.. '.us ,7,1 5,13 .9 Poetry. THE' IRIS 3 DUEL. . i. -.-' Ttftoistit, vYadbU vis a ' wrto.,. ff&tatoc9 ifrow at Limerick and Beef at ballymore, ' ' -'jtldTlutterrodk is beautiful but that yoi kmvw before. 'Ai.il1;ifttittHive pretty glrli, but none culdiove mute ltoirrittWTadayJVbckm'ack'rcl: WdKate tfDorta- vr.- in"' :"'''-' J. ,rj' T' .' " ' ' " ' o Ktty'was as nate a' rat as fever trippM the ,': ! 6i i.vk... u,itK Jtil ttnr a tnuaket -or a bod f With tiWef-aud withfWa by turns thebevo chdee TOBUiid up nousefrornia irioeuswu uuiu; v..b.-"- Itoien rGe' people fall i.r lovsVloVs never at a loss, i'o fLid some ugly customers their happiness to cross, . And! Paddy found 0(J little trouble from a rival swam, J tyho kept tb Cat and CWiAtiff ia Cauliflower Laiv. I V'r-i.:. C..ti,'... .'ii,l M.rViVklncraft. a Very darner elf. t4i... ' ih.o fMi.tiMili1. fur he made 'em all i.La Valnnt. fh tVAlSt" COS3&CK PaD- rairt-livf with brass hcels-cravat tight to s-ffowtiori bushy hair belj jmt-watch-sealsndiMiuite the .'rfaiuly,,, There lie to&J watkiiie Minto breMt Ward-- bsick brpjefcihg-4rafta! dansrigbi)era glass 6li wtio wTe 'a. pruAjfAagin merchant, kSl's'SattotUfjaanhed Waiters, snuffers, "and coai:;icjjttl w mst ;T know , aometUmg about fnsUmh.. therefore By thi time my coffee grrito cold, a-i4d by tbe Kaleidoscope lor a future occasion, fr (lie rr jval of the season devoted to tea partiabaTl3, pium cake; ana araway eorHlLts. ; . ' clothes they A tailor bLide&e was by.trade, of natty Loys the broth, i9cuse accorJiug to bis cothe jJw4vscui Uwclpih. Put faddy knew tl feelings of a gen'.ieman it tiUils Tofiiid auather ungisn'-eefly '4ckijf in h j skirts. ty sent a cliaUcnye without, tear $ fur thoujli he tys iot rich, . HtcullM himself gentleniA! anJ 'U bjhuvea as iic.i. Macki;ke too, goot? manners knew.fjr he, as appears, ' l'aUy wrote for l.-avo t cnjie ami cut off buvli ears. 8j Pat Util ai sty puiiU;, as we.l y iu ""may tuppjiv-, fy cars are at jour arWce, sir, but 11. V. I'll puil your ' TfUe when n4, wUtre was ettlcil fair, wlicu Pat, as UvtJ . . as bras, , . Cried ' yoa knw wliat we fight abjut," Mackirkey cried a-las,l 'AnJhi ii has-.dandnot to waste such very precious tiipe, - ..... One-, npim'tl without a loadiDj-, 'other loaded wiUnul a . -' priaie. ;,frien back to back theV.stofa -yoodlack to measure yard ' score, ' Macktrklneraft sich honest nva-nire Bevcr Kav hc-hre. He walked so light tkatoutof kightfultrfirly he was f en, ' :.pd Pasldy shot a fingerpost just half a mils betw.-ta Jtow Pat and Kte soon after that in WedloA' were joined, Markirkey hekept walking on and never Jook'd behind, And till Urfldyi lighist,-nhe)rssy , . ' pi red, iSeeps walking round the li igcrpost at which bold Pad " dy. fifM. x " ry BJOAUD1NU UOVKJt Me Vign of the .J ,'rgSJSjf0.--Wthin ooo hundred yards wet 'of the StJ ousffcw,here I kept last yw. Having provided ft'ur ecpcra't and distinct Houses! 1, pive no tv ti the- numbers of our next Ganeral Asmbty that ' f have made proriaioii to accommodate 4Jpr4 of them. uesiiels trana.eiH person. " as rctni;iuio irmpas ...i sible. fcii'l no'ekertion dn my part shall be Mtaiithtj; to rsadw-r their s tuV-ions co!r)f"orta''t . - J03! II DL-UAKO. " lifjh, Oct; 2) 1313. 7T.....i. fu'llam, at Iho well knou n stand nccupi- , viJ bfl nappy III".f M K t- iiv: .ail it ed a a lljar U"? li vu-'- f t several yew i toaccolMOiodH'eou' T'WEM l'Y or T U'ditS .-l.ir'.iiif -.triyr.-.'i.Toaclr.ng srss-ou luj-e. C"i:-ii''rttlU; -a:ns aal the be'. 13: 3. STATE OF N. C AOU.VA,? Cow tfP''i'(t Qu-Ur JttIiEL COUStr, jMSMl.t'i; fr, OiO. jf'i aj.jiOarin tn'the sittisiafiiioa nf I he ('nuri, 'S: that tli defendaiit is not am iu!i ljt itn' of uu Statik It :s uieiv tore ordered Hint i,.i.e.t. ix mad fat tires ;cr)nth:i i the it ".eif!i WiMerva, that unlosii le spaeur it the next Cimi t f I'las an t j;urti S-is.is b held rriul r.na-rj, a:vl rV'd-.-vy; j'ldj--j:eiit wdl Ix- i.ikt!i sainiit him. Jamca Campbell vi kt-i'ved on Litn l John Blavk Or unachmui: this mstitutioii will commence on Monday Ui2djOf IffQ' wnber next, ad Wcloe.on the I'nday fidlqing. -. , ; .'. Bbrder of tb Board, i RaleSirh. Oct. ISth, 1818.'.: .:. yoU4 ft O0A1S TO UE.Vr The. sei-jribi-r will let during the etisuriiio; stiiii of tho Le- gnutui-e. several n.iusu.UB ituuvts, euiwr wim or Without liirnitur..', atiout ihreeor four bun i:vd ard from M. ifuCia' Hj;e.L Karry application bliouid W C.ii3. J F October 2.T MiS. COXF.KE. 7-4 . MU. COCSBURLIS TOIJ51. Mr C. U. Cockeieii,a.i eminent uuliquarian flf Great Britaiu, has reiurtf-jd to Knglaud afte? an ahs nee of uiore than 7 veurn,' which .were isholly devoted to ttre uliiJy of tba fius art. in Oreeeeand the surrounding countries. He left " Eaglaud in 1st J first visited Turky. in eoo ' juuetion with Birou Halier lie undertook (9 ex cavate t.-B temple of Jupiter PauJicllct s iu 0 1 jfoa. Hit sucui'ss ee-r'-!ed his utuwt hopes, for besides a complete estoratiori lif the Archi teetare. be had the fC'ud fortune to discover ,ataiucs which formed the oiopoitit3 .-vnriub- i r9 the i wo frontier uteeea'!" ivhie, ns tl.-o .ar-. snd of the s-booi ufOgina, oi'wbich wi - :m otfee: e.ttiu examples, ajc of the utiuost tuii-r- est, -.- - jril!LH.aJrwttnlit succef-ded in ekeavat:.:ji; tin1 " Temple of apuil'j Epicurius, at PJiisjaUia, in Arca4a, .viiVri bvidis a very iaoiv-U rosJor atipo of teai4! which is descriUtv by ' Pau aaniasas one of :hv most beaw't.r'i i.i Office, fie bad the ratifi:itit) . of br:;;;-i!i'; e, l.tfu the spiece, whica earred Itie int- iior oi'-th'-vCidia, pd which ii ao 4,4-ite"2 ia-'tbe British. -Mu-. seaas. ' Hts avocations I'd him iii(-) Aia Minor, where he completed the 'oar of the aeven church- e,s, ;..iki!5 many drawings and observations on i, tba3 it.:ii'i',ttd collecting niany inscriptions. H viuitei1. Triene, arnfs, Miletus, and Crete tvhere he ;uv':' plan of the Labyrinth uf Mi- nos; Froai itbodehe crosst; i to t'atara, aud JHi OOKL STORE. WihLLlM ROT-LAX t l..tl,....l.-. n, .' , It ll!illVI V 2kj& liftl tai;q.ui" u....i.cntif.i.frjjwiiui lira jii i JOHN WILSON, -ii. i) pji-tiir h', in tin- .iviliiigof friuk-j aKiyattiinnry, u iicr the frm of BoVus' & Wil saii They 'intend k-.,'-ij-tg t'te htest ard best publication--.. 'I hf. Pjat-Orti; ;-Lnr kept at their store by Jz. L' jyla;!, a'.i ordcrj t r IW&s and stationary addrcyivd'fo hat) will I). p:oif.p'lv attended i.. JC3TRK KIVF.D. Hilton's MitlieinaUi s! !;:otwy, 4 tj Calf- -L ratlin, 'I of my Landlord, Nr.v Scr.is. lA-ttrrj t:-.ir.) the Ssurh, V.'irt'j Old Datc.'ielor .n two neat v.. tit. H.;:alli'j a. Itah by American, ilci.i, ijcr. I, '013. ?r-tf. EV GOODS.-W. C. & It. TUCKER. . fr, ..ii;;,,n. tn ihi( former sloes, navo i.ist received, ffomtho North, and are now opeoinpr, A L RGB fc GENERAL AS30HTMEXT of DRY GKJW, HARUWAEE, GROCERIES, 8cc. '' Suitable fur the prei ent and pptuncluiifr seasonJ They invite their friend and acquaintances to call, and see them, as 4fey intend to sell on the most reasonable termv - - - Raleifrh, Oct. 14, 1318. r . , " ' 76-4 ., O0K5F0R SALOWAt ttie'Posti Office m 1J cord, N. C- by Travis &Satterw)ite. , The tW Winr limits ha vp i imt arrived frnm Philadel phia, and are offered for ade at the Philadelphia retail 7ng prices, with the addition of carriaerbuly: , C)ipet's Medical Dictiona-1 Stewart's Eteinettts of Plii i lospny I r. . ..1.1 r.K .Uiu ramuy ioie wiw Nuiuber 1 do stitienor No 2 do . 5 do ' 7 do witlnut plates- U School do locket do Hresbvtcrian ''.tech Ism Confession of i-'aith Ajnswoi-'di's L,atm D.ctijii arv GohLimilh's History of OreeccXabrijj'd)' do.o' En.fiauJ do of ItJiiVJ Pipe' Essay a Man foter Pindar I) n Q iixotte Milton's. Paradise Lwt - vValiteV U'V . Clark 6n the ProtnTses .-rator ., I lur.l on the P.-o,h?r.ies 111 U.it ItiloKS K.- C. . ry Townscivrs Therapentits K ll's Medical Companion 1 Jim's Midwifery, b JiTl'S Ferp-roVs L?cttires, Omnc'j Military Diettonary Hirriit Iiew-il Urovi'H'i Uictionarj of the -Bible , Johiwa.i's Lai3 D'.ctio.iary Waikei 's P.icket iU. , JIur.ty'i Cramtnar Knglish Reader Scan's Lvs'sons H ' Riv L ":i oi Wasli'.T'Un (in mVmSii'), ' - Jlackitoiij' Oonimcilates Classic! dictionary lvtw?i .Graphy (br'g) 'iwid's lxl,n h ilyrans OiialmefSi I) semlrses ' ' 3(vk)earV fVorks ' 9 yo!a S n:illy a S-rrnons Blair's Sefmons m vols , , Boben. Etll pd William Foatr. Sli V niahees.f - - : ' rJ, RDERED, that pabiiaatiou . three months 'ifc'inttJhto. That aides the" defendant appear at tb. H of Pleas and Quarter Sia,on. tA ,.i5r. 'J mwiWil jtiU be take n agamst him WI. V. A-. All nrsnna havincr lwt- hsij, ic iitcui at lue star. , r I Kois and Parsley. , .. . ' mH riLTITION r have ' the' nU J. nbnoce'to my friends 4tI ih - i ... . V.UWtVllf 'coatity, under tlie ptdrwuaije and inspection . Hev.W.X.STASToTl 1 Dr., BLAK3 Linn' H. J.G.ltUFJX ' JAS.STANTOV'. ;Hoy swao-p ' I ills DrV the most resocctabic families, on moleB.i.J i a m r. . . I'll Sf . Oct. 2, lotS- V f we naTe received irom i-niin ijir.ia, a catalogue nt ; I ncy assure Uie puMic, that every Step wilt be up-.vanwo'iAu uooasot va.iou-i liim.s, aiv.avc nuiU , to prom K the interest of all who may be Dle, muTTJIrchants. Roclc-Landhm V inform their friends and the public, tht Uicy ;j ' wene-,- the above business c the 1st OctoV.... which time thev will have completed, hra,i htciii ir.reiiiMi.cn ai mc aoove price. afU.KMS.1 1 1 1... ..H.. i e .. r..., ....'""II uitwupur i-cecu"l OI any fUOUULti COB,j to their care. The. ground fijors ol' ttie above h i will be appropriated for the reception of Tub clmively, and the sticond sUirira will be we!l r,u: f-r tli-- storage of Fiour, Cotton, Merclundije, U Tlie Warehouses are situated coutWon. to. bin.' tree trom the muii'laitrm of the river. W.P fctvJ r.sfi!) pr;.luOij to any place required ibyjthe owJ ....vi,.. .uliviiiu it vu tiie-ii iiif Diacaoi &a(e.nrt Will t. 4'l!lirht lim vv'-tl I I... . - nui vue wiv prices. nf Tit-y assure UieptiVdic. that every step will b to prom ite able liwkscllers in the city of l'lidad-lp:iia, t f'trnish us witli a;y hooks waiite.l, at s i n t m:ti.:c. (icmL- ujii 1 the bar, and of the faculty ol ph vsic, Sio. c. bo iuriush edwitrt Libraries, ko. at sh'irl notice. J , We lire v,U-i received a t.-esjsupply of nilV-t'OOJliJ u:.o E.i(ir,s7oic. Ave return our fcratehil ack.i.rh-iJj,'. nients to our friends and customers, for ihe lioeral a tro:ia;;3 : and hope to ontin.ieto merit their favour. TU.WIS& SAl fEUWlTii JOriN'TRAyiS, rost-.Waiter at this place, has been apoin'ed aent tur the following publications, k wit. Tlie Portico I Christ i-m Herald Port Folio,.. J Uriigi.r.ii Intelliper.c AcadvAnxian (Jhiticotlie UfcurdiTef Vnd sovcrat other uscf il and scieiitilic wwrks. Concord, Cai. Auk- 18 . 63 tf NAVlGAiNOX OMPa. s..Stockhaldors of Uii, eotuna- a v . fy. i ; V "'i"by i.iildied Hut a filth instalment c-.i each ana tvery .hn..- (f the sToc!: ot in.t corn (mwv. -w -tt.trcd fr. -hr y '. d the treasurer, ;n fsyett vi.L, .i Tu?dy th; V.".h J. v of Mvemher next. .1 W WlMG'.lf. Tr,M !c;' 7i-ytXovlO etuv dleCvt i. V0 riCli. IThe salscfior wishes tfte'pub I N lie not tit irrdit any reports, ciru)atoi by Uuiiel AlcLeodaud his fariiiiv'-; to his diSp.rMvfeme-it. """"" f GtO.'tGK dtlMOSH Stesvinep'. SS, 1313. 7S-3tp. ; i, a e uueertouaeapm ueu. ' J' ii (rC L SI AT 1 0 V . - -1 0,YE f.V- lyand ol utr provinces of eout. tiental Greece and L,, , w ruile ,0 af(pear . , mv t)at n Uie loniin islands. In Pubruary ". of 1818, he ! 'IlK! AH HEELER; of Nort "pton.cotmty,;juns 'OAised into Apalacia aud Naples who: e le had charged by the verdict of a jury bf lnqtst w.tli'd'earur the advantages of six weeks study of the Am'f;l9Hwor ?rwu.,i,and ih-"t thoid tisited the oumerous cities and remains an the tfoast of Ly- ia, and collected, besides drawings. A vast n tiii her of inscriptious, and in particular taritiit hose in the Lycian character vrbich are lutherio unexplanied.. M t . 1 1 ... g... ua t , uouvoen K .ieigh and Mone's Hill 4Jo:i the 7t!i(i its:.,. B LAC Is POCKi-ir BtXiC, rontaiiimg' wjiefiv. y, the amount not n,,; ! l C. tfd ; three n j'ts: onon James Hall, for thirty (LUai-s, due last Aujat; i naou Sion Green,rs: lJlir.j tn& a half, due lawt Christmas ; oile on Kinchin BiTs'i lor seven dollars, due in March. -This is to. for warn all per son f" rwiing for said n u and ihe drawers from payi ip the::, except to my or.!.-. Anv person findinir the Pocket Hook, and delivering it an'l ,13 coiUeuts to me, shall be iibera'ly ra tried Tt lLLl VM POWELL. October Uh, 13 IS Jf-Vo uities of Pompeii. Misce laiuous. HcBt-Kiali Wheeler has mad - I fore, to lite end that he may; bi-oou to justice, tho bove rewarJ will be sr'.veu to snv ncrson or ne'innn w -- T. . c:jr, ow, mere- a- pemons who jPfcM THE NeW-YOUK JfATI lHAL ADVOCATE. OLD.KALEIDOSCUPE. After all, give rac atituraiir give merefixsh ' ipg iephyra instead of scorcbjng blasU -tool ' rjjghts an ; balmy sleep, ins toad uf myriads of moschctt ea andtjeatless inquietude and, in the nTrningrn ""system braced, au racigetic apprtite, hid muffins, string coffeo aud Lang's .Gazelle. Seated but yesterday at the break 'fast. table, andhiie musing on nothing, and Viewing the curling smoke' vhicii graceifully ct.acendedirom the Jated urn, uiy eye lighted o,n tbe Kaleidoscope which, lor. a length of time had been dozing on tho mantle in blest forg(.'tfulne89' Ah j arc you there old friend 2 como to my eye 'tis long time since I have had - a peep. Looked down Wall street, ;he . golden minc-fritftil in banks, brokers anil Aarberssomer little jostling during the last week hoax tbe knowing ones drive tandum great sports-mc?i--sboot a bank flying- touch to tbe'tune of thirty forty, fifty, pUty tho usiDd-xchange . checks borrow foV ,n ll-iur .buy up sourhern botes barn each oth k , .iiashash that's jour sort." "Peeped ' . rounil the corner of Wall street, and up Broad- ' tvayhar'min'g display ot reticules, filled with juigUagitriflei, -large btine a no getting a . ' fall -View of a lady's face shielded effectually frcW impertinent gazers uo decisbn on beau iy.Thoreoe a beau frcslj frm Bond street, 1. Ciin.niatlie ..d Ware K-r m inu - -h .t ....... t... 1 1... . . . , ' will ppre!ie.i l si that h mav ovcr'ecjoit! atvi command all oifiecrs, civil mil m.litarv, within J.he-state to appreUoiid and bring the sLl Wheel er to justice. . Wheeler is between fortr f;,v and fifty yenrs old stout made, nearly six feet high, ftVid co'mphsxioiihls facemucli scarred fromiihtiUjfHvd ha? lost the fourth or middle finder from his right hand, t the second joint. ltsis believed ha will attempt to get to tlie state vf Gtor-I?'- . v.i rIn estnnony whereof I have ctfd . f rT? Great 'Sp.I of State to be here- R7 uh'.h aiiuTu, iimi eizneu Tne satDe ltieiifti, the i5tllay H t ttic city ot K of October. A. D 1818 , Dy the Governor, JO Itf BRANCH. WM PLUVIStER, J'rivaif Scr'y. fi TALUAIJL REAL EST ATK FOR f SALE.- The undersigned offers for sale the following VALUABLE PROPERTY, (tb wit ) in the towu offiiyeir-trfBs, a BRICK HOUSE, three stories . to be finished in the first stvle of elegance; ; sailed to the accommodation of three families, and tS'stSres This property lies in one of the mt favored aituation i trip KiiMinotiii 1 D 1 1 . V- . wu...., 19 iiiuiciismi 111 tuiuc U!(V, -Alio 111 the city oUtaUigh, a HOUSE k LOT, with six acres o land, near tlie Govenidr'a residenc. The hotise is newf JJirge, and lsaniongst the mosteiegant mansions iu the city, and is weil adapted to the comfort and conre niincc of any gentleman tyh6 wishes to reside at the 'feat of government, for the purpose of health and 'rna sure. Also, two other valuable Ms for family resi denceand busiaess in the centre nf thif.;iu. i.;ir-.: 1500 acres of ,land'"near the flourishing town of Milton! --viu rajreocrees.. jcor ait or any part of the above property a credit of one and two tears will ba allowed, the purchaser giving suflbieat security; lwi ring my absence, T have appointed Mr. Kenneth GiUis,H Jtaleigli, my ajent to sell ani make titles. Jt . v .... ' Jf KVAXS: coiih to lUcin the management of then; busineti Mess.s. JAMES II VHL'OM & C. of New T; i'H'u- pr:ners, will atien.i pirwcttlariy lo thes-iln,; Iiro;liu:ioi'dcred to their raiM uivmArH fnnut.:.!. be mado throuifli W. P x co. 1 '.heyited-lustpTH-fft4)nn-i igoiiTTitsSSrlitit DltV GOODS, GliOCEUIRS, HARtWAItB. !:. v tvdl be selected b J. II. i eo. of JTew York-ihinvl iic aliove p.ace, and sold on the most reaioaihljteil brplember, lslS. CiAPI ; n, v. W.tlU t; .VK'JLtNA-fTTJsEUM. t his tsU'jIisU I ment , .r.v open lor the reception of viiitors A hnittatice, 2J ccnla Tickets furJie yer, live dollarf . ; . sdi plan tnibraces a Reading Room, hore mnt of the principal newspapers, literary work, reviews, Jir are rejf dafly filed, it n contiiemly btlievl that it wit" afiiird an areeahlj a:iduseful plsce of resort. Natural and aitlflcial cunositic3, sketches, maps, drawings ind pai.itings, rare coins and books, will be thankfully received and added to the collection; with the names of the libral donors appended t theiu. iT"Giiiei-al Calviu Jones lias ottlieiiiclr Ua'nsferred the huitf of his oollaction ta this Institution. iiaieigu, Aug-1 st;u, E risAK IVAVIGATIO.V CUM? NY.- Pursuant to resolution of 1 stockholders, Books for subscription towards n crease of vhc capital stock of the Cape Pear Ifarip; Compai'V for thesnmof 10:i,!!QU doIUrs, wiUbc n;;, a Uie puces uiMcr n.e direction of. the perSin lii alter mentioned, on tiic second Mondsv ofN iva I nxr,Sc continued opi ff.-'ih; t-rm of I J drys the i 1. succi-eiruc S'ibect to surt retttatiens may beA mine 1 o;i uv uie atocKnoiders in general neetinj, wii.ciiw.11 occoiuinunicatei to tiio C3.n:nissionor5 pointvl to receive subscriptions : At Fayetteville un Jcf tho dircrlion of J. IT. Wright. W TO riCE. All person having aueompts with the Raloiirh Thespian bdeieiy ar rertucstcd to present them to .l.'e.r. Litxa, Prcft' i n- o ,r (... u ..-... j 4 uu VI wit; . uiri ' b. t'OLRDURNT, Set'y. Oot .Scr 1, Ik 8, 74 til dxivausi'ilf ob' mIjARVland. -i. '1' IV, MiHliCil Luctures will eo:nuvuce qu the List .WuiUiy ' in Q.ttber, aud cou'iuo till the 1st oi l March. - . 2. Agreeably to the laws of the Ias'.i'.utiori, two ct ur- sei. of loctuiva are required prrvio;-.s,tathe .uliftiasioii of liiiKli late lor the degree ot D jctorot vle lictne i .but tbisjeguiatuHi doe not ru.ut-it necessary for the pu pil to attend each and every one of tha pr jlessors tyva terms. . 3. A cj'.iria'.ia any nthrr respectable" med.cJ school aili Uc doemsd equivalent to one r.i tni-. , 4. Candidates for degrees are. reij-tired to write and defetid 4 Tllcsia, but it is uot obliiratirv on -iheoj io prinf it; ; r- 5. The Mf J'tcd Caintneneetns.at win tApJUiw oa tht Srst Monday k April . aiiniaTiyi 1 , C. Ulie rVtffessei's of ' AtiatorTjy, Sur-'-.-ry, an.! kfidw't rory ari pr..videi With such prpai-ptiotij and appsfatus, hi iheV consider bonducive to tli4inpiovetneri ot the pupils. The atettsivei)d splendid chemical apparatus lMclyimp.-M-.ed frii" Fiane, aflods the projesnvof thai briiici the mowtts of treAti iti0 various Objucu ,'.f 'lis department Vrittll their vanctiA. ,'. . , Agrcv.-it.ly to a.V a.rani;cmei)t latelv mthtc with the V trtBtert of Viit: Hal iinori Aims-hy i-e, the i.-o:"csso'r of the .-Theory and Prac'itie -of Mfdiiu will delivv. a Clinical Couisj'ou the medical eSvsm that tfi"tuution, and the pvoft-MCir ;d AtU.trMr.y and Sitrcry v.i the aurgt cal cast.. . The vicinity of A! mi-houstJ-to the U;ii-aer-ity, renders tlie aued4nce of 'the pup.l easy and rn ven lent, and lite adan;agt: afi too obvious tore qu: re a comment. ' X. The internal Vcbjiomy of the Oaiversitv as to con venience and Comfort , isno'w coiuplete Tho improve ment lately adapted of warm in,; the -i'taujnTcai ttteatxt by rarifled air removes the only inconvcnieucvs to which the class has hcrotoiore been subjected. - A iato.ny, John H, l)iv'ulg, Al I). . ' 1 'm li ' J ptzi:c AI--,CK Nathaniel Potter, Cliemi :.', Elisha Dj ltntt, M l. M altria Meihca, Satnuid U.ik;-, . D. - t , . Principles and practice of Surgery, AYIfliam Gibscm, "Midwdorv apd deaiea of women and child rm, Rich ard W. Had M. I). Lvri tales of Physic, Mix. veil McDowell. M D i September i, 1313. 7r-S. T1IK improvement that have lately beep ediujneueed iu ihis place, may afford some gratification to thoso who feel an interest, in the agri cultural and commercial prosperity of this section of the state. -Plats are now budding in this place- for. the usjotthe Yadkm Navigation-company, and arrange ments have been madebv the eomtianv t. l,the impravemenU ot the river with as little delay as Bladen, Newhanover, - Moore, ' Randolph, Guilford, Orange, Chatham, Caswell, Rockingham, Stokes, liutvan, Montgomery, Richtn iiid, A 1180 11, Wake, . airijH-in, TAomas Croxof. Hichard Bradley Jfhilip Jilstou, .Samuel Hill, Hichard Aftndeuty'; i. D. Mnrpheyt J. A Ramsatj. jllp'MntTM' 1llWlfll CUri inn ' -f lO J.HU. Charles F. Z?ag8. Ji A. Pearsott, Andrew Wude. William 1. Leak: William Johnson. John Haywood.' Gabriel Holmes, . HENRY BRANSON, Frtil Fayetteville, Oct. 1- " 57-t'JN. iTi APE-FEAU NAVIGATION COViW IJINV Pursuant to a resotoiiou- of Stockholders entered into at their tnnu.d meeting i: ly las, ,:".' PUilLICrNanCKTs hereby given, that an adioom ; nice ting ot tda btickholiiera ol the Cape fear jm. '.:.n tOiapany, wul bs helil at tbe Townhouse, m ' Wtevilk-, on Monday the 2nd day cf" Noi'jtilber uaw Uiuuu'va ot importaaee being for tao consideWufiii this meeting ; it is desirable that such "of the stoci1-dr-s sscannat git'e Uieir persoiwl attendnce, sbM avail theuiscives of Uie represent Htifn bv Proxy. -HBNRY BRANSON. PS ;. Faiclteyi!lcOct..!,- t8l8.-. .: ,; r5-tNov.i ''I . Til ii ii I 1 i 11 1 1 possible. Several boats for the purpose of conveying pro ducu down tbo river are in a state 'of-fowardneis.-Hands are now engaged opening a route for a turnpike, to lead trom the amhng above the narrow down the western side of the nver, to the town of lilaJcely.-This rout, wul form a postage of about fourteen miles - . t-.vi a oiiw svtjcii UIJ AB1NE V MAKINO BUSLNESS.-ri subscriber informs his friends and tlie Pvi lc, that he has moved bis shoo into the new hn lately erected by Joel Brown, oil the eornerof Fay'i- vii;i;ttti.4 .wartm streets, wheretm the exce--lf. tha materia!'--lie has' on hand. andcxtWier.ee in' workmen, hr; flitters himself that he will I aMe tot- nisli as il 'gaiii and fashionable furliitufeias ever P unnorted t.n tha north. ALEvANDER -X- R . O110 or two bovs. between 15 and 17. IW. wdl he tnkfHi a annrnlicps to thrt above I'-' and ona or1 two steady j jurneynieo wdl meet wiat: plwvnvrit. . '. '," Work nar.lri.il nr a. it hi -irrird safV" to anvd'lS for country ciu.tivncn free of expense. A- Raleich. A rtril 2. 181 a. ' " - and passes in nearly a direct course through the ' of the tow.i a road has been opawd lo int.ii rESBr ,?FhVS fJ? aTrTa county 4 a thehfrom the ftmr to the main road oil thfcS ot the rivoc wdl shortly ba eomnVtan cas'ei ORTII -CAROLINA STATE E.X sspTEMEER 52, 1818. In porsOauce of Mibsrription for the unsubscribed Stock of !hs C- on the 4tu Monday of November next, hooks will see" -ingly be opened on that day at the Principal- BarC its several Blanches, during bank hours, and ke'-,. mntil Thiir4.1v tKif'tr,! A closed, except the whole- 4234 shares sh"Jrt notthea,! been subscribed ; in which case, as'on Btliefi;:ll'i be asceruined, a Book will be ke- . n lt the PhP k "uten ty" la: Ar,.d should an overplui?? 1 V !j oe.ss"A for, thaaubscripnon.;'; iiiv y reduCmgr, th' IsvrBeat subscriptio.is. o'1." number correannn.- -i1 , . u- jmfiml" e..v.-.'u-Z 1 v Wlu ' snares to oc ur . Suhscribcra 4 appcar -peraoaaily.- aa ho pro1" - . v . - . ( ft "The't's,.. p : . . r u'. Ka ti' - . -1 uis ui Rjmem are, one iourni . ,v ?V,b8ibintr. in fem-eh. St.t-Bank Notes, or suck 0 lumiwn mi ics 1 -oic, as uie isai.c if in v&a Uabt x rew'-e Iened asfar as Oils placel tburth' ih three mWhs, one foufth ia (j aontbs, n pejKxt lo intere -- . tK. nd ano- rivoc wdl shortly ba tfB;wi ' cas:e,a mbcr of Carpenters are emnlowe.i . t mgs amtas-sooft as pratticable; ;.!" mW 1 nu l-house will be established. .. -..ri Hi'' , 1 no aharea hemg subscribed for at par t B". correct value is mticli higher) the holders ot ' '.j Dow disposed oE will not be. entitled to dividend tKj an. l.:.lt f.ll rv . -w 1 Oll -r : WMr H. HAY-WOOD, C it is i . BLANKS., W ALL CK SW

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