. y' ' '' - . - i i n i - . . J. . - -.-1. . s-i..:. !':- -rvr J 7r 'J r I I 4 ! I.S inanceo tim being, it fany duty to inform you, that the f- tli? year coWraetVcing with the first ofNovembeY, M8i0i and ending with the thirty-firstjpf Octo ' ber, 1817) tmbracinehe public taxes of every ' -UwriptionThe" Dividends declared by our-.-" thm 8everalBahk&'tf?f the Stacker Shares held in theni;fi3pedtively -liv this state The pur chase money or proceeds of the vacant ana un appropriated lands lately entered and paid hry- , ana "sumiry payments oi arrearages, growing i out of source jOtherithanrtatatjin--amoant.to one hundred arid forty thousand, nine hundred, and seventy three dollars, and eighty-sti cents, (140,973 -86) v":V;F,'''V''';:;r': ;VAV ' ' To this sura the balance reniaining in the Treasury cn ;the first day of November, 1816, aqd thereafter to b accrtiiited for, being added vix. oiie inmdredahd twelve thousand and six ty dollar and ninety -foar and an half cents, as reported to the last General Assembly s a sum loiat oi two nunaren auu nny mre auusaiiu,. tne preeniTOpnwi , vKpi"' Conanterabie prosxet9.DM.uao wsvu mwc m im-nt levied, aus ; - - - . r- . : v ' minarinar and deliverint over totha State Bank the Treasory Note authorized and ordered by U of ifilBChaDter thfc etfcTbst work progressing, ami wiii wuwwu ;yt frixlosing is cUeportjit may perjharpa, be. cessary to resorlto oi make any use whatever oft' the nower with which the PublicXreaaurerwaiL invested bf the last Oeneial Assembly, of bor rnwinw money for nublic purposes, on the faith 'v ' J . . and creditof the State.; ; - V " I have the honor,t bcVv v . Much aud fespect'ully, ; ' V 'Gehtleiuenj ''1 '.' Your obedient servant, . v JOHN HAYWOOD, Fub. Treas I Raleigh, 28tlh 'JVov. 13 17, IlXSiU)UOUGH ACAUliMY. Ibe exercise of this iostittolitfu, vfil r-com J. WITi.KRJPOON, Prw. . . -; .31 tec 1817. r Ou the first dayf January ieatthe cai oFibelate col Arch.to:iU Murphy, decW, io Ctfi . - - ft. at ' " I I - l ' ' anu tmrty oar ulnars, ana eignty anq an nan CWnt wuJ be oldoiiacriitot twcive monmu, 7 ; CUtS IS foroiU (254 0. ) , ;. - one or iwo . l;kdy Negroes.- Alau.avUlUWeijrt om this ajacreKatesadbursements have Imd sitoated. on Hyco rk, U 1 II.UIL.A 111 14 1 riHIllkW. lffil UIll UiMtv " - s lices .made, within the period first abOve-men - ionedtV amount of tnQ' hundred aid thirty 't thousand, six, hundred atui .thirty two dollars, ! v ai4d Seventeen and an half cents ; the vouchers f r which are in the hands of the: Comptroller, :iid ready tor the inspection or examination of t!ie Committee of finance. 'f tite Expenditure, taken from the sum total Vi&ve tnen'tioncd. will he fuund to leave a ba lance of one huudred and twenty two thousand i u Klintation of one hundred ahd acres n o.k1 re- nuir -the land wtu De soiu o.i a " yearir. Dec. 1, 1817; JOHN M'ADIN , ALBX. MUKfHUY, A, U. MIIKJPHF.Y, 7 - uu iixecutart. "frtP appriA to if ho isatisfaetion of rthvoart 1 U -.Htiat'tUo defendint: is "not an f ialmbiut..t)f Ute;'ftatew.nceiore. ;orwrew yi'v.ryv!rB W-weejctio U);takh Minrys tbat jmleta M ap. B6ar i?5ie ' next court of pfeW nd qoarter'aeasions to hdd'orf thelh Motiyrih DeceWJer next and fiiead tudffmet will U taken ftf dip plaintiff demamJ, . ; v a IV n' Pl I R. S A T; R.-.-Ia ' b u ns aneo of an , ..-jig,?- I order pfthe fiaari of Chancery, wUl bo sow ,pm nacuaied ft Mr. HOUrut nteuuc, n. awi- BLK TRACT ofLANH, -beloftgmff to toe Daiieea of f w. XrituiyaAnV'aecTa,; ana lytng " .ne coqnxjf ui aiu, on the Westerly side of tknoconry swamp, aWut eight .00 n'Lnv j.nft luvm or niuiiuj,. win ut taww ylVir. - 'It ttf eattmated' td' 'on.m 996 .aeres.'.of which th prbporiion that i clrared & under coltivktioB caHt mow .bp nude known with pel ta'inty.' V The crediCwbcti wdl be long,) and Other terms, w it be niade'ktioVn on the day d' siale. 1 It is expected that tile tract Wrll said in seper&'p p4i'cels. v " JOHN JJ. BLOW, C & M V .EJentoVljV 22, 1817 ; ', 3l--4t. lO ri()E All those LNPjaBrJfiO to the subscriber by bond, ue or book account, are'tcqucte4 to call t settle the' SAme" wixffjfosan- der Mcliue, of Sneelstajrough j Who W UJy auXbonzea w setile and give diseimigeii. ' 1 T JOrtrfMcHAE, - r' ' " ; iue of Sneeihbtrogh, fy. C. i?thOckl8l7. 24 uJUt ' " ' ( ' ' ' tttbscriuer will lake live or six JMALK SlUOrlN TS,ot ;he Ualeigh Academy, as bu-r-ler dur. ingtho neat session of that institttt,ion. The, session will commeuct; on the 1st Monday in January, by which tim: he will be well prepared tin- iheir reccpun, andean accommodate them on reasonable terms. J.F.GONEKE. Oct. 3., 1817. - 26 if teriber, NKS, t ano uimjl tvjea is former, stock. , wdl ihaca hia ....V , ment jwsry complete fr-fAnwnj which th Vuu i articles s ; '-.:' i.'SL' C,A:r. . :?... -v .ll ... " .'.i'"l't' . - . 1 . t .. j u - -v xliTlt'.K Tnkenlruni a irutiK. on iubu i' l inst. alter UviiiiCutend the house aud tour hundred and two. dollars, and SUty three t muruered Vte owner, Aadre Scoil.) i. nui rL- Ra .. : : t.h.oii. 1 .,ulnn t, n r.wMi.il.Thu; amount. two noUs and c- jl fBUICINBS, FAINTS, II YE d rUMM,; 1tJ &e. &e. i'hai subscribers have for sale cents, f &U2,402-63 remaining in the Treasu-! count to a considerably amount. notea on Jvrtin i , P .ii.ti fe a m.m j- othm- arti. J . o . . 4, ..it. tti.iiikinrt ftiiil one lop tliree uUtl" ' . . i. . rv ol Hie State oa the .first day of November Vr''uVu, vn, ..uweiifjr!le. trtmeionowwn . ...... iu the present year-say on the first day of No- e'hmli and .unefedoiUrsv one on JomT Hart jCoid press Castor Od Vtf.nbcU817r-yetto'be accounted for. . ' forone nuitdredVeii or fifteen dollars, owe oiiJa Brad- -West India ditto . , . ' . r ft 1" 11. IJaiucII I nr I lllr till biu-v tor twentv two uo.urs, oiks uu uu v ( Arclrd.i tor tourieen uoiui hwuhikli,, .,..- -- .-- twelve dollars, one on lloetl ii i t nineteen dollars, H .rle.n Od, 0 i Vitriol iweivc uuuM, i.u!.! , uii Sect Soinu ot Nitre one on Jonn ai ivumuc iw . ,fri,ii. ,.,.,., ,TJie-ic abave,,incatiaed is. farmed or made up of the following Items viz : taxes properly called, . .. 91,823'59 Bank i)ivideads as follow viz : . The 'State Bank of, N. C, in Decera ber last, per ceut, . , " 12,500 00 Ditto in June 181", at the rate 5 . jverjeent, . . 12,500 00 The Bank of Cape-Fear, ii Oecember : laat,,4 per cent, . i " 5,70 00 X)o. iu June lSlTit the rata -Ipr. cent,5,7r0CO - I'he Bank of Newbera in Utceinber last 4 per cent, ..- . , ' ; - ' r . 3,770 00 Ditto in Juno 1817, at the rate of 4 , pe rccnt,-; " 3,770 00 ..The putchaseMoney of lands entered 6,35 66 Sundry pay ments of arrearages, not arising jlrpm. nor growing outot taxation 2,712 8 1 - J', s 140,973-06 The nett amount of the Dividends, above tneoiioaed as dcird by iho State Bank, on the shares held iij it lsj Nor l!-arolina, . alter deducting the lit ereat retained by thatr corpo ration, as due it under the Act of 1811, on the unpaid for shares of the State up to December last, ,was eighteen thousand, four hundred and forty three dollars, aud se venty six cents; which sum was paid over to the Public Tresurer, iu JVloney of the emissions of 1783 and 485, and $vcas thereupoQ burnt aud destroyed as the law . uirecis. - ,. , j .-In obedience to a resolution of the last Gene ral Assembly, twenty thousand dollars in Cash have been paid to tbe Banks uf Cape Fear and Ncwberuj ia part qf and towards the shares held in toem, respectively by. North-Carolina, and which remained to be paid for ; that is to - f aj, teiT thousand dollars hive been paid to each of the said banks. V .;. Ai though the Public. Treasurer has not ceased r .to be mindful of the importance ot the duties , tfijoined bioi by te several Acts of the. Gene rai Assembly passed for the improvement of the -iMlaod Navigation, of, the State,;and has endea touredto acquit hiuisell of them in the 'best UUijuer in hia power ; hois nevertheless ruled to add, that with the exception of the ttoanoka and Cape-Fear Kivers, our water courses re- main neatly in the aaine situation as heretofore so far as he knows or believes : and that but little if any thing has been done towards meet ing the probable expectations of the Iegisla - tuie, With respect to te removing the obstruc- tions in them, or any 4f .them, andtiiereby ren dering ihem mure generally useful, , Atthe.late annual meeting of the Stock-Uol- . tiers uf the .iloanoke Navigation Company, the I in Wayne county. .. , . . U.? , ' Caniharidcs, Tartar E.netic Marble Mortar & PeslU With suhdry otber note, and account not recollected j Suffar of Lead Op I of wi.ich-?.omri altperaotls from trading to, : as , JJ d all well as loos; tiut owe- trout oavintr except to me, (JUA.tUtaSUtjri, nwir. 31 3i. Wayccsborough, ?Qib N jv. 1817. Vermillion Starfh, Nutmegs Cinnamon India ttubber Best Linseed Oil Lmdoh lorief Annat.o . Puttv & Window L.nidon Maiiard Ciookcry, China and Glass Wjii-e Glass (ea.T.o:'Tariar,3-i.i.soi'do. Best Spanish Sars , r . .1... . l! L !..:.-.. . .-'.A- .1. - turn ocan.ii mi Verdigris, Copperas Rhubarb Jalap. Calomel Mulder Ippecackuanna Wine, Itam, Sugar, Mjlcs- ses & Cheese U.dsam of- life Elixir of Health Lemon acid, Cologne water Kneumatic drops Liquorice Uall, rehnou do. Fine nnatto A.al'udi, reriikd NiU'e qealinif Wax Cl.ves, Camphor, ima ooth Powder Viagiicssna, Anumony pulv. I cli Ointment 4. T KW MUSIC -m. Boulan, at his l' Book-store near the Bank, otters for A'e uotumbi.-ooi. the foilowifg iasw and fashionable music lie purpoxs U:d& ye.Uw Bark of Peru Old Wliiakey, Brartdy keeping a Couitant supply, aim caicuiai mi rcvnuig;ii4i.ai uapiva Nervou Cordial nil the new puim.auons as iuej soms uui : UtUe ot Prague, Le Jeud'tspr.t, M(art' favon e march, Tamburine dance and Herman waltz, Saxe Cobui'g, - Mozurt'a admired waaa, Stop walw, Hath ,do. Prussian waits, Queen of f russia's 2d waltz, Cotillions, In sett, Canute and Elden, Wanmgtois Grand March, President's marcli, , Ik mine dear nuid, All's well, At morning's dawn the HunUra riarj " Orand Minuet, Steibelt's Sonata, Cunt's. Grand March, .v President Monro 's march, ' " fiOJ&luch s Progressive pieces, 1, 2, S-, Tlie Uriud, a dance, 1 Cotlager's Joy; " Steibtli'a Spanish air, T " Sweet is the Vale, Lovera; hiother, I'll have none, Ye banks and Braes of Bonny Dooa, Queen af Prussia's waltz, Favorite walta, . Copeuliagen waltz, ClemenUs grand waltz, ' Swiss waiu, - ' - Woart's favorite waltz lavonte Fandangos, . atanu waltz, Uh! Lady Fair, . Urange uoven, , Auld Lang Syne, ' Hupteld wattz, Paa de Trois a favorite dance, . lAtour's admired gavotte, :-z Air de B'Jlet, '. V u When 1 gaz'd on a beiuUfid fce, . Wake omid oi Lorn, Wnen Mary beamed the witching smile, Morn unbai 8 tiie gates of Jjight, The Uose that weepa with marniiigUew, . Star spangUd banner,1 . Seet brauiU(le, Oil 1 then dearest EHen, ' : -Soldier resIT llonourabieMr Urantb. ot the Senate, laid the Treasurer under ob4tatkw.3 by attending and representing this State, in his place, and on his Jiehaif i -And at the meeting ol the Stock-Hol- dr ot'the Cape-fear Navigation Company in 44, June iastj, ,;UejiecftLlIao)cj:0;ir'QLQrAtge..C0Uuty. ': coojefred on him the like favour. ) -" V The Public Treasurer, not having it in his .power to attend )n . person, prevailed on his friends Williau. Davidson, l,sq. of Charlotte Jude lock of Salisbury j and TheOpjiilus'Par- ; ker,,Esq,of TarboroUgh, tii act for him'and on bis behalf j and to do and perform , in his place and stead, the several duties required ct him by - the legislature, through the navigation actsof the - last session, relative to the Catawba, the Yadkin and Tar Rivers.; With respect to theiNeuse "BiverJ ha jvas ready and prepared to act him- t'elf; bilt ittumed out here, as he regrets to learn it happened in regard to the three other , last meotioned rivers, that nothing was done. . -' Under the 'authority of the act of Assembly 4 :; of 18 14, Chapter the 6th, forty one thousand . ?UollarS' in TVeasttfy' Notes, ofthe several dean . t ,trtinatibns. pointed out and directed by the said , Vj&ciy bava been prepared and paid 4ver to the Bank 91 Mewbern; ;ih full oi the sum contem plated by, thatAssetably . t - And nearlyjhe 1 ike Sum has been paid, to the. Bank of Cape Fear. A low thousaotf dollars, Iwwever, remain yet to bo paid to tills iajter Bank j yluch wUl proba- Red & white Precipitate aoraparilu, tkystone trs.iuc, Hartshorn Essence t'e.'ipemiint Btiemau's drops aloughton's bitters """" Godfrey's Cordial UritisU Uil Opodeldjck Pomalu.n Golden Tincture '. U dby'i Carininative llalsann Ue Mltha Burgundy Pitch 1'incture Canthaxides Spring Lancets Syringes Flor Benzoin Castie Soap Windsor do. Ruse Pink Gold leaf Guui Aiablek"" "'" ttussian lllue, Fig do. tted& White lead 8paniKii Ui owii Yellow Core Spanish ludtgo . : Varnisli ' Worm DestroyiDg Loaen- ges '.v Antibil.ous Pila Piragonck CliSir ; Laudanum Wi e bitters Glauber's sal's Roclielle do. Ginger, Lampblack Mercurial Ointment Puiniec stone ' AUu'iv Flor & Roll Sulphur l,eiper s anutt Sand Paper 2c Glue ' Morocco skms : Blocking Twme Hatter's Materials Pint Biushes Tumblers c Decunters Ch.icOUie Yoilng llysrt Tea VF, H risPowdn; . Logwood Shot & lead Viohn s. rings Vials assorted by the groee Eye water, .Blacking Mahy's P.aistcr cljth Tooth Ache drops '. Charcoal Dentifrice. Mend,) gorg the Bark, ' 'Jessie the IWr o' Uumbbne, ut uic cniei, . ; . . ' . - - - lniaticy, ' Lady tet me sing of Love, ' .Lovely Uose, V ' . " Bacon's Flute melddlf a; Booka, 1st 2d Sd. Aselettionot waLzes, coUll.ona, hornpiPeS, Jkc. Bacon 5 M,llUry selection of marches, qVck steps, &e. Preceptor l0r tiiegerman flute Bacon s complete predeptor for the violin Uaieigh.D.c, 1817, I W ne of Antimony- Vm-t I - ft 4 1- BliKVOT aiusiara Besides a numUr of other articles too tedious to enu merate in an advertisement., We- have dso received from the north, a very general assortment of Woolei,it Fancy goods, Hardware, Cutfery, 8tj. 5;c. all of which' were purchased on the best tei-ms, and will be disposed of jlow tor cash or credit to punctual customers. Our friendsaiid customers, and the public generally are re spectfully invited to call and view our goods. Our friends in Wilkes are also informed that we have received an additional supply of goods in our store in Wjlksborough, N. C. " 1 " - JOHN TRAVIS, - UB.S ATI Eli WHITE. 1 N. B- We, have also for sale lOo copjes Watts Psalms aiivA nymnsa jew copies ot the 8th Edition of the O live Branch, and a great variety of other books. , - - ' -.-xj.V S A T. A'nufmher 10. 50 3. Glauber and e; Kocneite Ji : Jalao and Rhubarb, Ipecac and tvtaremejic, . Cream tartar, anOj setioa, j , Flake jnanna & mingnesUr Camphor and cloves, ' Red, yellow & pale bark,u Drf Sanford's ' . do. -Sugar lead k white vitriol, Crude and vitr dated tarUr, Jahip and rhubarb root, . AflumandSidtpetre, -T Salu tartar wormwood, Dover's & James - powder, Cot-imbo root, gross and in powder,,,.. :, , , , Calomel and calamine, 1 Calcined zinck andmagne- sia, Crude and glass antimony, Fig blue and blue stone, Whe and red precipitate. Squills, gross & in powder, Gall nuts d nutmegs. Transparent fc palm soap, Unit jr. and Castile, . do. , lrisdi and northward.' do. Blue, rod and yellow waah- bJLn, ; . Mace and ciniwnon, " Gum, gmboflge and seam- Gum 'ammoniac, ' Gum benzin and opium. Gum Dragon and Arabic, Gum aloes and assafcetida, Grim guiacum and copal, Gum sheliifti and elimi, a orax, Catechu and mezeron,-.. Srsaparilla and liquorice root, Pink and black snake, do. Turmeric and seuceca, do Gntianaod gihseng, do. Myrrh and rust of iron, Cayenne and long pepper, Spanish flies and blister salve, Cochineal & red Saunders, White Cane IU and quassia, Dragon's blood and castor Pol. uva ursi. and savin, Fox ibye and sVrax, Bitter apple and maxldcr, ALkanet St white hellebore root, Orr is & black hellebore do. Cor iander, cam way & car- damum seeds, Sweet anise and fenffel, do. Flowers beuzoln and cam momile, ' Harts-horn shavings and I- smg glass, Fty' stone and speller, Spermaceti and white wax, Salt of hart&born and soda Salts diuretic and steel, Arsenic and nux vomic. LXopioca, sago and arrow root. Pearl barley, Flower, liver and roll, sul pJier, Cake and hay safron, Crocus uiartis and powder ofttn. Precipitated sulpher of anLimony, Collath vitriol and litharge Extract liquorice and gen tian, Extract jalap and May-ap-Ple, Extract of lead, Balsam copaiva and tolu, Balsam Canada & sulpher, Balsam of abena, Venice -' turpentine and. Burgundy pitch. Castor and sweet oil. Oil of cloves and amber, Od vitriol and anise, Oil janiper & peppermint, Oil cinnamon- i spearmint, O.I wormseed and vitriolie aether, Muriate of hurytes & iron. Spirits of hirts-horn and n.tre, Spirits of lavender St wine, Urange peal and mulatto, ' Nitric and muriatic acid, Aquatortis and quicksilver j .siixir Tiiroii ik. . . . Anuuioniai wine and lnJ . . . -.-num;,;,, essence t pepDermmt tno .lavender, . . y ". Essence lomori and'bea. 1 " mott. i-- n , . f . V aad OTlCE.-i-Th6se who are indebted to the JLVrIate concern of Tioroas IT. & J. Scott, anu to. uiai oi i nomas w . scou, st are earnestly en treated to come' forward and discharge.the turns due, as inuuicwu cauuui oe giveivoe subscriber .ntettding to leave the state on or before Christtius. I'hose having demands against tlie said firms, will pjeas topi esctn IIICIII. THOMAS W.SCOTT. Raleigh, Dec 5, 1817. - ., ., 3l-.lt N. B. t hose indebted to the Taylor's shop w like wise maae pay men v as aoove. . res TTE VVOfjpSwi, B; Smith JL. pecuuiiy miorms uis mends and acqaain- Unces. generally, Itbat be has lust returned f.om Uie North,- and is now openinsr at the torner of Hirnt on,l FayettevrUe streets, near the Market-house, an elegant assortment oi anoy ana staple iooils, Hardware. Cut- 4.l 1 n ....". n . .11 A .l.!.. &. .... KIJ wiwti tea , Ml VI WUICB MB IB UlSnOtkMl In f II Itha most reduced prices for cash-. . ; . ; NoW 7, 1817. '' - 27..2BU-- Bateman idrnn fc. Binn..L tou's bitters, ' - , ' British oil and GodtW' ; eorJiaL " . ' ' Turlington's balsam. Church's and Lee'g ej, -.. sence mustard, , Church'B vegetable lofma Mercurial &itclf ointment 13r. Steer's ppodeldoc, xtr.c ii i i . aici, uick ana rea sealing wax, Lead pencils and Indian rubber, Water colors and pencils, Durable ink, do powder, Razor strops and sbavuig boxjs, Breast pipes and sliel'.s. Spring and thumb lancets, Court and olh -r pLsu-i g, - o Iron, marble and composi , tion mortars, London whKe lead bi kej P. do. dry, ,iv Spamsli brown in kegs, Dob do." dry, Ye' tow and stone ochre. Verdigris tnd lowpod, Verra.llion and King's yd low, Venitian and Indian red,, Red lead & Pruns'an blue Patent yellow & drop lake, Span.sh and American in - digo, Umber and amber, Ivory and lam pblark, Pummice and rotten stone Sponge and corkwood, Whitewashbrush & paint es, . Hatter's and shoe, do. jleah, do.' Silver wirf and common tooth, iW Hair, Japan shoe black ine. Hatter's boWstrings oucaies, Do Ant and round bands, Do. black', red and yel low skins, Starr's and Lorillard's ms caubau snulT, Scotch and Rappee, ' do. Snuff boxes assorted, Best linseed, oil , Be s Spanish cigars, Sand paper and glue, Gold andilver leaf, (oacli lace, different pat terns, . PuitV and window glass, . Spamwli wh'uingj Befit linseed oil, ' Best Cppal varnish, Nails and brads assorted" Bed cords and plough line Rum, coffee, sugar and " molasses, Sherry St Tene rifle wine Madeu-a and Malaga, do Port and Claret, do. London & Phila. porter, BeV't imperial tea; Best Young Hyson, do. Loaf sugar and gin, WhisKey French bjandy Copperas, peppor 8c girigar Powder and shot, Violins ar.d strings, ClarioiM-u, flutes and fi fes lmonds and raisons, Tamiranda and plumbs. An assortment of confeeG onarics, Lime juice k lemon acid, Shop furniture assorted. ' Cotton and wool cards, China in boxes arssoted, Crockery and glass ware, Green and while vials, ,Vial and bottle corks, A constant snnnlv of par Columbian & Haarlem oil, den seeds. . Ana many other articles too tedious to enumerate, all o which will b5 sold wholesale and retail, very low for cash or on a short credit, to those who may be reiied on ICJ H1MJEPH WGKB. r HI,t AM l.onfiE, No. 40, lialeiSlh i& tf.Voi7, That MtharTeUL mils, has O M'en suspended from Ibis .LbdeeTof un-" ntaaomg-tunduct"'1 "" "", "' " "; -r--r---- K SPENCER COLEii URN, Secr'y P. T. Nov: sr. . 3t "STK W GOODS 8. BOND, l.as just reeeiv. Xl a large assortment of FALL & FAX- CY GOODS, wh.ch he is diposed to sell on the most rea sonanle terms. He has amoflff a varietv of ,thi anVi... the following : cloths and cassimeres, pelisse cloths, raid diabbs, coatiugs flannels, green baize, bomba- i V csulC0es ; line anu cotton shirtin"-, silk ahawls, cotton do. lutestrings, floreiitine bandan noes. -HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, elegant allot guosy mill and panne! Saws, glass and puttv, , china by tle box, queensware, cheese.loaf and brOwii sugr, cot cof, liyson tea, slioe&i best chewing tobacco, glassware, eettoniuid wooleurds, iron and steel, powder and sbo, blacksmith s tools, spades and shovels, travelliutr trunkB rtjse and striped blankets, &c. &c. &c- , , . , . Raleigh, Nov. 13, 1817. - 1 5t" ; TKW GOODS-Cttrtis $ Sttphensan, in 11 farm their friends and tlm Ililkli tli at) Sey kave just received from New York, a giiv f nd extensive assortwent . of DR? GOODS, H RDW a rfR miu uiwunnua, wnicn mey are now openuig in the house lorraerly occupied by John Armstrong, esq. a few steps east, of the market-house and uextjor to Mr Newbey's store, which they -will sell n the lowest terms iur vasu ur prrxiucc. FayetteT.Be, Oct.29,18tr, N.B. A constant supply of Table and Allum Salt Stamp Paper as usual. .ttal.iicfi: TfiiiA fi 1;r t if o " f " " LINE OP MAIL S l AGEd BETWEEN i'ii TERSBUIIG AND RALEIGH. The public are respectfully in forme J thai this line is in exeelient order, with fiae teamiHind sobei attentive drivers, With good lnrje sta gesrnhey leave Petersburg every morning at 3 o'clstk' A. M. and arrive at Raleigh the next day at 12. , Lear Ualeigh every day at 12 noon and arMe 'the next day St Veteraburff fit 6 P, M Passenger nuir rely oib6 j greatest attention beThg paid in tnnkjng tlvem comforti ole in travelling on this line and their conveyance sure 1 xr :.t. . i- .t . i i .. e .. ' .i i. .uuiwuifuiuiuiiig me iiign price oi provinaer, xuereuw oeen no rise in the stage t ire. ' -i m greaiesn -care aw atTentiOrt 'Wil I DC paUl 'OT f'age but no liability for losses or .accident of sny ind. ! . ' ' ' - nuni.sov&FOX. v?2tM8;7. , " .r; . w-tr. STATE OF '.Jfc CAROLINA, ' Cotlvt of 'i'to '& Qi" -StoBTaiitrtoM couwtt, ss. 5 SemioH, &pt. Term, c7 Isaac Kicks, sen. m John iiics.8,, j'uh. Originul at tachment levied Hi.laiid. " ' r 1E UeleuJatit not haying entsredhis ap X ' pearanee, a judgment by default i?gr'nt' edtlie plaii.tiffand a wit of enquiry awarded iiini, tob executed nel lerm.. Orijertd, That tne dt-fentlaiit sp pear at the next court of pleas and quarter sessions, to be heH for the County of Northampton, on tbe nrft Mondav fin December next, renlew and Dlead. otherwise j udgment final, will be Entered against him, and wtt opv ot .litis orucr be ime ted tor three montns, iU' sively inthe "MiTierva" printed and published ia e city of Raleigh. . .. . . A copy, Test, . 2-13U. . J.CHARItlSO K. CALDWELL'S SEli.UO-X nublished. find far aalA. at the .Minerr otlice. Mr. fiaics anil Mr. Bovixn'a book-sU;rt.s, Vrc7 cents, A SERMON, deKvered m Raleigh, Nov. JvlJt . vjic samtnistraxion ot ne iora s supin;i, CaliU, y t. President ot '. the University ot i a i i i. r . . . i . ii.. . . . . m niimiiri .'vimni r V C4BCt mi... . n. , tr. . ' .A IIMJ "r

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