i.t'week a general risius. -took place ! tfisrhes. which terminated in the massacre of rrsat numtier oi iuc destruction f their dwelling. . It i eoofident ly stated, that at least"one half of the city has '.', fallen a prey to the flames. V - Government had received notice, U. ap pears, of Vaiidamines being in the vicinity of pri. Searches were in consequence made in ever quarter, and in one ihstauee a detachment "of sen. d'armes was ordered to surround an inn at Versailles, where he was supposed to be se creted, these nien closely, examined every person fuod in the house,. and being disap pointed in their principal object, they; to justi fy their inquisitorial proceeding, tarried off, as Vuspicious characters, three individuals who happened to lie unprovided with passports. r " Private letters from Ljyons describe the pretended enthusiasmfor Royalty in very dif ferent terms from the statements which have The JNalionai uuar, luueau 01 spouia jteoWly offering to march against their fellow citizens at Grenoble, were compelled, by the 'menacing interference of the Gendarmerie and Jiojal Uuarus, to. proceed in separate detach? ments upou the road to that city. But o soon er did uight come on, than, escaping from the ' Gendarmes, who conducted or rather escorted them,-they disbaaded and returned ,td their home, from which it has been i'ound impossi ble to tear them a seeond jime. The strata gem employed to decoy thein from the' town, was that of cullecting tljjem in smalt parties iu - its neigh bdrtmod, upon, he pretercoof exercis ing and 're'vtewhiglhein.'' tWberi ftinis once col lected, they were marched, some by force and others by persuasion, towards their detestation. . - --' TitOM THEATtONal. INTELLIGENCER. ll cannot but bea subject of regret to find that l hern are eiliens of the : United States, ince (he ' d'eare extensively engaged in that must disgraceful of ull trufies, thf African Slave Trade ; especially since it mut be carried on under foreign cilouis and fjr the benefit of (he - ' colonies of foreigji nations, AVe should be glad y 'never to hear of any American citizeu being en gaged in any tfadc in wb.ieh he was ashamed or afraid to.display the Americtui Mripes. The cuui'htv natural to man is a very insufficient excuse for the violation of the first duties of humanity, morality 'and law. The following article aTTMirTijlIeTTnTormaT tion than we have yet seen on this subject : ; '"'" LONDON, MAT 10. ' The following is an extract of a letter from on board, the Spanish slave schoonerosa, pri2e to H. M. sh.p llann, dated Sierra Leone, January 26 s , 1 " My Dear Sir I have ju9t arrived, in the above vessel, which , we Lave captured, after an anxious chase of many hours, and a smart action with our boats of an hoar and half. We were refitting here in H M.ehip Banc, about a fortnight since, when information was receiv ed of three vessels under Spanish colours, well manned and armed being at the Oaljnes, a place about 150 miles to leeward of Sierra Leone, taking in slaves ; with great exertions, being entirely dismantled at the time, yve got the ship ready and at sea by 8 o'cloek the following mor ning, llhe wind failings we did not get off the place until the Cth morning by day . break ; when, to our, great satH&ction we discovered a large schooner in shore, wboj on seeing us immediatly cut his cables and made all sail with a iightlreeceoffthe land we after him -but soon found he had the advantage in sailing. At IS o'clock, lucky for tie, it fell calm, close ' aSut nine mile distant, when the second lieii tcnantjwas' dispatched with all the boats. A little before tbree being within shot, chase-ran tip a Spanish ensign and pendant, swept .his broadside round to bear upon the boats, and is full of Ameriean vessels, under anish co lours, ill well manned and ftrmed. To ,morresa we sail id quest of a ship no vr off Cape Mount, with part of her cargo on, hoard ; the whole when complete, ; will consist of iSOO slaves ; she mounts 2 guns, and manned with .130 men. s RALEIGH : FRIDAY, JULY 2671816 commenced afharp fire of round grape upon Ibem ; there -being a very heavy ground swell en, and no, tfibdf 1 am happy to say it took very little effect; about four being within pis tol shot, prepared to board, one boat on each bow, and one on each quater, schoouor keeping up a heavy -fire -of grape and musketryour pinuaee having a 12 pound earronade, cut him up very much his main-must at this time being shot away, gave three cheers,-darted a longside and carried him sword in hand.. The vesnt:! proved to be the Rosa, under Spanish co lours, fronr Havana., pierced for."ier..gans:fJbitL only four mounted, about s?0 men her. crew, ail The Syaodmct in this crty on Wednesday last a bout Uiirty ministers are attending, . ' Of late years no sentiment. ha been more sedulously attempted tu be instated in the minds of the ptople, ihaiv lliat if'ederidists gisnerally ape advocates of monarchy and that their chief desire is to see a king feigning in thia.'couiiiryy'Asi' straws show which way the wind blows," is a maxim generally received, we. will endeavor ior a moment, tq examine into the conduct and actions oi tUe two parties, and, trom thence di'aw such inferen ces as the exam ination may justify. It is a tact!, which I presume will be gi-anted by all, that all right is vested air the nauds of the people that tliey, and they on!, are the legitimate ruiefs of the United Stales! Co.isider 'ng tins to be the case, as guaranteed by the con'sUtu t.ou, I have often been led to wonder, how any one could have the presuinpuoa to censure, when the people or portion of them, exercise 'their privilejjefof speaking iheir opinion of men. and measures. .-Tftejf appear to ibmit that the common people have no right to trouble themselves with ' the affairs of the sounuyth"iitlheir only duty is to toil and earn money for the support of government.. Perhaps it may be said by some, that thi? is ai) error if so, wHiy do we bear such, frequent com -filainu of men speaking their opinions and disapproving wfthc messures of the administration ? -Whenever a law has passed, the majority kppeaf-.-to- advocate-1 he -pr-in ci" pie, that it is theii acting the part of an enemy to com p. 4in ! Surely men who entertain such opinions as these, tan neither be real lriends to the true interests of their country nor to human nature. For the purpose of ryn. during more firm the foundation, of their own power; .hey ire not only averse from suffering the people to en- joy a pure representation, but. they restrict as far ar pos sible their right of free, suffrage. In order to render the people good and, useful members ot society, too much pains cannot be bestowed on the enlightening of their inuids and iu order to obtain this, desirable cjit .they should ialUer be encouraged than djsheai tciiud to pay particular attention to publick transactions. The many are more apt to act correctly .than the lew give them fair and full information and they will do the thing thai Ax.fcht.acx0iuglXa . Again, it it be a fact -that it is improper to complain against j,nj act of the administration, as the itujpril) cohteud, I would ask huw it were possible to have any any law repealed "whicti had a tendency to, deprive the people of theif privileges ? .But enoagh, the people have . .he right, and thanks be to God, they will exercise it - Is it not presumption in the, highest degree, and a pre. sumption too, which could be assumed by none but a IV4 mocat, to accuse others "of entertaining opinions wbiuh they alone are guilty of harbouring . . 1 would sk ttu Democrat, if he can point but a single instance, where a federalist ever' opposed, unlawfully, any act of the administration ? No! he chuiic but on the contrary, were I to ask, is there an instance of a democrat acting in this manner, and they dare not answer the in terrogatory in the negative for the rebellion headed by Albert Gallatin, in Washington's ministratijm stares them 'in the face I 'would not wish it to be understood') as my opinion;, that a whole party is to be censured for the acts of an individual But I thin'k they are to blame inasmuch as they rewarded this rebelliouist with one or two of the "ihost important officei("in the gift of the Administration. ' What then are we to think of a set of men who wish to implicate the innocent to hide their own wicked de- of truth, ,1 hope he will parJqnmc fof UifflgtanJiw trom.;ltf y It.i Said . thaeertiid person! are propagating a re port th.at old Kobert Pickens, the falher ofe aa4ii date for Congress, : tjrsi a rank tory during our revolution ary war, with view, to injure the interests of the candi date at the election. - Suettlf gross and palpable false hood should be rebutted in a publick; niahneK- tkudw of a certainty, .that the old irian DicKihs was elected in the Senate of this stated by the county of Caswell for ma ny years before the division, and since the division, for the county of Person, by a democratic people, when he thought proper tf offer his Services to them; IJoes this pfove his toryism during the war ? the bid man Dickins with his collea gues was very active with myself end o thers In the Assnmbly to carry the ordinance of the con vention , into e Sect to establish the seat 6f government where it is i therefoee it wouJdbe ungrateful in Uie peo ple of this county to degrade the character of the poor old man now in his grave, by the false reports of a set of designing demagogues for the sole purpose of injuring his son at the approaching election. Notwithstanding lil - . . .. . . & au meir macninauons ana evil devices, I feel confi dent we shall obtain a good majority ,n this qiiai ter of the county tor Dickins " dy lo defend J v-' m UU true." that I thoeght there appeared fit the political horizon of Europe hurricanes rea dy 4o burst out onee'taere, andligbtnings read to flash again i I also thought 1 aw iu Fr.w.t maras oi uiseomem winch 1 believed to be ge neral ; but I did nV more than describe mi Mr, Scott, A3 it may.be necessary'to remind the peo pie of this 'district, that John Craig Esq. the democratic candidate for Congress voted for the law of 18i I, taking frm the people the privilege of voting for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, 1 request that you will insert die following proceedings on the passage of that law, Depember 18, 1811. the bid being still under consideration, Mr. Cameron movedAo amend if by str.king out that pari of the cap rtiou wlich relates to the appomtmetof electors to vote for a President and Vice-President of the United States as welt as the second section of the bill, in the following words : " That it is her by declared to be the duty of the next General Assembly to elect by joint ballot of both Houses, such number of electors to vote tor a President aiid Vice. President of the "United Stales, as tins state may beentilied to, airieable to the lat c.n..a f h;. State." This was oojected to, and ou the' question o? ;' YE &Me$.trt. Averv, Byown, Uarringer OiVan Blue Cuthbertson, Col insj Cameron; Carthy,' D'arden' Fnnk, Gillespie, Uorham, Gdchnst, Hall, J.D. Jones, ,V Jones, E-Jones, W-n.Joues, King, Latham, Lamh, Le grand, M'Kax, Martin, M'Alpm; Maithis, W. Miller, Owen, Pierce, Porter, Phiier, llny il, Kuss, 1J. Sawyer, ti. Smith, N. smith, Al. E: Sawjer and Williams 39 M AYS .lle.fr. V. Allen, J. Allen, Britain, Bell, Ba koi, Baitour,liaibe, Ihttmw, lllouni, Cotfield, Clark, Chambers, Clt.UG, Coeim.d, !. Davidson, G. L Davitj. son, Daniel, Dudly, Deans, Ouiglas, Uupree, Felton, Gambell W. Garrott, Gen ry. uuy, Headen, Hatch Hoyle, Hannah, Harris lloki., Horn, ilassell, llowel, N Joi.ies, Win. JOiiea, U.Joiies, U. Jones, Joyiier, Johnston, Kilpatnc, Leiioir, Love, Lyndon, Leathernian, Look A.coane fiercer, aiiiuwoil, l)v Millar", Woody, Mosek. sires ? who. wish to kep thepcople in the dark, know ing that in darkness alone they can succeed f bring their desires and actions tolig'it. and the delusion which has so long prevailed would instant ly .cease. , - - - At the time the federalists were in power, their at tempts to raise a navy sufficient to protect our-seacoast were considered by tlie democrats as "'strides towards monarchy." I would ask by what rule of logic, they can prove, that the federal administration, by such an act, were aiming at monarchy and that the democratic ad- f ministration, in adopting the same measure, were aiming . at the good of their country ? Compensation Bill We observe that the law altering' the mode of compensating he members of Congress Ivis met the decided disapprobation of largo portion, of. the pke.---t,uWickmeetings--Sare---been held -in -different parts of the United States expressing thir disl ke to that measure. In Georgia the people are so much incen. seu -that tliey liuye burnt in efhgy those who voted for the bill. Pigou, Parson's, Philips, Uamey, Sto,.e, Scott, Spencer, p4rkmaii, 11. Thompson,. Taliaferro, J. Thompson, Vanliook, rignti Wiisouau'd Vancev 74. Tne bill wai new put on us piSsW. and on the dues. lion' Shall the bill pios ?' tlie ytrtb and nays were as, follows : ' -YE.S--.Mrt. V. Allen, J Allen, Brittain, Be!j, Ba ivcr, uauoui, oai uer, itaiemau, Blount, Colheld; Cisrk thia ympioms on wnicn me belief wa founded. My political religion restrained o.e from interfering in the ifatfcrhal cohcerHof eihet nations. T . -"' - ; f I bewailed tieif misfortunes, i viished for their prosperity j I was desirous to see everr utui m uu iitu Aaurprjiueni j uu 1 never formed those wishes us a eouspiiutor. - y Devoid to the honor and - constitution ot toy eountrj, 1 did, and always will, resist every act that wound or even threatens them w ith) injury : btit 1 follow khe standard of that sain& Constitution, aud toy arms are neither the pon bard por poison; bht the laws aud the riehia of tny country;- ' . , - GentlfcAeni ;dd not (oi'aiie thai it h a crime fer an Engluhman to watch'ever h,, projects!" or exercise a judgment en the acta of his bov! erument. The means employed hot being euW, ctput. to prove a , erime, they are made use of 16 add more weight to the offenee with which we areeharged. Ido tot wish to dwell upon this" eabiect, our advecate has done us noble justice i particularly n vindicating the outraged houor of tayniroiberi who is dr in . Ma r,e aUon bt -Ott.Hee.oant of my country. I be liberty aud renutatlnn nf I.;. his patrimony of which he cannot eease to bacA the guardian, without betraying what he owtT" te his fellow-eitizebs and to nnnfArit. u V.t..':i. -j .f 77"VL ' ..iiih.c, jiuuur aou reiisruin. nr. i,u - obligation, and the exercise of that duty Con- lit lltou tha .nn,l ... ' -v r.yu icrogauve or, a freeman and it is a truth which von muat yoaf( shall have lived some time, looser under afcahgtituiinnal gnri,ri..i ...ur.i . ' i- acr which yon now live. " Nj. -PnwplM heen held forth as -frightful j but it will not be eaey to make peo ple think that the principles which evince art attachment to good faith, clemeney, palriotisnt and philanthropy, are those which spriritfrom a criminal souree. . "But who has given publieity . to my thoughts i By whom and bywhat!meanshas my correspondence, addressed only to my friend and countrymen, been taken Dosse.inn nr? r.n2 respondence addressed only to a brother, and to personage, nhose name carries along with -it the assurance of every thing jhat is mostiU, lustrious and loyal in the nation, of which he " has ever been one of the most enlightened audi zealous supporters." .) MAKRIED. ouaiiiucra, wuiu, jtiaiui, a. Uavidson.. Uanie . Uuil tey, l)e uu, I 'oag.as, Uupree, FelUjnj jUauib 11, W. Gai rotl; Pc'iitry, Guy, UcaUe i, ILitch, Uov.e, Huiuldi,- llama, Hoke, iloni, Uasse-.l, N. Jones. WVjones. n Jon ps. K Amerieans.-and 276 slaves ; beine uuder Span K'lsh colours ihli t'oiiHense, as the prize was :.forinerfy';f.-iV:iitrjcaii' privateer 1'erry, of Bal timore and is now manned entirely with Amer. '-'I'eaiss,' commanded 'bv an American, and had e1 affamst tlie great popularity of ilessrs Clay and v. beat off, only four days previous to our falling1 Jo',nsonana m-present appearance'! neitln r of th.-m n Willi lier, iinJer American colours, theColo-i reiecieu. we may always, expect that the pco 3xil vessel of war Piincess Ch;a,Tloite''Vhen',nle.wi:1 0PP0seail strides at power which may come tin- "i.st ... ' .a. . 'lt.l;i. . . . "i" oe rageai louml our boats: settine the upper ue i lc,r observation. it not .mv intention toent Jottes, Joyiier, Johnston, Kilpatnck, Lenoir, Love, Lyn den, Lcthcrman, Long, Mebane," Mercer, M'Dowch, 1). Mi.ler, Moody, Moseit-y, Moore, .Masse)', Mumford. Norsv.orihy, Noble, Ncison,- lKOiTj!fijioils!j'hilips, Itainey, Sione, Scott, Spencer, M. R. Sawvcr.Spaiktnan, il. . Thompson, J. ihqmpson, Taliaferro, Vanhoyk, Wright, Wnson and Yancey 73. ' N iVS insert. Averv. llioun. Harrinirpr. Rivan fBiue, Cuthbertson, Collins, Cameron. Carthev. Dai-'den! G. L,-. Davidson, i-'rink. Gilltsnu- Cu-hum :;i.ln.:. ' Howe'., Hat, J 1). Jones, V Jones, K. Jones, XV. 7' Jones. King, Latham, Lamb, U-grnd,v'K:iy, Martm, vl Aipi.i. Mautns, VV. Miher, tlwen, Pierce, Potter IU11 icr, ii-.yal, Kuss, D. Sawyer, 11. Smith, N Smith' ani) W'n.iuiiii 4.1. - - " ' " - 1'lie followiag address ''was delivered by Mr. ' Wilson to the Court, on his trial for the es cape if Lavaletlc. ''Gentlew'n-TUe presifletft did me too much honor in saying, that t had a perfect knowleclee of ihe French language 1 speak it very badly, ami ineieiore musi eulreal your indulgence. haviug no knowledge of your code of laws, the principles and forms of w hich are essentially 4l1flere.it from those of Kiiglatid, we have given np the whole ot our deieuce In our advocate who is in every respect eothlecl to our gratitude, not oniy tor tne exercise of his taleuts, and that elo quence by which he lias distinguished on every occasion, btii lor ''the generous zeal which lie has coiinlantly manifested in our cause. It remains however, for me to make some explanations; and i will do so with all the respect which is due to the authority and majesty of jtistice. "iienllemenfyou arrnot ignoraiit fhat a nidSt weighly acquasilion inipeiiiledliver usTrhreaT tem d as w were by an allack aaiust our lives aud aur honor, we did not seek fur safely either In Chatham County, on the 18th instant; Mr. tfe&fir R. J-arrer. to Miss Dorothy Chapman, daughter of SoloV r MtE Ti usteei of the Greene Aeademy, maff JL- ifesting a disposition to empley some jen Hi their Academy as Principle Teacherdo profler U give unto wiyuc erleman ibr lii services during the termo! one year, six hundred dollars. JSo person ma apply unless he Can coe well recommended. - Letters ' aduressed to the subscriber, post paid, atSnow-UiH Geene county, N. C. will be duly attended to. J v Uy oruei of the Board, ' ..v-','-:.:.'v':::r;-'-" v i i ;.;' CHARLES EDWAfcDS, AVcV. - July 5, 1816. --.- (jp. , rpilll.1T DOLLARS REWARD. lian X. away from the subscriber in July 1814. a n-.gi-u fcUow named Abraham, he ia supposed to be ti bout twenty years of age, he is" a tail slim made fellow about six teet high. He was from North-Carolina in the loi k ot the Yadkin, Kowan county, where it is probable he is gone, 'fhe fellow taay be identified-by searching -under hia right breast where there is an impression of the letter S. Whoever, will deliver the said negro to the subscriber living 35 miles north of Charleston, S.-C" or lodge him in any jaiwhre lie may be obtained, shall receive the reward of thirty dollars and all reasonable expeiices paid, or give iajbrmation to Isaac Campbell in Mecklenburg county, near Charlotte K- C t r --"' . , ... WILLIAM SMITH, c May 24, 1116. , . 60-3tp. - N. B. The said negro was bought of Mr. Mule Matree, who bought of acei Uin Slr. M'Cullourh in the forks of the Yadmn Uiver. . . W. S. w , . hand hn Iff nlinnf fiftv sl .v-t. el ii lit if I i J. insiij iucui ntui wuaiuiiii piJVL Sf IUIU upper rons, them into a discussion of the present subject, or express an opinion as to "tlie correctness of such a law tin shall that should we cot on board they wouM all bejsay present is, that I think they at least srW.u A ..m ! improper time to pass such a law considering the na tional debt and the heavy taies .which the people had to pay prior to the passing of this law -and I can but thmk that thosewho voted for the bill discovered a narrow ness of soiil which is ifr.bccomingtJiose1 who hold such exalted stations in the national councils. " Do unto others as you would that others should do unto you," is a maxim which should be strictly attended to by all; I notice that while congress were raising their own sala ries, attefhpu which were made to raise the salaries of some of the officers of government, were disregarded. ta Le'nnft..Wh: Kikih. I.o r-W;UI.':- rvr!"" ucn importance in d.nerent parts murdered, which made the poor wretches fisht like devils ; ihey stood the deck when every Amqriean .that" was able had jumped below. Thank God, we have none killed, owing to the ' htavy roll of a sea that was on; our assistant eurgeon and three or four men are badly wound about the. same number of Americans are . . wounded ; bnt the vessel is very much cut up ; - about her mast and rising the main mast is shot away. . After taking out the prisoners, . and pulling her to rights as well as we could ! feral j!lin.l.l,.J t-. .'iLf....l.Vi.O!. ui9iaicuni tu iier, Willi lourircirjueii 10 oib we have arrived safe, aftpr a ahnrt nagaasri: .hewas the last of the three ve went in quest her iwo consottahaving sailed 5 days before .'..-we arrived ; one of them mounted 18 guns and rSO menj with 500 slaves ; the-otherA guns and Sa men; with 300 slaves f all three: came from Haavnna. Her trial has not lasted long, the ad miralty Court here having condemned her im mediately. I do iiot know "yet what is to be done with ihe American prisonersr iThe coast Ifl t lie DOilCV Of Cuhllieik. or in -l imliou I i Ih thestate ot Kentucky, tins same weapon is le- Jnere y, i rustins ta our iiii.ee,.1.: p rn. m - ed nothing from any govehunent hut the protec tion: of au iinpartinl trial, and we -found our protection in the wisdooi& justice of the Cham ber of Accusation. Yet in opposition to the de cree of that chdinBer, the act of acc'usatiou contains a .inumiu.de of laets -that nre foreign IVoiiilhe offence with which we areTTvow "accus ed; and at the same time Unit 1 ani pointed out as an enemy to all governments, for obser vation! made iu the most sacred coiitideuie,Jl ani overwhelmed before all '.Europe with ihe most outrage-bus and calumnious expressions. " Horn in a free' counlrvj -aeeustoiried by my eilueaiion to think freely oil every ".subjeet'and io express my mouglits eltlier verbally 4r m writing, 1 exercised the right of doing so. " 4i Animated by the love of justice of huma nity, aud liberty (not revulutiouury liberty, but the liberty on which the social order of. my country is founded, and which we cherish as Ihe animating principal of our happiness snd AS , eouiiiBtted to the Jail of Granville eouBty, ou the ldth inst. a yellow wo mun, wiiu says tier name is uacnel i'atteisen, that she was raised by Churchwell Anderson, and that sbe is a free woman She appears To Be about twenty three or four years of age, gives very various and contradictory , accounts of herself, and seems not to have a sound' mind. The ou nci- will come ibruai-d prove his propel pay..tharges and take her away. . j ,. DAVID MITCHELL, Jailor. ' July 2q, 1816. " 6.03. . r I UKU iNOTlCE Where as there has JL beeii some notes, (or rather papers) past buiween Mr. William Head and myself t and there are) still some of those papers yet missing which has my 1 name thereto annexed. - I do therefore, hereby, caution -all persons 'Whatever from trading for said papers ; fof nr. nea ana myseitnas tuiiy settiea tor said papers ; and I have a finsd and legal di charge for ad demands : he has againt me prior to the present day. ." -. - HENR1T COCKBS. . Chatham County, July 19, 18J6. 60 3tpt. people of this state, to makeahejenqiiiry of those who may ne candidates for a seat in Congress, what are their sentiments respecting thislawi . , ' ' , " f6R THE ..11VF.RVA ' . Jfr ott-.-I.ljaye feteived a' letter froin the venarahie patriot, Col .lUnsome Sutherland, of tliis county, con. tradi&tingajtpott that lrJJicken's fathei-'waij a tory during the feyolutionary var-r-I Ijavenbt thfe-Coloiners pernuBSion to publish thiif letter t but tcTaid the cause ' '.' .t-.v- "' ' !'' - .V -..3: -.- - Undoubtedly that correspondence micht contain news, anecdotes and predictions which -.were:ihotrTeriiicd.'Kn6witig-vthatthe7.werfi. never to be disclosed by those to whom my.let ters wereTtddressed, I communicated them with; out any idea of the results. But there was not a Siugla opinion of mine uon the morality of .executive erFict,.e. , rH08E perspns who bate not received pay ,M - for militia services rendered in July aud ugust 1813, and whose claims have been allowed by die Board of A uditors , may . receive their money uponi application at r this oflice. ,-Tho i application must bq nuide in person or by one having a power of attorney , proven iitture a magistrate i -' ' ' , SIMON Tf. SANDERS P. Sec'y. - Jury 25, 18 i6. ' v" :;.'..: V':--- CO 3t, ' I t " .1 f g M1E subscriber M ill again bpeh his house ' fl for the accommodation of such Gentlemert and Ladies, as may visit the Shoico Springs. this season, nnd think proper to call on himjTcVery exertion will be -7 . 1- - - - T C . i 1.. " . C -..(. . . . . . I . . ' ..i. ' i r Li our po.er) 1 always stated with .rdorvin. " " r -V.J "liaivivi iuvno ocllli UJ v II 1 9 IU spired me with.' ', Visitors who may avail themselves of the Stages, will find a ready conveyance from Warrehton to the springs, bv applying: to Mr Ruffin 1 who intends furnishing hack for the accommodation of those persons. . EDWARD i. JONEg. July 12, 1815. I I 4.-