e"-v.. . ' ": :, , ; , .r .'. ' ' UtU.I'illM, I J I..... ,. 1 poiimoAt. i rvt Fragment fount m a SktletaH case. Behold this rum ! ' fwas a Scud -iSivceof etheriai spirit full ! " -.'-t hi narrow cell was Life's retreat ; "This space was Thought's mysterious seat'- What beauteous ptctures'fill d this spot; "What dreams of pleasure, long forgot ! ', . Nur Love, nor Joy. aor H;pe, nor Fear, : !la left 6;;e trace or record here ! Beneath this moukPring canopy Once shone the bright and lnisr-eyess- x ii-ir. start not at the d sinal void ! If social iove that eye employ'd '. If with no lawless fire it gleam' J, But through the dew of kindness beam'd, """" That eye 'shall be f .'-ever bright, ,, Vhen stars and sun3 have loit their light ! ;', , Here, in this silent cavern hung Th. ready, swift aud tuneful tongue? .If Foisehood's hiju -y it dis'iain'd, : -And where it Could not prair Was chai-i'd j If boii in virtue's irause it spoke, Vtt gentle concord never broke ; , That tuneful tongue, sh.-ll pit ad for thee, " W hurt death unveils eternity MISCELLANEOUS. 7T3'iflT.les fng ts delve the mine, Of with its-envied ruba-s shin-f To hew the rock or wear the giin, Can nothing pow avail to them : 5ut if le page of Truth they sought, Or comfort to the mourner brought, These handfi a riche" meed shall claim Than all thai waits on wealtlTor fame 2 Avails it whether bare or shod Th'jie i'oet path of duty trod ? ,lf from the bowers o f J iy the." fled -.'-, To soothe . fhct ion's huvnble bed If Gi'-.ndciir'a guilty bride they murn!, A.t I ho ne to Virtue bp reuira'd j ;' These feet with'Angel's wmg-s shall vie, And tread the palace of the sftv ! Arts and Manufactures. fkom the nkW York Columbian. TO WNdB.SU S CANNON FOUNDERY. Satisfaction have read the following letter with much .....1 ......... : ,:u r. ..I :i:.. , mi u t i v mi in c ii vr in u ii a i i 79 1 hi 1 1 in i 'pleasare t every other friend of Airieriean ia an u faciei re 8 . NFH BCROH. JULY 22. Mr. Editor -The nil inner of nvinufactiiring establishments that have perished iiuee the las! War ha greatly blunted the keen interest which the public formerly seeun-d to fool in such lin!!-' lutioiis. The few which have survived the shook of peace, and the unforeseen coin petition Which arose from the aerumnl itiori of ICnlis!i nuuufactured arl'.cloK. tire likely to prova jer itunent ; of these iio.ie o deeply concern the people as those which are iicceHxary to govern ment in time of war. 1 shall oiake no ap-ilogy, therefore, in. offering to you this account of one Which is likely ta prove of lasting otility to the jgoVernmcnLof the United States. . Ahoot one mile.doulji of Newburg'i anij.five mile nttrth of the gorge of the Highlands a tnall stream called Chainber's-creek empties Itself Into the Hudson. Duriut; the lute war a eannun foundery was commeneed a few rods from Uie mouth of the creek by Mr. P. Town send, under engagements with the government of the United States. Tbe works are lanre. aid tbe stream ean be managed so as to meet tt-etSUibie tollbeir bWUOo lotdinrv'fewofj the! first cannon wUVthe'doiibld-eoiarge, tbe spectators and workmen genefaltyplaeed tnenii selves in eeur positions but after a few dis charge, whieb gave confidence in the strength of the meta!,tbey took atatinna Bearer, and from wbenee they taw distinctly tbe discharge and its effeetivW . -J. : ' ;4v f'f . ' 1 After the Brsttliys experience, all ideas of daneer vantshed.'Tand spectators and workmen indiap.rimin&telv remained bv the side of the cannon. The proof required by gofernment of Ihoroueh i the nnarititv of powder and ball fur 'an 18 poander after proof if six pounds of pow- der and a bai or is pounas. r ara zt, eigoi ius. of nowder and. a ball of 24 - pound. But to prove an 18 pounder it requires that sbe be ;(liscnarged a times as iuiiowb, viz . ' ' Powder. . ; r' T'-- 1st charge, 9. b. 2 balls 1 8 b. each, and 2 wsds. 21 tlo. 81b 2 do. 181b.. do. " 2. do.:.' .". 3d do 3 -2 3 do. l&b. ttut 1 ,l'3 .- do.;;-' A 2ipounler, :" ; . 1st charge, i2l 2 balls each 24lb. 2 wadl , 2d do. . 1 lb. 2 do; do. 24'b, 2 do. ' 3d ilo. , .81h. 3 do. do.) 241b SdO., Euch cctrtridper b tilt anrtieiida rammed htne The beauty and smoothness of the ' bores of the cannon, seemed to give to Jlajor .' JJanoa gfeat and unexpected pleasure, they are free IVom boiii-y comb, and present to the eye a sur face of the most beautiful smoothqess and polish. The cannon are made from the celebrated Ster ling pig iron,- Ions; known as . of distingnished strength. After full proof by Mj. Dalaba oi' all the cannoii. Mr. t'ownsetid igoifieJ to the Major, a wish that he would break one of the ia nniihrfftr. if nowder and ball could do it. MaiAr nluKn il.n nnlorpd M nf ihw piirhteens 1 lustre 'and thj defijht of that mli.ule host of Jflorjous to be chared with 18 pound of powder, a large j cK,ssei, L ctuL lliS cm;iire c ,n!i,.ed to oakum wad, which filled the gari to the ceuire; ,,,a ailci(.nt woridf which we ace lubituaily weary, anJ of the trunions, two 18 pound balls were add-jt0 ;hat narrow tinmgli tiMMiceu tamly noble ponton of ed. and a larg hard wad, all driven hard and which it blon-s to Greece and H.me. Thphiloso home, a match was then applied, and o other P'. e statesman, and the pont.a-are the for:ns into a. ' , , ' ', . , - i which Ins spir-t naturally sprniirs and wncn he toucli- rffect produced than a violent report, and a ;M inti.rioP Objects, he W aRuphal miKhthave fdt great recoil ! . ( in copying Te 'leim-.t, .if they had ber-n conteinporwry, the Mr. To'wnsend in the cotjrse of conversation ) closest, upp.-oach to fajarls )osblo for sense anJ gen aU e..w.t !' Iiu ttt.nt.wl alinr:lv iftDmL'K snnin' tus. in this circle he htfl mi rivals. liifht 12 uouTiders of iron, forfii-ld service, of rson i irOsiws rapcB. riu f iAcr Kambls is tbe senior of bis profession, a man of admirable faculties, original and acquired; Na ture bad moulded him for ap actor and for eminence in a lofty Style. A striding stature j ooiu ana muscuiar contour, atateliness of movement and dignity of counte nance had placed the stamp upon him. A sculptor m Wrht hava tooKaa tor more enerev in w nero, uui a nainter would have found ?n his profound expression of i i . .... . i i ..i ... i . fice,-- ana nooie autiuuer aw ame"'" mm wmom mciau choly majesty of look and manner, the model for the sage, the proplie' , or the king . To such advantages, rarvj in any class, Pembje has added thosa stilt more rare irt bis own, of tXtensive acquaintance with modern, and it is said ancient literature ; much travel and much in tercourse with the higher and more interesting ranks of society. Vfi has had like Reynolds among tbe artists, the fortune of raising his profiessbn jnto a degree of re spectability, which even Garrtck, the friend to minis-j r . . i' ; . '.rii. .1.- u t.j e.....A f ters, ana iavortieoi an uic wurm, uu wu m icvw ing for h inferior brethren. In the classic drama this actor has no competitor, within the rena of the stern and frigid struggles of the men of might of the old world : he walks without having seen ,ni opponent His Brutus, Coriolanus and Cato, are among the noblest and tnost-pTtect pcrtormanees ml llave ever been be fore the British auduencer They are not beings of dur day : probably those high and unmixed abstracts of self denial, stoicism, an.l haugh ty contempt of meaner exist ence, were beini of no day since man first hud passions ; but Kemble gives thrm like a cast fresh from an origin id sculpture : every .line and touch xoraes out wii.lt the sharpness and power of the antique chissel, aud it' .v fel the art a not with the effect of dwimishmgoar admiration of the skill which li:ls toiichedlhernliublife. and interest and beadty. But this s-'ber ex-:ellnco lim its ilie field of his owtt view : the d.stin'ctness with Which lie has trained Ins eye to one 'model of regular splendor, tins anrlvpcl him of the skill Or tllS faeiiltV Which ttiv io swee ihe whnle luminous re'irioii, and he loves the- Kcau, the principal Traged.au of the U.-ury lane llic atrc is ah extraoi-dinara bct'ng.. A 'few years since lie w.is liniiid wandering among the dise-ojiiforii of the low- ei tuea.ricai cuijuovuieiii, i.iniii!is noiii rnu; ui i vd:;.ge. and probahly lo.k.!ig to thai period of time as.! jtf"ua u vvi,;te Vltriol, nea:', wlvcn hW patience and liis m.nd w.,ul I i tise to (';,. jc aa var.ltted tartar, SWUi'iTIO which the weight will be less than (be Freueh, Iniili or Atnericatrbrass guns of the same calibrei The situation of the fmndery is exlrcniely pleasant, ir is placed in a deep and narrow ra vine, through which the creek runs with heati ful winding, ami m shaled hy 'rees overlmng in from the opo'isile hill, ptvsentiiig a stfik iu'g contrast to the objects within, from the vi cinity of the fjuiidei v to'-' the Hudson. From the strength of the Stirling iron, of such easy ing forward the nun ivho is uns riedlo bear, ofall living, access, and from the perfect olish and accura me strongest reben.w nxc to Uie s-.-vngtn, taciiuy ana ...:il. Mr "iiioit it. f.n:tinil I,t v! m.tfical conccnUon i.i' U.irr'.ck. K -ao'it low stature, and . . . .. it i.iiiiuiit v:i.-.. .nut ni.-.i r,-ii lvsioriioniv. tlirdv.' In hi at fi.it sight ti luinie iiura.ji : J.sUiloe, fivm the h -roic and ltoval M ii stv of Km'jle's .form and style. B it he his t.. t. n s. ' Ihem to Steal, they will not agree te 6n this godly work and will rely on your bouw. for any other reward. 1 am ready.. Thskia wak - much pleased, and having , ordered t!S treasurer to weigh out the gold, he had Z atrint naked, and set to wnrW in . f - . uuui cuard ed both outside and inside. Everv ai.ki t was released, after being searched $ and em. night in my own housein a private pUee i continued ttTSting a brazen image, exact ii. milar to the other, not a screw or a nail a. I put in the one, that 1 did not put its felloe jo the other, and having 'finished both, 1 filled up my orazen image who ieaa ana gilded it over with gold. When the golden image ww ready, the Rajah came to see it. I then proj. trated myself before him, and said, Ob, great Prinee j I am a Very poor man ; 1 have lufcr ed every disgrace that 1 night please jou'. now grant my prayer, and permit me t,,tar' ry the image. to the Ganges on the t).v 0f Its consecration, uie Kajali consent.;' , L,uf ordered that onjthat day, guards shuial i:r round me on ai I sid esi The day arr i v hi ttf)j i -. i f -.I.i '" . .... i proceeoeu wun me srnnge to tne liaj ift s ghaut and entering thd holy stream amidst the ais elama lions of the multitude, 1 immersed iht golden iinagcaqtl at the same time, my u bole body in the water, and taking, up the brazen image which I had- previously p ared there presented it to the Rajah, aud, bowing at his feet, asked for my reward. The Rajah wit highly pleased, und rewarded rue .liberals At night 1 removed the guM at leisure. 1 M- liDIClNES, PAINTS, &c.Tl18 sl!b. airi!inr now r-(pi vinir iw cnM,., . .... piy oi ntuxi.MS, jti. i a ana titt iuKir.&, vilixn in addition to his former stock, will nia'cr his ss,c;"-int-ni very complete : Among which a:e the,' HdiuW:, articles : (Jii.uber and cpsom salts, ;;cielle ditto. and Rhubarb, Ijic-cc and tartar emetic, t'.ream tartar aud senna, W ,ke m:ina' Ct iriaguvia, C.oiiphfir and loves, li ;d, yellow & j)51e bark, Dr. Sanloru s tlo. par.i.)!. anil i;iii,! iarlher. ti this ijenl..i:s L-Uei lie w..s ueci- i ... . ..i. : . 1 . . I I . ueiuaiiy see;i y a ni;t.i, win nan .in .cci.ieuiai imer Cvi'trse with Mr W'liibcead. I'lu 'fueti-e happened to bet lie.nij;neiiUii a uu.- of tK'pei;!!, w:ncli made 'ad,.x;ed eni4 i-.se'iitial.' Ivjaa V .3 imiudi.'eiy eivae; ed on the hazard.' A; fortnight later and he Hrbt have. found the d io S or" ill i I'.t.-aire cl )ied by lii failure of .ts tu'l.ls 1 iu tr.ir.i ui ...i-.ne.es w.s wgunu u;, in Itraiir- been worked, we mav cxn.ct uti extensiou of Ibis establishment equal to its merits and we confidently believe, that a largo anil permanent jth: poiS.-ssUwi of ! tint vatre,rio:i from whicabis pre increase will reward the successful and enterprise of the founder. A Traveller Jrovi the South ouldness The Jlrts. M iniHcnt monuments of an cient splendour stilj continue to be discovered iu searching the ruins of Pi mticii. , Behind the temple which was.l.Uely noticed, h public build ing has been found I.... I, ot i-mlil uno La Ofl.l almost any demand that a future extentiou ofi Nan ilitan nalms Iohl-. and 12l broad, and titir- tha establishment may require. The casting j rounded in the interior by a porttco of 50 co lumns. It is ornamented tiith beautiful paint ings, some of -which are Very valuable, as a mong pthers, one which represents a warrior precipitated from a car drawn by hcry hoises of the eannoa is a slht, independent of associa led ideas, iu itself sublime and the ruddtn il lumination which is produced by two large streams of liquid iron, is strikingly masnificent. . - w ( I 1 ' " ,l lie foundery is a large building; the room in The pavement is a Mosaic, formed iu part of wnicn me cannon is cast ot grsta dimension ; large slabs of marble of various colors, toeve and the effects of lisrht and shade OIon the : ml iii.ri lit ions have lneii traend I lint HHcertain - Couatenancesof the workmen, would furnish j ed the use of this monument. One of them in lessbns to a patnter, and are extremely inter- ; dicates that" the luminum obstrnenlorum (a esting even to common spectators. The casting right established by the Roman laws, prevent aad boring of iDe cannon, and the vario is oper- jng in certain cases, neighboring proprietors atioos in perfecting them for inspection and use,, .from, having lights or prospects over the cotui ar well worth the trouble of a vis. t from New guous estates) had been purchased at the price York jo this place. of several thousand sesterces. This discovery - J was fortunate enough to be on the spot at has afforded new riebes to sculpture n veral the moment when" Major James Ddlaba, with ; statues have been foiiud. A Fentts, five palais Weutenants 8imasol aiid Thomas, his aids, ar- ,igS, and Ilermnphrod te may be placed among rived, bjr order from governmeut, to prove a, the finest specimeus of the Greek chissel that Quantity of cannon made at these works. Ma- haveeome down to os. Several distinguished Jor. Dalaba teyted the smoothness ond straight- artists think that iu this Venus tlt.-y have dis nesi ff the bore, the accuracy of the trunions coverdone worthy to dispute pre-eminence ilh and of the axes of the bore, he measured the the Venus de Medics, This opinion, inspired length; of the borc, the si2e of the vent and perhaps by the pleasure of the d iscovery, may Calibre, and the diameter of the external part be before long discussed, us tin se preious iiioii- of the cannon, a? I which were ascertained bjr nments of ejilplure are to be transperted to the -instruments which demonstrated the smallest Musee Bourbon. In tsmc iiboo. Imvpheen possible unevenness . of surface, inaccuracy of found two arms of branz.- adorned wilb brate relatido, or variations of quantity. In perform- lets. The chevalier Ardije, who directs the ing this part of his duty, Major Dalaba djsjroigearch hopes to be enabled in a short timeTo vered '-ft extensive knowledge of malhemaTj expose the vthole exieut 'if Pompeii, which will tical seience, and great practical acquirements I probacy be a mine fruitful in objects of the in the art ;pf gunnery. ltrt the faithful, vigi- dine arts. Fet'ch-$aper.' litat ami unbending manner, in which he per-1 . formed his duty to goveruraent, pleased me as ) Coloss&l F gure of Buonaparte. A late Lon- niuch as. his talents impressed me with respect jdbfl paper states, that a great Colossal figure The major examined each cartridge, and per- 0f Buonaparte, 12 feet high cut out of a sl.lid sonallv attended to the discharge of each can- block of marble, was brought to England in tbe San, leaving nothing to conjecture of hazard, , course of ike last' summer. Jt was landed at bat subjecting every thing to the most rigorous jtl,e Duke of Richmond's, Privy Gardens "; and experiment, and giving to givernmenl the full; was latelv removed to Anslev hoii. Hvd. beuefit of Iiis gret practical skill. His atteu- park eoruer, (now in possession of the Duke of uane was unremiiungauringuie wuoie penou Wellington) and placed in the Hall, where it of proof. Lieutenants Simason and Thomas, will probably remain for many years, received the military part of their education at t F. Com Adv.- West Point, and the guns were pointed by their j The great Colossal figure, twelve feet high, direction. At the commencement, empty bar- 0f Bona parte, which was cut of a solid block rel were objected at the distance of iflO y ards, 0f marble, was brought tr. ih;a o.,..nirv and at. each discharge a barrel wa,s destroyed, nine months ago in a strong ease made for the Joist was theu substituted, which shared the ! purpose. It was brought bj water, and land same fate. At length-a Crow-bar was placed :d at the Duke of Richmond'. i Pri. nr . - m - ..... ... ... u . cursor tias alistained ; . that, wild and Uncultured but lus-ii'-ia .t and cxh'-uu'dess wor.d of the nalural heart, 'riiroajrlt ' Ins he assi-s with the p.iwer; som.tihies with iherudeii ss o.a savajre kinsj, but i.i all his wanderings, rewards ilie eye thai wdl f lilow hi'n by perpetual dis covery a new" unfolding of some trait of fivnh and vg irons beau'y or startling and profound graiidcue. Ilia characteristic is energy, a Kji.nt that aeldom slumber where ;hcie is no!de sensation to be created, a master .'itcu'iy or' seizing on tlie whob mind of ilia part and the .iiipression ot' th'v moment ; of discovering where the p.3,val.:r fe.tling !u been bintd, and of str.kii.g, down njcit ar..f I'UiiieUutely, ii;joii this hot ar)d palpitating nerve. Tiicfe appears to be in decided gonius a po.ivcr ..if instant intercourse, for which the narrowness of hur language has not yel-tbuud a name. Hut tliis power ap pears to be one of the distinctions of the great actor. It is not recollected how large a portion t.f the actor's ta bor w perfectly mental. His whole path" is among the passions, h.s loot is pUnuMand borne along upon those clouds and vapors of our nature, which as they are tttss cd or enligh'.ened, iriay add so much o its darkness or u its splendor. The man wliirca'rt' pi ty Shakspca. e wi h a ihoi'ough power of embodying his Visions, niust have a mirid not unl.ke the summoner of tire visions. It may be doub cii Avhether Keaudoes this in its total extent, but i Jalap and rliubarb rooty .A Juin t.nd S ;it pet re, Salt, tan as & u 'orniWoodj l).ivr Si Jair.cs' powder C JuiTibo rot, ifossandin , pjwder, Calohi-el and calamine. Calcined 2.r.k and magne sia, Crude a;i l gli-s antimony, Fig blue aiut bine suck-,' NV ni'.c an I red precipitale, t'iiUs, gross f in powder, Uad nuts and nutmegs, i"r llspal'eill & palm Soap, Unitjr aiid Ctside, do. I:'is! and northward,' do. JB'ue," red a.id yellow w..sli- balls, 1 .Mace and cinnamon, Lium; gambyuije and scatn- mony, Gum ammoniac, Gum benzoin and opittnl, (linn Dragon aud Arabic, (iiiin aloes and assatixtida, Cum guiacum and copail, Gum shellac and cli.ni, -Borax, Catechu and inezeroii, Sarsaparilia and liquorice roo , Pink and bl ick shake, do. Turmeric ainl senecca, di' Gentian and ginseng, do. Myrrh and rust of iin, Cayenne aivi 1 .ig hopper, ' Sanisli fl.fcs and bitter '- , ; Coeii oc al Sc ivd s-mnitfrs. r.n if vuro.i k. .vut.moiuai wins ar.ii.n, Essence peppcr.nl:i. an. hvende-, Fs::ence lf!!i'n and berp. Hi ilt, Datenian's drops Si Stoug),. vitoii'j buters, Britisn oil ainl Godtrey'.- cordi:,l, Turlington's balsam, C I lurch's ;md Let se:.ce mustard, ClulvcU'-sj vt-gclatile l(i.'..,i; Mercuna'. & ilcli dimmer . De. S'cer's opodeldoc, vr .l!.l u i .. ill iviv 1IIU I -L sealing w..s, )elic.'U iTld ii 1. 4 . 1 1 . I : . ;.....,. ii.s ivnli ivs',sil..tswitin it Rvfnnil.i-: ' ?,r-"'' p .odd and castor. . . i r r 1 . i . .i i 'roh'uva ursi. awdsavui, l-'ox glove and stor.ix, root, ris bfaek liellebore do. Cori'aiUler, caraway hi car damom seeds, Lead ru liber, Vater coJors and p'.-tK'i, JJiirablii'.d.'ik, do. p .ude-r. It izor strops and si.avin;1 ' boxes, Uivat-pipes and slu ijs. Spring und tlibiTib Uiicei;, Court a:i l otti-.tr plasters Ssurgicat pocket books, ' Iron. m;ir!i! ;in.l -nnnui . . ' '""' tion mortars, Li:do:i while lead in krys, ii-. ii., . ,(,.,, Span'.s'.i broii i.'i kegs, lio. .. do. thy, Ye! low and stone ochre, VtU'ili&li an l l-gf-fA, VcrmiiTion and King's ycli low, Veuitian and Indian red, Ited lea;l St I'ruis'.an bine. Patent yellow &. drop lake,, Spanish and American jr.. digo, U.ubcr.and amber, ivoiy atidl.i nplj-aeii, P.tin.iiiee.iMd rotieii stone, Sp Mge and co; iv.voe..i, . W:hcWoj!i & ,). - i.''.idi- C'jiniiio;i do. i hvcf ; :lld rolf. S'-ll- iii uiu ciniij uo couiu venture 10 steal to : c;i 11:1, msclf. Xbeson modestly replied, four anas ' lcipifeted sulpher. of fourth.) You, said tha'father, will never L fn :T"?' 7 , . i ii- n ii i i . i.i 'Coltaili viinol and litharge nnaal in iili ' lla than ueb-ml I Ii n tnoml iln . n ' the whole extent of its rangf, and was struek an,d broken by the first fire. The zeal of these toting gentlemen and the pride they seemed to take in tbe perlurmance oi tuis numtie duty, were to me pleasing intimation of what may he expeeted. from, them when their country shall eall ou them for more decisive, and to tbem, no doabt, more animating aetSv of serviee. The ease with which the guaSt bedded, in two mas sy nieces of timber ";Werd managed by them- and the ureeiiioi .iof their fire, (never in 150 ;.e missiog , their-object) - were highly dens. Ua Monday evening it was removed in a wagon' from the Duke's premises tu,Apley hea se, Hy d e park -corn e r; now in. the posses sion of the Duke of Wellington, where a num ber of workmen w re employed. on Monday ev ening and during yesterday, uhder the direction of31r Vyatt, the architect, in Waking a stage from, the court-yard, level'with the bally to con vey it into the hall.- London paper. -r' ' i 1L1TIA LAWS A re?fsed edition for Jjale-'t tbii offiee;f i'MU iiiuv.ii.tieu no-. ojiai miii; 1U.U.11UIC iijjuo viie &.aje. j, t i t . , T j conceive the true idea, of this man s powers he . ,, . ,, , ' i . it i l.. . ui.. i i. i . ... i .. Aikanet Si vvhuo hell.-bo.-e Mioo.o. ue seen oiii in ol.lll.leule.3.Aluleulesl anu ui ; those onlv'ih a few of the more impressive and agitating. ! ne lias pci hum ui unci in i i y , uiu uil st.i.ai.ur v 111 1 n;i i sat close to the st:ige, and to lowed htm ihrougli the j .u ... ......... ;., if ...K...U i.w....k rt.i...n . .....i !..... ' - il.llllOWl a.lli IU "CLVMI, Vllt,7'II VLllLll.. AI1U. llllW ... if t , H . hard the Third, has .seen il.eluiiils of the dramatic" ' Sveet u,se and fennel, do, excellence of modern Times. -. ; Howers bciajm and ca.n- ..:... mjn-.de, ' Ilarts h i, n siiavii'cs and I f FROM THE NKW-YOBK DAILT ADVBRTlSKIl. s..l,' g aSS, . - Among the lieng.jlese, cunning is said to be Fiv sTi-n and "spVltcr..- a qti.iliiy in- high ealimatioii, and -.fraud (riii!--9-je-nna.eeti,an.i vth'tt! r.'.-ixf theft the- trattjttrcou-wqirCTieeTor it. ATproof t'-u L 1 arfsi:orn and s'ala, ot the trulh ot tiie remarK, ilie lolluwiu? story , "' . ... , v i arsenic und nux vomic, isloltlt ' : - j Topioca, sago and arrow " An old Somiar (agold-stnith) ou his death-; root, - bed called for his tliree sons.' anil havin sriv- IVari baric en tbem a irreat deal of eood allvlce with re- il"Wer, ga.d to -tlAir conduct in life, he asked the !c Pd hayaf.n, youngest how many j4uas (sixteenths of the com- j Crocus nurus and no wder -vl "i -.'1 .... mon goiu com; ue couiu venture to steal to ! ot n:i, himselt. (a qucceeu in uio. ne iiieii nsneii me seeonu me r.tin.nrp ..n,) ..n same question- tbe second son saiJ, he tiioughT'T ti.t.i, he Could venture lo take a third, without be- Kx: tact jalap and ?.!ay-ap. ing discovered. 1 And the third son seeing thlL lle' f -., . , f father 'was no-t contented with .this, -ailedsed i ,.t'! " , 1.4 ii i . ... v ', ' . . . Balsam co patva and tolu, that he could steal oue-hali. On hearing this Balaam Canada Si suboer, .i.ii ?j j. ... me oiu mau saio, none oi you are my son;-iaisamot Hben.t, when 1 was of your age 1 could venture to take within an ana n'f the whole for-myself. He (hen told them jhe following story :-Wh?n . I was young, a certain Rajah assembled all the goldsmilhs ia the neighborhood, and told tbem he wished to make an image of Kirishna, but as Sionars were not to be trusted, and the i mage.wasto be of pure gold, the man. who made it uiust previously agree to certain con dilions These r were, that fhe'shoaldevery daybe.locked up in a small. room with the i mage ; that this room should be well guarded, and that when admitted morning and evening, and when let out he should be searched to the hkin. All the old goldsmiths, koowingthat very tittle was io be made in such a case, and dreading the auger of the Rajah, remained si lent,:..Oo which,I stepped, forth, and said, Oh. unguis i lutpi neap uicu ouiy stuuynaeir o t n worldly advantage, and as your wisdom Venice . turpentine and 'Uurgundy pilch, . Castor and sweet oil. Oil of cloves and amber, 0:1 vitriol and anise, Oil juniper tc peppermint,. Oil cinnamon U spearmi.it, 0.1 worniseed lld v.ti ia ie xther," Muriate of harytes Sc. iron, Spiritsjf diarhorii aitij, I China in boxts Hatter's and sitoe, Flesh, Sdver wi.e and tooth, Hair, do. Japan shoe black ;ri', H it;c.- li:,v.t:-iis and buci;es. Do. hioukiivrtv.inr, 11 1 'flat ar.d 1-fiiLlld Kiii'lr.'. Do. Lluck, led ar.d jek-'- lov skii.s, Starr's a:;d Lt:v' -rd'a in;,- cav.baa i.iitl' Sotoi, ,oid ti-.ippf e, n Snuff boxes asorte;', HesUllietdol nd paper u:id fj.ue GolU and s'.Iver ie tt',- Coach lace,: dilleiep-t pi'. tJi-us, Putty and wlt. low g'as: apanbli whiting, . IleVllnseedoil, Ikst (jopal varr.'sh, . V 'llC il. I H'i, U ! Oil' 1'. I lied ends and plough h' Cordage, dit&rent sues lluiit. coliee, suifir .ar.d molasses, Sherry Si-'i tuer'.ftir wi.w--. Vj. ... 1 ... M . .....I nn-. . Port and Claret, y L indou S; I'liila". porter. Best imperial tea, Hes. Y.iunj Ilvson, io I. )af siicar and triu, Wlnsliey Si Preiich hraady Copoerus, pepper.& g.ager l'owtler and shot, Violins a. id strings, Ciartonets, flutes and fiffrs. Almonds and raisons, Tamirands and plumbs, Aii assortment of conVec'a-: onaries. Lime juice Si lemon acil. Shop furniture assorted, Cotton and wool cards. and Us ware. UrocK-erv Creeii and white vials, H Htls, jugs and demijohns Vial and bottle corks, A constant supply of gar den sj-eds. n.ir-c Spirits of lavender & wine, Orange peal and annatld, Nitric and muriatic acid, Aquafortis and quicksilver Columbian 8t Haarlem oil, And maoy othqr articles too tedious to enumerate, all of wnir-ii win on .1 n. I.. I . . A...I ..fin iiiiv 1 1 1 ' "v .'.v. nuuicnaic illiu ivaii.;vi " Cash or on a short cre4U, to those, who tny be relied o. "'"'""-" : v ' Ra.N1K)LPIIWKBU.. N. B. A constant supply of Table and Allum . Salt. StamD jraoev a usual. . ' " . Rleigh, June 6, . 4fe

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