Vol. 19. vfbidAy;sepibmbeii i JVo. 1120.. - . ' - I 1 - - - , . - - . . " I ' mm BALEIGU, (N. C.) rHXNTKD, A. .trCSS, hi certificate should state that fact. . This eir- during oeh term of smiee, except offices fil-lize that state, and to level court bouses, Judges, land territories t bat it is DreanmabLa that an Terttf tutneripttm Tteeedouarfperyair.one ouijaitaneeyof it cannot be found to tjie Atlantic . ' k in advan&tf. no paper to be continued ton ffer thaw three" raortths'after a year's snbwriptioitbe- . -...tfdiip.juiil notice thereof shall have been irivep. Advertitements not exceeding 14 linen, are inserted tbrice for one dollar t for twenty-hve cents eatjb sub .iPiit insertion s and in'Uke proportion where there is a erealef number of lines than lourteen.--The cash rausi accompany those from persons unknown to, the . x ' " - V l Vn'o subscription can in any ease be received without 'H...,mfnt of at, least ftl 50 in advance i and nodjs froiuinuance without payment of arrears, unless at thd iopuan of trie editor. . ,- MILITARY CLAIMS. WAR DEPARTMENT, : X Skctiw IF BooTf September GlA, 181? , .explanuQ Sir 4ererl anplieatiaos for Fvts wears hd'f pay17 in liea ot iiouuiy ana irausmiirea states. v la Oome aeetioos C the United States, the tame individual fa Sometimes authorised to act in the quality of both" County Clerk" and Ytitttrif Public" ; hut he it, or ought io be , a- ware of the importanee of keeping the records of his transactions in each capacity separate ana aisunci, urvih a puniic seat appropr'ate to eachwf those offices j and jet 1 have more than once had occasion to notiee misiakvs be tween them, which vitiated important docd uments transmitted to i his office. ' " A National Certificatii deelaredly hon cluiive here, in' certain cases j .but not as to ascertaining the quality of other Magistrates j for although the govemmeut of the Commou weallk towhich he belongs may hare deem, ed it useful and -proper to cntmunc to him, as n Jifblary Public the names of the Justices in commission, yet it is not amone his atin- Kctratt of a letter tQ ry of ' the princijtlS tp which, certain. ojii nl dncum.tts (torn Local Authorities in,Ut . wra! States art rfra.r&taftQri!$sC4 Notary Public that be is Humjus Claims U Military Bounty Lima, or charged with the Official Record of other act- i u' Magistrates therefore, the Certificate if Notary Public to the quality of an v other Magistrate is not recoernized at this office as to ih'e War Department through your mterveji- vatid : Nor can hi merely adding " Notary tion,.'have recently been examined. After sol Pitblic' to bis signature be allowed any weight geminated by the medium of uewrpaper$, us affirming big J!ctOv' Seaf, even in cases where well as by tli many hundreds of Hand-Bill; which have been distributed tnrougu the nandi of Members of -Coisgress and other gentlemen nhu have visited the city of Washington, it gives me pain to find that very great portion! of ike Uoouineuts trarismuteu lo lae ulueers or. g)vcrnmeut to support applications ot this clasi, i so very deficient as to defeat oye of the prln eipal views .tf a suge and paternal Legislature that tit eonveyiug prompt and effective succor to a numerous elass of the community whose present sufferings have, in a great degree; a rUen from services rendered the country. ' No new, or difficult proofs, or unreasonable authentication of documents.' have been requir ed from claimants, under the beneficent laws in question1: bat as the tiles of this office have a neeial hearim: upon u nat a teciimcauy styled Real Estate" and may be subjected to legal terutiny many years heuce, when no person who now has any share in the administration, of the exMdog laws may be present to explain rie x .why" and the wherefore ' such or such do Cuinerits were' deemed, aduiissable-r-so itU thought highly expedient that each separate file f vouchers .which reaorus an alienation of pub k property' should oe complete in itielfj- i a.i.i require a reierence to any ouier Die or docu meut whatever, (o attest the correctness of iti kdmipsion to the archives of the War Depart It is this general principle (which appears not to be generally understood) which has ne cessitated a regulation that many individuals appear disposed to quarrel with, and that many others neglect- through inadvertence, because, perhaps, the local laws ot the stato whew they respeetively reside, do not render its observance necessary in ordinary eases. ' For example : in every state of the American Union, there are Justices of the Peace, or.otber magistrates, au thorised', by the constitution and laws of each ttate, to administer oaths, to legalize deposi tions and affidavits, and to attest acknowledg ments of all legal instrument of writing, in (ime individual state there are several hundred Justices of the Peace J o afidther where this e'asj of civil officers is likewise verynmncrous. there are also four other descriptions of magis- Uate8, wbo ccaionaIIy perform tha same ser- lur ineir iciiiw cuizens , -ami as iuu ap pointment of such magistrates is not permanent, the succession in a few years may become al most inuumerable. Their respective qualities and signatures may possibly be so well known to the resident1 within a county, or perhaps throughout the sUte aa not to need any further aaibenticatiou for local purposes ; hut is it sup- psseauie thai toe respective signatures ot all the magistrates cf tboso several descriptions throug'uout bur widely extended union, cap. bo kauwu in this office? If by ba2ard such "signa ture hoiild be kpown.to some one at the seat of gaverniuent that knowledge, however satis foetory ilTOicht b considered at the inu'menl to that (fua'ity would be competent. I must take this opportunity, likewise, to make a similar observation relative to another document which ought always to have its on propriate Seal affixed to it, if one there be in the office $ or bear a proper attestation that there is no Official Sealit such be the faet : 1 mean the Copy of a Letter of Guabdian led by toe pepJe.-No member of either housa after taking bis seat) it eligible to :. any office withimthe gift of the legislature or either branen tnereof, dunag bis term of service. and in rie with the dust Old Shepherd, who had been in the continental army, under the authority of government, opened a fire from an leigbteen-pounder or two on the gentlemen in- i oe arsi session oi me general assemoiy Kfgeats, aim seniinem scampering; mmeoees on the first Monday io October hunk his miisket in Chjckabee river, an commences on the first Monday next, and shall sit in the city of Natchez The governor is to be eleeted for two years by the qualified electors. He shall be at least SO vea of age a citizen of the United States, and shall have resided in this state five years preceding his election, and at Jt he time of his election and twelve months previously thereto tbe-seized in his owuTightTof a freehold es tate of ix hundred acrfcs of land, or an inte rest in rjpal estate of the value of two lhoutand dollars.' The -governor and senate have" the power of granting pardons in cases of treason the governor shall grant pardons, except in eases of treasou, aud -remit fines - and forfeit-! turee under uvh rules and regulations as the j general assembly muy prescribe. The govern-1 or ha veto yu t be laws, but two thirds of the members of both branches of the legislature may pas a "bill when returned with the go. vernor's objections, or if 'the governor should not return b bill .within six days after ,Jbe may Luve received it. On Wednesday Mr. Simpson proposed to amend the report of the committee of the whole, which contemplates making appointments to office by joint ballot of both branches of the legislature, by chang ing to the mode of appointment under the con stitution of the United States which was de cided in the affirmative. The original report gavo the executive and senate the tower of nominating and appointing the officers f the government where their an- pointment had not been directed bv the' consri- fice, from v hieh he could seud, and into which. sHir meant to be received here as(Wtcta?: ' tuUo" lQ election, or left with the legis-'free of postage, hi letters respecting fiuauce . . ' .1 r II........ ' "Pk. At '-' I ...i.i i : .A .1 L 'p .1. . .i;! Calvin his miisket in Chjckabee river, and scam- peredff to .this happy state, where there was, at that lime, lighter taxes, and less restraint eithercivil or reUgious Here he began in a, small (wsy to make the best of his time and ta lents : Ue could, rive a ktave, slave a shingle or teach little ehildicn to spell. ' They were honest sellings, and probably the . best part of bis life was.h8sed ipthfrin ; by best 1' dont mean longest, .or as wr. say, moot lepgtbj: but the tnosf worthy. ie married tie only legiti mate child of a njan wbo had many other chil dren the father Qtid, and Calvin keired hie property" the law, allgut it, and the court a wards it Bec eoiopataiYf ly'V rich, hit miud soared in search "of iytbregreatnes ;and if the ineunf were not elaetly houest,' the end. he hoped w ould sanctify item. - 1 cant protract, this-sketch by speaking of oao ar hia bro thefs failures nuffice it to, say, that after any difficuftj, a new aeqnisition of lauds or.teue moots was niaiTt-.le , was richer than he was before., .i hen the war commenced, he com menced orator of the. free trade and sailors rights. The council o! appointment made him a judge j and assurance being -given that his bills should be taken in preference to others at the gates of. the great western turnpike ro'ty, he became a banker. " Payable at my store and tavern oiv tlie great western turnpike, six teen miles from Albany," was printed on tlifir face and away tttcy vent. His shop was, for bis patriotism 1 pre&nme. made a nost-of- often bear ins a signature totally unknown at this office, with the - designation Register" aune&eu io ii. , It is readily acknowledged that much is due to the meritorious services of those individ uals in whose Right these Posthumous Claims axe instituted, and that all possible despatch ought to ue made to relieve the snttenngs ol their numerous Itepresentatives : but surely it is not blameable in any individual, however humble a share ho may have in carrying the benevolent intentions of government into effect, to be vigilant that the public interests receive no injury Jhrough his i injldferenee or neglect; nay, 1 am .so old fashioned in my civic-senti-meuts as to think that such is his indispensable duty. ' . - t lature. The Question then recurred on euneur ring iu the report ofthe committee of the whole, rocommendiug the mode ofappointoieut by bal lot o bntlt. branebes of the legislature, and striking out the provision of the original report, which was deeided in the affirmative. The constitution provides for a lieutenant governor,; who is eleeted at the same time, by the same electors, must have the same qualifi cations, and ooutiaiics in office the same leiistb of time as the governor. He is preaident of me si-iititx, aim exercises me powers oi gover' nor, in the cae of his death, absence, or inabili ty to act ; and receives, when acting as gover nor, ine sumo compensation lor his service as as president of the DOMESTIC. one individual, might not appear to be a suffiev eat sanction for the disposal. of a portion of the I'u'jiib domain of its equivalent, to a collect! f Jiuofic men who might be specially author e on nri. tu to examine the reeords uf tbia i.ffiri hhf Jwenty years henee. Upon these considerations, ttbasrlong been deemed proper that one gener-, l.rul should ba applied to all such vases; 'liat i, that the quality (ftnd the signature "here it caube done) of the numerous aJsses f magistrates alluded tu above, should beojfi tally certified by a public officer.who has, or "ghtto have, custody of a general or partial mtbentic refford of the appointment of all such Jijutrates, and who is authorised to sanction certificate by a public seal, to counterfeit wh is deemed a capital crime. The highest "thorny required in thiscase,,is the Secretary twfitafi-:. but. the County Clerk," or, in we states where tr'eivitffieerisgeoefany fl!,0n b7 that appellation, the officer whose actions are equivolent thereto, is fixed upon thai "V,n5 uuiccrj oecause it is oeneveu in cities are entitled to separate representation when they have-the-established ratio. The general assembly at their-first meeting, and in I'he year 1830, and in nut less than three nor more man uve years inereaiter, snail cause tnc census ot the stale to he taken, and apportion n most oi the states, a record of the justi- w commission in each county is there kept ; trtho?3! JherofficerpwhoV hasTeharge of hattA v not in every instance be able ithi J. ?s nature of every acting magistrate k'io?i' dl8triei yet he ean safely ascertain f ff y' aatl "ancti9a by the proper Seai vjtce, previded such a seal exists : if not, STATE OF MISSISSIPPLThe convrtitioii finished their labors, and signed the constitution on7 the 15th til. timo. The foUowinj general view ofthe draft reported and which is said to have received very few and slight alterations,may enable our readers to comprehend the principles of goveniment adopted in this new sister of the confederation! Wc have now tvietUu states Indiana and Mississippi having been added durit;r the late cin; gress : Every free white male person, of the are of 21 years and upwards, who shall be a citizen of the United States, and shall have resided iu the state one year nextjirecedirtg the election, ana in tne county wnere no oners to vote six .1.- ... ' 1 .1. . .I. ..! J .1 uluuius prcviuusij iu iie election, auu snail have enrolled in the militia, or shall hnve paid a state or county tax, is deemed a qualified e lector. The first election is.'."direeied' to be by ballot, subjeet to future regulation by the legis lature." ' ' " the governor When actiuc couiu oe received, l uount it tne revenue e- ver was benefited a sixpeiiee by the establish" ment ; be this as it may. what by post-office packages, and by runners, or rather riders in one-horse wagons, he distributed a world of bis bills all over the western country. One of his riders is also a judge of fcchenectaday county- patriot and pojt-nioster, and it s wrcder ful, what bank money, and w lint notes of band they brd't back to the store and tavern, tS miles from Albany." Any . man, who could get an endorser ori giving g50 of any inrorpera ted bank, and his note for fifty more, payable in twelve months might receive, an hundred dollars in Calvin Cbeesman's bills, and in this necessitous time in this city, and every where senate, the same pay as the speaker of the in the country, it is Hot wonderful that mahy, house of representatives, but no Saiary. In vast numbers, catcbed at the bait ! Hir, had case of the death or absence of the governor, all the incorporated bunks in Albany, Troy, the senate i directed to choose a .resident, Lansiuburgh and Schenectady, failed, not half . who discbarges the duties of governor, in.ease the people jvpuld have been effected, as are by of iho-death, absence or" resignatioh o." the lieu- this patritot'rfailnrri, ' -tenaiM governor. - j The tollgate keepers on the Cherry-Val- Tke judicial power of the stato is vested in ley turnpike road, undoubtedly by order, have, a supreme and superior courts, and such infe- always received Chcesrcaa's bills in prefer nor courts as the legislature may thiuk proper' ence to those even of the corporation of Alba to orgauiza The judges of the superior courts jny. The directors of this company well knew hold the supreme courts, but the j'i'lgi who de- jCheesmau's 'charaeter He bad been in their, eidesa cause in the circuit shall not sit on the (employ. . By this patronage, bis means of de1 same cause in the supreme court. 'I he stare ; frauding was greatly increased. It is to be is to be divided into districts, which shall not presumed the company will lose nothing by his contain moro thau six nor less than three coun-i failure Their chief agent, 1 am told, is one uf ties, add a judge appointed in each district, who I bis trustees. So ( w e gi! The fellow, as I shall, after bis appointment, resi lelii tne dts-' said before, as carried to jail yesterday, a trict. The judges may bold eoui tu for each ! midst the ex-creations of a thousaud, people j other at pleasure, or as the legislatature mty' indeed thtjnil is at present his only place of direct. 1 He judges of the sL'iiremt" and suneri- satetv in this part of the statebut be will or Courts, are. elected by both 'branches of the' legUlature, and cuiimssiond durinj uood be ihavior. They can bo removed from offiee bv the governor, o'a the address of tuo thin's ..f push, off a soon us lie cab to some other placet he aeain full of wealth and patriotism. am Tha elenlinn fop members tr hmia nf k presentatives is annual, on the .first Monday 01 Uuly or utuef reasonable cause;. The rea aud Tuesday in August. A member to the, f0i 9 for su removal must be recorded in the house of representatives mro-Hie an inhabitant i0"'3 ofeac,i "ouse of the general assembi), of this state two years preceding his election, nU rlie j"aStf "ptified and heard in h s def'tnc and the last year a resident of the cdunty, city 1 be,re' suel' tI4rrss. shall pass... .They can a. or town he offers to represent s tai.ned to the age of 22 years; and hold in his' ih kJu of ,epreseutati"ves,.nd eouvt tion by own right one hundred and fifty acres of land,1 two tnfds of the seuate. Jusliees oi the peace or an interest in real estate of the valu?? of five;UllvejurisJijnoB t0 lhe amount of fifty dollars, hundred dollars, within the state. Towns and re9e J3 the right of apneal. The judges -ef i ue io- He has confessed judgment for iOO.OOO dot- lariJiiwhose favor 1 know not: but undoubt- bothrttnchcsfilegislatoiforilfu'lireglee 'afa'fuiMM'utihyjman orjneJo-whotn he -is trulij and honesty indebted to that amount! It is said he has gt 00,000 afloat in his bills. the representatives among the' souuties, cities each court appoint their own clerks. gislature have -power to establish o i or more conns ot chancery, separate from htf supe rior court, when they deem it expedi;nt. NEW YORK. s! Extract of a letter, dated dtbanu Jux. 1st? and towns of the state, according to the num-l " There is another prceiWis patri'ii j is. blown bc'r of free white inhabitants, aud shall not be! up in the vicinity ofibs cil) Ca'vin .;-e.esnpu, less than 2-1 nor more thau &6,uulil the number 1 a most furious patriot, of lhe years tslJ and of free white inhabitants exceeds- eighty thou--14 ;' the tinn of free trade and sailors rights, a)d, and after that event the whole number ot tne iiino mai iaeu men's souls, yes. .n.d ttieir representatives shall not be less than 36 nor ' honesty too, and how many of them have lurn- inore than too. Each coBhty' shilll have at jed out ratals I ffrlirThat note of admiration ... - -v I least one representative 1 he senators shall be apportioned among the is wrongly placed. This same Cheesm tn kept a taveru ana store, say kept, lor they car 200,000 dollars 1 Why he kerp'sie patriot two to one. beats the Pough One of his friends and agents h.ii said, that he did not bdieve . Cheesman could be sued" .on liisbill, for, said he they are?in the opinion of colonel Burr, mere barter bilis. promite to pay in cur rent buiik bills, at my store, and .'tavern, lti miles front Albany" j so you seethe rascal has taken advice that is to sav, if his friend don't fie. : , ' " He has but to keep suug for a while in jail the law will work him out in a few montbi with flying eour. What excellent chances, does your 3-ith, 4-5tb, and 9-10th acts ivo to poor honest unfortunate meut-bow mnch grea ter to swindlers who can pny well for -advies" and assistance. x I. , 1 - ' It is really melancholy, Mr? Coleman, that so mSoy of our best patriots rob and run away as they do. AN hen John Adams made that speech about our being sn enlightened and vir tuous people, he kept other company than be j has latterly. . A. Z. - 7 - : . ' districts established by law according to the! ried him to Schenectaday jail yesterday, in numner oi iree wnite taxauie muaoiianis, sot rn'Mu, aumc mwum ins couuiy ui otut that they shall not be more thau one third nor nectady,) from the counter and bar-room of wnicn, ne imis tiaraugueu all who came ior rum.giogerbread', or a draw in? of tea, on the virtues 'of the administrators of the state and general government of the patriotism of their suppuncrs, auu oi me oiua ngni ioiamieo ui the federalists. Sir, it would have done your heart good to have seen - him, as I have, play with his' watch-chain and descant ou "the ex eelieneepf the eider with whieh the army of Hall waf furnished. Gods 1 how be would sink our enemies and exalt otr friends the empe ror of the French ? But this is by the1 bye. CaTvitrGheesman. a'native of some out cast. out'Skirtf 1 meaut to say, town in Massachii- less than one third nor less than one fourth of i the whole number of representatives. The senators are elected for three years by the qual ified electors, and classed so that one third goes out annually. "'A senator must " be a ciuzeu of the United States ; shall have been a citizen of this state 4 years preceding bis election; and! the last year a resident of. the district be repre sents ; must be 28 years' of age hold in his own right 300 aires of land within the state, or an interest in real estate of the value orone tboasaad dollarsNo senator or representative shall be eligible to any civil offiee of profit un der the state, during his term of service and for one vear thereafter, which shall have been created or the emoluments thereof increased setts, took up aVms under Daniel Shays, a memorble leader, who endeavored to revolution Capital prize r25,oo6 dollars' Ticket No. 1.343, came, up this morning the first drawn uuinber iu the Medical Science Lottery, No. and is entitled to the capital prize of tuen'- -ty five thousand dollars, 'lhe fortnnate num' " her was sold at S. and M. Allen s lucky i ffice, No.123 Broadway, to one of the. warriors. of. L the Cherokee nation, who was with the brave. . gr-n Jackson in thetfaHflle with the Creek In,, dians, and who on that oecaaion is said to have distinguished himself.' He is a man-of res- pectability, and a w e stern trader, and was-n here in April last, when be purchased the tick, ef, which be left with John Byers, esq. of this . jcity.. JVVF. tn P. ; ; ;'' l ,V; D RAWING PAPhK of large size, for sale at this office . zzll! 4 ,V1 J:

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