"'iV,?;.'' tJV-Ajfc: r- j J. .3"'' -aju-.-v-jI ' I . - Miscellaneous, if in tbe conrse or the. last tvrentv or years (says rthe r Baltimore American) we f j fcav eeii raacholly ana wickedness, we bare v 7 i 1 '''.r 1 ef S1 great virtue and talents displayed in - ;f almost evert raoR. or Tire. A Knowledge (''; geography "of the glebe has .Ibeetffctee M r liiirl? iniDroved in that tfae&Tbt treat Oe Maeeii explored io every part -and there it 4AvViiewiietwi taland'the site of St. Helena, J.that li not intimately known and described by r ' .iv lotrepii Nayigat6u;s 'fc&V'-sP'A'' ThU pirrt 0 enterprise has sorpmtngiv ' V ''Vexte'nded itself iu our; quarter - f the : world. ;- -4 man of business Way tnnr travel treat nam ' ' Anore to Qnebecj a distance1 of eight hundred - ' .mitdt' in bnut sVdavs-A iaunt of pleasure great falls 01 rmgara, ana tea now eias oandSjVlsqdite a dommsn thinv.The 'rt-'toUh ; ' dflf groands, lnn'f( tha Anglian -mountains." but r v i lately a. desejrt of trees and bears and savages, S , ' have How bieeine tb abode Mp-ia4w try ind Hifli& every day, Upefsbns Tavthif'r either eu business or j. f ' pleasure tiisivj1 he banks-of Ohio,the Mis sissipp i, or tfcvpiU8iuri U abort it is prob-s lr . ainfe. that inlet than ten wars, men of busi- ; : nets wUlifct:&utJrom St Louis (a place from 'f'.-ifi situation that will soon Ibe only second to v JJV w Orleans in importance) and travel by re- - the Missouri, EAeruM thastoney Mountains, and down the !'---'jf2o1aii$iit itf'tfco' shores of the Great VVestern rr; Oce4n.3 Whatan Mtonishingtprospeet is here ! A prospeet not formed in imaginary ideas, but nuinded laolS vuai arc every ukjrucfciuu ikoAs this noble snirit of enferprize dormant Tin arope.: Ifmust be known to sonie of our readers, that about twent-Jite or thirty yearsa ffortba Hon; Mr.' Phipps, ia a voyage to Green Und; boldly penetrated to the 8lst degree oil (,forth latitude, only 9 degrees irom me poje , We are now toia, mat an jcngiisu gcnuemnu, ' m native of Vilby5 proposes 1o take a journey to u the Dole itself.. He will sail as far as possible, ilea land on the icy continent, and travel the 'remaindeff only about six-hundred miles, in a sleigh or sledge, drawn ny water aoga nis . slefak or traioauX will be formed like a boat, Vor canoe," that he can pas rivers with great 1 ea whilst his dog tan swim by lis side, : v Tber0 It to be sure, something extremely adventurous in his Scheme, but it is pleasant even to think of it, and' every man must' wish him sueeess All the great discoveries have hien made by men of this stamp. The people ? of Europe thought ColuiibushiaTImi n; and Cook a desperate adventurer yet their noble d&rinira have ebansed, or will change before long, the whole system of European poliey. Puramids of Eevpt. I tiese remarKaeie v oiles of stones eonstit ute one of the seven Won T ders of. (he (Worldr Science and sffperstitioA have been equally and 'industriously inploy ed ' sloce t&e eomsfleneemen of historical tradition, rtf sitlaiii th cause of their erection.' In one ' of the last toldmes of the London Philosophical BfrtttJ;inerj ts-a nrost iaterestlng-papcr oy a M:ftlrTcoii on this'subieet. The first object 1 of Mr. C.iV fo establish the point, that the f ijramids a question were riot sepulchres, but temples dedieated to the mysteries of solar fire ; and we think that be has succeeded. He has brought together such a mass of evidence from front' Arabian manu- script Coplie traditroh, Hindoo analogy, Greek . ' reeordi Virions etymology, and logical deduc- I: iinni aiiinttntfwl - .-convieUoov i- , r-v .. , He rests hii conclusions on the following their eel epearf, whiehVcqnired handle feet long 1 ana the first day it was ascertained that they caught' mora Iban. one hundred dozen, and; I pcessjme in the .'course of two day s after, they caught is manv nore-say lco 'dozen, or 2t,fi00 as good eels as-ever were paught." . To broilMefcW are in the habi of broil ing eels on the gridiron, (says Ihe aboVe)' whieh is much the best way ; and in urder ta prepare them we put them in eold asher, and pour on some warm wafer,' then rub them down and riaee them, which takes off all the slimethen put a small stiel; through the gills and hang them up in the sun 'until they get stifT.j'eat oft their neads, split them pn the back, take out the haek bobe, an they are fitted for broiling. v.,.-v- , If. 3m Of a vtSSey Tarmer and a Baltimore Flour Merchaij facts . '. , . , That the form of the Pyramids was sacred and mysterious, This he proves by the pyra midal atones sacred to the Sun, to Hermes, to the . Paphian Venus and, in modem times, to Brahma. He prdceedi from this to trace the connection. of this form with tbe geometrical philosophy of the Egyptians, which descended tVoni themto thePlatonists and Pythagoreans j aodheimtgines it scarcely probable that a na tion imbned with such a veneration for this form as the Egyptians were, wouw nave consecrated it to the purpose ot sneuering iuv uuuy 01 a sin gle monarch at An enormous expense. , He Proceeds with a just and sensible argu- s tnfent.. drawn from the pyramidal temples of India. .These temples, he observes bear the came external character, have similar internal y"'. passages, and yet nni 'one ever' imagined that theire temples were m4uoleums. He pursues his; "argument by producing an extract from a Bxabtnin tradition, which asserts that a Hin- doe eonquerbr was the founder pf the pyramids j thai the sarcophagns was devoted to tfae myste- " riei of the Egyptian Isis, and that the well com "7 mumcaBewtth re ; ' glons 'r'rl'7L , I.;. v ,,-a ; .,, ; ; After detailing at ifbme i length the exoteric v and esbtorie rites of the ancient nations with a ; ' degree of "eru'ditTS whfeh does him credit, he proceeds to aajye description of rites to the . I pecnliar form f te ramidar recesses. rltis impossible v for. us to publish all the va . . nous channels of bis researehr-it is sufficient -'toVsyihat part'of, his essay ts occupied, with proving that the pyramids are not sepulchres, " 'and the remainder in arguing that the passages ' of those singular buildings were devoted to the mysteries of fire. JVf. int. ' - ' " . ' . ... - Otter Pond, in Long Island, has a eommuniea - lion through a meadow, eut in 1783, with the salt water. ' The object was to make a fish' pool, arid "it has abundantly " succeeded. A great variety f nn, especially sinpea oass, St inter the pond in the autumn, and get fat by e winter. They have lately rdiicovered a 'jertat onaatitT of eels . '.Lait:jrintira' says: the propritor,aftei taking oat for market between It aad I7j0oolbs. of.bass arid large perch, we . invited -the inhabitants; to come on th ire with Iritk Sieain Packets. The new Dublin and Holyhead Steams " Boats are going 00 pros perously. At the commencemeni, the ; wheel machinery, which was not'sufBciently strong, was repeatedly but of order, and sreat pre judice was excited, by one of them putting back when twQ-thirds across the channel on its very first strip ; but for many weeks past, the boats have cone reeularlv, and have made safe and expeditious passages, although the weather has been more boisterous than almost ever re membered. On Monday se'nuight a party went off from Howth. merely for the sake of a trip of pleasure : they sailed irom that harbor in eight hours thus making two passages, go ina and eominir, in fifteen hours, tio linif all ac- eomoloddtions complete, and tUe"jroy ago very pleasant. These vessels are lueeer riesred, and capable of makings good -voyages without the machinery, winch can be hoisted out of tbe waierat pleasure. They are .77 feet in the keel, carry 113 tons, arid draw 9 feet water abaft. Thi ee weeks since a gentleman from whom we have obtained the information, left Holyhead in one of tbe steam boats, which worked out of that harbor in company with a paeket having an express on board for the Irish government $ on landing at Howtti, a messenger was mspaienea 10 iae casuo ai jjud lin, to apprize government that an express to them, outsailed by the steam boat, was on its way ; Which express thqy rccei Yd eight hours The placards exhibited at the Post-office in Dublin, that such a paper has obtained a pri ority ot intelligence ay the steam packets, arc proofs of their utility. By one of these boats the victory of Lord Exmouth was kijowu in Dublin several hours sooner than it otherwise would have been : and only last week, the Hi- oernia, which is the name of one 01 them, took ever 16 cabin passengers. There are separa'e sleeping apartments for ladies and gentlemen, the former attended by a respectable female ser vant or steward, and every refreshment is to be had on board, whieh saves a great deal of ex pense, trouble, arid imposition in laying in sea stocks. Ve-givethi9 information, viich we have received from an unquestionable authority, with great t pleasure, as our first notice of the packets was necessarily unfavorable, from, the causes we have first enumerated. London pa per. . FROM THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL. " I love to laugh Never iras a weeper." The-following Curiosities are to fo(Tseen at the Cave of the Cranium Club, being a part of a very extensive Cabinet owned by said So ciety : . . . A manuscript copy of Dr. Mitchell's learned remarks on divers cariosities lately brought from the East; said remarks being a greater curiosity than any thing else. lhe following were presented by a gentle- renewing bow country notes may be made better i. city notes.' A.J ;.'. A few weeks back, a farmer, Mr. ConM mmLL' who resides Dear the town of In Ifraik iin eoantv, earried to Baltimore market r. ' of-floar.. Though honest Conrad ' drovejhis own team, he was by no means deficient in nat ural shrewdqess, and possessed also tori mneh spirit ever to be driven himself into anyjppasr dre, ofwhicb he did not approve. On fail ar rivipg at Howard ; street ha readily found a merchant for his flour. The current price that morning was t welve dollars in Baltimore potes, arid twelve dollars and an half in coun try notes, but he agreed to take-twelve dollars in country notes ot his own bank, preferring them to city paper, no' doubt ; to the great - as tonishment and joy of the merchant. The flour being uufaden, Conrad went to ouk after his horses, while the merchant hugely delighted with the idea of having overreached tbe simple farmer, went to look for. the notes but he found not what he sought for, add after spending two hours or more in vain search, tra versing the town in every direction, running to and fro through every street, alley and corner, applying for exchange of paper to every brok er and every huckster, he is compelled to re. turn without being able to procure more than two solitary five dollar bills of the bank, in whieh payment was stipulated to be made. Be ing thus disappointed he reluctantly proffered payment in Baltimore notes, .which Conrad of course declined to receive; saying "I always Jove my own dear little childrens better than the childrens of other people, and I likes too the note of our own good little Banks at home better than the notes of other plaees, aud would as leave have them as Specie" What Ivas to be done! I he country notes were nut to be had, and the merchant by his own folly in d is dot- aging them had got into a difficulty from which nothing could extricate him but the accommo dation ot the farmer. The wit attempted to argue the matter, and expostulated with some warmth, but Hodgealwajsmaintainedhis groand n un goou numourea hrmoess, until at length honest Conrad in the spirit of compromise (but after first eDjoying a hearty laugh at the expeuseof his Howard street friend) consented to accept of tho Baltimore notes in payment at the rale of twelve dollars and fiftv cents ner .barrel provided he would allow a reasonable discount : with whieh arrangement iU runn i Jlour dealer was obliged to comply rather thau run the risK ot exposing his eharater by a re fusal, disappoi nted iu his prospect of gain, arid niortiOed to the quick at the circumstance of paying a country-man a discount on Balti more paper. :"' "Neighbouk, go thou, and do so likewise." How comes it that all our farmers do not fol low the example of-Conrad ? A few more Conrads and a little more rpflno. jion anl good management on the part of Far mers and wagoners, and we should soon hear no more of two per cent, or even one per eeutt uiscouni on country notes. . IIPTT DOLLAHS REWAniiUopt jMurdertr 7 On "tlic ight of ibjtfi No vember 1816, broke gaol in Concord, Ci qTia wuuty, North-Car olina,. a mtn by the name of 'JJuid JSinning, about 90 years of ge, 6 feet high; light yeUnw hu-," &! complexion, stoops a Little, and has . toneihing 0f a down4ok.'o,The above reward, will be yiven to aj - Brsoft who! shall secure said. Binning, so t hit he can be ousrhf to justice.' ,- ' fi .-."- ' -' J. M'CLELLAN, ShJ. - rjm. i817. ; v.,; 9l-3t. . 8, Js T "t. ", " , . ."' "' 1' '-'V '" " '' '" ''' T OTICEIs hereby :givenf i that a$ the ii last ferm of the court of pleas and qnar? ter sessions, for this county, the subscriber qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Margaret Caw, deceased. All persons, ' therefoil, having claims against 84id estate will present them Within the legal time, or they will be barred frecoyry .4. and those who are in debted in any manner are requoalied to make immediate payment. -f. ' 7 '"' " '' . ' .'' " . ': .A.' LVCAS, Jldttr. . , Raleigh Feb. 28, X817. ; , : y y 91-t.' NQITH-UAROLIN A, Superior Coutr of Law, rail ' ciUAitua cochtt. ) - Term 1816. ,. '' John Corzine vt. Mary Corzine his wife Petition for . - - r 'r- Diuercre. - r- '- - - - IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant, Mary Corzine is not an inwaHwiMH ot tais Stat?, it is therefore Urlered and Decreed that publication be matls for tllree months in the Star and Minerva of ltalcigt that the Defendant Mary appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for, the county ofUabarrus, at the Court House in Concord on the seventh Monday after the fourth Mon day in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demurr to the said petition, or that the same will be heard ex-parte. Testv JAMES YOUNG, CVk 90 3mldp. - ' . ST4TEOF N. CaROUNA, . iBBDELi cousti. $ tuber Term, 1816. Samuel Archibald's Administrators, vs. William Archi bald. Original Attachment, levied, ttt. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant, William Archibald, is not an inbibitantof thisstatie, it i3 therefore, Ordered, That publication be made three weeks, in the Raleigh Minerva, that unles9 he appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held in Statesville, on the 3d Monday in February, 181, and plead or replevy, a judgement will be taken against him for the plaintifl's demand. . 1 Test, JOHNNISBET, C. C; . 87-3t. man traveller, lately returned from his tour in the East : ; Une of the rams horns sounded at theViege of Jericho. ' A brick from the tower of Babel, on which is aflc simile of the Primer then in vogue. A piece of a petrified stump from tbe garden of Eden. Nimrod's bow and one of his arrow's poison ed by the juice of the Efohon-Upas, which proves the antiquity of that tree. The '1 eraph from Sou the) 's Domdaniel Cav ern. A linch-pln from one of Pharoh's chariot wheels, found in the body of a codfish caught in the red sea. A Mummy from Egypt, which beats the Ken tucky mummy all to rags. Ring Cyrus' Punch Bowl, found several feet below the surface in the Caliph of Bagdad's garden, filled with ready mado punch petrified. A pair of .Whiskers found in tbe great Des ert, supposed to be Esau's. A piece of petrified Corset, found in the val ley of Sorek, supposed to belong to Delilah. -- (The remainder from a gentleman in town.) A machine for restoring and reconciling re jected lovers, approved of by George 3d. amicus temmae uptmus, or au African Cor seftizing Mill for griudiagtip seandil and aw!-' blades, enyy and cork-streus, tattling and wa gon spoke? and mysteriously uniting them so aj to produce ready-maid Corsetts for the use of the Fair. " A MS. Discourse, supposed to have been de livered by the Hon. S 1 W. D before the Directors of the Bank of the United States, shewing tbe advantages of making Waterhury a port of entry for Middlesex countv, with a plan of Middletown and its lately acquired en virons. - - ' A manuscript Petition, intended" to la n re sented to his R. H. the Prince Regent, shewing satisfactory causes for removing the Royal Ob servatory irom Greenwich, to the hill .Jiear. D. Hubbard's, Esq. in Middletown, on account of its being a more central place. A medal struck in honor of Toleration on the one side an inverted Pyramids on the other a ship at sea without a rudder, inscribed on both sides with the word9 Chance. By order of theprince ' ': " " .;. ; -v KtLioGOROLOSKi, 8ec'r. xc. This alludes to ttlf lneaiisn nf th hranS H..r.V r " ... . w. ini , ui tn United States.. stMidJIelo-wn. instead of New.ii.-pn or Hartford, a location which oA those two places think wr" injudirif ma. :: 'fi4:nrvY. Andover Theological Seminaru.-At the be- ginning of the present year, sixty seven gen tlemen were preparing at Andover for the sa cred offices of tbe Christian ministry.- -The scholars are divided into three classes three years being the time allotted for the completion of their studies. raOM THE WILKESBARRE DEMOCRAT. A Beet The subscriber flatters himself that he has outgeneralled all the gardeners in the diiction of a small seed Beet, which he set out last spring, which, after the ill treatment from the frost, drought, and other enemies which it met with, yielded me seven quarts and one gill of clean seed, which at the low price of six cents per gill will bring me three dollars and forty cents. If 1 should improve this seed in the same way, and by the same yield, the se cond crop will bring me 7614 bushels aud 27 quarts, and that will bring me 116,994. I wish the reader to keep this a secret till I can make. a market for the third crop of seed which Will bring me gl3,S30,37,S7,60d,O00, ihen I shall be able to run all the banks io the United States, besides have bushels enough to load ail the ships that sail on the ocean. STEPHEN WILSON. UNA WAY Made, his escape from the subscriber, on Wednesday evening last. A . r A n ... . -. ' a AMiKU MAit, named JACK, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, 30 years of age, walks somewhat at if he had been crippled, and 19 remarkable about the ears and hose, havin? had the former ninrJipd nff nnrl th lat ter much scarred He ran offabout the 4ihay of Janu ary last;.' from Mr. John M'Llcod, of Johnston, and had peen put 111 Hillsborough Jail, irom whence I was tak injrhim home- Any perron arrestimr aid netrro man and lodging him in any Jail shall be handsomely reward. ed by me who will pay all nescessary expences. MCHOLAS LYNCH. Feb.-14. 1817- 89 3tp. ALB OF LOTS By virtue of a deed of O Trust, executed to secure Wm. Scott, the subscriber will offer at public sale on the premises, on Friday the 28th instant, the HOUSE and LOTS, No's 107 and 125, late the residence of Geo. iiitf deceased, and that part of, LOT No. 146, on Market street, whereof the said Hall formerly had a bake house.' Terms wili be made known on the day of sale. liEV. DANIEL, Trustee. Raleighb. 6. 182 7. 88 ts. If OR SALE- The LOT on which I reside, consisting of rather more than 2 acres of ground, with a pleasant dwelling house,, and necessary is nijjiujr cujjioic rur a prir eut houses.' The Vate family. ' Raleigh, Feb 5th, 1817 Samuel garland. 88 tf. A HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT The subscriber informs tbe public that he has opened a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT, at the sign, of the ceoss kits, west of the state-house, on the corner lot where he lived for seven years. He hopes to be well fixed, in a few weeks, to accommodate as manv as mav be Dleased to call nn li and beds are provided; snd due attention will be paid u rciiuer saiisiucuon to travellers ana otners,on as rea- IlnUeiLStaleamericay-tbe simple prolahlfiJeimiiia-ajiyJaihisxit uc autummotiaieu on iair terms dv j JOSIAH DILLURD. Raleigh, January 15th, 1817. 85 tf. JAMES SEA WELL has now on hand, and ifor sale by the piece, package, &e. only, a quantity of WHITE NORTHERN HOMESPUN, suit able for negro shirtings ; COTTON BAGGING ; Wool HATS SUGARS , jCOFFEE ; RUM ; BAH-1RON ; MOLASSES ; SLIT NAILS, 4, 6, 8 and IM ; and 12d BRADS and Expects, in a week or .two, a few package of DKY-GOODS, suitable for the spfcing sales. Cash gi ven for COTTON and TOBACCO of good quality, or in exchange for the above articles. From th reduced price Ot these articles, country merchants will find it to tin- - interest to enquire after them, and farmers, wanting fa mily supplies, also. , - - Fayetteville, Jan 7 ',' .S4-1t ENTE RTAINMEN T, at Salisbury, Wartk Caroitna. The subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has opened a HOUSE of ENTERTAINMENT (on his own account,t the large and commodious stand, occupied last year by Tdranc '' U ' Slaugliter, where he is well provided with eyery ac commodation necessary for travellers and others wh" may favor him with their custom, His stables and host!ers.are inferior to none in lhe state ; and the supe rior size ot his house will enablchim to accommodate v.omiori.iDiy 1 our or ave tamilies-durmg the summer s MEDICAL COLLEGE . ' ' SECOND CL.VSS. Now drawing regularly, every Munddy, Wed hesday 8 Thursday, in the city of BaltimWe,- THE SPLENDiPrPrmi, Still in ifo:cheetf..BQfiQb Dollars . 20,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars Ht- 5,000 Dollars sea son ; and he does not doubt they might find a few week? 3 ttnrrr,'t,l at times oe iurn.KlirH wkfh th r 4..- and vegetables for the season, and, the most choice wines, to which wiH be added liis. personal attendance. V,tt".01. JJflLLIAM H SLAUGHTER. Jan. 14, 1817. . ; . , 86-5t ...V8' 1''1.t;'c ftvenicncefof travellers printed wa--1 bills from silisbury to anj- pari of the United States wili b turnishpti gratis. -WUl. S TICKETS may be had at the Minerva Of. fice, if speedily applied for. There are not two clanks-to. a prize. . HOCCO ACADEMY Havine beard that reports are in circulation in some of the counties below, that tne number ..jif JMudr nts-at this A cad'emy is complete, and that the Subscriber will take no more. Students to board with luiii, 1 take the liberty of informing tJiejjublic that ; all jtttch reports are en- tirely unlounded-Altliough the flourishing state of the School is likely to exceed the expectations cf its friends, Student will continue to be received-; : aiiple accommo- aation Deing proviaeu, both tor the school .:nd boarders: and measures have been adopted for renderingthe in stitution in every point of view 'respectable; : ' - . " EDWARD JONES. . Teb, 19, 1817. ' ' '. . : , . IJIANO FOHTES.-Two, of superior quali JL ty, for sale. " A. LUCAS. ! BLANKS OF F.VKKV KIND FOlt SALE HERE.. TO TRAVELLERS. The sucscribe'r in A. forms the public that he has eommeiieed a .Starve between lialeich rnnnmfr miles. s. I ue p:isr.p;e is ouick and unlvnim !nil,v time, - 1 he places of stopping are at thebest houses on theroad. Passengers can he well enteitaincd on very moderate terms. Persons who wisli to save the exwnse ot a hor"e mayinqtHre at." The Post-Office, where thev may get a passage tor seven cents per mile. -w i , v V ' . " SAMUEL: ASTON". Randolph County, fan. 18th, 1817. . 8r4t. r'lHOS. V. & JOHN SCOTT, respectful!" JL inform lhe Public, that having removed their S I'ORE tothe house lately occupM by'Mf. Chirles Smart, and added largely to their Stock of Goods, thev can nowpreflcnt tb their friends one of the ino st compete- and elegant assortments ever exhibited in UiiV place, They solicit a call, and pledge themselves to sd aj lilcjrery .lowest prices possible. . a,; lcighJanjst . . . . . .,7 tf.- . Tl.TILlTIA LAWS. vT'he revistd editor ITJ fur ss tale t this Gicr

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