i I, Y i. T 3, w tr . . . . --7rr f - 7 ' - , . - , ' . . .- , T . -! . to J Jw uollafa, Its' V r.;: ':jsj0 -rrr.: ""';;; - 4 . Tom., ra.isled f tfeliver ,! IV; '. lV,th V Ji 2 heard bj bauds cut wlf, -r:'i've' . .- v never before near j V h itii if ft BJr tlm adviee, of. the other consult ,1 A,er.J" - '.,, more t&kf as fbt sr nv ; ,11 a i. mure - m t.. r iirnf - ..... ...... TI.eremMn.nS"' ' ht.r ,etler. -Bo as- "of ( e,,. Jarkson. ' of the PreV' 'ilit8,'fXr.S My motive., od my JTeeeiveto be Lt genera f .n.ler.tandiaS, lta1 h""V 1 .V . 1, it ! S in nossessed with no iliB -AameM r hieh BiBtt i ,eiirn f "! S "vMhicSt.o, 1 am proud ,)(By re f ensure f Afb(lmot marderrt, enaui an (he two iih4r'.Vin bt j ii baiiJ eut fl', HOt the' (her reeeiveil . AittbJ infanpattori of the bireBunlacei to the leiiJLoff.ih American ; qwatlroe ' theB in that port. 1 He a(LKraue ut jlu (juadrun Mot PripU eieiteHiueh -aurprie, but, a the 'nen!An : Hag w4 till hoisted h ttbo bue i.f tbc Araerieau eonsul a1' parlev waa entered Unto, and after several enniinj(HetKini, ibe4UHU8r Aeriaa dim sunder leut o li" a liieavcogor to tbe Oaitrd fttaieg with report of what Lad hapeuetl. , ciKfThsai-scomleii iltef robSin? the bank rt ; j The edtor of the Observer hating xxn&eri' Jn tbe laltlibment of a paper ia the townnr ijlakelyV Montgomery enun.j, N. . under lit Mime of Ibe Biaxklt GaZbttk, inform their fienda and the' puhlin, tlt tbe Obterver ail) eontinuetftW puniislied ai heretofore, by Carnej & Dixmukeo under the uperiqteydnuce uf Julio Carjieyi J Gazette wijl bo publUhed by ) , muke & Carney, la commence In May tiex l lAt;uperintcndance ot Alex. II, mukcn, The edifori tender tbeir aeknowledgi'- ments.io tbe patron of the Observer, aud eher Ub tbe bope thatrby dividing their labor, tliey may fatoiipe decree, beeoineiBstnimental in the advaaremenr of tueh ineaourea-of public utility a may be tabulated to unite the feeiir.g and intereili"of the two sections of tbe tate. , . . ..,.; JayrtUviilf Ob. ir-.. Mm. hitinar.i nihil -.w- , . maroerri, e iira f n inn t v- ' ... - li I bonld sV.il hate viewed ihr J w.uj Wror. ifinflieted wiit-t "-"e4 .action. Wbauver ere ineir WCl iMuiice : and would never to. Were ' ;:-'.. of trillI an) pnibo.ei.N WauseJbe viet.n.sare ".; V'i ..... iMCU " - - - - - ' - .n..Uv.mav to-morrow J1 Sir . . k.. ...on ever m If t!ie canton 9 of the following totter vary essuitiuiiy from tl;se of one published tn titis paper the utiicr day, from ibo sam'u tptarti rf tins Etiiturs oaii ouly attribute it to tlic vari- oiis cuiiHtriictioo uitiie huiauti mind, by wbUU oMMwmoATiOji. ' sauw.tiitugs- afB Revved in iiift' .-rent' as. - LtJMBER KlVElt CANAL. At tbe last puts fy tlifferctjf jwrejuw. ; if- i iir.)per. to leisioo of the Legislature of this state, the act 8 iv in .ii ui .s)iirvN, wiience, iuo two letter or 1810, anthorigin the organization of a com ! !;,vv ttai'fi'i uv'iue both entitled to tcvent iany for the, nrpoe of openinc a eonimunica- Int.-...'. ' tion between tbe i'edee and Caie-Fear Kiver, - .''i i i i r '... , i.-rii ii Miiir.... si : una unieniirn. unit i ,i'nmtinni'ri unuuitiifii la ij 4 . - V f J i I'il. "'L''l' i I, kHW ' I I i'orc .'a iV.-eno in t.Vs citJ, dated i3th ituU earry ,l Ui, Uee.!- 10 -lAe 5oarse OI & '" im-rn .i llu-r frutii- i'aris, dated litis m?nl? nurvey will ue marte iu r,rer io aseer. I :aiii tlio nrarf (ithilil mf tli urk. a nil if limiicl r!";n :i vei v nite uarent merchant. wh:i : "-"j .. . - 1 1 en ii 1 1 na n a a i oubteil les-iu ; . . . . . crr.a thev U' ":'i .4U.arnS,er.-af. 1,1 n,,.r tn'. ' Iditrjrom a go BaiiutM there tiro obliged wre tfcic.1 r- . raise tnney ibe fuiws the importance of the objeetill berreadi. of wbieh there ia little doubt, an reguieriy iii,ji'- rtmcenis. - i :..'u tried, eonvieted and eoud-'mned, I t s i L-nd ii. ti .till have claimed ? respite ftfrtbeai,;; av saili -t, jonuct'Dt he t;s great export of specie, cs f j arrange 'heir hIT-i", M la a la itireweii 10 1 cy t Itiwsia, Mi llio ft Umu i t t ii ' Ibeir fatniliea nnd friends.-and to make their' Vitl ilJU9 g()vn niIu.t i,i Ku .. !'!. s i no peaee with H avrn. JJ bile 1 tdmit, that iu . - ss; taj 9lr!l is t!lP stttt. ot thin.. ti.; would have been soiiieot for .. .. .. .. . ..-i, i . .. 3.nral alone to eonsider :l think thort wail , 4I" -",,"' rne Ct-nerai ajonc .... i oiili rJmnir,. ua wiK set Kut'oin: nirairi in xor me usuui " ; . ....it. nn the itreeent oceasion. promptitude of .nih-arj execution ; ad if you vill give your atten'.ionto tbis part of the trans aetiou, 1 cannot doubt bat.you wU agree ilh me in this respect at least. I appeal to the af fections ot the son, the husband, and the father, in your own bosom, and to the sympathies of our jeommoD nature. . ALOEKON B1DNKV. P fi .Tnfiand rleeencv renuire. ihnt 1 ue M w mr------ . fl.i:n?. i in' irputjeitia.i s oppurOuiiiivs i run sider very gi'-at ; and we shall, in our coin-; merciai inattets, have an eye to this inforxna-1 tion." ' : SPAX SH AFFAIRS, GtBKAL 1EK. i'EO 8 u The new mioisirv of paiir have with vigorous rueaus tn uphold the (lii?.'iiy .X'.r 1313. et oat sWfc-ledS: my obligation o. TAe Enquirer, f , their royal master, an I irtbe fervor V.tf the lath JJeeemuer, lor aconsiuerao.o p.-n i the argument in the abo e paper. A. n. FOHKI6N. The Mlow'wg teller is from a source of pret respec tabili v ; mxl ttie fw.ts it contains, to far a the) are in depenii nt ot opinion, tvoy be fully ielicd on. It is ob Vioiwlv i'rom the pen of a wn l""n l tlM! present order of things in Fiance. And whetlier all our rentiers shall or net aeiicnt to tecolEMrin wliich 1iis ardent feelings have given to circumstartces, they; will at least join him in wishing for his couhtry all the happinesn Vhich he considers present or in jh-aJpct for it. Extract of a UiUr from France, dated 6th JVo cetaber, 18 1 8. ' You are not iguoraul that the .negotiations at Aix la-Cb ipelle, relative to Fiaju'e, are tei ttinated, and in the must satisfactory manner loe subeets of the deiiberatioiu fteinei.-i toe ministers or tor fire powers are not gene rally known, and b credit ought o be ieed In the revelations that are found in certain cn tinental newspapers. " It appears that an invoiri .ble apiril of mo deration and justiee has presided at all the do liberations of the Congress ; an . 1 think it may be boldly asserted, that at no iioie has tJieri been seea in urope a more unanimous desiire to maintain peace and aeaure good order. " As lor ourselves, beaven appears to b!es til. Vrry soon we shall lose sight . f the last foreigB bayonet. Our crops of all kinds are ex cellent; t e wines of this year ae bettet per haps than they ever were before; ;n a woxd,; pcl. our agriculture preseiH, Uie most lavo aole re sult, and onr trade the mo.i Oatienng .opeei zeai ean Keep pace wiki us ma: euaiMii ni-f he will have t record ere fllonf i-i toe rtials of his illuilrioiu reia, somj measures of sture as imoortant in the polttieil chrohicb a ih$ renowned armada of an ancient predecessor. "Great e-xcrti.ijs are now" toakiog in Cadiz to fit out an expedition of 18,000 men for Biie it t Ayres, i )aiiJef the ernuiaud of General O'D oinei,' (CouaJ Abitbal,) who superintend t iie laborious duties of preparing it inperu'u, and who would appear not to wish hi bJuj-ii-ing. honor to come took thick up o bhn, tor. he enjoys the principal now in adv tt;ce, fav-. in? added to hi nunaernus titles tint of Viet' Kov elect of Buenos Vvres!" The nro--r.-s already made is rep ried to be ihoul 5000 re cruits, who are '"to".inif ing every hing. and as much money as thev e 'n s'et yjo'eed contr; hutions from tbe merchant of Cadiz The three frigate of 3"i itiiih .each, lately prpveoted by the Bosnian Emperor, are h"l J in but We are persuiided in- deprestiou will be on reaJuie. Drtne convoy. 'and to provi-ii irons port an embargo i already la d in a'l ike ports of the I'en nsu a upon Span sfi vessels of 180 tons aud upwnrs 1 ly ieree ved by the i citizens of North-Carolina ' lie bfst -iaiurcMs of 'be state are identified wi!i its Mirees ; nod it may, with Confidence, be Mpectud, that prompt and efficient meana trili bi aputifd to its execution. In this worka lir-; - . '..(nn i,, hi of the wealth and population of S .n Hi C ii'tliita a.re immediately or remotely iaterevted. u ui if lists .lesult of (he survey should util'y (l-4t',Xn'iaii..iis of many who are well aejutuite-i uili ;'.c tnicrmediate country, the txiTli'in of individual, aided by a liberal po licy on. the part of ur legislature, will insure mice em to the undertaking and respeetabihty to 'the eominerce of iSfc stiite. Ibid.- The Board of Director of the Bank of the U ni?ed Sta'es, it appears, immediately afier th late election of Directors, proceeded to the eon ideration f such measurra as wTre calculated ti, ctit tnil the expenses of tt.e Bank, aod make iU s.'ock more prodoedve i.iau at ttie rat of five per ee't' per annum. a per last liividciid, in eoneiju W?- u "is auu su-ieed lb lllu- salaries o"t i he IJresiuyut and Caiiier ha! been reduced 20 j, j ir is slated in t.;e papers of New Vik i -' ??il'11' of 'tie officers f lue iraiu-iAii fiiil -"''.' ,U4V0 tieea reduced some thirty per cvrjt. T1" know the same rule ha bi '.p 't.'icd to tlio Mof the Bank ia this cii v j and v. ? therefor: yrcume the rule is gene r.i. What other i've been takei.. uiid what the rrpor: ' tii c. uimtlt.v ot Cotigr.- s may lead l., -'nv, wesbnl! " know. It oppears that, bf-fn're 'he coi.toi.t. of the Bank lieport Could b a-aieipateii wubauy pre cision, the stork of Hie Bank bad ivta sold at Rltiiitnrt mi liiw i 0.4. Ii mav fail su'il Lower. eni'ioo bf ber intellect osl IUu1fie, Ihd Ta the very so; rerommeodine her soul to God in a f rtent nu om- syeRAyuliLlQ God that these eonsidti atlons. ieysBgcieeHSjMMaA op the wt'U"oldiTal1eweiiri- ' ciri8uiai:oa to.ine neaitoi per amicuantistiana and iijij he tir.l add riioital comfort, in vitU irgthe rowilijr V'r"'es ofls' amiable .yoang tiimily which ara teft b iindL under hi protect ion. ; iiv Keilifn; brt Monday ttfe-ftJtfi lost: Airs. Elita' Guitott, Uie tfai'uLU; ConMtrt of the lion.- William ' Gas ton. TTie licciMTTpHihjjknii htad sterling quahliel of . J his sdmired laily iav rin;W been aurpaiK jl HmAM LODGEi )i.'4d.Th , of H ir win Lodge;' No. 40, are remiudtd, iuut their regular monthtymeeiiitf Will tke piMce od Xa'.urd.'iy benigt:h$ 6th, of- February cic.hert a p-.iiciiiht atu-mUaoe i oarticuurty rt'rtilir. .'. : A ALLK.D MEETING, on unecial bi-sihiss is re quested to-morrow "e'vtjiinjr the SOih int; ' ' B. A. BAItHA.V, cf. Ja.T.29, "10.. , , , --:4li?T-tf.. jyita.iT momiso. JAnrRT 9, 1819. iik'" doult.ts be (jrutineil thai tlie Senate ha'e. bv s.i large a majority, the amentlmpot to tn .i i, . i r '" const i!it i'vii " reeling mai in nn lui'ire fieciionn mr 1 nrca':denv of tl V United State t;e ch,c- of e'ectors " Our foreiirn relations will now take a de- i shall b. bv JlTstbctL Ttiis propositiwi cr.ginaliy cm velopement proportioned to our resources and, ri'.m -'Nt.rth-Ci roii-M and ecened ib- sanction of a Ottrpower. Oar internal politics are more ealin ' fvw-state VTa fear,. Ur, ever, 'hat. as a greater num everyday, and lose that Warmth and that acri-j berof si..;es now enrttutethe ui.',evca ahou!whe ttony which our national character cannot long rt,0lution pasa ti e iou; c of represcntativea, there will -a!lo of,exeupl in the lowest classes of .society : be' a c.mp!.'ri .tlv srsiaUc'v vote ii hel.lf of thiswise, ... uio oigner eiusea. euucaliou and a eertam , jubt an d rsTa,AiCaa moJe of trocecding. anite in some measure thlrnToTiT contradictory "opinions and characters. It is tr that the wisdom of the King ia a great promoter of re ly temporary ; un?'-s .vimi we do not aiiue,ttle some UiCasure v.::.y . 'opted by Cougres mo.' harib t'liiu thai prop---o tn :;ie bill reported by the bank eo.niaiuee. . V:f. irtf. "'4 eefUficate of a J'.umu:i was issued at "the Wr Deparlnien' yHsierday, i' fnv.ii of iienry Francisco, of Whitermli, N. V. aed one Aui dred and thirty years.- '.Vs H 1'arlif r, hf(. a .ntleiiiun of in at ;iac?4 in whoai. iaicuimi( iuil confidence can ii" plaeed. dj, tl;at FrU. c oo has unilonuly stated; f.ir lori years pa, that he was a soldier a: the cormi .tion of Queen Anu f and it is generally beiifVfu lie re liiat (. is at leust 140 years of age : he is aiiil able to walk, aud retains tiis uieuial faeuities." .V'. Int. 1109$;; paisley; Have just , received on 'cnnsigntnnt, ' a' Pine of 4tq pnv.. Cogniac Brandy, two barrels? of Tallow, and one cask of l-'ilberts. . Thev huve also received a qunntltv. of Shoe. Hoot. &c. which mukes their sto le on hand complete. itaieign, jan. i, iniy. ay 3t, , . ' ' 'r' .'"' ' 1 ' ' jim. Medicines, Paints, &c. IIIE (jubsciihei- wis'Qtrs to iu'nn his friends I and the publici he hau ju-t received his Fall and Winter supply which, with those on hand- maaes nia assonmcnr very complete, sna com prising a. most every article in his lluc.-iAoiunjj which are the follow liig. .- - nioithep iilirl P.rwnm hatta. - : Anmjaptii imI nik dn. Cltekenha.D and HOclicile, do IColombiun knti ImrtemotL j map ro wtjqr, le.inerviipi'ii anu pai do uool , Uhiibarb Powder, ;o Hoot, ' "' Ci-eani Tartar, and Tartar B mctic. Fluke Manna aod Senna, Magm-si Alb. Cu.:i (jamphor and Clove, Hed, Yellow, and Pale" Bark, Doctor Suodford'a do. AiiKuatura atul Cascarilla, do. bugar Lead t White Vitriol, Viti'iolated Tartar, -Crude do. Allutn aod Salt Putre, Crude Sal. AmmVinbc, 1 ' Pearl Vth and iialta Tartar, bismuth aui regulni of raony, CnnAhor of da ,.... Lichen Islsndaneas, Antimoniat wme t laadamnaL Eis. pepperinint k tsveodoj; Bs. tfiruce, i do. Lemon and bargamott,, F.si spearmint and oinoamotf. I.' 1 ! O r r.ws. miiu mi m ouKiirai, . Bateman't di-ops and atoogai. ' ton's, . ' 1 BritilioU and Godfrey' edft dial, , ; Turlington's bnlsam, Dr. Chui-ehes' vee table tion, Dover and Jaiues' fttwder, r Mercureal acid lleYmntuiedf, Columbo Powder, r ,f Tr. Suers ono.!et,:M, " flo Hoot, -Caloaieland Catofoiaev I Caleioed Zinc, d. lagne'tia, Glass of AntimoDy,o Cnifte do. . : Fi Uluc and Blue Stone, White and lied Preeipitate, Squills in Powder, o in Root, i Lee's and Dott's oiu. j Duval's snd .Auiiersoi.'S' Jo. I KriRjr and J oni:'t.'(,. a j Red and blaek sV-a iiie waV. Lead peuclls and India ruj) .Vol ma-s and Gall Nats, Red, White and Marble Cas tile Snap, Tranapaivnt and palm, do Windsor and northward do. Blue red, and vellow wash balls Cosmi'tie do. for softening k a.i l benntiiyiiig; the skin, .tlaee n.i ciniianion, Gum ia:nbogc and Scaunony, do inmoin;ic, do Heoz in and opintn, do j l:-n(Mi 4id araii au, do Allocs and nssitbeculac, do Guiie and copal, do Shellac and eluna. Meiercou i sarsaparella root, Pi-.lk and black snake do L"xtrct Ot' Liquorioc, -ilo . . rctmed ia bounij Itoot of do Senik snake root, I'ei-nici'.o da 0Ktian mid ii,eng do. wu'rf ; crh atMl.rust.of iron, Oaytniu- a id Wuid n'Pier, Sproiiffli flx-s 0''d b!istvr siuv'e, Coohi teul .and ."J sunders,. , Drag'' !o-ida.id eaor, Fol Siivinntfovajttjsij-- oneifiation between ihe parties. " You will hear, no doolit with pleasure, of the testimunv of rreard oaid bv two jgreat Princes (the King or Prussia and tbe 15m peror of rimmi) i0 our lurfuurch. These iwo sovereigns came to Paris to iaj a visit to the . King. I he Kiae; -ot". Prussia remained a 'few days in Pans, but almostji et gm o. As t the Emperor Alexander, life arrived on the 28th of f' "l 'oek in the afiernopu, dined tuto the-King and Lu family, Ul,d, after a pri vate conversation with his Majesty, left Paris e sameeveniug. having visited nobody but the .."asi"" ou5 reeeiveil nonutlyi ' "lilt. At 1 1, a ........ nn. . , .umiiii vi ine-vvocuiiiiou oi trance . "J U Hied iroops, has produeed. and was cal Blated to prodiiee here, the most lively sp,ISk- "". A Genoa paper states, that on the ioili of Scj -, leather. Air. Jones, the American Consul Gen ¬ eral at 1 lipoli, went out to liuat with his .Secre- ury, the Uanuh Cowstit and a vanisaniy. B.c ing hepsiratcUlfoujJjis companions, he was at Uet'd by three Moors of the Admiral Aiuur au, who struck hint several limes with the huti iidsof their muskets, knocked him down, a V",J uve rJereil ftim, had it not Jieen f( CONfiHEjs9. We have f'ffinJ .Jtj inpowibie to pur sues' length, the detail of cifnjrres sionui proctrdingsT anJ, at the same time submit to thereadei5 the impor-. tant tvil.ttcal discussions which have aa'akened so .much great deal tf blic ;,.,,, n mav suffice to 'State- that the na- tin.i-d "legislature h ive been principally engaged tor Miese two past weeks, en the military roalrfntst on j on hc Seminale vmli 'if., in. n the questions' brought up with regmtl 10 the Bank of -thft United States; N decisive rote I as been taken on either 5 alt hough "Jiere tre motions depending, to annul ths charter of tlie 'tankj to censure, and to approv, the conduct of Gen. ickson , nl to appropi-iate UQ ,C00 dollars for miijta Lfjoads. -ITte proposition 'regarding chooainjf tlec- ors of Pitsident, by diatlicts, pasatd lbs Senate, 8 to tl. A letter from For Ciiborie (A 'I.) lo the Editors of the GeMig. t. uruui, uatsd the OlU uistnr. says ' iJy '.'Hit'i-siai josl united at tins place fioui'Vc.uaat-oia e icari. , that thiiig'a remain 11. re i.,v.ii iy iu the Wui siloa Ticri as formerly Ad - (.a-t been received froai ilaiaitua, hy w y o A'ew -Uricans, to tl.r iOlh of December wbicli r.ja e, thai the iiooj. from ibenee o re-oecM-ii Peuaacoh We-'c'iv sail b, the Utl. the lo) return or his eotnnaiiiona. Tho ,n.c was conveyed, eovered -with blood, to the pi laee r 'he Pacta, who promised every irpar . ' hli!1"1--Sil0tt,(1 r,,lBire,! end thecuovoke. all the Consuls at his country house to co'r.sul: ttiih tl.em- Injl,,-mean tiikc, Mourat-kn; is an English 1 m 5ado, aud the entmy of Mr. Jones-, t 5UJ uu iuv ritai o'.i ftiuire at lile hoiiSe . J . ' , ,?!!.Bnl,.9.'tw"btr-5raliUil biiaaa ay-j '" . " LITERARY. P-. j;Um .Seiibert,ot PliilaJ -lphia, has at length pub vhed jtis Statistical work. Congress, at its last session. , ;'.bcibed for 500 copies of this work ; au.l it is now r'- iiuunced, hy t! if? editor of the Aurora, to be tli. most :t ct ublioation on 1l.e subject which list ever p ,:v-i-l in any coun'iy. This is saying a great deal ! ?; ici.lly as several very excellent authors on staiibtica ve lately printed their collections and writings. ' . Vessis. Giiki (J .Srloo,-ditr of ihe National Intel- ?nc-r, have in the presiTand will speedily publish, :. ' edition .ofJli?contitut.ion .of. t'i--'. United State d of the aevend slat?;?, inclti lintr those; of Louisiana. i ''in, M ississipji", an44uiioiS. . Paid Ws 1 1 is: or of th? Viiicr.ctD Kcyjlittioii w.i. irtly iw from 'tt: press i -is will i.kowiae tiw .Bi- ;ajay of tile Signtx-oi tliu Declaration of Indcpen i o'e'e, fro:o tlie's'am.r pen. , sss a VXi; UOIinEUV. Tii.7lnre of' i!ie .loj .tfutkutgiun, COhioJ have -thii eu retr. J of cr. t.ou- I It-;' month; but vauoui opinions were entf- aitte .1 ;;espi'ei inline aciuai intentions of the la ; la;n Gooeia' Mbethei h. intend ed send lue .iirisvit Hitii he rei tivt orders Irom .Madrt i. iHic idea that he tr not, gained utretinih fi om ihe. icntU of ti e the expedil i.'i LarbtHi 111 reatliaeea. The i baoiikiits 0)' pl.r:. expres' alruu dot:is ot Us betiij,' eve.i jairi - Ci upied by hi Ouh'iJn iVIiijesty 's ropa. l'i. uimoM' trtiqui(iy ex ists the preaeut ( Kt'iJor ivii'ijj. -! ' usa-s t act ia au j t ml eajidt 1 ; . ' Joi.ii GfahaKi, !( I'truiuiissittfier to South uTico, is a (' td 'State, ml; !y t'u'presidenl'oi'lh v. iiie ..(hire and ci!iier! of r ;i.! :r uimiixitentiarv !ivu . ! eiiiile, in bo 1. ubii.eu Qiuica i. it.10 . aiieuo, vice nr. oump wb desires. permUsiou to rjuru. f'MMDil'-ATlO.V. .. . ' DIE1X t her refidence 111 -Morgantort, Pnike nbiisti, on Titesiby the lith day of January ,-iir. Pvtlu Bevcltetl, wife of Dr. Th6inci Boncli'.tl. Iter ci. ;,'h ' its long hi regretteil hy tlie extensive and .csjHjcWne c frieinU and acijiiaiiitance.. to .vhtin nv wa by liij exrir.isvs nf cvtry umiable virtue, and tv It- of her ::f l-.ared rela iti ily j tive utul social dlV. . In the ihiinagemen o' many tiave appeared 10 ei(uai, Uiil uono to excel it r. t o tlioic estimabie gualilies 1.- vlaed the 11 sin cere "pietj-,, whicti supporied her through a l u; ti'H painful illicss, with that diniHcfl awt'd-vum a g v. -ticn which Christianity alone -can .inapirrn;-" ' 11. i tiuuied l.fcr to conjiilct the Mimioi. i f li a !i i 1 ituigent 10I et.fromjiauia'ardasitre pujior't to :i.e '& .l.nn cf llavi n . " 3Je.ftXpiru'J -' iurrptifti-la4j" t Sn.Jj . fr i!i ful jpa Mnddor rojt and tiitt i apule, lkauet a:id white iieltboie root, " , On-; a id ulack heleborc root Cor'un.fi, .irfivsy, aud car- dniii'it sr:eds, . Su e-t aoms, and fennel do r') .v ers beniai.ie an I cam- liimile, ' Ihin j;lasi and iiarUiiOrn sii.i- Tilln-S, r'iyst'jiu .ind SJHelia. "siK-Tiiwceti .lad wllii wax. Salts of liai tVioni.a id sat iujier carb'):ule,pl'cntl'i; Salti diiiretir mii sieeii ' . no'(a powder in Ooxos. Vrse-u'io a'ld i:ax vo nic, Coiiiwn, tKij k h u-ii root, it..;.puier in '"ixe 1, l .i 1 bai'ley, and S. O riee, " -ti I..'isiS:ie it, roll, 7 i.i.' rsuid .lower siii.rjr, .1.1 ! bay aili-iiii, . 'rtJor oi' tin and cro"iis 1 ll.li'lin, !'rc".ii;UHed su'.,j!iur of auli-;o):-.y. jTiicn.li v ti-int a ill ly t:i.ar-e, V!iix- i:j.,i.lla and linui.i ijaa-iaa, WtiMti ol (iL' itian nd Jalap, do. yt' tt.ii ajijile," ' .dsa..i 041:11 v.. an I ii!u, do c i 1 1! 1 and sulphur. . iliiriify j.ifch and vcaica t!liji. ii: if, ' CJ-'ntSr-atiJ sa-rot oil. (Oil al-eloves, a:nla.nber, Oil vii :-;.! 4ni anniS, . '.)! jrfiiiM!r aivl jieiiperinrnt, ' lit f 1 m i:nu:i aiid'aooar mint, 'ai jl" wurinseed witli dirco-tli-.i,- t Vitriolic aether, Uiiriat' of iiltrytes and iro'ii, r'lii'iLs nfliuT'sliom and nitre,' S,,i us nine Had Larendei', Annals Snd oinivja .p-at, Xiiria and marialio acid, ; V:i t iortmeiit ot u-rst Se.Yt"k stone vrae re.tai ,st jvi ie .vli.i.esaie at fetirsbu- pnc.::-, kicUiu nir the Mi 115. t&kpemetl if tim"tovoeet the Spring-, a Ga' t 'AssuriiAcii' of G rdf;ii SneIs't'roni lOi li) 1. Oncon--V'i "ent wiit ba const jiiL v vieiir in st ;r-,; ; n-.o :irule ! in .barreia, and siau' b:-r?e.i Lni 7 other .; .1 -.les too tedious 10 eiiiu'o).- ;c. 'I'hasubacri re n;r 1 his g'rati ful ackniiwied;f-irtrntj p..ni v.y ".e KiCu'.tyvind u.'otmtry-cbjr.t i'anJ t.t hu f.u lie' ...rj, r tbcir.very Uwrat encu-aauien. . r tk? si.' "twelve iiio.'ilha ao l iurilier amuivs ilitm that noe. -.t hi had he wanting t ) .1 eri. a boi liniunce af heir -hi ige. Orders wi.l Ie Jiaikiu'y. r r'-ivud, aid li ' - .vp -y 'U tiled, i.barly at the n n :-u.vni. Til l 1 .i'.i iii'lu'-nce wili Ijc iv-.ii . . w.ii r. 1 ay lie .1 eti.-l - Ow i-inc! Urtiiy ' KSiili::i VVRua. ?. H. The highest price wil; uis i;tvyf. m i.aa tarkr tor jtood cfe? an'8jiied.-' t "stawiyU, J.uary I, -1,314. - VVati-r colours in ! inirublciiik in nlii'.K . 1 1 th t bntisli ink ponUer, iiatoi- stiops & shaving boti Thumb and spru.g lancets, iore flames .'saorterf, Con and other plaUtcra, Surjjieul KKket books, Saa.e? and wfiglitn. Gr:.'iii',fp nic'&su'r", 1 8ui-lful oatiiles, Sintuias assorteijj .lai kilt and compoiiuon ws tcrs, Loudon white lead in kegy Spanish brown in kes, do. do tirv, White lead in pnweer, Spanish whiting j chalk, ellow and sio.ie ochre, Vermillion and patent ycllowj ' Jromio and King's i'o Venetian and Indian rwl, Bed led and prussuu jjlae, SpanisU.aiul American indigo, timber and aiut.c-, Ivory snd lamp biatlr, ' Poramiee and rotten stonej Sponge and cork wootl, While wash it 'paint l.i uiheal Hatters' -stampers, trenthcra and irons. itstters'iiiid shoe brushes, 1' 1.17 nesii uo. SiWer wire and obmhm ttfau do. '. . - Japan Shoe bluekingnf boft lies of superior quality, Ha&et-s bow strings and bdekv ICS, Go 0011 binding assorted, do fl it N; roui.il boo.'s, blaeb, doreihwd clliw iti.s, acabail and leper's sniiSr r'auiy u jif lio.;eo assorted, .est yia.iidli se.tis, Sail.l paper and i'.ue, G.iM .mil silver feifj Hi-oazo diul orange dr pi iiint, i rop I .ke and rose piuk, Ktne flake w,jte. Couch lace, different patcfrns do tkins re.: and yellow, Putty noil willow gl as9, Liatseed oil, " ' oacli, eopal and japan val' - iuli,- r ''";! cor.I and p'on I'nes, loMuire diteivii( sizes, . A !argn ipiamiij of lirlstol SJilio t i.ie.of 5U;'Ci-l-- qua Vp-jili; a;id pe ah iii-indy, MollaiMt. ami C.'mutry j.'in ' Ra.n a id 1'i-ei.c'i lii-.tudy, An extensive iiss.iiii-tii.Ottt at butt wine's, Colfee, sitter and .iiolases, , LouJiin And l'liiiailetpliia ixii- .tei J, . imp'.'. i.d Sc yottag hyson teaiii '.oaf snrC, " , (ii-oiim! btoivnaml table salts', t uOiids, 'Vjb.ltul raisins, . Le.aon Acid and lime juicd, V Inre assortiacnt of enfei liir.iirv shortly ex. lotted, "1 .rioiii-ttfi, Antes and fifes, Piiials and shop furniture a forted, . Wafer and piil boica, . I'.iiat and bottle eora, Dhick bottLs ht pocket as IB 1