1 f de ii;inTVSPre!nc I4 3-Ith6rityin the Moniteir of last week.-The j- u 4U which Hat-' i.:..t- :, i JrV; tda AaA hhAii At thn ' - I. ".: " -. I ' . . .. .... - . ; linqa'ubd their hostile intentions, or that tbey are arranging a more extended plan of preda. defenceless ractimircingitts i where the aW.nswerc carousing adds in- "fcIltr? 5Mht Ifi,'-.... 8n.r.i'?Kit Provi-i kieh V! written ib eharaetere , of bfo jitjjg -deaa body of the A. I'empereur iu j . t hasten tn?49. con-i ?. ... 1 i rbVttair : den we. .hall behold when be f tfence has decreed that murder, though it hath ' "ES ' A lV ' 4 ' VV no tongue, yet shall it speak with mostmirac . . 4 ' v Tomow-" ulous organs; Madame de fieaoinont de la tock yourself up no and never more f" 7 Coste, a French lady of rank and fortune, had countenance SSS France during the Revolution, and ntfiftvofyoudemraskeelbefOTe youcanaay Mpn retired to Brody, in Gallicia, where she SfonackeVHia excellence " was a resident nearly 20 years. The return tie Atl.nt.que ana H- y JL Dtion . . - . ,a X.frv. bKr l.ft Rrndv. and UlS Hlvlir 18 uiwi j-. ( v iMik mw aaLlVV vuuu m. j j vm v v - i Alleiane. 1 3rf de philosophe. , I have de honneur to lie, V id de Hlvzuop t lenence ood the futility of their attempts, and roll'd back opon then the tide of destruction, shotld not yet have taught those frantic savages a little wis doai, and iudueed them to selondf thehenerp lent policy of government, xif hieh has been in variably directed towards the promotion Vof their best interest s.Hjsr. Chron v O - MASSACHUSETliS TheHon iJcrei mxah Nelson is re-elected to congress, from reached Strasburkh on the 1 5tb of July, last f he Newburyport district, by a handsome ma- year.It appeared, that the aext day sne;joruy .ton. thfminkkva. ''"AGAINST B0RU0W1NO. rhe v Vkfd browetb arulpayetji not affai..',--ty-Viieivr vcr is s -i-vantto the lender ."--PHOVWBi, Yr :JSWttor.-.'rber is'a grievance, endured ..one '-art of tbeomnmohity a(l inflicted by ,if(; e l 'r. 'vhich has long anu lwdy Cvi ed for nVu oi.idverHB ; and which hee i at IcDeth Extorted from me this, eomplamt, io behalt aj ,thoe wha smart under ihe abuse. I be ev l f -.lle to. IifftTSaWt oftorroicing. l here are ttnie parts f this country where this is carnM r m rcsularlv. and with so little eeriunuoy, two lhird'ef the population may be said io tire H the expose of the rest, and whtre a bujs a horse, r gig,. U V perliap more--fcr "his-neiehbois iliaa biinselfi He paysa Urg? nrif'o to bavftthe satifactior-. of vidmg coraforl JLly when he wishes ta travel ; .it in the sn H4. there ure fiHy appUcatioon from Atbers, with many of' whom he is' scarcely acquainted. He is obliced t.) lend, cr U must apreaj- very ..k..,i:,f.f ....I ..akii.d. When he coroes to use '"n nrnnrtv himself, he finds a rent here, . jv . -,:, d,,.r ? u Kiraii eoiie in one place, uueklti in another.': Ai'ter riding a ,SiUb "ay, . h? hrse"beva ,0 pcnre r'm1 rU0,i F,lftl"i 'hiFwrer.k3 himself and all his forimirt. Ih :srs, iij.on inquiry,-thai in some1 excursion ot o;t'lii::rV, a yau:.g maS -who ''wished toeuta lr;;. ivo hirtilhe whip s:. freely thaf'he .J eavuesl : and was very near rfain hs ortihs out Now ast!ie gioJ c!I days, u v, hieh thti was a fom;n unity of goods, are ove. it h incumbent upon those who cannot nor. purchase certain alic!es of convenience er ux ury, to do without them, and net to expect their cetchbom to buy and maintain expensive pro perty for their ms. Lending and borrowing do vWy well among particular friends nay, an :otfr?banir.r these little kind oilices is the pri vil?se and cementof friendship, liut oltentmies the greatest borrowers are almost strangers ; aV mri for what vou have to lend, than for yourself a great deal -and moreover, bav Mthins to lend in return, whereby to requite tne favor. Some are fd'nd of shining out irt .arrowed splendour, and f hey will rjither heg " the temporary use of a' neighbour's gfods lhau ue plainer ones of their own. For my part I am one of those easy, good-natured eeaiures, that cennot say NO ; and aiy neighbours are a u&to of my weakaessUhcy have borrowed and 1 orroWefi, tmif ev.etry thUig't shabby and mutijated. - I have a friend much of my own disposition, who, to have something that he eouJd I call nis own. swore he would go and get a wfe, " and it is to be. hoped" said he, " that nobody w.h have the hardihood to come to borrow her. 1 they do, I give them fair warning that 1 sUll leave her ou their hands." . Pray. good. Mr. Editor, write .something a rainst these unmerciful borrowers. Ii you do Soul verily believe I shalHsave to run-away Twas but 'tothcr day that, an impudent lew carn to me to borrow my horse. 1 told him he was in the plough. 0 no matter," says he, ill mnkft no difference if vou 1 1 1 11 I C Df T - . . . put off vcur ploughing a day longer. Ho, r-riitte - v - i. . .ti vAiir master's nleet The newspapers inform us that there, is ev ery xwspect of an" abundant harvest this year. The rage of speculation Jms advanced flour in thi9 country to a most unreasonable price, calculating on obtaining still higher and profit able priui! abrotid. The bnhblehts burst. It wrote u most affectionate letter to her sister, Madame Dervleux, at Marseilles, informing her that she was to set qut next morning on her way to visit her, having , hi red a carnage, the conductor or driver of which was named Gullet, and wEo she described as a man so J"t ai, uo Iowa, mwiir w u.. vv.y . . .rfMr 1Vnm Iinii(lllll,M(i ftll,iint.;f . uv th where, This pretended ifo $urncd out to e k,t Rivals, that flour brings but from is to 14 Catharine Goujon, a concubme, and; one ot( doja- i0 England, and only 13 in France, those who was executed. v Catharine was al-j The pr;ee mils, fa ,0 the just value of the ar lowedon ' this occasion to take with her het title here.-Va. Jf. sister Josaphinc, not more than 17 year of r . age, and who performed the office of waiting : Tales of my Landlord. rtUo. tale of my maid to Madame Beaumont, so faithfully, that! landlord, wiitten a it is atlirmed by the- author the latter promised to retain her when she ar- o WAverly, Guy.Mannering a;il tbo Aotiqua rived at Marseilles. On the route between ; ryTeoniMsts or two stories. --Tlw first U-enti-cf inK..winii ami u.iDonran and 0f frnm ! lied The Black Dwarf," and the second is ALUABLE SALE AT AUCTION. Ia y - eonseuuened of my havio purebased a p ace njore convetiient foe my bus msa aud'fanJy t I ... will offer for sale at 12 o'clock on Saturday, the h.inr. stant on the premise8- that naluable LOT .opposite Mr. ' Jeter's Tavern, and near the Court House, known by th - name of tfartkalti cbnae-."' It-fifetit en Fayettevilla ' -street 55 feet, and on Mrtm atreet 80 feet , to the build f i- -" ing now erecting for aAIokeum. ; Those wishing 9 pur' ' chase ah adyantageoui situation for a Mercantile or other " business, bavtf a ithahce wh jeh they ought hot til'be let, .; pass their notice, as it is probable they will never meet' wi,'h the like opportunity in the City. . .; ; -X -." ? , Term 8 of Side will be made knovt at time of sale, and shall be faVorabU ta the purchaser. v , X v : ., ! . -j-. ;A .Joel browj?.-' -! .V i ndirii PBSlXY;.ideerw :. '.. L 'ini t ah r horse out aud put your master saddle on him. he has lent him tome to ride a lew miles !" Well. Harry went about it. very suheu i SiM-P nnd said if it had been his horse, he shaaldnU make so free-but for my life, the .lei-; to th lolv drdi? wHb-srt mushgQOjfenaLur rv and with such a rascally smiieinat x cou.u neither refuse nor bo angry with turn, a iiftlo before that, a show.man came to town, win being at a loss for a place to exhibit Pocb. and his suite, and hearing that 1 had no iami.y and was very . obliging, pressed me so bard for the use of my house for onoeveningr,that 1 was e'bligd to yield, and have my sheets and cover ; lets nailed up for curtains, and my fioor and waifs all bespattered with the tobcceo-spitlle of apre'el of raggamnHins and negroes! Once, having occasion to be absent from home a few -lay,-'upon my return I found my new white-top biots al l stained, and what was worse, my black velvet . breech"' tIiat 1 hfld ,)aJ everince W father t'ied, vith beth knees split! unon inqui ry I heard that my boy Ieter, had worn thrm t& Satnrday-night frolic, aud had been caught in the rain, which had damaged the boots, and given him a fall in which my breeches sustain ed ail the injury thfcfttrfennVte- the tlirwj tstf earns above named, conceived and executed - the horrid project of; assassinating the unfortunate lady ho had reposed so much confideuce in them, i'hey strangled her in the carriage, stripped her naked and after nearly severing her head from the body,", tin cw the' mangled cmains into the river Unuh v Covered with t ! blood of their victim, they pursued their journey, .as itjwthing iiad happened. At Bessaiican they spent a tew days in extravagance and debau chu.'v but the sharing of the spoils ot .their victim h;vin? finally occasioned 'disunion. G'dh t, the driver, turned out of doors the two sisters Gotijon. I-i the in a:i time, ihv.' dead body cf M.vlame de Buumoii'. w is thrown on the banks' of the Houb. close to Bosancon, as if hyxmiracle. having been'driTen hyvtbe stream nearly as fHNt as the murderer "travelled themselves. Gollet. s'ruck with remorse and horror, instant ly quilled the place : thV; two Grnjon remain-, I ed two days longer. At Ca3io;ir, - Uollet ex changed the Austrian !ucats, f which Mad nine de Beaumont had been possessed, fr French money, and here he met with a former concubine named Itoesch, w ith whom he return ed to Strashurgh, in order to gt a conv eyance to Pari in tha diligence Arrived in the French capital, Gollet and his. mistreM gave themselves up to all sorts of extravagancies, and made an excursion to BrusseJs, merely to vary the scene of their debaucheries. By this time Madame Dervieux. of Marseilles, having become alarmed for her sister, wrote to the minister of Police at Paris, detailing all she knew from her sister's letter. In an instant Gftijel Tittd his niistress were arrested and thrown into prison atTPan's, and almofil "aTtBS nme moment the two Goiiious were arrested at Strashurgh ri consequence ol a telegxapnic coinmunication. Gollet, having lulled the sut- A 1 ' I . .... 1. 1 1 ( f li io picions oi iiiis Keeper s ruamcu i" throat with a razor, but his mistress wivsent to Besaneon, to be tried along with the Gnujons. The former, was, however, acquitted, there being u 6 evidence of her participation in the robbery or murder; but the 'two, latter were cnndeOined to die. The PrcvoUl Court of the Department of the Doubs did not finally decide on their unhappy, fate until the 7th ult. on which d ay , as We h a v e a I r e a d y - in e n t io u ed , the two sisters were executed, '! hey wepi ittcrly at the place of execution, a.i 1 stieuied ply penitent : they were a.iienui oy uie aaJleitf- OM Morality The, following ex tract fro;n the last tale will present a god spe cimen of the power of the author in natural qe scription. Belfour of Burly, one of the cha racters, had shot JLonl,J5vondale and is pursu ed by some troopers to a river, into w hich be plunges on horsebick. 14 A hasty call to surrender 'in the nunie of God and King Villi tm, was obeyed by all but Durley, who turned his horse and attempted to escape. Several soldiers pursued him by com mand' of their officer, but being well mounted, only two seemed likely to gain on him. lie turned deliberately twice, an 1 discharging nrsl one of his pistols, and then the other, rut him elf olvoiie pursuer by "mortally wounding hun, tnd the other by shooiTig his horse, and then cotiiiaiied his flight ta Bothwell Bridge, where for ms iriisfortune he found the g:itefchut and guards. -Turning from thence lie made for a pl tce whero the river sivsnt'd p.issnbi'e, and plangi 1 into the stream, the bullets from the the put'ls and eabines of his pursuers whizzing around him. i'wj t.alls look place, when he Was past the mid.lle of 'the stream, uud lie felt finntcJf dangerously wounded. He reined bis ;'.orriu:id m th sniJot of the river, aud turned ts ariSi the bank lie had led, wa in j his hand, as if witij fhi' purpose of mti iiating that he hu.d surrendered.. The troopers ce'ist o firing nt hitn accordingly, and awaited his return, two of theoT vidipg :i llflle way into ihe river t.. seizt and,diwm-him But it presently ' appcarrU that his purpose was revenge, not safety. As he apprt-uched the two soldiers, he collected his remainiflf strensthand discharged a blow on the head of one, which tumbled him from fits horse The other drasoou,aV.rong muscular man, in the mean wnile, laid hamis on him. BiuitVrieaottltk3faDed his throat, as a dv ing tiger seizes his prey, and hotlKloosing the diiddie ititha stro-ffle. came beadl-hie into the U(J , i x river aud were swept down bv tnesircam Their course might be traced by theblood whtelf b-ibbied u?i to the surface. Thcytvere twice saen to rise, the Dutchman strivii;g"io switn, and Burley clinging to him in a manner that shewed hnr desire that botp should perish ThaJrcorpes were taken out about a quarter of i mileilown the river. 'As Balfmir' grasp couW not'have been iiucleuched without cutting off '.his. han'ds, botbwere thrown m a hasty r,riuu cliil mitt' Iced hv a rude stone and i - ruder g.llTC)3i. i ptFaph.,J . I. REyiOVAUtrOEK' tiROffW; begs leave to infotra the public, that he has , rraovcd.his WINDSOR CiiAlft ESTABLISHMENT, to the lot lately occupied by tVr. Lewii Holloman, on Market-street," within ona hjmdred yards of tho Market, bouse; where he has erejpteii a very commodious builds ing for that piupcseT and hay big procuredthe best work. ':, men from the m rih, intcSndi carrying on the business x very extensively. He bdbc now on. hand, and expects shoitly tp have finished, ih the first style of elegance, a . large quant ity of chairs, Settees, cribs and" cradles. Ue bejs leave to. tender hin ffratefid acknowledgments for , -the liberal encouragement?. atf has met with, and further .. ssup s his friends mid i U;- iW.!icJ that . his urr nited - J at en ibnshall nbt.be wtnting to ensure their fur b pa-X; u-cuage ! , - . . . . " j Orders thankfully refceived, and executed with the , utmost dispatch. .''' cv . , , : ,10B SALE. -A Valuable tract of Land oa the main road that leads from WilmiDg ton 10 Camden, in the county pf Hobeson, i wjlve mile ; - YSt rrom Lumberton, con aming aens I. auoo which i ejeanni ail4 in c)bd repair, WiUi three amall . -4p3o-jBrc-har3ar" nd;4pleAtbie peach, orchard theteos Oa the premises? there is cnsitQnabtf wrilrh(tw,. V Kitchen Stables and other convenient out houses :vlsi" ' a family Crist M ill, and Very good Cotton Gin. Per . son4 desirous to keep a" house of eniertainment, will fin4 . but few country stands better adapted, for, that purpose. The land in point of fertility, is . but little inferior to any -in llie part of the country, in which it is shuated ;, Isor ;.; mother tract, three miles from the above, contajhifig 750 acres, wj'h the advantage of a very good range, 6J v acres of which is cleai-ed, with an apple orchard ot'fivcj hdndred trees, of o exceilrnt quality, the plantation,' -not in .very good repair, nor :s the land equal to the au hove. Possession of thjs fr: p rty caa-fee given firs to December next ''The price in cash or in likely young ! negroes, is 32,500 for the first mentioned tract: and. ' " 50J hundred for the last.- For further nformatiea ap p!v tithe subscr.'ber. ' SILAS DRVKE. April 19, 181. ' 2 3ro. ministers of religion ,T1F FY DOLLARS REWARD; On tho evenintr of the 25th March, the subseri- hers put into Hie P. st-Ofliee, in ttis place, a letter ad- dresaed to-' AuwEiiiK Gt Wditra,- jfercftaHW, i-iwaoe. phia, containing Five tlundred Dollars, which has r.ot been received, The nutnbtrs of the notes were as fol lov$,.o!'the Stntc Uank of Sntith-Carolina : No. 724 SlUO 478 100 rii iOv 35-50 , 284 .20 : . ?60 20 303 2" 21 20 76 20 45 27 100 20 ' ' 1 502 JO ' loo., .:. All persons to whom anjr of these notes may be present? td, tre requ-st -d. to s'p Ihem, and inform NVwkirk and Worth, No. 41, Ji. Ki-ont street," PhiladelphiaTor SUMMERL, ASSON &Cr. ' Fayetttvitle, A'. C The above reward will be given for tha recovery of ,tlj, notes, .or im proportionable reward ibr any part of - tav2. - - : 100-.V LINE OF MAIL 6 : AGEfe BfcTAV EEA PE TERSBURG AND RALEIGH. "Zjphe public are respectfully informed that H lliis line is in exeelSent order, with fine teams and sober launwvt: drivers, with good large sta irs, thev leave Petersburg evefy morning at 3 o'clock AI. :id arrive at Rflcigh the next day 'at 12, Leave lldtVh tvci-v il .v a' 12 noon and arrive the next day at The tract if land about. Fort Meigs, on m." m r.f r,ikf K.ric. h litwr miles m iiiinim j ' 1. . I Ann .rintm ril.l. t" 1 11 till District f Coiuinuia. lt. war .ctrdvd to tlu? United States at the treaty of Gtvo . vilip ; i; incnulcs the foot of the rapidj, a -i m the r , x&sc-xo&Kj. march i8, 1817. head d naviga.wa i , Sib I beg !ocomet a misiUtVtthartavii l.n a , nnnnrml in .r.r ranjf n t' thp -14(11 iflSt. li an aiM'tturn si jwni- ppv " - ui ORATOR HUNT, EDITO R OF THE (RICHMOND ) ENQJJI RER. J IS. m it ..... . respecting Mr. leiglt iiunt,.tne"r;.oitor"or--Hiurthe i'etersNivg at o P. M. I'assengera may rely on tho rrrestest attention ocmg paii m malting mem comioria- b'e in traveling mi this Mine and their conveyance sure XotwiHistanding the high price: of p'rovinder, there has been no rise in Hje stage Aire. Tiie srreaU'Si c and attention will be paid to bag. C-:iro Lv.it no l:a!JiMl.y Mr Ksses or acciuenis oi any kind. GHOLSON&FOX. 1fi,iUUt,lK7. ' ' 99-tt. N'OfiTH- .ROUS A,?. Sttbwtor Court J L,av, rail t aiiaiius twsir ) ierm ioio.- J.ihn Corzihe vs. Mary i.'orzme .; livrcre. is wife Petition for - irom Q, The tuvVn It.ts nine south, nn ng Examiuer nevvspaner. It w rout's that ffentta- . tn 0 fe.ei deoth ot w ater, man exceedingly by confounding him with lien-: parallel streets running,, north" a--', rv Hunt, commonly called in England of V;( ., " ;nt(-isecteil by sevsn strSCU fit - , . ..- ; tj nnii; i "f : w Bristol" the leader, or rattier the instigator., cagt amj wegt t contains 763 t -vri or in n.,r!i nne nuartcr ot an aero ami ----- ... i puw- of the London mob. You may form a just idea of that man's character, from the following notorious facts : He is a professed boxer, and lots, of coarse a blacksriiird, in which capacity tit so maltrejited a gaiue-keeper soniff years ago, as tojienut in the King's Bench prison for six oronths. His morals are equally appreci ated: for ha seduced, and runaway with, a mUTied woman at Brighton Not a simile irentleman that " advocates the cause of reform has the slightest intercourse with him, though he has made. many advances j" ..li-. Ql. LVan.ia Ritrflfltt Mninf fur I hone, sir, voa and the public will take my part, and hot suffer good nature to be thus tram pled en. A man of my 'disposition is just a beast of burden ; I have been rode upon until my .back and ribs and jointure quite galled and stiff and I can endure i not longer..' - Your oppressed servant, V : ' JOB PATIENCE. Dreadful murder in Franct 'miraculously dis- torcTeJTwo females (sisters) were execut ed on the 7th ulr atStrasburgh, by thp guil lotine, as the participators in a shocking mur der, perpetrated not far from that place last Tear. The circumstances having been very sliehtlv and inaccurately mentioned in the for- cign Journals, the following particulars of the horrid transaction arepupunesaf as u Dy au OutMs from.tw fu f iur acres each. A pub lic' sale both tit the tiiwji ana ot i wuou .. ,i7ft niileq snuarc. will be Md ;U the Lard Office in Wous.cr, Ohio on the third" Fuc9d ay J f July next. Tha minvmini price t.r town lnt twentv dollars an acre. I he head wa- 3t Jvog' ago.. tH ui -the Miami appruacii wnuin auw lie nuics of' those Of the Wauasti. u is pruuawv ri0 tluit a floiirishins and respectable settlement e1 ..ti nnnrnr nn this tract. Good rpads fi! iastance, Sir Francis Burdett, Mnjnr Cart- C(1(in rmmect this scltlement with Detroit V.g'it,. Mr. Leight Hunt, Lord toejirane, . .. sanduskv, aud the cultivated parts iVir. VOOUiacliiu iuajun uiw I remain, respectfjlly, Sir, Youi obedient servant. ' JOHN W. BROWE. INDIAN SETTLEMENTS. A cumpany of United States Artillery from Charleston, commanded by. Captain Donobo, reached this place on Monday evening last, on their way. to Fort Scott. They are intended for the secu rity of our frontier, on the side of East- lori- da; and, if necessary, to act against the hostile sioned much alaim in that quarter. .. , - . '- i :J ; rar some lime pasi we nave receiveu uo in teiUeence from the-Upper or Lower Creeks and from this cireumsfaDeo we are induced to believe that these "deluded fanatics have re of Ohio. v the ureenvmc treaty a t was made ofhoo miles square at the lower rapids of Sandusky Thiq tract r.lso ha hr4o,surveved the town of ChroghanstUtt has been laid out on tneasi -maiiciiui : 9o is r "' . lOft-tf . . . . i ,v,i.. t.ii hi. iiitfrtu ai l ' " - dusKV liver, aim mc wuuk r fT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant Mary Coriine is not an inhabrtiwYtfifu&aj and :JJe:reei that publication be mad- for threemonUis. UT t-Iw -SUr-xl Alinerva of Raleigh thatjhe Detendant Mary appear at the next Superior Court of LawVto be h:, fl.r tin- oimtv of Cabarrus, at the Court Houiie In i on the seventh Moiulay after the fourth Mc rt f iiv Aliirth rsekt. then aixl there to plead, answer oiS demorr to tbesiid petitionv or that tN same wii; be. WiW-parte. '!' st JAMES YOUNG, CFk 90 3mdp.; - ., .: N OTICE. In conformity with the provi sions of an Act of thcGcneral Assembly, passed at the sexsum oU816. -.t??c-, .in Ah cmarn. ihfTnca-ation f the TadL-in Ltiver," vvU.cn aati.on i Acs ;he creation ct'a cipitl -stock of . 25. 0, for the lurorA: tliei-cin mentioned, B-oka -.it Subscript i ?n were cr,er..d at Salisbury, under the direction ot .ne C'i-ttiisSorrv5thfrtf-i appO:t.d, -n ihe 1iay0f ; it.-As stV.nas thi survey ct ihe Y.idkm River lSCrm ple'tcdi, frhich is expecit.d to be done by the Oth My, Books Qt'Subscription wd! alsi be .opened at the follow, in" places, under the direction of commissioners here itftcr to be jurne-l," viz. : at Lexington arid Mocks' OM . fti Ids, Uwan Count; Statesvillc; m Ired ll Count Wilkslwro' in Wilkes County Oxrd, in SorriCoun iv Hunisvilie, m do. (ierinantown and SJem. in S'tokes County Greensboro in Guilford County Kan d .!p!i Court House tctjromery Court blouse- '. 'on cord, Cabarrss Countv Wa.lesborough and SneCusoo ro.ssh.'in Anson Countv Rockingham, Richmond Coun-. public sale at Wooster;. on the second Mon- day oi July next. -wvai. OH KENTlthat. large two Story House .on HiHshorouifh Street, lately o ecu pied by Creeks wboserecent depredatioDsaveecarrJoel -Brown, anl opposite to the reawUich nor- March 7. - . nfn '. I .M.Klli.. fa. o? V A ILllIA UAYt O. A reviseu.ii j ijlij ialeatthiis office. T " WORTY UOLLAIW REWARD for a Mu 5 Uif rll,,w itned FORTUNE, former. ly owted byQuinton.cks. decV, b-anawav fi " myplantaf4, ,, Ga.liord county; about the first of De- cember bst. He. .s sWrt made, about 25 years ot age, . five feet ten or eleven inches high, raw boned, hM a j StnaU ipe4.imen in his speech, and a Tobacco. I wTgive a ieward of rofctY DOLLARS--for :Jm appre hensionand tonnncrosntin Hnj .Tail so that I get him a gain, or upon delivery tome 0, Orange CountyOr jf he rVrn of hi own accord, h tt be istiprii,"i8ir: ;, ; - ; . or-tf. i Hi !1 -4'- V fi 1 1!

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