r. a . A IP. The t'!l uifiti letter cannut be read without groat ihtrif'-t hy ur itedi al men and na tMfalistsWV: F. Post.-- t"-,v v' -vV';- ,PAUIS, JUNE 1. - iteir Sir I now transmit you several late jflrtinrd- iacilical : publications, in whieti ; much ititi't Mting matter U ufFiered for. philoso phical inquiry. The sildden chang of the co lo'fc of the Skin from white to black, in the per . in of Mary Guil rvfd, is truly astonishing and irtvitealifwctnijecttircsandcontroversk's. The reporter r.f the case to th faculty of medicine has" attempted to explain tlin phenomenon, from a tlbe.ise of the liver and frm hile ; but 1 lhi1fc that neither have any thing to do with if.tave seen the woman h'ef re siie died ; and it ia a fart, her change of color took place in the .night after she was. informed of t ho tra- gical.ydyath of her children. It is also. true that she continued IS months' in .the same co lor, and until she died j hut slfe was observed to grow paler half an hoar only before her bo dy was opened, I hope you will not leave Uic subject without 'further enquiry. Whoever - could .- satisfactorily account- fr this strange metamorphosis would certainly ..explain or dis close; the trtiu cause of the black color bf the . African race1. You will not be 1-S3 astuntehed by the oper ation f' cancer, as performed by RieherauJ. The sufferer, who was a mii-geuti himself, had several titles submitted tfr ih 'iiii;e extirpa th;i! of his Cincer in tii.e" h'f. bi t ..si afo to c veVftl -applications of Are. uu-i ca.i;i b.uit .i " 'JVf-?'Bmt out anew, itnd- put viil '' horrid exi-i-rsi-ncrs and off" uhv i'Miv. No ch-.nce- c-mkl b-'lejt a,i;out" iipenitt and cni'd d"H ii'ji nti m rxo.;.- .' j rih t!." gip: . ,i-..-iW .i. . ; 5 -:,u; uuu ii uis-c.-v.l. i ' nn ul-i". i (,; V . s , ;. 'S.-i lateral space ui eiiit nr.'iivd squ :it-. v Iir.f ten-ib'e con'incc were now to be iem :li d, of'hai"- rag' irnrn the intercostal arteries, and ot iiufiT c ion ly the air rushing into i!;e luugi, an mail alni'ts. ran beawv.-if ; lint i!uy were all :d.u;" t-''. a'xl sti'.'T ;iol!) , p !jvikd for. Ojithe U It diy after the open!im -he: patient was penectiy cured, reluming a lealiierly piaie on ... i ,.i oi-i ig teu kT. U:.ii,'auiJ'i('"!.ls u n fir having proved to tlie worldfh-it, lor wry Mii.HTHnt p-trpHt'S, lie cy ity of the thorax : ty le op netl by ex? cisi n of tht' i ios and f the pleura : in case of A g eat lesion of a 1 "be of (lie lung1 a jiin t might he cut rtfajidjiydr6pericuuiiiim might oe pt'rateu as in hydrocele. Jt'ivas di-.cv red bj this operation, that the heart and jjerienrdium aro als tluteiy insensi ble. thu being so -rausiMier.t a to show -al he motions of the farmer, thaf, like the 'nurror ol the eye4, it bct omcs opaque only by death. Remaining, dear sir, youths truly, &c. . , L. V. ua riix rassaiis M, it. corresponding m.?rob. r ot be t j..AJt v,:iuii wil.A. i nntrl hot nnnitt unicu h niiuni3i ttiv iw.v.. v..- three year ; aeo at the earnest solicitation of the defendant uer tatner; iwrminwi ner iu gw te4 the defendant' house to reside aa a com panioa for hi daughter who had. thrt late ly lost her husland he promised at the time that he wduhl 'treat her with the kindness and attention of a father, that sho considered herself at all tim-s at liberty to qaU tho de fendant's :house which she would have done whenever she had been dissatisfied with her sitnatlon--tbat she lived in the family upon terms of equality, assisted in the housekeeping, and WU3 seduced under a promise of marriageprincipHl road leading fro;n Cabarrus county ; and Many circuraarances appcareu in eviueuce which excited strong sympathy, for this ruin ed and rinlianov girl ; among others it ap peared that the--defendant sentlicf to a rer mote part of the country to bo conhneu, ana her father -and her friends had no knowledge if her situatiun and residence sometime at". tcr her child was born, her father found her out, and in;i:'e an attempt to remove her, which coming t' the kuowlcdgu of the defendent, he tank her t Wil;ninirtou:, and sent her in the, Sragivto I'mLr -lelphi'a, -,wi(b directions to a fe:ne wIumv he '.nd he had cniJKeil a situa-1 terms. livirt for lii.i-.-vv?iwi KbQ irMeiited herself at .3- A course in any othrr respectable aiedicl school TIIKImpravementnhat harelateTf been commenced in this place, may afford lotne WutificaiiotLta those who feel n interest In the sfrri- ,ii nral nl commercial orosneritv of thli section of the atate. -Plats are nov buildinir an this fllace, for the useoflue Yadkin Navigation .company and arrange ments have been made !y the company to procecu , m the improvements of the river with as litlle dtlay aa possible. Several boats for the purpose ot conveying pro duca down ttie river are in a state of forwardness. Hands are now engaged opening a route for a turopifee, to lead from the landing above the narrows, down the westerniside of the r.ver, to Ue town of BlaktJy. Thrs route will form a postage . of about fourteen mdes The Jforganton road has been opened as far as'this place, and pages in nearly a direct course through the centre of the towii-r-a road has been openod" to intersect the principal road leading trom Cabarrus county ; anU ano ther from the ferry to the main road on the cateiu side of the river will shortly be completed- 4 A number of Curiienters are employed erecting build ings, and m soon as practicable, several mercantile hou9"s wm De esiairfisneu. Rlakclv, SpdM4 1813. ' 73-lF. EW-BOOKS -WILLIAM IV u just received a sjpj.ly ofBuOK loong Wh.ch are the ffftlowin,; : ' "Davy's Agricultural Chemistry Life of Patrick ilMry, the last edition, Oijc hu idred copies jf Little 8c Snvuft : -Books. - - Waldo's Spelling and Pronouncing Diction,.. A.W Wfc, Djy's Algebra. " rw'V eumon, wita new nutw - bracing the culture .of Cotton, and a Zl . , WOU Ot saving tiay an.-l corn. b!ade-fodde, T Modern Chivalry, by BreckiBrklge. 'Uli j TNiViittslTY OP MARYLAND. 1 J TMH Medical Leetures will commence on thr Moiiiky in October, and continue till the 1st of March. 2- Agreeably to the laws of the Institu! ion two cour ses! of lectures are required previous, to the adm-Si'ion ol catt li lates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine ; h i t.'iis r,"guiuti:)ii docs ;i')t m ike it necessary for th; pi pil to attend each' and" "everyone of 'the professors tvvn UIISK9 WAITED The 8ub8Cr" are about to establish a line of Hum .. i lyiniHitn, ami are cieirous of n If chsint a number of STOUT H rnnvn ti-v . PJ' I ItOltSr tor that service, lliose who hr.v siie are invited to bring tliem in without deUy. c Vo will be given for such as may-be approved. Auffust .20- ,-r-l VVM. SCOTT MLS. HUFFi'y II. POTTKll. ilie house. t!.c ut'onrii'tor had never heard ut (lie delVnr.I.TU or of her, and would not receive Tier she had only throe dollars which the de- fend.int hnd iven her1 ; she knew not vviL-ro to rro ur wh.tt was to become ot her 'i'slivd by.ti'ie li!vo!'the h':u?a ii" ' t ! w sht S!1C V;H knew .i- will ba deemed cquiv.tlcnt to ono in this. 4. Candidates ir degrees are required to write and defend a Thesis, but it is not' obligatory on ihi.ni to piint it. 5. The Medical Commencement will take place on tht? 'first Nfoiuluy in April annually. 6. Tie Fiij;pri of Anatomy, Surgery, anJ M:dwi-' fery are provith-J wMh suc'i preparations and :ippa.'-aii!, rt iiwv cniiiit;f coO'.mcive.to the ntnrove iieiit of lln CAl'fi-Fri XAVICiATlON CO.MPWV PUBLIC NO riCK is hereby given; tliat iursuaiit to the provisions of the act ()f,n c.) poPition, the shares of such of the Stock holders r thf C ipe IVar .Navigation Compatm as have mitalmin. i.ue;ii.:l iinpasd t.icrcon, will becxo sd tonnhlir i at Hi - I iv i ii'mim in Favettevdli-. 'at ti) .i'. I ...L- i i. of Tuesday Hie 2vth d.-y of Octoher v,rt. .' ' HENRY UK.WSO.V , w. . F3veltc;il, Septra. 'S818. XORTILCAKOLIN THKAsunr orncE, SErr. 15 55 Tlin riev?n::e Oilisers of t!i Hate afiirc uho have not already closed theintt- com!s for the current rear, art lurebv r. s,.,-,r..ii.. .. ny u'jsui 1:1 iy.i!iiulcl;j:u;'. an:i s:u then re- i,- -t; :',-;.i 1.1 J..:,...i ..m:n;ie t, that the time hxed bv'iawand'wiiii.n .i.-t.i. - .. I 1 t. v. iM.itri.aiiii tK. ir 1 1 1 1 i.i 1 ' civil 1 t t . , n.i j ig C0lle0te.d ;i hij-hlv reSlM'Ctilble l.ady troin Ma- lately im;vr!rd fr.m France. aH"ir;!s tiu nrof;sor oil"' "l "."'"' "li,n:t"i due and becoia.ir due to lai . 1 , .1 ..... I ,. kwnA .-..:.... .'...' I.;... h s '' be fxit-i ml th nnl Ur. ti.f-fiii..., . UU AVUS I v.n: iiiijaio ! Licaiiu vic uujuj UIJJCCIS j f , i . ,.- 1 ' "'J, ia liuvv at r DiS up.iri.inen in a 1 llieii rvunU w::i fe.'iKL'd i: tnu Litv s s Vw'i t: Ijf.r ho:ise and the lady humaiidy em i,;as -n servant. - ijjiety ami Fic.i1;y of Medicine f liti is. &.c V Law Intelligence. pi .ved The d iVnd itst j.l!e:n:ed ta prove by a wo oau by' tiie u.iriitf of Graham, th.it ihu iiUiu tifl' ii d iutrliler at Ibe litye of the .edu!i nt m- a servant ia his family ; ilii.-i lentimntiy. w,: diserediled by pruvius the character of lii Vviinpsv. He niso ciiif-J on L"vi Crai", b whuni he proTed (bat the plainiyd" d hu- wan a u'm-suoui :ri, au;j tin; ii:;ie ,eara ucl tie ii in uMHci?l h;;r in crimiiul niU': course with a nui riud man at high rwiMeta iiii) ho nas u:a;i t.r some yeara. i hu uiri-uu-st .ncea whieh he 'stated ift' reJati'.in t- Him trniaeli:ir. ware most iinpr.ibihle, a;:d be .vxk i discredited aNp, by provii.g ins character to His iufa:niu?. 'i'ha defendant last of all rail ed bis own son, by1 wham he or.ived th U a mii after he returned from call . -e. he ecgaod in u criminal caritpunderice with the j);.uiiti!l' '.a didg'jterin bis Father's houe, tinJ that a lou habiiual cri uiiial in:ereiMirsesuhaiitid betw. e.i tboin tha bardeued- a,;4 'ntdveliug d.pravii mmifestcd by the boy in liii letimouy, etei le.l iu tl.e audience great dituit and ublior- reucv, a stro:r uianircslation uf whieh" couid be with diiU;ulty restraiiic. a bisj at o-.r time comniciiCred. On- cross examination h the plaintiirs conacil, he waehUrely discred ited by the jury. TiiepUiiiii.t eoneiuJcd the ivmiiiupy oy exa:ui.in several rusu.-chibl, .iript'!'. . 7 A-reeahly to m, arrangement lat !y made with t.'vs , , ,V "?. "r nc ' urcr to aLl, that (he dij. i-UStc-s of :Hj .lal imori: Alms-home, 1 lie p.-ofl-ssnr o!' k , ;.., jninciiiauiy winch ::Tf hitli, .e Tiro y ,u,l i'..,ct;..e of .Mtd.ciae w,H dt-!,vf,- ; n:a:-.et .la? condu..t of.lie acco.i:,! fH :erj MIX. CMiiical ;.;usr on the m-dii-al cai.es in thai insnfinon j.ned, ai.-.rd ample and sat.sfactory RrourjcU ofa,Jr. t:il thj nrof:ssfiri .it" An.nofhv-aiid Siirirft-i- w th. ....... '' nnc- t,,!,t thl ''isin.Mw, o h'iuv interest in.-r tnt:, ,.k. .... . V : .' " "-"'?- I, ...II I... .!.,!., I - . - . o -. I'WW i c.ts s. The viciain- o tho AIiiih-hvi to i.'i.. r,,i. ",' " w '""J l" i"-r,.v :I' fvi-i to. a crity, renders the aitendance of the pnpd easv ;hkI 'nv:Miii-nt, Mi l lite advattuges are too obvious 'to re- 1 imv c-'m ir.-nf. ., . 8. The i it rna! economy of th v. n.cnce ail'co.nfort, is now coinr. item i i vy ;iihiju-u or ivar.Tlinr me .kirnom.cal iiirUre 1 " 1 john u ay wood. Pub. Tvcat'r. 72-4t. Uaivcrsitvas M r,vi- ! jT' I'lC i The . .!ilc i he irn-vuv.-: hi h.WI), I tiiserib'! lying in r" tvisbe u ?U W 4jl C'lU.itw. 1! Wit' I'S of dlii' l-!vpr .Al l. i ' I l .III I'.'l I 1 1 '1 I ' in:- .thn.il U Jt:l::iir .i , vi l n'ma,k.,bly heal.hysituatfon. I le and Thrv and i-ractice of Medicine.-Nathaniel P .t.,,. rtoi..i.vh. ni..' . i : .' ,,P e lS,"n j) - i . - ..v.,, i . r..,.ii ,i.iu,ii;iy in . nremis -s Che:n.irv. KlUh.i rw- Riu f n I xv..u.. - . J . , . PBTKR IVKIT. a-.iiiif OllULi I -ivCTj T'l. 17. I IVfUCcJcri Ullii 'jrCtlLM fit Sll!-.-rri WilT;. ft ' 'ST I U 4 ...... uihrVii f 'y rur.n-.i air rem nvs t ic only i:ic.tvwi;chco to )iy,i 'Uiciasi Ii s liesx'iofre been suhjected. A'iau.iv, Jolin tl. lUvi.lc, M. I . -j.r. !. 1). -M.d -vif-ry and diseases of Women and children 72 nr.l V. II ,1 . . ffj.stiiutfs ,,. lin sic, M ix'eU .McDowell 1 I) J- MhT -Ii J.18. - , ntiN. iOi'.V. J :;v)Ll.V icli- witue.ses f.o.n the neighborhood, nti moved that liia reputation of bis daughter was fair . . .- rtoa TJE JIWWS CESTUI nr., 8K?T 32 TtllTKfin & T.nrB Cn.a T . . 1.. .1 ... I : . ....... .j . luiii-, c:uirij! CBIIBe m i. Z 3 . . thif Hipieme court of thm St ,te of tol. A.uon Oden ' Xv anJ ,n' aajf1rdf au hour ret w. Thomas Gibbons Esq br a'trcspa.i. wnmated by a verdict fjr tlt-lniiir, dima """'"'s a jirc'!(!.sc aim poji n,j noon t.ic iVont door of $, office a libllons-ha., ibd', ;ca.ne on to - I i- i. . i . . ... i. - iriai ociorr ins noi9or mc uuict Jitsticc A. .if "lOlnf noiueii in mis town last Week. This cause h;,d excited very c6siderab!e interest hi the pubiic imt.d, us well i-om '.he celebrity and hh ttainlaig of the parlies us from the d.oplay of h g'ul talents and oratory im negated on the occasion from thL- able c iun e'lors v;.o wjie en " -gaged to-mantle the ctisc On Thursday i; .rnrngihe' 011 if .urlnd r.n nt. I .... in....... ..... It I. . I . xwi.i v.f, Mint .v atniic. r It i lvV(l f Jl 'n 'Jtl Mil t clous court-room .was throrg-d '-.villi an osw.ishcmi.it and listening audience, wh ch -.'onTiumd u."i I Wiui closed. The first day wan partly occupied . y -fFurts :. the part of the deff udiint o dei'tat or put o.l he tnai tho cause, and the rest of it-'m '.c iummmg tjie p.aiin:tlv witnesses and it was nottUt Friday ev.-t.uy ihar v evidence, was closed, the cause was Mim:i,-(i up, ; od Hi, f jury permitted to retiic from the bar-to irmtuiv 'heir vec diet. In about an hour fici-Wards the ju; y .-, ttu J ,. to courV-ftMd a rendered erd:cv ui favtr !'', ;-S fu;-.;) f'Ujfxie thousand dollars, the tthalc amou.it J;c 't;!!. duration i i The counsel for the plaintiff were' J. C. It. r LI -er T. Preelinghoysen and R- Stockton, E-qiir-i ,-. -V-e tal knts were errmentry di-piaytd, ai d vUsa l.q.-.. he- Vv ten broke forth like atr-or.,; -a rnrirrrz --?f"ii)" all before it. The defend wn cv.ii - . r' ...... . ... I lull Could aau uiis nuected until th0 seduction by the i ihft ?nsVJ the atuivtiou ot tue Court and J iry two dd.ys. About e.slil returned with 7.'-- UMtuui Uarmicbel aid K.y. e- ocai iU BLAlCliLV Oa TburMl.iv. ibe -i.-sii. day oi' ()e!oh r iu x . at 10 octork a. i. w .;... pj '?!:, ?."c" mise;, without rc.' a iTumtK-r .-.i Jsi-iuiJi?.;. uts, in ihjtown of M!jk ly, Mont-XJT-i-y county North Carolina. This town w situated iuc ioi in t.in siuitii mkmIs, on the west si.le of 1 J( Offiow tue Aarrovvs ot tlic Yallc?!i. The .'iv..iu s coinLmit 11 in tlic situation ot lins place, and the eiensiVJ rcsc'trc e-i of th j adjacent con U; v, ulfoM a lir prsspect of it: beconmi the tmpoi itnu of com merce Jor the weste-rn section of North Carolina, opportunity, which mnj nut npm occur, wirl be-(dfereU to purchasers for obt:iiiiiii, U-ts in ceniraUitnatioui. Notes at 12 inonihwith approved sectirities, will bv rcqtiircd Warwiilce titles witl be given.' J. LUVV 5t t () .Wrj. rayettevillci Auj, 23. 13.'l. " 7 : i ii. und dotlars. t p;-chaoiberj, H.-qjires, wor.t f .r tha nlai,,. tut. Jobus Kod.ilpb, Levin tttlo aul Jcrc iniaii Cos don, K for Hu d.ri'euduiit. & L is p . j'lireu, r:.-as iu.Lbti-d t; the suienber are s.ea m can ou hmi and soti! - - IUVII ISrALUAUIjlv KKAL lATii l(li f SALku. i'.'ie unvlersigned tiil'-rs f.ir Uie- folloifTii-iT V vLU inLv: Pit u'lHti "y, (t., v.u ) -',r. t!ie town of Fatp'tteviUe, : ilK ul'St-;, inrce sio- ;, biffb, to bd'Snisbid irt the Hrst s;v! f elegance, sur.cii to th.- accommodation of three Lrvi.i es, and two st.tt.s TVs property lies, in one of the most favorc'l s.'.u-aiynv for btisim ss, an-.l is mcre.as'mtf in vl-.if d !v ls , thc ciiv oJ' taL-iffh, auOUaK ft LOT, .ii,',ixacrcl h, .in ii, -ay ,.k- i ivernor s resuiLT.tr.- - , Court ;f Pitas c O,, , Till'liLtl rui'vnv t . ' ' , fc',... t i 3 eixivtii,.tnr Term d Si lam.-. Iriv,. l),v,d" M K.-O 4h ' "'"""Will Wer, .ineajgutr:'' a'ipElil'Jl), that riubliJo:! bo midfl for ! tree moil h4 .ia the Ilaleig'i Minerva Iftat umL-is ' V-: d.-fendant app. ai- at v ..x. of l'h as -and i mtei Scss.oni.'m h . .. ,i , . k-Wrt hi u u house . i !i- noSv,:I, ,-oplv, ,.j.r. mnt u.i.d .U be taen aguiiiit Ivm '."' . it biAia.VTov c. a ' 72 3m faytUMV-l l'.NJiL& CO. Commit i l stan .wrchants, Hock-Landing, C. "" "''ii-'S a.i uic pu'Jlic, thai they will com- neiic-j the aoove biumcss on the 1st October o- x bi .neh :.- ,.: m.-y will Have completed, large and coi.ye oieiit Warc.iouscs at the abo.e place, aii 1 at th; foi-tof Uic iiils, tor the reception of any PRODUCE commuted to theip c uv. rhe griutnt) rt-wrs. of the alio-- boiid.af vt.l bs .app:-hpr:atea for the reception of Tobacco ex. "Ui ;.ve!y, and the -seconil stories w,l be wed cdculated .... i.i-su.:i-c .i nour. Cotton, .Merchandize, &c.kc. toe Vare!iotic-s aresitnued contig-join to, b.i q i:t i ce from ill.: .iinri lf(ti.v of the nvor.' VV. P '& C w il hip.pro.luca !f. -':,y plce. reauir,-d4bv rhe owners, ur ..loul.l t.K ynonhJg t them the place of sale, such mar. veiwitl oe s i tn,- av-vdl insu?e lit: bsjt .prices. The;, nsitn-e th. pnhl.c, that evrry s'.eo will be taken to prom te the mt--si of nil wlio may be pleased ta coniid.: i.t .Uem tt in:injg.-mt iU ofth;r buin -ss "sv-i.' JAlH3'll:'.ULroJ kC. of.New'Yk, -'j.', " i aiieua particuii.lv to ttK' sale .ii all dt acou ;ti .v.thont dca.V - JL . is amongst the most eic-ijaitt matis.;oi,s m i L . ' -' 'o iiieir cmv j payaieni tor whicii iv ' .' f r j --" .' .(l-lptCv,l It llj COlfll'o.. v and cooVo 'p' . , . T" It.k-.gh, Cept;:3, 13:3,. . "-r-y gontieman whQ wishes to r-si!o M -w ,v, V V ;' c' "'"p -ni a'genervl assortment of . :- 4VV ' -S-L r-r hU'l Vuoi,,,,. for the purpose of beatil, and 'u-' iV. ' IJ il WI0-W VnK, &c. uhich ,f 1 0 ViuG I'lOXAllV DaviZ Shuw ,;h T' '' "'V' two. other alable lots for . fatndv ivii- " Sv :-Vy & co oi N-r York saipptd t: e.arrv,nir.m t..,..., I.' I'l-en-Js j anovv-.-l, iin- p-nvhrMi-r giving suifi nenr.sTciitrv '' i, " -ci.nl, .. t. by I'l-HvisA uer.iV.e Tl.- tb' u. uer . . . i . . n'.-y, ana u.ia cvue to Hwl tm r? moif could have managed Hfieh cu- ju. :.uity and the m-st indefatVablo indtistrv an. I v vennce have suved hi tl cnfs cauM or p use, neither would have -suffered Bat it is ..;s due to the lesj.i eta lie gentlemen who composed ;h . ; j,,, v lo i.ate, tlm tiiei veul.cthas given very ge-wrl ,tiY.ciot, ..1 t;.ks , a voldtr.es of praise of tho .t.Dr.-.l .ml vfrlue -f the cou-.-try.Th;,: interest of th : scene was u -l-.i e-i.id hv tu ttendnce of a great r.uiiiUtr of rptctbUv L s- wn Tll b.'Sblygratitied iU,' ihe d'?!V vt f 'usic ilenls .winch thfv v itnessi-d on ih- ocsahkmi 'i O'-word more; ' The Ju,ot E X h;ive srjoken t catuton to duelists m accent, s J ,dd b th-uid, -r. Iu. fitations to the bl may h :j (.t,,;) Sit escape with imtni - n,tynorshu the crime of due li ), sj ifls.iv tf,;,Ki j and odious to man Ko unj.univd. Hij.ii mm.led an ) honorable granemVii n, h rel urn a .w u rcs.st th i bloody combut-i-howto -jstaii... ,-bar.cter wor.haU.ru, and honors ..f nuirt-ring fcit .vv man l,(,,i of ar, We Uve enlh.ed cour s-ue ).:,ve ind.pordrnt jurors sr1 impa,t ,ju9tice Jine "PPf . TR: L FOH SrJDUCTrON ' A wrr.s.:v,,,de,,.-: At Ciktou, valorwardcd oa the Moving sfaiciu. nt f a nu,el and iui jprtantw, trit-d a few days ago in Cecil County Lmui .-Palt Mifr. . AViU a,mi '.W-vmey . Juon .Mercer Action on the L ce tried n Ccd County Court, at Sept.mberTeS; This action was inslftutrd by a Father to , rrcoyer- damaffrs Tur the -.-seduction of his U?!r UlI,la,utiff i9 " humble " Bduattlife, butof respectable charac- er - Te fodant aviduwrr with a tkmi ; ly of hiUlrenandjjossesstid f a-larffer. , tune, ihe daughter oi the Vmti Was pror 1 lYT w,MrJl ,11,e dVnwnrKl "' rpcar to ren jircbnih .v . iesaie .aad retail Thne w;.o purchase f,v .wKlc L wJi1bc "'n.ahcd. at the l'etersin,.-g tvho.ale pr, d as the -advert.ser Jear.it bis h atunof t a,siirinj thine who m.y f iv.jr hurt vv.tH i!.:.. ' -aUJiis. gcotls; wOJlaaybnatTnTahraiiv thmg o. the kiud in the' Ln.wdiutK uie d.fierent tovv.is throughout this state, orclscAvhcre oe thankfuUy aiui carefully aitut.Jed to ; idfi 4y amele not meet the eX.iccton of thl)1e wh, may have ordered ,t, ,f rolunu-d in course of one tnon h m iV good operas whvn Hcnmii; ifw.il be received I "i tiie purchaser s ntoiv y rplurihsd. ' ' . Septembers, 1318. 73-3' K. B TheadycrUct is a nepJicu- of miiwin whose f f 1 fec-Ja d,ep mte.l us connect,..,,. JoordcT e ore, n do a ay wU ofconii.lei.ee S n g. t exst trom tus ofu.g a stranger, JS fer Jnxv mml oan a,d urn, 1 pllge lns,lf- wtu(r" r? " u,.aoove avertiacme.ti trail be fa,yifi,Hy pVr-' - - - - V 1 ti; r It..'.' f.is-.'iK-e. I live unMriintp.i ir,..,.. .... ; . ', ' ' ,' i-i.it.i.i ijijii..; tgii, my agent p self a.td make titles". JXiUS F.V.YVS. Rileiglj, August 12. -V'!2'-0'' MAKING iJtT J. , t . uSS.. 1 ?iei ubin'ribsrs.jrei.af r..i i . " , V"J coinmcnceu the ipJiivt . . i . . . busmevs m t ,,-,r, new. shop on Col. Wmu's Lot , u S work in that lme - ' "."v j"-M.'u to lavortiiem with jnteod to keep a sup-ply of Cihebest timber, a)d I Cl) :VS the. have ber .'1 J T. (O i-M10.V ASJ mitAMK-Ar.. ...... .7 ceiviiig by the shin Indian rhi..r v. ' and Scipio, fro-niLiverpoi.1, and the sisters from Lo.u.o,, .i very large and general tnarutumt f ......... " v!' k,sh l.ry Gootk-U.rd ware, nd Ci ' .ew-orKan exr.rlL.ut &c &C.&C- which. re oSAn ffl a,"C Their friends and the public, are respectfully' invitej ai- ana view them, on S 'irgiuit. ' . mciersourg S.ptembcrlt, 1818 : kTiLL be sobl in Grauville county, N. C. 11 oft the 29tb SeDtemhip. tale o Tt.i- Br.W store, a tract of Lnnd. tonu ninp n ne hundred and twenty acres, one mile from Tho,. Brown's: ac?. ditof s.K months, with bond and approved 1 securhv belongs to the estate of IM-ThoeVnSS "-..'.JOHN llflllntir.v '., u'- sent. io, isrs. . v Tow m:iid's rherapeuttts e..voii s -Mcu.cai LomoAiiiOi. U irn s Midwifery, bv James Ferguson's Lctures, TVi iiu-'s -Mtliinrv il.ctionarv lri'i.-t X.:,ve.'i i: Urort t.'s Dicticn i-y of the Itihle .r.hnson's Largt I)iet:o,iary Wa ker's I'oe'kel ,lo. I'..siy's (;r:t"nna:ir Kngl.sh flekder , " Se.iit-'s Lessons UoS ,v Life .f jj "iis!iiur'on (IiT.nu::') ' ' Adin.ttaoce, W cents-TWkrtJ'r .! V,s,,,,' 'SM'fs.mflicntanes doilar. .Jtciits i pickets tor the year, five K-'a'cal Dictio.ia.-y i.ii-su- s tieograpuy (abrg1) Ivid' I'sftlms & Hymns., t'hrilmei 's D'scoiifses Shakspear's Works 9 vols Srnally's Sermoiis lllair's Sermons in 2 vols We have received from '"' retcivt-ii worn Vlie North an elpirmt i . the w fasU.onable materials iS S S'jt x UK11I Cili(iLt.NA .v.UoKU.U-Th,ser c-tn.,wopen f,r the .-ecendon V v' .l are regularly fihnl, it'.s confident 1 eSld UuUt I -fiord an agreeable and useful place of resort -Natural and artificial curiositi Jl , u drawings and paintm i ,Jf ' S,kchcs "taps, thaukfully received and aSl'to vTlu "' iU be thenamesofthe liberal don, Lppe, ,?.? '01' VV,t! UUe.gii, AU)f. 12. I il . . .! T II. 1 l . win,; iio.Ms luve Hist si-n..,. I A. - l , I ,1 . . .. , j - --. . ...it 4 i iwu.. ,n;J, a i l ai-e o tetvd for sub at the PiuLJelphia reail ng )i-iees, with the addition of carriage . ily: ilotper's Med.cal Uxtiina- , Stewart's Klamnw of rid '7 (in OllCK. I'he it At; MA II V v t t u l ALilS B C7 ti V T UR K i 1 1 I ' U Will Continue .fiir 1 on Tuesday ' the 27tli tf rc,. .1..... IS.. ..L- . . w" - I'l-. "WPtion. to the Jockey Cluh. I.J h..V .- p w "--vii gea- Banbury, ifcjrf; WiSia?;1 -gg! J MKLTNG ,Vm X- subscriber nforn.a I.:- r.: . . 1 ,,e - ynui:nt ue natters h mi..lfi.l,.. t --r .v.ivc in iijs 4'"&-felSrS',( . Work packed up so as be c'arrlo.! ior contury customers Co?Jffl-to ny d stance Jos, pny Family Jl'.Mes with plates; -,- N.iinher 1 -. - ' 1 superior No 2 '.o. 5 io ' ... 7 .. da without places 3 , cbobl do -. . :' I ickel do iivsbvi.-rijn Catecliisni nf.-s;io!i of F.oth Aitisw.n th's Latin Diction - ary . Goldsmith's History ci tiivece (;ib"ig' l do of Kn grand do uf Jt urii Pope's Kss .y on Man fctcr Pi.iilaF . IVn Q.iix.itte 'd it ton's -P-nulise T.nt- WJker'sK? .'",'-. Ciaric on the I'to.iiises Vratnr - ' Hm-il on the P -ophcclcs Blink Hooks. &r. foe. 1'ililiiiclnli, . 1. -.- --rv- .. . - . . ' - 1 ... W F- IK .I "i""""9 -ww H.KiKsot van jus fcmas, and have made UlIfr1"!? tt''-b "e of lhc fr"oatt"'l most aspect able Unokscllers m the city of Philadelphia, ,0 urmsh us Uniy VafCl a' i'?'-titc (ientlom not S k' ? e f''Cu1 f P!,y cat. be furnish ca with Libraries, Sec. at short notice. , I riSio rece,Vj fresh supply of I)UY GOODS tn. """Vr'nus ana customers, lorji he lib-ral tronage : and hope to 'continue to Arit ih,-,r ftvouc mW TR VV IS Post- Vlasttr at thifrnW- has been "Pointed agent tor the following publications, to wit ' l. vrrC I Christian Herald t " Sw- " Intl.gcncerv .. ' Academ.cian , , Chi-icothe, Kecohler, Ami several other useful.Tind scientific works Co"cprd, Cab. Aug 18. - : : 68-itf - SALI3 ilT THIS O FFICK