II Vv S:..-S. IT. S. Li.' Col. Trimble, the prosecutor in ibis unpre cedenied und unwarrantable act, is now, (poor feliow) sick of the wound received bit the 17jth Sept. 181, the memorable sortie, and I shoold jess was mueft sieif, oz me appellation oi lablUbed : the (sondoet of tJeu GaineaHilll and drirtiag; Vessels, particnUrly the Lr as etose an investigation as that f any fyr&tJ.s! , : tha arvii rf ihk IT h Our ntht r. i ware HtUIS OO 1B wc with a quantity or Lumber ana navai mores m and. about it was consumed UiVfire We are pleased to learn, thai the whole loss does not fall, oh Mr. K. alone, the na val stores, &c. be longing to other persons. ' - ", ' : The damage sustained at Suutbville is much Jess'than Was apprehended- The British ship John, capt, Vaux, sehooner Regulator, captain M'llhenuy and several smaller ones were blown ashore, all were got ojff without injury or un loading except one or two small crafts, the particulars of which we have pot learned. Ship-Drummond, eapt. Quarles $ the Iteve nue Cutter, capt. Burch, and a brie rode out, the gale at Siivithville without any damage. " S ill Works on the Sound, we are info retted es caped with nominal. injury . : ' ' ail una iv.lrf J : ' ;W uritni'-aa. Mrhn hn hfn pmtn. fued for everirday,pt,'etjeits8w)rBewr mat ter the same interrogatories are prod ueeJ to all : hence, you may inier me uuiy oecoraes irksome.;' '"7r" '.,.v ' SALEM, N. T. Sir T. 12., The court of common pie at the county of W sbington, adjourned on Saturday last, after a laborious term: of two weeks. Several very import aoAaues were decided. But' we feel constrained particularly to mention one, ease, from a conviction that it teaches a very instiuc ftvo lesion ou a subject neither as well under stood, nor an generally regarded as' its impor tance requires. It may serve as a very timely wsrniiis to alloyei-seer of highways. It shews Jearly that the law noiu mem respomsoie lor Miscellaneous. FROM THE GHEENSBUftGH (PA.) GAZETTE. Mr. Maclean, all losses accruing from their, uegligenee An ..I 1 it ill.: .. I If....l. .1 perturoiance oi oiCla. . . ter fee wUed u TAJ EUetimlmn Ui'lierallV KlIcVV lllis. iuc uacuci nuuiu uut , . t sylng. themselves inf a .dozen: little pnrsaits i ritory td notify the inhabitants of Oucnatk wVi5"? ". c. &e. to remove fromthtT " at a neighbooring iioreUe thelves ofth dairy are Tabbed of their burthen from lime to , c!amation, turned , a few tjays aco after a ' time, ' for the same purpose. Things 'were rfnM .:f?UiJ i . A J r,r ! : '""8""1- i :ouuui i.ur lsuu murii managea oiajrw..,, .aupeop.e, We, Thege gnUemen rewMent the Inhabitants of were prosperous. "Many, we , know, manage rt.11.w .,. ! " J ! . 0,!lli,s 01 tbetn otherwise 0.But to manv others wfll -11uchalJ f. W irspec able antf orderly pepw hot the above remarks apply ? And, if 8o, will ' dwPWjl towards the government, and thev J not account for- tndch of the seated of ' willing to iibandon-the lands they have;cultwa-c mo'eu? 1 O ' vtcd for bears, if their, renpectful petituin to How is it with tnany of our "worthy jnecwn- Sovernment ;fehould ajBird them no; lmity. j c f wti a uiui 10 uieiH uc quiisb t-t-t uu n-'UHiMvm uiaiiyii, univcu irum gentle be with that elegant horse and wagon, w ith men wlo have been at the Sprii.gs, confirm tlto his silver-mounted whip, -and booted and coated opinion gcneralypieyailing in this country like a possessor of tbonsands ? 'Tis a meehan- that Ino Indian nation claims the land in quea ie from a neighbouring town, whose note is due ction. 1 A' few families of the Arkahsas Qyai at the bank. He has come to ask " some indul- peans Annually visit the Oucbata to hunt, but gence." - it is a very difficult time about mo- .,ave never set up a claim to the soil W retch: ney he, has " a I wayabeea punctual hereto. ; d indeed h(j f e f fa n ffl fore:" and hopes he shall not be put to cost,'! ,.,a u. B.t : l " " .1" aV he experts to be able to mak payment ,1 'f jjj the 8j ""S8' f- the ito the course 6f a few weeks." But, iy good mr8 their lands. ; , friend, vour equipage -your equipage- how much does it cost you to support it, and to pay for your frequent journies itj, order toobiaia " llnfl 11 Uannii ?" . Vftiir ilfpna. vnlir u'liin. vnup I am about preparing for publication a Farce, horge and your' wagon, occasion dwmal forebo the following; buluoquy out ot it, it you think pro nna, as. iu4very ur, i H"J,Pie, .o ma- , perhap.s raay send you some other parts, 0J erazy bridges, which are no erossed but readeFr3 relih this. 3 AN AUTHOR, tiie hazard of life or liniu, both to man & beast. 1 w Enter Muggins; sfaggerl lu the ease we refer to, William Crozier, bro't 11 action against Moses Bariett, an overseer.; Tliese Demos and Fedosi are main kind people, of bitch wajrs of the town of Salein, to recover j j,efure m eeciio. -Now there be Dr. Physick, the value 01 a norse, mai m reoruarj, is i, lhe dem(, aml Counsellvr Law, the letlo, who be broke bis lee and disd, iu consequence of fal- liug through a bridge in the district of which the defendant was overseer. It was proved, on tiie trial, that the bridgo had been out of repair tiutl dangerous for. several weeks ; that the de fendant had notice of its condition, and had hiiiistif crossed it a few days before the, acci dent ; that the accident was to be ascribed . .. solely to the condition of the bridge, and not to any care iessiuvss of. the driver j and that the .horse.. died in eoutequence of the accident. Tiie jury returned a verdict for the plaintitf, nixiy jWr dollars, the full value of the horse To mjuy, doubi'esSj this will seem u hard case. Uut the principle upoo winch it was decided is ceriainly correct. Justiee approves the deci sion, ttd public safety 'renders it expedient. J.lijrala .Ci'aie.in:jlie coldabslraet-frwnpuljMt, but men smart under them, practically when Uvtyers are the preachers.' Caution to hvers.fA- verdict of three hun tvtA dollars was last AVeek obtained in the court ot common pleas of this county, by a young woman against her lover, fur a breach of promise of marriage. ' IT'tTM bridle your tongues. Vr. lieattie al so recovered in the same court, during the nsariie term," two hundred and twepty five dol lars, on an action of slander brought by him against M r. John Bcattie, Junr. for words spoken by the wife of the said defendent. Horse thieves! beware. One Dr. Hunter was last week convicted, at a court held in tlriitttrwn, of stealing a horse J and therefore sentenced to fourteen years confinement at bard labour in the state prison, ; Jiifernal War The names of the 'bomb vessels attached to the British expedition now gone against Algiers, are-1 lie Belzebub, the Heclttt the Fury, and .the Infernal. Belzebub and the Furies against the Algcrines ! A fight of devils in good earnest Northern Whig. ALBANY, SEPT. 20. Extract of. a letter ta a gentleman in this city, , - dated SackeWs Harbor, Sept. i8. - CoJ.-Hawkins. -agent for the ti fitted States, under tbex'treaty of Ghent, and Major Rober dean,. topographical engineer! have been here on thii' way to the westward, exphring the line., &c. Tltey say tne line west of Connec ticut river is at pi'esent too far south, and that by establishing it on the true 45th degree-or. partllel of latitude 'will give the United States 16 townships of lowier Canada and tlieir ex cellent fort and island, the Isle Atf Noix. . . FREDERICKSBURG, SEPT. 19, ' I am 'happy to inform you t!:at the almost onpreccderited alafm:wliich has been excited in Jhis place and the neihbauring counties by the drought of July and August, is about to subside, owing to a belief that with economy the far mers will make quite a suflieieucy of Corn, Hiiy, &e". for their, own consumption, and the subsistence of their Stock. In the upper parts of Orange. Madison. Ciiioenuer and Fuuouier iust lurtd and glove with me. At home, in the old country, I durst no more speak to such Dig folks no more than I tlurt speak to the Lord Mayor of Lunuun... Why, no Jess noryeijterday, I meets Dr. Physick, and he smiled so at me, and was s if kind it would have done your neartgood to bee us shake haiids. Says he, my friend Mug gins, says he, how is all at home ? Purely, your honour, says I, only Bet has gut the hives and Bill has got t'e worms. Oa 1 says his h(moui you must make use ol a little pedeluvia, if that wont do, venisection, if that wont do 1 will give them soiue stiniuK, such as tiie esseiice of pitch fork, or tincture of wagonwhip. But, sap I, vour honour, what will you. charge ine ? Not a cent, my dear friend, nays he. Well, .says I, I'll vote for Vour honour, you can talk'so learned, & jonnod--maketreir;laTnedaws. amongsftlie congress people; But hi less time than a cow could crack her thumb doei I lheet CounSCllar Law. Oh! ho! is thiityou, my honest felIow; Friend Muggins, says- he- come it is past twelve o'clock,Cviie to my house and we will have some old whrskey and cool water; - With all inv heart says I, and" so at it we went, cheek by jowl. But I had hot taken livte than 4 or 5 pulls out ol the blue bottle before!! he says Muns, who are you ffoifig to vote far, and. -your .neighbors. Cliristophle, tlonicle, and Pel ty, for,? Why your honour says 1, we be ail fnryou for to tell the truth m 'Hquor was main good and plenty of it.- But after all I was in a peck of troubles who to vote for, so I avTd mv wife. Why John, you t'j you, gays s'-.c and she looked so Contwisti- cal throw Phytic to., the dogs, what a,ct of cha rity xlid he ever perforin? what poor man's debt did he ever pay ? or who did. he ever bail out of jail ? And any how, you fool, Law can only take your purse, but Physick may take your life. Well, welf, lovep, says,I, don't be Jso very dis- fassifniate 111 vote. for-Law, Vcs, burn ine if don't, - " -''Exit Muggins. BONAPARTE'S CAMPAIGN IN RUSSIA. The Moniteur contains the following patlielic tale, arising out of .Bonaparts eiiterprize ' in Russia. It is, we presume, only one of ten thou sand equally hearUreiiding narratives of domestic- woe" which that campaign ha&nrodured. " Madame Ghalme, daughter of M. do Ruviiie, Chevalier ;of St- Louis, and Gom nissary w War u'wler Louis XVL emigrated with her fat.be. . iirst to Prussia and then to Moscow, whero she carri ed on a profitable business as a milliner, until the arrival of the Freuch armyin Russia in 18!2. Ou the burning of Moscow , .she saved a few, valu ables and set out on he.r way to Wilna, accompa nied by her husband and three infant children. M- Chaliue and two of the children died on the -route, from' the effects of the horrors bv which" tjicy werg:surrou txled. On the-".'g-2'l. ttf-Novaii )er, 1812, beiriir the ii seven leao-iirts from - Wilna-. the .convoy of vvhiclvslie foriued a -pa rt was oil la. gt.-u uy aparij oi "ssacKs auu seeing tne ex treme agitation in which she was, a French aitil lery "soldier ofiered to carry Jier child for her as well as lie could. Accenting ol ns irenei ous ot- fer, ami thinking lo be able to follow ni'm, she de- livwreil to him her child, then aired ten years. "nvrujHiM vuih Hie tt.i gooo, ii jiui ujci i-1 mm oiaciv. nair aau eyes, soeaumg periectiv r, to "tbeir. 'Crops last year. n the lbwer!aid j French and Russian, and named Ernestine, jior'tt poorer parts of those counties, together with j at Moscow. In the course of tiie same day, a Stuff.trd and Spotfsjlvania, the Crops '. will.be ijioirrnt separated Madame Chalme, who then rather short, but it i believed by good judges to j travelled on? foot, from tne artjllery soldier, and produce, (with a favorable falI)eiiough for consequently from 1ier child, and from, .that fatal a honns cousuuiption, , . - dav she has heard notrung ol' either. - All tiie n.v.Q i n n . i' WILMINGtOlf, SEfT. 23. . Late Gale.-On Saturday the Slst insl.the weather during the day indicated an approach iug storm. ) ()n Sunday the 22;l, the appear ances increatted witii a heavy fall of rain dur ing the most of the dayat 3 A. M. Monday) Mind at it. B. blew and rained so-tremendously -as to endanger bouses, veelir&c. at five blew a wrVcfga?, which continued until about half . past nine, when jhe wind veefed to S. W. which checked the "rising of tbc water in the River, from which eonsiderable dangeit was ap pretended, thera being at that time several low flors pn the wharf inundated.-- ;' A number of vessels in port parted their, fasts uriog the gale to wit Capt. Cameron's new -hiP a Haytian ship LjbnlarajvaptT tM aaning rbrisVTlliain, capt. Tbornbor ;'a ehoonor owned by J, Hogg, Exq. sloop Riebard, pt. Robertsfof Notlolkv,witb several small ffu All have been got off" witbout much imcoity and wh meonmderable damage. J i -v re aamageu consiaerably by the tide iaja, H - Prussia, (IJIU U11IVJI I U " iquiries which she has and France, have been iruitles3 nately, in an. extretne agitatioji, she. iprg.(.i.t.to ask tlfe name of the soldier or the nu other ot' his regi ment ; all persons,, therefore, who cap give any consolation to this unhappy mother are requested to add ress them to the Special Commissary of Po lice at Mexieres." ; v ' MASSACHUSETTS SPY. . " . FhOM THE The general remark in ourfast, upoii hard times,-' were . intended as a sort of introduction I to occasional bints upon the same subject! . . k neextrayagance of dress" is oue cause or the embarrassed circumstances of individuals. The farmer, complains of the pressure of taxes,' & gives this as ajeasoo lor opposing the adpp-, linn of many - important measures in las town or parish, which would require money for their, aee.omplishinent. Bu,t look at his family They are, perhaps, at the' very niomont vying with the fashionable worlJ in t hei r, dress, ' In-' stpad "of bending all their exertions to the im-' proveoient of bis dairy, thy are, perhaps, bu : flings. Iteoiemucr tne rale or many young me- ehanics, fond or snow like yourselt; and'.qe- ti are 1 ' ' .j ... IdF.li, it ALKlGli : UALEilGII, OCTOBEIt 4, 1816. Steam Boats. The editor of the New-York Evening Post is somewhat in error, I believe, on the subject of the late fatal accidents on the Ohio and nei.r Charleston. Neither of those unfortunate events couiiLbcAUributed to the particular construction of the enjjnids. The first was owing to an act of carelessness init'rulating the sufcty-valvo : the other, to stroke of Vfpiiing, which descended by the furnace chimney, to ttljyjoiier. Under such circumstances, no boiler in the world could have stood. 1 rf. J. Dallas, Esq. Secretary of the Treasury, left Washington oiiTTuesduy, the 1st instant, to rcjame the practice df the law in PhiLxdc'phia. It is not yc,t posi sitivcly known 'who. succeeds hhn but most probably lr. Lowndes; of i. C. The fcurioslty of tl& reader- WtU-probb5y find-somer-thin.'r gruiifyiiijr in the address to Napoleon, from Mr Cobbett, which wdl be found in the preceding pagi . h i (lejigned to olfer, in tiie ittxt Minerva, some rema; ts stig-iistf 1 ijyiins singular production. The Treasury -Mr. A. in this city, and has just the I'lt'stdent, prepuratoi K i ... I A is now eport to vin.af the or a sue- On Thursday tli 12th inst. on the Eaatorn Shore of Mary Kindt Hi the fi9th year of his age, the Rev. Jessi r Leif- a fespectable and emm-" ently useful Minister of the Methodist JBpiscoj palchnre h. , 1 . . y ". : SHEUiFF'S SALli.-,'J o be sold, af publis , salej to the highest bidder, for ready mo- j m y at tiie court-house in Greenville, on Monday. the.9ih uay oi ULcemDer nt xi, uie ioi lowing- i,.u I a, oi hall -cres of land with the improvements thereon, in the town of Greenville or o much, thereof as Will be sufficient to py the taxes iliereon for the years t8l41uid 15, viz . .Vo,3,t S, 9, 18, 19,c0i 2IJ.22, 33, 5fi, 59,97, 152, 157 and 158, not given in, owners unknown, valued by the commissioners appointed to assess taxable property in said town, at ten dollars each. Ms. 36, 42, 44, 45 and 48. owners unknown, valued by said commission! rs at twenty dollars tach.JVo. 98, the property of Mrs. .Mary Smallwood, but not given in, valued by said com missioners, at two hundred dollar's JVbs 117 and 118, the property of tins he.irs of Cullen Edwards, dec'd,'not g ve i in, valued at tixly dollars. - . - II KXRY S 'lTH, Sheriff. Pittrouhty, Seppmb 31, M& 70 p. S I' . i& Or' OK l ll-G KOLIN Court of JCquiiy," - CHATHAM COUSTT. ' . $ Sept.-TdK, It k6. Tliomas Farisli, r Joseph Brantly and others. OHDEKEU, That publication be made for six weeks successively, in the Raleigh Mi nerva, that Itenjn mm M'0aniel, one of the detendants in ' this eaae, appear t the next lerna of this court and ple:d, answer or demur to the bd , otherwise it will be Uten pmfc so against liinr; and heard ex parte 7tf-6;p Tst, CH J.WILLI a 8, C. M E. A L.V1ANACS The Worth-Carolina Al ii. manac, calculated by Mr. Brooks, for 1817, is just printed at tha. ofh.ee, and wdl be fui n. sh ed by th" quantity or single one at Uie usual prices. 1 Oct. 4. ' . JL&.way, treasury, and arrauffintr tlw Cessor, It H now cd4TU-tljiit hr v,irfTf-4ire about the firsc of October,-Who his succes sor Will be wecarmot say, witli certainly tr. Loyt'd'es confitTu'irto be spoken of, and we think it probable be will be the in a it. . - 'National Register. Various conjecture.1 are afloat relative to the person who is to be called to' the Head of the Treasury in the place of Mr. Dallas, whose, valuable services the govcrnint'iii s a bnut to lose by his resignation, widen1, it issaid, takes place about the first of next month. The name of Mr. LowisDEs,'the worthy Repre sentative to Cougr -ss from S lutii-Carolina, has been positively mentioned in some prints as his successor ; from what authority we know not, but we rather think without any better t It aii co nject ure affords. '1 'he. successor of Mr. Dallas has not been designated, nor is it easy to say whn, from the 'wide 'range ofcoow petent -citizen, will he selected for the impor tant station he has Tilled. Xul. Int. UNiAWAY APPRENTICE Run-a- froia the subscriber in Aueust last An ap irentjce toihe tailoring- .-business, named 13ISHA rt1 , . -KOt;t3, aboHt 19 ) ears of age. . Two cents re .itfd w.U be given for his apprehensmn. . , JAMES PITT. . R iUir b. (trt 4. 7' -3t - vilE SALISBUHV RACKS. Will com Jl mence oij tiie Salisbury course, on TUL8 D Vtlie 2j1 day ot Ocioler next i srvd xoTAinuc Jit dults as usiial : Kach days race to be run under the ruie of the Jocky Club.- t . '0SES A LOCKR, Treas. S I V I K Or" N. it0..1.., ( t om-t of rk t? (iiuirter u 'i suwai tqujf rr 5 Sets ' iiitg Term, 1816. D miel Tenpcnny, vs. Christian Tair Or gmal attach- ment, levied, Stc. iT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court) that the defendant; Christian Tarr, is not m inhabitant of ih; state, it is thertfore, Orderedyty the court, that publics' ion be made for three weeks, succes sively, in the Rii" iirh Minerva, that the defeiid;.BI ap pear at our net tourt of Pleas and Quarter Session s, to be held for tiie county of Rowan, at the court hcuse in $:disbur)', on the third Monday of November ntx , to p ead oi r pi vy, - judg.nient will be tukirn aocoidi.ty t j "the pLlUiff's dcihnd. , - ' Test, . JOHN. GILES. CC. - ' - ' ' 70 3f . ' liaviifi uio- n i -- fi i J mf Ki'gimiMit North Carolira Militia,.lave in the U. States service at Norfolk,' ure advised aiid requested to make immediate application to the subscriber -as he intends in two or three month at fiirthesfto forward the papers of that Kiment to t!ie offi w; of the Paymaster General WILLIS WHlT-iKER, P. M. IsiRegt. N. C M U.S. C1-V.O igif.. . .. - .70 -'3 . 1 I' L tjM l ltl.Ni.iCT Persons iL.ney due them fur servicft done i- th ' A, SO tiUiUUtiAi'tft. - WVKHIXGTOy, SEPT. 18, 1816. " Db.ik Sitt.--lt appears, that Ihe Demo cratic Coiiforrees of the First Congressional District, have placed my name on their ticket of Candidates, for the approaching Election, IJe so ffwMl as to express my best tlianksto .- so .I'Aitr.iN-ttj the Cora uiiftecr fr this mark of their esteem X" Phomas Cobbs is io want of two boys to the anidiniidenccvJiuil to infirm them, that as the i Coach mkii.g business, 'from' H to 16 years o,d-noue . " - . . . . iii ind'applyninTess-they Ure of respectabie. connections, acceptance of a seat m Congress would be m- tncn owne well 'recommended, to -the niorals of sucb, Compatible With' the an'ang'.'in Mit, - which strict attention will, ibe paid. Boys from-the country have iukIc, for resuming the practice of .my ; VT'fr must lespectftilly decline being a protession, Candidate fvr that honor. ; A. J. DALLAS. Thos. Leiper, TiSfi. Chair min if the -. Democratic Conferees. r 7 Rak'.ih S pt. 4, 1815. 66 tf.. i jjlMB DRAWlAU vflhe Second-Class of JL 7 the GltAND JVA 1 iONAL LOT I ERY. Will positively take" place'. art the City of Baitimve on MQNUATT.tbe 3Cth S.p ember," 1 8 S: : -.. ..'. . ' , ,G & R WAITR, . r Will guarantee tne punctual fftyment of all Frizes bought at either of their office's a? , ... ' JliiUvnore, I Jvrtv sow, - rkhtMplaoi-. ' J .ftAoHVr-- ,-.z Or the snbbri:.ber at Raleigh . 'rVtee of Tickets only The President and family are tfxoectcd in t'mi ity within a week's Unie, fi oiu their visit j to Viririnia. The lVesideut has never had t'tieadvailtagC of SO long a recess fro. n his City lalX IMIla.KS, yfo the prizes ; are numerous and great. residence since Jus inaugui attoii. Ibtd : laiw.e 0ilpr tlckeU frolIi cffice. 8hall fcitlifal. We oherve on a perusal of the N. Y. Colutn hiaiK that ..outJ)?..23jnf.J.!ilyAjn"lhe..jrjx.M.!!e.e-f La Plata, Ceu Artels was iiinply prepared to j ly have the money returned per mail if any Of the Cupl U s should be dran"out"of the wheel at the time then repel the rortuiruHse expedition, "destined a- gainst the eastern district of Bauda, of the pdt riots, -with 8 t liousao.l ne ted the wants of Mantev of 300 J men. were sent ;-, he 33,000 muskets amongst the country people en havin" anliciua- tance j and any gentleman or company, pure! . , irpinnnt ly Tickets sha I have the list forwarded by - V V . eiTCM,!! " r'-tte-Miming is an abstract of the ioi e had also distributed ipr,4cof 35M EXCHANGE EQUALIZING; A ietter;from a respectable H'use" in Bos ton, . dated the 21st inst. arrived here -this morning, states, that drafts on'Bahiinore were sold that day at Nine per Hf; discount; -AVitbin the last nine months ' the 'difference I of Bxcliange between the two Cities was twen ty three per ccnt4 .tost. .Jed. - Gazette, v. r Col. Oavitl. Mustek antl Lieuf. Parker, (wnu were scnfTbr' tiie executive of this Ter- ST; too IS, AUG. SI. their orders are received, theeeby giving distant adventurers . as good a chance as those tivmg on. the spot. v ' , li & R. WAI I E also intend printing at. their own ex pence, a list of all Ahe tickets drawn daily,' both blanks and nrizes. and sending them to every place of iitipor- andany gentleman or company purchasing twen- mail. soheme V prie ot - 35,000 deuars, .1 pr.ze if v '25,0o0. doi -1 prize of ' . 20,000 do. i 1 pr.xe f . 5,000 do. 1 prize ''of1 ; , 2,000 do. -4 prize of ! , l.tOO do. ' 50 prize of : 600 dot Tiie. prizes Subject as usual! to 15. per. cent deduction; Should the capital prizes continue in the wheel a few days, tickets must ''consequently advance from the pre-K-t low prieeof sir dollar.Tvr"v -' .' jd G.arRr.vVia ITETwu J Taith tut ly execute all orders per return of mail, and warrant the Tickets undrawn. ' ... The four Capital Prize "uvthe first class of the above Lottery were 'sold and paid by G. & R. Waite. 'Order? for "rickets in ny of the'Lotteries drawing in the tlni. ted 5tatesjrompt y attended to.. ' " ; gTickets may also be iwuoi tne spsscrther. A.LUCAS, 1 I V;1

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