-1- &STu one shot tnd tcalped ; the ficrt were toAahawted.Twopcrsp, on W Mr.0gly 4 Mr. Stroud, escaped u SartSeveral parties-of Indiana hadibee iVn io the neighborhood but were entered m ass, at they profetsed friendship though offering some personal insults-' Trail, have teen discovered near the road,, firing heard, lad Indian occasionally seen Danger and alarm: prevail throughout the roUM ; and froo oertrf the territory. Givernor Bibb is we, aad is taking measures to pursue them, and intetcept any hostiiet who may be returning from below the Spaniah line, and protect the Tad and Inhabitants. Two settlers have lately, b'een kilUd at the mouth of Murder creek, twenty miles above Fort Crawford Mcknacks wife, who has been with the h'istiles several years, has lately remitted, andsays that the lodiansdo not intend to make a stand against General Jackson, but will se perate in parties, lay waste the frontier coun try, and murder the inhabitants." INDIAN NB VS. la the Savannah Mu slim, f the 4th inst. received yesterday by the ijoop Adeline, we 6nd a number or letters from vv viMaxatirt. eoramandit hex friendly Indiana, to the "U" 8..-:Fau .HJfpr.il Mitchell, la wMel he detail Um aioit the hotlUe Indians... He left ort Muci elUn the 28th Feb. and four days after he took 1 hostile Indians, who had been engaged in i u rincupon our boats, as they descended the Flfnl river. He took them to the eommandiDg officer at Fort Gaines, who refused to have any thing tti do with them, and they were accordingly dealt with according, to the rules of Indian war fare, that is, put to death. From the 2d to the lothult, i M'InTosh was rei'nforeed by about 90 at the hostile Indians,' who came in under tin white fla?. and ioined him. From these ln- j'.ui. h obtained information nf a collection of warriors under the command ol'ihe Red Ground Ch ef, on the Chaubulleeereek.' On approach ing their station, on the ISth nit. he says. " the creek swamp was so bad we cotild not pas6 : r..r tiin hili waters t mv men had to leave ii . 3 I their clothes and provisions, and swim better than one half of the swamp, about six miles wide j we marched within about two miles of his station and the next morning we surrounded his place, but he wa9 gone and we could not fol low him till we could get some provisions we had left behind Us ; myself vand Mj Haw kins followed him and overtook hi party, and lie iot away from us with about so.n'teu. We have taken 83 men, and about tSO women and ehildreu prisoners,, without the lire of a gun ; and we killed ten men that broke to try and make their escape.I have not lost n niausirjce 1 lefi Fort Mitchell. He would iv.i hat e got away from 'MS) but he had some catile on hand that he tried to drive out of our wayso I sent 100 men to "takfe'liim and his cattle when tltey conic in : sieht, Ue and his parly being wetj mounted cn next viU;r meet (tli oUwaotsnriMUadift) tieco eoni of November next, for the despatch of business. i 'Thenars! committee hi ouda a report respecting tUq subject of the court martUt .on Csptaiw, Peny and v . . itTxia,Aattl,l5l9. We leant that Mr. FtltteaV (xtseht Secretary to the Russian Erobaaaay at Loftdoo, fcai been appointed by the Emperor of Russia bi Minister Fttraordinarjr near the United State. Mr. Pnldee wAa ten former. Htata,in the Mefltmineaa. M defect complained of in thP resolution was not in the atT- - F 77 - .7TT,7 lw, dui in ine execancMi-r u. i.iu caueu up mt.; i nis aopomiment, we team, tamaoe m place or Baron Jbbliuon of Virjlnia, who said that, be the defect what it ,'. Von Tuil, who wQl continue in Bujojpew , , .'; weuld, Xongres. ' eught .to ! apply a remedy to it-andj VIcB.rRir to proposed a resoiutwo to appoint a commrtteo to repor ( General Assembly of New York,-ttppears that iho a Bill depriving any of&cer who should Strike his infer'r j fcte governor Tomkina, stands charged with a balance or ofljeer or a weapon upon hun.of hi commission, of edrk f kn&4 thmtand Mian, partially account- ' led tor by infonnal vooim, and leavinr nearlyjfiv our INDSOR CHAItt MAKING BUSL- NESiv The sabeerihers bee leave to inform, the pubCc, that they have taken a ahsp on New bern street, opposite tne State: Bank, where they will Canyon the kusineM of tVimliir chair makUj, tuning and turn hnintl: . A tiwim f amir m Km tsea at their abop, where it is hoped those who want to purchase, will favor them wuJb. a call . ... Tbe above btiainess commenced from' the 1st instant;' and will in future be conducted under the fintr of. J M TTHEW8, RUTH Is QQu Blefgh. April 7. 1818 49 3t . U lS KOH KALE, m Rvfihnfordton, Y. C. A vote of a sword to Colonel Richard M. Johnson, for his signally brave eoidact it the baitle of the Thames, drew the house iiito a dUctkSion. ,' Mr. Claiborne mov ed a resolution to cause gold medals to be struck for Major General Wdliaih Carroll, and Brigadier General Coffee, and another for General Joseph Desha. Pane gyriCfOf course, bestowed its favors in profusion. Stilj the propoposUion was not relished by several. Mr. Col ston thought that these remark were usually and ought to be confined to the cotnmoderi 6( aruies, who in casfl of defeat bore the dinghice. Mr- Smith of Mary land, said, that ma JU had alway been considered as more 'honorable rewards than swords. Mr. Hopkinson endeavot-ed to Coavincs the House of the necessity a rising out of tlis hatlii of the thing, of being more t paring of those Luucn all their value, and sa mi many them at the (m r three md Momd tUut t tW moluuoaa should )cwiy4.' mi or lyo, lie o the table : tlity. weK' carried, liow'cVeri by 5& to 54. 1'hesehynob had a narrow escape! ndrly tv kundftlanddoUan, partially account-! ij-OnlrhurdaT. of the-ensuing April Court, 'ilf vcri, and hvmg nearlyy0ur (uein lbe 16H.) wiU be exposed to puSjie Sale, and th total unaccounted for b, any kind of voucher. ctntiniied-f three davs. a number of LOTS in thi thouwrn It is believed,' ljowever, that he his, or can ohjlain, vouchers for the whole amount. ' ERROR IN SUUVEYIXG. toths iniToas o TSirXTunaipso iirnuToiKCKa. SIRS I discovered in your paper, hearing date Friday the 13th March, a peace headed ? Er?6r tti Surixginp My haying acted a long time in the capicity ot'a prac tical Snrveyviy in which profession t have ever takvn great delight I jierused the piece with .pleasure and aitention. It is much to be regVetted, under the great risfe of lands, that there should be such difference in surveyl a do often occur.-'1 :""r'- I accord with you in opinion, that there is some pro bability thatoine errors may occur by tbV neglect of owners of chains to measure ihem as they OtiUt. This i precaution should be used at the coirtmenccmertt of eve. i : l j. . . t i rr survey ; anu n uie aurve' is larze measure t,wicu. it is true that there are many other causes, which make m, w ithout which they would lose, dil.trences in survevsi, some wf winc! I will name i id that Mhitiory Hd net fur,d,h , Wo assort H w.uuiicouwaiy count n-.s-iii ,. . ' Willi tiors IIIC rTOi"l".C - ciiw iubvc aii.tui,:, fuitotytf tfut ctvnrry fir the latt a m ..t, ; nouH.u." N,iw. w n.tuindf ri..ir u w.ii. r the sale continued-to three davs. a number of LOTS m the village of UUTHCRFOUDTON, the greater part of tbera sdvatitageously situated on the mam street, the rs Hiainder well watered, affording excellent situations for tanyards, and mechanics of different descriptions.'. Mei dow grounds, and from 20 to 50 res of land, well tim beredV iiriew of the vitlage,7ean be attached to ttattjf ofUia Lota. A credit of from B to 12 months Will be ftiven for the front Lots, and 'for the back Lota 3 years). The fertility of the surrounding ' country, the salubrity of the climate, the conven ency of water, (it being brought' by acquedllcts to every house,) the cbeapneM v ofpruvisious, and the prosperous trade of the place, reh ders those Lota a desirable acquisition tjo the merchant tradesman. A regular plot of the town will be ahowfjs On the days of sale, and the Lota be designated as nutn bered tFierein. As the Lands and Lots wdl b sold low ; bargains may be expected. : ' k fr -; - 1 JAWC3 HKWiy,) Aim'nmdhHrKt -:r - : ' , A.,MlLLKft. v J ...,.,.' niCa'U LF VV IS, 5 t MiSer.deM lebruary 20,' 1818.: - -.. ' . . 46 4w: ' An aflVay, of a very serious nature, occurred last week at Hartford, between some citizens of (hat place and vvaggoners in the public ser- niaiiy i 0 1 1C&.-'Fartietdtrty interesting to tkt workers ia steilyirtin und brass j and to i reason .dieUtes this will amount to iii erix;ifttie tmks- tMetoHgri&fHe'V$t snbsaribeit ate neglected wilt setVn rcuMitwdle vtffi, rTghts to the Rowing i0 2. U the Surveyor ialiol ratitious to kwp ''at proper j- ventiona'and receipts. ;-'. x -v , .. . . 1 distance all bystanders of every swaiion, v!i ni ijiiave ! .Vo. I.' -INKS and GUDGEONS for mitts, ltc.ofacom ir. hand an ate or n gun, (v. hicit oiteii uceui-s in survey-1 poitjoa metal ot tu own invention, wbich fot Use ana inr.) t!ic Needle is thrown from us true niridia:i. p. U is not uncommon .io meet with the black nick (-nJUoiiiics cjiUfcil iron iiv,1 .r'.ncli i know Uy i.pcrience vice oa the one side, aad a portion ol the Ten-! md w,ll ohmHcc a ;i:id eT.r; troops stalioileil near (here on thej t he variation of tlie Xcc-.llc ivcelt-s at this time at latter, wul I l"J r;itc "1 eRe m e;:it ( rw niTKlistn. ims may pcrpiox yo;;ug prar.ui or.rr. :n runrin.r oki iiiv:s. 1:' Vdii think tins !Mto c:inlcd lo pubic aUcuuon, p!.-.;iv ;ivi it a t.'luCc i:i );:.; ;..apcr. t;i.ks,t ; " A sum r.Yojt. nessee other. Cuplain Chisholm of the killed ; and several of the combatants severely wounded. With Ihe ViicriU of lain ijuaiTci; which led to the shedding of blood, we are u:i iuformed p'erhups b.th parties were to bUin .-. hones, they gvt away; we got WJhat eattle he linffthc itwfrnxtions to our military: authorities had with him. We are very scarce of pi ovis ions and I have to send tit? wnm'en and children Uji into our nation as for lite men I am going to take them to Gen. Jackson. Now there is no danger on the west side of the Chatahoochie ri ver as this was all the party that , was on this side we have to look for our enemy on the east side of (he river now." CAar. Cou. FRIDAF MOANING, AftllL 10, 1818. FKOM ')V& COKRESP UNDENT AT WASHINGTON. Saturday, April 4, 18 Iff. My. last contained some account of the debate on Mr Clay's attempt, under the guise of anunendmcnt to the annual appropriation bill, to obtain an acknowledgment of the Independence of Spanish American revolted pro vinces, and aloiig with it some reflections which I cUgh just rising out of , thc public mind, upon that questioi After I hud sent off that letter cn Saturday last, the de oate was revived, and Mr. Clay's proposition was ncga tived by a majority sufficiently demonstrative of the tense of the nation. 115 to 45. ' I rejoice tp think the question has been got rid 6f for '.his session By the next meeting of congress, things Will be better understood Our commissioners will have been heard from, and thrown some hght on that dark Void into 'hich Mr. Clay has endeavored to make con f .ess rush precipitately, without gityde or clue. And long before that time, Spain wid have been compelled to show herself hoklly The two Hoases of Congress have deter mined to adjourn on Uie 20 ih April. -AM ltd The Vice I'kcsiiiisNt has retired from the chair of the Senate ; and will, alter a day jur two, take hisdi'iiHrturc for his residence. Mr. Gaillard is clioSeu president pro tern. The Seminole fTar.Wc find in the Docu ments on this subject, recently transmitted by the President to Congress, an official aimun ciation of tlmse circumstances which have pre ceded and attended the -recent movements of our troops in the South. These olhci.d papers vary so little in .siibstanccrft'om the unofficial accounts, that we do not think it material ttf publish them, with the exception of the fol lowing documents, which reduce to form and ertaiuf j the rumors we have heard concern- iJiC;rO the 27. ! ul-. ill lit v, Dr. Sumnal Garland, a l'!i MCian iliis jouii' tri-inK-tnun sto'xl !:;'' cbl.in'i'.ion ; and his virtues and .talents gaiimV-ter ta : ti many friend-. A will- ami an infant ire left to feci most keenly 'lv'9 sffliciiiig s'.mke.' ' Dili:!, 1 1 Uiis citv, a 4 u'c'ock, y".'tr.l.Vm irn'in r in?!w .1 si jearof her .ir, . M.-s. lV..VNU;t i'i'.Mt bON, vii-ol .).j.i. p!i I ...:s in, i,-q. ot Nof.h Ca hi. in. an-i only dHJ iu i" oi it iii i li.vui, ;'..v master ;jene ri ii" rh- nnny i' dt.iL" ir.cv' -M 4 e; A'ii Lit t vt. durability eiceJs all others of the kind that have ever been presented to the public, as th .certificates is) hist possession nil fully prove. Of those he ha made abofat one Uiousiuxl sets; smce de has invented them j out of which great iHunber but three seta have ever failed, and the. dniatid lor th ra tTJcrtrse as their utility beepmea known to the publ.c They generally last, in constant . usj fi'om ten i fifteen vears, so thit too much cannot b6 said in their praue, aikj lie has Willi him a set as a sam V1-- . . . v. II. The ai t so long sought by mechanics, TtlE AIM' OiVWELl)lN CAST ANl OTltliU 8TfcE., iiS as to m;.ke b.oben saws and all o.her tools as sound asY new, wit Lout u sparkling heat. r JT.- Ji One edge tool made of cattiUelit mrthtvO tn.ulr of commm steel. Ill Tite art of TEMPERING EDGE TOOLS ANDSPKLNGS of every kihd, as.piactised by himself tor many ytara, an art and mode of- tempering that is unsurpassed hi excellence. ' !t . .V. iV'The art of CASE llAUDENING effectually. '-?.t..in-a teip, s. tuple and expeditious mode, without lnju- I ry io uie exi reme .smoomncss oi me inmrumeiK. V..V Th-; ait of MAKING. GCS AXD PISTOL I iUllltKLS, Sec. a beaiiiifuUhd iiever-fadinir BKOWN (iilnncR of 1ii eurn-iit I COLOUUv' Tli;s is truly a most invaluable art to all PLATING Witt ' a cheap at his rcsidouce Jtertk formei lv of It ik -is 'n r'lbl'c KflO LKT- Fr Hie , jt.- jenrj :a; ...at ri rcu s.uiauon, ncie .y. VI. The art of .TINNING AND r?'c T,' .,' ; V . ' aihvr, cither iron or copper, with soft solder, by I lll-llCa ill (...III N.-llll AlllllV tl . ".. . 11 - 11 ' ,-...,-, ana exiieuitious priicess. " V .Vo.YM. The art of giving to HIGH T VW4W - - S I KUMEN I S and TOOLS an In i : : reMiectihi! the rtnlsecation of the war. Ml. Int. flEPARTMENT Of WAS, 16th December, i&V7. SiR-On the receipt of this letter, should tJe Seminole Indians still refuse to make rep'araf tion for their outrages and depredations on the citizens of the United States, it is Uie wish of the President that you consider yourself at liberty to march across the Florida' line, 'and to attack them within its limits, should it he fouftd necessary, unless they should shelter themselves under a Spanish post In the last event, you will immediately notify this De partment. I have the honor to be, &c. J. C. CALHOUN. General E linund P. Gaines, Fort Scott, Georgia. Extract of a Utter from the Secretary of fFar to Major General Andrew Jaclison, at M'ashvillef Tennessee, dated December.Z6th, 1817. You will repair, with.as little delay as prac ticable, to Fort Scott, and assume the imme diate command of the forces in that quarter or the southern: divison. " . The increasing display of hostile intentions' by the Seminole Indians, may render it ne cessary to 'Concentrate all the contiguous dis posable force of your division upon thatquar-1 The regular force now there, is about 800 EUsli Ui VCIt NAVKiATiUS. - A meeting of tiie btockliolilor ol ilia Scm. liner Navigali tti Company wdi b; lieli at liie Stau UU5C m Ualeigh, on .Miiiidai , the 27 h miui i, at eleven o'clock in tiie forenoon, tor the purpose of electing a l'reshluit and Directors of said Cudiip-uiy,, and for the .rtteo8'tiotf of oilier business id lvlalion-W Nvig- liOll.- Bv order of the board; J. UAL!5, Sec'ry. Aprils. y im 11! J OK 8. 11 has William B m an, " just received, I lie Uuke ill Su.l) a iiK'.nioir, 5 h. The cardinal lie lttz's ilo 3 do" Uti nie's esA)S, 2 vols real Anu-v. editio;; IvicLc's dj 3 do knight uf St. John, by Tjiss Porter . Lady .Morgan's t'raiice"; Piididor o chcij Oilaihio Puriosii, fruiii Uie lulia.i of Ariot vo's Pnito.p!iiai essay, by Dogald Stewart Owen's .history of the Bntisn and foreign f ib oc ety Dauhcrioii on sl'.eVp Icssicr on do ; CI . cr on c.itlie Scieii'itiv: dia.io'guv lor the nistim tii,n it eiitertuinoient (.' young jH-ole ; in winc h ilie liri p. W! "i namn.il odtxperiineniai piiiiosophy ue lully ex- plameii, hy Uieev. J. .loyce, in . Viils Xew-Vorkcali.il . rt.fort itti a map H. ley's n:mi--ive ol Ins captivity ainong li;c A ..." s Hoiniiaiiri, com so td" lcg..l s;i;dy ' Wailiui iwii'si letter, l)bson' Petrarch A coueiae view of tiie principal point-, f conTOversy ' between the Prolestunt Mid Huui.a v.-..ii.-.:;.ib, by t!it Kcv. C- U. VVhwnoP, DA). i)iscour.ses on Various subjects, by Jeremy Tai lorIX 1)7 Butler'a analogy of religion, nulurai aiid i.;vc.L vd, ' Buckmiiihui' sermons iiis'.ory of the late war in Uie western country, bv Ilob't 11 M'Aiee Evening entertainments. b)'J. B. D pp'ms. Daily ExrscTtD. Fabei's Senrions, Ci. i. rrs' do Logan'" do Cecil's Keniains, Darby's HistoA ,.f Lou isiana, do Large, Mapoi Louisiana and the. Al b. fl:i, &c Walsh's American lleview, Hob Hoy, l):ig.d I Stewart's Dibsar.ation, a late work, Lite of -Mrs Grali n;, Pn dip's Speeches IVicivai's Tales, Quarterly It.vicvv, Kmr grant's Directory of- tlw Western countiy S.ile of P. Henry. ' KUganl WalWing Canes, Lsd'es Silver ' Wal lets and Note Oasa and Gentlemen's cl .nn I'jcket Booki. - Aprill;', lSlf. -19-tf ter. 8troiie, and ibOO militia "of the state of Geor- x be current weeluas been extremely baiTtn of inter-1 gia IS called into service, ueneral Uaines es eating public matter. It opened on Monday with the f timates the sttinsth of the Indians at 200. inquiry' .ordered some time since into the conduct of j Should you be of oninioh that our rilMl bcrs crATiiOr NCAHOLIXA me puDiic omces : a. invoious object, you are too small t in at ine eJieniy .ynujwiii vmi vn the 'executives of the adjacent stales fur such an additional militia force as you may deem requisite. , . ., EVtPEHED II?. irh and finished PC- LISlf. in an eas mode, bv wheels nrenared in a neculiaP manner for the purnos.'. ; - ; :VU. VIII. A method of giving IRON, COPPER OR TIM, a beautiful BLriCK JaPAK'D VAUN1SH, as prac iced by himself. ( u ' tic 13 also in full possession of a practical knowledge ot many other arts and modes of executing article in his fme which are too tedious to enumerate, all of which he is extremely willing to impart af stated in his adver tisemewt above. , ' $TMl of the foregoing genuine receipts for sale at his dwelling house in Maleigh. Jllso, always on ! tond,MiLLHVKS, GUDGEONS, and other article in his line. DANIEL PECK. Raleigh. March, 18ia 47 tf HI OH FLYER, that well known, high bred, iterant end celebrated Hotte, Will stand the ensu:ng season in CarrituckCounty. - Par a Kno A icuge of h.s Pedigree a; id Performance, the nil'lllf UVC r'fciTr-il t( tll lirU'Vl MFIifiialanriVw i - - - ' ' . w,. VB ii i4 Uix..t, Bq. of Petersburg-, Va. u hose high Stand njf ami atteatiun to.ttie breed of Horses, and of Stock ot every kind, is too well and intitna ely known in this part of the world, not to entitle whatever he" says or Certi fies, to tba highest credit.. iiir, 13;t UUUJd illUUtrLYP,If, Tiiut 1 have this day spld to Johjt D. Dklact, Esq. is full 15 luiiids 3 indies high, is ,as well bred a .'ore a any in tne woriu, aj liis reo-gree will shew He i;ai both speed and boll om, and when 4 years old run witbi i-epiuation at 2ittv M .rket, against the two favorite nags of the day; Mr. Johnson's Favorite, and Mr Wynn's LYp Hearer. - -:, -., - llir.ilFLYEHi foaled In 1803, was got by my import--o ! i.n.l celebrated Horne, Sir Harry who was got by So- Peter Teaale.-oiit of M itroA by Alfred, who was got bv' Matthem, out of the Snap mare dam ofConductoi , the siivo'f 'I'i-itinpe'er. Dim ot Highdyer the bay mare Porno h i, imported frm England; ; she was bred by Christo- pher. W.lton, Esq. tualcd in 18J3, got by Worthy(own brotlier to Waxy by Potatoes, the best son of Eclipse) oa of Comedy by Huzz nd, u-randa-n Hun'camunc i bvHieh- "yer uie oei son oi oiu iving lerou ana sire or sir re ter Teazle, was the dam of Qliumpion, Sophia, Miss BaU lej', &cv ail capital , rtlnners) great prandam Cypher by Squirrel, Jrcat great jjraridam by Reguhu, by, Gouolphin Arabian, (iam ot .rribule, anapcuagtin, Curiosity, Ang,-l- 'ill say, for i great na' ionul legislative body to bend its lofty mmd, or at least mind that ought to be lofty to The more dignified course would have been for the house, if it saw any necessity for its interference, to have directed the several heads of Departments to en uire into, and abate the abuses; if they shojjd fyJt Would betbeh time enough to make a stir in it, with their own fingers j and the fact' was stated by Mr. liwndes that at the time of this interposition bf Congress tbe.heads of Departments had already entered upon the Vusiness. However, a' report from the committee ap pointed, was made to the House on Monday, carrying in s tail four resolutions, to the effectuation of which the jjgads of Departments, were1 competent, without pumpn Wg out a 1 w fur it from the national pump, whose han " Te is never let to rest. The viast of these goes to pro I bit clerks from acting as agents for claimants against Ike United S'ates: The sbcosD forbids them to engage in trade. ' l ite tbimb advises that the law of the trea lury department should be amended,- and certain penal es in Uva increasel. And the fodbtb recommend the ppoimment of a committee to report bills on those re iolutions. - , . . ... - i. - hy two late resolutions which passed the two Houses, it has been determined that tBe present session of Con- tsa will adjourn on the 20th of April and tkat the j AJf. fnt More than 1 500 Creek warriors have been mustered into the service of the United States, and are actually employed in the expedition against the hostile Seminoie Indians. They are commanded by the distinguished chief colonel McIhtosh arid are organized into nineteen companies. The companies are commanded by capts. Ockfuske Yohalough, Nehaulocko Uapoie, i.opoellau jo, Tamyahtee, William Miller Mad wolf, Tuskeegie Haugo, Hopaye, William Las ey, Samuel Hawkins, Tus tunnuggee, Rory Mcintosh, Ragey, Othlemattee Tustun nuggee, Oosooche Tustonnnggee, Cohussee Emathlani and lientenant Latigee. JVbr In. If w? may judge from the extraordinary unanimity with which the bill for countervaling the British Coloni al system -has passed to a third reading in the, senate, there ia but little doubt that it wdl become a taw. This bill proposes a change in our sytem of navigation, which, withou being liable to the objections which apply to gemrai ay-siems of restriction, promises material advan tages to that important interest which at present lan guishes under the disadvantages with which it encoun ters the- British restrictionf on an extensive brkneb; of our trade. The plaister law, as it U generally called, has produced an effect which, it is JgLreasoii hoped, mav as speedily attend this other dfwVire mawrr. 'A, Court of plots ..n.l qiiar ter ses.ii.m( .la'huar 3 termtoI813.-'. ;. liciChqtiino,.Sco ) iffeut great great irrandam bv Bart- ' !....' .''ii.. ! II ..,.!.. u.:n -1 . ri.. t a'tlliarv I vnuoeia, miircj wu; i ri aii'un, vuiu Ul llic I WO : hi r nr'.i- ' l i'. . . x n i. a.-: nwtr n Ill'llKE C VSTr. - termto18ia-. - rue nine. I ruts, otuu pujee 4 Os M9 State Bank of North Carolina Milton linduV-Oruri-1 - . ' , , vvai.kHA4ALU nal attachment levied on Sundry tfoods, &. ... .IVA' , .- - . . . T appeariiig to the satisfaction of Hit court 'f VV-i I m ef c T y . I . . P . . . ' ' Jftitel Stut.'S in bnne. blonil nr fiinire. H will hA M huf that the deleiMlaut has removed, wid resides M4lvi this season, at 30 Dollars each, and SO cents I without the limits of this state. Therfbre ordered, that publication be made in the Minel-ta, that uide.s Iie ap- , pears at tne nevt tei u oi aaiu conn, on tiie 4ih Monday y,t April, lata, ana replevy una pieau to issue The plaintiffs will be permitted to proceed to judgment lor tlieir demand, and that, tins order bt publ.alied three weeks in the Raleigh Minerva. Attest, J EltWIY, Cl'k. 49-3tp to the groom, iiayable the 1st of Ootbber next. ti.orxl pn3uragccan be had ul that neighborhood. rebruarySO, JOHN D. DEL KCY. 44-tf t1 ABINE T MAKING BUSINESS. The J subscriber informs his frieuda and the pub lie, that he has moved his shop hito the new Build n lately erected by Juel Bl own, on the corner of F yeiie vtlle and Martin streets, where fruifilbe exce Iciice' of the materials he has on hand, and experience in his workmen, ne natters nunseu mat lie wilt be able to fui nisli as elegant and fashionable furniture as ever was imported from the north.. . . . ; , v Alexander niass. . N ,B One or two bovs. between 16 and 1 vear of age, yjl bt taken as apprentices to tiie above business, and one or two steady journeymen will meet with em ployment. . . . . ., - . . ..... . Work packed up so as be carried safe to any distance for country customers free of expense. A. It. Pvleigh, Aprils, 1818. : ' 49tf. 3 I'ATE OF N. C AltOLINA, Superior Cwrf T,nv iBRDSLtcotNTr $ Full Term,, 1817 Thomas GidJons, im. Ury Qiddons, his wife. Pet tion for a Divorce. . " . . .. IT . ordered, that publication be, made for ' 3 months, (hat unless the defendant in this case comes forward at the next Superior Court of Law. to De new Kir tne county ot Iredell, on toe hub Mond y after Ijie fourth Monday in W arch next, and plead, an swer or demur, the petition will be taken pro confein and heard ex-parteC ..- , B. WORKU, CVkt ';... i : 39 -3m. a U U1CHAKD FEN NEK, having remov- jLF ed to Raleigh, with the view of making it his permanent fesidence. respet fully acquaints the inh. ; bitants of the town and its vicinity, be has formed si connection, in the practice of Physick, with Dr. Bur t. DR9. FE-VNER & BURUES. Will attend, punctually, to all applications made them.3"" .a Jo i heir shop is on JrayeUeyjdJe itrcet next doof to Mr. John Stuart's store. . ' ... iMcemaev', Jl . oitt

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