mjnarelal Treaiy, whieh cpeodUy'- ri)iu(l Iter. Tue French ministers were obliged to accede to the demand, as they bad bo money, though the eoaieqirruee Vwere fareieenT The ..doeuaiettts in the liureaa -del .Affaire Etran ' gres would prove this 'anecdote England, in throwing away the advantage, hernaval Eowrr, acted like Francis t. atv savia, h aviog stationed a battery of 49 pieces af eao non (in those daja a Dumfcroaitorec of artille . . rj) and whieh bsttery would hwfi assured bim tnfc Victory, interposed (timsetf and hie ' ens d'armerie between the guns and the hostile line so that they could not fire ; and, drawing hi magnificent grand obre, ha. lost the battle. The uavai blockaie was like Jobbing the body with oil (o prevent perspiration, ana then uf feriug, at my fare does: it this momvnt, (said Boijanarte) an eruption, for the want of it. If jUnglaiid .aade ue of her maritime anpen-j oritj, (the might send ambassadors ut comtnauu foreign Coarta. Now ibewifs insulted with prohibitory decrees in nv ry petty State. With JWloa jr.en, he repeated again aud again, Eng land eaiv noyer become a Coatioeutai powe. ; bcsiJes, the attempt wanld be fatal to that freo constitution la whieh the English so just ly pride themselves, and whieh, in truth has been the source of hef extraordinary power, commensurate' with her. extent. What had been the result of her military efforts ? She had got possession of .his person, and an op- . portnnity to shew bet want of generosity. She had disturbed ti. legitimacy ax thrones, since he wai Che lawful sovereign ft ranee. - He wished fiyrgeaerat pee a If war his true interest, cad the only way by whieh be could be retii vJ from the rock on which he was now confined. v - He then entered into a long personal tirade against Governor Lowe, on the treatment he had received, an J of the many misrepresenta tions of hi eouduct which bad been put forth. He spoke of Xir. Warden's publication as un founded in almost every particular, and express ed himself in the severest terms of Lord Ba th urst's speech. He was surprised, he said, at Lord Sidinouth's aud Lord' Liverpool's want of . decent propriety towards bim on the discussions as be thought he had shown them civilities to assure him a more liberal treatment. England, he concluded, was in a eurioq predieameut -she has wou all, and is ruined." who departed titis Mortal! life, AurUe t2,' U thai CermerlyheloDged tethe .unfortunata-M aed C8 rears and his wife Ann Saadarlandf " Qaeen iof tieots, opoo whieh wa enrraed toe Aran i cngiaaa, quariereu wi in anoae oi ANCIENT im)IAN FORTt?ICATIOK-; TO TBS EPlTOfcS OV TH lVAIhr4H REjpU8.IJ Lampedosa, Little Satllfa Neck, (GeaY? ' , , . . ( : -HOetobef 6, 1817-'," : " In submittiog for pnblieation the under written true description of an ancient Indian furtifieatiorif I am warranted Ln the opinion, that it will thread with pleasure hf, many pa trons of yon widely circulated paper. ? r; 41 On the river Dover, a branch of tlhe greajt Satilfa, in this eounty, Camden,) there ja a re markable fine bUS on the right bank, on which is situated a very aneient Indian fortification, lhave viewed it particularly myself, . as well as many of Ute most respectable gentlemen of this neck and vicinity, all of whom agree, that it is one of the most ouegnifieeot ancient forti ficatious t hat was ver disfcof ered in ibe United States. ' It bus undoubtedly stood fojr iehtun's, from (be decayed situation wbi,cb it is now in ; bat,, from the regularity and strength of the vvoiks, it is obvious that Jhere mas.have been by far more au iugenuMis race of Aboiigines than the preseut tribes, or those that were iounJ at the first settlement of this country. Each side of the fortification is about 00 feet in length, and (.hey are almost parallel with each other, and the walls, which are made of evster 7 " f ' I W M. IVI w shells aud a kind of hard mould, are now more Baujoewaugie. A prodigious quantity of ciu maa leq leec min ; out ui uuu.i,-vfptaiij dera. earia uuc Saotland and Irond, and whieh wa: produeed duriitgier trial at4in jvideaea that sd aspired to tho English i Crown.' There is iomi thing euripus in tOAhistor? of this diameod. r It pass- ed rem -Mary, to . her , gr4Uidsou,.CharU-slst. wno, ai inBsca,noia,gftvp it w Areaoifuop j mi ton, to, he ' transmitted to Charles 3d. That Priaee, during the troubles of the times, pledg ed it in Holland for the sum of aooi. sterling. It was purchased for 820 joounds sterling, tor the Pretender, as was supposed. Afterwards it was owned by by Couut !Ua Dake Argyie, from whom is probable, it descended to the fa mily of Admiral Jilutehford. This diamond is said to have neon lately purchased for the Pnuce Kegent.JrOR. paper.' DUEAliFUL YOLCANP. ijalavia, Uarch leVarious letters from Baujoewaugie mention, that towards the mid dle uf January, .vho mountain Tdieog, bituaied at about 2 leagues fron Baujoewaugie, began to break out and spread tear and de&ulaiiou u vi'Mhe surrouuding country. Ua the uigtU-tif the M& and "iith Jauunry there w as a great e ruption; unmonse columns oi. ure aud smoke aud iuflammable substauees,' ascended from the mountain with a noise similar to that of thuader or artillery ; the earth quaked even as far as stock,' fofck.. a: I constructed, Were considerably higher the ton of whieh is now very even and broad, suffi ciently so" as to admit of heavy cannon being plaeed thereon. The seite on whieh it is built aud aaiid vouii.ed funh by the moun tain, soon covered all the utig!iIijriog fields, aud utterly destroyed the crops of i;ice, whicu be fore had tlie must beautiful, appearance. .The air became s6 surcharged 'with clouds of alli es and sulphurous smoke, tliat it was scarcely possible to regjiire, and lor several days alter the light of day was seat eely visible at Baujoe waugie.. The greater part of the birds have mriaheri. and alum llttt rivtrs notiiiuir IS to be are as strong as anv part,' whieh een bU jeat figb Hoatil)g oa thourfaee of the Pl'li01"8.?!: water. Enormous blocks of sloue, and trees of ja prodigious buik were precipitated with a feariul crash lrom the hiirftesi mouulains, aim is remarkably exemplary of Indian ingenuity, beiug plaeed beside a beautiful spring rivulet, and aotwithstanding which, it has a very com manding position. - At the north east earner of the fort, there is a small found out-work, the walls of which are as stroue as any part,' whieh admits of a narrow tication : and it also anDears, that in this bluff was situated one of the largest towns of this ancientlpeople, there being several large 'mo"!ovePwUPmd in jbeir c of earth thrown up iri Urge masles of th dead, ; fl. crv liug wLich t woo are iam ou,in regular Birnia, uucuoc an other j aud there are also large pieces of earth en pots and other implements for domestic The Philadelphia papers state that a full length portrait of Mr. Elias Boudinot, 'the great patron of the American Bible society, from the peneil. of Mr. SuW), has boeu placed in the Gallery of Painting-) at Puiladeiphia, for a "few days, when it is to be conveyed to this eity. The portrait is spoken of as surpassing any of Jr. Sully's former projection..' FROM tnt WESTCHESTEh FEDXJWH4T. i Mr. lf tier. -Accompanied by my friend T. I tofk a nde last week to Chester, the seat of justice in Df I a ware eonnty. The town lies on the west b ink of the river Delaware, II miles below Pbiladelphtaj and twelveabove Wilming ton. It is laid out in handsome squares, con ' tains moire than an hundred houses aflcr about one thousand inhabitants : the principal streets are paved. The publiek buildiugs ewasMt of a Court house, Gaol, a Bauishing-bouaeViends Meetinghouse aud an Episoopal Cburc)L The Court house a?d Gael are situate on Cne south side of the uiaia street f they are beth iof square stone, plain adconvenientandjiiV eYaanleat ed in front, by aTdouble row of I.jmbardy iJop- . Jars, forming a pleasant shade and an agreea ble walk. The Court-bouse bell probably, shows the time that the uaildiogs-were erect ed : It has east oa it, ( -;0BESTBKri?'S9.nr " The Episeopal Church is built of brick, and is very ancient ; the steeple, "wfiieh is square, J ofst$ne, and entirely separate from the church. The bell is evidently of later date than (he building : it is not Targe, and has east , on it- ' ',.':. ' . ,. -: "T ; " aooER.RicK, eiiEBTatt 13." The burial ground is one of the oldest in PenuKylvania. Some of the tomb-stones are more than a hundred years old. Our attention was directed to one in particular, remarkable for its antiquity rudeuess of sculpture--and jinnlarity of inscription,Tbfi following is a faithful copy : . ' . . Eor ; ; ' ': FHANCIS BROOKS Vbidiedin Avg6t ' the 19, 1704 'L - - - Aged 5-J years . ;. . . V - . crvel tyronny ' ' , ' ' f .:f t lor ten years together ' : ' ; I served in slavery '. " V '?,;- After this iSeity broght me! To my covntry fair . At last I drowned ws . " In. Urver Detaivare . ,. The inside of the chureh is divided into four . compartments, by two aifles, one extending iroui siae to siae, 10 tue double doors -tue o ther from the pulpit to the extreme part of the n chureh. Fixed in tbe wall at the bottom of the Qaiile, opposite the pulpitis a reddish sand stone sxfeet by three, cunouslv carved. . It is di vided into two compartments. In one was cu!, in nauasome styte, an hour glasi- death apai aim cross nones -a. bell, the handle of which is grasped by a human hand a spade, crossed by an i&struwent-which we-could not make out a aecond bell, and two instruments crossing eaeh other, but what they weti iuteud od to represent I am not able to exp'ain. Ou an. elevated, part of. the atone in this compart went is inscribed' Vint Jileinor. Lethit F. JFit. JIora,' - Tiie other .coutpartment eon ta;u a Variety of huresj representing, proba bly, the at-xus of tte deceased, but i tin not suf (uienlly. versed in heraldry to speak certaimy f its intent, or learnedly of itsei41t ha,'t,i4 ttiftei ipiion t ' Mti nntf 'Juy, u in.',--.Qu ihe bprdcrof tbrltooe was svriv course houses, bridges bey encountered. i he rivers, every wljere burst their banks, and in nse. many plkees rose as high as 11 feet above their ordiuary level. The affrighted inhabitants rk-J from all pans i. J . e 11...:...... . .... i in iu ii r . i ii u .nan a nil inivii . i.Hiiiiirvi nil iit. r ; ibMuH..! r - j j ' tmpunant rmprvvcmvn ere'atoDDed at evcrv slew in coi.scquei.eo of rawer We have lately vuitea tue paper if ,V , ,..h:.. T, mill of T. Gilpin & eo. vu tbe Brandy wine, and witnessed the uertorma-.cc of their new ma chine for manufaeturintf paper on an extensive T ... . . tseate, which promt res to tie an important addi tion Lo the art and manufactures of our coun try. This process for making paper delivers a sheeit of greater breadth than any made iu A merica. audvf any ienith iu oue eoutmued uiibroken succession of hue or coarse materials, regulated at pleasure to a gieaUr or less Uitck uess. The paper, when made, is collected from the machine on reels, in succession as they are filled, aud these are removed to like further progress of the manufacture. 1 he pape r in its texture is perfectly smooth and even, aud is uut excelled bv any made by , hand, in tbe usual mauuer of wurkmattsbip . it piskocfces all the beauty, regularity, and strength of what is called well closed aud writ shut sheets. Ihe mills and engines now prepared arc calealaled to do the daily work of ttupviper tars,and will employ a wiiter power eqilal to aluiu: or 15 pair of mil atones ef the usual sizev t7 The apparatus and mAutiije arc on a princi ple and construction entirely uew, aud are pa tented by the inventors here. It bos boon very Mpcnsire, and has been biougblto its present tale of perfect iou with much labor, ingcuutty aM perseverance. '-It is with nluch pleasure wo auuouhcelhe Success of this machine ; aud tit hope it will lend to secure hht couuiry against the iinporta tious from abroad, which have ho much inter fered with our domestic arrungeun ut ; and c are also much gratified in believing ti&t its es tabiishmeui on our own stream', so immediately iu the neighborhood of this place, will' aid its improvement, and add to the valuable,nmau faetories on the Brandy iue. ' ; . ' ...rv - . : ., ...T. .-toirajr' WathlimMF1" r r I ,,f ,n rmiittf Kinip riiiiliar-l ini nns&li; i' h'.' lilt" inundations aud the destruction of the briages. The subsequent news are somewhat more as suring; ihe mountain has ceased to emit uuy' more tire ; but the atmosphere continues dark ened w ilii clouds of ashes and smoke, uor havt the inundations yet abated. The desolaios oceadioued bv this disa.trous ithenom.euou j fearful ) aud there is teasou to apprehend t.iai it ill occasion a great scarcity of provisiuus'. Many people are buffering uudrr diseases occa sioned by the bad quality giveu to ihe water o v the ashes, and a geuer,ul mortality has scizju the horned cattle. Iu tbe district of UAbang a mouut&iu tumbled dowu ou the i:7lh ot Febru ary, and but led eight families wno dwelt u oiler it. A similar eveut took place ia the ikigiti o lhe4lli and fill, of March, in liie district ut' IV iaga, was re a number of houses, wilt ail thei iuinatesrwere iu a like mauuer overwhelmed iu ruin, aud not a trace of their existeuce left! JeOEXICALu r no it ti;b democratic i-bess. ' A &ONG. In familiar vers, on the auspieious event of the . - ' ' Election. Old School" and Aristoci acj", - In un:ua close combat'U, la vamllicir utnio.t strv'lgUi tcft, 'l'o otoi-ni the free bom iniiitl- ' . '. II The peop.e steady in their rbwsL Uettiat ihcir boaised kbtll, , Rtfusu to.hsten lo thuii' talei, And cleave to principle, ', ; ' . Ill The demotriiti - phaLuix firm lJiiiitng ull coiuroul, 'fur muiily Finding frive ihcir ivotci, " ' May Pj.ssstiVAu, luppj slalf, ". Jitnv, ;Mdcn days bcbold, . " With imivei-a:! auifrskge blest, Uaru ac.livc, wiite and b4d. AX .:MI(i3AK CITIZEN. PluUdelphia. Oct. 24, XU7, ; As we are ufraid that the editor of the aleclic Magaziue mav uot understand aeriber, is ply et 4EDICCTES, In addition to his former tnent very complete Among1 which ace ti.t Glauber hd epffom saUs, Hocneiie - ko JUp and tthubarb, : 1 ' Ipna aitd: i irtar eoiet ; Cream tartar and seuua, Flake manna & magnefcia, Camphor and cloves, lied, yellow & pale bark, Dr. 8uford's do. Sugar lead & white vitriol, Crude and vitrdated tartar, Jalap and rhubarb root, ' A luni and suit pet re, Suit tartar lit wormwood, D v;r's & Jamea' powder, Columbo root, rrosaandui powder, ' ' ' Calomel and calamine, Calcined zinch and magne sia,' '.. Crude and glass anlimony, Pig blue and blue stone, Whi and red precipitate, ruilU, gross ii in powder, (iad nuts and uuupcg'.-f, 'ITinspareiit &patm soap, Uuitor and Cavide, do. Irish and northward, do. Blue, rod and yellow svu$U-balls, Mace and cinnamon, tiuin, garoboufre andscam inony, r Guur emmoniac. Gum benzoin and opiunn, Guin Dragon and Arabic, Gum alo. ,iird assafa-tkia, GU:u guu)-um and copatl, (ium shellac and elimi, Uorax. Catcch ar.d mezeron, SarsaprJla and liquorice rinK aiM oiacK biiake, t . Turmeric uikI aeaceu, do Gentian andVinseng, do. Myrrh and rust of iron, Ctvemieand long eppcr, Spanisli flies and blaster naive, Cochineal & ml sanndcrs. AVhfte Uanelia andtjuajaia, Dragon's blood arid pastor, Fol. uva ursi. and sacin, tix lov and storax, Bitiu ap)le a;).l madder, A kaiu.1 & whr.o hclicoure ri;, O.'rts 5i b:.tek hellebore d . C"rititdcr, em aay St Car- d;uum seds, anise and 1'cnnel, do. r -.vers buuzoiu Mid caiu- 'uioinilj, Starrs h.. n shavings and I- 'SW0- g..i3, Fly stun.' and spelter, tH.vmaceii -nd white wt, Salt of li:u-tsborn aud soda-' Salts diuretic and steel, .-iratu.c aiid nux vomic, Topioca, sago ancl arrow root, ; ( Pearl barley, Flower, liver and roll, sul- Oakeahd hav safron. Crocus martis and powder ()f t 'l!l, Precipitated sulphcr of animonv, Collith vitnol uruliitharge tlx ract liquorice and gen tian, Extract jap and Mav-ap. pie, Extract of leid, Ualsaiil copaiva and tolu, HiUsam Canada Etsuipliei-, Ualiam of nbji ia, Venice tui"j)entii)e and Uargundy pitch., .us.ur a;.d sueet oil. Oilofcloves and amber," il viii iwl and iiise, -. llil juniper 8i peppermint, Oil ci?maiiton Sc spearmint, o.i,wr:ns-cdJiad vitno ie . ai'.lscyr-" .M'X-jate of b;iry'.es Et iron, Spii'.u of luis-horn' and n.tn, . . Splr.is oi'laveiHler & u ine. 1 Orange peal and annat to, Nunc tiiu inunutic acui. Vquitfortis ami quicksilver j CjluruLian L lluai'leiu oil, , which wjl b Sold wholesale aiid : eU:l, very low for PlixirVitroIlfc mtftffr Antimonial wine a..d i onum, , - Essence lemon and ber. mott, 8" Oaten-mii's drops tStonrt- ton's b.iters, ? Bni.sh oil and Godfrey'. cordial, - ' Turlington's bah'am V , Church's and Lee's ts sence mustard, Church', vegeubl lotft,. Mercunal&itdi oimn.-,t Dr. S'.eer's opodelduc, Wafers, bhek and i- j scaling wax, -Lead fviK.h, and I,rjtln rubber, W;itt-r c9lors and, pei.- 'L Durablfi ink, ,io ,os,,r' -Itfizor sTrop and 'shawti bcx.'i, . s' Hri asf pip- nn; slud's. Spring ;-nd thumb Lf. ts. .run I other placers ' Surgic: 1 p-xket b'.vki, ' lrop, ni?.r' ! 'ii-! c - ',osv tie a , mortar .i, , ' Xon.!on whit, trig in kdt, T. doi. Jry, Spatiiah bro-.vn BkejrSj , Do. do. ilry, ' Yellow and ston ,re : Verdigris and g-rood, V' fmlion and King'j yej.. low, Vtnitian antt Indian red, H-d !e'! & Vrfisian hh, l:itent yellow iJrop 1:,' digo, timber and onL.--Ivurv and l impb!;. l'ummiceandrotti pMjo and cork.v WhUewash brt: !. es, Matter's and slir.c, A !es!i, . : Sder wire and t ,'. toodi, Hair, r J oiaii dhee ),! irkir, HutJer's bo'trii-.s buckles, l:. filor.kmg 'Ho flst a:ul vw-p. :. Do. black, red rM .iowikim, Harr'sad UoeUlaj-' t id,au smiff. Seotcli and fripppe, J( Snuff boxes ajso'rtet1, Itest linseed oil ' J lk st Spanisli cignf.j, Sand j)i.)er aiui 'frur, " Gold and silver Ie: . . ... o:icn iace, Uilijrent eras, " Puity and window glass, Spanish whitin-;-, Best linseed oil) JtesU.'opaharnish, Nails ami brads assnrW, Ued cords uikI plough l'mr Cordage, d'.IK rcu: ize ttum. cof!e, sugar o Diu!asSc9, ; Sherr. h. I'eneriffe w'm. s, ' "ct'-i 7(1.(1 Malaga, . o. Port-and Claret, .. -J. London & Phna. porter, Hot t imperial tea. H.S -YfJlirc flvsnn u' 'an m. nt d. ..!:. do. ;. wis T.a- pat t-o . r' su "WIT. i-'au giu r and e' St. IVeheh hmriAit C -ppcVaS, eiipcr & ginger' P'd:.r and shot. lolais a..d kirings, Clario.kt, llutes and ?.ttt AIinom:a and raior;s, --'t'tMHtratTdr and p!up;bs, An usuortmt'nt o! ccnfreC onurieS, Lime ji::ce 5. lemon acid. Shop iLi'nituie assorted, Cotton and w(.,d care's, China in boxes afjioie.L Crockery a.id e;lass are, Green und ehve v'.Js, Itotlls, jugs and deniijc hns Vial and bottle corks, A co .sta.it supply of gar- Frog taken out of a rocAr.--Therc is now rin Mr. l eal s Museum, a Frog, preserved m rits, which was t&ked alive out et a compttcl stoue quarry, at ths depth oi' about tt let hc low the aurtaee of the earth, aud it is inOBi bie that the auioia could have ever .escaped from the eavitf in which it was enclosed ; it vr&s fouutl by two quarry men, ou the larm ui ' iug or be able to detect the beauties of this! Mr. iVatuan bellors. Unner lJarbv tuwushiu, iruiy guuiime inorceau, wo nave taken tue trou- fir uiiidi tram 1 til it del n ma, ou m 48tirutH ilrRuwateit, iu order that luc said editor It or c.u a bhort ci . to those v lio niav be rtUd on UaXDOLT':! WEllfl i NrOI A constant supply of Table and AiJum Salt. I c.-i n.., i omuif as usual. KdeigliJ.lu'n.'C, ;8.7. -......'.,, 7 tfi LINE OF MAIL STAGES MJTWEENPK. TKltSBUUGAXD KALBJIGH. ie are respectfully informed that the"meau-jhe rubli ies of this! ' JL iKs fi" Egyptian antiqidtUs.-'e have learpt with Ileaura..tii4t , Egypt still continues tw alio id to our resuteuis auu travellers iu that couutrv a rieh harvest of discovery. Wt are led to ex pect shortly, i'roio Mr. halto our Uonu geueral in thateouutryr a more eorrect transcriiti of the inscription on tne column of Diocletian, eom mouu eueu that of f owpey; luau iuys. Lili.cri.o appeaVw jiaud we understand thiti lie aOi ardfut trLt"er, assisted by u foiugu nlfacer of the name or Aviglio has uot.ouly succeed td iu traus)griiugfiushebes very tuierestiog IVui:- luents oi Lgy iitf&u sculpture, hut hasvilo dis covered, a passage Cvitr ihe solid rock, -400. feet iu length, uuderfe great pyramid w ith chambt-rs at the lower cMreaiily, .uud tv eoui utunieiUinn witli the mysterious well, tghicu has. hitherto puzzled all our antiquaries , und. tra vellers. . lixcavlious have "also been, 'effected anijug the iepulehral structures, in the ueigu hothoud upon the desert'; and atuuugsl other euriosuies, a small temple, and. siuc gjan'.Le ta ble, haye been discovered between tup Lien's f aws and The hiux.Lmd,Iaper Z:Tr iiiter'd the budte of JamesK The late Mr Tiluiilil.iil r ii.k t Z.'i' . , . i , , ....... tHy cjumivi . i - . . . . r ... : I . . i' I a. m t ia t I " auu coutliiued to live in the BiaretHSV HH"i"y -ocP "eu am bt aviiouuio, nuii MU v.J Hihncv ar 12 iwou and arriv th it day t oout o'cIocK. on 1 uesuay tae 31st. iuerou renuers enjoy u iu lis utmost neilecliah. ivieburg at b r 0 is in exeei!ent order, with fiul teait and sober attentive drivers, tt'itfr'p&d-iiij gcs, they leave Petersburg every Morning ut 3 o'clock A. S... and arrive at IClcich'the nest dav at i'J. Leave t) tautiland JUerchaat ia Upland u i'eniilvauia the Admiraltjr liad in Lis pesacssioa diatuond .i'jif. paper. A KITE BUltDV SONG. 4H , J arses ' so schmoot dat you way reat dem ? u been iio rise m ichlick ah urease, Ur efen dem tut i'i.iis. ' The greatest in travel ins on tl.. I ."l.il.lVi.IV.IIIh bill. u.h the stae tare. Pasaeiiirers may idy on tire paid in making them comforiv, Lne iaiid their conveyanct kilt o i)nce ot uiovii.ot-r, tiiere na briudet n his-Tiinmeukrudick Bress. He Oult Skul e poya, and de Arisdokrats Dt ni.ue deir roakiali akreenaeuts, iDai dey v.uj lop u, Tiainieykrais, Oud of ower rides als freeiueito: U" '' ,! Le Rjkkhels ley dit " Dint deir eyes," Unt look'd-rite strate peFore deni i lint wuddein listen do delr lies, . Aldough so mutch dey dit bore dem. - IU ' . . lie Trmmeykrats dey kot rite mat- ' ,Jo luutuiids-r licai-ts could pe,. Vnt vent rite btrate unt but Li deir fote . l'or deir own schweet litfr FiJim:!;. " i , 'i :..." : IV... ' " If raaVray STATE hat spektakels, " Howiurdy she utile see, " : Her tear little poy how sclinug dey Uvels, v - Uuler her Lippcrty tree. , .. . (. llransladet by BEiata O ske-ass, tcmwni kiderbrc der Of BIT L4XK.Wi.0IS. , , .- a .care uiid.itlentiou will be paid to t'?C- b it no liability for losses or accident ei Jy I J from this olfiee, without iermffi ,-. sion, the ti rst volume of U)ou Quizntip (Huntingdon's N. York eiitioa.) . - The bokten . iMUMt.: t;ifOLSOXiv .1f'il gl. 13;7. Si' HE. Oi'r CAROL,' V i. rCuurTZri NiU'.ij.m'ro,j! eooxTv, ss. He.mioun, S pt. Ttnii, it U Isaac tiicks .sen. rrir John Jl.cks, j tin! Original at tachrnent levied on land. . .. rT.E defendant nohiavin eutered his-iiji . JL'.' pearauce, a. judiaeut by defaiiU is grul r llie plaJUlifT and a w; . I enquiry awaultd hi in; 1L eVeeuledrtexT- tenn. Ordered, That the utleudani p. pear at the next court. 'f p:e:nd qia.-tt,run' be.leld fix Ihe.CcmMy ni' Nor hampton, on t'ie C" Monday ii JX-cember ici"t, replevy and plead, other ie judgment .final wl be entered against him, and that s copy of this order be inserted tin-three months, succes sively io the " Jlinerva" priated and-pubkshed ia C City of a)cig!r . '-.- ' ' ' , A copy, Test, - ' ' 23ull, -. . -j. c. 1IARK1.S0V, C.C, i 4 i.tiWivi r.'s;- av. ii tin V, Jus t r mj a m-4 ,uaJi4ia v-- L 1 f ci,MM i.o.i J...A rih nt ilifi Minerva clfice; Rules and Mr; Uoylin's 'bobk-storesi pn JQKf qents ; A, SliR.MqN, delivered in Kaleigh', 'ov. 1" Hi. tW.Jnl..t r .1 1.. ......nor. bV Cidu, n 1). Pres-dent of-the Chirersitf of or. Catbli.'Va, l lVaud':t'thDi f a nUfliber ot c i.