1 3 J gbjuniefttion Icept No :;W&Mt aeteription can possibly apJroMh tbslan4 witboutbein5 discovered k r these ennzer.. .The j a orumi has been fortified, ana a nartv of men landed to garrison it.r One aloojr of warf conuntlf iUtwnea Were,, fe. . The Dutches of Meeklenbugh has depar .11 a:. !:-. . t, ftnlv 25 years of RR0 ; A German Paper tales, that Eugene- BeaU 4.1. ; .4 ;n da .his possessions in Italy to Austria for a yearly iueeme of a million francs? Last Saturday morning ai an ui,v VA.m'ftmPti.r fell at low, in some situations in .i.:. .,hhniirhood. as 38 4-SO below tbe free :. i i..r. in London the cold appear to have been still more intense. Nothing eual to it mhorad for several years. Tk. Bnd West York reeiment of militia Arrived here on Sunday from Ireland y and on j Tuesdav and Wednesday marehed to their own. jroflnty to be disbanded. ".-.;;.: : : , j The Paris papers of Monday last arrived this iiiorning. Upwards of 40 tax gatherers have heen removed in the department jof the Aude; .. more thanlUe . hundred and fifty persons employed in tlie collection of the indirect taxes r us well in the eentral administration as the de rtmentsliave been roealled for haying mam itetl opinions uniavirwBto Bviwuv.. t ' jIiriTfTT lffiitt of-tliollepart- ' " in-nA.ViiLuife confirmed bflhe Mi- n titer of the general Poliee, General . Mayor, other BrineiDal inhebUauta of Ren tes, ha,ve been ordered to -qnit that eilyvin 2 Wr' and irenaif to certain yeints assigned for Their residence in various and remote parts of ; tbe kingdom, mere 10 e aepi mnnnon ui--itillancTheiiare ebarged with being abet tors and sopporteri of the Kr-Breton Cqnfede- ratioiiy aod-eneouraging tho seditious .princi k pies which lately manifested themselves among . U ftui4Hta of the college of Law in that eitv . "ATFivtWletteMf-FeblQ. says" No de- ' cijioiTlittJi yet taken plieerespeeting the appeal .' it. fKnf. Edsrlish oaotivet to - the Court un! Tlv wereitesterdav inteftoeatied and reported to identify the papers which had, been, seired in tneir nooses. , ihobb u w. Brace are so very iiumerou that three or four mure are indispensable to complete thU fc from different barts of Asia, and Greece and I from the companions of his former travel, i -1 i said tho French Government mean to have tlifem-translated. Be that, as it may the trial 1 will eertaiulv not ceine om in consequence this and other Impediments, until the begiunihg r possible the middle of aiarcn. lwi?w aad were alt iivelhe Bbaiieea it il said bid on board iso officer and privates. The Chamber of pepniirtafe, iow occupied with- tha laflahf VelaUver to .the Clergy M. rrK.tKftubriand. with hia usual abilityrhaS- eu hiropiniott- M. C Causal de Coussergues, M. de IS Bourdonnaye, and M" Boyer Collard, have also spoken on the subject, and pt appears that the question wiB ultimately be carried jo h. .ffir.iAtire. knd the rierhU of the Clertry will not only Be reeogiiised butpermanently e. tablishcd. The Sitting still eontinae. ; v, M; Carnot i still at Varsovia. - He arrived there in the character of a Lyonese merchant, , General Rapp has Uken his oaths of fidelity to the King on being ereated a Lount. 22 4 A 'Mipiecks.--U is with paioVsay the Liver Advertiser of February 17th' we have to Anhouneethe )ss of three transport, the Sea lorst. Lord Melville and Boadicea, on the coast of Ireland; with many officers and men being oart of the armV from France. The Seahorse ftr loosln both anehbrtr, drifted upon tbe lands between Tramore and the fnrthestend j the RabWU Www aWot ilfcHuWfrWTat tord, and in a few minutes went entirely to pie tS. The number of lives lost uy tun meian cholv catastrophe was as follow. Officers 12 poldier 363; seamen, l'! paenger, l offi r' wife's soldier' wive 80s officer "bhil dren, 40 Total .365 The number saved a mounted only to 33. The unfortunate females, it is aaid, met their fate with uncommon firm ness. r As the ship 4rifted toward the shore, with the Wjnakuigft -elear breach, over her they emWced'iheir husbands, and bade them Ann I fflrAarn. M ra. Raird ivant into, the ca- 4fc -xa M5. " . bin with i heTeluldfeTityrirgo anflierritis, ... 1 1- !. tbe w)l-or eaveu, ana was seen no more, jluc wife of a private said,. will you die with toe and your child ? - But youmay escape and this may be of use, giving him hfer poeket book w ith a sum of money i 'ohe.even look out Tir ear rings and put them -iu it Herself and child were lost ! The survivor more wretched than they, lives to tell the tale as tears mark his manly face. The Lord Melville nd the Boadicea brig, rode ont -thrgale ftrometime,butAtJenglbjfterjrlyen on the rocks between the Old . Head and .the Swan Heads.' Shortly after tbe Lord Melville struck, her boat. was launched and manned with five seamen, two officers and 2 ladies, supposed to be their wives an assistant surgeon, a Ser jeant and his' wife and child, in the hope of - gaining the shore but in a few moments she was ; struck by the, wave and swamped; and ' every soul perished, with the exception of one of the ieamen, who "reached the laod scarcely alive. -All the rest of the people fortunately remained in the vessel, which at low'7 water in the eouhe of the. night, was left nearly dry ; ,ajd at about one .or.twoVelock t hpj succeeded in getting safel tO land, to the number of a boaf 400 soulii 1 The Boadicea was distinctly seen by the revenhe' officers and military party, with a light at her topmast, till alter midnight l-The light aud vessel then disappeared alto gether,'' and her fate ; was. easily anticipated. Neit morning her fragments were discovered v among iu rocikS wiwcu ue utsmrcu ihc iwu , strands of Garetts-town, 'and ' where she had been driven after parting from her' anchors in . the night. T Upon approaching the wreck a most hearKrsndijRg scene of, misery, desolution , and dethi presented tfloeewr-'The-vessel seemed to be a eonfased masa of timber, plaaks, and board,' broken to pieces, and in termixed with plies of dead bodies men, wo - men and children 1-INear.tQ the' wreck was a rock somewhat elevated above the surface of the .Water,' and upon this Were seen about 80 or 90Gor human creature, who had scrambled to it from thejreisel, and were still alive. -The . - people ifroot the shore communicated to them as " il- 'it- u itii.t . !. t 'e iveii as mey uomuj iu&i meir oniy cnanco . oi - afetjT was in remaining where they were ' un til low, water hut either through . impatience "4t vthe"misery of their i ituatioo, or from 'the im Ijiulse of despair, near 30 of th'em plonged into - the sea, and endeavoured, to gain the shores hut in vaini a m6stof them perished in' the at tempt. : About 69 remained on the rock until LATEST FROM ENGLAND. v Vati.f'av n;v-d at this Dort. four of our first rate Liverpool 'traders, rt. tbe ships NestorSterling, Paci fic, Bowne, Ann Maria, Waite and Hibernia, (Iraham, all from Liverpool, witn vaiuapie cargoes 01 ory kww, ntfih. WMtnf. Rant.8terlinff the editors of the Mer- cantile Advertiser, tiave , received London papers tolbe 23d, and Lloyds Liats to the 20th of February, both UV elusive. Eiwacis iouowj: ( ; MiMpMming h jCertaintrwmring inte the Xabnet, rj;- r1r.atchp(l to brinr home that nolitician. rriitee Leopold , of Saxe Cobourg,' the destined hua- band of the Princess Charlotte is arrived. He. lamlea "MfoiidaniE-bt. and arrived in London yes terday Moving. He is at the Clarendon Hotel. He is tall said welt made, with a very agreeable countenance. The populace- at Dover saiutea nun wiui mrec nwri; cheers -On his departure from the1 ship Inn. He dined yesterday with Lord Castlereagh. Wis Lorosnin nau n IntrvVew with the Prince in the morning, and despatch- ed a messsngerwithjhe result to the Prince Kegent at Bnghton, . rTr--' Some German papers reacneu lown.iasimguv. PniasUn mvrnment is evidentlv endeavorinir to keep . s. , 1 t tlu Hnum thP unints Ot IBe DeODie. HOW il hub Bcrvcu iiic I I . a purpose for which it was wanted. i nis auempi, nowj vprwiUnrobablvJx Jbund unavailing : and it we are nai-atrranh in the Brussels papr7rsceived yeaterday.'the Cabinet of Berlin had again put forth an i-rrHiionof its intention to cive thepeopk a constitu- tion. ITicte is lijue aouoi uiai- uicss " with the Prussians with regard to tms promise, iney wnutil not lo.iir remain ouiet. ' Some negcJtiatiOn ot importance is saiu to oe going on Vu.twen the Courts of Vienna and PetersburKh. It m not at Liveroool only that tailures Davng taKen nUr to a irreat amount : letters trom WasRow nave brought a listot failures 10 111c exuau 01, ujn-ua u million sterling ! r . - . At a late hour last nieht we rcceivea fans paper w th IQth inst. Thev are dull and unintcrestintr. There is it seems to bVanother long discussion in the Chamber of Deputies, on the Election Project ;,ne lormer, wnicn lasted four or five days being only a prefiminary debate as to receivnyj the amendments made by tne committee Nothing" is said respecting the English Officers incusto. dv. The following are the only articles worth extract ing : ' ,. , 1 piftis, rsB.18 .Tmirnal adds to the details which we eavi yesterdav.Yespecting two Frenchmen arrested at Basle oil iim i(manu oi me rreiiun Minnwt, uwiwrcm was called Montansier but it is probable, says this Jour nnl. that thev travel under false names. Th AithbishoD Coadiutor of Dublin" and the Bishop ttf Cork, demited to Home by the Catholic Clergy of Vlretaa-v'fettve. arrived within a. few days at this city, on i . . . . . c , . i : .. i i rk.i:.n ..mt.1.1 uieir reium irom vuc cajmai ui urewiiisuun unu. It is said negotiations are now in progress between tlie Court'of Rome and the different Protestant Courts rela tive to the ' Catholics who arc m their States. It is re solved, it is said, to establish this Subject, and to conse crate tlie principles of public law which reconcile the interests of Princes with that of the Catholic Church. The changes which have happened in Europe,.for some time having agrandized the states oi several nouses foreign to this Church, require imperiously new arrange ments which may meet the difficulties which occiir. " ' aoex, rr.n. 13. Marshal Sotflt set out on the 2d Feb. from Salvagnac (Turn.) and goes to Hamburgh, eeS the otfetW .thmTejeeted it, TJe lxkJZmzthth the termt of eontraet, the talae of treaury noteswBicn w- with the papefif aU TIK j-.i:-JVi. fiimwr made receivable by tne collector or revenue, while thwe hills, whieh i.tf.P thrnt -treasarv noies. wera farbidden to uke ife ThupreferKrigHhe . - AminirA for that which w as east ! Thi toperaUon however furnished tbA ..r.. with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and AVashingtba Jiawt oms u auunuauv. But "when, the interest oecame uue a iu0 i.u i:. hm faund mtch ott that which belong- ing U the citizen t tnese. piaoes, trankferred to the book of N. York and Boa ton, where, alaal he had no money to pay it, and where the hill of hi patriotic bank could not be passed j not ever, to those who iued them la this dilemma, our ' fiscal magician applieto those bank to lend him paper to pay thi. intrcif. whose vefr bills he has forbidden his collectors to recti vc for duties j because the Ulla ikf these hanks which they are thus direc- tfcd to receive for dutie the pabhc Creditor will not 'uk&US! JntereL .TWhWI Ubte scheatfirWe tf aome incompreheniible pe SChCWTl wmen w ome BUUBijpn:uoMiMw .. ;.V-.5, i..'jwr''-'-''.'. ratnVafToW h bae)freney er being eight month 4n .'JfctijMfatH9f4berw4fa oneratioa has produced the following ridieulous ' v"" Zi. :Jr s.-tYia rHAbputhalf ifitz rsevehoiclotfe ' in the evening of Wednesday the .ljftfc instant, a light ii4iic:ffi;tt.Aa Jtt Was very soon as. ' certalned that the house was aire and by the time thii firsrpetson reached .iVeUppe ctfi was perxeivcu uj iruiucaai . r. a9 POOM ana apparatus belohgiag to tbe inrfitutioji Wera fortiiaatelv Meaerv! - as weUbs a hiinome.h lately established oj a aocicir t jwjcm mmuui as aiso tne door ' . ana winaow sasaes oi xne lower aptrtments.:r 'There is no dbubt; but that the house took firtjjy Scpident. rTT I t or xpe miormmuosi or parents ana. guardians, fti . proper to add,Hhat the exercises of the pupils have not " . been SterruptOd for a single day j jiuitable aecomoda.. tipns having been Immediateiyprocured for each depart ment- TThus - tewshortiTnoments has n elegant budding erected by private subsetiptioo, as af nursery of , virtue and iclelice to the rising sneratlbn, been eon-. sumedy and tlie fond wishes of its patrons trustrated. The trustee 'are howeref unwulin ti abandon an un deriaking ' in which the community is so highly interest ed, and for the advancemeRt and Completion of which they have cause to Is;frf tfegood wishes and eofera. tion of all whu caU appreiatee .betients of a virtueua' roa rax Buaxiffa xisra. re8BlL f induced the ndrthern mereliant to enter iii yesseis m uuuuuio iu oc reu, vt fifteen per cent in duties, by the diminished va lOe oTv their hank bills, in which those auues are paid i and for, the like profit, the public creditor , in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, transfer their stock' to northern anks, where they demand their interest in pa- Der that is 10ori5 per cent, better than they eould have eot at home ; for which paper when -.4 . . . ' ..I...... funded taey got 7 per cent while tueir own bank biUiremaiirupon tne bands of tbe sec re tary auuior wnicn uo can eei neuuer ormu pal uor interest, nor even his own treasury noies back agail, without a loss of from 8 to 12 per cent ! ! I Sr . j The secretary should have d;rected his col lectors to receive the bills net of those banks who would issue their own notes for treasury notes, but of those banks, only who would re deem them when issued, with treasury rhotes. The secretary, I presume, will soon bave tbe honor to inferjtithe ladies and -gentlemen of tne unitea oiuies, iu auumon to m uiuer pt-i- forniances, he will dauce a. pas seal on red hot iron with his naked feet: the whole to conclude with some traumagorian performances, never before attempted in Ameriea by any person out himself.. ', ; - - EALEIGH: 'i ' ' -l. ... ' i ; - " FRIDAY, ArUIL 26, 1816. A. Lucas returns h is jrateful acknow ledgments to the people of Nor th-"aroliha lie came among them a stran ger, and -was kindly received andliberally .patronized. Being obliged to remove from tbe State, he prevailed on Mr. Carney to couduct the establishment until he could find a proper successor. Suclf a one he hath found in Mf. Thomas W. Scott, a native North-Carolinian, to whom be bath disposed of the Ilaleigh Minerva and his whole Printing Establishment in the City of Raleigh. Mr. S. he earnestly recommends to the public as a person wor thy of the most liberal support, and confidently hopes that he will prove every way deserving of it. TO THE MKMORT or THE RENOWNED GREY, alias SPREAD, EAGLE,' Who. departed this scene of trpubVon the i 7th of April 1816, inawapoplecuc m, much lamented by tne citi zens of Chapel-Hill, but particularly by the Students,: who had fora number of years experienced his servi ces i -in gratitude for which', they offer the following as a testimony of their respecCand sorrow. Soft be the turf where rests thv aged head, And aweet thy .slumbers, much lamented Spread; , - May flowers perennial deck thy lowly graved" And spring's soft dews thy sacred hillock lave Oft shall the pensive student, musing "hear . ,Thy house ot rest, bestow the pitying tear j Think on thy former worth, tby pristine grace, Thy rairiiroportion andieiignttui pacei " - Say to himself, while memory arrays, Full to his view the feats of other daysi, Rest honored grey, abpve the ills of life, Fatigue, starvation, and incessant strife : ' . No more with blows thy honor shall be stained', No more with oathB thy honest nature pained,; , No m re unshod shall flinty rocks assail Thy tender feet, or flies, thy graceful tail ;' ,No more unpitied bend beneath tby load, Or trace with wearied steps the tedious road. Thus shall he say, and with assiduous care, OIF from tholeHgjthe covering bramble clear ; Clean w ith his knileYhletterj of thy praise, And sing thy merits inrepeated lays. EQUIS MARRIED, 1 On the 11th inst. in Iredell cpunr by the Rev, Joseph KilDatrick. the Rev. John Miuhat. to Miss Man Ld Davidson, daughter of Col. Geo Lee Davidson. ; ' R riRXA, FEB. 7. Thrarrival oFthftArcLihitchess MariaLouisa is still very uncertain. It appears that the Court of MilUtt al ways avoids explaining itself in a positive manneras to the affairs p( Parma. ;v p. - ' TLOBENCB, FEB. 7. It, 13 thought that the Court of Milan, is not very well inclined towards the Constitutional anti-Representative Governments forming in ditterem parts ot Italy ; it is th.s which probably causes the plan of our constitution to be postponed. . , "' ; . 7.., BElPEtftKRGi FEB. 10. ' News is just received here that his holiness the Popei oiiThe application-of the- Impcr'ialJLiutriajtiJCttJia(l consented to restore t6 the university of Heidelberg all the MSS. and other works taken from' the Palatine Library, and hitherto preserved in the Vatican, consisting of 847 volumes. ' ', . ; i, VIE5SA, JAS. 6U- Within these few days the Exchange of Couriers with Italy has-been very frequent. Yesterday xarrived , Count Parr, of the Staff of Prince Schwartzenbergj an express from Milan, which he left oivthe 25th, and immediatelv proceeded to St. Petersburg, Vhither he is)said t be the Dearer ot important aespatcnes., Financial. .u n i kw. JlnJ i,;.;n(;.ct,Wi-1i John Patterson, Samuel Patton, Aaron Peiry. R0zni the Rale.gh Minerva and his pr.nt.ng establish, KoJgerS) Joh Uavid Reese, Esq Philip Ruippk, in the city of Raleigh, solicits a continuation of s.ai-on Self, Leonard Smith. TV-John Taggart. Thomas W. Scott having purchased from Mr. A. Lu cas, ' ment thTratemageikliberaiudgene to that naoer and establishment. The manner in which it wa as conducted by Mr. Lucas, is so well known, that detailed professions on the part of Tho. W. Scott are unnecessa ry. Suffice it to say, that in both departments he will en deavour to walk iu tlie footsteps of his predecessor : and in conducting this paper will make the public good his sole object, and . r " Nothing extenuate, " Nor set down aught in mlflice." ALElGH LIBRARY. Those few- who have not yet paid their subscriptions are requested to do so. Persons holding books are delired -to return them immediately, or measures rather unplw sant must be resorted to in Order to obtain them. April - . '.,...,' -.-. 1ST OP LETTERS, Remaining ia the" JLi Past-Office at Concord, Cabarrus County, on the 1st April, 1816, which, if not called for before the 1st day of July next, will be sent on to. the Gcnewl Post-Office as dead letters. B George H. Borger". C William Clark, Henry Cagle, EUgenio Campbell, Thos . Campbeiy Christian Coble, Wm. Carrigan; Ebcr Carlock D llezekiak B Davis. r F George Tlemming, Jacob Fagard. - G Nathaniel Gilmpure. H Joseph Howell, Lewis Honeycut, Seth Hudson, William ii ill, Leonard Hagfrr, John Hagler. J John Johnston. ' "L Elizabeth Lippard, Henry Lippard, M-s'-Peter , Mealor, hichard Martin, Peter Misenhimer, John Misenhimer P Wjthis week present our readers with the act incor poaaUntReRani oi the UiYited States it will be found in ceding columns. F&OM THE N. YORK EVENING "fOST, A FB 1110. L The Great Magicianyor Day Francis out done. ,-rMg. Secretary. Dallas, in his dashing tt port of October, 181i,?after. exhibiting a view of the deranged state of the finances, and an nouncing to the. world the entire prostration of nublic credit, proposes as an expedient for res toring it,' " a national bank and treasury notes. But whether, (says he) the issues of, paper currency proceed from the national treasury or from tne national banK, tne acceptance 01 me Paper ia a course 01 payments ana receipts, . . . "' ".'""'' I '- ' r - . rsTf mustbeCoreverDtiaMatwiiqine cuizens. j.ne extremity oj mat aay cannot oe amicipuiea, when any honest and enlightened statesmao, win again venture upon the desperate expedient of a tender law." Yet this same honest" and en lightened Statesman, in a littla- more than one year after this report, resorts, not .only to the expedient of a 'tender latv, btit to one of his own makTnsr. In his famous 'ukase published some months since he gives notice to the public creditors, that Philadelphia, 'llaltimore and Washington bank bills; would be tendered in Davment of the public encasements due at those places leaving it however optional with them to take it, or run the cbanco"of losing the dehti) lut tne mosijuaicrous uouinvaucei mi, iu soDort piiblie creditrwas his proposition to the state banks to swap notes with him.' Those William Pinkney-has been appointed minister pleni potentiary to thecpurt of St.- Petersburgb. , Massachusetts Ekctioiu From the latest accounts the TolI6vniig"'1tth8Ute-tae LforeifirflrooksL the federal candidate, 46195 : Dexter, democratic, 44085- We have no doubt but that Gen., Brooks is elected by a considerable majority. -' . Connecticut Election. In tins state the federal candi date Gov Smith is certainly re-elected and Judge In gersoll is elticed Lt. Governor. Imlie House the feder al majority is about forty. W David Vhite, Alexander Warsham, Dicey Warshsjd, April 1, 1816. - TA LUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALfcV 'jf. tThe subscriber offers for sale; his land sit uated in Greenville and Spartanburgh Districts, South.- .. Carolina V containing about three thousand acres, where - tn is erected a Forge with two fire plces, a Grist Mm, witl,i two pair Of Stones, a Saw MtU and Tan yard all in comolete order aftd .- Deration. A further descriptoii - ja iinn.Vpgary, iftjfja presumed pd person w !! purcliase u.niess nrav viewing um; premises 4-, . Apri; 25, 1816 - V ' 47-&- i TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. Rue 1 aw ay from the subscriber living in Mont- , gomery county, N. C On th? 18th inst' a negro man m;-: . the name ot j jajnicu, aDfUfcieeT ihwk. s-t stout made, rathef yellow complexion, Wilhbme of m upper fore teath out, and aBoUt twty-five years of age 1 liadona black homespiin coat, cbtton shirt and panui- ) i ' I . o'.m tnr riiTC.'itiiMr rmintv.PI, way of Fayetteville and Newbern beArarTewM in the former" place last winter, , 'he aove rearu,w? . be given for apprehending the said negro' and securing bim in any jail so that! may get hin arid all reawflaoift expences- paid .- tvTT, ' M - April! 8th; 1816: ' ; '47jL, a TRiM?i?.Hft ANn (1 Tin Sr Copptt. . mm o'chsv'1uS tmijiiuiv place, offer their services to .the rohaOitanw w--:-cinfty. They have connexions in, Petersburg, tnW", whom.their materials will he procured on the besV tenw f Thev are . warranted hi the belief that jusuce sbop will be kc I buildings, and j lavtrui; viiiu w w ,fl . . sbop will be kept o.1 Salisbury trcK oi . DUiiaings, ana tneu" woi k encrcu iur - - ,. . Store of Messrs. Brewef" aVid Fairlatfta 3 ; ,i jOCJ" Cash given fbr.old pewter aadpperv Kaleigh, AprilS. 1810 Vi RUN-AWA From tne; su I . .1.. Dlt Zm a.mMl M KC.K . shout 24 or 25 vears ot aire, yeuow w--. : . - - : - . , r.:i Extract of a letter J 'rim a gentleman in Aew-TTtitew, Covi. to fug correspondent tn Kaleiglt, dated Jipnl 13, ioiOi " You are no doubt surprised at the result of the elec tion in his State,,and will be anxious to know the cause There are some unfortunate differences in religious mas ters, which accounts forjt. The Episcopalians; who are generally .Federalistsonceive that their denomination, has, in a particular instance, been treated with injustice' by Che legislature, and in their anger (which received' a new incitement by some publications in the Journal of this place) they voted for Oliver Wokqtt, the Democra tic cdldater for-te alist and an Episcopalian, but was opposed by the Pres byterian Federalists, as churchmen believe, because o l: i. . : km av. i . a.. and is every way trust-worthy. He was elected Lieute- pie of the name of Cobb. andwdl be naht-Qovernor. ' . - .... . I WIB I ' I' w.- rt . n ... . ,r the Assembly, because tlie f eaeral Candidate was lugty subscriber or lodge him in any jail, and C9nyf obnoxious to the Episcopalians.. Denonciations are atill , the subscrlberi'Sor'tJiat lie can gei mui -t,-- , , teeminffi:Mu;n.l ugainst'the leading Episcopalians reasonably fewarded v. HTEbwfcgftg for an alleged u nlon wkh democrat jv and tbia charge "' ' . ' rheM ine wrwer Knows ro-oe jaiaetvonneciicuw as j mm " '-T-.' s W1 th it W t4h5. m4. y " -V H . . m. t urifh ft SCW ion, about jive ieei o or i ineot "B" vVr tie his left eye-brow, ahdne each side ot.-M , (jmpiof l one on the inside not properly cured, and rU kv ;'t. urKn h went awav i he talks tree ana yrr't will probabiy try to pass as a free man, he wssj V I . . i. ..... . j c iriMvinis.- )v "-i .. in uie itutie ui .. ug"-f -i l(. Mf - - - ' t i . .uktiH!nni f Ma ii nrrrvi una. cuuvw i m I' '.

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