:.'-J.'' :3ttW ilk tteedincs ri;. tkft United Pro- f ' unit i from tne nen oi P oeteeedov, President: of the Jjeoot Ayree. It is ooe of the . 3 j - .... :.!: ta lha me- . -. . m ( i.ki-i nun isia iusMiv of thatl. Vencounterin the lent of KLtw v s-r9or to some defect far the laws that the mhrclry prosecution b.19 wholly faHed. it is as impossible to conjecture Xi it WQua oe i cd proper ni nus uuic iwdiio hid . wcu ....ir.tt III V .,ta DK JTa " Bjfoot Ayre.. It one Juftitew4 thenar pf the civil law) to K r -,. ..n.i ;ntriittins1 manifestoes oi a o1i...J :. .rMi: r have Ter seen, and eanoH ! eeneral attention. The eleganc till iw w - a , , Ai ulf' in '!l ,...n,ite nernn.1 altercation ha taken pUce .Mm-ftd Mr. Mercer, on toe iorul election in Loudon district, Vir- It wdlbe recollectei thatG. Mason purposes or. Mercer's right to a .eat s ana ws T jr ditch he pare tlMt gentleman notice ot nu . I.., mine aurorinel I should ' . ... U lomantail. ifMr. MeM ' ..idbeloatM the nation at this particu UilC"" 4 ' " - a Ills splendid abilities, popular .. jn nv.nt In r.'.-itratrin .- -.--.-.rj. oana'hlp nPiloinff more rooa man '.T rmin iiiiHv..,- a r-x wl. uae Utelv been m opposing VW44tcst posture, orthe qnarrei may JL h.: .oi.e u-h;ch appear in ine iiiu;wi"ji ,v T'rt i wol of Loudon. .M ..iJnt. i,Hr!rraoh of my nnswtr to -,Mra. of Mr. Maion, the application 1 ... iAnai4 hv hm own aCK- 1 .vi"' leve mi. Bihi5 tWthtrK di n rfnlvt.. hi serwid, than tbat 1 cai,Wt for- WaottTtct an opinion on the merits of the case. If ib fallare mar lie attributed to any defect in dor Ihirdai COde. WOUld t Pot Oe alttDjeCl i m taeworiaj pe woi Mnete, nmcavn oy "; Worthy the consideration of. the GeneraT;As. and aliwto knew him. ;. . v die tt&tde ef Mocovouth. tvhen-our aTmv press ed, by the enemy advancing rapldlTGenrWashinfton asked for an officer, Cot Ramsay presented himself, the General took him by the bftn.1 and said if yon can atop the British ten minutes (till I form) you will save my army- CoL Ramsay answered t will stop them ' V faO, be adtanced With his party enrsged ana kept them in check f half an hour, nor did he retreat unt3 the ene my and his troopi were mingled,. and at last in the rear of his troops fighting his way rwrd inkdnd fell pierced with many wounds, rasiirht of. Loth afmiessdded. to this he was one of the best husband! father and. friends, sembh to profide for such' a revision or a j.-. : .i 1 hus- i. : t.t: XTEW GOOD98. BOND, has lust reel mewinicittoi tuc muiua laws a. autwi j-mj - - ... , . . " ' 1 , r ,. c . f tare eriabfc the Commander ' in Chief to act? S?"f" mora ucvumuu iw iiwwt-ii Son4bleternis. il OtiCfe--All those INOEBTBDt uuicnucr hi uuuu. nuie or kmiiik h are requested to call knd settle tlie s.me with ier McRne, bfSrteedsborottgbtwho.is fully autb 10 k iia anu ajive uiscnarges. JOIW McBAE, w IJth Oct.. 181. -aft of Sneedsborogh, j. V e . v, : .'..-v.. :: ' ' if ROARDIXO FOR STUDENTS. Tha ahhsr.riber will (aMrn.fiv itir .iv ir AT IV 8TUDaVr8roWJtigb'Aiiny.'WWlefs Mf.the: next session of that, institution. TThe session ;ii Vi commence pn we, m woooay m January, by whica time he Will bo well prepaed for theit reccpUon, and eatt ' acotfnlftiodate them oq reasonable termaVv v, -; ; A .v - 'VV" s, ;. vJ.GOFE&E. : . - 6ct. 30, 181?, 'f-'V' 26-tf Li''" '4 A young Qentlewia from the north, wisnea XSl to find a situation' in a eobd sebnol.er aa With more tlCClSiOa ana eaect t Wirwwm .onable terms, tie has anine a rarktV of other articies Fed, Rn, ; i tne follovrinf cloths awl Cassimeres, pelisse ClotM, j tC. Rru was release from his: VUtary. by a writ of habeas corpus, consequently the fcoart mar ;k ghtwla;. eton tlb. lutestrings, flortnti-e .bandanr nv.ioj. ,- y , ,y- ttt-gu.-y noes. ,HARpWABB-,ANU CV4LEBY af ? K. RAMSAY'S. UNIVERSAL IHSiO purrs, Bill and panneL saws, glaasaiM putt, Shin by 1 v T p p.Ljii ., n n,v.;.;Mn : the box. nuew&a!. ehelb.f kl brown suar. col- JLf . 11 J -"' .OTM1 f U (eeinteshoechewiii inttA . . inm and sUU.DOWU rami SIIOI. "' w vT"tu v it tiU had nothing further to d uMiiu -rit Kv Hum to- the cnaraeter oi.ti .ju,... bv'rrtertinj upon hitn the language oi oic rd Ubul c F MERCKR.r If Mfl Mercer intends in the last Waehing inirtanian, to apply the termv 4 blaekaard ml bully" to me, 1 cannot hesitate tw pro nfl.i.icebim to be aa infamous liar anil scorn- dnt! ..AttMlSTE-VOT. MASON." Oct.ssth, t8tr. Xev'-To--k Ballmj i Ua follnw'mff letUr from the wlrlX-iMririnesf, has, forth presont, quiets J the minds oft.V cjtiscu- on-tM subject " " ntriHT-iEt ofwah, ocT. 24, 18!7 S,B, 1 am directed by Che-President to ac k i Hv!.'Jge the receipt of the letter which you add osel to him ou the 9th instant, in relation l(l a sMiet which has nntortnnateiy giyen risi to s i ':pleasant conln.versy between the cof p.,rali' of Nt-w-Ynrk and the general officer .enmoiaiidtag the troopi of the United Slaies i.n (!iat department. n,,i;t Ki-n tnnwn to the president that -Hie erertin" of bMildiogs on the main land ceded to the United Statas adjining the Qattery at New York, wn contrary to the wishes of the corpo ration oi'lhat eity, he would not have authoru d the erection of them, and he deeply regrets Ji-it he was not apprizad of the fact, before th" corporation undertook to direct their street e ;iitnissioner to perform an act Incompatible, alie thinks, withnhe ceion,of soil made by -.-,-orj-ii n of 2VYnrk, and that of ju f(tin marte by the sta'o to th United Whether the United States hare or have not rist to eret buildingaof the description eon lemplated bv-Uie commandite general on the ground ended to teai by the corporation of New Y.frkt.iv.i qi"15 ""V"1 which, as you justly ob serve, tie j .idieTal authority Is; perhapsr alone com ).'tit t decide. Uutil such dceisioo, the P -ti-li'in deems it improper to, perform any a, vhich may be considered a, relinquishment ai' ineiright. With this reservation he does n-.t teiiiij, ioa spirit ofabcimmodatiou, t I i! i:-.e wishei of the corjoration and the ci!i n of New-York. 1 have the pleasure, t!ierufore to. inform yuo that orders have beea g :v-!f i' prevent the reetion of tho buil ltos; in q i stion, and to remove the materials. 1 have th; honor to be, Wirti great consideratioa atd respect, Your ob't servant, (Signed) G' 0. GRAHAM.- J.u-..!) (ladeliflf. Esq. Myor of the eity of New-York. NpfW-JEnsET. la the Council, Jksse U acs w;is chosen Vice Presideut, and Eama- ZKU Elmer wnselected Speaker of tho. "house of Kepresentatives, at the late opening ol lb Lesislative Session. Isaac Williamson is re-elected Governor of that State for the ensuing year. The following resolution las passed the Connecticut legislature V Resolved by the assembly, That they enter tain a high and respectful sense of (be virtuW, j gallantry nd ayal skilly of - their -fellow citi zen, commodore Isacc Hull : that an elegant Sword and a pair of Pistols, both mounted witK -gold, with suitable inscriptions, and man ufactnred in this state, be procured j and that his excellency tho governor be respectfuHy requested to pwscat the 3'4me to the commo- UtJIu Willi it i-upy vi iiiuvuui., '.j tokewi of "the high esteem in which he is held by the people of this state, for bis personal Worth and public services ; and that his ex cellency .bo requested t do this in a manner which heshalll deem most exprestive of the sincerity of that esteem. The monument of Gen. Morsau, stand on the field of battle something more than a mile from Dresden, and though Extremely simple consisting of one granite stone, is very expres sive, it is surmounted with a bronze helmet wreatti and sword. The inscription is merely " Morbau, dermHd, fiil hitr an der se tt At.KXAND2ES.V - - The Hera, Slon n W, fell hit bg the de of ALKXANDCa. iT SrSS to he delirerdl three at ,i t o- fttttS'- 1 months ti;l the whole art completed at g3 Mpe"4 XLb?tlvr voume, in plain binding, or Mh te5lf gSlW rftozl r 'f-.'1 " " THEATRE. IOON , , . - Wajibe prrjented, l ubitrs excellent comecry - ; '"in acta, ca led l K HONEX'A After which, the farqc in 2 acts, called VILLAGE LAWYER. For characters see the bills. Perfonnanco to begin at half past 7. Raltigh, JVorcembCT li, IS 1 7. . . Mr. ffest, has nearly completed bis ?al oaiatios udoii a subieet derived from ThaU"- wtlatioHt. mity. it is eharaeterioed by terriiic subli Col. Paul" Behtalou is appointed Mar shal f the District of Maryland, tieo llio mas Uutt3r, Eq.tctaed. . M rvt . trnw nuiiuii.il uiri, v.tji.. futupki?! tv ere produced from one viae, in the garden cf Ir. F. L. 1. L ride, situate on Ca Uwba, near Lansfard, (S. C.) COMMUNICATION. Tho General Court Martial ordered to cou venc at Newlki'n a second tunc, for -the trial of General lloberts, has, it is rumored, been discharged front any further consideration of the rase by order of the conimandcr in Chief, l lius, the military bubble which has excited o inconsiderable interest in this section of the State, has at length exploded or in other words vanished m imoke ! ' " It is generally known that the charges iainst General Roberts, were of a most sc. ; rious nature ; and having been publicly and solemnlv made. 'the honor of our militia and the dignity of the State required such an in vtatiaration a would lave removed the stain from the former and adJcd lustre to the lat? r. it is reported that a strong case was nudetmt for Gen. Roberts by his most able anu indefatigable counsel, jonn u. uvkj .'m. with a view to his defence before, the i Conrt jn June last, but the General did pot r om Tta rbw-tohi evexio hjst. Tlieatr cal Last evening introduced to us. Mr. Phi !! pi from the Drury lane and Dublin Theatre, being his first appearnuoo iu the, U nited Slater. The piece which ho very judi eionstv ehoso for his debut, i tailed, Tnt Op.'- ratie, Jleto Dramatic RoiMuct f th Devu-s Bridge, aud whieh, under a miserable name takeu from an incident in the last aet, is, ia uur judgment for music, plot aud interest, pro fmble to any opera we have ever witm-nsed We saw it, with great pleasure throuhou', al- lh.tT!i we evoa arred our eemoss ta hthcuie alon with us, and were only called to lav it aid eeeasionallr. The musie of the piece- was composed by Horn arid Brabant, and of course, was particularly calculated to shew off the powers of the latter to the t-tmoit advantage and equally well those of' the de butant, wjiownsjyl gmr sinevr's. . . m eat i Jlr. Philipps7 fame had prcccuea ouu, an ! be was welcomed on his entrance with loud ap plauses ; but this was nothing to what he suj i shewed ho had a claim to, anu which was, on all hands, liberally allowed Him. tin person is C'l'iu, nis lace intelligent ana nis voire, sweet, flexible: and of great compass t as per fectly at his command as a violin in the hands - a J f s . . a of a master, no runs nis airuions rin roucn facility, and exeeutes bis eadeuas wttuwoo droos skill, returning to nis sunject witu anem- rhatie swell which uever fails to draw after it . . aa t- srsTT a the plaudits or toe wnoie auaienee. we, now- ever, sometimes uimusi lucuuru iu iuiuk uc left us too don. Against this style of singing, we eonfess our prejudices were strong but we are uow convinced that ihey were in some mea sure unfounded ; and i uspeet they originated in witnessing tho abortive attempts of those who were unequal to the arduous task ot exe cuting it, and still more rrom seeicg tne muis- criminate introduetion oi u into every species of musie, and consequently into some, where we sUll think it wholly inadmissible Sueh as the Irish melodies, the Scotch airs, universally, and the English ballads. The Italian Cadenza n such musie is as incongruous and as much oat of ptaeisas embroidery on plain rich velvet. IJul luere is a totauy niaereni s that of the s,ongs composed by Braham, and for him. in which ornament may. be liberally and judiciously introduced with greai beauty and elfict.- Ssuch were, last nigiu, toe songs 14 Though love is warm awhile,", rls thers "a heart tint never loved," "..M'i but fancy's sketch," and more than all the rest, the bra vura, " In vain "may that bosom." But the excellence tor which Air. finlippi is Darticolarly to be valued, is bis distinct and clear articulation every syllable he utters is perfectly pronoooeed amjjlst lb hnest moiJu- profits of the publication, are to be appropriated for the support and education of tbe-chikivtn of Or. Ramsay" (eight ia rumber,' four muks.and four ftnudes) who ? claim the attention of the., .mencan public." -' Vr.,Ranwy first conce.ved the' plan and importance of the uildertakintr. while an exile '& St AXJinistine. du-. ' (In Jklantl'lil fi-nriiim? the 17 tk VOT. i ri"K revolutionary war, upwawls cf jlbny 'ears ago?' Utl MQHUdy evening , tuc l ' I Immedtatglaiter bia return, he yai appointed to tbe conned or tuentateoi fcoutn t;:roina then a member t6 the continental conpres, m.d presided as President r Ufii. during theiiboence and Cickneas of hi Excet ccy Juhft (laneoeki jSiCnt. t the entire utisi btion of his -countrymn. Vie' T&eti ,;td'.' VsinaiHse, to sjl pabhe i 7 ; and privatc papers, sS " wei'bs'the' advice of tsWlnwsl' i incut Uttrnry ana -nuuc characters, wno wereuiitru-, m men'tkl in pslhlishing tlie American Independeoce od the propriety of Ui is Valuable work. -L Dr. Rumsay was tlje authof of many valuable works t : ! and, as a writer and an historian, '.he stands unrivalled ! oii this side of the Atlantic.- His History of theAmerr j can devolution stood the test of criticism in all countries; , rndipg himself on History ana Clironoicgy, tie set s ide his profession, to the sasi-ifice of a tbrtuiit., andsuf-, fertnl many privations for tht (completion of an. Uoiver -ga.! History, which should combine that of the Western (;om iMent : Bnt, unhappdy, before the tiling was com pieted, he was .cut off by the hinds of an aesassin. It I therefore, dep-.-nds er.tirtfy'with the public to soy wheth j er i siviir. appear o? remain in obscurity. 7 j l'tie woik begins with that pa t which relates to l United St ttes, t'nin the first settlement-as English colo-- nies in o Z, afiu u D.'ougiiT uown to tbe termination or v-1 K ST.TE,3NK0P NttRf H CAt (LISA. " JiaMgh, 14AVo..iJBi7. A MEETING of the ttioekholdeis of this Bank is reques ed on Monday ihe.Ut of . 1 the late vai, in 134 . ' The whole ia conducted by a so B l sit oi ; cciY of litci wry tn.lemeni the princ ipal of whom is the IX cember next,, Academy buil linjji in this city, I rcv. Samiul Stanliope Santh, late Pret'iciehLirf Princeton lor the purpose of eL"ctin Directors, fcc. Stockhoders tjollcge, N. J." f.r the honor and dignity ft the nation, Saving it m vikt power i nujua py yoieoy j:ray jtnis woi'K ougni t be iiberauy pau-onizeo, as it is ine if authorised by povrer'-f attorn Hv-order ot tno fosni,.- WM, ill. HAVWOOn, Cam ,.-.1011 -SAL15.. T'-e repreeuutiv.c t' the .n '.t to tne ir'v r tu.n-.it it .'I.- d fst rd in ihei.i hv t!-.j i:tt will and :n;"i, tii-; vh ci'ib.o truti'- thv. J aroti .hicJi he l.;'sy r.Vi-.r!,itat!Oj a8"it -2,U'J.- kcrea ; ly- iiv in t!e civriW if W;i"rcn,. w-thin'n- nils and half of w bti icso prmgH, 1en m.k- -i-uin .1 Die . tuition is g-joera ly ta.iy.-ii an : a. :j. uhea'th it is surpassed by none ci ;'ui if the mfumluins, and s;v the pro'liictioni : ind'Tobucc., there are hut fw id.-utitioii try thai eo ld t Th wh..ar. d.spo VYarrenton '.1 'o. prmt ..cottier' side j.n, Wheat in the coun m purchase ti.i 'njx'ri y" ll in..' -io u ihf .r pre.' ns to li;s. J.V hC ) '.' -j'l"ig jn Do pr-io 41 -T to . Mr. it !, ci.H. Jon:' W .m n-,'. i. H :r,ofs i scd to p ;rCOi.'':Kl WilO i - '4 1 -CChWilt- t'with-tlitfi.'vl? .-.' lid'-L vf-ssra J ihh Brodie, I. 11 Johes, J.cnb Hui)Tvf:aiullGoirge Murjiliy all '-o '-utii 1 ve in the ncigii'Mi ho id a:nl are wed a&qiumted h die ld i.d its biindaries. Ge iticm n who wish . 'purchase land- m t )"altby cnu.vry and in a iie.ah. vmMioo.1 ajVee from lUul; as any ,t!;er win do well to jyioiTas poMSibleneybnr caniK.tmaHe li conveir.em o pay t first' cf thkiadeveriindertaken by an American, and comes, vrithiu-iht marj of j ricwe eveiy class of the com!' umiiity to possfcsH it. OalerZ ... 27 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 i - ' ini. ii i ie at un. i!,ird of he jwirciiase money' on rf emvin a tin. Wsrren touniy, adv. o, io. '28--4t. Utions. Lord Clientprfield save, in one of his letters that in order to enjoy an Opera, you mut leava your common observation. - .r ". h , fjEATUS.-Onthe 12U tilt-.'Anna MtUda,l intanr daughter of Mr. Johti jerkin, of Newberrij-Iii the same place, Mr. Joteph Oliver, Sen Mr Creipin, and Mrs. ''t.MttAetf Otith8dult. at Mi dedgevdle, the Rx. fltbtrLiTntey, president of the University of forgia. Xear South .sVasliington, N. O- on the 2nd, Mrs. Sarah Jamei. wife of ll.nton James, esq Lately, Cot.'N 1T11AN1EL UMSAT of BnUimore, who in the revolutionary war listingn-shed hupseltasa brave, me rttorious and humvie officer, e was loved and. es teemed by all the army, particularly by tho grat, good and doaeeroisg naan. Gen. WsajwaJas'. V ..' ' THE GREAT Positively commences drawing in the Ci o.' B. It imorc, ON WEDNESDAY, ZQth of I he present 'Mon th ( JSoi) 100,000 DciWarsT) 50,000 Dollars. f $0,000 UoUars. THE LOWEST PRIZES ARE FIFl'Y hOLl.AKS. W two Blanks to Prize Only 8000 Tiektts. TUE VH!LE 10 BE DRAWN liu ;AUC i l N ROM;Rog$ frri 1 Zy,fr'oni'he commencement of the Fedei alCvnirt, un ' 11 tb-j'tKue ot tie session of the Assembly, J1 Ifeddthe'r . L . ' . . TiCTlON SALES at theiong lii mi, i". Ahe'laJe 'rs. -Cass'8 buildings-w Thevesn-'ct alirg- stippt.tf DRY GOODS. HART WAilR, CliTLKKY, -J K W KLK Y, VA I UHEs, Scc.'flse. No gxo U u or delivered until' paid' for Those persons h bid off g'KKls, and neg tct to pay for them, must fas accouiitabie Tor the loos susuined, on the re-salei wit the .cilrniim'iiofi. lifov.yiii r" ; - S7W - ,Oli rt VLE my houses and lot in th village apr 1 Ii jH- ibe let eontaius to con- X.-- rtumand is vtuatrd Beady in 'he centre of dV vilLiije. I will also sell a rraci of land conv - 1 of venK'nt c! taming aLott 700 acres in the immediate vicinity of tpB University Vh- houses are wed adapted either for boarcf- ing, or a ttvaii. . TPtEASSNniKNDERSOWr ' ov. 6, 117. 27-3U , ) In Eqrutv, 5 Oct. Term, 1817 rv TRKSENT PI13CES Le Tickets Halves, . (iiatten, Fifiti, Eighths, Tenths, SLvteenhs. i ll d 3 0 STATE OF N. CaHOLIN A, ; . iOWAM COCKTr. Allmond Had, lwis Sexton, Joy Greswauld nd Jo.' it h s wile, Fanny Srxton, Sarah Sexton, Alra S. x ton, Orrin Seior Samuel Sexton, Sophia SeXton, Kiisha Oiwlev tl-roy Co-l'sK Hussel Cowles,' Rachael Cowkt. Annelid 0vLs, Vathan Cowles, July Hendr in., n. The'"; I! ndir.an, J Mcndman, John Hendmair, ;itil WiUi:.rr I km! man- T anpennns to the satisfaction of the Uouri . . . . mm a that es.ll the above nameu parties deienuants in th s s iit. do not reside withm the limits or this siate? Itii tt t'tf re ordered by the. court, that publication be made i r s s weeks successively in tt.e Star, 'jmd the ... Minerva, newspapers printed' in Raleigh? fo? Suid de fendunts co' fr'vard within the three-first days of nes ii'im to be held f r .!te tounty of Itowan, at the fJoiii i Hi Ufii 'ti libb . ry, on ('tie 2nd Monday after the , 4h M-md v in M.irdt next, and ..plead, answer or dc-" niiii i", ;thei wiie the complainant bill wd.bc taken prcJ coiifsw and hesrcl ;x pane as to them :'... A truec-.-pv, C ARLES FISUEK, C.M.fi. . 26 -6f , i 1. 'VTO l'lCE. In addition to ihe sr.n, launder whieh roof tht 141 Ll addition l ihe Uhmiu Ta ere are nine-' ten roijs,) 1 li..vcacvereI-out Tooms conven.cntl anij comf' juuble lnose. incinoers ui ine apprpacn.ing senibly'whoinake i-tirly sppKcation Will find thesisciveS'-; crfniibrtably siteed. Transient "persons' will wd roosi in :iilt:iBi. C JETERs, ItiilhrS' til) Oct. I8i7 26-tf.i.r TJ. M The iJni;-. .. f aycrn hr. undergone a thorotigU rcpui." ti'tce the last session of the fleneral A: scrub' y; , C.J.-. V FOR S VLF. Al' - G, R, : WASTE'S . Old Established ' and -Truly Fortuvhte Ltfttry and Exchange-Office, corner of St. UfWfdJine Market street, BftturiMuu&Xf J Where his !eeii sokl the Highest. PfijMi'i't-'Wii in the UiiitedState?,, :'jHr.K: . siXTiruousjmjMoLUtns! And numerous Prizes ofVjyO, g35,09Cir gJO,C00, gjj.ooq, S2a,ooor c. &cTkc. The Prizes of the moove Splendid Lottery, ae all payable in eash (no Ticket PrizM) .at the Bank of the United States, i B l timorei , Q()rders from any part of the Union, ad dressed to G. & U. Waits, promptly attended to- ' ..." ; ' ' ' . .'v :' ' Y Purehasers of a single Ticket, or shares to th' a haunt" of a Tieket at AVatte's Office, will be entitled to the Lottery Register gratis during the drawi&jr. - Oct. 7. : .--'' ', . ' ' : - .--z '-; 4t. ;. ; ii .V (iO(H). Curtis A Stephenson, in f.ii m their friends and the public, that thvy h:.re- iwt received lrom JS'tw YorJt, a gem-rai va extensive asnortmesn oi lmi iiwuu, nunnivM and G1JOUKR1ES, which thty are now opening in Abe home formerly occupied by John Armstrong, esq. a few , steps east1 of the markeUiouse and next door to Mr. Ncwbey's stprei'which they will sell on the lowest terms for.cflsii or produce.1 . .. Fayettev He, Ocf. 20,1817.,. 25--tf. MEW GtjOnS. The subseriber has just yi relumed from New-Vork and Philadel- pl.T-i, jvivii arrextensive assortment of DRY OOODSUARDWARE, &c. ' Well suited to thi present and approaching seasens'-j-, arkl which he wijl dispose of on ihe most reasonable. terms., ' . ' ttdeigh,.Sept. l2. 19tf TsWT E W GOODS. Benjamin li. Smith, rest ii vpeotfully informs his friends and aequait- Unces generally, that lie has just returned f om the NoYth, and is nhw opening at the corner or Ilarget anT fv-vN sV ts. near the Market-house, an elegaat . L.uui4. oi rancv anu oumw w-t .- ries ; all ot wmcn no 0- lrv And GroctiV the most reduced prtc.s for.casb. , ," ov; 7, 18U sposedtosellsfi if l