a i r ! 1 ji jft ii. :!1 1 I1 'If I lii j il 1 4-" recollect, that bowerer doubtful key ha lha m.ral integrity of Mr. Cobbett, his political utvv i late years, neen perfectly viiiii t iiu me republican max) A i toe tte twderfprpfeiie to support." How is this ? Aa EngUshroaa profess republican maxima? 4i ueiioeiiie ii a yiie trtiitor, while be remains a subject of England, aud deserves not to be iruscoa i any country. But we never heard : that Mr. Cv wished to establish a republican V gof rpdnent in England. In bis addresses to tbe people f that country, be recommended a reform, bat not a destruction of the Dinarchy. It is true that hia writings are calcu'aied to in flame the minds of-the people, and to produce rebellion and revolution : but on the conse quences of the distress and confusion in which ' f his soul delights, we do not believe be would bestow a single thought, so long as be received twenty. thousand pounds annually, "clear mo ney," from the sale, of his pamphlets. But why should ail this bustle be made because a British subject, wL'o has come among us, is dis; liked by some and regarded by others ? Cob- j ' beti declares he will neer become the tiiizen ! of any other country y and what then eau pos sibly be hi motives but to nmke money at the expense of the credulity f-aur citizens,1 and ,imcimriyttje republican party? Nay, bis caidnej. has already evinced a disposition to .jVI-jfftpeftinentl.v'wUli; bur effairs j for . (aftraely bad tj"set foot on oar shores, when (he commenced an attack in one of the federal fPTsia AvWYprk for cvpying aec&unts con ,c rniug bim, from London payers : although it lua.aiuee beeu proved, tbat the most offensive mW'.f was expunged from the articles copied. such conduct he thinks to ingratiate him Jelf into the eood jtraees of republicans, for feren,t people called ever bitter-sweet, winter eculed io medallions, in India ink, and now or 5rec, xuBuinaiisii pmni, etc. i n botanical nament the stud of Baron iimrey, at i'arit. uawcj vi toe iiaui pyroia. w e made a strong decoelion, by boiling the pyrola in pure water, placed in a vessel containing considerable quan tity of pulverized roll sulpha and poured the decoction upon it, boiling hot. Mrs. Varnam " skins mu, may v, i81jr( iba the third .and LAS f INSTALMENT of SSS I Bost.D, Ad. S ROiTTHB 7-YOaK DAILY ADVETISKR. of P.nh Piin. .1,.: v" u.1 ""'ext, and will h ilEIV took a small quantity of thadeeoetion. ili.:: OTJJTEJ?." the wsrKES V. two or three times Rfnw KnK k l-i i r . ... i ti... 71. . ' . j mvu tup UCICX" live part and parts adjacent to it several tim' .m m r in a aay, and kept a cloth wet with it constant- -1 -j Mwua. uaiviic) aucr i' ueidK iuc various "crrm iwi p.. ehanires ami rAvofutinna if n.ri na i K 1 The nsvmnt nn f rnimt 4K ..a . ;s'of the concentration of power in Bonaparte, he Siw'? Staouth' N lL J8oston"At t- says-"! have still to Jaint the factioS of Ue fptfewSa f ltS ffice " Ss payments i Iv on th unkli.. fih n(1t "j. - SiZ.r "-V,:;:"""V"VU. J1 wuo cpuonortheStockUolders. ' uu uubco ui mail ogaiusi ruruucjiina 01 Europe attlOSt one Do. do. do. at Burlinirton Vt li-wj common medicinal Salts, every second day i the man. Hunan enmities from thi? tiL,,! dletowTcS i.52r?!2?- Mid. aecoction was renewed as occasionally requir- a character of grandeur till now unknown. Bn-k ofthe Unite c cuuiuieuccu iu RVSiem ot onHrr.finn We Shall nn mnr w Ik.l l.o : , i . . ...i a a - H 1'iiuwa vuc ItCUUUiD C0U- about the middle of April, 1810, and pursued tests of a Robespierre, or of a Marat. Their! t.u uuICu..u,nca.oi.u atienuon, witnout scanoias are too narrow for the number of vie variation Io a rery few days from the com-, tims j Death requires plains and provinces for meacemeuroflh operation, the patient begin its theatre and its voracity demands whole na to realise the benefic ial effects Of it ; her aune- Hons. The ambition nf . .;i ...-. H -m, m H VBUkBU llli&ll n IIIIIll I nev xora. and RruuKn!r xr ' w "'." ae united sutes. op it. ... lu the option of the Stockholders. ; , a n v pII K'" and Wilmington, Del At the Bank of the United States. iw ao. ao. atBalUmone At the Bank nftho rr v . V. "7 "-V uu J., , 5rany era- 10 saennce wnote nations en mdsse, and Aewce- dialed ;,he rapidly ga,ned strength, both in1 forward infants in their cradles mil be mark body and hmb ; so that in Jess thau six weeks, fd with these words FOR BATTLE A vn thedt.vo ankle was entirely healed and FOK DEATH. Ambition was ahvavs the sounu,and her health and strength cQmBlPlv van-marrf f Rn. L. -YS . 6 ne mm- Do. da. do. at Washintnn f'li.r . .u ,.,. . . United States or its.ffice anvmoSS.? , vii; which he ought tube the more dispised by tbem :. , - r y ttteui pouu oupreme JtvDiter.ot Jsvents. for tfas opponents tue pun.sliment and djgrace of effect which, through the 6eniZ irna nraian: Wo fail a. n..Ak I.. J I i .. . . . . V "...v uiucuiiwucu 10 our rroviaence. it inn in h- restored. It is now almost two years sioce thisjgled it with every 'thiWeveo with his appareut core was effected : aud we have the lanes. Th mnt -.inh,..i- s,E'i cuusuiauou qi learning irojn ner, that sne das not telt single twinge of lha disorder since that period ; wa do therefore ct nfidetitfy hope, it will never return. Mrs. Varnutu now enjoys remarkable health, for a persou of her as. Some ject to making a thorough experiment. fn esses cl similar to Mrs Varnu.u's, on account of the) pi .ipucuy auu noveiiy ot the prescription.-- uut, uonuvci simple ami novel it may appear, and however IrteSieient it may prore with oth ers, Mrs. Varnum and myself, with our family, have abundant reasons to feioice and hi th ' the wonderful cence of d viue And I am Dliutrv. our frrtv crnmpnf and n Ka .1 1 . ' ' - - - . uuu .V LUC ICIIUUIlKHIll ail Fill IIP in I Hot Iwll.f Km I - . mnv lnifiMn. . k.. . - . .1 . . : 'J "-' uuui? r .Vi r": cp1' ina .r,a ,nS Penments of the kind be m mm mis for eonnncrnra. tfa , ",UJ ..IV rnosi lamous aevastators of the world, were print ant oil wltU i 1 . . ' WMU ac law ; ao required two. vuu0.5 v reseniuie euy one, he began . HM.irPgeover again, m order (hat he uiigui nnisn it bis own way. One day I saw bim examining t ! V lent rulers. He took the crown nf Attila. Anil aced it on his hadw' How! his hetul h,. get than mine.' Icoutd not have beUved it"--he said harshly, but with a smile: the smile was a, bitter one. PiHy we cannot run wan tne current in favor of Villiam Cobbett : and it is a subiect ntmnn!. fiention, that he is countenanced by any party in Atacrjci, ",Ve are persnaded,' says the American," that the Recorder would not wil lingly echo the sentimenis of the servile. . instru ments of ministeritl patroaage j ior etn we pMe4Aat"MK,i,ttbbett-s reputation oucht to .to-wwutaia lae commas 01 a public newlf -ppur, becanue he has told some truths which the cabinet of St. James may net be willing to ?ar." I' isfrue tljat wt;wouid net echo the se.nimeiiis 0 British hirelings j we have not done soj hat we express the language of an A nH riean, when we UiSert our dislike of a man whesfrove with all his mieht to iniure n.l base us, and who has made no atonement, but the most shallow pretensions jfor no other pur pose than to advance his private interests. We care not how maoy truths he tells to the ca biuel of St. Jumes, for we have nothing to do with their effect, though, we may take an op. portunity cf judging of liisi cbaracter by his "vuuuwi luwarus ilia pnvernmpnf. ft im w.n a I f A f Ii a will prove efficacious in moat, if nm n 7 " 1111 liUUCU cases. I am sir, with great respect, Your obedient servant, J. B. VARNUM. ,.-L - 3 r - FHOM THK 4- Kt.vosro.v, i.m CANADA, OA,, UPPiCR. ZETTE. r. h,xitor I want von tfimiM ter to John B iil, anrf tell him that the'Ameriea,, Mr Editor.- vy vars sincabe called down the sererest ven- Uivemrnent are actiiklfir FA lav tin a. a Canal through the high Jand between Lsk brie aud the water that fall into the Atlantic, wfcieh can be easily done. Lake Erie beinc ti much higher thau Lake Ontario. Thi h?m, me very mucha goiall ditch cut tbro would soon wear down to the bottom of the, channel above Fort brie, and turn all the waters of the upper Lakes into the. Atlantic. nn ki Susquebannah, Delaware or Hudson' River and leave us all dry. This would be starvi a. 1 vi 1 1 flint at h. ... : Carnages.-The Dublin Society for he improvement of arts have lately published the flowing useful observations in regard to wheel carriages. & I. The diflrence in length and heisht of carnartes ivithin moderate limits, does not much atteet toe draft of carriasres. 2. Ctrriages may therefore, except where they ars obliged to turn in narrow streets be of "V: T 16 . - permir iue loretnost wheels to lock rouud, without . touching the body of th.p 3. f lowering the centre of grravitv of car, of the carnage, (ho draft is not impede, whilst Klein auuuionai SecUrKv in tiPriU vvagi4ij V UiatM ). do. do. at Bichmoud, Va. and Raieijyh.'N C ho Bank of the United Stat, or Slsoflice -tw i i, at the option of the Stockho hlers Ii,C''- tiptiort of the Stockholders - io. do. do, At tb mond. Ia , I wA.nl i rr"" uo al "arieston, S c. At the I?a. I Do. do. do. at Aupusta, Cc t t)'P Rank f4i r DJ do. do. at New Orleans. At thi Bark'of thrr Df. fli at TC .-K..:it.. m . , Uo. do. an. at Pini.;n..: .!. . . The payments to be made on Arh a,.. r .u . . are ten dollars in -.M "T: T c UI cs,- bxrs incois asaldToTifdebVStK States, at the rales Drescribl hv .K. . ?r Uuitel tmn. . The certificate, nfth. .,iJ " each nawnent m,-, ki ;:.. 'r.' Vco.LPrc,P;"n of ,l '. r I ,r' ". rrea in oue tormbi law t the Preiident. Hirer-Ants anA n -ill . ,aw." United SW .. :: "V-HEfiweisanlcotJh . iio very creat savins ftf ?rff l, pected from the different frms nf asletrees. 6. Every means of saviog absolute weiabt, in the construction of a carriage, should be a dopted. This cau'.ion will be atteiideJ io hv very person who considers that in going up tt hill, the ascent of which is one foit in -twenty. me norses that draw the Curriaipa mutt force equal to one twentieth part of the weight of the carriage and its load j which in a com. ;, .iage coaca is otteu equal to one haodred weight, aod is so in proportion to the acclivity m any mu most distant attempt at revolution, and he has now become an advocate for it. ' He would in duce us to believe that the Habeas Corpus sus pension was levelled at him, and that the sub tt'ity of his manner of expressing himself pre vented punishment by the ordinary means of law. How then is he to answer for the prost' 'Ttftinrfof Ms rtalelfs, "ir wrenilavlog of airhis countrymeu ? If he possessed the talent of writing treason, in a language which could be Comprehended by the people, but not recogniz ed by law, bow hardened must have been bis heart, when, for the sake of twenty thousand pounds clear money," he would compel the gov ernment to resort to the extraordinary means, by which the, dearest rights of his fellow sub jects are put in jeopardy ? In short, we can see nothing in the political life of Mr. Oobbett, ! but a series of contradictions, and iirmlv be Heve that he cares as little for our government, or for repuWieaus, as he does for the most in significant tribe of Indians on this side the At lantic, and would assume any change or char acter to promote his personal wealth. Feeling these sentiments for the character of Mr.C, we cannot conscientiously accord with our friends, in bidding him welcome to our shores ; and though we may stand alone in this instance, we shall feel a eonsciousuess of: not having deviated from the path of duty. -'' " ' ' x ' ' ' f " ' us for want of waer.l bout they could not fight us, now they meaa to starve us far the want of water." Necessity isthj mother of invention Now I will tell you what you must writs to John Bull : tell bim that for oae half the sum that the A nsuicans calculate it will cost to take the wa ters of the upper Like into the Hudson, I will bring the waters of Like Huron into Lak Ontario. That would rut Jonatban's pipe oat altogether, for iusiead of his drying Lake On tario, I will dry Lake Erie, which would make a large meadow. And this is the way that I would do it : I would dig a canal from Hoi land River into the River Don or Humbpr : . v J 1 J then J would dam up the outlet, and that would with which they u,e un.ee at vbxeto tiny 8tIch puymei shall be "made ffrimpe,;tk? sub8tte to ' transfer the sS TaSai foresaid : must bp annfA t .1 -.i . r "c s . . w mjc aiu certmcate. or cer- tlcates. . The Stockholders, are par,ticulariv requested to rxhi. "i oiutjt wnicn mav nave hwn Uc,j :.. i-.. .1. . order that th rn-.o ' :T - " "ereoi, 1Q HftMl .k-- " - 'r,-,u "c "'ipaymentti r."VM "ay aare Deen made or the cert.fir,t dorsed therton.' r Pmenis may be en- - Bj order of t6 Board of Director, r" . JONA. SMITH, -CaS4.-- " - 4-3t. M A I, ya.a et cf the last Oenerla Assembly, entitled " A . v a cormnuhicalion between the Vadain and C:,pe fZ rf MnL y T W '.""r NviPWe C.vu!s Messrs. Cha'-I's Ir :''c Jl" Gl rhr'st. appointed CommissJnnrr VU 3Ulir- II fl.n K,n1rn X C . . 1 ' until tins fiiv, t of July i iex Til''? be ':"'e Iutjl'c ""7 hav n.le atrW t una uuriiose aiij aiv- r H ?? Tie .aFJ,,i.caliu",J P springs to carriages, MUaLJJij for njf c jrf rMKDICAL. TEOl THE MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, (MAaS.) ( ' t " Dracut, April9lW7,.'. L-Srrr-ConsideriBg'it a -duty incumbent upon aU individual of socio tj, tq d? all in lis pow er to Droaiote the health. Drosueritv and hanni. nesa of all his fellow citizens, I.will state toyou the commencement, progress and cure of a most distressing disease, which has occurred in my aw lauiuy. ii you minic it wormy or a place in your paper, 1 have no objection to its beins mauc puuuui auu win auuru me great consola tion to learn, that the application which wrought the cure, has had the same efficacious operation upon others in similar eircumsianoes. AfcoHt seven years since, my wife was seized witfra cancer on fcer ancle, which increased with considerable rapidity, and was attended wi h pain it continued sorely to afivct her for nine -months, during which time no 'pains were spared to obtain : the best .advice from those well versed in medicine and surgery, v It was twice attempted to eradicate it by the applica tion of vegetable caustics j and many other ap flicatious were unsuccessfully made. The limb eeame weak, aud at times much swollen. She Jud in. a meattgre lost her appetite, and her whole aystem seemed on a decline. - The lore as deep and bmad. In thistituatiou we eotn mece ti,e application whieh produced the v euxe. The principal ingredient is an ever-6r-'B F,anfhieb is to be found ia all the notnern tate,-in woodlands "which produce a mxUr f k and prnt timber. It is by dlf- soon wear down to the bed of Lake and leave JUaKe imcoe dry. Here I would catch fish enough to svpnly all my men with provisions. Then I would cut a ca;ial from Nottawasaga into west bay Lake Sinicoe ; the land being sandy and, clay, it would wear down to the bed of lake Ontario in a short time. ThonT would disband my men, and give each of thm a cleared up farm on the beds of Lake Siaieoe, Lake Erie and Lake St. PJair. u.i noi oniy to tne ease or tne traveller, to the safety of goods that are carried, to the pre servation of the roads, and to the duratiou of carriages themselves, but they alter materially their draft. 7, The farm of those springs, provided they ar properly, tksti-s. iold be adapted to the load them : for, when; the springs are strong and the carriage -nof sufficiently loaded, much of the advantagerof springs is found to be wanting. It is therefore much to be wished, that some means may be obtained of proportioning the pliability of the spring to tbo different weights with which they may be loaded at different Ontario,! itmes lastly, wooden spnnes may beadvauta i - " geousiy appiiea to common carls folloiny piacrs w " 'vc suownptions at the MSleSrtenik' Under . Wtion of Mr. Duncan W!fet0? SjdeHheinsctionofMcssr ""' "u-oiexanaer Kowland. srs. Charles- under :hc in- At Stcwartsville, in R.chmond county, spectinn of James Stewart, Esq J unaer the inspection of JLint Inhrv Jtmmga , and at M'Phaul's M Jl in fil n J , , n Bij order of tfo Board of .Commissioner!, Lumberton,. April5, 18 7. 43t y ' 10RTY DOLLARS RKWARD TWEN IT-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD ,-r me uo8crioer, nvinir in .,Ilut.counU- a AEUKOMA?i iwmed' JUlbut more generally known by the name cf Potter. j.m 1S a bout turty years of age, stout and robust ; live jee; or ten inclies high ; talks quite coaise from havir.r UrVi withihe Indwns. and has usul,,. :i.. hr.l He can i-eand wru?r a,.d very prob;(b!v may hie ' iree pas The above reward, ana Jl iv.sr.r.:,b!e expen- ",;uuc given ia any perscn vlio n-Ji vi,n in anyja.l, so that I t-a him again. " b EP1IU AIM DAVIpSON.- - . 4 3m May 30. A latto fellow" named "FOKTITNK ly owTnid-b-,Quinton N;cks, dec, who ranaway from I al my plantation, m Guilford county, about the first of Do ceinber last. He is stout made, about 25 years of sire ' nve teet ten or eleveji mches lyph, raw boned, has a oiiiau iiuucuinieui. in ins soeecn. ami t irwi ty.ki "r Iff ilK Sllhsprili;r ,:i . ' r.r..rv. n; cAjiecis io receive, a JL choica sehcticn of PIANO-FORTES. V -J" ,olh t!''-sh. STivl -A'nericaii,-whicti he wJi Le enabl -d . fnrmor. ErAL.riAF l7 apff,. of London, lual imoorted. ucrs, ior Citoer, v.l Le n.-omntlv hMmiTu.! ..... ' . LUCAS. .. 7 -1 . t- - . . Jiviv( x . . . - r, - - . rwiii irivi v nawann e vri lis i v i jii i t nn j : These land, having no timber, the gentleman jheaand at r orK would tnd a fine market for their. H ood, gam, or upon delivery to nic in Orange countv Or iiL uld ',relura 01 "JS WO accord, he shall be Wt 11 used. lots round all those Lakes, and Jonathan wo never try to pick a quarrel with us any ifcnre. Bit before I dj this, you must tell John Ball to make the Magistrates do their duty .and set monuments of stone, or other valuable materi als, round the old line through Lake Erie aud the Narrows on Detroit, Lakes St. Clair, and Hurou, as settled in l?83, otherwise Jonathan might claim the new line of St. Lawrence, and take all the Peach Orchards in Upper Cau-uju ; for t-ou know Jonathan is full of tricky li lore it behooves John Bull to look out in tia& LVbst interesting Drawings On the SUM in of the French expedition for Eervnt from Mlr.. J under Bonaparte, the fleet was intentionally ' ninn no a A n nB.lAB. a i . ..r-iiTOm viucr iu arrive witnout neing no ticed. They bad no sooner Ift Ufalfn. I . I- - . A J . T . . . 1st April, I8ir, JSaACHOLT. 97 tf. "TOTlCE.ln conformity with the provi Xl sionsotf au Act of the General Assembly. passed at the session of 1816; entitled, " An. Act concern. the navigation of the- Tadkin River" which audio rises the creation ufa chpital stock of S250.000. for tlie purpesei therein mentioned.-Boolts of Subscription were, opened at Salisbury, under the direction of the LJfKlINO G00D8.-.& Hand, ha junt re O ceived his SPRING. GOODS, cuiitinaf- ot btap cand Funcy g-oods, Haid ware snd Cutlery ef-lcgantbl.ot-3i.Rs, China m B.,xe, Loaf and BS. l! TVH5T R,f ret var'et-v t-f warB nd fine Shoes, Bla-k-- Kaleigh, May .20.- u ' ; 3jt . 01tSALK-.Ofl l next, tvul be sold at .-Auction. irn4.. .ul r-i , . T , , . 1 " J JUCl tUC blateJIouse in this town, a few VALUABLE LOTi OP 6. "re --svreeii 01 feraon and Ci i iftSS J ,C,,S rnost the wh,b oTlnfbuSS commissioners therein appoinud, on th 1st day of Aprd 1 When " is conslderedhatin the course .fa veiv U Z;'Z;?Z:7Zrl? .Kistdm"!&f c .-n-oh, a litU flourishing n il , r l" uc qoae dv me 2Urh May. ""s-i .J wwn ir... nt r-.-i i ... . Tl w J . .vm luftv. 1I!IT ArS'lhuWirimn ... 11 -I... U " ""i"wi oe openea at ttie toltow- iujr places, under the direction of commissioners here after to be named, viz. :-at Lexington and Mock Old UtM, .Kowan Ceuntv Statpsvlli.. ;n i,..i,.ii r ....... W ilksboro m .Wnkes County-Oxford, in Surry Coun c;.i, i ' A wiiiiuiiuwn ana saieni, in uuiiiy ureensboiM' in n.- ft i r',...... i. doiph Court House-Motpomery Court Hduse-Con. ioa tf iuey learoea iuat Aamiral INelson hadpeuetrai- ord, Cabanas County-Wadcboroug-h and Sneedsbo ed their design, and was in pursuit bf them. rougbn Anson County-itockinghum, Richmond Coun Expecting everv hour to fan nn.,. i... h an?.the beraw lidl in South Carolina. " " vuiHi ii wa iuu re solution of Bonaparte and the rest of the illus trious persous on Jboard the L'Orient, to b!or ner ap, ramer man oe taicea prisbders : but inai iue memory oi inose wno perished uo ure-tM veil, uiiu ineir rtHiurp irnnairn t i bu uh invue u paper, ami to ua4 railed nh:.nr in i;ttU.:nA LLZTtlrA -n: V...- AM)ERSOX CUUTIS. 7 -"- ri-f " wv. . mu .wwuiiiicu Jill mp k. .wiwii'f yy. . p- i uo jiauics uuue persons are, (hrst TEV-GOOl)S.-.Tbe. gllhliorihpr LVi his customers and the nuMi. tht h I -vySBM(rU Informs e has wmiueiiceuuie.YlKKUANTirF. RlT5lAri?cc j might lOwjwst received from the north, and is now openinir, a wavest. drawine) DepaixTdeadl 5 Bunanarte: Bertkior 17' VI dead! ; Caffarefii fdeadl ?. Kleber fdeadlt li-i ri BruevsTdeadl t ritnirh;r TI..n. S.fJ.,C racnuvd tSerlnoIIet. second dmurinir , Rampon; Murat dead ; Janot dead Lasnes dead j. itt'. n'rdeadJ j Belliard j Desgenetts . haulkaii-' ski Read 1 1 Larev. Thus ofthrt ivhtn .j I dead 1 1 Larey. Thus of the ei?htin. leven are novr naTBore. rhB portraits ara ex- 'LOYMENr WANTRn. . .... t , by a person who can camr wpII r.tn , for tcachinir the first rmlim.ni. ...-. -readihir, writins. enirliah wmm.. ., .u on: onthmetic'in itsVarious branch? S" ed wltrlmea,uration,Xsuperfic1al and cubS SS suryunwuh the useof theccalefor piottLfnaffi iion, ana trircinomeU'vPtip fupthH kt this office."- r , -, ,ZZL 1 "t :rr-Bi PPty Ot B'reat flnrr.mr.i.-;!!! every dayhntrcasing: in beauty and opulenwF r.a.t hwh of tli, produce'frojf the f-V.T 1"V "'""' laic, exported trook.Wdmii.L'ton, is first brougjit and purchased by peirchants here, a,.d t Jat the spirit of .mprovement, now. tbstcied by the wisilom and that the trade of this place must increase a. 01 r v- !ftu!tTonPX ;W 1? 'S Cc",sidf- At from her local Situation, she ,sin the du-ect road of communicV-n be tween the Southern and Northern MateTJX rr'In s'l ps pisstnthrough every day in the yeaiS ft St be believed, that In possession 0f manvVvantLSs pZ pcrty. particularly Lots 8ituate4- so ha"PP3y foiTusi 17s make estabhsliments here, probably will never have such ' 0, , antl 24 months, will bewautej. Other coitions will be made known on the day of Lki Mav! J5 V ALRXANDtK D. MOORE. JS CENTS TiKVARD,For delivcricer ESL 8n'1'7l? the veih of A'arcn. Those who harbor hup, or employ him, shall be prosecuted , ' ' M;WV SXMCEL-fe.MTHERS. SH0CC0CADE51Y. A pupljt nation of the Stndeuts will comic 1 OUrsdav. -1 9tTi vitcd to attend.- e ex ami - cnminpn.a nn TK,,kLi.... . . w.jr, iia June.- Jfarents and Guardians are ia- GEO. FREEMc May 30-' 4 ut

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