j1 ' "' 'J'1' T"""1" " '- w -27'"' """!' .i Fill DAY, JANUARY 15, 1819. JVb.. 1189. : X- . t. . ... .- ........ .. ,ax. ... M .r'..J L LtJu' . f- w, w m .KtuM.isTcT) ; IKTED, WV,BY A. L luoas venr. one halt t xMcrititiM i ' ... ' , .,,,,,.,1 !. rv ..:iL..,niv N i pane; w "c vii- - tobeHl" .'kfu-r a vear'a subscription be- 11 lines. ai-e inaefxa ,Vr . for iatv-five cents ed sub " t:ice U - J " ; ? ,lkc p;5Mrti0h.wberc there! editor. CM, i,e received without gyXo subscnp .ioO ca n . a (,;sof option of Hi h ,t. . State Tapers'. ted for the other, cannot be chai'geil with anv' duty, imprwfoy cfi'alwrwiiata hizlrei t" Jotiier than those to wliidi tlie same article would b 8ubjw:tel if they were exported , any other country whatever. J Nor shall any prohibition be imposed ou th t xportatian or iaaiwrtatioii of any article, th growth, pruducq or manufacture of the tern tories of Ms jM.jcsy the King of-Swede mi- Norway, or of the United States, to or fi'otn the aid territories of Ilis Majestyrttr Iviog f Sweden and Norway, or to, or from the said United States, which shall not cquall v extend to u! other natijma. Swedish or Norwegian- vessels arriving, in bulla's,- or importing into the United States, the nr!duce or manufactures of their countries. for exporting from tlio United States the', pro hiihiI ii ; Wuekk" aja- i T 'be oungcd topay. enner tor tne vessel or in. Statt-9 atkl Sweden, "' ;H""UUV" 7 Cargoes, any other or higher Unties, i:n;jos:s. r l, 1. ,.1 atk Jill t'ln i'outli day 01 SeBteuiUfJi,? n tif'ri'Q. tvlintainvcr. than thi' which thv 7 .. ...... 4i.,wia4tii ii!rlif hnniiceo ami . iv rnn.ifhan Russell, Minister I lent- ,, i-c.nufancpie. .,. vim vrisn. tha ves- potentiary uf the United States, on he part s(,h o(. tJ(0 Uni(e(, Stafe3 ai.rivins n ballast, of the United States, an I the Count . 5Fs-.or imnoitine into the territories, under the d - from. lUMMitr vi i" m,,,!,,,! ()t (us .iaiosry ine ft-mi i owcuuh uce or manuraCturcs i ? PliMCLV NATION. jjy the rBEsinaT oftiieumtbd gTATB.. (J. manufactm 0f said States, tt'iiBBeAs Jxa!iuwf '. t"0, Y . ibe ohSieed to pay. cither for the vesse ntxH nssigijinj (0 the other the reatotii there--r. . It if, neferthejeis, uudertood that th rehieve and doeuments lelalive to the aifair T the endiulate thall. be protected from all 'xatnination and shall be earefally preerv5d, eing pUeed under the seal of the eousttlvand ft the authority of the plaee where he'ihall have resided. j The eoiisalt and their deputies shall have the right, as such, to act as jndges and arbi trators in the differences wbieh may arise (iptween the captains and erews of the vessels f the nation whue aflfiirs arc entrusted to their ?nre. The respective govertMuents shall have ao right to interfere in matters of thi kind, .xeept tbeeoiidurt of the captain and crew shall disturb the peaee and tranquility of tbo coun try in which the vessel may be, t that the ctn iul of the place will frel himself obliged to re tort to the interposition and support of the Ex ecutive authority Jc&ue ajs decision to be re Hjji'O.laiKt maiutaineJ. It beia.evertiieless, understood that this kind of judgment or awurd nhall uut deprive the contending parties of the rig'it tvhieh they Khali have, r on their return, to rveur to the judicial authorities of their owu eouutry. ARTICLE 6. (it order to prevent all ilifimile and uaeer- taiuty in renpct i what may be considered as shall be stranded, shipwrecked, or have Suffer ed sny other damage on the coasts under-the-dooiiiiion nf either of 1 he parties, all aid and assistance shall be) given le the penuns ship-' wrecked, erwho-may bin danger thereof, and passports shall be granted them to return to their own eoantry. The shins and Rvrehan dise wrecked, ur the proceeds thereof if the tffeets be sold, being claimed in a yearand a day, by the owners or their attorney, shall be restored ou paying the same costs cT sal- vage, conformably to the laws & usages ojLjhD two nations, which' ha citizeus ot subjeetV of (he eouatry would pay in the same cirlv eitmttauees. The respective governments shall watch over the companies which are or may he instituted for saving shipwrecked, persons and property, that vexations and bu ' ses may not take place. ARTICLE 11. It is agreed thai vessels arriving direet frtm the United States, at a port under the domin ion of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, or from the ports ot bis said Majesty in Europe, at a port of the United States, furJ uuhed with a certificate of health from the " competent he-illh officer of the. pert whence lliey took their departure, certifying that n pi align ant or contagious disease existed at that port, ahail not be subjected to any other quar- -i f'm inint Adolnhe Gersp oe Morner, .f Srate.fullv authorised and cm- iT..;.i o, ,,.,;n. iVnm t!i tiJ being the growth, produce or manufacture of.jtntine lhaa such as Jhall be necessary for tha trntrred bv their rcsuectivo vciivncnts, was ., - . ' , 5 s 5 ,is Maiesty ibeeontraetio- parties respectively, it is agreed visit of the health oihver ot the port at which powerei lyy. t of 1 l,,,,'s 11 1 T . 1 V w Vt?. whatever the chief or iotendant of the they may have arrived but shall, after such duly rat.fi.; 1 on the wen lc the king t SwhnnA Norway, the pro. , fcav() deii?nated AIid 8pecified vJt, bpertnitted jaiately to enter aSS May last, by and Mtth th a W;" duce or nr.uml.icrur.sot these terntoncs, shall 8Jch tll0 eearanee delivered to tue vessels discharge their cargoes: provide?!, always, of the Seiute, untho part oi the Lniteuates,. d,n?,r !or the vessels or the cargoes, whieh j t from lhe Eu.opean po,.UQf Hi. that there may hot be found any person oi witli the exception of the ti.lt u, lounu ami a,(V ot,w. Jl. UisjK.r ,juliey. or charges; Me.ty tbe ting of Sweden and Norway, shall board, who has been, during the voyage, afflie- sixth articles,, and by the King ol aweueo, w,atSoeve4.;iMl,i tli.se which would be paid if be acknowledged and admitted as suoh in the ted with a tual guant or coutagious disease, and on the twenty-foil illr day of July l;iMt past, t,i0sc Hrticjca NVCI.0 transported by Swedish or United Stales ; and that, in the same manner, that th aouotry from which the vessel comes . with ihe cxt eption of the th whatever the ehief or eolleclor of the eesloois may not be So geurally regarded at the time ltd, to; and the ratifications of the two gov- hat which is hero above stipulated, stall in the port of the United states, shall have as infected, or suspected, that it has beta prer ernmcuts, as aforesaid, have- been duly ex- as, extend U the Swedish colony of St. 11. r designated and peified as the growth, pro- viously necessary to , issue a reguiatiotf by changed at Stockholm, by the Pieutpotentia- t!,eji,mVt iiS Wv.j ;n Wnat relates to the right or aout'aclureof the United .States shall whieh uli vessels comiug frm that -country lies-of the United States and Sweden ontho . afi-'taT3 which i .hc vessels' of the Uui- oe neknowledged and admitted as such in (ho are regarded as suspected, aud sebjected to nart ot their resifcetive. governments, winch . . . ? ,., irt it, TO,rtrTnTtcrfMM MjeJ n Kiog 01 oa-edeo. quarantine. treaty in the words aud fi.es Win wing, u t; thim whicil tlie vessels of the Slonyr;Bfalion or deiMgtlali8a givcn b to w,t : w s!ull ciijoy . n the ports of the United States. the Mr0 f Ue cust()ms ia , jJB KMa- of H f L i 11IW;iMJ,,,,viildthe 'lVnCrS arC in,ha1d,t1ant8 "f bt Majesiy ihe Kins of Sweden and Norway, aoTl In the nam of Hianosl Holy anl Indivisible B.t,thclcmyt and there established and natu--.mlJe& bv the vemment of the 60 lonv. , o TnT9' , x, ' alid, and shall have there caused their ves-, ,mil be considered a, saffeient-pioef of the; $ vltZtTi The United Ststes of America and h,s Ma- 6t,9 10 fie natliralizM,.. 1 origin ,f the article, thus speeifieor desieoa- L esty the ting or Sweden -J:d Norway, equal- ? ARTICLES. I ted to obtun tor them admissina into the pons ly animated with a Hmrcru d sit e to main' am j ig jf ajcsty, the King of Sweden and Nor- of the United States ccaordrngly. and ewfirm'the relations of friendship and ( (hat Hn artk l s, the growth, pro-j miticle 7. omrxierce which have hitherto subsisted be- duce op mauaac;ure 0f th0 West Indie, The citizen or .abjeci of one of the con iween the two States, and bevng convinced wd arc permitM to be imported in Swcd- traH"5 J'ues, ar .vi.g nth their vessel on that this object cannot I more effectually ac- fah f yn vessels, whether these ar- f.n.v ei,tl1 M"3"S " other, but not wil xomplLsuM than byralvhhihing reciprocally, . . .ntlv ,,r ilirrrtlv fMm 1,ai5 toeler rnt of ?5 .tto commerce between the two S.ates, upon M maJ ,iIiewise imported '.into the firm basis of liberal and ram fable prim. Ua t- r ,T st- Dies- Munllv flfiFafifa"ftotrt tu both count icn - . ... . i - y'uSiTf ,.... , t,. l.ia onH. ii.;,..ii ana iiero snail not be p.iu. emier lor saia tcs- MjiX, render amount of their ear-,, or to HM V IIUUIVU, in IIUM !. Illl'vi;ii,iun 1, null . i I l.T.!. ,. ..it.,. .. . HI'I J SSI II1M fOPUtiII U 1 1 w ARTIOLE 12. The trealy of Amity aud Commerce, con4 eluded at- Paris, in 1783, by the Plenipoten liaries of the Unilud States, and of His Majes ty the King of Sweden, is renewed and put in 1. . . 1. . - ' . . . .i inirl hpiI 11. if uilliit" lu 11 it In nil nr lirinL hulk nl Mja v itu. kJ 1 w ia t j4t 1 i ss(,:i a,v j'uisuj m-n yuj4giiMhoui iiioL'iiatioa auu without being vs fit A f..na-ino unV 111 (rift At fir ii lls i lit i Q -r .1 . fl ! . .. I. - .... - have furnished w.-n v., the necessary full " n"irr-: 1 UJl. " tupvT" m cwarB" ttt t i:h;s or tuarges wiimancci iih muao on me vessels or eargo. ex:epii:i omy me a j'js powers to iteai, -l lxmv na!,,p .l,.co.n" which Would be paid bv Swedish or Norwegian of pil3tag, wheu a'pilot shall h u e been . chide a treaty, t . ll.c lsithntof the vrtsi.1s1n the same circumstances, with an ad- ployed, or time of quay.g. or ii.ht :uoaey, Uuited Sjatcs, J.m :.ia.i Hus'cl, a citizen of . . . n rntltm ftn Ras,l do., whenever-these dues aro naid in l!.e same cir- i I ih.'ii "hit av. .wsw -f.. fl tied, iniM)sts and chargcslahd io move. cuin&tatiSL'S by the citizens or s:ibye.:tj of t!t the said Ubitefl b:atesj and now theiv Minis ter Plenipotentiary at the i; i" t jf S1 -n khoiin ' - J rAUTtnrt it iu vm-nSLiL' :ii Iii.fi r.iiAt f I f fflrrt Norway, bis cxcrlleiKy the Count Laurent .1, jioD 1 , iv, : mn.t tizn or suhjecis oT oue oT the coKtruotias; Aujf , ., ,. ... . . -r West Indies ' ought t o taken in its most" . . ., J ... . . . , .. , l JSngestroTi, his Minister ol State !r for- . n .. parties shall ba within the juMsdietioii ot the Sign affairs, Chancellor of th, University of xWl1 mVX ,al1 htt.porfion of Jte tfc 8,Jftll co,,,jnn taJ lhe ,aA- rtU(I re. ifibd. Knight Commander of the Order of wt " la gUtins eoneemiog navigation,, uad the pla- the Kii.g.jKnight of the Order of Uharhs !,at ,MC 'l19 -Tvh'" anJ P?rU inl wft,ch ,l m be 13jb,-GTand-lo8S of the Orders f St. E- a-d.st.nctiOii to th.it other por- t0 eater, whieh are in force wit., regard to the tienne of Huncary, of the fiWi of flun-,- ilQn of tU0 ea, t" deno,niuaU;J ;Uc Elst I,,(J,C3- c.tizausor suhjeetiol the country; n.d it shall of Fiance, of the Black Eagle and of the Ued . ' ttJT&ll The United stales 01 America, on ineir "iu belo visit lliem, 10 reioaiu o.u ocaru, a :u t .cautions illicit cioaierce In order to avoid misapprehciwi'in in this jcountry. It being, aevrllieiess, understood, tun nicucri iiic tcikis u.iu'i Ragle of Prussia, and the Count Ail.ditlio. Ceorge deMjmcr, his Counsrllor of State It.-; agree that all articles the growth, I'w-.V and Comraaudcr of the Order .nf the P. lar jIuccortoHiiufacturcbf thecbuntiMsurroiind- fitar r and the. Riit Piriimtnniirin tw 9S the Baltic sea, or bordering thereon which , -. Having produced and exchanged their full iw a- a rFmiueu 10 oe imporieuin. vewew 01 mc which is contained in the seeortd, fifth, sixth, se venth, eigth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, ibirteenllb, fourteenth, fii'.eenth. sixltnth, se ventejMJtlr, eig:iLc;-ulh, n ity first, r.vetity-se-eood, tweniy ib.'rd, and iweulj fifth sir'.islts ot the said treaty, as welt as the separate alleles one, twu, fur, and live, which were sigiud tha name dey by the ssim-J plenipotentiarieii and t'ue articles speoitied aiiatl be cr osid ;red to Lave as full forco and vigor as if they were inserted word for -word : provid;J, ncverlheless, that tuo stipulations contained in the articles uhuve iutiiitiond shall alnays be considered as making o e(!ai ia th eouveutious pievioTis!ycou eluded with other friendly and allied nations. ABTICHK 13. .C iaSidaring the dislntit-e of the respective (oua'ries of tUe two high contracting parties, dud the ii'iceiittin that resells iherel'iour in relation ta the various events which may take jihice, it is agreed that a merchant vessel, bc- lonjing to cue of the conlraetkig parlies, 'and destined to a port sutipokcd to ba tilockaded.at the tinieof her dcparlrtre, shall not, 'however, lie captured or condemned for haying a first time atttwnfitifit to cater the said port, unless it may he proved that the said vevsul eould and nNght to d'avo leareed, on her passage, that the place in question eantitined to be in a state ..t i.i.,.ir..t. n.- ri,....h.ik:.i. -....,. k...:. as ma v bo necessary 10 . , , , ,, . J r ., been once turned away, shall attempt a second imerce while such ves- ., , ,. " . ere on found iu good and due iurm, have agreed United StaKs7ficWcrllica the following articles : . x .ted uircctlyHr indirectly from the Bahic, .nfy.t'rf tfonlrirCiitf parties, cnte b1s r auin within the said j-uiiJictiou. ARTICLE S. vessels of on? of entering tha ports ot' . . ARTICLE FIRST. Tfiere shall he between under tho dominion of the United Slates of s'ia" not l',cn uc 5,a' tne vessels, or taiu or owoei shall dtsirc so to do, and it America, and of his Majesty,' the' Kins of (,r 1,10 carSm'3' 8ny hgbcr or other duliesrj shall he allowed it depart freely with the uweucn aim commerce ti:ut, duricg tho same voyage, to enter the saais port of the mieuiyV while the bloekads continues, shall be liable to detention audeoudemnatiou. . ARTICLE 1. likewise be imported, into ; he United States, llie other, shall be permitted to discharge a! Tle present Treaty, wlieu the same shall in Swedish ur Norwegian vessels : and there-,,.,.!- nnv of ihzir earira.. whenever ike in-;bavo been ratified, by the Pesidsnt of too U- . .. . . . .' .. . . . ..... . . . w . . .... 1 .1 L. ley re am! Norway, a.reriia-oral lihetv ..r itnposts or charge whatever,- than .those maipder, without paying auy darwH, imsts, :e. The Inhabituuts of either of the -which would he jmid by vessels of tlu:TjmI two countries shall have liberty,, with all e- btarcs ,n ' sume circumstances, witn anau Purity for their person i, vessels -and cargoes, &,io" onjyjjflcn per mitum, 011 the said du 'dor charPo whatsoever, exoojt ou that psj-t I. which shall have !een inaded, and.wuioh shall lhe marked aud tivted on the list or maiiiiest nations arc K III UUIieU, I'H r t.u.uc , rMA.rt...,:,111. . ..,.-, 4;r ,t. t.4 1 there remain w 11,111 a v,!iSl ',"',n;j;ing to uie nuz-vii:-. . .. . ..tl..ott ..(' ...j 1" i tin 1-. iftlHO. n'.,.tli ; sirvcr o rhe said i,ut.vj,,,ui ..v ,iv ,,, ire '-.id occupy to Pay, 011 u' t iving in the. ports et the other, if. T I: .- v.vi ucrij i an oori.1. i ares ami rivet- iu . 4..i ..... ... .... .1 , - . . ' a - " v M 1 i, . - . .... ..rut; tiu.-'l i'i K9BI.I uuxiii v mui v ui vjui u Jithm the territories or the other. it, which' l 'u? to avoid al um:erta.ttyi,. resect. . lUl a,?V;iVS tl) be pm,ated, permitted to 'mter. H and reside in auy part rrri'iTfitiinn - houses and wanhou- . op tin;.. . ...nmr,. . with a cargo consisting partly of arllilea. tlio and, generally, the men h ; ts y.n-1 ! ii(lcr3 of growth, 'produce or mantir.icturc of the cuuu eachof.t'ie two' mditiim. vim:, Tn try to which the vessel belongs, ami partly of . " , ' 'HI , I, u I I 1111. .... viMcruieiuost com.) mm. u. it v. ami protcc- linn r . I. . . .. . 'V" "i uic rransa-. Jnig bound, alotie, t aiuU's of the two ( . ..iitrh s. iyh.mm iK. K be thus mixed, the vessel shall always pay the duties, imposts and charges, according to the ;uiv other merchandize,., which the said vessel .. . . . n.l ,v l.f iriit i'iirnrl ino art!. SB 1 i' I t I.-I nl.rm to the laws and'clca'-" !S.a5ri;iu 1,1 V'.a W SUUI"U "iitrs, lYBjieclrvt-ly. AKTI LE 2. ! . .. 1 s xno other or lihir du:hs imports, or char- 1,ure r t"at part ot the cargi wuicn w suo p8, whatsiievi'i-. jilinti i,. ....t .i.I :. :'cctciiln tho biHest- dutins, in the same man- - - .i.ij ncu -wil i in- I 111 J . . . . , . ... station into the territories of his Majesty incr, as if tlio vessel imported this sort ot mcr tne Kinc of Swtut..n unil V., in... r. t... ...... '.( handisc onlv. Juce nr manufactures of ih-:i United States, r.t0 thu importation into the United States P he produce or manufactun-s f the le rU t2eof 11,8 Majesty, the King of Sweden and Norway, than those to which the same ar ticles would be subjected in each of the two cowries respectively, if these articles were growth, produce or nwnufacture of auy Oiner cntinlr n. ... . . . ..... . wiaebc ohvrvt ; pniiciiuesiiaujil to which they are sent, the aurh . ' . 3 Lllt uxp.)nauoii,iu wanner that ... each of the two countrcs, - cUvaly, th articles bcb shall be expor- ARTTCLE a. The high contracting p arties grant mutually the liberty of haying iii the place of comiuerev and oorts of the either, Ciinsnls. Vieo .Consuls tor eommerciaf Agents, who shall enjoy-all the protection and assistance necery lor. tbe aue discharge f their fuufctions. Bav it is here exprnsaly daeUred that in ease of illegal or im proper couduct in respect to th Unro'r govern said Consul, vice consul or agent, may be either ounished nccmlias to Jiw,vdimised or seot away by the oSTeuded goveruatrnt, that govern- (oms'at tha place where tho vesl sihail have arrivsd ; and inithiog ha!l he paid on the part of the4 cargo whieh the vessillakes away; ito the said essel ui.i y proereJ t!:e:ewitii to auy suier port or pons iu tuo n.iuntry, iutu which vessel f the most favored i;atioiu are permitted to eater, and there dispose of the same; or the said vesssl may 'depart there with to the port of any other country. It U, however, understand, that the duties, imposts, or charges whieh are payable un the veset it self, uoght to be paiJ at the lirt port where it breaks bulk, and tliseharg- thcT Cargo, and that no such duties or imposiiioiis ahail hi? tt p;ain demanded ia the pons of tho same coou try where the said vessel may thereafter eatui', except thu inhabitant of the country be suo jocttd to further duties in the same ciicumstao- ce,. '" , :- ' , - . - ARTICLE 9. " . The citizens or subjects of one of the con tracting riarlies, shall eujey in the ports of the other, as well for their voss -Is as for their mer chandise, all the rights and privileges of en trepot, whieh are eujuyed by the must favored uatioas in the same portsr - i ARTICXto-10. ' : : " ' Ia ease any v vessel, belonging to j;either ot the two state's, or to their citizen? or subjects, nited States, by aiid with the. adviee and ea un seat of ih Seuate, and by . His Majesty ihs ;. Kingf Sweden and Norway, shall contintH iu fontc. auJ bu obligatory on h Uaited Stages and Hi Msjesly the King of SkVcdeii and Nor way, for (be lei in of eight ye-r from the ex ebange of lhe ratilisationt ; and the ratifications SW1 be esrbasjjcd ia eiht months, JVoi the signature of this treaty, or sowcer if poiUIe. in faith wheroof, the respective plenipoten tiaries Layo signed the present treaty, and b'-ve (herentito set the sea! of their arms. "" !)imo at Stockholm, ths fourth day of Sep. tsinber, ia tho year of Cm race oae thuusctid c:g5t) Iiuodred aud sixtaea. - JONA. ItuS3KLLj Le Conte (1'EngersthoM, Lu (Junto A. G. de.MouNEa. Now, therefore, be it known that I, James Monroe, President of the ..Unitad Slalesr have Ciuued the said -Treaty to b made public, to the and that (he sstuc, 'audevery clause and ar tie!o iheresf, with tlie exception of the threo ariielei above referred t;s-may be-observed and (o!,ul!ed Ub good luitfi by lhe United blutes lifid- itw eilizeas thereof. In jlesliioony wbereofj I have hereunto set my houd, and caused the seal of "" , ' the United States to be affixed. Dona at the city of Wci'hiagton Ihi '31st day of December, in tho year of our Lord onelhousutid eight hundred and eighteen, and oj'the lndependendo . i)f the United Starrs l lit- forty-third. -'. JA.MKS MONHOE. ; By the Presiden! r . J.IOHN qUlNCY AD VMS, ' - ' . Secretary njf titatt I) 4