- . - - my W UW. Hw.W"-.- f- . ' &t the lioixr youf choosing -me to-repreaent ' nu in eoneress. 1 iuean not tlie moij remote ailu.inn to tnv bavins had ant age net in ef fecting tbis change in the internal state ofJbd country ; bat- as k V&e nappy xunuge uo iwh pi&ee, every motive for my continuing your re. .'iresentative is taken away. If I were Capable f being iuflqeneed by sueh'a motiv as that td ' "be found in a salary of 81,500 per annum, I might find what "tomb would .consider a suffi. 4ient motive, but when 1 am convinced I cau wnrfer neither the people nor the eountfy any "service in return,! haye no wish to live upon the money -wruog from their necessities by op presiive, war taxes' in time of peace. ., Itwas mv intention, in addressing you, mere ly to assign a few short and obvious reasons' why 1 had no wish to be re-elected to eoneress, and to annouce' mv determioation to retire. . If I thou2htv it would be at all desired or any wise hseful, I might tax your patience with the' pe rusal of a minote aud detailed account of mv r nnhli inniiiiet. . It has not been however ar ifknelJ, except by those whose fibiignb equi- v ' flv 1 " youp .corn me naaiiuus, noiuwig iu me t:4he;ftn alfflotfeVery otMrati15r 1 fallin a- or Were stationary, those of isngiana jiogu.uuicu , . ";; "5 r .f f "v" ..wvei lot were idvanein. fOitffti 3lsf Ufa. tArw, per the limits or WO.. mm ni PM-.y ,V?.T prj widely as w indication would therefore seem neces eoitzh I felt myaelf bound by my own traordinary atati T things existfng the last five years, sometimesojliffer in opinion with the mftiorilv of our partyr and to seneratejrrom hem, in importaut votes, the pain produced by ctaU wert frvm bi to 68 i and mairtaw Jtvtr. Cnc, aavance.j . apanuu miuea uouars then command only 4s Bd .(abou 68 cents) ater- lingj iu bank notes ;thoogb tifose note were not payabio in specie ou aemana attne nana round that city Several Turkish vessels have arrived here, Laving on hoard persons who call themselves Turkish merchants. It seems that our govern ment does not regard' them a such, and , sus- BAd receivable, however, 1n all phblie pay! pecU that their visit is to ne attributed to poiit tnents, the were in; highvcredit j. and better; ieal objects. ,; , . . ; C." J . -than specie. Bugland was entinually reeeit- , As the divan has not explained its intention ing Dollari from the Spanih American colonies.i relative to the Ionian Islands, and cautiously Mri Canning had arrived id England from avows doing so, the Austrian government hlas Portugal, via Bordeaux; wa Jo take his seat orderea tnese; seii-styiea mercuanii io re-em-as one of the British cabinet mloiiters, and to hark immediately, and has forbidden their hold the office of president of the board of con- holding any intercourse with the inhabitants. trol, in the, room of the earl of uckinghaui-1 jroM thk Kingston' (jam.) Jroicle qf shire. TheEnelish papers announce, that marshal Savary, (duke ot iiovigo) and lt.f gen. tialje JUNK 13. MELANCHOLY CATASTROPHE. , It becomes our painful duty to record a most nond, have received tbe consent of'iue British' meIaucholy catastrophe which occurred in the fellow have t 1 tered durinc th. lir JTf n O en. under theraS. M.-Ms. lueaiures very jligM ' reDublip.an intim.nt i j. v Obni Cousiderable standine arm v 1,1V, lti to create gradually, an eHectue cover these expenses; iU ..,' With an over-weening f6ndH.f was in he admini.traiioDj a wJJ till) ft, Uunliiv tnuJ. I : , . '"I list,. I. 1 . " M utterly inconsiitent u,;iL .... uu,uaaJ Slitutfon. A change tooknlaeH!?!11 at rears evcrv thmi m..,,. . lotj government fo -retire to the United States tor which, it is said, tury uart sailed at tue lasi date. It will be reeollecled that the) embark ed .with Bonapart at' Uuchefurt, and surrender ed them io the crighsn. lney bave siuce been iu custody in Alalia. They are both iueluded in the French decree of June 34, iSlS", which deuouneed nineteen general otlieers, &c. as trai tors. Savary was minister of police to Bona nurte ; -but was oue of the first who adbered to Luuis 18th, after the first abdication Louis would not see iim for some lime; and bavarv this difference w always alleviated by asub-at leHgth intruded himself into tUJiinpre seotieut knowledge of your anprsb&tio.i and j sence, of the leree; auifinWHdejl fciulsiif him cncurrenee. The, best men will sometimes disaeree. and we ere all liable to err, hut lie, and he only, acts hoivstly and conscientiously, who pursues the lights of his own judgment in situations where he is competent, to'-judge tor himself and is required tp act independently t has always been my aim, as a public man, to act uprightly, independently, and with all the firmness I could eonnnand. That I have often erred, and sometimes betrayed indecision of character. 1 do not deny, but cheerfully submit to the decision. of yourselves, who have always been mv faithful political friends, the decree of merit add demerit belonging to my public conduct, I am truly sorry to be obliged to leave juu; 1 should be ungfatelul if 1 didnotteel and acknowledge the indulgence, the liberality, the magnanimity which you have uniformly shewn roe, infiuitely beyond, my. deserts. Great indeed has been your kindness towards me, and I have th satisfaction of knowing I have serv ed ou to the best' of my- po,?r abilities, disre--giriug-alw-ays-hose-nnpleasanftonsequfncs . whieb oftea rlow from a zealous and firm dis charge f public-duty. You will no doubt with out ditfieulty find a successor every way betl r qualified, though none can be more anxious to serve you faithfully than 1 have been. In sup , port of such a person, it'will afford me pleasure to unite eordially with my political friends. The interesting ties, which bound me to the people of Montgomery and Frederick are now severed, but I.ihall have the happiness to continue my . residence among them, mingling with the peo- pie as a private citizen, all times ready to con tribute his full share in the maiotenauceof the good eause of federalism. " Your frieud and Itlls'V-citizwn, A. C. 11 AN SON. Rockville, May 2lst JS6. - ; Jcoreign. London Papers haw beenreeeima, ui w vjjut t j tht Boston Centinel, by Iht. Brutus. What these papers lack in n ws they contin ,ue to make up iu bold and Hi my reports, an noymous letters, and long'specultitions partic ularly' on the interior concerns of Frauee and Spain.:' ', Although within the last year nine hundred and ninety-sine of every thousand of these raw assertions and anticipations, have bpen proved baseless by occurring events, the thousandth ab surdity has nevertheless been obtruded on the public with all the confidence which it was sup . i posed truth and demonstration alone' could as - ume. We need adduee but a few samples. One day Cambacere,' Talleyrand, (a constant butt) . and all the . eld Functionaries were charged with being implicated in the Grenoble insurgen cy j next, the charge was proved to be false v and unfounded. One scribbler announced that America's old friend, the Marquis de la Fayette bad been arrested as a Conspirator but the ink of the first was not dry before a second column ma nufacturer denied the fact, and affirmed that 4..ti.e old Marquis (which wasjhejuth 'graftquiriife 6nhis estate. Itepose nd "h.ippiness to him, say we One private cor respondent asserted on the 6th that Macdou- aid had been suspected, by tue reigning familyof ; j sence, ol the levee, auu inw uueti viinseu to nun Gen. Lallemandvwas one. of Napfrleoc favor ites ; but he too was among the foremost fu an nouncing his adhesion, and taking the oath of allegiance' to Louis, lie joined uoaaparte oil his return from Llba, aud a process ol out lawry has been issued out against him iu France. There are two French officers of the name of Lalleniand, both denounced, and both l;euteu-atit-gwierals. The elder is the subject of this .paragraph. . - The count Dupuy, and suit, has repaired to India, as goveriior-geueral of the French pos sessions in that quarter.; , The earl of Dalhousie is said to hava been appointed lieut. governot: of NoVa-Scotia.. He is a general io the. aruiy and oue of the dis tingnishud heroes at . Waterloo. . Lt. general Bouchette is mentioned in the London papers a having been appointed sur veyor general of Lower-Canada. Tlie JDutc hestL Berry, recently married by proxy lo iji ei u that name , Ja epfaew ol LouisTSth. and iiroTheyoF the duke d'Angou- leme) had arrived at Marseilles, aud, after per forming a quarantine oi 10 days, was. expect ed at Foutaitibleau "rite 15;h June,, wheu the marriage eerctnouy would be re pv a ted, and all Frauee - set agg on tlie topic, as England has recently been. LATEST FKU vI FRANCE. By the fast sailing brig did. which arrived at this port,-yesterday, in AS days from Bor deaux, the Editors of the Mercantile Jliwrti ser, have; received from tht-ir Correspondent, a file of French papers lo the Cth of Juue, whifh do not, however, furuwh auy news ol mun.nt. .., -I'- PARIS, JVNK ! PrinceTlleyrvid returbed to Part, on iLe aoth of May. Frice of stocks, May 30.Five per Cents, 59 francs 45 centimes ; B-ink of Fance. 1037 francs; Treasury Note9, 4 3-8 discount. The Miireschal-du-Cliamp Gh.weh, has been,condemnedtoJeathttra4sbujrtorhav ing joined the Usurper ut the period of his laud ing in France. Letters, trojrtX'ronstadt, of the 4th tilt, say, that on accolmt of tbeice, no merchant vessels had yet entered that port. The Court of Russia has gone into mourning for two months, on accouut of the death of the Empress of Auslia. ' The report of Lord Whitmouth having been appointed Ambassador to Ibis Court, is wholly destitute of foundation. alou ou the full tide of 8uc a' mellt.,' The restrieUvp " tCrrunllon that Impeded our ,.... asU"tJ It iif i'f stirt; "tn b ." "111 v. - uu11.11.. town 01 rorivojttl UU UCOUOjr UlgHI, nucicuj, the Hon. John Caltborpe, second Lieuteuant of HU Maieitv's shinJunon.Ya most nromisius lite non-intercourse, the ? r ... 1 . . 1 . i. ;i - fnnpi.iii.il Li- Ic.l. 0 uu unmerited aua uuiimeiy aeain. Aituougn we 4, ,ese nit,tt have heard much concerning this very untor tunate affair, still we shall forbear entering into particulars, until the decision of the Corouer's Jury, w hicb was summoned yesterday foreiioon, shajl be known, and which had not terminated its sitting at 6 o'clock yesterday evening, owing to the numerous and Kngthy. e vidence that was brought before it. We shall briefly state the MCumBtancesas we heard them, that led to the death of Mr. Calthorpe. lt appears that about 8. o'clock on Tuesday night, some young gentlemen and seamen belonging lo one or more os the men of war, and the black and colored people of the town of Port Royal, bad a misun derstanding, near the wherry wharf, which' came to blows and throwing of bricks, &c Tli is dispute continued till about ten, when MrCaltborpewho was 011 shore from the Ju non, passing that way, .noticed the disturbance, and, as we are credibly informed, immediately endeavored to persuade the meo ot war, s peo pie to go on board their vessels, but, w hile in the performance of this laudable endeavor: he received .a dreadful blow on the back part of his bead trom a brick, throw 11 by oik of the op posite parly, which felled him senseless to the ground; he was raised by soroe seamen, and taken on board his ship, but the wound was tound to be mortal ; he afterward was convey ed to the hospital at Port Royal, where he lau g u i shed un til S c 1 0 ck yeste rd aymorning! From the -moment-he received the shocking wound, till his death, he never uttered a word. The dsceased was a brother of the lit. Hon'. Lord Caltborpe, aud first cousin to Mr. Wil-beflbrce. tion, we arc then bound to vote tr . willsunuort them. Mr. t . -M he the persou, for Mr.Okil'H uitl nut ,"tita1J Whea these bleeding aud wat;Wl if 1 may call them so, iud reduce,. uiioa us at the verv luuiin-ui u 1. uci pre the but About llM:.eipeditL f llll-tllin iiAiiliniai.f .. .. . Uj J tltnrMT u.. '.Via . .Il.r.... . .1 : -'V- mi mmmm liALElGU : FK1DA At GTJST 2, 1816. UNITED STATES' BANK. ' The following is theVmouut'o'f the subscrip linus to the Bank ot the United States, at tlie several places annexed, viz In Hiilliinra f n I 4 t r All W.II1II4VKJ Ricbuioiid, 1X02,200, Washington City, , 1,23.000, Augusta, . 1,200000, rvorioik, 400,0tav Charleston, on 9th July, 1,600,000, iNew-Vork, 2,300,0j- Kiiie-ign, In Philadelphia the amount is between six and seven millions. It is generally believed that there will ue a surplus umoiiUt subscribed. To tlie electors in the1 Congressional District computed uf tlie counties of h ake, Orange anu I'erson. Fallow Citizens, A very interestine and Hmportaiit election is close at hand. The peo ple ot this uistriel will soon be called upon to lo decide who is to represent us in the next con- li.rjai&4ifltin lliiif..jlilutua A .. I . - . I. We learn irom Rome, that the murderer nl 1 hllll llM . . f. , ----- - - J ' ' " " " w" v u a US m1AVJ an Vllilj V t lltA k ma ta ultima I. 1 i. funds raised to '.bring-u to a&uJlt'H tlf tl.a I'nrmvr I nA ..!.. ..11. -"hi v mm , vv vuij anuue til t .. uci vi u.M ui ta Cute Miii correspondence of Mr. Aruistroii VMiJkiuion, and -fiuallj lue capture fv ingtoo lity. 1 be waste of ftnJi, ls 8 ' but thejpayraentof from 60 to so'duibr,,! rel for our the trau8j;ortaiiou of unl ' ft . I J IV i . ll t irom miijourg iu - nuuaiuc, auu 4 from Boston to Albany by land. Vili u. cieut illuatration, without evvn rcftfrii, lobs list of defalealious unon ' th L I 1 i 1 I . books. Not a word Cardinal Dona .Chaplain, has been iod,j uody, entirely depend upon the man and executed. His death was shocking j he,we' noJ ci0ose, i think we i, TT OS U II II UCaU II 1 L II lUIIB, OUU iraus : quartered tiwuuKt ruruinunu, moii.er 10 1 ek ving 8elve!8-Tor our suffruiies uer of Uian must all see the great necessity of properly estimating the ,', l. .....I... a .!.......,. .11- . . ' POfl. Hfii'Mlit- VI. 1'. - gaid to these, abuses ; coastqueatij jf,, prove mem, .we must give UaigeutnJ vote, aiMi rejeci , uij opponejiK wuu miU ipaiI'u ftia ft Bki ran a riflu I mil ,...l . . 1 "I have taktitsome pains ts idvbv 1 do'eumtnts, whenever 1 'could obtain uW I hud, that iu the nrst ii years vfourni ri.....i n. 1. . . n 11' only thirta-six ratUtous, uine hundred a ty-lwo thousand seven hundro.1 and. fitliij J dollars ahd four- ceuti, . (SSSjWiHj Whereas, within, tue lasuwdve.jeafs, tin; from 180 J to 1815 inclusive.' tue hdmtoistrj nas got ria ot one nunana ana Jurtu-um, turns, one hundred and eighty-Two tftujswui,, hundred and fifty-nine dollars ! (giiisiij) Now 1 thought John Adams a pruttj rapid at this business : but vou see he vvdnku.u lo those who hare come alter html la 1 tiiRV.BAVA.arii.ntilniival-.Iii ft I' tliii-tu iiiiliin.T: j - i - -f ' - ..... .....i.hjii iiiinl vpa r whiiiK 'vnn will niir.piva is ""S" J " 1 .. ... f.i..iik is nui i..ii r u : ' .... 1 . .1. . "...l.i.. .1 ., vpnrii m Wlili iiirwliin dun Ad.ima I ..(.! U If .1.. c.uuiu itiis mc niinuiit sumo ui iue w IUU ti'ln.h I l i.Ilil.l.l v.... . 1. ..... U A .... . UB.UU V. UU... . 1 1 U r III-IH. lira .1 r iifninilarl ..... t i . .1 , t - ' ' .w ..tif mouiisbu cvvhviiiii nun fff. vili .. . . i . . i . .i . i. i . r i KfflFl, III lit HI ItUfU 1111 LIII.4 II.MII. MP 1111. t.:..X k !.. .k -.'i t - Bkiua xuiilfcui k iu uc iui vtiiciniaci Ulitl II TO iV ' .. . .-v . . . are aitci anxious lur a, strict scruuiiT lawilii ' j . .X.. a. . . : . 1 . i n i xjieuuiiurvs ui uaiiouui muuey, yuu wuireifc . . U.J .i . . m m v mr vr k a w M-m. w m m mm aw iu hu n in ukai rn. I li c ilirpfl tnv. th piciaii. thn itumti rtriTt ... .. - ' .. , ' ami i ue siauuing army were grievous sucjra fit pnmnluini hnti.i'uA .hntr nt mlmii.iclriliiiR. w. V. .. ... . W.W. M W .. " W. KUIHIIII4IIWI" ' I I . n I . . W . 1 . I e . . r . . T I . n A .. ............. I A . A tlL xnu iau j uuic nun utcu luvicuitui) j w army doubled: It standi uow at iu,o00wi uuu IUI. I II IIUIC II 1 UlUiUUIIU UJCttVV. V" 1 " approve ot tnese measures xj you U(i,voiew Mr. CraiJ. Did you u o t ' e x e c r t e tb ? is WJ V . - - ..... tNl I '. aueinpieu conscription law r jitouikui'i jur. iraig ougtit assiureuiy to rccerejoaiir Upper and Lower Austria Marshal Grouchy is under trial, parenntu mace. " ' Jcne AI ars h a I A u g e b e a ut D u Ic auu Lmcipies to a close investigation, buch ... . - ' 11II11I1IIL AITfri III.'. 31IIV 111 III! limi'l'IH IUI . invesiiisa Uuu is nut unlv fkniuilv iIUi.u.,r. ; . . o v "m : 3. : :.: -.i ' . ;":Z ""'A vfuiijdeelaMdiiif-vou deem-UTis . ' ' 7 ... nf VirlpnitnTi- lux lupn Miinnintrl lit Kin. ..... ... nddillir. within lliri-K mun imp .hlMdrtii' 0, m, .... - , ... i lose wllu asmre to anv mi b o inui: .: 7 . ".7 . : .1 nerorof Austria, Uovefrior of Vienna, and of.. ai . .-- ltou$ i the public debt ; if vnu tfniiKUo V . ...... I vuui 01, an uif lUttl llil'T SUIIICCI llltir Vlinillll'1 i . ' , .-. - l. ...m i . w . iiiiiii-v in iui i ith u'nr mwi iuiii lua&t v...- without seeit'nng any of' Ibe objects w a few days ago, of a dropsy of his estates. v. His serene Highness the Duke of Orleans, ' i 0YnuM.iwf tit PuriK rn Ilia A tt Ii ui 4 Ai in. - - - . . w .ApvviviM.AMI.r'.Vl.VI.I. XU1U V. A V t-w . J - oeing nosuie io tneir uynasty, and tiad been giant ent to Coventry but otf the 37th we find all the j translated for thk city ga.jjtte, jiapers a..uui.c,5 iunt uus veteran .uarsnai From Bordeaux paper to Hie M of May, re- ft st a rl rm nnnvin ilia nAtnr H'ArtAia nnd l f,. "'the, be ro.ifd und Jusr.ced ii H ,. 11111 II r I III HIIll I Iui v nun I . , v..Vt ii. iu ioitriii, iesi-. i. -. i ...... .i ither members of the Doiirbon boue, iu the re ."View, of the national guirds, d jolriing iu the shouts of" Lvng live theBo.rbJns,i' &c. These by the Portia. FROM THE PAKIS JoCKfcAI.. The oflieial journal of Pett-rhbur contains new- not only -interesting to coinniti cial rrien, mselves. lest-i,. v:.:..:. .i r.' ;u..i,i,,r ht-i disgraced nlhHn.Li.c . iUed (o tbe presidential chair; then J ! e u io postentv. lest . i. . i . .I ... : ...., i.-i. :.i ' . . . . voic lor :iir. vyrais, oui noi oiiicrm HU P -v. a..mu, me innepcuaence .Thecoune which the two ntlemeukavep aud lieeuom now so high y prized should be 1 A, :"u! " , u.e 5ni,ru Mn Vj, i. iViVod r i1..i.iUit v?. 3 v uc- sued, iu our state legislature,. lias loileited or btt.ajed. V eleven ii tbtse great ;k ,i:c,ttv i:.t?;.a t VM,.khas ntii-noio . nun n m . . I l i . mrciHis nciis HOI ttl Biaae. II WOU 1 IM! aufll-. . i-T ' i . i. -.'. . .. - ii. ,! xieut. that everv ditHA ' n,...l.i ... .i, I' a Ui3y ? ucra.i0n, a m.--' . .l. -i . . i . ; s ingly dissnilaK played a dignity. U UU 11SU1I I -l'-.. I -Tl t i i -1. honor in the choice it makes. " t he voters will T"?3. lw'eaK;1" rJ ; il.nn fiial ra: .1... :i- .' . . iicru u.iie m iorin uie Hasne in .uvii ivi.1 bvimni Him ii auy oi ineir particu lar interests come before coiisrress, tliey will ip.... n !. :, 7 J uywu iuc uoor oi mat uouv a-reiresenta- .... .... .u.t;Ki.ii i . a . rp iiiiiii linn .in 1 i n a r i rut ki fti hi iiu'M" I have if .,. Utt III l'" MMAHimAiiS aiA m tan ' n im .f .4. .11 . iL .. ii t mi. 110 tt v ui&. auLiBAivu.vriai w mi'.n lur ' i . m a a i:.: f m 4 . - - - . fill i HII 1IIH nnill IP.1HI14 (II V.lirnna I h r uit. L reader what waste of tirne.and per it would ck counseMor' CharKs D'Anfo d Vs ord red b, JC tnll TnT' " M ""l lait siin he appoi tment of be to nonce such ctradieton. ndeta,h Jhe department of foreign commerce, to publish .ect 1 ersonaI Ial,tie8 uld command However decent his tale.lts may be, it uoaj r bince the nromnt 8Uii)resypn of thprnnmpn-li.. ii... ri. rtsntci., . . . l ...n.. i , . . . ..'i : uM'A' . . , ; . ,, " imbiuii, vci man aim j&nsiisn taniruast'S, 'rj.Ja laclr ne ;..:4'. : i n 1 Krieveu Ijis irieni u io ee uuu . tarytumIU,narenobe, there bad been, no a- a bnliet.a of commeree. He is'ha.gedffi station so far iibovelhem. ; Nor was tlieSf Sr irJl UT"' ,l,,,e, iHe D4M1K'ltiJfW fornish every da, , an exact lisiof all the ves--Lf Bn professes for the Si'IS?- talHt?J1,'J U 9TJ ,ttd ',,ee "Is arriving in the port of Cronstadt, with anj 1 , V ,udl,Ju,,' ribts so well displiyed in his vote, at the - been given up tothe French authont., by his aceount' 0f their, cargoes j second, to publish icirUlar ftd5r ,h l0106 VW' 10 a sion of I8ti, in favor of the electoral Is.! , TTdMi, W m "I 8afV " UreD9; tw.ieweek, a ta,ge,ent of be a'rivls aV i itTn ! f?" wU,?h h' To conclude, I havebeen unfortunate eno.S t t iiue. name utacKanu t;as Grenoble ; but pne f:tl,e executed was named D ivid,Vhich.we hone i not the celebrated Painter of that name. ' In England the work Of retrenchment of ex penses proceeded at a steady pace The cones 'qnences were so highly favorable to the publie Srosperityi that Air. Ponsonby, the leader of le opposition, congratulated the kingdom on the flattering prospecu " The unexpendedaf plus of the yearwas stated to amount to ight joiiiionsand an half of pounds sterling. Vbilst Plan Seas : third ly to publish once a mouth, a general report of the state of commerce in the vast empire under the sway of AlexHnder. . ..''xUu-.: BAGUSA, (DALMATIA) MAV 2. Oor government adopts the "most severe means to prevent the plague from being intro duced into this country. It is now.prevalent in the neighborhood of Corfu, and in some of the Ionian Islands. :-"-rnr-:r-r''" The government of Corfu acts with much se verity towards all who infringe her. health laws, and exeoutes its decrees rigidly without but a common luterest amoui? us 'nipt V. ,nU such a choice as shall most promote the gener al welfare. 1 ' . It would have gratified myself and many of iujf nciguuors mucji, nau one ot the candidates permuted himself to be a little more explicit in theTavowal of his political doctriiiP "it ..i judgtrig from what we could glean from his ad- uress, auu iromr nis canduct in tho legislature, we are bound lo beliere that he views with en tire approbation thesysteni of policy pursued for the last fifteen yetrs. i Permit me to remind you what that coursA has- been. rior talents, and more, of a republican. ; ' Craig has ever appeared a genllenin ly ambition ; and a repqff, which I have liearoj 1 think, if uncontradicted; go a great wf persuading all who rerhh:sTo lament -the diriess for office which seems to charade" him. Candor 'townrds the randidsie u" RiR-tit hiilivr'liii "npvprii'lion'' cence, a!tho' I have been relVrred to A,r" son (the solicitor) aud Judge Daniel, afcs witnesses to the fact. I hope thercfere ."f- . will be able to contradict me. Tb? cjiarge ' ; attempt last Winter to expel from office thef

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