T-hfi roZtttmlirtf system! Is exhibited hero in t Vail its energy. SpeaUng of Bonaparte in 17- ,; 96 trte writer , y " k-.i. -iu -nitiharta'Mi sfim. it oracr to' unite koi, nw - j . . fAaf country to France by common pnncipUS and U common interests in other words, U was nectssaru to destroy the ancient order of things ' and establish eoualito ; because this is the vital essence' of revolutions "This is represented is. having been the grand moving spirit of the times, and the man. it was now ntmcvcr, rev olntion in tts fommon acceptation and mean. ing that is, changing an old government for & new one. an oppressive government for a fret jne. 'A Very;differe'it idea is conveyed in this book. , Referring to his part of the 1 8th Fructidor, Bonaparte says or is made to say, m I had favored it because it was mine., and because it was the only one calculated to push on the revolution "Again, after his return from E?vpt I determined to be master of the rev- ahdian.for I did not choose to he merely its chief : 4hnt rnt tliil nnt unit mp.. ' Bv " revolution." 3vas meant a complete suoverswn oj every unng that wits old, and Vie establishment of a sys tern entirely new a new dynasty, a new set of nobility, .new mifofary officers, new laws, new TinYu r. new boundaries to states, nations, and empires. - I clctlv saw.", says he,4 that t should have to overcome great obstacles, be ''txpathy between the old and Vie 'new systemi. Thev formed two masses whose, interests were Executive. corps of Engineers,, with, the prospect o otner assd twice, tomaae a seeona ana nuai survej ui wuv, which we know little at present, except for its dangers to mariners sailing coastwise. . . . , " The practicability ot tne design is very aououm t oui it is considered important to test it, that, in the event of its Drovintr hopeless, the people dwelling on the fertiJ borders of the Roanoke may tun; their undivided at tention to the canal navigation to ..Norfolk jb. feSNNSYLVVNU. Extract of a letter from a gentleman of Greensbvrg, dated - May 1. 1817. u It would afford me much pleasure to hear from my native county, particularly as one of your neighbours, and an old acquaintance of mine (Gen. Joseph Heister) is a candidate tor the gubernatorial chair. He will, with us, receive a tolerable support, considering the prevail ing stupidity of the majority of oiur country. Spurred on by a determination to break the spirit and principle of cuuewsing;! have boldly and publicly advocated tbc nomination of Gen. H. and as publicly given the lie, by fUtly contradicting many of the false, base and -villain-oils reports which are put in circulation respecting him. tinulay has some ot Bis oW Lone etc neaic' acquaintances .NbwtoWf'w. j. May i. . . . i ' 4 Si ft 1 ' rfVXFORD ACADEMY, X. CThe teaV hhdusJ eiatiiaAtiori Hit the VfadellU f this Academy, will commence on the "first Monday of June next, and terminate 00 the Friday following. The cxer rises of the next session, will commence on the 6th day of July, under the superintendance of the Be. lam r. Birch, of Philadelphia, as principaUMr. Birch will be -last Monday two ' trier were strangled to death at Hope in this County." The circum stances were as follows ne of them, named Jackson, went into a large cistern in order to . .. .1 All "1. M I l. ciean it out, mat nan oeen nuea wua aper ii 5. in the Mjfe wUt'hri . fall, but which had, during the Winter been; of liberal and classical education, who comes highly re. drawn OUt and distilled. .Jackson, Gridin his commended to the Trusses as posseuing capacity and strength failing wllen frtr WiRtancp Mi" talen,s eimnenUy qualified! in addiUon to the studies strength tailing, called lor assistance. Mr. tMght . pubhc seminaries, to teach thet John Ituling Sprang into the astern to help pUiteand j.'cttteel accomplishment the French Uogu ge, him, Who soon feeling himself Very, unwell, having himself resided for sometime in Franve Mr. endeavored to get out, and walked upaiad- h ia llknown to require panegyric. The a 1 " ' ji iL 4. ' e - n. ...mJL,: kTT, Trustees would barely suggest that With them it is by no der placed in the Cistern for that purpose; but, meM13 M unimportant object to procure the services of a by the .time he got his head above the cistern, clergyman in this Academy, Habits andmorais consti-' his strength was exhausted,-and he fell to'the" important part of the education of youth and bottom with Mr. Jackson, both of whom were esrt suffocated in a few minutes. The cistern was the conduct of the principal of a Urge school should be empty, excepting the dregs' of the cider. : circumspect, his government steady and anTTorm and hie eXamp! impressive ; and who so likely to combine these ' , s r.. I essential qualities as the pious and dignified diviner The " Melancholy Accident, On Friday the 25th Female Departmentw.il be under the more immediate ultMiss Stisanah Bnvre. danarhter of Mr. i direction of Miss ft AUentonof New York, though sub- in this place, wbp stop at nothing ; but like the housef) Rnvr1 . r.an.-knqhiiPB- was killpd! 4ec l? lha pe5.ndinf .care of the Principal of the ofSauLerow weaker and weaker every day. According 1 r I7; 0 . MaJe uapanment.irom tne character which the ru to present appearances, I think we shall be able, in Oc tober next, to send a handsome account of tha election. In Allegany, Mr. Heister has several warm and vigilant friends. Things work well." : Conococlieague is the nameof valley in whioh M -Findliy was born, and also of one of the principal tribu tary streams of ihe Pytomac, which after rising in the northern and southef n branches of the BluO Kidge, A rxa through a fertile and beautiful portion of Penn sylvania and MaryUod. Chiunbt-ribiirj and Williamj p rt are tU& principal towos.an the Conococbeague ; ; GEORGIA. The President of the Senate, who is the at tins: Governor of the state,, has precisely in an inverse ratio." tioas at the been some time seriously indisposed. We are glad to learn tbat he is convalescent, and may be expected to resume in a few days, the du ties of' his office. Thb circumstance should awaken our attention to a very important fact. It is, that the Constitution, not contemplating such an event is his death, makes no provision for a successor- consequently, the functions of the executive department oj tne government, un less some anomaly were introduced would be suspended tdl the annual meeting of the Legis latere ! As considerable inconvenience, and perhaps ereat public injury, might be produc- cd.by sjcU a state of things this t defect in thel Constitution should bcmtdH;tl mAmit'dtivLt Qco. Journal. head of a great faction which "tfioxldfain have .destroyed tlic system on which the world had gone on since" the time of tfo:frmans.' The only machine which WjConsidered ne cessary to accomplish this gre.it object, was PO WJbl R. " It was 'necewary to become the strongest ; fr I was not only called to govern , France, but to subdue the world before her j otherwise she would have been 'enslaved by the world." Again" There is but one secret for governing Vie World BE STRONG : in strength there can be neither error nor decep tion : itis-lruth undisguised. Frt edom was no object with Bonaparte, ac cording to the writer oi' this bok Greatness was the sum and substance whch his system and exertions had in vi ?w. Tho republican form of government," s:iys he, "could no lon ccr exist, because ancient monarchies Will not he converted into republics. The -desire of France was NATIONAL GREATNESS " J could not become a king' says Bona parte, the title was warn out : it excited de Unit and preconceived ideas ; and it was im portant that my title like the nature of mypow ersfiould be new"-I took the name of Empe rar, because it was greater, and less defined." And he says explicitly, at the time he was a bout entering upon the war with Russia, that the policy of princes should now have been in his favor, for it was no longer his office Ja.HbMhe4yyvMy bvt.tt: x.bi!x& ULmRw'1- .- The foregoing extracts will shew, f hat the sentiments placed ,here in the mouth of that great revolutionary Chief, are not only very important in themselves, but they are such as he may well be supposed to have entertained. Theliook is full of those of an equally impor tant character. We have read it with a good deal of interest, and we have no Jdoubt it will produce similar effects upon the minds o others who may have an opportuuity to pe- . .. ruse it .V. K D. Adv. - - The President of thel. S. has left Washington on his long contemplated tour to -the Eastern ani Northern States. Great preparations are making in most of the southern towns through which he expected to pass, to give baa a reception, suitable to thedignity of chief ma gistrate. . .. . .1 .. . The President departed tr.;n this city on Saturday, for the northward, in pursuance of the i uention we some time ago announced, to make a tour of observation thi o the Eastern and Northern Slates and Territories. Health and happiness attend him ! , Gen. swifi, Chief of Engi.f netrs, wha is to accompany htm, waits his arrival in Baltimore. On the sme day, the President's Family took the road ibr his seat in Virginia. Notwithstanding the. unobtrusive manner in which the President travels, and hist known desire to avoid pa rade, it is announced, in all the cities, that it js in con templatjon to treat him with distinguished respect, and toreceiva him with such salutions us beseem 'the citi Zens of a Republic In this design tkre appears to be a rivalship in courtesy between the po;itical purtie,, in dicative, not only of ihe melioration of party asperity, but of the prevalence of a lofty national spj-it. JVut. Int. the prcciJent of the United Sta'tei arnvel'in town Veerday afternoon at 2 o'c'ock, escorted bv a troop of horse, the F irst Baltimore Hussars, commanded by cap-' Uin Sterrerr, accompanied by about ' 20'J citiier.s vn horseback. Afvier dinner he attended divine service at the rev. Dr. Inpi is' Piesbyterian Church. ";v rJhCiTh'r(l Br'Sado of, Maryland Militia will parade ki$ Morning, to be reviewed by bis. Eiceilency the President and Commander in Ch'iif of the Armies of the United State fed. Rep. June 2. We have in our possession, by the favor of a friend, a .copy of a work just received from Paris, and first pub lished m Fcbrdary last, entitled ""On Colonies, and the existing Revolution in America : by M. De Prabt. for meriy Archbishop of Malines. The-.ubject and the name of the author are sumcient to give interest to the 7Zr.Jh0 WP,tr 5? a Marchist, &ut his view. raUier favor theeause of the Colonies agautst the European government. We shall Uy beforour readers traSsla tions of such passages of the -work as are applicable to IfK14 Kfl'bf reard ntornal improve meiit which characterized the proceedings of Lgis-taure-ff North Carolina atTt, Ui Swion; i weU known to our readeVs Aftwng other measures w the appoiouneiit of a Board of Commissioners to explore the coast of North Carolina, with a viewto the prticticabili ty of deepening the entrance into ftoanoke mer, which is nearly choked up with sand externally, fupposed to be thrown up1 by the currentof the Gu'ph Stream. - One of the Commissionera (Buke Baker. Esa who Dai recent! v visited the Knnhm t.t. 1,0. 'TZ: t . . . . - 1 suwucoea in cbUining a competent gentleman (Capt. Clarke, Lite of "T f"" w prepaxawry (opegrapUical f urray. by the fall of a tree. She was on horseback, in company with her younger sister, who was walking ; she heard the tree breaking, and told her sister to run back, which she did at that instant her horse scaring, threw her off tie tree fell on her, and crushed her in a most storking manner, cutting her head, and break- '"v? he nark. arms, fttnl leffH. in Several Ola- i' Western Register. ; ; On Sunday, the 8th inst. was drowned, in Marlborough, (N. Hr) a child of Mr. Justus Rhodes, vV ihle attempting to cross the river, which had been considerably swelled by the rains, of a day, on a log, he fell ai, and was carried down by the current. The mother, in her distress, unadvisedly plunged into the stream, after her child ; and with difficulty saved herself, by laying hold of ft small bu3h, growing near the margtn of the river, when she was nearly exhausted wflh fatigue, and considerably injured by the bruises which she received from'the rocks. The child was pick ed up, after floating down about half a mileJ 1 his melarcholy providence stroma teacn pa rents the importance ot restraining ineir cnu- H.ijjjolavjue neac the water, ana an P rWm W relectionreforej attempt to render assistance m those cases, where success is doubtful, and their own lives eminpntlv in hazard. f Two oeraons were drowned last week at Waternueechv Falls, in Hartland, Vt; (Sir, Ezekiel Sleeper, of Washington, Vt. and M r. Cole of Plainfield.1 and two children in Sharon, Vt. The persons who were drowned ax liartland, were attempting to pass in a boat, and were drawn unexpectedly to the brink of the falls, wh n they plunged into the water, but bith passed over, an I were lost. tThe children lost their lives in the same ra .n- Inland A'uvigaiion The meeting on Saturday, to take into consideration the expediency and practicabili ty of removing the obstructions to navigation in thai part of ihe Ocoin?e river between between the mouth ot Fishing crcelc and the present Boat-landing, was not s niim.-rously attended as we could have w ished. Measures were adopted, however, to effect the contemplated ob ject. Major John Howard being cabled to the Chair, andGEOROB R. Ciattox, Hqr. appointed. Secretary ii was resolved, that JuhriHoxoard, Robert P Gintu, John A. Jonsi, William Rutherford, Tempkfon -Reid, 'John C Easter and Jacob Barrow be a committee to examine 'he nvcr, to devise a plan for opening it, and to solicit sub scriptions to such a;i amount as they may deem requisite to attain the end in vie w if the necessary sum be made up prior to the firat day of July next, the subscribers are to be forthwith convened for the purpose of deciding in what munner, and under lirse direct ton it sliall De disposed of s and in 'he event of a sufficient amount not tees have had ot Miss Allenton both, as a lady and a an instructress, they confidently expect that she will be a grqat acquisition . to the institution t and that she will discharge the duties f her office with' honor to herself nnd to the schooU Every necessary step will be taken tc employ an additional teacher in the Female depart ment who shall he well qualified to instruct in all the dif ferent tranches usually taught in tne Female, schools in this sta'e. The trustees take great pleasure in anmmn', ing to the- public and to the pan-one of this seminary that the "Siconvenixice under which.. itbo iongljv f We have had several accounts of earth fin ltplv nt it-t tisalem in bouwd. li-cm thawant oi suibfo houFL tince f uiSH tfucnon of the Academy by fire, wuTwtec the close of this session no longer be felt. There are now in a rapid state of preparation and will be compleated before the commencement of the next session, twd large nd com modiou3 houses for the reception of the Male and Fe male Students The two departments will hereafter be seperate and distinct and thereby an objection hitherto - niaae 10 iui scuuui win oe compteauy uoviaitu. urn trustees have heretofore experienced great difficulty in employing teachers of established reputation, particq larly married gentlemen, from the want of suitable hous es for the reception of their families. To remedy this mconvenience thejf have at a great expense contracted for the buildi ig or a dwelling house and necessary out houses within view of the Male and Female Academies. for the use of the principal which will' also be com pleated by the commencement of the next session. The - trustees take this opportunity to acknowledge their ob ligations, to those who have so liberally contributed to repair the loss, which this institution Sustained by the fire during the last summer . Their donations and sub scriptions, have been appropriated to the promotion of literature and science,- and we flatter ourselves that provement of the rising generation". v The trustees fl ter themselves that the high and healthy situation ot Ox ford, the commodious building prepared for the recep tion of the students, the cheapness of board, which may be had in the most respectable private families, and a bove all, the character and talents of the feathers, will entitle this institution to an equal rank with any in the state ; and ensure to it a Lbend share of the patronage of a generous public. The trustees pledge themselves ct all times to keep the school constantly supplied with the necessary and suitable teachers ; and to every exer- L tion in their power to give to it that standing, which its local situation and numerous other advantages so justly merit. . , v N. H. TAYLOR, Sec'y. Oxforc!.May15, 18 7 3-t. tneiWnrng' Saturday Xo Tiddprulterlor roea3are:i st. rBAscrsvitLE, ' Slate of Lq Ultima, May, 4A, i'ou " Vi have ju&t been informed here of a- most dreadful accident having happened this morning on board the steamboat Constitution, ascending the Mississippi, about: six miles abpve tins village, by the explosion c-f ihe boi ler ; which too!; place whi c the passengers were at breukft., and burned and dcsnoyed ten or twelve per sons ; some of w hom, we are told, were thrown far intoi the Mississippi, and immediately disappeared othersA who survive, present the most horrid spectacle your ima gination can paint. The news has just reached us, and several of our citizens are going to offer relief to the un f ":unate" sufferers, wlio are lodged in a house at Point C jupee, near the plantation ot Monsieur Poydeas " Small-pox exterminated. In Sweden the Universal prac tice of vaccination has entirely exterminated the small pox, so that no case of that disease has occurred during '.lie lait two years. Notwithstanding the efforts of the French government in support of this system, ihe deaths by the small-pox form a considerable item in the bills of mortality. - - ' Officers of the " Connecticut Asylum for the educa tion of Deaf and Dumb Persons," lbr the current year, are Hon. John C Smith, President- John Caldwell. Esq. Dr. VI . son F. Cogswell, Hon. Nathaniel Terry, Daniel Wads'worth, Esq Rev. Abel Flint, Charles Sigourney, Esq David Porter, Esq. and Joseph Battel, Esq. Vice Presidentsand ten Directors a Treasury and Secretary- ' ' . '-, ' . , Flienomenon.. On Saturday, the 17ih Inst, a large ball of five, (or mejeor,) was seen in the upper part of St John's;- Berkley, about fifty or sixty miles from town. Soon after its first appearance, it was jeard to explode, with a noise, at first, like the discbarge of a heavy piece of ordnance ; and afterwards emitting a sound similar to a volley of musketry. ' The explosion Was heard at a dis'ance of twenty-Jive or thirty miles from the spot where the light was most brilliant. It ia probable we shall soon hear of a fall of meteoric stone having been discovered in the neighborhood of St John's. Since writing the above, we have conversed with a gentleman recently from Sumptervillel who informs, that whilst travelling homewards, aboutjeighty miles from town, he distinctly heard the above-explosion ; and that a loud rumbling noise followed, of three or four minutes duration. This noise was also distinctly heard in Sum ter, about' one hundred mile9 distant. Most persons who heard it, compsj-e the sound to the blowing up of a magazine; and apprehensions were entertained i.i the country, that some vessel or magazine had exploded in town. Charletton Timet. ' We are informed that capt Biddib is appointed to the command of the U. 3. ship Ontario1, now at New-York, and will sail shortly for the coast of South America. Capt Dowms, late of the Ontario is appointed to the command of the Java. We also learn from the same source, that a WAR WITH SPAIN" is extremely proba ble. Aorfolk Merald. . ''''; f A man named Michael Burns, arrested a few weeks ago in Wayne County, (Pa.) for horse stealing, lost his life is attempting to effect his escafJe. His" feet weref tied under the saddle pf : the horse he: rode ; and when he set off to gallop away from the guard, who were conducting him to prison, the sad dle unfortunately turned and threw him be naatn the Jorse feet, v , felfthrduffh the whole kincdom, and was severe in both the nothern and southern pro vinces. A few days before one was felt in Messina, in CiciJy. An ea ihq jke had been fdt at Bayonne. But of them all as the most violent, has been represented that of Yucatan, upon the isthmus which joins N rth and South America. Humboldt observes, 1 f the isth mus were osice "burst, by some similar catas rroDhe to that which opened th6 columns of He rcules, the current of rotation, instead of ascending the gulph of Mexico, andnssuing through the canal of Bahama, vv uld follow the same 'parallelling from the coast of 1'aria to tbe.PUillipine islands. This would either oc casion the disappearance or diminish the cele rity ot the Gulph stream." -This is calculated upon the hvight of the two seas, the iflerence oi which is still undetermined. Several shocks had been felt in the past season in different parts of the West Indies; and some' small shocks in different parts of tlic United Slates. Essex llcs'isier. VTEW YORK MEDICAL SCIENCE LOTTERY. Tickets in tho foregoing Lottery; wbieh positively coOfmchce drawing wti t$t of July, mv be bad t the f-tinerva Office, nnct .19. r . 1 prireof t 't 1 do .1 do 17 do 20 do 50 . do iud" do 9,000 do SCHSMS. Only 26 0)0 Tickets. g25,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 . 1,000 500 .JOQ 50 . 10 Less than H blanks to a prise. OH BALE. A valuable tract of Land on the main road that leads from Wilmj&g VALUABLE SALE. In consfquence of my having bought a place more conveni ent for my family, I wish to SfcLL MY HOUStS AN0 LOfi naarly opposite Jartnes Waugh's Su;e and Tavern- The lot contains one acre and haif: there are lwo4well'ng houses on the lot, one 25 by:20A framed ;t ttie other log, two story, 22 by 28, with fTtiiitdble out' houses and a good well at the door. Jr f irtfier infor mation, apply to the subscriber. , . c. wr;oiAN, Char!eto-amtrSiokes County, JST-.C-iU. B Alsrt, a pif ce of LAND, adjoiii.ry 1 lu- lands of CA Joseph Ww.ston, in tbe neiglibun'rhud of G f:nah ton, c.?itaiiiing between 45"an3'50 acres. June i o-4w ton to Camcten, iii the county of Robeson, twelve miles west from Lnmberton, containing 20o0 acres j 200 of which is cleared and in good repair, with three small apple , orchards; and a. tolerable peach orchard thereon. On the premises, there is a comfortable Dwelling house, Kitchen, Stables and other convenient but houses : also, a family Grist vi ill, and a very good Cotton Gin. Per sons desirous to keep a house of entertainment, will find but few country stands better adapted, for that purpose. The land in point of fertility is but little inferior to any in the part of the country, in which it is sttosted. Also mother tract, three milea from the above, containing 750 acres, wi h the advantage of a very good range, 60 acres of which is cleared, with an apple orchard of five hundred tret s, of an excellent quality, the plantation, not in very good repair, nor 13 the land equal to the 1 bovc. Possession of this propi-rty. can be given first o December nest. The price in cash or in likely young negrots, is g'2,500 .for the first mentioned tract : and 500 hundred for the last ' For further" Information ap. ply to the subscribe?." . . . , . SILAS DRAKE. . April 19, 1817. 2 3m. iV TAPIElt WILSON, Sign and Ornamental Fainter, Informs his friends and the pub lie in general that he has commenced the above business in the house formerly occupied by .Mrs. Gasso, where he is prepared to undertake all kinds of work in his line. He hopes by attention to business to merit a shave of his friends' and the public's support. N. B. Old looking glass and portrait frames neatly guilt, or paintrd, curtain boards, &.c. &c. Raleigh, April 25th. 1817 -tfi L INE OF MAIL STAGES, between Ra leigh and' Fduetteville, a distance of 60 mue,. ine public, are respectfully informed that we have reduqed our four-horse team, to three horses, and added one ' to our two horse team.' We cart therefore carry from three to four passengers every dayin future if -we can get them. The Condition of our stages, horses, and harness, and the merits of our drivers, we shall leave to .the report of those who may travef oar line, which leaves Raleigh, every day at i p. m. and arrives at Fayetteville, next morning, at 3 a. m. Leaves Fay e'tevi'Je, every day at 9, p. m. and arrives at Raleigh, next day, at 11, a-m-AU possible care- takenr of bag gage, but no liability for losses or accidents V - SCOTT. W JORDAN. . May 9, 1317. ' ; - ' . - . . T if P. S. Each passenger is allowed 25 lbs baggage free. Every lb. over, v'Ji be charged a t the rateof cents e:0h -30 'milej. ; "' , '. . , , ' :.. . . . ' DOGTOR Wm. H. FO WLEK, havicg be. eome a resident of Raleigh, offers his professional services to the inhabitants of the Town and County l nose who may require his assistance, can find him at Col. H. Cook's Tavern.'? .f J Raleigh, April 24th, 1817. : . 99 tf - N. U Tbe poor hl . hav puivrtal ttmdance on them, any where within the county, gratis; when ap plication is mude. - ' S fATB BAifK OP NORTH-CAROLINA,-. RaZigh, 27th May, 18.17. . ' A dividend 6fve;per 4nt. on each and every share of the Capital Stock of this Bank, is this day declared and made payable torthe Stockholders, or to their re presentatives at this bank, on or after the 2nd, and at the branches, on or after the 15th of June next. YV. H.llXXWOOD, Caihier. ' May'3J. ... , '.fc"'' 4-3w . LINE OF MAIL STAGES BETWEEN PE TERSBURG AND RALEIGH. v T her public are respectfully informed that this line is in excellent order, with fine team and sober attentive drivers, with good large sta ges, they leave Petersburg every morning at 3 o'clock:' A. M. and arrive at Rnleigb the next day at 12. " Leave Raleigh every day at 12 noon and arrive, the next day at Petersburg at 6 Pf. M Passengers mav rely on the greatest attention being paid in making them comfort- ble in travelling on this line and their conveyance sure. Notwithstanding the high price of provinder, there baa been no rise in the stage fare.-- ,' ; -. The greatest care and attention will be paid Ifo bag". fage but no liability , for losses or accidents of any j ind, . -.' . ":r- , . CnOLSON&FOX. April list, 1817. 99-tf." Jk .JLITIALA.WS.-A revised edition for jLYJL cats at this office. -1

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