7.W Vftatift-ift? Iftmaybe pcmittecVlib&i endeavor to point jXoaU and. FiB even go so Jar to suggest the --r !wnedy.-7r r' ' --.-'.--...--tUllJ ' . . Penitentiaries, ' on the prevailing plan, In my estima tion, arc defective In these grand particulrt.;:iTISc pun! iahment imprcite no one with terror t its whole process kk'iter tenwj to the "rorro ite swyW. arid U al- no j. invariably returns its inmates upon society -mth more depraved appetite and a tharper relM fur wongloing. After' the sense of shame upon conviction is gone, the infliction may be said to be ovr... The criminals are crowded together ;' remorse is drowned in the horrid. revelry of a prison i and the wretches, mingling togeth ?i countenance, encourage v and support each other in throwing oft the few restraints -which withhold them from the most dqajng contempt of men and heaven, , They feel thenuidyea stamped with the mark of Cain: and ',ne exposed to common gae, begin at last to reeard every honest man as an enemy and the whole world as legitimate prey. Their task of labor is to the last de gree galling; begun with repugnance and finished with cursing. And finally. tkey are discharged, bcggnrsjn purse, wretches in character, and liendain disposition' This cerlainly; then, cannot be the thing desired , and I would propose as a remedy, that the whole term of punishment be l...ry alat the pritmert never commu nicate witi each other, nor meet at all but at stated times of general worship; that their work be of the kind that can be iit&vidually matwige'd;. that" no idle vieitort bead- ' fitted to them i ipirito abtolutehj prtldbile l .- no amuse- ihentpermftVed wholesome reading and exercise : add tmtolf-& of each culprit's earnings laid a. ideas a fund to ie given him on hit discharge , -. the 'gift V mercy to enable Oml to fly trom the.scene of hisdis. . .grace. Such is the ou -line and I reason thus upon it.v Were it once known th't criminals, during he period of their punishment! were Yo be absolutely dead to the , trla lM period, perhapi .not even the prospect of death itself would fill with "grealev terror tlie guilty bo om. A wholesome awe would thus be spread abroad, in place of the prevailing sentiment, thit tlc penitenjia ry is to many a more plentiful and pleasant .Some than they ever enjoyed. In the process, ivmorse oidi visit "the prisoner's guilty conscience; no vile covtpa-oion would laugh h'm out of his penitence ; good loofc.s vouM ........,,,- rcsmuiioiis orarnentiment ;.. and an hon..sl pjttancp, of lu own earning, art -i d him tlie means of re nova! and decent settlement At present lie is ushered' - again into the world, with almost the enforced necessity of robiing to preserre life ! Can any one deny t!m ? r can one fail to see, that some wiser mode must bc adopt cd or the whole scheme be abandoned That 1 would not have the criminals seen at nil. ex cept ra ely by their immediate relatives (if of (rood char-! acter,) by their keepers, and by the clergy-is because experience teaches that puilt and misery can never bi&t t0 I ffared at widiont feelings or hatred towards the human species. Tlie viet.ms of the law should noi, ad cannot be, without the worst consequences, made sub. jects of frivols and childish curiosity. Public are had schools of morality. None have business there, . except their errand be pious and humans. No arguments are required to enforce the nronrlefv of placing" books in the hands of the convicts. TJiose who on 'heir entrance coulj not read, should be taught .-n .it s-for idleness, and vacuiiy of mind, in solitude, often ..Kcnuer mooay uiscontent, and foster a spirit of malitr- That the labor, even, should be separate; and the Cells so contrived, that the inmates could neither see nor hear each othr. 1 insist on, because that sort of com . ttan.cat.onisprec.seIy the kind which is most to be dreaded. o room should be afforded for one abandoned teprobate to make another as bad as himself. Yet not Withstand the unhappy beings were to be thus sectu, fled, I would havr a most strict discipline observed in iQTata to the neatnru nf tVi.:. ti . kui-e.nu xne cleanliness war persons. Fo-fltA, more than most B has a direct tendency to hasten tjsemen t of the human mind ! ' Ihi a word this system shoukl embrace, M.r.with the - .u.u0o,eci m neaith, profit & punishment; ooStnde "TT 01 rePenUnce nl improvements reading nop to p,ous advancement snd a source r,f ih r,. necessary to s.istaIW human spirits ; ckanliw lation t4ui ht,nglnff the tomahawk upon ur w jatly due hU: Often have we seea lhli war-worn men .nd children, and detraction upon thj Theads of the jVf ed frSWd . r v fW Jhe Uwist of the Jhistive-DriiMekiinb white h " - ' ' MtLtEOOBVItLB, ItJO. ?'f grounded, honor fidl fist p His aged breast lent Wager, of tlnr'OaiUfd StiljtifK W barred by Uie itatute ha. uf nrrired tri& PkZMohf but bring. i' tothiSif - ft wi fc? ,n-P,n,i tiftnrc H . A w tome grave ' It Would be an set of itr hti i.i.t. M " murvr TIVB Inrtiana lunnmpil it t Kn J j . .r. i'r-J-l"" news. to bo to be hnsril L l,.'u . i h" 1 " . r . - . """7M,B1in w pass toe remnant ol h s days io oo liowilo, bad been taken prisoner, by a oV- hovel, .urrourtded with theltorrorsof hV taehment ofmiluia. who delivered them to the,di:encehoulddie "he ha. done-in abject poverty Jailor mt t?nt wt-,. Jrrt . ...... . .The two Mbi, Are itf&iced tobeliere, Wfl be mfa itor at Fort Claiborne, for safe keeping. From tome eaoM. it mi iK.in.nti --. ' ' tuem to rort MontKomerv t fed Jtep.&Bait. Telegraph. A gentleman who perused oar late French P03-8?". w,u notbewrrendered,bat competent 4!d it It i militwy port, re-, mote from any population, .Surrounded by hordes of desperate Indiaas and negroes j it i. the only barrier against their ravage, and,, jncutsion... To evacuate It pn the mere demand o(auiy Spanish agent deputed to receive, or to a force incompetent to boid it, would be to rZiT', i ' V ne Ina,an n,r- , the. authority ot the late Spanish Commander of it, for sy(ng, that the Indians coin trolled him, and not he them- 6etf-preserva tion is tlje first dictate, of nature j and there , nothing in the law of jn.tipM, most rigorously construed, which un meir way, havine oroeeeded hot a .horl V1 ' rem' tat the eHIiforialtone of ITIl !! r "B' f'"1 popuiton exasperated cihzeus of tbe Alabama Territory ,T. !! .ffaej;,T' ?, , ieetwot unsubdued are.erabodied in force,- this check, wi & who wrested them from tbe guard, and oat t-iea Joacn,n8 l"ejtM f tbo United; State., the, drawn, and they might .weep our borders. On the ap. all'to death. Such are tbe Pnlannv conse. . a" of imilarto that breamed Pearanceof force adequate to garruoa the post, it nuences of Indian Warfare " 7 lh Wterial editori .( oglMd. The W ,Sr,,!Smpy "P------ - " n- uhu uai as a u i . miiupi u ii i aas V01UC8, inisrms as that fiv h . .1, taken on the P. rdido river by Captain B ui LiiB Aianama nuiiita i i i ... :i. , tbic, uiurucreu oy inei,-. w eusril aniiAini!..! i . ... . .ueiween a ri-"1 vuuuuci inem io roriAlont KK51TCKT EKCT10X HETCnSS. ;Smber8 of Congrcss.-Complete who were ?me!effct, and occasioned the tame Appahchicoia, and the topuk in n.,vU 8ent,men,MP ciun(riei. The fair eonelii k W them iaawe. ,: ed bXtr'i? Is iWaodj the land. ' ttion of tbe frontier is suf- Tle population of Pcn- Cllinrti nt. I 1 - L . . ; . - r . - ffOVfirumenta of, 'Praneo anrf 'r lunK lQe nands ot theFulidns. ThatposV there. ,-i T BCe -ahJ fore, Will be suiteiKlered, without eoiiduion, r to any JSr.Y.Gaz. MOXmiENT TO COM. ftOWNIE. D;vid Trimble Henry Clay Wm. Urou'n 1 homas Metcalfe Alney MLean ' o tlraufrari a tin JQ . . Divkl Walker'-' j A Tomb Stow , for Com. Diiwnie, arrived at this teorge. Robertson plawm .the Steam Boat, a few woeks since, dtreeted't B C. Anderson ..I toe CtmnisMMlant ar th; Mti n j ji;.tiun.. ...... , mis sion.e, wiiicJi is a p! un w 1 (install Quarles Bonjamin Hardin n! tin U'lliir mrtll trt l n-i n I'm a suitable manner. The fiilhwinff'ia the in'ici-intio:i S 100,000 la SPECIE for the IT. ba.de ed at New-York from Antwerp, on 'theft? was rccciv- i i:ist. " Tlie Hon. VllltL HOLMES, has resigned his the Congress of tlie United States Con Mir. seat in Oj-T.ie SYNOD OP NORTH CAROLINA, will mt at Favetttvillo on the first day of October m-xt At the "" ce wui also oe hell lue :iniuid mr ctmg of the Presbyterian Missionary Society of North-Car-!!- f . " . " u'cu'imuiHion ot mis society n coi templuted ; a full meeting is therefore dcsiraLlc. Buleig' , Sept-23, 181 8. . J"",irr " conseri'ienco or (3 hr.vinp be,?n .linouiiced that arrangements were -hade for re peiuCfC1' tf,is Theatre, an applirati.m was mnde on the S.h of A. ruit to the Court of Ch moery , I,doii, bv a K-rviu rav"1 'V rwpnejorsiot -that Theitre to p-antan iuichon owmg to the embarrassed strtte of the funds loeiVam the siib-con.iniitee from going oil The Chacello-Igi.,ntcd. the prayer of the petitioners & ordered notice to bj' served on tlie other side without litiay. The thealu: is ."0''s-quently hut airaiii. f. " Sacred . ' -To the mnnorv of GEO;U31i UOWN1B, ESQ A Post (,otain in the lloval H XAVY, -- Who gloriously f .-II oivbWd ' .. II s B'. M. -'ship' the Ounfiince ' While leaduig the vessels under Ms. -i , , ,: , commami .... To the attack of the American Fiotilla At anchor In Cimhtrland Day off PUttsburg . On, t he U i Ii Septeirib jrr 181 i. To mrk tii. s;t whre the remains of a g dl m.t cffi-.T and sincere friend Were honorably interred, This Sto'ie ha been erected . By Ins.. affectionate Sister in.!aW JIary Hownie." rmm Wi 1 ravell nig.-? mm an account kepi by Hcnrr r .1 ! ' . A. ii.g.iii.ci j, nccjfBi ui iiju lurnpiKe cate on agent of Spain duly anthoriied to receive it. . is iaus seen, ttiat the. United 8tatea do not desire to hold ,tne Spanish posts i6ne of which i. surrendered without condition, and the other without any eondu.oo but that it shall not be surrendered to a force, nonvnaU Jy Spanish, umkT a controulnctual y Indian. In a wm- f it is to Spam, and not to "the Sein'mlei, that both the-. posts arc to be'surrendered..Yjf. Jut. In a pamphlet, which has been pi Wished as the dyinx confession of oei Thampion Hate, r-one of the mail-rob-bera lately executed, i made to confess beini? con cerned in seventeen rdTjberi the booty of which amounted, alto-ter, exclus. ve of . the robbery , for which he suffered death, to upwards of 12J.000 dol a. t ' Ue had been twice convicted of robbery and serit,iccd to the penitentiarv : artd once lav . - m.ML i . . . '. - . hi nulla lw J ja.l in Washington c.ty. He was in the-army, the para, jphl-.-tsiys. deserted from if, hired a horse nnd gig la ; iorgetow n,aivl sold them But the m-ist ingenious of j the n ari ated incident of his life, is that, whilst in the army, he meditated delivering hp the person of Mr, I Madisiix, tden President, to Admiral Cockburn, then ! lying ;n Patuxent; which, he says, he could have done, j could he in nny way have communicated his design to Co. kliurn. If this confession be credible, it wan a j scheme worthy of the perpetrator of seventeen burglaJ i ries and bigliway robberies, aiii He ts.ianto'-two ptni 1 tentaries. MARUIED U Smi hville, Brunswick county, on nnett, Mr, i -r.....i i . . ""-g1 1 "tt.rccii iuis piace anil, V - - "" y ne nev. Josse j Stoyestinvii, it N appears lltat there nasspd ; Gr.een. '.M" Clementina Uaynci throuzb his 2ae tJurintr the v.. i V, ... .r;1 w"?1,.n5ton. on Sunday the ..mi iMi,iMi5ic aiirici. jjo one linr I or wum. BeUamirat,ttr,ef.,ll nTpS Under tliis title a very aflectmg tragedy lias lately betH? prod iced atWof the Iondon theatres, and which the vnter of this witnes sed the. representation of some nig.s since in the citi of Washington, with no small dvrec 'ph-asure I h.s interesting play claims unusual rrgar.l liere fJP l. though the author has verv natura lv assumed for Id) countrymen, the glory of Christian e.nanc pa. vn fund to Great Britain certainly praise is due tor litr efl',r.8 "owereriaie.Met it must not b? fi,rKoWen by Amen cms that to the bltmd of the DecatUrs, the V.ids . worths the iSommerses, and other Coluinb.an worth vs thevvorld is indebted for the first effectual b!ow riven j to the nower nf hnt ;i.ni-.i .. r . -- . i'iliimi ji uar,ai)s. it is no ,wnter, to dcuss how far th, MV f nations on tins point is to bc Weijhted again., the cause of humanity , but it is at h-ast Safe to a-se. . that every freeman and Christian must be proud to re collect that Americans gave the first eftl-ciuaf check to the assumed dom.n.on of these ffeebooteiv,, a;id led .he states of fcuropc to a sense of justice -nd their ow.. di uiLi,aie,y exienainj mercv and !. Jim I'amiiges, o JI l.vo lioraw do.2 l2 S horse do. 3.096 six horte do. t S one horap slcigln "aod slea, ltwo liorsK lo.--Makiii5 allo'itlier the mi.irber of 33,399 liors 's, in the eTourso cf on,-vaf, flu first lhat exoired inon ih peVccrioa of .'lie gate (iteensbnrgh Gax- 29tirult. Mr' and Ceer. nrton. I i this city on tlie 2?1, Mr John Potoert, a native ol Irela'id and a s-ddief of the revol'ition. . ae gincrs itii ,.n: r' .. "'v.' 'ci;erunce 10 - ..,,n.cu. every nation and clitne. Hal:. people ima- an utter de- , 3S ' , . ' t,c' ""ls la s'a'n some sense of per Wl dignity, a retention oha'f the profiT, of labor, to r ..v,;c auu a,Ium a s. - to rxertim ; and powerful engine to res religions inrtructiin, as the'most Wftstaled, Uc other day, that fuc Carjjrrrss. V'" vwiin iuti Rrahtt tl t-i M ii. (i; n ctLAuTHta Clair, a pt -..si i (if six uuntncu dollars nr un..,in ..,.! rno.ii T:iiitiAnTronn(coir.) yijrts. The question is cmtmu dly asked what vill the .Con vention do ? The answer is, we cannot sell -We shsJl wave c.-piecturei t. W tlie result is known. Tn nmW qnstion aJso repeatedly asked, what iai the Convention uo te, we answer . . It h.is jfhangcl the t'fuie and place of holding the clec lion in die spring " " " ft ha-t abolished the October session of tl; Assemhlw It has provided t'latci'eTV w!i ite male of 21 vears of ve and npwanls, w!io di.Hrs mt'J.'tary duty, or p:ivs a t.'vie tax miy be made a rimiln, and be entitled-ltO wyteN" all i've ne-i's a vl towii meev ;n?s durinir bfe. It l.'as abolished our laws obiiin ,men to support m'v ridii.'Vtmi nst tu'i ini an-1 surfi'inx ' any man at h'm pleasure, to; leave the society to which he belongs, with -out joining any other society. It has givr;i the governor'the power of .rts'inK his absent t b::i .Cir public acts, and oflen'ug h,' rea-ons ir s ir.h dissent, and in those cases tht; two t oust H Wl" revise such bdls, nr.d if they are again passeol by a 6'm pie majority, they bscome laws : or in otl.r ward": he can mwefor a reconsideratiom. It h is taken away from fce Oovernour and Council SALES A I' AUUI'!OiV-Ati2 o'clock on Salurday oexl. will h4 sold at our store, a quantity of Men's Cbaths, Liverpool Stoved Sab, in bags, and Porter, by the dozen bottles ail without re serve. Also, nn excellent ' Philadelphia built Gig ami Harness, and a handsome sorrel Mare, that rides well and goes well in harness. ! KOSS & PARSLEY, Auct'rs. .,, September 24, 18; 8. A LL perais iildebted to the subiciiijer are .jL requested to cill oo him aud settle their accounts without delay. M, P. M VYES: BiltNgli, Sept. 5.3,1816: 73-3t. m iiiit nave adUeff; without its beii.ask.iilie ' by him or hi friend. Ucsjiecting the a'nwunt of 1 jo pcnsKfti, we wrote tiom riicollti tion. with. in letter, and busing. Sa ZZWW sufficient f v-l Kr-,-P.-,-,,w w" raom ""iiaiooi rrom the trreeieta&U tmnfn: verv wavar.:n.i...L. . . wouiar be , -6 uyiim ; and n f wU'danjj'crous, hope to see a renentnn, 'uZ " I ber tr, th h. " r ' a usef ul --iu oi me mem- lUt1.miii.tia. - ' wuKsuch rrn; ; r 7: w9c p ?n, a "i.k i x.iftii ii c . cioiis, absurd n4 r.-.:.: -r---tcm, fc. -uiiic. ir. -. penitentia ai injudi- 'A SERPENT C-int n- i , W to have .t,,,.!-1.: " . ".' ws that ther ! ,...u . ' V " "arP. "ow maintains -. . uti.laiumi,llt ,k-. ,l . bohare sw.trt,. r... . : " ont reierence to the law. We n.iw find that no- prnsioii so-granted was at the rate of six ty dolla& ,,rr m,,nt,f or Sf,vcn imiJ1rcd an(j twenty pilars per ainur. and iook dale from the ith oi March, isir, so as to give to the aged veteran a present suun o sovoti or ei!it hundred dollars, f(,r tlie relief of his i a.mi di ate necessities Mit. Int. r ' . 1 1 u'.a- panels, or tlf .mmMini v. ..- . . k.UnV. J"enriy noticed as I ill ?.r!f hed llnS C0.u,ury by private letters from Be- . V.T.1 . . "e gnt it proper to be more par tictt ar in sUt mg what we know of It, f 1 rv.'e t?1'6501 Passion tfCoW,.i on th? 1st KnMfrV.Wh.ethet" "n1t w treachery is tot known oat dv tive latter, it is bel date of op information, (the latter end of J() there w,-i a thousand men garr.sone.l. About the s.e tim" the Portugnese general Currow took Piiriftcacim 2i Paysander, w.th .5J0 men. A corps of cavalry crossS thUruguay, a.id after plundering' the Arrnydo. de la China reoassptl thr v tk. J- - ;a ,f K is I UriULrUPH at fat'lt)Ha the power of appointing shyif and has given it to the I l.meral ssemblyv . T - . J. . Il has m .deth J.idges'of thefilpreme Court so f.rf independent as that thsv ; cr . 1 1 1 :i - r 1 1 r !...... ml r- k : I..' " . ..H c:iiov- -.j,. ,,.,,...ii,Ti: .a ur on me aaaress ot the -"-a cacu iiuusc. , ii,s is sure. ' ;mem- a w;se and important mea- IMias directed the doors of the Gencril As.emblyto te open during dvbates- J 'And, last though not least, it has sat alremlv tw.nf.. aav. . at an expense to the state of about Ten Thousand lalltire, or five liundred dollars a day. We hope tne resu't will shew that't!..a rrw.t .m : no", worst than wasted. 'he pcxulisranrW;; 1 "aVe Dee? ceived, inmm,-I. .Ii- :T "r. nney fish, whie .Wuuik5. ebyR edin aTrmTU s mention ChickW''' the council of the uld notaL l i ireay Uen- Jcfc.ion le i,u.V",,u FIaied the nation "... . 'vu wiouves of a fi. abandoned Purificacion, an the Uruguay and Pavsant s nevs received at Buenos Ayres was such, that it ; . not known how tbintrs actuallv st,d -t th. .J -r.1. . " . J - ...v uan. ii,,i oe contest, However, was considere.1 ver rtigas bcifg thus but olflrom the resources rwith - i V . u"ves a few to he at quired of thpm4 UUHUI. W-W c re- Mvui. siir -iririifnAHS- . rcd efflv.. 'j "ft-""3"" nave had the de- Uuckasaw :v3. .Imposed at the d took a nositiiin h wer. lhe uncertaintvii." li was our un af- Resuscitation. At Kilirortb, Irsland, a boy bve years old, who Ml itfte Hie Araslin, and renamed iathe water upwards oris minutes, although all effom toward resoscitat ion an peared hopeless, was restored by the efforts of youu5 surgeon. Aa example which 002.1t -u " COXFKC TIONAIir David Shaw, late fro: Glasgow, in Scotland, has cmnmen-" ced a nnnufactory of CO.VFEUT1 ) VV tT AHnG! FS in Raleight, on Fayi t:evdle s'reet, neirJv opposite' the' otur isnd M:w;rva ni ind iq- rfRrn ok'... i, - -- n in.i, lit ill'CJIU! carrying on that business in all iUSHw-inches, an ! i iiat t-xtent which tle demand may appear to require. Loth wholesale and retail. Those who purchase oy whole sale wdl be furnish, d at the Petersburg .wholesale pri ces : and as the advertiser learnt hi business, .it one of the first Co-fectionanes iir G asgow,he has nohesita i in in assuring those who mw fcvor him with their cum that If is grods will always be equal in epiaiitv 10 my lthmr f the kind in the united States o d.'r. f orn t'he different towns- throughout this t te, or eU-where, w U be thankfully andcarpfnilv ftttcii.W m . -.. u ... J "j - , ail'tlliu ny .article not meet the expectations of those whrrrrtij. hav .ordered it, if returned in rn.ir nf w mnntk ;n likey. or(er when sent off, it will be received; and the parch-er, money returned. 8-.p.emr2i. 1818. 7-3(. N. 0 The.Hdvert.ser is a nephew of mTnin whos sue xss I f'A'l a .'t-ep interest as a connection. In order'-, therefore, to do way ''any want of confidence which m gnt exist tr..m .' o-mg a stranger, as far as my word can aid him, 1 Pledge myself that what he pro mises in the above advt.'ti'erne'at will b faithfully ner formed". W.M SH V. .i smnuiaie toxTtinn. even imdp if, IIHI'niirn iina :riw'!iiii na... :.t i t 7r """a '"v.iuri.uoi;, ut suspenueu ant 3 aiost aution. ..CRE,:n, t, or no . too importan t; however, t6 1 ftoes lap to expl ich,sPni6nf Our front T? "overlooked Vre .? "Cl0ttnV-o Southern paner cont,;:i i... ? l'omcc..;..hR too imno'kV ' ". r-ooked even nn ,; L .L?T:'r' &J of thoJ n'tT1"10 "PU!" ' P . . . one b which a nnfMAn r ter podu. !aliicg " feouftl. A r!V7n nentof Buen0 y' !t is 8aid, perrria L. luBuoe lo na meir vessels Qt war up the ncr, to co-operate wiihjtheir land forces, - whir h i 'H. mountlo about 0.000 nw...k.j .u- .... ; . ."-"v-.-wniiei orm- ?M .k . . esl OI mII",e them confident ; and thev onen v tlir..-.. n . ... ' tIk fi t Martm Garcia, which commands the entrance to the Uruguay and some of the entrances to the Parana, ana which' is earrisonr-rl l ti t It they succeed in this attempt, it requires no ct eat frr lrl'' hat their next attempt will be on the Western Shore. Of tlie safety of the provinces of Ruerios Ayres, of their abilay to tna.ntajntheirindependencer if-united taere cn be ho doubt there violence of their internal divisions may not brinr them thoucrh jt is tvA iv,. . . . " , , -c nine j anpieuena from any force the Porturrue can (..inc- .cra-... Ti - U . -.iijn v -IH. II1. . ; ':' " ." Aat. Int. ... T"nWwh :.A5fTMEB l?EVOI.UTIOXART HEfta GONE' Wiedathm Urn on Laurel Hill Somerset pnlnt., ru. on.Aiondavthe.list .itf sr,.- a..-i a..t.... 'X, ... . w.-.., ... vuuuvr o uair. HIS remains Were intfrtwl nn V.!n.1.u ,pi. rt. i- Tt j veneraoie patriot were spent "VVe afe authorised' to state, for the infoi. rnatKM. uf tjioac intereatcd. that the number of HpiMicanu for pensions under the act of the 8"n; nas .been so great, that it has nut rNK,,ine. wnn every exertion, to act up on ir,tn so last as they came n. Ti A,Ktin to which, fiorae -delay ha-, taken place in order ui mW.y irom tue rec da of f he several states, the documents in relation to revolution, ary services, vVhich were destroyed when the far Office was bt.rntiniSOl ; which caue of delay l9 now almos j wholly removed. The applications for pensions are taken win-flie-order. of time in which the were received, and every effort will be madn t . de.ay as short as possible. When rfifma n pensions are admitted, tho certifiraW k transmitted to tli n,a., k.. .i . . K . , . r:r K','.yi.rf',mim claim- ants :papes were sent tti the War Depart ment. When rejected, thev will IA MliLniiit , " J "... v. vj IUUI IHU In the same manner, with the reasons-stated for rejection. Mere letters of general ennui ry asto the state of narticufar 9ntJSatsn.' we are informed.: cannot hn nns...i i. u would consume much of the time that'otieht to be engaged in the investigation of claims. ,:r:-Mit. Int. TIIK impruvemeni iit have lately been eoiiimeueed in this; iJc may afford some gri fieation tp those who feei a. 'inerw: in the agri cul.ural and commercial prosperity ? th'i section of the state. Flits are now bu ldrng in 'hi place, for the iiss of the Yidkin Nivigifion coinp y nd arrange, ments hwe been made by the company to proceed irt the improv, mcnts' of the river with as l.;ttle d dav as possible. Several boats fin-.the purpose of ci wvey irtj p,-o-once down the river 'lire in a st".e i of fdr Vardnes.---Hands ar-now;, enjfjd opening a route for a 'urnpiite, to lead from the Undtng boe the narrows down the western side of tlie river, to U! town of Bl ikl , . Thia route wdl form a postage of a'-oui fourueen m les The Morjfmton road has been onerred as farm ihi. rilaw". and passes in nearly a directflou.se thixnigli tlie ceiui' of the towo i road has been openod to inieis-.ct tlie principal road leadir.r from Oahvus countv ami n-.. ther from the Terry to them.nf-d oi the eastern side of the river will shorlfv be comnietei. A nimi.ier ofCVrneuturs ar? einfilnved erur-unr li.i.! insi'nd ns soon'--as practicable. sc7eral m-r-..nt ;u houses will be estahhh.'d. ttUkelv. Seb'.U lgl- . ' ritf. Vfe haveseifcn s6tn'c"onif.n.rAc, ''.-. LLiil'-'i." respectinir the delivervof fI SZJA' ha beW amiounced fl7m from tUxongrp of the United States, what was 'tfS?SeS!!Bent have ,ed us to some inquiry in- IIV I'll . V VH .11 . 1 if II . ceivinstby thesliins Iii'liVn Chief. Viro-in;- and Scipio, f-wniLiyerpM, and .lie s-s ers ira n lvvton a very lare and general jsurt.na.1'. of . sfiasonaole Bri! usuikv wo,is-auM w.,re, and Cu Kvry, also f.-ohl JMew-Y.irK an excellent sumlv of Siiit .. &C C, etc" tth;rh aiv orfTPrl on l.h.-r.l Their fricmU and th- nuhTic. apt rnTtrtUu j to al, and view thetn, on Sycamore street Pcterabure Virgiun. . . .. . 6 S.ptem!rrtt,-; l'?ia. "' - ' V57"LL be 'ld in tiranrilie rouaty,-. C. T T on. the 2ath September, 18 i 8. at Thb' Biown's srore, a tract of Land, ontainmj; n,oe hundred and twenty acres, one mile from Thos. Brown's, on jicre d.y of six months, wth bond and approved security belonging to the estate of Dr. Tho. Falconer, d-e'd. " . JOH.V HOLLOW AY, . i,.V. . Sept. 10. ISM. 72 4t.- ,-r i 8 VLlS3Ui;Y rUHK. will eommene- np Tuesday the 37U of Oit, a-id will continue five days. The subscriptions to Uie Jock, y Club, have beea very liberid. which we hope will 'induce wortim? Bea. ttemen to attend. ': . , ... L M0SE3 A. LOCKH5, "V-o. . Sil'sbury, Sept, J8l v ',- ?2t570. -53.,--

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