The ill .he en eravea from r r "Tv : p . X and the most estee hied likenessri. 3 raasi he Arms of tne t'nited StalesMd'tof Twf i ' 1 fl . f 1 AtLL LLi V UIV A,AtT . - ' i j. -" . . I M ; . 0 . . - -. . - - Ik.. thnnlfl TXP 1 II lm lt if To vou. all readers turn, and they can Tieas'd on a paper who abhor- book f r ,Thos4 V lid ne'er rise a sermon to peruse, , Would think A bard to be denied their news i "7 Sinners and saints, the wisest with the weak,; . Here mingle tastes, and. one amusement seek jj Thin, like the public inn, provides A treat x ;? Where each prom iscfious guest sits down to eat ; And such this mental (bod, as we may call, V 1 ? Something to all men, and to some men all. - ., AndnexrUCaiuusenient which the motlev page A fiords to either sex aridevery age -r. v Ij ! whereat comes before the winter's fir?-- Damps from the press in smoky curjs aspire, ' , S from-the eartbltoe sun exhales the dew,) . , fere we tan, read the Mjondera that ensue fZrr'" -Then, eager every eye surveys the part : " :, . , , 0 ..That brings its morUe subject to the heart j , V di'ave politicians look for. facts alone, ' '."' ' And gtavely add conjecturei of their own. ' The sprightly nymph, who never broke her rest .. Tor tottering crowns, or inighty lands pprest, Finds broils and battleSib'ut neglects them all For songs and suits, a birth-day or a ball : , . ' . The pleading jnan.'o'ertookir each Idle tale .' ' , For " money' wanted,; and Restates on sale ;" : r f wiuie some wits fnj.M minds to an attend, Pleased with each part and gfeiv'd to find an end. ' ; 1HB RALfclGH UbuARY, i open at all limes to subscriber and ladies. Books will be delivered out between the hours, of 10 and 12, on very Saturday. Those who visit the Library Kroom are desired to Observe the bye laws which are posted up in ft.- ihfi 1 fallowing books are missing which it is fe quelled may be returned without delay, viz. Adam's Itoman-Antiauities. Salvo's Travels:' Fmkertons Geogra pliy. Aikms do. Belgian -Traveller, Brooks Gazdttier, Adam's Classical Biography, Brown' Theological Die rnow AiosBow rPEa LITHE ORPHAN L AND LOUD LINSEY WOOLSEY. t Pity, my Lord; the wretched plight ;v ?-Of a Iqnrt orphan, faint and weary j ; ' t , Jfo house by day, nor bed by night,: T Exposed to tempests wild and dreary - 1 have no friend,-! have no food, ' ; Alas 1 1 know not where to wander ? . flirt I am told you folks are good, v " Who roll in wealth and shine in grandeur t , ' r Young Oypsey. if your tale be truei ' '-"-j Sav; whereybur parents life departed.1 " My fatlier fell at Waterloo, !f - ftry mother died quite broken hearted. 1 t, TShe sought piysire.amongthe dead, v ; if ' And fell upon his bosom glory . ".Oil X if ey died Honor s bed, . . My child they're cover'd o'er with glory ! r .. .. - ' . ' - And what is "glory V my good Lord, Will it relieve the Orphan's hunger i- r A shelter, clo'Jies and food afford ? . t 1 i Oh ! say or I can't live much longer ! 4, " Tb nation, child, will sec yoi) fed, , . . Posterity, wih learn youp story j i- Ybur parent's died yt Honor's bed ? . And they are cover'd o'e with glory V He said apd with a hasty pace,'i''-i V;-- ' From the lone Orphan wivistline parted i XJ? . Jl Ju; lcars:iViL!uJier. pallid face.; " i , rr ,' 1 And down she sunk, half broken hearted. Th en id her aid a soldier flew, ' Who" , hod o'erheard Jber artless story j lie, faiercber Sire af.WaSrioo ' v - And i&w him-S" cover'd b'r with glorj' tioifarv. iliristiftn - Panonlvi Scott's Lay, lilooniheld s Poemsl Rokeby, Cowpers Poems, Lempriers Classic Die- nonary, waliters liicuonary, r9rum vuwii vaj.c q Panthennl Snipitvnf Tlasnotism. Seiiechas Morals. I)e- moslhens Orationf Beauties of British Classic's, Big- land's Letters fcalmacrundi. Gil Bias; l uaaaeus 01 war- saw. Anne of Jlritanv. Ceolebs in seai-ch of a Wife, Con stant Ljtvcr, also the following, parts of work.8 to-wa, Vols. 5. 8, 18, - 4t and 20 or tbe liritisn 1 neairc,i.vois. 6 and 7 of Sliakesneare. 1 and ,5 ef lochbalds Taries, ! vol. 4, Plutarch's Lives, vol. 2 life of Petrarch, 2 Jenyn's 1 works, vol. 1 Bolingbrokes works, vol. 10 Unti..h Clas sics, 3 Hume's Essays, V Lock's Essays, . voiney s nuins, 1 Cumn's Speech's, 1 Cyroped.a, 1 Select, speecnes j and 3 of Scottish Chiefs, l and 4 Don QUixotte. l Ko derick Random: . June 2 1, 1816." . f.- : . - -1 f 8TATK BANK. OF N. CAROLINA, ' RALEIGH, MAY 58TII, '1816.. A D1VIDLND of live per eentum oo each . and. .every share, of tbe capital stock of the ..itate BaiiK of North-Carolina,"was this day declared, andjnadd- payable on or after the 15th of June next. --?L WM UV1IAYWOOD, Cak. ' May 31, 1816. ! , 52 if. . A TJ5ACHKH WAN TE1). The trustees of Jhe Salisbury Academy, are desirous of eiieaeme a person , well qualified as a Teacher of Youth, and as a Preacher of the Gospel, to take charge of theirl!istitution;;and to preach to the citizens of Salis bury T such a person whose character is unexcep tipnable, and whose abilities are adepuate to both sta tions, a fixed salary of One thousand Dollars will be giv en, iff Letters addressed to the subscribers will be punctually attended to. JOHN FULTOK, JOHN McCLBLLAND. S CommUtte - CHaKLES fishe May23Ui, 1816. '51 tf. : - . T t' tnfnw-i received, ana bera encouraBea.c.,v CrTV..c- 1,. 'mt, fronV assidutytana auenuon . . anTrecelve a continuance of pubhc Tonage. . H.s shon is in the house iaUly occupied by lr. Joel tL Lane. K2-? from the cduW Wully received and promply attended to.-,Vl ly.V m rS . ltaleigh. May 20. 1P16. . , , &l-3m. OCT'KS FALCON15H & 11ENDEU80N havine entered. intQ partnership in the p. actice of Medicine and Surgury ftc. all applicatidns Will be particularly attended to. , , . . ' Raleigh, March 2,1816. ; - f :p; 42-tf; N consequences of the ravages of the .late devotirins flames, the subscriber has re- mvl 'hl itniw tiS. C. Braimes.- 8i Jo. in' the corner of 1 tJ v. - r . th. Kjic-le Hotel, where he intentls to continue business, itd solicits a continuation of patronage from his friens and customers, ana tnpuDiic ai tarse. , ROUEUTTfARRtSOtf. Raleigh, 13ln June, 181 fi. .51 tf- 'and i 1 ku, 3 lit t it I " Come, Orphan, td my arms," he cried, - .".And I will screen thee from the weather ; . Close to my; side thy parents died, , , ' And for their, sake we'll lodge together. I nave a pension and a cot, " : Where thbtt shalt lite till I am hoary L : , Here, ynxp thee in this cld watch coat, "'.- ij'&'w4rlierlthan, hi ardshVi,loryJ,,l. YIST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P- si ' - ' jLAORtd, ton th6 1st day of July,lsi6-,-obseTvr .. ..the date-B. Barram WifUam, John Burke, jr. Wmm C fred Beasley, Jas Bennett, Barnebas C.edsoe. C. Dor , ris .Cunnaday, Clerk of the Superiour Court, Lewis L. Cahnon, Woodson Clements. DSamuel Dial, fc. Gilbert Evan's. F. Aaron Fotite, 2, Green Flowers, Thomas . Ford, Polley FerrelL Poll y Fetts. G. John Green, Mary Guthrie, Allen Guthrie, Allen Gadeneiy J. s-. (i, Gunn. , H. Jonathan II allLeven Herrin.John llolioway, son of John, John HodgeJohn Harvey, An-, drew rlartsfield, Jesse Howel,Tfansomc H ouse, Mr. H att - - field, ; ?arah tSolloway AnthonyvHead, Kightman Hilii .. ard. J LenSu'el Jackson, Joseph Jones, Dempsy Jack 1 son, Patsey -Jackson, Giles Johnson, Margaret Johnson,' "2, Mary Jeffreys. K-Isrtiie Kellam. L James Lowe, Osborne Lockhart. - M Mary Mitdhell, Hon'ble John r Alarshall, D Millerj John Macca, Seth Morris, Hardy ' May, Miss Ann Moorf, Burkett Murrell, David Martin, -N George Nance, 2, James Nance, William Nutt. P. Peter Porter, -Thomas Price, Jesse Powell, Samuel ,Pollarjd, John . Phillips, Hon ble Judge s of the Fedetal v Lourt, Stephen Pickett, John Pennington. R. Tho- mas Rochell, Samuel Robertson, Crotia Rains, John Rench,' Riley Robi-rtson, Meede : Rogers. J. John P Sledge, Zayda Smith, Capf Behjamin Styart, 2, William anuui, jieaumg auis, Wiley Simmons, Littlcberry ,3mith.t T-Joshua Todd, William A. Tharp. V. bupnen Vaugan. ;W. Dread Webb, ; General Brvan . -Whitfield, Mrs. Sallev Vj. Willson- Andrew Williams, Cullen Wood, James Z. White; Mr. John Walker, Ste phen VVilhams, Samuei Walton. Y.-Loyd Yates, Mi). dred Yeargin. -;... - . ' '.''. WILLI AM PEClC7TnM7 J-7 KaleigJi;julyTJyl8l6.--- oy3t, ALUABLE FROPEKTY FOR SALE Ou the 7th day of August next, the sub set iuer will ptler forsale to the highest bidder his coi ner lot in the WU of Oxford, reserved uy him when the town was established on his lands, Containing upwards of s;x acres. Upon this io is a ew and commodious house, well calculated for public entertainment, i2 by 24 feet twq stories high, with a double pmzza in front, a capaci ous framed staole, besides other conven ent log stab es, luiOa'Iiorie lot adjoinTilgT"which can bTeStefided 16"a"nyr gize which may beilesirt!. jJThis property possesses su perior advantages which u al always secure to the pro prietor a preference of custom, being contiguous to the Court yard, and '-'handsomely S;tuated. It has a wide front .upon the two principal streets of the town, and will admit of being divided into several seperate lots ll will be so'd altogether, or in seperatelots, as may U'st suit the wishes of pcrchasers, whom the terms will be made convenient and possess on given on the 1st day of January next. The subscriber is willing to treat with any person in the mean lime for "this property at private ba" gam, and if so disposed of, he will immediately give no tice thereof, by stoping this advertisement. .. .The pur chaser of this p operty can be acco'mmodated vith beds, and other suitable household and kitchen furniture, and very reasonable teriS. " .-T" THO ii. LITTI.FjOHN. t Oxford, Granville County. July 1st 181 C. 57-tds. ECLA11 ATION OF IN OE M5N DENG E We have no authentic "copy of this most important Slate, Paper, the very basis that supports tflt ofoud column of American Liberty ; none,, at IcasVon wliiqh the eyeof taste can rct, for a moment, with satiB- The English nation, still proud of their ' MAGN i CHART A. though every provision it contains has been rarapled upon oy the bold . ambition of their rulers, hate published tdition after edition of this instrument each moresplendid than its predecessor. Sir William Blackstone has collated' and commented on it his fine copy of Magna Charta has been Excelled by later pe cimens of art. and the facsimiles of the seals and sis- natures have made every reader of taste in Great Bri- Uain acquainted, in some degi-eei not merely with the ' . . . .. .. 1 . &. L I . sute 01 Knowieoge anu 01 ari ai ye perion in qucbiiuu, but.with.; the literary attainments, also, of King John, King Henry, and their tlarons ioU" : - -.! Surely tlie Declaration of Am BHiciX Independence is at least, as well entitled to the decorations of art as the Magna Charta of England : and if the fac-similes of the signaturesJ, the patriots who signed it were published in America,' it would servo to gratify a curiosity, at least as laudable as that w hich calls ibr imitations of the cor respondents of Junius, or of the arisiocrarv that wrest ed the English Charter from the rojurtaut monarchs of me aay. . . V. c are linnly persuaded that tlis more the p.-mc of our Declaration of Independence are spread out be fore the eyes of the world, tUe more they will be admir ed, by foreign nations as well as sur own - and every 111' noceiit and honest device that may srve t attract at tention toward , liiem, wi!l serve, .also, to-promote tue grciit eause of public liberty. Such an embellished edi tion as will render it an ornament to an kpartnieut, will have a tendency to spread the knowledge' of its contents atnonu those who would otherwise hive turned 1 heir hw wii. .wfnifaMfWiii.iu muuitr dittcltd hv 1 most approved of Heraldrv From theranementSade,Tffid the disSi manifested bythe Artists, it is confidently eiZTi ' that this engraving wdl be, jvhen finished, a toiSS St " truly -national pubttcbn. I'hutili.hetSK'S can promise that it shad bo ready to deliver to bubtcrf ' ' bers in February neat'l-EN-dollars each copy to u A paid on delivery.' : ! - J lh i;he engravings will be accompanied 'by a Panqj.' contain mg the official documenn connected w ith die t J licatton - asi authorities, aid a" list of theSjibscrilj- Names. ,' . - -,N ' ' f The e ngravings will be delivered to Subscribers if. the manner in hjch they may have subscribed. It is contemplated, to have a few' copies printed ns paper prepared to tarry coloitrs, to have the Shields ac curately tihSUired in the modern style j and the Plants &c. coloured by oni of Our most approved vaier co! " lourers. The ' price of those buperb copies will b THIRTEEN dollars eas;h. As no more of those copie& will be printed than shall be subscribed for, gentlemen ' who wish for. them, are requested to add the Word " co loured" to ilftir subscription. , ' " . '.' '',' -'-' JOHN RIXNS, ' ' I'- - Vo. TU,. Cltftnutslret ' t , I'h'tladelplda, June, J.816. ' " ' CCj'ScBscHirrioirs for the above proposed splendid engraving will be received at this orncE. v mninm- ii- .1'' inn.- if" " G p OR SALE -The suWnber offers tqr 8ae JiJ in the town of Halifax, "the tavern house & - -lots. formally kept by Wdlwm Martin, deceased, tiure is also on the lots a con veniant house a little re'ired for ' -th fiimily, good stables and all other out houses that is necessary, besides a store house and counting room, ti"' buddings are all in good repair.'. Jt is acknowledge J by all tiiat know jt that it cannot bexoelled in poini of pco. fit, nothing k Wanting tomakeiVone ofthe nri(st prij ble sityationsin he s .ate but a well kept bouse. For fur. ther particulars apply to the subscriber on the premis. r the terms will be made easy to lhe purchaser. Posse sion will begiven,the firrt day-of January 1 817 -.-i- . :. v -B F.H ALLSET Halifax June 29th 1316- ' , 57-4t. T ME FUUUC JOtRNAL OF lllis (j N1TEjJSTATE,--1o be printed at llic Cuj oi Washington. The subscriber proposes 10 com mence, wiuiiu a ie wccm, uanjf miu viince-a-wtek Newspaper, under the foregoing title, to be j.ubhslied at the seat of the general government. It will be nalionii j in its' character, and liberal in ns political compluxiun. lples j attempting,-with model'afe firnUicbS, to 'do jusuce to tbe sentiments and opinions 01 inosi, wiiuiiave not regarded with "approbation the system of policy pursued, for seve ral yeaTs, by our public councus .,' ' ' As a Newsnupi. r, no pains"will be spared -to render it i useful aiwl interesting. A s apolitical journal, it Will bfe held open, to each side, for a calm discussion of public measures..... rejecting1, as improper, every unnecessary indulgence of personalities. A i!etail o!"J.!ie jiroceedmgs and debates ot CongrefiS, as. .'o'JJ all donrmemsr L J EW LEATHliR STORK. The Subscri Jj hers have opened a Leather Store in the room lately occupied by W. W. Mason, in the Star build ings, Raleigh, where thy offer for sale a general 'assort ment of the best Northern Leather, at Petersburg prices, vor Cash They .have now on hand, soal juid upper lea ther, calf skins, grain and was, skirting and harness lea ther, roof and lining hides, bellows hides', ilieip and lambuskins, morocco sk ins, hatters' hkins, boot trees and lasts. All whicli they will warrant of first qual tv. UUEWEliSiFAlULN'JV March 4,.18l6. " 43 tf VEN i Y DOLLARS HEW AKD-llaii-. ' - X away from the Subseriber, living in Marl borough District, near the Court House,1' 'on Great Pec ."Dee ' KiVer, on the 13th inst. my mulatto man, named - ' JOHN, twenty-four years' o( age, five 'eet, eight or nine y inches Jiigh, strong made, large wide feet, nearly twelve -inches long, has a large scai7cut witli ft tnife;Wtwecn rus tnamo ana lore nnger, oirthe right , hand, it is be - lieved-eXtending along the wrist two or three inches, wile across the eyes and forehead full cye-biows, ra HB undersigned commissioners, acting un der the authority of an act of the ueuer- al Assembly of 1813, entitled, " An act to provide for the belter accommodation of the Governors of this state," and of aTesolution of 1814 on the same subject, will sell M public auction on the premises, on the 21st day of August next, at six and twelve months, for nego tiable paper -at the :tatc Bank, according to the said, act, three Lots of public 'and in. the suburbs of lialcigli, Numbered 44, 55, 46 8; 47, which were bid ofTat, the sale in May 1815, by persons who have failed to comply with the terms of salej and who will therefore be unswcrable for the deficiency if there be any. .''"" 1 J. Haywood, j Si Goodwin, V. : w. mil. II. Totter. H Seau-ell, W. Ilinton, W. Jones, (C. T.) T.Jlunler, lf. J'eace. tion will serve to place it contuiu.iUy under the eye of man, woman, and child in a family it will associate tlie pleasurable idoa. ot e legance and ornament with the his tory of the transaction itself and familiarize those prin ciples which firm, or oug'ht to lipm, the very bund and Cement of political society. Nor is it of small moment that such an edition, well executed, will serve iis a spe cimen of the state of the Fine ,is amongst .us at Ute present day . Actuated by these views, the Subscriber proposes to publish A Splendid Edition of the Declaration of Inde- .'- ' vcndt'iice, ' ' '- -i .Which shall ts, la all respecin, -rfawricdft the ne-' cessary maferiils shad be ntanutactui-cd m this coOn iry, and expressly tur this publication. The Jh-signs, the Engravings t.hall be the work of .American Artists : the publication throughout siia 1 jd.'brd evidence of what oUl' Cit.zeiu hae done in poh. ics and cuji do inrt. . Philadelphia, March, 1S1G. I'li.1 AXU TK'KVS OF StBCRIl'TlOjr. . When the Publisher submitted the prccccding notice of lus intentions to undertake Jhis national juibiicatio:!, although it had long occupied his reflections, he was not uUy aware of its iniporianccj lbr he had never suspect- I .v:nt t!u tact r.:auy a, in it tueiv is na wtere extant II auihe mc published -copy of the m jsl important State Paper in the annals of th'j workl. Tiie oiniiiNAL Declaration of Independence, P.s depo sited m the Secretary ot State's flice, was happily pre served when so many valuable papers .were consumed bv the enemy. Without dwelling upon' slight differences, inaccuries, or -omission.", the first words wjnch present themseives m our printed copies, and even as they are of record oirtbe Journals of the Old Congress, are as fol low : - "'" ' ' . ' ' ,': A, declaration hy the Representatives of the United Statetfy ' America in Congress assembled," : whereas in die original the Decla.alion is thus headed " The unanimous declaration of the thirteen United States of America" . This is not a mere verbal distinction ; it involves a difl'erence in principle. Does it become Americans to be careless on this subject, or ought' interpolation or al teration of anv kind to be permitted U a public docu ment so sacred ? Ought it 110140 be faitlirtihy preserv ed and transmitted to posterity word for word, letter for' letter, and M)int for point The American public w.I! unhesitatingly answer YES ! and the Publisher stands pledged to have it so engraved, and U accompany it the refjuitijte proofs of authenticity."- Tfie'alr the 2ii$eTmll be aotesyjrTrwdT be manufactured by Mr. Amiks, in his best manner and I of the very best materials, - I he -Jtcittgn, which from the pencil cf Ma'1 Ham, newest ft winch, f rom their importance,, may he deemed worthy oi uemg placed oeiore tue puouc. In other respects, it will, of course, be the interest and object of the editor, to gratify, by various and careful se lection, tbe taste and wishesof his readers. -So far as regards the manner of execution, the atteu. tion to advertising patrons, with - regularity ot'publica- -tion, and. care in transmission to subscribers, the editor hopes to be able to giXegeneral satisfacdon.. The tsbms proposed, are : " . . ' 1. The Public Journal of the United Stales, yrinteil cn'V a' super-royal sheet of the usual Ki ze, wdl be fiirnislitii " diirlj)t ten dul'ursper unnum...ithricc a week at Jive, "e "i: No stibstH iption to be received Without pay advance, for the term specified. . . . i ' 3. Subscriptions will be presumed as continued; unless otherwise ordered- and the editor will, at his Hipticc, have a right to disregard such order of discontir.uance, unless all arrearages are at the time paid off. 4, Where accounts have been forwarded, and no pay ment ha& been made within a reasonable limf, the names of delinquents may be erased from the subscription list, On the foregoing plan and terms, a shareot puhhceti-coui-agclnent is respectfully aoked. ' ,"A. LUCAS. " .' Washington City, February 14, 18l6, J " ": CCJ" Those gentlemen in A'orth and South- Carolina n;'i' G'eoxgjfij tcho may te"kind enough io tak e charge of in scription papers, will have t!e goodness to receive iltt flo'vv vancc'putments, and foniard ttem, vith tie ndifa, to li.e Editor tit Wushitgton Vity': " ' A DVERTlEMLNT. The last will and IcPtiiment of'Ualjih Gorrel csqilec 'asci!, wns proven at. a county court-held for the countm (iuiltord on the 5d Monday of May -1816, and tbere'be Executors named in the said Will, Letters of. Ad ministration with the will annexed were .then granted to David Gprivll, John Stewart and Sanr.ucl ThonSJ Of the " same county, the said administrators require all perton? who have demands against the state of the aid U.dpJ tiorrell deceased, to make them known WU'b.n the tun? limited bylaw, and all titose who are indebted to IBS' said estate to make tmmediate-pavnitnt. David Gorrell, John Stewart, , Samuel 2 horn, June 2". 1816. . lie ' Mmtnistratovi. Ualeii June 1, 18lfi. 55 tdi 1 an JfNK CENT" REWARD. Han-atvay I Jr epprenfice hoy niuned .lames Audreys, on i.l themornin? of the' 25 th ilit. ' Had on wlion he. wiut tier downiok when spoken to, with course curley liair I pair of white homespun" pantaloons arid mixed coat, the for his" colour. ."TTiee is rea'son to believe he .will en-i said Run-aWay is about -18 years old and is about five feet deavour to Wacha seaport town, perhaps Wimington-ori five or six inches TTigh. . Lwdl give tlie above reward for Newbern fend from ! thence by water for Philadelphia--r the apprehension of said run-away, no clui gts .paid nor where; he expects Ho be free- . He will no doubt attempt thank far ' the apprehension of said tun-away, "l here by to pass as a free man, as I have been informed, since he 1 forewarn all persons from harbouring or eruploviiig aid ici t mc, wiv auyu w jus pian , j 11 masters 01 vessels ruuraway ai iae pern 01 uie ia u as weuas, an oiuers, are cautioned against harbouring f a '" c-r-assisting the abote described fcllr w in Jijs escape, as iucj i mi un ucfn wiui according to law. 1 ne anove reward will b pld-Kr' ttnypci-son r tHsrkiifS ppa , . hending the said lave John, and delivering him in any x s public jai) here fmpy get him again; -tip to the subscfi. ' her at his residente as aforesaid, and all reasonable ex-' f-- pences in flie latter case thereby incurred. : "':''''-,'. .i'.-'- -1)- nOBERTSOX- . , , - Marlborough C. IL June ?9, l&H , - - 03" The editors of the Cape-FearR,.corderl Newbern . - Tederal Republican and the Baleigh .i'inei-va, will please insert tlie above fc.r three week, and send forward their . 1 accounts to ue subscriber for payment. 58'3t. Raleigh June 20, 1815. JAMES H. CV IiY :-55 tr,.-; IMS n njs.Xj The property Pi col.. John Uayloe, of Wasbingtorf city, will atand at my stable in-- Warrenton. N. n. tfc Z uyig seaswuTerms &ci, vill. be mad known in- due time.; j-v : ; , PHILEMON HAWKINS. , . , teoruary ,ui, . . . ,3fc-ET E L AN of every, description jnay be had ;at;.thtf'linerT;pffie';,:- w ' ' ii.i. xihibs uas nil nanil nno .excellent fiano, just received from the raanu.actoh', in fine condition The ton is vrrv simi rior f 'and the instrumeht, Wdl be warranlttfto be of the hrst quality .It can be sent sat j to any part of the state NOTlCEr-The subscriber is at present in Raleigh Fil purposes to remain a short time torjhe adjustment of lus. concerns. .'Those ihdebt ed to him, for Subscrintiont ; Advcrtisinrr. Print mofc.. ate thfc efore requested to make immediate settlement u Having aematius againsi mm will please to pre. thentfir payment. . - . ",-' '- A. LUCAS. ' ' and sent ; lla'eigh, May 10, 55 tr rWHOS : W." & J.COT, hare opened "lhei7 JLTDRY GOOD STOKiS, Jn the bulldiVe two doors' abova the Minerva and next Antr in th Kti TKy have still onljand a stock of goods stifHcient toat eig June 13, 181, v f54 &l J. SCOTT: have jnlreciiyel FronT XetviAork, aftfT are mv tipenin? very geiienil'and hanibo'mcaortm-mt of 1)11 OvO, suitable to the present smsou 1'licir gauds accof t ,3 IS.IiO'l-. May ,5", 181G. RANDO LPH h SI L AS WE 15 B, j-uai, ui ui- intuitu 111 iniiiauoii ot -jtji Jiciiet : ancj willeiicir le the. Declaration as.a.cordon of honor, fr-iir- nvmn ed by the Arms of the y 111 ted States. Immediate ly underiieatli the arms will' be a latgj ln.-daliiou por trait Ot General ULOIUth 'WASHINGTOi'lK li.4ll.,k.WhhI-.nriHfCUt, by comucopix, 'iaemhleTrsheJwiiS Spears. " FttlZs 'and LB U 1 .1 1 v 1 .1 ai 'i-'"ihinlA other MtlitLtroMe and Lfv&MJ hnvwz taken his brother Silyg M ebbing iViHilnilinn ii.u ii-a t. U .. ..m;i ..c ,x ,r .! co-nanncrship, th? bts.ifess will 111 t ilure .he c -yr-i 1IANUUI;K, President Of ConirresT. inU, 7 irrfi ..,s;i '.' L'ie. name of Randolph S.las tbb, and 1 con m ilifofclM-r. a nHr;iitnf tii. ita ni.ii.Mr . "; cniience ot the destruction ot K. WcbUs oni -The Arms of t!ic Thirteen lln.ti'.r M-.n-i " i":-"' ths-v haye-iaken.the old Star store, lately nil- l it".. I" ,. . . dallions, united lv -wreaths of- Dhve Leaves; will "form b-v Vtintflv"IK4.'&LP'.1,e UkJ "JV the remainder id tne cordon, wlych will be' further en-J KSS"me3 0 " riclicd by some of the cliaracjLenstic productions of the p TDK UG 5 MET) j C I V E S, 1'AINTv', United States ; such as UieToba'cco tniditidiiro Plants. I , The folbwinr .trtxi-s b ctwi' Uie Cotton, ihrub; ltice, &o- ' ' -' fire. and -further sunnlie r" dn ituc'eil 'ehrgs ly occup cjcncu a (eyt' liittiwiifieot-ine ciesiirn. fexccrjUnp-tli'e noi-traii ' v.-.rrl : Vr T.ul,: ii.: witlteWigtaved by Mr W-rnRAT, of rliiladciphia, who i (ilass, Wli",t' L-ad, I'earl liss tor sonic weens oeenftit work, on the piate, . -;Mr. I- vVH " Ne w-Yoi-k, will engrave lhe porrrattaf 15y. the Iv'e of Uie Artists engaged, the I'ubiish. tr has abandoned the "(dea of printing tfee Declaration Willi tvpks, ana lias determined to have the whole of it thor of theDeclaration of Indenendence.' 1 1 V I ,i 1.V V VoM- "ind Cfi, Wiiuiov I'm al I 'i 1 l' l1-' I, essraved. The ornamental diiinositinh' find sf vie' of the ' engraving vi me iijCiaratiou 01 nue)e nlencc, which will occupy the ir.te-rior of the cordon, will' be designed and executed bv Mil- Fwn'.ri V; " ' t- - ' The fic-siimles will be engraved by Mai Vat-iasce,' who will execute this important pai-t of the publication at the city of ..Wasliington, where, by permission of the Secretary of Btatc, he will liave tlie; original signatures constantly' under his eye " v ' 1 (, ' u&t, ' VThe ptjblic are well apprized that the gffnthir ' n whose name,s have been mentioneel, as undertaking .par-' ticularntkpirtments in the . proposed publication, are the flrst-Aftista in the-Vnited States-, and thf y have; one and all, ssstu-edlhelJublishep-thatthey-will aeduiouslrde4 vote themselves to the execution of the several parts they have undertaken, and wifl finish them in nuch a manner, as to do eredit" tonselves and to -the cbun try, so far as depends on tbe anxious emnlovmenf nf ifip-,.. respective talent on lb:s hatienalJork' . '. "3woMKl, -Sugar-'GaTidies, C ookery a.i l Olass-iwWi - For the purp-.ise of en.d)iiP(r ! im'lf to iil"ti!,h - f I. iV 11 u vyr eo4 villi iifjnv . -,hi..ii-. p - which is in the dnli'e of the cnv. and advantaged ; rituated for hosiness and as additional induc:nunH"r enterprising persons n t xpectc a ih - houses a be bu on tlie rmns in tnis ' art or xae. will be of Prick: nd when, the water-works are coa pletcd, which aze now in , a state of great forwardness, there will be great s?curity against fire. - f The sale will be on Uie third Monday in Auirwd net- , (being court week) to the highest bidder. Theterias will be made known on said dv j, . The proprietor Wing reduced' almost to a stats w 13 . digence'Ybv the late fire) hopes it will not ba deemed ui rcasonble that, he calls on all who are indebted, tolnm to make immediate payment. ,in--: t"N. B. Al? commission business -strictly -attenoia.o -. ;-- Stamp paper forsSle as usual JL Raleigh Jani,?0,t 1316. 55-tL - ob niixTOo in!: tly uxrcuTE ATTHISOFICK. -