fyJ i 4 John Iiauwaod, Eaai wa, understand has been Appointed," by ' the Governor, a judo of the su ' vremexoori ef Error and Appeal, cic the " Jlon. John Overtou, resigned. Wb have not yet learned whether Mr. liaywootl will aecept, or . -not; '.-'r.. ..., .JVasA. JfAiff. ., . t Friiai-The Grand Jarort t(endiog the ' Superior Court in Berkly county, in Aprillast, -, have presented to the court a list of public grievances, in which are enumerated five dis tinct artielea. 1. The refusal -of the lest Ge neral Assembly to pass a law , for taking the oenseof the people whether & contention should .he ealled or not. - S. The aet of the legisla ture respecting the revenue. 3 The eoiitinn anee of the seat of .Government at Richmond. '; 4. The ttctreeognisiug the notes of the two in corporated banks, as a circulating mediam in the two northern ejid western" countie, while they consider the actual circulating medium of - those eountius as below" par.' Lastly , they pre-'. sent the act to prevent the circulation of un-' chartered banks, as beiug tyrannical and un- 'S. 4.' --I-' constitutional. X MISSION TO NAPLES. It was some time since anirouueed, in the ad ministration papers, that a Splendid Missiok (iiowjn the, republican vocabulary ) was pre', paring to Naples and Russia. Mr. Pinkney, - who apologized to his constituents for not "at tending to his Congressional duties, by reason" or the pressure or his professional avocations, hnsbeeBelectcd for-tlfis splendid mission "The object the mission to Naples, is not ge nerally known we understand it to be for the following object .'. .' ! ' Under the Berlin and Milan Decrees, and another, issued from a place which we now for get, (perhaps Fontainbleau) Murat, then King of -Naplesf-tand".BouaparieTt 'VfciPR6yover' him,", seized and appropriated) to his and his master's use, a large amount of American pro perly this might be in the years 1807 and 1808. This affair has been suffered to sleep ever since, not a whisper of complaint was made, so hug us Napoleon was' Emperor and Murat was King, they who pocketed the eash. The present King of Naples was in exile, while his revenues, and the money of our mer chants, were used for " splendid" expeditions to Russia, and for other righteous purposes. Our administration did not - think it right to interrupt .Napoleon with our complaints, while he was so usefully employed j hut now that & King and government, who did us no -injury, are in power, we demand' redress We are not urging this as wrong, but only mean to say) '' that the delay to demand redress was wrong. As our government has commenced, we hope it will go on with some other governments, par ticularly that oHSpain,- Norfolk Ledger. ' on board Mr. PiStkSrEt aud TaliHTy',aad proceed to Naples. The' Commodore is to remain in the Mediterranean, as commander of our squad- ron in that sea. We learn from an Officer of the Independence who went out several leagues in the - Washington that she sailed very fast, worked with much ease, and bids fair to keep up the reputation of this country for superior 'ship building. And we, doubt not, from the' well known characters of the Commodore and Cap tain, as offieers and gentlemen, the high standing-of her other officers, and the excellence of her crew, that she will do herself justice, and '-. It A I.Ann... a t? U ft AMikklauH 'ftl n . n wviiui h m? iiuiiui ui hid xmiiici icau ii lj.u lit ltusatd that the U. . sloop or war rea edek, Qapt. Rodgers, is fitting at-New-York to take Mr. Gallatin tu France, and will sail iu about three weeks. It appears by the arrival at Bosion of the hip Alert from Canton, that the British have taken possession of Aseention as ont means of preventing the escape of Bonaparte from b'l. Helena; the Alert- having' been boarded off , there by the Raccoon sloop of war. '" .(interest!ng." - Information is wanted respecting an unfor tunate Strang female, w ho died in this place on the night of the 17th ult under most distress jng circumstances. She was apparently from about 20 to 23 years of age, sandy hair, fair completion, and possessing a pleasing and a preeable countenance; though evidently depic ted with that gloomy melancholy which arises from a-deeply afflicted .heart. - Iler story was one' of sorrow and woe and she represented her worldly prospects at pregnant with wretch edness and misery It wjoj'jectured from a letter found in her possession, that she was from Stafford county, Virginia, or its vicinity, and that she was -a lady of respectable family add acquaintan ces. This letter Was adJretfsVd to Miss" Ade laide Brent, Stafford county, Virginia, and sub scribed by Columbia C. Pendleton. In it men tion is made of the names of Doctor Carter, a Mrs. Clarke, a Mrs, Miner, and a Mrs. Tay lor. From what place it was written cannot be ascertained. The particulars of her death ur. 1 1 n M f m.ltt m'w ail. m .. I. & . L. . I . whlsh- they can bo minutely informed, by addressing the Ker.'Mr. REID, at this place. BOSTON, MAT 10 The Washing ton 7. iiuder the' command of Capt. -CaciOHtoNrnnd bearing the Broad Pen- ! aaiu oi uom. ijHAUKcEr, saileu irom this port fill Turl a tr t ss tsn " lxk0 (anI ihul she is bound io Anoapoll, where ftbe ia to taklj 'b,PrJi"e8i,n thf Sir,T'V1 hp Sunday School.- We fiaye often heard of Utd $pday Schools in England, and supposed thein tol' be Well enough in their season, but never thought much of their utility at thU time when the Lancastrian System . of education seemed to have put the acquirement. thetfirt rudiments of learning within the reach-of evety otyc. We find,1 hoefiwe Bad Jot : duly appreciated their utdity. fit. Smith, a yomig gentleman, Vhob a divini ty student here under the ttev'd. Dr. McPhoeters, and who to considerable learning Unites great piety, and a very ardent desire to he useful, has instituted Sunday School in this city which has been several weeks in ppe- ration, we una nt several aauiu aa weU as cnnajt;n, hose business pre vetim their attending schools iu Ihe Week ai-e very regular in Aeir attendance herer- Two or three hours in each Sunday are devoted to the instruc tion of about forty students who, when the days course is finished, repair from the school room to hear the af ternoon sermon a', fhe 8tate-1iouse. ' Some ten or a dozen persons, n4often more, visit he school, and all, 'dur ing ihtar stay act aa instructors. The progress of the students is considerable,, and the regular and decent hu- bus aoqrured as well as the learning obtained, promise useful re&Ults to the individuals and to the community of which they are members. , Benjamin and SAMUEt fepAaaow, who were lately advertised iu the Newbera papers, as haying taken bv foree, from a free woman of i eeldfher dauglitef Betsey, with the supposed iuteniioaof selling her, have, after executing their villainous intention, fallen into the bands of justice.-,.. To avoid detection in earrying oil" their little Captive, they travelled by water from Bear river along the sound, and some times at sea iii an'open boat, to this plaee j ealled. occasionally at the houses, of persons living qu the sound among others, at Henry B. Howards Esq. where their conduct excited suspicion. They were seen by others, and look ed opon as suspiciouspersbns, in so mueh that a warrant was issued on Tuesday, the ,14th inst. to have them apprehended, with the view to an enquiry into their conduct and character. Just as the officer was preparing to pursue them ou the sound, it was ascertained that they had reached town, and had offered for sale a small negro girl this circumstance, together wiin their previous deportment, left Ulle room to doubt that they were the persons in question. They were, however, allowed, in order that the evidence of their turpitude might be complete, to make sale, of the. girl, which Was accom plished -but before the purchaser would ou.ke jjayment, he requried lbat Samuel Sparrow,' who executed the bill of sale by the name of jotin opttrKuian, should go into court, whieh m iu scsaiuii, lor me purpose oi aeKnowledir.g his siguature This being done in due form of law, the gentleman was " touched lightly" by the sheritf, and informed that the court felt s.ime . interest in bia movements. The other. whom he called Tom Jones was sought for, fuund, and brought forth. The latter was first put upon his separate ex- aminauoB. ne eonresseu tneir real names, and gave, it is believed, a tolerable correct account v iuoir juuruev iu o is pi ace. lie (usciaimeu enee to the laws.their king', and the constitution given by himr at finding the whole preserved unsullied, unhurt aud that, chiefly by their strenuous support to the catse of, legitimate aioKT aud nuUonal justice. r i rauce has a king whom she loves and will ever siifport who ears no rivalry, who by the exercise of his natural benevolence, and the mildness of his government.securej those heartx, his fortitude and. heroism gained, when oppres sed by adversity. France now, instead of being piungad in a terrilhe warfare, has only to culti vate the arts, and to fesu e her former stale j M m a few years she will be free from alt engage Dients. there is aa fear, but uuder such an ex cellent and wise goveriment, she wiieontinue then to remain trauirSil and composed. She Has figured as a brilliant nation now let be? rise as a commercial one she has such resour ces within herself, that France can be any thing she pleases, and whatever plaa -may be adapted, in that she is sure of rising to pcrfee tion. . ' .-, "'" ' r If M RRIED, In Granville County a few week past, by the Revd Ezckiel Query, CSpu' James Noel of Oxford, to Miss Mary uotnev, aaugnter oi James Downey, Jsq. '. . " DIED J-ln Chatham coun v. (Hickery Mountain,) on Monday the 21st inst. Jolin J,i?fJ AUton, Esq. about 45 years ot age; -'.-... :-.-- -v " ---t- "."V.-T ' A'ewOrleant, April IS. General Jackson lerVtown this dav for TVmuiee..-' . Yesterday divine worshtpujvas celebrated for the first wme ui uie proiesiani cuurcfliJstelv ejected fji this city, and an eloquent disc nunc, analogous to the occasion, de. fcvered by the Rer. MH Hull ; this Xtbe first fabric in- ter4dtor.worhip.a to the pretettanl rites, that r naa wrn duiu oo we mand ot Orleans, or perhaps in the T state of Louisiana. It is a circumstance strikingly - indi cative ot the improving state of manners, and we b will be an era in the historv of our citv. dKt'mmi the cotnmeiicement of theeign of morals and religion. one Sawyer; Samuel Spaxrow being fxaminedgave as the names of himself and brother those he had pre- vioiuiy giveu uenieii navmgany acquaintance with Benjamin and Samuel Sparrow ; and in every important particular, except as to the o wnership of the girl, and his haying bought her from Sawyer, differed Jfrpm the statement of his brother. TheTprisoBers were now confronted, and their conflicting statements read, to their utter confusion. Samuel Sparrows acknowledged his real nn me. ' ' ", "TntfWIrTfolfi ordered to jail, where it is hoped tbey will, remain until they are ealled for by the proper authority of Craven eounty, to answer for their numerous atrocities. " -f It must be gratifying to every humane and honest ind, to learu that this intended victim of a hellish eupidity, will shortly be restored to her berieved parent and that the perpetrators of this vile deed are in a fair way to meet their merited punuhment. TLe little girl answers,' in the,minutest particulars, the description giv en of her in the papers. , ' Wilmngtqu faper. '' Of France, tfrc1. The tranquil , scene which Paris presented or the first anniversary of the memorable 26ih of Mitrch, could not fail to sirikethe imagination of every one. who wit; nessed it at the same epoch last year ; then the factious were in their glory : then the regi cides flattered themselves that their' cause Would ultimately triumph, that tyranny would elect for years her hydra errst aud reduce the world again to slavery then all the . minions of a despot were prow ling the streets, rearing the standard of revolt aud boarding with" impu nity the loyal citizens in their very booses; then all was anarchy and confusion. But how little did they expect an unerring falej hasten ed by the wrath of an avenging Deity, would convert their joy into sorrow, and their mo mentary triumph into' a lasting punishment! When prosperity attends the. vieious, they are extravagantly elated, but when misfortune comes, they are ever the most abject : such are Lnour those who then' sneered with marked con tempt at the attachment of individuals to their lawful sovereign and who, blindly, fol laweainat eourse with avidity wbteh eould not fail leading them to an intminioos end, iNow tbey may be classed ' among th'tctetping thing of the earfft the elaws of these tyeers have been torn out by the roots their names blotted f rom the books of honor, which they ever dis eraeed : denied by their eountrymen, and by all others exiled from their homes and hard ly an assyinm permitted them even in the eold and harsh reeions or Northern Russia some are now pining ia prison, waiting the due eourse of law, wnieh, not mere severe than just eannot fail of Visiting tneir crimes by adequate chas tisement. On the opposite side, how grateful DIRECT TAX JVo tice hereby given, That I wilt , attend at Mr. M. Burton's, ac Chapel tidl, jOii Monday the 10th day ol June; at John Craig'slisq. in Hillsborough, on Tuesday tlu HUi at Andrew M'Cbuley's atore. on iWednesday the12thr" at ferson Oourt-llouse, on Thursday tlie. 1 3iu t at oeo. braastielUs, tsq. m WiUCe tounty, on tnday tne I4tn, and oil Saturday the I'Sth, at my store, near Oie Cuurt- ouse in Raleijru, tor the purpose oi receiving any in formation that may be furrushed as to the changes which may; nave takfl placein Jhe.assesaljle propcrtyut individuals since the last assessment made under the act of January 9ili, 1815, and previous to the 1st of June, ioio, waicn inimraaiion must oe given in wriung- unuer the signature, of the person whose- Tax may be atl'ected tliertby,- Thes changes extend to 1. Asessab!ei property efttitted to be assessed at the j preceding Assessment, and property that has ceased to be txein;pil from assessment, such as property beionjjing to the United States, oVa State, or oth erwise eXi.)npted,-which on its transfer becomes assessable. -ill such property is now toj be asses sed. But iic alteration is now to be made in the previous valuation of rear estate in virtue of any improvement tliereon. ":- 2. Transfers jof real estate and slaves, according to ' which an apatement in the enumerations and valua tions of 'the person transferring Uu m wi.l be made ami a eoriESpondent increase in the enumerations -and valuations of the person to whom the transfer may he mile.' 3 Changes i lf residents and nQn residcnts'i These changes "Airi'meitly require a transfer from the lists of reldenta i to vhut of non-residents, or vice' : ' vn'''iitlensa'ntfcyrberf The property in the ownershin r ajjeiity of winch such change has oc- curred. ; ! , 4. The burnilig or yesiructi n of houses brother fix ed iinoV'.-iehts of real estate, for which an aba it -HiciU tquaVo tlfts injury arising frotoUiese causes , U W tre mii, " . , ' 5. The jtenipiu'n trf property that has ceased to be -assessable, 4br which also an abatement equal to its "--value is to be made, r ' "' -; ' ' " " 6. Sljvrtt that have born been, or have died, or have - ivbis or have oih. rwise become useless since 4 the preceding assessment - lit h've eases chans-rs in the preceding valuations are only to be made where the ta clia'-geable to any person, for slaves would be diminished by the valuation on the 1st day i of JunV, of all those (excepting such as have been oblaini d by trsnsftr) then owned by such periJoji, and the reduction in the valuation, in such evenv, is to be equal to the ditterence between the valua tion of those owned at tha nrecedintr assessment. and the ex istinfj Value of tliose owned onhe-ist of June, ihiO, anu an aDatemcnt equal to sucn reuue- tion u be made The whole of these chances arc to be relative to the 1st ot June i and in all ot tliem uio rates ot tne valua tions made under the act of January 9, .815, are as near as may be, to be maintained i excepting in two cases, rpfratteii sliatf occur; such a specification and description of the pros)sy, , it stands on the 1st of June, 1816, and aa it stood at th " preceding assessment', as will enable the Principal As. sessor to make proper deduction in cases where they nujt be4ightilly clauned, and proper charges where they are mcdrred '. ' --; . ".".'r . . -;""' , ',j .'-- . j. '."!- To aid in attaining thit precision, the following tamiT is annexed, being uut required in tAO original i VlWan, ...I wkiK : hmr aa anaai kai hu ml m - . ' autMaj avai mm wmj ac, avJ flWfQ ma a lUV . del in drawing out the statements now required irom 1 ' individuals. . ... . -,, i ti-fj;r'!" '' JOSEPH GALES,';." v Principal Assessor of the 8ih District of N Cl ". Hit tfhoiuj ioU if. Grtmdt with theur tmprnmnentij: ? ' DwelUngittMottanit SUliie ommtdby a. jB tn fMjfrt - ' tfay tVuna 1816, and tetnj-mthin A tifhtk " Ditrict tfsbt State A tarohnm. Vit : in th (Vre . intert tha ctunty, ood fHttricttin wdCcA tf property if , One farm (here insert its desaription, specifying the wa- a . . ter course, or hill, orj mouniain.or highroad,on which - - it is situated, or noun j the adjoining' proprietors, oii ' ' ..' o'.herwikje statins; pvUculars, by which, it may bo i. r . known and distinruisWd) c nUimng (here insert sho - -number f) acres, hafisg thereQnone dwelling-house, , of ofn store,' -. lectin length by " in depth, . bams, of wood .. eom-house, . prisUm.l, dc-i scribing, the same, md any other improvement tlio . : v farm may contain) ' slued at -v . l)oUars"','v -, ,1 dwelling-house in t e town of (here insert . ; i . the(own the stree kc-.tho materials of - - which built, numbe of stories, the length ?" artd dtpth, the biiilc tgs or ora -ea attach- V ed, and particulari; ng the extent of the ' lot on which it standf) valued at , Dollars,1 , unimproved lots) m the iid town; (here insert thi Street on-which situatod, in squrce feet perches, or acres) rained at Dollars Slaves, of the following descriptions : Male above 50 yeafeot agei between" " ' ' v 12 and 5 a years f tinder 12 jfars:'. Femalet between 12 arid, 61)'. years i under 12 years valued at Dallars'. May 1816. total, dollars. T1A1NTS AND MED1C1NLS. The Sub- 1 seriber is now receiving from New.York, h-sprmfir supply- of : AtEDI&tN tiSrPlNTSr4iAT.: I KKb MA l t.Hl.VLo AND UKUt-fclUliS, among Whicll. are ht following, articles ! v Yellow, pale and red Bark, , Scncka and Black l)r Santord's do. Crcme tarter in powder an .Lnstal, Sweat Spirits, Nitre, Spirits lartshorn, Spu its Wine, - (yamphror, Caster Up't; Allumi Jallup Powder, Extract of CecutK, Mezerom Rrxit, Calcined Zink, llartsuorn Shavings, Jn anorlmcfit of .Patent Medicintt at Dr. jxtabm Lotion. Snake Hoot, Sugar Lead and White Vi- .triol, Court Plas er.- . Verdigris, qua Fortis, Quick Silver, U)g Wood, -, j ' - '' llatters " MoVocco Skins, . buck, whirred and yel low, - flow Strings and Buckles, Flat and round Bands. 1 Batismans Drops, untish Oil, Essence of Renpermit . Coiumbian & llaar aem Oil, sioughton's Uutei's, lurimgton s Balsam, Essence of Ma-.trdi'-UyotU, Lees, Duvalls, An- dersonsons, Braggs. and Jones Pills, Sand paper, v Evans' oest crown Lancets, rted Lead, . ; -Prussian Olii, ' ' London Wh.teLsad.inkegs, Powder c, , in. 4. , Vermdian, ,' , K.n s Yello ., l.amb tiUck, v Heave's Wa.ei Qolloars and t;amels hairj c Pencils, - .' ' , Paint and Shaving Brushes, Shoe '',- do. Church'i Ve rt genersl Assortment spirituous L. quors, Old Madeira, Tenenft;-Port and Claret Wines,, .... Essenee of Peppermint, Columbian It Harlaen Oil, China, Glass and Crockery Ware, Jugs, Bottle! and Pocket Ticklers, Vials, assorted; 4 1 Lorillanfs and Star's Mac- caBoy Snuff; " Scotch Rappve do." ImpiuiJ and Ywung Uy. son Tea fresh, Sugar, Coffee, vplassess' fc Hum, together with a general assortment of on. fectiunarics Musieal in. - struments, as flutes, fifes, claiionctis, violins ice. It this epoch be to those who by their adber- him to sn abatement. n, all these cases tlicre roit be Nj: :'."'. '.'v:': '', :...-: ' ' '.'.'.-;.' ,::.', . . - t . ' '' ' :: ' in which case, as the tax, as fixed agreeably to the pre cedinir assessment, is to be apportioned amoiitr the se Veral parts, according to their .respective values on the lstot June, the apportioned value (acccrduiir to tne preceding valuation) at that time oi tne part alienated, and ot the remainder of tne property, snouui ie statea j the other, respecting slaves (other than such as' are transferred Within the same collection district) which are to be valued according to their , existing value, and slaves that have been- born, or have died, or have run away, or have otherwise become useless sincex the -preceding assessment, in which case the course above slat ed is to be pursued. Any person becoming the owner of a slave by transfer to him iiom a collection district other than that in which he resides, is reauired. under the penalty often dollars. to render as aforesaid, a statement specifying the age and sex of such slave, who is to be valued according his or lier existing value. . ' In all casts m which such information of a chtnre in the assessable nroriertv of anv ierson according to the preceding assessment, shall not be received, such tierson and prooertv will Continue liable to tne wuoie.ia chare-cable thereon adreraiblv to that assessment. Jhxd notice is further herein riven, t liat I Win auemi at Mr. M. Hurtoii's, at liapel-ltill, on Monday M'f oth of Julvi at JolmOaitV. F.sn. m HillHborouirhi on I ues- day the 9lh ; at Andrew M'Caulny's Store, on Wednes day the V"h j at Person Court-llouse, on Thurstliy the lllh iHUCeoree Vrassfield's, Esq m Waxe Munty, on Friday the 12tli, and on, Saturday tlie 13th at my Si ore, near the C'ourt.lloujie in, Kalctgh, for the purpose of re. ceiving any Appeals that'may be marfe in writing, as to the revised enumerations anil valifatmns made in yirtoe of such changes, which will.be open to the inspection of any person wImi may apply ti'insptcthe same, am a statement of which, will be previously made, ai;d dcliv ered to each person sflectcd thereby, or be put in the mall mtill.amiA tn htm ht miui A'lTC.U'll to the OOflt- ofnee nearest to the .tunic of such person,- agreeably to my best information, except in the ae at persoas not residing wjthin this collection district. - - In the statements rurnished by individuals, it win oe necessary to specify with precision on the property of an inaiTiouai as it ciwca:t uie time ui vs prtwunig assessment, the assessable property emitted then to be assessed, and its vslue, the transfers of wal estate and staves (statin? the names" and residence of the persons to Whom transferred) and their valiiej the changes of resKieiiui ana non-reaiuema wiiu uieir name ivi dence. and the value of the nrooertv. the burninir or destruction ot houses or other txeo improvements oi real estate, with their value, property that has become exempt from taxation, and its value, stating the grounds on which the exemption is claimed, and the' state laws by which it is permanently or specially exempted, and where an abatement is claimed for slaves that have died, or have run away, or have otherwise become useless since the praCedittr assessment, the statement must rive a list ef all the slaves, with their sex, and ages (except ing those obtained bv transfer) owned by the individu al, valued according to their value on - the 1st of June, 1816, wbictuvalue must be less than Jhat of the valuation of his slaves at the preceding assessment, to entitle .-.having Bosei, : Together with almost an innumerable quantity of ar ticles t suffice it to say that a constant supply of every article in his line.; will be kept, and of the best that can be procured in the Umtid States.. Physicians, Mer chants and Hatters Can be supplied ujth Medicines and Hatters materials at the IVtersbure prices. ' uon. oiamp iaJcr a U3uaii BANDOLl'II WE1JB. Raleigb, May 30, 1816. - 51 2t. LACK-SMITH FOR SALE. The sub scriber will sell of exchange fur field bands "" a valuable BlaCk-bmitb. ' ' WILLtAM II. CLAY " Granville County, May 7, 1816. H 5t ' KOGE V. URIMK8, having sold to Mr. J Thomas Cobbs.his gim k in the Windsor Cljfair busmesi intends devoting hi attention exclusive ly to I'AINUNU AND UtilLLMNU. 'e will attend particularly to the I oach and fcf Sign Painting, and I louse ornamenting lie returns his thanks tor the li beral encouragement heretofore received,-, aiid hopes . from, assiduty atid attention to his busifcgss te merit -and receive a continuance of public patronage. His shop is in the house lately occupied by Mr. Joel ri Lane, liusihcss from the9 country thankfully received and promply attended to. . Haleigh, May 20, lfl6.: " 51 3m. A 1'1'OIN I'MKNTS. Umihursda) the 13th J. ly of .Juue, 1 will attend at Handulph , Court-llouse, on baturday the 15th, at GuiHoid new CoUrt-Honse, on Monday the 7lh, at Salem in Stokes county ; and on Wednesday the 19th, at Huntsville in ' f- uvry county, to ay off thi; troops.of the 5th Kcgiment ' States at fforfolki V ia, (ate i irginia. Nuth-Carolma s ilit ia, late in the service of the United T. L. SMITH. P M. -? 5th ftc'gt. N C. D. M. V. fe.S. T i V I a ' 0 ROCK MASONS. The subscribers wish to employ Two or more persons ac quainted. With blasting K'jcki itd preparing Uiem for building at thejjaiu ot . l ar jtiver. me jooueuigs; oonsidferable'oneV it well worth the attention of persons acquainted; ;: - EVAN'S, DONALD! OK, b Co. Torborough, May 17, 1813. 54 tf JOHN OVERTON, laKnehe- ef 4hJudges . of the Supreme Court of Errors and Ap peals in tlie state of Tennessee,, s resident at Nashville, having resigned bis seat on the bench, will practice the law in the supreme and federal courts at Nashville I and at other superior courts in the uciglibourhood on special application - , ." : . -. May 10, 1816. V'VVvV'V; 49r" -j INERVA OFFlCE-Two of three bojs' ItJL between 12 and 15 years of age of res ectable7 connections and good habiil,'Wiil be received S -apprentices to the printing business, if immediate sp. licauon bemade at this otiice. .;- ; LANK9 ef every description may be had tha Minerrn-Ulhfe. 1 'VT' i- ...t il - ..--.... -tv - . I , 4 - "