'.V WOT FttlDAY, OCtOBEU lb18l7.. ttitV ID. P..! I'1' - betrayed; assurinz him; that be would readily he knew of Berthier's death was, the fact of its risk hi life to preserve him, and that bis per- not having been accidental t but be adds, in a RALEIGH, (N.C) PRINTED. WftBKLT, B V A. IUCAS. f iHforibUM : Hires dolirs per year, one J v. 'j V Ml., nnllllllM l. UWU1CUU UD QIQ ItUrK, WUO WSI HIIUUUUIIT " t(Ap year 8 UDSCripuon oe-ISn6cu UI cj iioi iuc iuc oiniicr b ictmv- : . ..., uatiagKwuvii lucm fun uiicuui- V ii . t-T- J : ' m I i 1 1. 1 ln . AV J i,.L' ; ; fu. ' o uu uovpreicuu.iu uc iu possession . - iL. .1.- - i.i mnn Hirer? iiimiu duo, i.l notice thereof shall hve beea given.! H-rmnnenii not exfceeding 14 lines, are msertea, t'iricc tor one -loUur for twenty-five tents each ub- ...rt.icnt insertion i ;uY;! in lke urdiKirtluti where there t- a grearer number of lines than fourteen.--The cash mils. accompany those from persons unknown to the rVoPuiisiiptioncanm anv case be received without pi.vv ' -f av ,k ' - 1-5 in advance and Jiadia .; ;'i?ic itlifivr puyroeiit uf arrears, unless at the . ... . "tr! xne EUnburgh llwo f r March, i817.r-.In t.innuer wirtn leteeti vr 'ft .w the f ',')" to ' f-f? . I(, on, and all were at the kinc disposal. Atthif eote, the following Very extraorain&rr partleu- l.j moment the old nurse, who was assiduously ei'jlrsj respecting the other death mentioned by Que great nuisance is the multitude of bee' gars which infest thnlrteis. it is impossible to pas twenty yard without nieeling six or eigh of them at their regular stusds. There are Hundreds olollu r tneiidicaiiU, called monks, wbu likewise traverse the streets to the great annoyance of strangers -nor are tliey the most modest beeeari to be met with. -tVht; ztutr&f. " The king remained concealed in the hoaiejitreets of Paria. near the ehiireh of atSulpiceM 1 begih by demanding esBseially if yTae a r tiu worthy seutlemaa : Tor several aifniW- strangers, who, it wouiu seem, were ae- stranger ao ball lullar, but wiit v rv ar ... j . L-.L.... i - .. !. .i . ...... ' JO wiieu sttu.a circumstance maue ll necessary ini,riuiuicu nuu ucr pruicmuu, ns iney uivueu he should be removed." Another country houejher to accompany them to to the hwe of m was provided, which was then unocecupied -ipertoa who was in tieed of her uRiistaoe. As and a naval officer, whose name I shall uotfthe present case frequently occurs ut Puris, and mention, was intrusted with the secret. 'A'.fw&s by no means-nex to the und-Mjf.v sbecuu- ful and passionate address, from whieh she learnt the rank of the personage for whom she had been exercising her culinary skill was sei zed with an universal tremor; and in throwing herself at the king's feet, overturned the, fry ing-pan and its contents into 1 be lire. of the key of the mystery '; and must add, that tho story do'es not strike us as being over and above credible , , ' A boot the month of October or November, lS14a reputable mid wife, was aceovted in the tv convents and churches. Smoggli-rs chained in pairs are employed tVeleo'a and repair the streets. ... i i, and death of Joachim Marat. &.e. bv FraucU Maeiroue. Uv iid-Je-amp it aiag joacrum: anaamgniy iltlrl-nlHj rxirCl is givcu, irim me luuwmn iutro itiptuv by the reviewers i; JV. F. Ev. Poet. i'i.n not'iiiterei;tiog part of the tract before ii ci;;is! of the advehtarea of Murat, after In, !l-tdvised operations ia the north of Italy l : ( iii d, and he' had been obliged to save u iis"!t'by a prt-eifulate retreat upon Naples with tne scanty re nains of -his army. There h .(Clsiii? in aucieot -warj or the romance ofir (!mk i;ei, more entertainiog than the stfy of lu e?'upe to Krancj ; his concealment at Mifv'iite ; his ubs-(uenl flight to Corsica; aji'i tii wild alietnpt in which he lost his life. AYe mutes' tint wt' feel much less interest in the fortunes of t liis man than l. xVlacirone, wtio openly and honestly avows both ..his es teviu for one with whom he had served, ami gratitude in 'him as a benefactor. . Regard -hi'ii . a mnre soldier of the French school, h iiHi.i Uriiught up iu the contempt alike of death anj of civil datiftf ; whose only merit wos great ciuriige. accompanied with ihe vir-1 titas . of fta.:k tr-is and generosity, which a tb.-tjt'Wei- Sirt: gtaap upon characters o- h' ins: sai'tittjem'-T dark ; cue 3i short of that -is, of military advEinrtr. who h ive retard ed itie imiM owofciH of mankind, and inflicted u;u their hah generatioa inealeiilable evils. old woman, Mose fidelity jjonld 4epeiv : 'Ujx-, Wiii IHfLiO-t-V-iJt jJ08 Itie King, wiaie. la navai o.nicer, ar.a an asociato uanted , were employed in oceasioually attending upon his person in bringing hitu. cessaries and refreshments from the neighbour in J town, and in guarding against any cireudi stanee which might menace the king's riafe ty. ? . " In the mean time, king Joachim's enemies by no means relaxed in their exertions to take him. The report 6f his having gold, and jew- lels to an immense aiuouut about his person, not i a nine coutriuuicu v luurcase nicir aqiiviiy. The rood old woman, who was emoloved to wait on the king, was indefatigable in her at tention. She constantly kept watch during the night,' while the king reposed, and. would ne ver retire to rest but in the middle of the day, when there was no danger of surprise ; his faithful companions generally slept in the town to avoid observation. euted, without opposition, to be blindfolded with the two strangers."" They eottverrd wiiK her as the coach drove on, she knw not whith er p but the motion and the sound enabled hrr to pereeive, that U made frequent turnjugty and that at length it rolled ihrougR a gateway, and into a spacious court, where it stopped" at the foot of a staircase, under a vestibule bhe was now led out of the eoacb, and after having au corere l her eyes, the two ti angers conducted htr hito a tow room, (entreiial.) : where she be- L.l I . I J . i 1 -.1 .1 . i ' ' uiu cxienaea upon a uca, anq apparenuy at htt.. ., UH,ii.Mfc.-.u-I.. ' be po.nl of dissout,on , Mnws.fss;;jUl,;1V are aUo reaiarkable foF their tier signs of life tban tho.e of a short and uW e,. vtut,,alioIi of the e!ergy.-Tbe hcult respirationuterrup.ed by fa ni, but Ir . wi e0 afe ,lllDd90ine, sood teajpered fnd niucb nil f lit liip.iMin. Hi fi Wkb nsln nrl t.liii. (t-il-' ' " ... - m prune to gallantry. wtucU gives them an addt- nis lips swotn .ana dihcKj on a chair e'r thej ,)WR, advttnlHe 10 the evf iif k filruncrui 1 t i. -tii i" '..11 .P. ' uraeians. ly condescend to accept of a eopper quarto. Ihe. principal amusements art the theatre, dapeing, etc. There is not a we k pusses, how ever, but as more or less holidays, which bring with, ihem their different diversions and irraud processions. Bpnday Is considered a. graarf day vf U ndjiera .dejievj, feneingvfuoSr &c. aiid in the evtuing, balls, ear-Uand dancing. '' ,i"'l.ejcopjf here genevally passess a great .disregiird fw Agriculture and commerce, jf;i d indeed for; human industry in general ; an cive prid and am gunl contempt of all ou.er neiil, lUipt i- of the most malignant cast, which drives them to Seek revenge in a most eowttrasy aoa aastaru like manner : there re. bpd was thrown an embroidered coat, or uniform decorated with a star and with several rihaus oi different orders of knighthood. " ' . t ihe two strangers who had introduced the tneir injuuctionH, anu prouueett a lancet, rtic; was thus forced to e(n.j,!y ; on which the dy ing m.in opened hii ees At this moment one " t i i; ; ; ,o.ki-'-. ... .: ,.e u I lueviiaoiy uavs iij ipene j i n mi iiu.i-fuic iui uu iw i ;ti qui ,ji uuii ui iuu i , . i i 1 - 1 ifltifiau.ir.u nin m.t rt ii 17 1 (1 f I . . . . . ..... I . 1 . . . , . . . ; M V3M ' 1 1 .7 1 V. II II . I W ( . V. M . Maeirou vtaruiltJ Iim late which iu M nii'ural and becomui. je may ue notn Bui every oue must be lotfiesied wilu story ot his adventures; which are here related with a great air of tenth and auihority. 'le following extract ill convey to the rderpHrt of the eyterlaitiaent .arc'ifrrffWl trm the ptrusal of this xsiur ra'ive. Murat, by ace i dent, lost the opporui utiy !! escape f- cuMarseilles in a vessel which he t.dil freighted, and in which he had embark ed hi& iuue and his property, which, in this wa. wenr out to sea without him. ' Fortuuaiel) for king Juaehim, it occur red U him (hat it might be imprudent to return to the pbe of refuge whieh he had just quitt ed ; had it been otherwise, he would inevita bly h'ive perished; for at that moment the bi )odi)i.uiiUs who pursued him were in the act of visiting the very spot. . " lie beui bis steps whither chance directed him ; carefully avoiding the vicinity of the forts, or of any large dwelling, (est the first bouse he approaehed might prove to be the ha bilatinu uflbe enemy, tie wandered about the woods and vineyard for several days and nights, with scarcely any sustenance, and witb out shelter. At length, compelled by weari ness aiid hii iiger, he determined to eiaer a farm Lome, where he flattered himself he might not be kumvn. " lie found only an old woman, in ibe house, and iuformiid her tfi.it be was an ptfieer be longing to the garrisou of Toulon ;c that he had been taking a long walk across the country j that he UaiI lost his way, and had no dinner j he therefore b-ggd. her to prepare him some thiag to eat. The good old woman: in the most courteous manner and with the greatest cboerfuiuesii, assured him, that be was a wel come guest, and that he might depend upon be . iBgimiantly provided with the -bei,t fare her dear -rastsr s huoe could furnisb. - This men tion of her ' dear mftster,', not a little alarm ed the king,', who jmmedialely inquired his uame, and if She expected him sboa home ? She satisfied his' etirositj, uddihti that he was only gone out for a walk. Ih4 good woman, dunug this conversation, employed herself in preparine an omelet j but before she had fin ished either her cooking, or her story, her master returned. " The king disguised the uneasiness he felt hi this gentleman's company, who, however, very civilly badebim weieome, and seated him self at the table prepared for the king,- at the . same time desiring the old woman to make rea- uj auother omelet for himself. The ' It would appear, however, that something' biU-wife to this scene, now proceeded t de had led to a suspicion ot the king's retreat ; lor, at mid-night, on the 13th of August, a party of 60 men, headed by one Mocau, son of th'egeueral of that name, repaired to the vil la in which the king was eoneealed. The house being placed upon an eminence, it would have been difficult to approach it in the day, with out discovery ; but aided as this party was hj the darkness of the ni;ht, they made quite kuii! of taking their victim by surprise, which must a if These imoru'lont themselves with n i lantern. The old dame, who was most fortu nately watching at a window that looked to wards the path which the ruiiians were ascend ing, was alarmed at the appearance of the light j, and, immediately awakiug the kic., who was fileepiug in his clothes with his aria.s beside him, apprised him ef his danger. Ifa I he following will give you some faint idea of their superstition. On Vincent's day (the patron oi the king, dom of Val-ueia who flourished about 3U , eare v siruhat she would bleed the unhappy man who! -6J nuu9 . suge. are cm-ted ,u ail the taybefore her. She excuseJ herself on tbe plea; '7;, ; T: '! ","nra,c TVV (if being unskilful in the operatiou, and unpro- viucu . wiiii a luiicei. uie men perAisieu i it reseutetl th- mm-eles iaid iu iiuvt h. en i.erfntm. by this good iaiot. Dye represontatiun is the Saail'k riCoveruiK ao inmeuse nee -.hLa that had been stoleu ; another stuppiug a fero cious Bull with his i.oiv water sprinkler. A i i i . i j .r ; .. i . i. . . . i I hers ol outer ivus iei iu im iik- nrv., to :. ai 11 i :iu chum: , of some uoiKe, whicu it appears diaruied lUiu.j i u.mi lUi, 1 1.. . it... i. .,t.niuii .i.,. I..;t. ,1;' : &i it as-iutii 1. 1. 1., i.i; m i uii. 1 1 . u I ti'iiiii niiu iiii! , ticiiily, ami in a t'.vbhi ton:, pi o'l iutis-ed the; " " . ' ' uaoie of Bert bier.' lit' looked as i lough he! he Host, or Sacrament .ru administered to would proeeed : V iiti JAvi t His bhtek aml'iu-' 3lck pfrsous, who have be'en pronounced j-ast oid hps iu sileuee quivered ; h. luti .un'd and, recovery. It is carried in the day or night, as f iring eyes 'rolled in horrid anguish -then' octfcsiea ua) require, with great pomp and pa closed for ever rade, eseorled by a guard of soldiers, with a " The poisoned man had no oo;.t tjtjiired. band of music. It moves slowly along, the f the assistants left the rco.u, for. some ueces- "' V"' ' ;"i'7,."ru lrm V' 01 . uuse ..i.l ii i. " Rrl' oujicncu iu air , io seauena mem iiHieu, u.t . r .... . , . - . . .. rniiu iiioi nau ueeu cui 10 pieces are initaiTcly Jomed by a touch of his crucifix. 01..I... . .. ! . ,. .. v i'lini w tLi : ' - T.""'" " "uuui.oi me iustvHlv eoverrtd .'limself with his seized bis poinaru lwvyur Z.IlLz'. tals, slipped out at a back door, aud cone&.ied himself under the thiek foliage- of the vines, at about 30 yards distance from the houte. The old woman fastened the door after him, whilst the gang surrounded the house. She kad the presence tf mind to make some delay in o pening the doer, under the pretence of requiring time to dress herself. In a few tnoineuts she disposed of the king'i mnltress, and set Ail tu rights. This privileged baaditti examined every corner of the house, and a party extended their ftiarh Ia llif. ri.ritit nhfl vinavd rAa in ftnttit. which, the king beard several of them pass within a few paces of him, expressing their wish that they might fiud him, to enjoy the pleasure of cutting him to pieces, and dividing oui auer an uuauccessiui searcn, gta oiv'au '''3 mil-wife, ui cnnipiianrc w.t-; the or- his s they left the bouse. The king nitcrward iu" formed me that it was bis intention, iu ease lie hatl been discovered, to kill as many of his as S-Mft of "ihe .'.rangers,, sewd un me shef t; willed, a,r akm.t .jeliu;'. , ,i, o,i betii' j:;m. Olindfolded, shf wa couvt:d tro;;t .... - 9 I i .,: . :.. i - . . uiL,fcs eiiiiiiiumtr. uuu ueariu in uieit ua jus a in a '"5 igbtti eandle of wax. f his thev believe ' ..... .1 - . 1 v v- iu- o-'ii preset. "e ci me iJeiiy. loo are ri?nvil ol JtC&tTproAcb ivJii riIu or a. this uivflcmus and horrid se.-ne, i.-i the same tien-. as, soon .s tl'appearik- dowhuvon maaner as she had been brought thiiii.i. joui knees-you must gii, and lake oil your h'aV- I hse particulars ol this mysterious death, r ')'" 'ue your life. If in the nijht, li' tl which is undoubtedly the same to which -M. Ale- nv-st b placed in ail your windows. If in li.e nars alludes, formed" the subject of a solemn de- diy, your balconies must be deeorated v,uh position upon oath, made before Ihe uKnis'tcrof crimsoii, silk, &e. police, by the mid wife who ha 1 -been so ; The country fo;' several miles round Va1en strangely employed. I must add, ill it this ac- cia is o;ie continued plain, under the highest , count of her's is implicitly believed by-1 hose', state of cultivation,' presenting, now, the appear who are the most competent judges of her cha- ance of a 'New-England August. Luxuriant racier and credibility ; and who, hesules, btiug fields of wheat and corn, with plantations of acquainted with" much more of the uiatter than olives, mulberry fig and orange trees, fitc. The (have related, see the connexion which this dis-"-country, however, wauls that diversity of set- , mal paragraph holds with the rest of the story., ucry. so common and beautiful in America. For inv part, 1 do not think mi seli wan anted,' You. art soon lired of wandering over a pros at the present moment, in saying any ihi.ig iur- peet which presents rta- same ohjeet at i verv ther. Aly readers must be aware, ti.ut to duil j torn of the Vve. The soil "is extrtuit h ieh. on a subject, from which such serious auera- a.id ps)0 last pistol at his own head." .Edinburg Review.-lrom the same number sassius as he coqld j and then, rather than suf-'l'on might he deduced, would be hirly iiicou-jry month-briu fer himself to be taken alive, to diseharite ins "stent, Doth witn pruacuce anu witu jubilee." cew harvests, s ... - ' . rm. i .. : .1 .. I . . . .. .1 .. .. -. i . . requires a c msuieraoie snare o gvioo. il.a tured credulity to believe ihi story' NVe uiUst first. 1 think, relinquish the current oVihioii. i i i. ... - . oi tnis vAiuaoie periotucai worn, irom which, that nieu never act without motives. we gave an interesting extract in yesterday's THE CITY OF VALE NO I A , 1 N SPAIN Extract of a Letter of recent date, from a young .... ilostouiaii) mtv in Valencia, to theEdilor$of the Boston 1 atrial, " i am surprised to fiud, that so fine a cly as Valencia is, coiilaimug upwards ol one huu Ir.r. who, as may well be supposed, was extremely hungry, had begun his meal previous to the -v deetarstion of his host, that he would join him. yfe;"No one who hail ever beheld the stately fi'. stiK an,i,j!e couotenanoe of king Joachim, nuld'ters1 bim ; and our hoH, who, though be bad hti?f$ uim bad yet seen his portrait in the Marshal Xsfe- he ThUillerisj,. as will as on hi's, own coinsslhe gtsiid Dutchy of Bt rg. and the kiugd.mi 'oflViU pies, and had also heard of hi U ig hen in tntr trieinifv at well as of ihe persecution to which he baJlWu subireted, s.ion reeigi'is:d in his guest the per - sou ui vne rioh- rrj svai5 uhkoi - -wuhv ery maL ol tht-atost profound respect, wuh rears in in - r-te. begged the ;kuig.to pattlou tue iauiiliaruy iato which he had been paper, vve now present another ' J V. Ev.Fost. ' The rest of M. Macirone s tirk contains an ttccouut of what befel himself upon his return from Corsica7. hither he had been Sent by prince Metternich and sir 0. Stuart, with the oflVr of an assylum to Murat. (su his arrival at Marseilles, he was arrested by M. de Hiviere, and grossly reviled by him, for having been an adberent of Murat, and having obtained for him the protection of Austria, fie was tuen; ti ougti acting uuder the authority of passports au credentials exhibited to the marquis, and admitted by him to be perfectly regular, throwu into a dungeon, and treated with the greatest harshness. In this state he was kept for about three-weeks," and then sent a prisoner to Paris, where, after strict examinations, according to the truly inquisitorial forms of the Frebcb pro ceeding, he was finally set at liberty. .' During those examinations, he was interro gated as to the circumstances of Bei thier's de cease ; and Having mentioned, that he beard of his having been put to death by orders, he w as told,' that there was a connection supposed to have been traced between - that aveut -and the mysterious 'death of a ereat personage at Pan's, in October or November, 1814. M. MenOrs, secretary of M. de Cazes, the minister of po- iicte. in order to obtain from him what he knew, said, that " a great persouage had died at Paris, under circumstances of the greatest mystery, privacy aud. suspicion. That his death, &e. had beeu witnessed, and at that time, bod been kuown ooly to two individuals. 7 He. added, that the death of this personage, and the murder of l5erthrer, wereTivt particularly eon- uecled, and that oae was the cousequeuce of tee other," M. Macirone answered, that UI di ed thousand luhahiiauu, abouritiiug lu'eicgunrhnei, kept at bay 800O Spaniards and English and noble buihiiutfs, . well worthy rue tit' ie- tion of the historian and the inspection of the traveller, shuiild have been so little i-aoup." ; " Vahnciii, fruiu l sea, can be b-i purtiatiy seen, 'iu consequence of ihe Groa,' oi shipping fort coining directly in front.- its iutreept the view. The immense to w er of the cathedral, however, is pi.rseptlble a jreat distauee 'as also are many domes of the churches which being1 covered with burnlshnj tiles makes a ve ry pleasing appearauce. From the Uroa to the city, the dustauce'of Which is about two miles, is an elegant waik, called the Alameda, which is most beautifully adorned with orauge, lemon, and mulberry trees, with a great profu sion of the most choice flowers aud plants. The walk for pedestrians is paved with handsome flag stone, and on oue side runs a small canal. TheotberiTappropriatenl-for-flovVerafboursi benches,. &c- The whole forming a most ro mantic aud. pleasing scene. On first entering the city by the gate of Del Mar, 1 was struck with the fine appearance of the piazzo t. Do mingo, which is a flue square, containing many noble buildings, particularly the custom-house, &c. Troui this 1 was led to expect au elegant city, but wag soon disappointed by finding those narrow and dirty streets which characterise ..... . . . j . . . aii yuc principal cities in apain. lie city coutains many fiue buildiuers. among which may be named the Cathedral, .Exchange, Hospital, . the archbishop's palace, and msuymmtity, es two crops of wheal a year Eve gs wiijb it new seed times and so that the husbandman hns no re spite the year iound. Apricots, strawberries, cherries, ,&e. are now io great perfection and plenty, and for about 80 cents soificient could behoughtslo fu'riiish' a desert fur ten people. A few days since 1 visited, with u party of. ladiesaiul gentlemen, Murviedro aboutia miles distant, where once stood the aneienl Santiiilu.n. The towji contains about 500 in habitants,, who are principally engaged ia ag riculture, It i defended by a strong and large castle,., where the French, consisting of ; ;ooo niiaer utn. uoaciie, who were compelled o re tire. Among the most conspicuous of the rusns, tre plainly to hi seen the remains of a Roman aulpitheatre, situated on the declivity ofa hiil 9000 people i't Is said could be accommodate' hei e: and tf.p gradations of the seats are still to be sttea. ' v K, . r . ' .. " After all I have seen in the new world, 1 E ant again to visit my dear and native place. I ave seen quite enough of this country to dis gust me. and to render the one I left far more valuable. I have seen sufficient of kings and nobles, to endear me still more to the be'oved and simple-Republicanism of my country : -Ttat eonnfry whose rising greatness 1 contem plate with so much pleasure ; that cjbuntry of which 1 am proud to eall myself a citizen. It is ind ee4 wit hp rid etba t i iy r it I am a citi zen of the only free country on earth. Feared and respected by all, whether enemies or friends. The will of the late, Countess of Letrfm, who lately died in England, was allowed, although it had neither date, signature nor witness ; but if" a9 sworn tq have been found aiaonjr A her papers- and to be her writing; .c-' HAPPING - PAPER, . drawing, dec "writing, 'eat'i,nd"vareHtf6ols-eapa" letter da lor sale at Una ofLce, by the ream or ' - October 1, IP v. 'ft .. ,-, - it'v. t1 I