IiUj3SIA-LieateaBl Kotzebue, eomnund. r of the Vhip Itnrik, JgaiJKsetvered oil bit voyage roand the, world, several Islantlr which - be bat amed Romahzow KruseuteraV, Rie lusow's, and Suwarrow's Islands. -v-' TheJReport then proceeds to recommend. dVeBet the total abolition of the foifowing offices TO BE TOTAlJbY AflUJuiariEiJ. Chief Justice in Eyre, North ami South of Trent Auditor of the Exchequer . v " ' Clerk of tbe Pells, - r . Four Tellers of the Exchequer. VVardejLoE the Cinque ports. Governor of thd Isle of Wight. - - r - -rommissv-Gennrl of Musters. . - - One ot the Joint Paymaster-Generals. , (This oiEc SWEDEN. Some further information howeveM be modified ; the Vicereswient ol' tne General ) ' lepury Pr.ymnster-General. ' ' Clerk In the Secretary of State's offisc. Collector and Transmittar of Sfate Papers Clrk of the Parliaments, r.j Four Clerks of the S iff net. ' p Four Cleiks of the Privy Seal. .; 4' Comptroller-General of Accounts, Excise j andTiir-spector-General KegiS-sr to Comirms oners ot fcxcise ; inspector-tie.- scc. ana auomer vmcetscon- rt ot Public enuc, not execu-j 1 iihs uccu yuuusucu iua:im ...i master - against the Crown Prince, of Sweden, whiclr 0 )ej lurj nmrui uou i-ji ""j"" v ; ,td) th6 entire subvereiorroMne present c.iuc. flf things in Sweden. ..." the hiformer it ap pears is ( innkeeper. , who tells the dot, but pretends to he ignorant of the plotters, Fn vntlpttprs from Sweden" direct, contain ma ny particulars. jThey state, though we do not .rat to Oitffee and Tea, know what reliance .is to he placed upon them,' nevied wb the ifccc.pt i . tn l.nvt lwn uwCausiiiDtlMl. ' ' for which purpose as tb'ejr . say Six assassins had, bee hired, and intro duced secretly Into the "palace, to murder, the piince J but a timely, discovery of this atro cious purpose happily, prevented its accom plishment. The eminent danger to which the Crown Prince- hat! bee exposed, ba-viag generally transpired, the teoplft crowded TuT Jrptlr; from nil mrtcr3r. te..iM:crtaln- th.at his riKaTbfcnesH was sa& The moh snr Vound'ed " tbe 'palace' and insisted xn seeing hiraJ On presentiBg cirnseU at a balcony, n was iJoudly-irbci'redii and 'satisfaction and gorxl order, Was restored' immediately. Ano jicr version ;-"of. the affair had reached Ham burgh according to which the life of the enwn prince was threatened by a mob, who surrounded the king's placd with the avowed objci of pitting him to death. His royal highness is said 10 have insisted on showing h'utiiHt to the people, -f tr the purpose of learn ing: in what -instance, he had offended them, fie accordingly presented himself at the bal rortyi'aud addressed the multitude to the fd l wii)g purprt--" Good people, I never soli cited the "honor of succ eeding to the throne of ' Sweden : I came amongst you through yonr own deliberate rholce j and 9incc the first mo ment I entered Sweden I have constantly rul tiSlcd my duties both as a commander and a a co-regent, I Tan now only say, that if you should consider my death an advantage to Swe den, my life, is freely at your disp-isal.". Du ring this address a solemn silence prevailed : and when it waTendedThe p incc was greeted ,ith loud and repeated acclamations. The son of Gustavus, who was set aside to make room for Bernadotte, is living at the Court of Wirtimbarg, the King being his con son ; he is an accomplisliedyung man, about twenty, educated in the Protestant religion. He is besides nephew to the emperor Alexan der. ' -" ' POLAND. . Gen. Kosiaskcho, who -in thrast campaign commanded the Polish advanced gaard of the, Austrian corps in Russian Poland, has entered into the service of Prussia and is now raising a 'light Polish Jegion in the grand duchy of "PoSeju 7"" A U ST III A. --It is mentioned in the Italian papers, that tha Emperor of Austria, hat pro pd to the king of Sardiuia to have a eanal cc at entnn'on ex: en e from Alexandria across ti eAppenu.i'S to tv.e f-rt of Savore. This imporr taiit work, which will form a communication . between the Adriatic and the Galf of Genes, and. which will be of immense advantage to c-mmerce, was projected ami proposed tn 1808 bv the Count of Chabro!, the prefect of the de- p trtment of Montenotte, and its execution was : decreed and even begun. I-r --COTI.AXt. G-ivehtpr and ojhar Officers of the Mint. The Mint i':Ml to lie so: d. Kcceiver-Gcneralcf Bishop's Reot. : AultUtr of Exchequer. Ass, sunt Surveyoi -GtaI of Tae9.' C.r.iptr"(il?r-Gviie;-ni of Taxes, i'iirc inspector i of .Vhei C .i riages. . Gazette Writer.1 ' Inspector Gutiersl of E -wds. ' " ' " t luttijiii, ; ! Ck'ikoi' tlie JAU " ' - -:- ; - . . I TeiM-of ,th Uxbeqiwr.. v-- -' T -. And i tot-General. -Suircyor-CJeneral of CrowTi Lands. Kiep-r of the Kecord 'Birmingham Tower- Keeper of the R. cords of Parliament. .: Cierk of tlie Paper Office. J 'Accountant to the Board of General Officers. Secretary to ditto. -Correctof and Supervisor W his Printing Press. Compiler of the Duhlm Gazette. Master of ihe Itcvels. ' Sc'neschal of his Majesty's Manors. Accountant-General,,', ' ' ' Supervisor of accountrB4rrack department . 1 Barrack-muSter of the Royal barracks. Constables of the castles of Limerick, Dnblin and Citstlemaii. Clerk of the council. Mustcr-masit.Ts-neral. ' P.irt que mastcr-t,Dui)lin port.) , ... S orekeepcr of the customs. ; . All the above and many others' to be abol ished. A Multitude more to be reduced, aud regulated, but we regret that neither our time nor limits enable ns lo continue extracts from a document as s itisfactory as ever was sub mitted to the British People: 1 In this report, colonial offices make a tfis- tinguished figureso da the law offices in En gland, Scotland and Ireland. ; lhe list ot places occupies six pages .' In consequence of the tlelay of Mr. How ard Payne's appearance at Covent-Gardcn theatre, thro iM iss O'Neill's illness, that rn- tlermtn has wcepfed an engagement tor Anights at liatti and llristol. At Bristol he appears on MoiH.y next in the character of Zaphna (in the tragedy ot Mahomet,) and oh Tues aay m me same cuaracter at -Hath. IRELAND The Dublin paper mention the burning of several farming estalilishnwnto hy incendiaries. O -tkm ktf MiQii statement, says, The state of the fouai-y of Dublia is daily becoming more alarming, and will require the utmost activity and vigilance of the police,' and the strongest measures the law can enforce lo pu ra stop to i the dreadful outrages which are now 90 prevalent." FRANCE, The Liberal Party, as they call themselves, has long been making efforts to deprive the King of his Bndv Gnards, be cause th,ey are sincerely Royalists, and atra pnm! tirnn MiHfluered ltalr Alter having sai in mev jucgBf v &mbly as Deputy for the Department of the Seine, he commanded thto new Army of Italy, in the campaign of 1805 add penetrated, with it itLia r.pirmanv. He as after this entrust ed with tbe conquest of the kingdom of tiles, whence he was called into JPoland, and returned to jrrancs on ine. peace 01 ,m"i u In 4809. war asain summoned ; him to th. nlains of Germany, wheref after several honorable actions, he received,-.npon th? field of Essling, the title of l'rinceAhaying ther sustained the shock of the enemy's right, and rhna sftved4he French armv bv s hi9 maflu?,uv vres and hia judgment. He afterwbore. a brilliant Part in the battle of WaeratnAdtt- rine which, althpugb sick and w0unde4, (he was seen at we, ucau 01 uvs iruujja, wiui -hb animated by his example; Yifcr: His military career ended with the com mand of the Army of Portugal in 1810 and 1811, and where he again displayed the firm-ni-ss of his character, in the midst of those dif ficulties which he surmounted. He has left a widow, twu sons, and a daughter, who is maf HedtoTr Lieuienant Gene r'al . the Count. Reille" his eleve, and-Aid-ile Camp since IT ALY. Lucien Bonaparte has demand cd of the Popet - a passport for the nited States of America hut it is not knoivn whether It will he granted to him.-rThe oth er members of the Bonaparte family who are at Rome, are doing very well. Among the foreigners whom they ad.nit into their Society are a great many British. LAW INTELLIG BXC B. Circuit Cowr. 1 he Circuit Court of the United States commenced in this city on Mon day and adjourned on Wednesday Ch.cf Jtistide Marshal and Judge Potter on the bench. ' ' TfUrnf Captain Almeida We ' recently meniioued that don jqse almfida, comman der of the Beunos Ayrt'an privateer Congres sio, had been arrested under the authority of this state on the charge oi'pifuey ; but it hav ing been de'eided by the court before whom he was arraigned, th.it this case did not come within the cognizance of the authorities of the state of -Maryland, he was thereupon discharg ed. Having been indicted on the same charge, br'eompetent authority, he wa3 arraigned on Thursday last befofe the Circuit Courtof the United States now sittingo ibis eity. After a full aud elaborate invistigation of the merits of the case, wherein the treaty between the United States and Spain was more particu larly the subject of discussion, tbe charge in the indictment having been predicated un a clause contained therein, Capt. Almeida was, by direction of the court, discharged. On this occasion, ian$ uwvn pi formed tu auust of his high station with unusual ability, and elucidated the points of the case in the must able, luminous and impressive manner. ' Bait. Pat. a!h no nun to say Wh klxteacMt f ,'m ,nte thinor about it. ;S " " " " , ' MV U'V w F"JJ"V T-O. . 11 ' " I 'll . t , ' Witness treat way, and was eilred back by q; ;-Hdwlonfr1iavey)u:hadthateoatf-: . ."'Av-1 dinna ken how Jang I hae my oat. I hae plenr ty o coats. . I dinna mind about this coat or that coat. . ftV Dofrbremember any thing near the time s have you 'bad it year, a month, or week. 1 Have you had it A-, Iloot ave. I Iare sav I matft'SVIdk- !:Q)lav4y9had itattonth? V- . T " A innm'irm i 1 cam here toineasaa "VI about boat, and no$about coats.; .-. O. Did ou buv tbe coat i : A. 1 dinna anmd what coat wugnt,o wnat i got. The' coosequeuce was, that they lordship were foreed jo reject thoevidaof this wit ness,' t- . .... t -.v- ; - .. . FHIDAT MORNING, MAY 10, 1817".. Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews.-Theso admirable works are republished, regularly, by Messrs. ICirk and Mercein, of New-York;' The Editor of the Minerva, therefbref will tm dcrtakeila have them transmitted to ty of hi9 friendsj who way have accompts with him TlFe price of eachv publication is five dollars per year, to which will be added a smallchargo for expenses of transmission. Literary soci eties, throughout the state, can thus procure these publications without trouble to them selves.' :" - - , ' lYar'k.rts letters. I see some cnlicisms, fromjhe Bos ton Repertory which attempt to invalidate the truth cf Dr. tV,ir,l :ii narrative. It-is very, well not to yield- tw easy a confidence to works of that nature ; hnt I do no, think- the Repertory has been successful in adducing proofs on thu occasion. Although it is true he describes Las Cfcsf as i proferrmg to teacb Napolcori linglish, and NajKjleoii rtfusitiffi smd that afiei waft's lie speuks cf" the cx-emperor.as the.flc.''rfcr of Jolinston'i wok' on the irfiftpnee of tropical climate., yet all this is very easily explained. So is tha co'oquy w,ith Leggthe far, ir.er. at St. Helen Dr. Warden expressly informs 9, that Lu3 Casus acted as interpreter between himself nd Bonaparte in their several conversations doubtless l.e did so with tiic farmer; and as unquestionably reft'1, &rd transbted as he went along, for the fmusement of h s master, the work In (jnestion, ' So far from pre.T.d;!- thatttonaparle had made proficiency in Engl sh, he even thing's it worth while to sta'e, that on his last, visit but one at Lotvgwoo-1, Xapoleone xciaimed, in English, " Aiy Warden, how Jo you do ?" Nnwif'I desired to represent mm as aFi-ench scliohtr, wdu d I .think it worthwhile to state, that he met me ' in the morning, with, " Ah, Jlfmaifur, comment xous porttz nous?' There is hot a syllable, that 1 have perceived, in the English paper.-, invalidating the truth of Or. Warden, and I shoukl Mip. Jiis , j.shr.c character, would be somtj pltdge for his reporting nothing but what he believied to tC trtef Dotib'lcSs Napoleon himself had every reason to gloss j over the statements which he rnadetoour author ; and I yet, I will he e beg every reader to remon b-r, th;s ; remarkable nianStcknowledgeshiij suggesting to his sur ' gaon in Egypt tbe poisoning of the few sohlicrs who IwA the plague, - . '" '""" '. ' . HANOVER. The forming of a sjnking (und has been also a subject of deliberation tn - the - A3sembly-of the- States r - It- is said that 100,000 dollars per annum, with the compound interest, will be applied to this pur- v pose. Ihe definitive organization of East V x nesland is said to be at hand. V ' L JiDON, APRIL 5. V The First report from the Select cbmmittee n Finance, and printed by order of the VHouse of Commons, is now hiforft' ns and' jo (1 llnpnmani r iL- 4 . b LI' terest,e shall devote ourselves (excluding nner matter; to communicate its substance to ir, readers. ' he Subject referred to the Committee was uiio aniAutb uiiu jiarpenauure ti ih,t3Trtteu fKjng-Jom, lor the year ending tho Bth-bW got a i Trustee taeems have oeen lormme to entraDthem iniorooi ot that caution which is sj.nl to noiu a quarrels, to render them odious, and produce their dismissal. In this it seems the Libwalcs are succeeding. Many of the officers cf the Corps in disgust threaten to resign : . M : shal Macdonald has just assumed fho com mand -of thcin, , after hav ing delayed doing so under the pretence of illnes, though in reality, it is supposed till some appointments were made suited to their wishes. Our private let ters represent this affair as likely to lead to very important consequences. It is said to be in contemplation to dissolve the Body Guard. MARSHAL MASSENA. We extract some account of this once cele brated man from the Monitaur of the 6th which we received last night. . J Si Andrew Messcpnrin of Rivoli, Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Legion of Hnunun Commander of tbe Royal and Military Order oOt. Louis, &e. &e. was born at Niee on the 8th of May, J758, and di ed in the hotel at Pari, in the street de Bnr bon, on tbe morning of the 4th of Anril, after Alter having-at an early ncriod FHOM A LATE LONDON PATER. .TU!1V COUtiT, 1 OINBUROII. The folloiviast examination, which took plnce in n qaesthvn lately tried ki tlie Jury Court," be-; twvea ihe Tru?tets on the yueensterry passage muUs. Prentair, s aud the Dwnof Kirkaldy, hffonls a striking ; ' - i Ve wredick for two tree vair-wt-.W.now h.-.t- ten. You dem torree are mortify to de dus. Betai d.J FOR. THE MINERVA. prominent feature in the cuaraeler or a SSecteji- niattair snaii conrotin youmoresameAs ae ciap oj inao. The witness was called on the pari of nere- R-'ad de Gazette Nationaleot-.lia. morning ats4 , . ,, , ,. . . go hani; youneH by le heel vid dehempen collaii, the rriiitec, und apparently full ot their in-, fiI.,.;s io nil de nn'., AP rnrm-m in nnu a ri r crA CnunstT haviog hefcrd that the man n'adKinnikit.--'Whut, dn,- J'demande-OT vTn,.-?hitl-beom? -.seat of a eoaf front tbe clerk to tbe , of dese bloe-liglits ? "Mais, h'ta"iIu!firendisUie ! :, being coming to attend thejrial, ! Mans: IVautcit teach him. better nudder juywlten w ,. 7 , . i ' (. n'-iMW iva.i-iioj: l?; nira iry n;s villain rasn-euy thought proper to interrogate him ?nt..at point ,iveiish,,n foi.upset d,. natl0ll ril be boun he snmt as, by proving this, it would have the effect ot j f0? it too SOOP) ma foi i completely setting aside his testimony. The Mus I atvay speri-my bresinyaHi oiilc papa'nr, tysi examinatioa is as follows t " " 1???.'J'J-.(1U. aye offdc he an bchAyejour&df ? Vhatssd-i r k .r.,r.,...:. . , , r. ) Tl'uritnQ raison vou fiis -Mohs. WaiilcWt f 2CM he fl?t r. ).! s- V. I HV. W CLCU li VUU UURl, I..- . ... . f looking obliquely down on the sleeve of his Cout, and from thence to the Counsel) with a mixture of eti'ro ...tery and confnsson, exciaimed, A. Cjat ? Coat, Sir, whare gat I that Coat ? ; Q. I wiuh to know w here you got that Coat ? A. f.iv hp vp kpn whare I cot it ! . -i'Q. No ! but we wish to know from whom you pot it..? . vou. rc e Tr-T ,t ,s..t ' ' ! Muis, stnr . 'S J" a I'll ktifct y i. Q. Tell tlie Jury where H'O i pot tint Coat r tnot and m-;s heautifoQl repuhliciiin in de hjle N.;r state ?T- slutil expen no more speecli ' to expostulate on dis nfTuir. You arc more brass on your fucc as fifty c:u dlt'Slick, or by.dis time I shstil ave convince yau of yout impertinence. .... I seeposebeeausc l'emp reitr i cr.fino in St-Illlinl! , print tmagaiu -yen- run do j; as you please. r in JecUl. huri v. Is not S. A. ons. aIuitk ! row in dc clvuir off de exriiliff ? .' A.nsairifF you cm fine A: Willi's vou busiiuss w.' that Q. Il is Jtettia1 that you tell the court where you got ' Janr smi1 .1... i listeeo wul wiii de mos euroii". -eva-if A- Q. ' tin nn ri'ijin-p.-l tn ?inut mi P.il 'CXC'im, ii., ...tu.-nr.r i-pr-ibM u !.7ti.',. ,-,x:r hmiwht .- cat aviburn d; trcas trv. linr4o?A-4eHi -lie gai""hc kicpt icht Avatc-h- feneet. it snai-i v.nz ne nil car.siuni lorevei -falsehood'' b.ar.k as dis-ftik Vou'Sha'l rot y possii:, iV-il ?Ions..Wao. levair di-.l r. ? Sitch bis les . ll. served roui, or.v.'hctlier jt was given to you ? A. I caiiiw recollect every thin Ian Tuary 1817, and the probable Income and Ex-'three years at sea, be entered into the army nfj iniiuiiuii, mi inv; iwti ut.cceuing vcara, is nd 19.: i - A ficn . n.inikl. ii.. n a. it ' tvka Aantnin. . ' . - - , , ( . m. 1 1 i r. . e first ob ert of tbe ( ommitt wnatn. 1 "5 uce.: iveiy uecame uommander ol the . - " ' --w. .1 u a. 1 1 -. ( -m France during the year 177J, .hea he joined (the Royal lutidn regimtnt, in which hin uncle k a m . n sunnnH naiifti k.m a v - i i ii . gulated (after the expiration f the existin- Jtev:ant.reS"nJ oT la arre,' and a General of interests) without detriment to the public : 2? .l,sa,,er f D,v,l,,lon A 793; The ensu oi ii- ..-.j'V-x. .l..ul,c . ng year ho commanded a hodvafOOOo men. r - Vi. prul" SVMon3 such cliargefl with the expedition of Guello. and the of those offices as mtght be deemed proper to 'taking of Sanrgio , 'he afterwards almost ani cotitmue, ought tobe diminished after the formerly comnianded the advanced , uard of expiration oi sam inreresrs ; ana Thirdly, tbe Army of Italy, took the principarpart i hs it, is obvious, that whencr slich re?u- movements, and acquired tbe epithei of tho , jttutiii aiui rt-uucuui rj are contemplate br aerisueu nuu or victory : juuv ionium iov, niirtii uu..iiicu llttQ effecu iur. lutans oi iT'waruins meritorious public vi h; wut oe in a girat measure taken from 'Hostilities recommencing in trsfli ha. as commander of the Army of the Danube, made that memorable campaign which the" tattle f ih Crown. , vnnr (".nmniiltAA iWm it Zurich rendered at onee so decisive and srlori ie milA f,.V- wa hi wuicn u,uuu prisoners were the tro uies, tun wnere ne comeouea Willi ttoso iwo reat Generals Prince Charles aad 'Marshal uwarolf. He immediately afierwaFia took upon himself to-conduct tho wreck of t be army aaa ncqntra ip.v,' rep'jatif4 by tb "liSlble that nrnviairina fibnnlil IiA T " m . iwtH.A. imp-rim ... n...v. . i . x- k" id restrictions, to afford a reasonable rcc apence for the faithful discharge of high and ctive civil ofEccs.,, v v in. , K I a. about ma coatsr- wh ui 1 get ihr-m, or wlnire I get tliem Q. ' You sail you remembered perfectly well abm! l a..u 4 .wuu.jicu,,atl lite, puuaiu. jybo Uvtti.alLlvii't' I aidy then.'and John More'sboat und can you tvt recol lect wnoreyou got the coat you have on at present f A. 'A m, no jraun to sa) ony thing about coats Q. : Did Mr. Douglas,' clerk to the trustees, give you tniiT coat r . A'.' How do you know any thing about tb:it " (1. I atk you. did Mr. Douiyls. clerk to thnT trustees. give you that coat. ? . '.; A. Am no hound to answer that question, but merely to tell the truth. , ; ' CVfio yoa won't tell where vou got that co3t ? ' A. I didnu get the coat to ffo ony 1hmg wrarg fort ; 1 didna engage to say ony thing 4 hat wasna't true, Tho Lord Chief Commissioner, when the wit hei8 was going out of the box, called him back, anil observed, " The court wish to know from you 8omething,irther-abflflt -this coat It is not belieyetnr sunnected that you got it impro. perly or dishonestly, or that there is any rea sonjfor your concealing it. You may hate been' disinclined to speak about it, ihin'king that there was something of insult or reproach in the ques tions put from the bar. You must be sensible J that the bench can have no such intention; and ir is lor your credit, ami the sake ofyqur tesfi mqny, to disclose fairly where you got it. There may be discredit in cooc.aJm, bat nor- Jp tU- ing..Vsre you gnt ft." ilte a mors inn rent oil' it than noh.idtf u.nsis A!nt:.vi. since lie led'oiT being; fcdr.dees. 1 ask to yoi if you aro ' not invi.ivf in dis circumstance yourself ? Ausi"in tr.sr-i , ing de -capituile by y. M. I? .s and. Co piiburri ; not i your cr'nvj m-rrj infer nate -as is s irpass iinginatinn ! I lili-itf Vm?t" yolinfl 'hriasctchi' w-' ;'.-,. r."J' j Dj Gazette ai..n:;le j.:i. vi giva. s-me hir. reip'ct'-g I what is found out oi vou What. is de ons.iqfienea dit " Mi M. Pfclturooii, Ciiskeen, Ihdbeer, f.nd de res. of de feclruless! congress jentiirscti stay to home in fotttr ? Is de not fraid 6f de J-ck K'otelv birutby ? Djv 13 -tire, in i foi ! Out dU is vie excuse more hollow as de pil ai r of Solomon's tempi? wh fait W rend OiT'in de Histoire Jusif fus. J)s Guillotine iH'not .sotWvair to cut da'ir course! I) -so tiie jenam.-n is not sitch ileni fool as not to mint dair eye! " '.' . Ah, hit ! what shall you do now.' ,1 jss as I Write dis : I get slrack pfktuir from my dare iren Jean Ten on. .-It... corttents -ihiill fill all de blagard.toree print wid conster nation ! Here 1 make translation for you : ; - -" VMHRtTowir, CiTr, Mai 5, 181"! . " Afon cfier iMchtla, - . I ave de ver mose cleyair tiding in de whole vilc to communicate ! Dis day. f was atun to shave S A, t Mons. Mumrow; when he say to me, " Jean, I shall not :r ! A...y I'icdsair w oe finave viu, - 1 1 was scare infernalle, assoremetit. fDf jse de custom ot ccncni.c niais, 1 sav, " 1 entreat parqonne it nct acquitt myself more SeUair to content of S. A.'V " Oh yes,-j he reply quick time direcklec, - " but I out on de travail, Jean, presently, and shall npt be more to borne desa, two, tree, four mont.'- Ah ha l. say I, " den your tkcellence is make de graid tour of Nitestate.." "Yes, he reply, wid de condesceoBiot mose complete, ." De fort and dc.battaire, aijd de m" riae, mus oe inspec. X shall use my own eye," Jean, and put siM:3effir right myself." H s excellence will re