and further sup plies expected by the first Spring ships. It will be worth the attention of purchasers to call : as. those Goods liavc been purchased for cash in F.nffl.tnd, the assortment will be sold low for. cast), or, ori liberal credit for accep Lance in the city. -March 22, 1816. 42 2m. TTENTIOxN, Officers of the is B,S Yrtu will be on your tiarnde eround at It o'clock on' the 1st Saturday ."in -Anril nt comnlptv iuit- law directs, . . ' cquipt for drill as1 liy order, - March 20th, 1816. ;ALFKF.DEANE, Atljt. tdp. JL next, et Northampton courthouse, N. Ca rolina, will be let to the lowest undertaker," the BUIUI ING A NEW COKKTllOUSEibrtyYeet-sWreVlbui--" iccn ie-ci. iiieii,. wiui ie mollis, as, wings, nt teen teet square; with chimneys. The" main building to be1 set rinve feet from the ground on brick Bond, wrth ap proved security, will be required for the faitlifOT 7r formance of the work, acrreeablv to a Dlaii to bp vvpn ut tlie time of letting said Work, by the commissioners.'' 4UHN NICHOLAS, - A M hit ISXbM,- Karcb, 181& JAMES CRUMP, r.ARTPD TVTtit5 . UAXiU MASON. , Commissioner. 4is-15m respectfully informs the nublic: that the opened a bouse of Entertainment in the town of Salisbu - ry, (.in trie bouse formerly occupied by R. Torrance.) They deem it aofjicient to say, that expenses have not been spared to render this establishment commodious and agreeable and to place it on 'the most extensive and liberal foundation. . - . It TORRANCE. : 'w ' li SLAUGHTER. ; siUttDary, r. c. Jan. irtn, IBIG, , , - : 35-2m, On the foregoing plan and terms, a share of ftubhc en couragement is respectfully asked. A. LL'CAS. Washington City, February 14, 1836. Jy Thosa gentlemen in J'orth and South-Carolina and treorgiut -who may be kind enough to take charge of sub scription papers, vi have the goodness io receive thexid vunce payments, and forward them, with the names, fur the" present, to the subscriber at Jialeigh. lit ANOKE NAVlUATION. In issu ance of the "Act for improving the navi gation of tlie river- Roanoke and its waters. ' passed bv the General Assembly of Nortb-Caroirria, in 1815, the tin dersigned commissioners, give notice,that Books f or re ceiving subscriptions, to the capital stock of the conip. ny, will be opened at the Bookstore of Wm. Boyl,ov in the city 6f Raleigh, on the first Monday itr March next, and kept open until tlie third Monday in June following. A share of s t ock is onC hund scriber is required to' pay ten dollars upon each share .subscribed, either at the tjme of subscribing, or by vlie meeting of the "stockholders, t6 take place at Halifax on the fourth Monday' in June next; aiid not "more than 33 1-3 per' cent upon a share; can be demanded in any one year thereafter. . .... The undersigned- take tlie liberty to recommend to men of capitaLto liecome subscribers. The act of inr.or. poration holds put a prospect to the company forever, of a proui, cquai,. ii. jioi superior io tne aiVidends nf ai baikkmg L'ititoijfu-o:is rte, free too, from the irm position ot taxes by lhe legislature. It. authorises the roroiiimy '.to erect toll bridges over thp Roanoke and all the streams which rim into.at in this svalp- . A-ni-i.vii.-n-.. "which-TaaVbc considered as extremely Valuable. -r: VM. BOYLAN, CUATBASt COtSTt. y IQIO r Susannah O'Deau, vs. Jesse VVood. Original .Bjll y IT appearing to the C ourt, that Jesse Wood resides oat of the limits of this state, it is . ordered, that publication be made, six weeks su. cessive lv in the liuleigh Minervu,-iur the defendant, who t -sides , in Tennessee, to ' appear at the .next court, and ; .lead, answer or demur.W the Bill will be taken procoyfese j aga.nst him, and heard tx parte. '- ' ' "" - A copy ironvvne mmu o. CHARLES J. WILLIAMS, C. M.E S0U1'Y DOLLARS REWARD. -R" way from the subscriber about the ntbul!., ... two.Negn Men, Jack and Jim. tac), is a black fellow, uncommonly small, trrry tVv years old. J.in isa u- tto fellow about 5 feet 7 tnertctf lugn, rouna st..v, id ha a scar on his left arm he was raised in Chatham- "ZJ Raleigh, Febmary 20. Jr GALES, H. SEA WELL. - ; 38- AOLE HOTEL, For tiale. -The Jong con JLU tiuued bad health ot our acting partner, in! uii CJ1.UI1.UHUC1II, reiiuers it iiupraeiicauie lor aim to give the necessary attention required to the encreasing custom of the house. We have therefore detei-rr.ined to dispose of the Hotel, with all its appuitenances.covering two acres of ground, , and give immediate possession Any pensons aesirous topurciiase, can nave reference to Xi NTERTAINMENT BfTr6RRANCEiou? UookV'mce we P4 tne house which, we suppose X- Au siiAiUH iiK..i he subscribers tlie best evidence we can offer to shew the value of thp establishment. These can be no doubt, but it is the most profitable andf course the most desirable property in the southern states," ' , JS, C BRA ME, & Co. Raleigh, Feb: 2J,18t6. - v ',. 38-tf. 0 The editor of the Charleston Tiroes, will pU-ase in sert theTabove advertisement four weeks antf forward the account for payment r------- - LNK of alt kinds-tor sale at the Mi 15 nerva Office. Test. Februanv 18! 6 1 and count v," North-Carolina -He wiil probably etvleayort.i pass for a freeman as he has applied to a Mr. M.-rreltor a pass to go to -Pennsylvania The above rew inl lor mR :ntv do'.Lu-s for either of them will be g.ven, ami a" iabWxpcnc.es paid for the -delivery; of th" " t W.rwcrnigWerrr in" "any jailiothtt I get tliem Uils (VKV lu-iuiistiiaiiii. . itii, mw. . . L ... ; c. .;,k.'f,k.m nrill Kc fTiVi-n. an'l an reasonab IjiufciO)' acrahi 'Chafham, S. C. Feb 1-3-, 1 31 6. Al. VV. MASON..ti the Star Jiuildingh Kuleish. has just reeeived a-largeauu L.TlIOiAS. , - .388'. al' supply of GOODS, which makes his assortm -ntw-lomph-tc", and be assures tlie public they shall be sola tioua ry con r.henn. win c!,tnn -.li(-in pnonirh in all conscience- The public are respectfully invited to call ami examine. them 5 and they are moreover earnestly ; exhorted, tney regard a good penny, worth, td buy, and to buy i J-eely S now is the time. jjr the. Goods are, 'very briskly got VJfiTZM e're longbYttONE! ! J-fhen, arpwr Richard says,.. .. ' ''Buy while you may, M v No morning sun lasts tne wnoie Feb; irui'rv 23 18 6: 38-r-tf. 8 out of" 2 TOP THE THIEF 1- Was stolen (Kla . mi !.? n r nukhl I hp. 2(1 the 2d Feliro- mr A Sll fKh.li HllnM1, I -k l.V nnllll Vcars ohl branded cii 'the Jiear shoulder w ith the flgu1- 96; his hind feet and one forefoot white. - star snip ; some white hairs on his wither, occasioned ny . collar ; tliera is a sink in, the hind part of his nip . mi-hM holnwrt,hf tail. A is-ujnr.l. and all reasonablCC pences will ne' pntd, and any informntion thankw ff ceivedby - : ANDREW BARifV Jlrckltjulntrg cooiiff, Feb! 23, 1ST ft- it ,"V'"fr""