.4 o FRIDAY, DECEMBER 87, 1816. Vol 19. JV. I08ti The MMmsk , . . . t-ko tnllars vear. one half 1 'L-.j jn'iAvmce. NaTpaper to be coofinue4 Ion- c:ate town and its citizens in the estima- !1 than three months aft? a yearVsubscriptioabe- of the Legislature. He int imatea, that rwT a titWAof hall have been eriven. " .: J"P . . . .... w;ScgUi;nes,are feerteotbrfce jthe onject of me people 01 r ayeieyme w L ftn(j a desire to ex. ht insertion; and in like proportion where thre elude all other persons from a participation in fv-tfHter number of line? than fourteen... :...ilth:-Navietioi Stock. : Without stopping to ,-o arscnw " v -.., u -ist 1 50 inadvance. payn! POST OFFICE NOTICE. V i iwt AfTw. "Vciv-16: 1816. The several Postmasters are hereby requi- whenever a pcrsjii, m wuuui a umap. i4 addressed cease iu mivc n uiui uic Wfiptioncatin anv case be received, without vinjito. the' patriotism of our townsmen, in. ft ...ntofat k.ist Si 50 madvance.. . . , .. . i...;i! - . ' WlSU lu nunc VAJVllCliUB iu IIUJIUI tttUVtt V IV 8liew viiat lis prosperity anu luipiuveuicin is uui essentially beuefHal to the State, let us exam ine iiito this charge of exclasion. It is well knowu that books were opened all over the state, (agreeably to the Charter) iu all places p st Office, to aavi3C iue euiiHi"cicn , ttuu , (lonSt Ane migtiiy city ot iiaieign naa us ..ild if known vvueiucr mo pc-uii mau j cnanee loreraoarniDg in uus ppecuiaou, xur. tt uu i c Tim i.i..ift ..i., a.'wk.4 .i.. j ...jiitr up m v v mii.sir. 1 iiv mail 10 . e.rnx uuusriii uincas id uovu iitui iu vuo .,if;ianii - - I - .. . Hrtheoed with many newspapers, wttico are ."tu- ttd jifopviators aa well as the tub!ic. - r jtt-J; MEIGS, Jiui. Postmaster General Iutenial Nav igatb ri; F ivOM IHB FAVETTEVII.LE OBSK ttVE It . i 1 ! . I ' Coai'muT It comes to us in tne masKu guise - ' . ...it:, l '.i l i I- of & oominmcauou miu is cnniencu - cm visjii ' rt a t thp sn'm thinp'. in the fnwn of H&ywootJ, for which he feels so much syo pathy might hare seen a sabscription paper and become one of the Company and helped to regulate the affairs (o his own mind. All were bidden to come in. Those who excluded them selves have no right to complain of a monopo- I ly. And so it turned out, mat alter tne dooks V ii i u - 4i wi wre ctoseu, luejeiuzeusoi jpay.eucviue, iwaow- mine -r . -rr- - - , that themselves were most deeply mterest- wflsgrant and unfair attaoklipon the. "1 own f . . 4,hv:,14.Mi nf th need of onn. ,f Fayatevilleaud the Capeear ftavigfttiou ' N liou of Cape-Fear, appeared to make the larger part ot tue suoscrtp.ions. L .... . . 1 1: .l T I ney men went on to cuoose ineir uireciorii, and therefore it is for the puhlJc goodljut . rn.jr.vi.vimc un me uape-rear iavigaiiorr Company Vish to depress Haywood ! Even al lowing that any sane man could suap?ct that Hay ood could ever beeome a rivaf to Fayetie ville, this fact, that the Cape-I'ear Company are large proprietors of this apology for a town, will Contradict thc asnprainii. nf n sfnilinila to. sire to put down Hay wood The whole work of JktnttttHI TtrtAr,' Alt r. YaiiMr. fV. n !.. claims, reported a bill for the relief of Williath Hasslett and tot. Reynold, of Tenn. a bill for opening the road therein mentioned x which hills were committed. w Internal Improvements. -:u-wuunuii oi o. u. referring to a prong- Bltinn nfltio rtmr. ... J 7. 1 A - . vi , u,Boe at me last session. eleanog out this River cannot be done in a way, r but then opposed by him as beiDR unseasonablr and there has as vet been no inlietion that int mil..!.1 ,iA i.. "Pseasonaurj J - fjurn I fill I. iinia tit, this " rival" will not eome in fur hir share At some future time Every man perhaps but Ver- itas knows, that the most important work is to Cliwui""""-' t Uis unfortunate fur fclie maker of this piece, M;:tt beli tt( pi' oed to stumblo upon the same sig Buiure that (ieorge Rsrrington the 'famous he- .... n I i L ' ii .... I ... r Ha upv-Ltiv. used, wneu ne uiieuiiiicu in wm j .iii.li .1 X. I l v--'- - .-j and although it seems to hurt the feelings of the gentleman in the Minerva, that 3 out of the 4 should belong to this Vowuj -yet the.voters u ise- . ' .1. .1 .1 ...L L.. I- i.""-r.f '. . i . riy consiucreavmaiwiuose peraonn woo uvea on prove to thy world that he was an honest mau. , e lhe work t0 be aone, were fiut namei.are nothing- the facts only at-i , msn togee u done .e1 T, . t ina ihaiic that vt tv mi 111 il'irf in i . ' .. ... ..... "vtv. . r . . had no dea ut travel iuc to Kaleisli or liav- wood, or wherever clsa Mr. Veritas and his tAfhf d to wntrovfcrUsWe arty however, doubtful, whe- hrtii(iiriiir in HBumm? trie name oi rLiiu IIICI uiv' - O ' did if by way oi' irony or malice -if the former. e can easily oorne i iue true Maiemeui uy turning .Air. Veritas wrong side outward, and if the latter, any person wiio. knows any thing of the subject can very soon parry the malicious losiaaations For fear any una should believe :Vir. Veritas, wo think it our duty to explain a fev of the most prominent charges- more might iO itvU, out. wte people it no reau nis reinar.es can supply from their own reason and informa Mnii ivfmtBviT dfieionev iiiiiv here exist. Il is ate hoped that'Veritas will not think that his tbuliitious have excited any alarm' in the per laus against whom- they'ainied-lt is only for fear they should operate if suffered' to pass un regarded, in the minds of some who have giv en na atteatiou to the facts, that we thus no tice them For intrinsically the allegations a- ?" if wiling, xaa.xx properly silted would ultimately be nought . bnt bran. And even ta king them as they appear, if a stenographer toold. abridge them into reason and truth, you night write the whole of them on the back of jotir nau. - The obiect of this Veritas can olainlv be seen U.u' '..-.. 'j..w. uk iias 3UU1C tilui jjirjuuiee to wt.ru r ayeiie tiiieand cauiMt onuure to see it rise so last in Ve&hliand ounuiatiou. But it iii.iv bi that the i i - j win has tome land interest in the grcaf dity of raieigs, or the little city ot Maywood both of which together bear about th&.8itme nrooor- tionto Fayeileville, us the latter does toNew- Vork. Or else tho writer ilfends to smother tbt good spirit for pubjlTiiproyenient and he true welfare of the state, which character brim-rull neighbor might dwell, to hod cuni petent persons to manage i the Navigaiiun of the River." But, the gentleman complains oi- the, scaling and what he considers the partiul dis tribution of shares. . He thereupon goes into an arithmetical calculation to prove what every one mighlfimi by a deeeut perusal of the Stat ute i Book. It were a pity indeed that such a sage mau "should get his living by reckoning. The cutting down of little subscriptions more than of large ones is the great coiaplaiut. -Now, is it uot reasoQable, that, those who embark largely ju a novel experiment and are patriotic enough to throw in a large capital, should he entitled to a preference," when the subscriplious are found to execed the necessary amount r Besides, do uot the larze subscribers feet a , greater interest in the management of ajcorpora- immnn a pf nj si-uscriwc wnu hiii raiuer go about his other concerns than attend to this tri vial one ? This is alt we say in justification of the propriety of sevling. Veritas must go to the Legislators who enacted the law for further information. Yet is it not true that Fayette vijle -wished to monopolise the stock by Ibis sys-; tern of scaling. The larse country sutcrihpr i - - - a 0 . came in upon the same chance, r.ad it is a fact, i. . I-.. i- i'. i ise the present Legislature. It is a gratifying truth that most of the people of iV. Caiolina are qoniy zealous. tor tne internal improvement f taeir State, and are discarding that puny T.umnn. nrc iinwo wriion ivnnin haiinw nr. nnh G Auriintazc unnn one nart. becnuao another WOUld lint rtuliii.nl iniuin'oii!!. A0...mk - - iimuiui iuwupai.iij assume auv. J "IV UCWIUIIll.ir IU UJ1U LllttL iue ID OI Dirt, is PVnf-.tr-1 1 v (lia interact nl'li. ,mtn Ha ll.. 1' .- - .... ... .. . . - uicreiore wiio. would blast this tlounshinir em oi puiiiie-spirit, is tar trotn beinga dis wt statesmanTor an honest citizen. out to the point. - The writer in question Jfetaiies that a ntiffhbnr ni Kia ivfla nn a tor. 'uday w brim-lull of Inlaud Navieation" and -"uiseii jmewise in almost as deplorable a t'lSe. fur Iu I. .. .1 KS. Ii ..!! . l . j . ' .ill.- ii i . 1 1 1 . i i . i ai. ii nu iri ii u v i nn . I10U -If 'nerehn'nnn fio i.it Lun a k-:... f..n j- ui.u UIIUl-lllll yurute miifht liiiva h&ri inrriLl.. n,..., rt.: wie navigation was managed, we are not iii-fmeiltbut- no doubt it went throuRli the or- miythaBnei fersptrAtionpitfiial) ru'cS tht- uose.Well, after all this wit, lc alorcsaitl W!me eat t.iti'.... t.. . !.. . i. . . . . .-apCrFear Company cannot" long endure vlc:ne there ImvH !pi....lM.ai. 1....:.. (Mil ii iiiiiuc hi u au- i ; 'a"m'l'ts the same business ! Now we J. . I . . . n . ... ...j. laciiuuic toe navigation irom this to vViIming. ton, &' tn this obiect the whole nowers lf ihfi Comfauy uave been directed and the labor has irogrefe,das far as thir t '.sources would uli u. 1 "we said before it wiJl be a Dart of ih. ulterior policy of the; company to clear out the Rivef to its sources. VeriMs need not crv a- bout itwe in Fayettetille are uiider no appre hensions of a rival either at Haywood or Ra leigh This town is progressing too fast in real prosperity to. be thwarted by small things. If tve mustiall it must be by (be agency "of some groata.rcliar&cter than Veritas We have no i dea of dying like that Roman Emperor who was poisoUed by mushrooms. ; Another assertion of this mau that it was the obiect of the ueonle of this town raxelude the State from subscription is equally untrue. A reference to the charter will shew that the slate could not be interested unless the KubKcrijitions should fall short of a given amount. It Hwell known that they exceeded ihat amount. How ever there was no desigu to exclude the state, because a vole was immediately passed by the Company to invite the sfute to Kubsei ibe'Oiu; hundred and Fifty Shares, which invitation has oecu made at tue present session ot the Assem bly. We pass over many things in this piece hich we might enlarge upon, to notice a vejy vulgar and common wror which Is here circulated re specting thejAo-ver of the Compan j to levy a tax of lSJT cjpnum. it is not true that " the lumbe nij carried down by frpshes" $ taxesf ltt,.upoii the valuefor the pow- erY ,, -crftrti party is only that they shall leftaxes sufficient to produce a profit on the to?k of 1.5 per cent per aunum, The tax there fore upon rafts,. iScc. wilt be comparatively small, andiriviai as it is, no person would grudge to pay it when ho finds thatJiis property issoniurh better secured by tfie clearing wtiy tsif ottvsns in the River There are hiany lumber and na val store makers who. annually lose more prop erty in eonsequeuee of the present obstructions than would pay their tax for, three or four years. But the tax would fall principally upon this town, and the properly that is sent ddwn will not be taxed 15 per cent either. It is a fnct, that a tax of 1 pr. ct. on lhe amouut o produce sent down only from this town last y'r, would have paid the whole necesfitif's of the Corn Dart v and produced the desired 13 iter cent nrnfil i . - i This is nothing to do with Lumber or. Naval that the law was so little, understood, at -the Stores or property1 brought up tli River So it mi . rra "! same uusiness : mow wi l.ort ttU neaid-s i.;.;,. i ...... ji;!,i . . . uctii iiiipiuueui e- r a i neueve Sir. Veritas, to consider "wllie rirPSmir I' :,. ,.- .! ..... e lornier., The Stockholders in this tu nruin i , , 1 uave nothing to do with other incor- a III rnio v........ Tl . i' .i uimlimi uttiure xuey stand on llieir - jwiuiu mail ouzni 10 nave not ik. -'.-l. . o . . "er eon, rners wa eapital ot the for purposJ I? . wer? totally inefficient to the t3t,0.'-lu"c'ore was tbe'necessitv found lthouM. T 00 .a comPent foundation Aud i hL I3 wr,ter Aspects that former char- nugatory and abortive for th ring Cape-Fear River navigtf "Th if- ' " i- vo ine formation lM5uberiiIieC?,a?'1 Hftw-Uiver Company" he h.-,?05.1. lhe "hier Slockhnldor. tj. "wme adf t c5-i: ... . - ------ - "uiyioers lotnelat- 4nj time of subscriution. that" two of the nrrsent t , -j - . Directors, did actually divide the capital they : u:t... l ..l !i . .... i imvuucii lU HUusurtus auu ju'-.'je it to it miruufr of different Sames. There was certainly nn nA. cromaucy in this that need frighten the Raleigh mau. .niiuiiici luti ar.iusv luu UIMI III ureillt; a Tinucr in tliia frvwn ia thin ; . l u l a ft ii t- 1 lu subscribers had met and the stock apportioned, u subscription to a eonsiilcrable i amount came in from flip pminf v nf (Tliilf'nrd. vvluVli liml l.ktbn ...... - - . .... r - - "J . . . . i . . .. uwi subscribed for in legal time, the capital stock was then extended so as to admit these subscn hers. ' " ' ' '" '":,,''wt, Veritas would have the good heonle to be- iW4mat ne knows a great deal upon this sub- I " "Tl tllRt It) I !li lj:in-f;ir.(Ml KtJftinnjfHru r -. .- v.w.. -i t rlle wishes to shew tUftUhivstein f fllinnrt.nnilin. ilia alinma !a .t VinfwVintlirwl ....4 allotether lhe nionntcbauk' deriefT of those aw ful Fayetteville folks. He lias Shewn himself equally conversant with tacts its good manners aud yet the man secm'svomif'rtable in bis sit uation. However, " where Tgnorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." He says, that iu "the Cape-Fear charter " t:;e firuard which was fur nished against the monopoly of monied men, in case of a Surplua subscription, in the Bank and Roanoke charters is studiouslv avoided." Nnw. this is about a fair sample of this poor fellow's Knowledge, lie -undertakes to abuse and Vili fy a corporation without, apparently. readinJ a word of their charter. It i ell known that the part which regards annortiomneht nl'har.a is derived directlv from the Roanoke Char. ter" inasmuch as the Cape-Fear charter adopts this, among many other sections from the Roan oke charter without reciting them. The desire in lhe people of Fayetteville to - . i i .. .. . . ' increase tne cnaracter ot ineir town and refuss ing to bnild pp a spot of marsh nnd pine-trees called Haywood i another prominent subject of complaint. This writer says it lias been thfrltudiousUesire of the Fayetteville people to (wevfui me river irom being opeuel aboVe their t1siC We will not undertake to controvert this assertion, for the impolicy ofsuch a meas ure can be deduced from his own pieceHe says, " Fayetteville is the heart-which furnish es the arteries of the enrnoratinn with 1a at'., vi. ulatinj? circulatictB, not for the public good, hut wiiu iuc Mupou win again reuni tnrpugn. the veins of agriculture with an annual inctease of 15 per cent," This single paragraph contra dictory as it i, will shew the policy of this totvu in iu promote uy ait means this circu will be seen that a verv insignificant tax unr.n t n i town of Fayetteville would amply suffice the de-tirts'of the Company and the lax upon rafts, &c. would Ut comparatively nothing." We have thus noticed this malicious and un true attack upon ourfowii and its mot worth),' upright and honest citizens.- Fiona whalquar icr this threadbare jester's threadbare jost" proceeds wt know not nor care. More might liavebeeo said but this , will su'flice for the re- - i - sent. . Congressional lyroce i4 d ; n gs . HOtJSE OF REPRESKNTA'l INKS. .Friday, Dec. 13 Anionerst l !o petitions .presented to-duv. wes one by JVir. Archer of Aid from a number.' of the inhabitants of Hartford counlv. statin? the almost total failure of their crops of corn, their inability to provide it in sufficient, ofiaiitities fwr iijcir supptri, aiMi praying i.ne luierpnsuion oi Congress, by a temporary prohibition of the ex portation ol irraiu. neierred to the cominitfee of commerce aud manufactures. Mr. Lowndes of S. C. from t It e committee of .vays and means, introduced a bill supiileinanta- rv to " An act to retrulate the duties. on-imnurts and tonnage," which was comiuiued . air. rlojiKics ot jt'etinsyivdiila Irom trie com mittee oh the .judicial v. reiwnltil Uil 1 to Vs'ti.h- lish an uniform system of bankruptcy. Com- nuiTeci. Alrr Johnson, of Iveuluekyi from the Military committee, reported i hi I niakintc uuiiations of Land to the "disbanded Officers of the late ar my. ' ' '. : : .' Mr. Hardin from Ky. ofiered -tin' 'o!iairig Resolution ytrlili'ii viaw t'n'ik 1 1 l'i i r 1 1 u e .. i is i d e r- alion of it at a future day- : Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal the act, entitled, ' An act to repeal the exislingdn stforrnidaMe nart YML Tk.m " , laI,on , ihe snialLcrferies, and as far as this t iftuie part ot tne battery of! affected te growth and importance is mutual ties on licenses to distillers, a.ul lav oilier tlu lit-H in lieu of tliose ut nrpt'tit imiiosci! on Iiten- ses to distillers of spiritous liquors except such parts as may enable jt ho government to collect the sums now due under said act, or may be cenfe'due before the repeal of s,aid oct lakes ef fect. Ordered to lie on the table. "The Speaker laid before "the House a' letter from the. acting .Secretary of War, transmitting, in compliance with an -order of the House at the last session, a plan of a system for the or ganisation and discipline of the Alilitia of the United States -j which, on motion of Mr. liar ris of Ohio, was referred to ite'Military eom- inittee. . . Batik Law Lad naiisii!. tli. ..A ' . . beeU fiifed under auspieious circumstwees, and the Bank was about to go into operation. Now lie saul, was a proper moment for the House to consider whether the course of internal improve ueot was, a proper direction f9r the United Slates to give to their shatnrthUr t thftVmittttieii,' . M$ tjberefore -faioved,.' ' ; " That a COlhiWlttti hm innnUt.J l. andlhe net annual pToceeds, of the National Bank, as n permanent fund for the internal im provement.'. L The bill respecting a modifiefttion of the ton nae reported lhe other day, "by the com. . uittee of Ways and Means, passed throuh th committee of the whole, without .m? ".Ji ' was ordered, netn. con, to le engrossed Vor S third reading. v Mr. Sbnith ,r 1A i.A . ... . , " V; mmjc n moiicn to instruct the committee of Ways and Means to enquire into the expediency of repealing the act layinc a duty on notes of Banks Backers and certain companies, &e. Mr. 8. brieflr expressed his reasons to be, the injustice of the onetinn this duty to cnterprizing men of business from which capitalists and those best able to hear it The,m0iion was. agreed' "to without opposi tion ; and , The Honsc adjourned. nf n , Tuesday; Decern. 7. Mr. Taylor, of a.- appeared, and took hi seat. - Mr. rancey, of xS. C. from the committee of daims, to whom was referred the Message of the President, recommending a revision of the act for the selttpnipnt rf lo. . . . . vi.mu, lur urnnrrtv lost and desi roted in military service during the war, landed ijt a report, stating the cireumstftn ces oi three decisions, which, in the Opinion ot the cnmnrittee, the commissioner had incor. rectly made under the law, and recommendine to the House' the adoption of a hill to amend the act To authorize the payment of property iost,cpinred or destroyed by the ehemyi while ihthe military service of the United States, and for other purposes," nassed th oth dat of April, 1S16. 7 J, The report and bill were read, and referred to a committee of lhe Mr. Johnson, of Ky. from the committee on military affair,' reported a bill conewniog the Invalids of the Revolutionary War, and the wi dows and children of the militia, and the sol diers of the army, during the late war. A bill was reported by Mi. Herbert from the committee on this district, to incorporate the Columbian Insurance Company of Alexandria- iihich was twice read and committed. Mr. Alexander moved that the committee on pei s'ions be uistiucted to enquire into the expe diency of placiiu William Maxwell nn tnai: . . - - v- wu 91 vll I IDI I ... ' On motion of Mr, Fickens.nt N. C. .the House . . . .. .... iiilvi i. ivwwiiirc ui me wnoie on the motion to establUHf uniform mode of eleet ing.reprebe&tativer ind eJeclors. throufrhniit. the Unititd States. -The Committee reported nroo-rp.. ami , . , . a j r vwvuiii- ii..lv.Cu nnomii, ne iiuuse men aajourn- ' 1 ' . Wednesday, Decern. A&. i'lr, Johnson broun ht in from tho riimmit ton appointed to consider the expediency of amend- t il !' ill l 1ft m il p ll it f i rin hi l l ! . . 1 ' O .-j.v "nii .uui). a. iciui l irom sain committee which was read. ' A 111 I.-" . . . . 1 ' - ' uhj ivuiiuvu iiu intti report was oro t for ward, and read a first and second time j which bill chanees the mode of ner i) tor travelling, which said allowances, left blank, were to be filled up by the committee of the whole house to whom it was referred. Much difference of opinion arose a3 to fixing the day forhe committee to report, Mf, John son was fully of opinion that ajsuffioient time should be allowed for cojisidemig The report, and moved, that it be the order of the day for the 2d Monday irr.Tuniiary. M r. Grosveuor did not see w hat ftlea eon Id hft urgedfor briugiDg the motion so prccipituttly m-iui c-Mif nuuse. ne was uisposea to view U as a most important measure, and htfrierf ihm pie time would be granted the house! Ito reflect, t....:.l.i. i..; i...i!.i '- i . r uL-ai.ii.-a mi: uuuuays were approaciling, .aud A .. . ., uVut 11... iiivo.. auu UU UOIIOL many of the members would be absent. Air. Nelson was surpised, that time should -he requiri'tl lo act upon i subject whie.h hnd h.T, so iuliy (hieussed, for his part, he hoped, that the subject Vould be promttly attended to, to morrow.' ' . . ' ' . - Mrf .Juhvscn observed that many members we're abet,t. fciiuie of whom had writfeu to ex press a wish to have time to give the subject full consiileratioii. . Mr. Jlailiuiir agreed with Mr. Nelson ; and thought, as many iniputations had been thrown - ----upou the house undeservedly, that they should act with promptitude. .flfin .1 iWtni'yl . rtirt ti ..iCnl. ll.w FT.nn . .-A vik.H i.viii.M.yKVu U U W ,Y JS JJ L1JC AIOUAU iU AC4 jtrecipitatelv j.he thought it best to pursue a -middle course : aud wished tLm to fix on ih! - Sd day of January. ' ' ' s Mr- 7fo6irf.w?rsaid, that the house liad been; ' , (See fourth page.) ' . - "I

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