Poetry. THE SLANDERER'S TOMii -far ir. iw DEEP in tne ureary wrcsvgiwm, ; .. Where not a flower seen in bloom, A"U wirere r . - ,-, V, k , .-i , The bank where deadly nightishadtf Waves' " " Is seen ine iiw , The boding owlet, frovVtog round, - - i Sends forth the screech of fearful sound $f ' The black wind iaven liagera" there, , , Anu blasting dews pollute the air, . f ' , a fut fail unnn the unhallowed mouhdt ' r -r---. ... .. .... i ... For him, who sleeps in that lone bed No tear ot fond regret is sued, No kindred dear his fate bemoan, " r Or raise the consecrated styne, With pious hands above hiaheacV h ' Alike to Heaven and man a foe, The only joy on earth' he knew, Was to destroy his neighbor's fame, . To blight the fairestbrightest name, And aim at virtuV breast a blow- . .. v , 6a his dark brow scowVii Envy dire1, - His eye balls dash'd a baneful fire, -Whilst Malice, and enveiiom'd llate Dwelt in his heart in sullen state, -r . And swell it with a hellish ire. v - Indignant saw lh Almighty power ; The wretch :Jell woes around him show?r- The bolt of Heaven in thunder sped, And stuck the pro wliogmpnster dead, That he should curse theWprld no more. And now in dreary forest gloom. - Where not a flower is seen tff bloom,"" And where a poison'd streamlet laves The bank -where deadly night' shade Waves, Is seen the hateful tlandtrer tomb. Miscellaneous. FBO M TUB BOSTS3 XVEXIST0 G.IZE'ITE. Tha following impressive sketch, pourtraying the dread- . ful consequences, of gaming, is from the pen of a gen tleman who was well acqnaited with the person aud fact described -r We submit it to the reflection of tliose just entering on the pernioious career and hope that it may have a salutary effect Where rocks and other perils abound, there ought to be numerous bear cons to warn, the unexperienced and the rash. The sjren song" which induced Ulysses to bmdhiseom- , panionsand himself to the mast, was less dangerous, . uiui me xuuv,iiuna ui iin; kraiiiiiiK mu.c. es pecially when presenting themselves under the most innocent and attractive form. CONSEQUENCES OF GAMING. There lived. I will Tint AAV u;hprp. n mun w - " V) MM Mil who was ushered into life with the fairest pros 'pects. He was uu only son. His father was deiuLhis inhfritnnio tvua omnia Tllo . -- . ......... -M.au.. i. . o ..... 1. 1 ills ill U I II I devoted herself exclusively to her sonshe in dulged him to excess. His parts, were good xns mma quicst and lively. His person was handsome. "it His manners attracting. His dis ju9iiu vuiitiianug. uie uegioing or in revolutionary war, he had just become a man. lie entered into the ,army : He was soon dis tinguished, honored and promoted.- But before he commenced the career of honor, he had con tracted the passion for gaming. That passion, too frequently indulged, lessened his value. His superiors sometimes admonished and some times chided. The passion increased. The honorable calls of an injured and struggling country the flattering inducements of rank acquired, and promotion expected, were forgot ten He withdrew from the army nnder some r"1"'0 iiwucc. nx auuresseu and mar ried a charming Woman.. He received with her considerable wealth Engaged in commerce Jas often absent from home, under pretence of mercantile DHrsiiiilint a la i . , - - w mumu ill th propensity of gaming. His credit at a mer- hunt ... - 14 . . . . v-uUl luii. ue was unrortunate at play, and to reirievehis losses, he descended to the practice of cheating. ; Unskilled in this nafv art, he was detected beaten and kieked out of a public room disgraced and stigmatized, and - u- .ma iuiiit years ui age, Ph!lAnAlnfi!Air ivai Dttrsued Ind apprehenJ e4 before- fce pawea itte lerr to rauiui yM Ann nni-iniH ruaiuur isidiuu - i. m ..I-iTiii :L.. i..li nol sterling, wera PP 'M110 Plce Office, N. York, being Toun online person vtr tender. " .' . y'i ' T ;. t -'V v. " ; -: The Middleton Bank, Venn, was lately rob- h.A r n 0 ilnllarii-The Uentlemn was seized, along wM the .dollars,' nd is now in prison at Lebanon. t -x,-1 r- ' ' t, " v . " V: tROM THB IRGIA;PATBI0T. - Mr. H1unro was a. member of the Conven tion of Virginia a majority of whiek agreed to the ratitfieatioi of the eoostitntion af theU. 8. tho' he was opposed to it. Oa4he subject of the electjoH of a president, he has these remarks. How far they will apply to Mr. Jefferson, Mr, Madison or himself, the readerjmay judge.. ; Will not the influence of the President himself have treat iaflueuee in his re-election j " M . a 1 ll the variety- of the ottiees at nis aisposai, win acquire lihn, the-favor and attaehnjent of . those wko aspire after them, and of the otiieers and of their friends. He win ja rresiueui ro cretary 44 have some connexion w ith the mem bers of the different branches of government Thev will esteem him, because they wUJ bsac nuainted with him livia the same . tern with him. and often dine with him. This famHiar and frequWt intercourse .wilLsecura him great influence Besides hi mnueuce iu iue win where he will reside, he will have very consi- ilprablQ weirht its the dillerent states, ror these reasons I conceive-tbe same President may" always he continued and be in fact" or in the first placej eieciea uy wngrw, in stead of independent and intelligent electors. 7E0M THE MEW-yORK EVENING POSri : 'Washington, jpr&t9r-- The following' statement this, morning made to the House of Representatives by Mr. Tucjcer of Virginia, in relation to the uumber and wa ges of the persons engaged to superintend the rebuilding the eupitol only, suTwnhTjprofutie prodigality with which the peopled money, borrowed at an usurious premium of fifteen per cent, is lavished upon the favorites of the ad ministration :. . , One super intendant, yearly salary, S 1200 Three commissioners, whose yearly salaries are 4800 Mr. Latrobe ' - do. 16U'J Farenun of stone-cutters do. 1 1500. Messenger to commissioners, do. " i AH) Cleil ot commissioners, do. . 15u0 . Clerk of the works per day, equal to a yearly salary of ' 1252 Overseer of carpenters S3 per day, tqual to. a yearly salary of Ovefseer of laborers g2 per day.eqml to a year ly salary of Overseers of brick-layers g3 per day,, equal to a yearly salary of Sub-Oven-eers of dorg2 per day, equal to a veaf lv salary of , M aster stone c utter g3- per day, ejual to a year- ; . ly salary of 939 -Avoided bvMen of h pelled by gamblers, loved and respected by no woe, aespised by himself, and coaded bv rh rebukpanf a tiacx. ' i i , uwwv ijiiug conscience, ue naa resource to the botUe, aniLthus, between the agitations of a hateful retrospect, and the ano dynes of afdenf, spirits he hastened to-the . TlWnilln MRMa-M. I If- J .1-1. ... . . . i j & e" J u " tiisuaseu minu n4e0aying heahu;jn,the vigor of manhood, without; leaving 'behind- him any to sav, alas, W miliaml for that was his name. .."' Aim ma HL.V V . a ... . '.. - -. -- iCO! laf n.uti ... . : . . KvJ-'r1" uon-;tneirBon8 guardians weir, wards.-Let young men. be warned by WesiasrofjIteMtkae such fair and flattering prsspeets were. hlighted by KamblinC. Let iMuse wno approve and are l.P.,tis,l h it.:. mjaancboly piclure,go to gambling tables, and -aw if they find young men fast entering in the JJof ve, hastening headlong to the preci- Pce of dsstructiop, give timely and salutary this mntory lessen these sad na heartendering truths be read-with atten Una. 'nn.i no.k.-.a I .'. t J .1 '-r t'v.Mp, oj uvu uudiuoiuon, some a7. be snatehed from ruin, who may become 1W 0am!nt-,C.their country, the pride of weir friends and aa honor to the family of man. " .' ' philos. .; inters, Merchants and others, look shamt w.. 1. 7rr 1T83 the Bank f Nantucket 539 6C6 939 .626 ws, robbed of a-considerable sum of money, .til-rWwr-kMW be made of the perpe- thr.. 'ately been 'discovered, that Toht!18' C,ai aDd Witheiiy, were the Son V -r V cuiivici in me oiawx-ri-ed i th.e I " rk' n6 ile nfessioo, And clear been ! - Tfter of some persons who had long suspected of thivjlliinv, ? fice V Z 5 the tlsrk'in a Broker's O- Aewlforkf look frnm iho in.....i1oct. :m9r and immediately set out for 16,421" Thus sixteen thousand four hundred and twenty-one dollars are annually paid, not for cutting stone and laying briek, but for superin tendence and keeping the accounts of, expendi tures ! This cannot be necessary But the same extravagance is to be found in various de partments of the government- the staff of our standing arjny is as much greater than is ne cessary; as the host who are, engaged to over see the repair of the eapitol. Patronage, patronage and influence reign tri umphant. How else could we secure a Virgi-. nia President ? Extract of a letter from a voting gentleman on board the U. S. frigate United States, dated PoftMahon, January 23, received m fio'ston. " Within a few days the Intendant has refus ed giving us our stores from the shore, alledg ing he had: orders from government to charge import and export duty on thera; amounting to 4000 dollars. JNothiDg ot tins Having keen mentJToned when. they were landed, our Commo dorcris determined not to comply. We have hauled directly opposite the Custom House with our broadside facing it. " The Constellation is in dock rentting, Cant. GordooVliealtb-is-nttt-very-good. TheriSrie, Ontario, Alert, John Adams, and schr. Hor net and the Dutch spuadron are here. The Hor net sails in a few days for Marseilles aud the Adams this day for Gibraltar, for provision. " The Algerine squadron is in port, and dis mantled. "The Aleerine briar was demanded by as at Carthagena ; but refused till orders were re- caivea irom juauria. . . " The Erie, has brought from Algiers, the American who were. on board the Spanish ship of the line San Fernando, w hich foundered near there." No property was Saved from that ship, she. sunk, so. suddenly. On board thero were 40 or 30 -women, soldiers, wives. All the lives were saved ; but the Algerines made prisoners of the Spaniards. Every possible exertion was made by the Americans to save the ship." A letter from Cadiz says, the loss of the San Fermando is a serious one for the Span iards, andthat it was said she had on board two hundred men, exclusive of, the Americans,1; UNIVERSITY, The annual examination of.thetudents at the Uuiversify of North Carolina, will begin on Thursdaynlie 9th of May ne.xt, and will continue until -Eriday the 17th of May." At which time the coMMEircKMKNT of the College will take place The following Trustees are appointed to attend. 'Hie Rev. Robert II. Chapman, D. D. : v.i;-.:j, TheRev. Jmpkiaidw V - Duncan Cameronf - Robert Cochran, ". . Jesse FrahkUn, " ' i- .John Haywood, ' . -' John I). Hawkins, ' " : ;;- Edward Jones, : -v. - . 'Robert H. Jones. 1 !';ll,;''r ' iH'raneItoeke . , : i . Joseph s. Littkjohrt, 4':- V- - Archibald JlfiBryde, j -fTeTstf " ROBERT WIUJAMS, Secretary. ' Raleigh April 10th1816V " '- 45 3t. if .v.. STTR AT HOOSTE. Strayed from the lab? scribert (living in Raleigh) about ten days agothreehw ses.V'That belonging to William Shaw is a light sorrel- one hind foot. White and a star in his, fore- attempting, with moderate fiTT!.. seutimeht andopinjor-.fthoohanTdl With approbauoq the .J.tem of pohcy puu3S"ev?. ' I ral years, by 0ur p ublic counciur 7 juruea, iot seve- . i As "idURNAIi OF THE & Crty of Wash,ngton.-The subscriber propose'. to eoS ' mence. withm a few wir. Kr" w e i:u. . .. ii . ii. ; 'A..M t i ' v -t .Mince-a-weeJci tt . . - . ?iu-ii."-M ::"-"nj",'w wregomE' title, to be nubiUhl grown outvie u one of aparof carnage horses i al4 the seat of the general government' It wilf h n.t Fyjyimes a hijch head ahd tail t aboutfeet 10 inches in it cbaracter.'.nd VtSSXidlT. n?l0nal flign anas or y years oia. mat Deiongmg to Dr.BecK with is a slim, dark bay, with a star in his forehead i black mane and switch tail ; about 5 feet high and 7 or 8 years old - not in very good order.-The One belonging td S. Bond is a bright bay i both hind feet white, switch tail, also about $ feet high and 7 or 8 years old. ,- :; , . 4 The above strays went off in company and were seen all together on the stage road, half Way between Raleigh and Louisburg One of them . was raised in Franklin county; about 8 miles from Louisburg--but: not having gone there, we are ivclined to think they may have gone into Granville county. -Any information respecting the above strays, or either of them,' Will be. most thankfully received, and ample compensation made to any one who will deliver all, or either ef them to us In Raleigh. ' . . WM. SHAW, JOHN BECKWITH, SOUT11Y BOND. - Raleigh, April J9, 1816. 46 3t. . ' I PIMMNTMENTS. On Saturday the 27th of the present month, I will attend at Per son Court House to pay off the troopl from that county, late of the 5th Uegt. N. C. detached Militia, in the ser vice of tha U. States, and on Tuesday fojlowing, (the 30th) 1 will attend at Rockingham Court House to pay off tliose of that county. . .. " T il SMITH, P. v 5th U. N. C. D. M. U S. S. ewspaper. no Daina will k'.i useful and interesting, : T-'l'MM " roMier 1Uf foAtfS1' ope", to escfc side, for a calm discussion ofpublic measure.jeiectine u. - iiwuccuiiiK miu oeDatesot Coneress. as ample a. possjbiU be given fa will aU doeSS Zr iZt, u r imP0rtnce. may be deemed worthy of ' being placed before the public. : . "T7- , In other respects.lt will, nfrnmw i Ti , U1U . L se - 0RGE-WGR1MES, havinesold-to Mr, Thomas Cobbs, his stock in the Wind sor Chair business, intends devoting his attention exclii sively,t PAINTING AND GILDING. He will attend particularly to the Coach and frt Sism Paintinr and House ornamenting He returns his thanks for, the Very iiDcral encouragement neretotore receivea. and hopes from assaduity and attention to his business to merit and receive a continuance of public patronage. He may be lounu at present at uol. Viatt s carriage shop. Uusmess from the couotry thankfully received and promptly 'kt- tenaea to -- j April is, joio. 40 t. "fi-ll' OANOKE NAVIGATIONln purso JLV. anee of the-" Act for improving the navi gation of the river .Roahoke arid its waters," passed by' wii-jiJC ijci AtfTLaKuliU J J(L Jjiu.uiuuiuuiuit-4Q I UII" T HI llcS lLJ'l LI V dersigned commissioners, give noticcthat Books tor re ceiving Bubscriptions, to the capital stock of the compa ny, will be pened at. the Bookstore of Wm. Jloylan in tne city of Pudeigh, on the first Monday in March next, ami kept open until the lurd Monday in June following. A share ot'stock is one hundred dollaij and each sub scriber is required to pay ten dollars upon each share subscribed, either at i he time of subscribinff, orbvthe meeting of the stockholders, to take place at Halifax on the fourth Monday in June next; and not more than 33 1-3 per cent upon asjiare, can be demanded in anyone year tlkereafter. - . .iv - The undersigned take tlie liberty to recomroend.te men of capital to become subscribers. The act ofincor- pnration holds out a prospect to the company forever, of a profit, equal, if not superior to the dividends ot any i ..i " i-i. r r l -i uHiiKni iiiKiuuuuiis oi iue svaie, iree xoo, irom ine im position ot taxes by the legislature. It authorises the company toercet toll bridges over the Roanoke and all the streams which run into it in this state . A privilege wh'.ch may be considered as extremely valuable. WM. IIOVLAN. , Raleigh, February 20. J. GALES, H. SEA WELL. 38 LAND FOR SALE In the vicinity of Ra leigh. The Subscriber offers, lor sale, a eU timbered and valuable tract of Land, south east ol Raleigh, joining the lands of Sherwood Ha'y wood,- Wm ii. Haywood, and Joshua Suerc:, senr. A.CURTIS. Raleigh, March 2 ', 1816. t .42 tf.- , - DOCT'RS FALCQNER & HENDERSON having entered into partnership in the practice of Medicine and Surgurjv Sic. all applications will be particularly attended to. Raleigh, March 2, 181fi. ' 42 if. flExMOVAL. Wm. W.Mason, Hasremov ) ed his STORE to the house lately occu pied by E. Weems; one door above Richard Smith's; where he solicits a continuance ofpublic patronage. " ' ' . 43 tf EDlCJNESlNTSeThe-suV M scriber, having purchased of Mr. Joseph Host, Ins possessions at the corner of Fayetteville and Harget streets, intends to make it a permanent'stand for his business where he has just received from New York, and intends keepingfbr sale, a general assortment of MEDICINES, PAINTS, MATTER'S MATERIALS, GROCERIES anda fresh assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, all of which will be sold low for cash. The objectof having a house established in this place, where all medicines of the first . necessity can be ob tained genuine, cheap, and fresh, is too obvious to need any "further cojnment. Medicines put up for Country Mcrcnants anu rnysicians, at a liberal discount. object of the editor, to gratify, by various and cartful lrlinn thA taut. .....I ..; u l' , - i "vv wutiicB ui uis reaoers, 1 SoTar as regards the manner of execution, the attertv C tion to adverlumg patrons, with regularity ofpublica. tion4 and cafe ,in transmission Jo subscribers, the editor hopes to be able to give general satisfaction. V v I Ue terms proposed, are 1 . 1. The JuUic Journal of the United State; printed On a superroyal heet of the usual .ize, will be Yurnishetl dotty at ten dollar pgr anr,n...thrice a week aJffr ; -4,. No .ubscriptioB to be received without payment, in advance, ; for the Urm specified. i ... 3. Subscriptions irill be presumed as continued, unless otherwiseorK-drandtlie editor will, at his option, -have a right to disregard such order of discontinuance. ..v,0. u uviaai is-rc y an? kune paia on, A 3ITK . " " i . i T . here accounts have been forwun! on,l A mentiias been made within a reasonable time, th hames ot -deluiquents may be erased from the subscription list. : On the foregoing plan and terras, a. share of public-encouragement is respectfully asked. AJUUCAS - Washington City, February 14, 18l6T ' Th? gentlemen ih North, and Souitr Carolina ahU Georgia, who may be kind enough to take charge of tub-criptionpapert-will have the goodness ta receive tlie ad vance payment, and forward them, with the names, for th present, to the tubtcriber at Raleigh . , S3 fm CELEBRATED JL llUKSE, HHYLOCK.- Will stand, the ensuina- itea&aH ttn stablein KorthaniptoacjjiiMyS- coun-nouse, ten from the town of Halt. fax, ahd twenty from Belfield, on the road leading from Halifax td Belfield. Will be let to mares at twenty.five ' dollars theeasorW if paid by the expiration thereof; or thirty pilars payable by 25th December hex with one dollar to the groom n every instance.- Very extensive and well inclosed pastures for the benefit of mares left" with the horse ; they;b)dl be fed according ) direction; which money must be pid when the mares are-, taken away. My attention shall be such as to try to prevent any accident, thdagh no respons ib.Lty if an should oc cur, i ne season has aireaavXcaminenced- and will ex. pire on the first of August. ' - Shylock is a beautiful bay, fivexfeet two inches high, with black legs, mane and ta.l ofsuperioa form, great action, and such substance aad stamina as the best judges say tney have nVer before seeity -April 1, 1816. JOHN D. AMIS. s 45 6t. RANDOLPH WEHB. .40 8t. Hakicrh,Mareh8,l86. K. B. MINERAL WATERS prepared and sold as above. HARD WARE-At reduced prices for Wes tern Bank Paper. Michael Kimmel, No. 4, North Howard Street, "opposite Mr. Joseph Wor ley's Taven., Baltimore; is now opening 502packages as sorted CUTLERY, SADDLERY, PLATED BRASS and J APAN'D WARE, BUTTONS, &c. &c and f urther sup plies expectea by tne-hrst spring snips. It will be worth the atteation of purcliasers to call : as those Goods have been purchased for cash in England, the assortment will be sold low for cash, or, on liberal credit for acceptance i) the citv . .. - - ' -. . . ' , "t: March 22,' 181 6 r - " . C1 HANCE. Thtfx property J of col. John Ttyloe, of Washington city, will staiid at my stable in Warren ton. N. C. tlie en- i suing season. Terms Sic. will be made known indue time. PHILEMON HAWKINS, . February 4th, 1816. 36 tf. Pay of the first Regiment of N. Carolina Mil xt labiate, an the U. otates service at JyorfoUc, .4- T TENDANCE will be riven at the follow- jL inc times and places to pay such Claim as remain unpaid, for services in the above named Re"- giment,,viz . ... . ! At Raleigh, on the 26th and 27th jnst. At Nash Court-House, on the 1st of April. At larbOTougn, tne 3d, 41 h and 5th do. At Enfield .(Halifax county) on tlie 8th At Halifax, 9th At Win ton, Hertford county, 11th At Northampton & House, - 13th At Warrenton, 16th ...At Williamsborough 18th A t Granville Court-House, 19th At Lewisbur& !.22l i. "And at Smithfield, . 26th and7th 1 ire same ruies iiua reKUiauuns will ue ODServeu ill paying, as published bv Junius Sneed, Esq. District Pay master, in the Raleigh newspsmera of last month. Per sons having claims would do well to look at said regula tions before they apply, WILLIS WH1TAKER, " P. M. 1st Reg. N. C. D. M. r Ilateitch, March 14. AGLE HOTEL, For SafeThe long con tiuued bad health of our acting; partner, in this establishment, renders it impracticable for him to give the necessary attention required to UieJjeiKreasiiig custom -of the lifuse7sWtrhrrve ttrerefore Ueterniined to do. do. do. do io. 10. . dispose, of the Hotel, with all its appuitenances,eovering two acres of ground, and give, immediate; possession .- Any persons desirous to purchase, can have reference to our Books, since we kept the house, which we suppose the best evidence we can offer to shew the value of the establishment; There can be no doubt, but it is the most profitable and of Course tlie most desirable property in tlie southern states. S. C. BRA ME, & Co. Raleigh, Feb. 23, 18'. 6. . . : 38 tf. . The editor of the Charleston Times,will please" In sert the above advertisement four weeks and forward" the account Tor payment. , . . . TEW LEATHER STORE. The Subseri- I3 42 2tk bers Jiave opened k Leather. Stojo-i tlr? rqpnJatlwoptta by ; W7W. Mason, m tne. star.buiia ings, Raleigh, where'thy ofTer for sale a general assort ment of the !est Norliern Leatfier, at Petersburg prices, for Cash They hwe now on hand, soal and upper leasL . -i ...if .I.:..- .. : .1 ...n. - ....1 K 1 . roiina. will bp let to the lowest undertakpr. tl- HITII.rv. 1 ,cr w" "'.' fVw UNDERTAKERS On the 13th May P next, at Northampton court house,1 N. C,a- ING A NEW COURT HOUSE, forty feet square, four teen feet pitch, with two rooms, as wings, nfteeri" reset square ; with chimneys. The main building to be set three feet .from the ground on brick. -Bond, with ap proved security, will be required for the faithful per formance of the work, agreeably to a plan to, be given at the time of letting said .w.m k, by the commissioners. JOHN NICHOLAS, - JAMES EXUM, "-JAMES CRUMP, GARTER JONF, ' DANL. MASON. .' ; : Commissioner. ' .v: j, ' - 44p-15m. . i 1 i. t,:,i.i 1.1,1.0 .,s.n n. j un-r, . 1 uia uiu Atii.111 iiivia, -; .wwivit t.y flint lamb skms, morocco skmS, natters' skujs, boot trees ami lasts. Alt which they will warrant of first quality. BREWER FAIRLAMB. ' -March; '4, 1815. ..: - ; ' 43--tf; .March, 1816; OACH MAKING BUSINESS.The sub Vscribef informs the public7(af(er thanking them for former favors)" that he has on hand, finished between 1500 and 2000 dollars worth - of ELEGANT WORK, part of which is for sale ; and invites those who Want, or mav want, anv thine in his line, to call at his shop, west of the court house. J. T. C. WIATT. Raleigh 28th. Nov. 1915. . 26 tf. EW TWO STORY IIOUSEFOR SALE. i-'Oie subscriber olTers for sale; his House and linear the Academy, with all the improvement s.; For elegance of situation, there'is none, perhaps, sune- rioc in the city ; and none better calculated for a Bbard-1 ing House; For rurthcr particulars, apply t r -.;; : , . . J, F. GQNTEKE. . Raleigh, March I,VOUND On Monday last, a bank note, which the owner m.ay hate by proving it, and.paying fiir this advertisement. Apply at this officer. April 18,1816. . ' , 46-lt. ' ' TATE OF N.C.vROLINAO Court "of Pleas, "B Quarts . . i iftBRstt eoesTr. 5 Session, Feb. term, 1816. John Feemster, 1. Robert Woodsides Original Attachr .! ,; .. . . ment, levied, &c- ; TT appearine to thersatiifactioiL ofthe coar JL that the defendarj . is not. an inhabitant of this state ; It is therefo Order'iS, Ifhat'the defendant ap pear at the'next court of pleas and qaerjessipns to be held for the county of Jredell, on thethira Monday in.';. Mav next, then and there to plead, otherwise judgment 1 will be taken accoi'ding t the plaintiff's demand : and tint notice be inserted in the Raleigh Minerva tl.irce weeks. ;- ' ' Test, JOHN NESBET. C. C "April 9-, 1816---rr-.77iv'T MINERVA OFFICE. Two or three boyf Jbetweeit 42 and IS years of age'of Tes-rr t pectable connections and good habus, will be recej .ct, t as appieiiticesto.tiie Drinting business, if immediate 'aW , ; 23,-;! 8l.-r7:-t , . '4. tt. ;;;.ri-it!i .onbo nwa. -yn