'"RALEIGH, (N. C.) ; ntXTSOV Wirt IT, BY A. vmJ ;.L : le dSVtSf shall nave been (pre iyy tents wch an. tef mMiberot lines than fourteenth c SSo'Ty those from persons unknown to the tubsenmion can in wy- VT 0 mmunt of a- least l a!w'. co'itmuahce without patent ot arrears, - op'"i: M of the editor. without no ds- esi at the STATK P A REUS. SP MMiing of the Session 5th Vov 17 . Qntlemen-M the opc'dWRof the Uit? .loi. I .poke to y oa 6f the bone, which I c!!h 'i r.- it.. '.-rriaee ofrtka Dk f. Brry, if Prridi.cVkaieo aaicklf : wJtrf"iwt Wtt.e bluing iTii S'5 ,? hereavement a pieagennc uturrnccipy; piisbnient of our vows. . - , The treaty with the Holy Sec, whiichf,! .,...i:nniiilin vnn lait r car., has -been conefadfc. j have charged my Ministers in cootwun icalite ii to you, to surest the outline, of a law n cesiaiy t give cue Kisianve hthmi iw mirits'in it ns nv require ' it-atv that they in J ar o ize with the Constitution, the laws or hk honorable career, than hit talents and his camel Slitf then, to the'depths of tie tomb the Jars per diem, Sod ttfw dollar for every twent consolatory nope of veogeau.ee, and the fond ty milestrvtlling Xe ."-and from Cepgreu.l leryfces. If the execution of this salutary law rrijutrea an augmentation ..atnjo budget of cna minister f war, you, who are the Organ Vf my people'! sentiments, will net hesitate ' to tano- tion these beneheial object whuff ebsat-e to Franee that independent dtiroity.- without which, La King, and a nation, would fceeemo eotrand bye word la th earth. tion to objeeti of the most mild character. Thaiiki ta the peace rendered t the: CUureh f nuiee, Ueligion, that everlasting basu of all felieity, even oa earth, U, I doubt not, abdttt to refloarish amone us; trannuilitt and , confi. dence ore renewed eredtt baa reeviabluhed ttelf; aericul.ure. eommeree, aud iodustrv are in active operation ; new master-pieevi of art exeite our admiration.' One of my children. i t tiu4 tirrtf trarellinv over a part of iho Kinar. tom aid !bj ':etf hf nbet iraest ;; wil enTftTea on ms heart, ad. nanifestMl in hi contluel, he i loadtti with lienedietiorw fiom ail quarters. For myself, ,wh hav? but one r iliug paesion the happiness of my people ; wlio Min only zohLmijs how I shall best exereislb my Authority for tlmir welfare, uijuint the us saulin of ai who wuuld ntuck it: I See I thit 1 aotbclowd by them, audi feel, an udditianal eoTiTietion iii my breast, that liiU eoniolalion WiUnever fail me. v if. f.vhia nf lliP O.'.tlil'ail ChUI'Cl r ? i ,r?tlvnn, ,,Y ou'r f.th.ri whic! HAYT1 AN SfATli VAVEll at i nil a mil n i Us Kurees3(r nave ronini'""'""" "miuu,. tcaix.iic urn cvw al. . .11 l ... it : " tii ii.ivn, ,i i ,ic jriviian oil i:ie anui vt.'f a ry oft Ik? 2'Jih of t uvember.-' 1S0J. 'r, L4 TTISS I of the bi i:li.mt ex; giritujs eveni, aint crow.iH our aru'w with icess, to ihs ? Hud aniisiatv vou. Fort La the antiipatlan ef their eountry'i eraaneipation. The bill was twiee, read and committed. WbiUt men tnese Heroes a lumner in toe Bignti ir. rtoyitj oi v irgmia, irom a aeieet eon of death. Itr u th6 hive survived ia the eom-l mittee, reported a biiilo extend . the brivilera aoflrneefittr forth the song of praise to theirj of franking to jibe vaccine agents of state' and mettfarff and b&er upon the hallo wed altar of: in eountry, aftdan admiring army territories, whom was twice read and eminiU ed. iin ana oye woro in tne eartn. ' - nng eoumryf an amiru's ar7' . ' , , i imm mier, was?-(:,7 ... 1 havd unfolded to vou oar difiiettltiea, andr - Bat the irfbtrte'of ear regret is not bonudpdl Resolved, ThaUhe committee on the pott nf the aieatares teuired to surmount itatftVlj la-Hwe ,Mr9' who. thus signalled themeelvesllfe and post roads be instructed to enquire ini ftow, m eonelumg, waatd direct ) oar attea-jhitho fiW or aattie aua sougntirepoie.ouine wist to ih melancholy &hdes of tlnrae who fell victim! (o French perfidy and Ff ench fero ity ; for 'ihey Were 001" relatives our friends, our brethren. If in the deep recesses of the tombif in f ha holy plaee of their abode wi.h the divinity they can bear the hymn, or regard the prayers which we offer up to the Almighty dlftpuser of Gvenls opon this memorable tcc sii, they cairn oi but feel saUsjaction. 'rbbfi&JTnff these nnlra-ppy Vieirmss-limstiff' cundatcd liberty, while their imnen have given birth to independence. Tfury have bequeath ed to us important dirties to fulfil- irt, tr imi. tnte their briarht exainnk- and nea, to visiti',,e iitnieied to inquire into the expediency of uieir ii'iicuers , wun inierminuvxe; execrauon, ""S jivw i miiiui uucik and ee:cJ.ss vengeanee. l pliae for the militia of: the several states ah r " L: tw tliom oh tltisf ever nieraortble day,i',ritfries : ' ' iekituHti tlio torch of that Utextingiiishabip v Mr. Jounsow S9,tr,.twns generally fcnown tivd wt.irh mir i.ori t.m vAwml tnt na ! that a very:.irreat and radical diflerenee-. exists ' ers-aft it h the hearts of our infants-let them 6,1 Ke,.w ihA mM?! 8ff aw! )'ffof tho auck it in with Ibcir.mattrnaimHk-lct ihrm United Si.tw ,.aftd ha was anxij; inh.i! tlr.iflpvcr i i 1 1. ,. o ,1..- ;.nD.iflnt n ihttt Oi ll.lVll. tO i.iC t J .'tVt 1.1.18 Oil 1 le h fll i Vcr J . I .. . .1... ocreu .JUa,., "-i ,.;,,,. ..-v:.. ... , -.. " loimii uivK i a rrcncuuian : ; tieiib e. There was another- suhieet f roa't t .: - .. ...; 1 I, M llir- ijiii i Jl u liucr.- inu.l. r l n jl ir .. , ' , ----- - .- . .... : 1...1 i..lKVTr.vxS! - ' . . :ay inens.n-warr:!)rs oi uaytr "ver near; jmpnrUace, lw hi, opinion; and that was tho ?A uedJmr Up 'I B-t.oldl :ii,V.vrr..rV f ihV.cxpu:.n ofl?51'? .'-ycS the nrrrus sarnico mntlciwnt of some uniform iystem of mililiary ; ri"p SV.iu,i i;,8a hWKH whose wc tl day. !c nip ine for the mifctia of the several stateat , Jb?aVl. i hav' however remarked tlwt.at n.hle.enthau .nght -not the r.ilflt-VttW ,,fy ! ft. ? w yer-. the army of the hevV.ro most uniformly, ..ipported them of . the.b.iiliant exploits which led t lhi pu- HKt-.a n-.son Aorr w ae.or wr m:ry; j AVilltt ')t pious resignation and it V) sttRe Jar!.- i l 4 he country the people hay nccn ucod into seditious acts, they have without difficulty been promptly reduced to order nnd obeditnce. 1 felt it my duty to cruKe-greai cjrrtlfln to lieal the distresses of the country to the expediency of astaolisbine n oost Tonta from Cnrritpek court house to Knot's Island f l!r also to inquire into the expediency Tf vesta? blislung a pVt road frojn Carritack court houss) to FdwellY Point. In said county- 4 , Mr. Jthn8Ai iff -red "for consideration thlf foIloWihreviJulioii 0 ... Jlesolved, That th committee on the snbjeet ' of the militia be instructed to inquire, into, the) expediency of providing by law for organizing ' . the general sialf cf th? fliiJilia of tba several - ' itAle, upon lb 'aeSpfci of 44iBe.ienral aialt of t be ar my of the Untied StatefjW far aaprae" ticaUo. ;rT ;: - , : Resolved, That tli committee en the militia. k it in with Ibcir.matrrnalmHk-lct ihrm f .,he U""e'!. f . i ,. ... ... 4 ... . . , . oiis to brins:tnc, sutject beiore the conimittett da it wild he a,r I jyy breat hc-and letnn (f,e tJ m.. 0U(J rtlrvcr nnn.lvst its elects by thr actions,. Df milt!c tnJ confurin To lhe o(her as fttT as n the sight of a I'rcnchman ! . ; ,i-ttlle. There was another- subiect of ereat )'Hf4 ie, laiKjery, Triii Pavillious,, L-i CrtXT-Cnrdineau, Saifite-Suzan.-.i". lesEuLivis- sesa Crete-arierrot, the ddiiVs of R.u:dui le Urad,UitieC:e llonuct, the bridie of LVranS. and have made extraordinary demands upon tkei Blabard, Petit, Ouave Q tquin, Toiback, trtMiJuryforjlns i.purpnse. A stktemenl of thel"!5 Mazerei, Haut du Cap. VertiiTcsj ah requisilinnkmade, will be submitted to you ; y more places ennobled liy vjKtwry. and and the zeaPyhich animates you for the public whehth? faffaWed splendour of the French J nod, will not 'for one moineut permit me to arnicas sullied and eeiipsed before the vielo ouht butlbat ths iinfexpcted disburse menla- riausralanx. s of people resolved eithf r to pe tt ill meet your cordial approbation. The bar-j'risb, o atehieye the conqtiest of tlieir liueutt vet.oftbis year is more satisfactory in a large '(arid irpedcncs I liaperishable mbaanicuts .portion of the Kingdom; but on" tho other; .riuqVutly ye procUiin tile skill, the va l.aad some local calamities and the -plagues tb$atriotis( an.! the petseveran3e of the 7fleausWVieh have viiteaV our vinevards call My.oidicrs.. - far tuy pa(.'r;iai soncHuae i.ir mar BxpEiiea -iyran;s vtiio nau too ioig v,atiu, which without your kihd co-operation, pol!utediih iheir erinies tliis soil of freedom, lsltall pot be able to relieve. J . . we sacur tha independents of our country. 1 haveordered to be laid beforeyou an exhi- and laboiy.) esisblish public affairs upon "a hit of the appropriations that will oe required solid andUhle foundation, to support the demand of the coming year. i A testitaiy of national gratitude and resp -ct If ihcebarges growing out of the treaties and ; was due ile memory, nut only of .those gai- the deploratile r ,wmeh they have terminated iaui nerotisvlio fell, cavercd wi!!i glory, in de. tence oi trwvtacreu cause wo maintain, but to that likefi. nP -LVbo exnicedinidst the unheard of tort urea una cruelties oj4r b:itchers, jF or litis j. urpusc ws 'have ordainett soleinrfservica to ak nlace muchsmaller annropriatiun"than that of the : precisely onaouiversarv of our deliverance: last year M ill be RivTicicnl to meet all the exi-(for although te first tribute our gratitude be 'eeneies Vf-the nrescnt! idue to the Oodf armies for the bleksinir.4 oi'this The Cnventm7r1tldn'ry; compelled me j day, the chie(ject of our joya it cannot be a- j to subscribe in 1315, hnvinir eventuated differ-! miss to bledith the a&sirations of ?ur tri- ently from what were then considered as the!Autj6..to;thoth tribute of respect ta the memorj our fellow citixns ; and to .1. . t 1 .. . . - . flimuiu hoi permiv us io uiainisu lue lax'.s. im posed at the last session ; yet 1 have at leatt t! satisfaction to think that the system of ceo -biiHt which I then recommended will obviate the iif fcssity f augmenting them, and ( that a States had beep governed in its diseH Haviiana? ariilslthft!tlui-virri'M wliirh !'oe by hteuben, hy Uuttn s llifantrv and it h oni'duty t-i practisfi, let us never fr,Sct riflemen, by Smyth's Infantry, and now by a that m t arry anas iu onr haridn solely 'for ;t!e eompitttion by aconit martial, vhieh ap f ho pruterf i.m of our M!nv citizens, and the ' '',e9 e,.l,efly ta M,e .Infa.,l,r' ATM' 5" " d-lvU r ( M,nt.-v, nnd ntir rishta. Anns a- h,,m''. Vt en.ft,0Pti . ... . ., , v.., .. , !for the militia, and he thought it Was time one can equally mnt v.ir liSwrtica Ayhei, lI(t ,vc 8,lourj ,,ischar5,e the duly imposed up. the dictates sA ivas m eeas- to he .c'Ecacfoua, on congress hv the eoa'slitation of the Unite Ottr tyrants sfid clmg t (lie f.iriorn hope of giatt-s by fixirifc upon a mode of uniform disei iXM-rodavins uyetJiowev illusory and chi-jpiine for the militia of the several states. K merical it be, and how. regardless soever yn 'The motion was 'agreed toy- j may 'feel of itr cfTecta, bear incessantly in; Mr. Johnson of K.y. moved that the commit tnind that it is only in a stnrt observance oliice on thepost olnce aniLpnst roads be mstrnc ed to enquire into the expediency of increasing me salary or ine rost waster uenerat. On motion of Mr. -JUiddletcn' ii was Resolved, That the committee on the jndiefr i f t i . . i arv o instructrte wiqtre'iBlathe exbeuioes s ilrtest a-ul punish-1 , . . , . , v & ... , m . " making compensation by law to the Hon. -should tsiey again Johnson, jr one.oifthessoeiate jadgefif'1' distipliitc, a due submission. t the laws, and; such a harmony and unanirhity am your-! stives as prevailed p those days wii u we first assci ted our freedom, lliat von cv: find the MimigtJr iTffdisfferto tii,e ft M r k b k'S ........ . ! .f.1 ...... v.,.., uppreMoia-iiuuiu i.iey again AVm Jo,n one of the essoeiate judges' " : , ;tne iiiuteii states. Tor extra services lie was It .is only through (he means of .ttiuH1'-! called upon to teiform during the inability of rial virtues which characterises good parents, Ululate district judgo of South Carolina.'- N , good ciiildrcn, good wives and go: H 'VtiansJ tin motion of Mr. A'esbUt, it was that you can taste "that happiness whL h you Revived JYhi the committee on tie post oft. deserve, .. ' jfiee and post roads be instructed to inquire into By the wise measure of i-' sale of tlic pro-'jthe, expediency of estaiiii)ijiig a post load from petty of your former ..tyrants, .tha UavtinnsJ Yorlc court houne,oiith-Carolina, by Homony, wilf. Wcooic tho proprietors of thos.M states j Oarruth's, Kulherfordton, Asheville, and which thev have ao Ion? -Vntcred with their ,,ieD!e t!ircci t0 the V' arra Spring ia Worth- VUIVIIII.li results , have mad? a ne,w negociation ueecssa ry. 1 have every reason to anticipate that its issjjp will he favorable, "and that some co'iditi- Otis, to comply with which would greatly ex ceed our ability, will be replaced by others in stricter consonance with equity, and which will Lnofi, exact -from mj people a continuance' of those exiraordinaiy jiacrifice which they have Borne with suchd patient constancy,, that though it cannot increase my love, yet gives them new claims to m) grafUude, and to the Mteem of alr"riuliot!s. I hud the pleasure to Vnnouvicft to you dir-' ring the last session," JhaUhtrrspe'nses of sup porting the'aripy of ccupion, havediiuiaish il one fifth part, amf the period. 1 trust, in n'Vt far distant, when we nay be Wrmitted to hope, tliauks to the wisdom and strength of my gj 'ernmcnt, to the love and lle, and the friendshin of the SavereisiU. t!iut these expenses will entirely eaW, and that .t1 ranee will v resume anion':? the iiiitroiw-ihat fjoik and distiuciion to which she is entitled by o'ai-alor of her'ciltecns, and the nobl firmness jf their attitude, in1 the midst of the most try . ing and oppressive seahviis of adversity. : f To arrive.at this result, I stand in, more feed than ever of the union of my people around throne: Without it, my authority would wtmpotenl.-4.the mere shadow of government. ne itronger this authority is, tbe less is the 8?eessity for exhibitions of its seveiity. ; J ,e, manner in which my authority has been p!ield, by the persons invested with power by ur laws, realises my confidence. Upon the !le, I hare the satisfaction to announce to l.hat Ido ''Jtwessary'to-eojrti-Pivotal courts, beyond the time fixed JMneir" duration in the; law by which they :tabiisbed.' ' ; - v-' -rrrV?-'- 1 1 navebad revised, agreeably to the' consti "n. a law for levyins. soldier-. 1 wish that ? privilege, heretofore enjoyed, mav bo eallnd (IllPltixW.- .Ua. 7. - a . . . ... . - . i iuo spirit anu' intention or uJ-sr --fBB urureeompass, which calls fe.' e,,l,y very Fnchman to rank and pre may never prove illusoryrahd that the fcrmay never have aoy other bouuds 'to tarst. vith their blood, aud with theirs went. If they have known how 1 1 tMend their coun try far her own sake, what :;n additrorfal in ducement will they have to cherish and mv- servciier w urn they hayetautul in her s.ijkiniij . t . ' -v --- j ; - "i 1 " " T so "tcntk-tvand" so coiisnTefateTa in illicr j and ami Imiv ili il'pv nut. in tl. Iiiiiip '!' drtno-itr otter up ourioat Hrayea in unison with our ,.aj rnw ,.T ta.idanl. ns one lam v .e prayers for the ig of thos? of our fellow h-'h'itti, llt(e neoide " Ijorenialbe.BeUfglurrV-whaLkweewenled , , , with their blsod't, ?UM Uhtlc of their c.a- LcllS5I lm ?M 1:01 "lf" trv's imlenendenei -TkuJ-tli ... i;lr-.:...lM- w Aass of our p-ipuhitmn-shs u'i.h add the ti ihuteofS; praise for the virtuos lh.ev! n")rc !srHculary instruct them in fir ilulies displayed, the foV.de they evinced, nid lhe!u, :. "d t'iis eimVnt.iy con example they haVA.ft. It'waa riot till after ! tribute to th welfare of both the present and we beheld the 'grriktpart vf our populalioi'i i the.rismg generation chained tmd torjurkhy our oppressorn : it was not t.lrurier we hb fuU experkuceiof . Ihdr perfidy, and belieldi majoritv of our army disbanded and disariM, u,at indignation, ven- cai.ca ami urj-juiir ii mated us in order to shun' total destruntiOH a vigorous and suc cessful resistance. I . " Frequently jreduee. con,imt wkhour foe?i troop for troop, and tt,9ft ,uch wt-upons as chanee threw in onrwl. ue uA nii ealeuia- ted Useir force. KneiiJ by privations, alter a thousand baltks,-dfii4;ng the ground inch hy inch, often defeateu.lt nwr dismayed, we maintained ourselves,.,,-. our courage and perseverance against taexampled efforts of our toes; sunnoiiuieu obstacle, and ati lengtn succceueo iu cTOg eUP oppressors, triumnhioo' over the immnee of their riisre. - . J ..... ni) . . . . rt and rearing upon ineir osu-ai the lavely an "We will punish those tyrants who have conspired against us j we -will -conlViuivll Jhc calumniators of our race, hy provi'! ur Helvcs its uo respect inferior" ta in al and physical powers ! to other inliahitau; 'of the globe, "mid that we are capable of .cruiring and practising the sciences and the . is and attaining to an equal degree of imp - u ment and civiiizatti with the Europeans. (Signed). JIENIiV. ann Bond 29lh .Vo-c. 1817. Congressional. Proceedings. U0USR.OP hKrn&SCNTATlVUb. '." J'londaifJah. The Speaker laid Tieforc the House'seve.cai re. ports frn.ii the Secretary of Var, ia eonse- per-structurc of our IiberLml oarindepend- uiieiico of calls .'from the House, tir .in vrrtue 'of ence I I ' existing legal provisions : 'utile'!) wtrc ordered Gratitude this day filler, hearts, and in to be printed. snircs. o'ur. accents'. Ho . (hen immortal Mr. Robertson, from tho committee of P12h.I1. honor be to the deathless m,ry 0f those ge-iands, whi were instructed lb inquire into the nerous asserters ofour freeduaVho are no mor --expediency of advancing the jiricc at which tlje having nobly fallen ia dpfe0f tbe most up right, the most just'and lh,gt holy of all causes. Honor be to those yrs of p'atrio ti'sjn ! wbu combatting the qirdly abettors of slavery, have approved tliVistice af their clairasi tqfreedom. If, in tfaliuje girugirle, their 1 of If as been to fall, theief ; closing, have had the satisfaction of ding the dis comfiture of the oppressors of.;r country those vampires who sucked henu0d and fat tened oa ber.vtals; -if it;' has IL their lot to fall, glory has shed her brigbtesutre Uponthe moment of their diisolationai they have publifl lands are held for sale, '. made a renort on that subject, concluding with a fee.omuieit dation to the House to adopt the following re solution! f llesolved, That it is inexpedient at the present time to ioereasu the price of those public lands required to be sold," The report was read; ad or dared to lie on tbe table. Mr. Holmes, of Massachusetts, from the se lect committee appointed to consider the sub ject, reported a bill allowiug compensation to the ait'mnersrorjhe senate and House of Re presentatives of the United Slates. fJThe bill fixes the compensation at the rate of nine dol- .TUpiriAL RECORDS, &e Tim House then fesnlvcd itself into a com mittee of the whole, Mr. Smith, of Md. in the, lehr.ir, on the bill to prescribe the effect of eerV r1 iaui rrconin hhh jiiniciai. proeepujngi. i. The question itHng oil, an amendment pre posed by Mr. Baldwin to the bill, as a sub- stitite for tlie fi rat section, which was given at large in our paper of Saturday last. The question was taken . on Air. Baldwin's motion to amend the. hiil, and negatived. " ' Other aioefidments were proposed to the biirr some of which were agreed to, uad others f rei'' jeeted y in the prope'biiionj. and discussion .of which' Messrs. Storrs, Orr, Terry, Berchcr, ll.s, Pir.dal!, Strong, Forsyth, ftpeneer, arro Livermore to; jiart, ' . ' hen t he.--eom.nl it t ee rose for the day, 4 motion by Mr. Forsyth was under considers tion to strike out the second section of the bilr The rommitlce obtained leave to sit again i and , ;'. :' 7: '-.c .'';';;- -. The House adjourned. " t v'. . V jTWsda, Jan. e. . Compensation to Members, After ! the presentation of or thirty petitions-On motion -f Mr. ho mes, of Mass. the several orders of the day, preceding the bil to fix the compen satiou of the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, were postponed, and thd Iloiise'resoived itsejf into a committee of the whole, Mr. Smith of Md. ;in tbe chair, on the said bill. . ' . ' ." J".-, ' The bill, : it will he "recolleated, provides , that the daily compensation of the Members, diirins their attendance oft Congress, shall be nine dollars, and the allowance for (ravelling to and from the seat of Congress, at the rate of nine dollars for every twenty miles of the distance. ' . . (, J Mr. Ross, of Penn8ylraniatby way of trying the sense of the committee on the subject, movw ' ed to strike out the word nine and insert the word six. as the amount of daily compens a tion. '- .-j ,. ''.''..- .. The question on this motion was loudly call, ed fV, indicating a disposition to take the sense of the House without debate. . ... V ' ' ,Mr. Desha of Ky. said ' in rising 'to tnaka' some remarks on this sobjeef, he suspected he should be in the minority ; but, if be were,, it was" no more t ban he had been nsed to..Th subject had been io long wider: 0 wider at ie,. i 'It : i I: u ..,1 1 '1; ll'f 'A 3 Til it I'M :! a

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