. - . - - . . :..-i- ..f., j.i - - -i J . - - .. .:.-'--,, : ..i . .. , 1 - - .- 1 L 7: ..... -, . 5.W . H If f : 1 - r-r : -r- : t ' r i ,- . . i 1 1'OKTJCAt. . nuhliaiiinir the follawinc lilies in voui literal -ptr,. you.' will cotiferjoL fcvor, n a friend, tho fools part'icuforly mtertaled for ypur frtut wotfwe. j o msa Of KALEIGIL Bright s the radiant beams oi morn ' -"A She paw. o'er the plain, . i )! ' - Tianscendaav trod ijer fisce dor . 'Ilie.'tWiiKjjfBtcv'rjrswtip.- ,.. . . , ' " KoTrtificc, to ihntlov'tl 'fiicc'4 , l(tre beuty could impart, y. Endow 'd with tv'ry htav'hljfgrace ts; Topptiyae Jhc heart. ' Let not the breast in sorrow pine, That mourn for thee iddne j . ' . h j sited one filieering inde divine . Awi mm k me fur' tlune own. " ' 'What though of power, unpossessed, No riches 1 reveal, s . ' -Jl piirer flame ecchants my breast . N . I'hn oui of wealth can feel. t, ..... , .; come and Ll Uvy Edwin's lifcu . Come, fo my lowly cell ; ;There free from ev'ry worldly strife, ' -. '' !ia ca!m content to dwell. 'nil - . ,'. . Mr lit:lJ flocks tb'at spread thegrnmrd, .'..v."fiVillwfl.ihee for tbeir guarJj And iimling pastures waving round, ' " ' Wrtli plenteyus crops reward. , come and grace my humble cot, AM pass the buurs lOve s, ; ; .Tbo buw and irranileur crown us not, , lit wiH be lecollcctcd, ihat etory of thin rooucry jiroauctd a fitvong exciremcnt in tin pihlic mind, not W. in llic couniy ir Essex, where it was preteiukd to have been comraif- tot but also (brotliout M?93acin,isH'tU,, New Hampshire and Maine that Mr.r Vearso" wws twice fianiined before a justice on suspi cion of being an acrcssary -that Leri . and Laban Kcmiiston were indicted, tried and ac- i quilted before' tlie Supreme Court at Ipswjch -f-aud tliat a inaii by the name of Jackioan fua also tried aac acquitted on the same charge, at a 8ulseuent term of the same Court.- It is not y obable that the communi ty will be any further disturbed fry" the Ma jor's prosecutions. ( , : ; ' . V " : Statistical. j Statistic A statistical table of the popu lation of the City State, and United States, during the last one bundl ed and twenty years. Periods. City JV. F. Slate JN. York, U. S. 1697 1749 , 1753 1771 1786 1790 18 JO 18JS 181" 4,3u2 10,881 2',b6J 23,611 S3 131 60.439 75,770 96,372 100.G00 lfO.OOO 340,120 58S.U50 1,046,000' y 2,000.00 J 3.93s,3:6 5,3u9,75'J 7,238,903 'aj vThe, yisof life we'll prove. J.J !"5T"' iWlscellaneous. tOU THE WASHINGTON CITt GAZETTE. Mii;)iiuuTi V .r.-.v. . A'i otifcikgi rn very tlii JTationalJlTessenger of 4tntcKeM PaeK, i.v louna an interemng nr dote of Major Wheaton, and, as 1 have in my jpcssessioo some documeou, relaiive to the con duct of the iame persooag, 1 b-g leave to give tbem to yoo. J 'l bo events of. winch they treat I believe hare never found thwway into the pages, ofoiir revolutionary. miTTtr cooxeqweni Jy must prove grateful to ay'of jour rea ders". It is seareely known that this geiitlitndn struck the first British nds, in our struggle for imlependencci P verthelesl it i so, and the facts "are ihese : In 1775, the Iritis a nied sclioon er Slargarefia eouimanded 'ij Thomts Moore, A noble young fellow, nephew of Admiral Graves lav at anebor off Maehias. Joseph Wl)i a'.n, then a ! proposed tTDenni U Brien a friend - of his wboiwa with hini, to join ttnd take -British schooner. The proposition was n. sooner wade than acceded to. nith all that promptness, aay, rashoessj which ehnracterign youth, without ever taking into eonttidemlion the means of aecomplishingtso hazardx mi eoterprize : However, the brothers of .Mr. D'oru-n. nve in number, w ere enuiiei, tti-. general volunteer ' among the buys took plae.-. 'I'biriy six wer" eollected together, iwentwfiv; , " only of whom were armed, some withfowlinjs; 'pieces, olhcrs-with pitch-forks- Thus this lit tle band of Jueroeay' every one of whom should be handed down to posterity as a prodigy of ' ' ' piore than Horn an valor, took possession f a small ahall'ip ; and gave chase to the Margir fetta, who, jealous of then m vi me'its, had tl ready, got finder way and was proceeding to sea , with a view of deeoying them after her. but the ihallop sailing fast, they sona enrae up, after having beeo obliged to receive a galling fire from the schoouer, which, though it did much damage seemed only to spur t'.em on. They had at last the good fortnna 4 lay the Marga rita along side, grappled her,' and in a degpe ' "rate and bloody conflict of about 19 minutes earried ber, alter having killed and wounded - more than half her erew: Capt. Moore met his death on the quarter deck of his vessel, wliil. gallantly defenditg her to the last. --The u 'ii ber of this little band was great I v reducd in the conflict, but the spiiits of those that reniH'in- ed were elevute l to a degree which forbade them to atop here. With this sehoo;ier, mount t iog 4 carriage gum, lJ swivels, hand greoades, ' boarding pikes, &e. they cruised 'and torktwo others of a larger class, viz. the Del geiue and Tl(tm igiish, with which r they proeee.led to gu JoUs(N.B.and apture all. the nnr ohant vessels there loadius; forBtitou. laud ed their little erew, itormfrfTinrioiik Fo;t Hswc, aod mrtde prisoners of (he British sol diers. Thus thir jailunt actions gave a turn t'po the feelings of those in that parto' the eoun .V4S(y which very materially ussisted to bricg to .. ' happy issue our revolution. ' Major'Wheatouv 1 find, is a clerk in th'i Land OJRce in your city. Three of ihe O Brieng; r. viz Jeremiah, William, and D nnis, sli'cp in honorable graves, the other"brother reside in ' MachiaA, beloved by all n ho know them. - . Law Intelligence.' 959,220 In 1816, the corporation, for the purpose of making a jury list, ordered the number of inhabitants to be, taken, whidi was returned at upward oi 108,000. 1 hat enunieration however v.s generally rBnsidered very in correct; the actual numberjpposcd. far to exceed tiiat returned. 1 1 isreHumcd the pre sent number amounts to 1S3 000 ; and by the United States census for 1820, the num ber returned will be 148,000. ; It the city of New-York should coiiUnue to increase in the same proportion that ' it has done any ten years within the last thirty that is, three fifths every ten years, in 1830 its population will amount to 255.000. and in 1810 to 408,000, and at t ie end of the present centn ry j. 3,848.000. - Daily Mv. CO.WRKSSIOtfAL. it tnrrHEREAS it has bea made appear, to m. ihat Edward Kearney, of.lhe eoaaty fc Warren, stands charged. y thw4t oij :ittrjr of r" .. iV..v li llitnnArn iqitest, witn the morcier pi rjj- , . i ., w .;1 Krnev hai m?ue his'escspe .i.,.r.. .mi ''that 'lie imiv be broosbt to uv imibiviv v f - justice, theabove -reward will be vnm ti any person or r.nn. hn ilt anr.rehend and eonfiwe said Kearney m anv silj and l o moreover ; hereby enjoin fnd com., mind all officers civd wd tniljury within thisbtati, to use-Xhrir best endeavors to iipprchend and taring taut Kearney b justice. . ' , V,' ' , Kearney is about twenty eight t ears old,4ive.lee;,r.or 8 incites Intra, black, hair and be., d down look, soflne thioir hke an impediment in lus speech, raihcr hollow and drawltnff voice, he is very fund of spirits. ; s " In testimony whereof 1 have, caused, , UwvLw the Great Scid of stiu to be bert j i - unto affixed aud signal he sanie at i L. &. our city of Stale. h, on the 18th ' I $ dayof January, A. D. 1819. - . By the Gurernor, . - JOHN BHAXCII. WILL. PLUMMEB, Private Secretary. ' l--3t , A N" IE D IMM K 1)1 ATtLY, to learn -the Windsor Chair making business, tw j Apprentices. Those trom the- country . would be preferred. pply to . W1LLIAUSO.V tSIIELTOX. ki igb, Jn. 21. 1819 VI-3 . FROM THE BOSTON GALAXY, JAN. 8. : Malicious prosecution On rl uesday last, . came on at the Supreme Court of thw town, the trial ot Major fctijah rutnam Uoodndge, . for wisely and maliciously charging Eben. . rear sot i with being accessary to a pretended lobbery ot said Goiidi tge on the lUth Dec. 1816. The ground of d. fenc;e assumed by the defetjdaiit's counsel, hon. D. Davis, was that the deientlant had just cause of suspicion against the plaintiff. With this trial was in cidentally connected the investigation of the cii t urns! ancea attending the-alledged robbery. Hon. D; Webster, counsel for the plaintiff, proved, intontrovertiblf , from the wlwde chuin of circumstaitce8, that ho robbrry was commit- " tVi that the whole was an imposition, prac tised oh the community by the defendant, foi reasons unknow n, and that the prosecu tion of the plaintiff was iherefi.re malicious, .Chief JtiMtice Parker was very clear and 'de cided in his charge to the jury, who brought in Jerd"ct wrlSb pIaintiff--dttmaseatwo tnou-, dayaddollaw. - " .- ; Front the JYationetl Intelligence Jan. 7. Aftr long ealm, a light breree yesterday ruffled the surface of the h ueof representative-, the precursor only of a more se iou agi tation of oneor two iutercstin questions, which will in all probability be discussed in the course of the next week. The topie i- eh was the subject of most of the de'iate ot yesterday, w is the constitutional- y, ou 'ie mm imnd. and propriety, on the other, of the construction, bv order of the ex-euivf . ot military rod, and of the payment of the expen ses thereof. out of tho sum annually appropria t d, unfertile head of eontineut exp nts fiu he army. No question was taken involviugs decision on this or any other point. , The; mnst inlerel,iiijj feature of the debate which is to take p.l iee. is, probably, the discus sion (which, notice ha beeu given, will be Brought on, w hilst in eooimittee of the whota on t is bill) respecting the Seminole war, and par ticularly rea,eeti'jgJjt.e onduet if t f co iirijtii: iug general. This inteution was distinctly an nounced by Mr. Mercer, and the shape in which the question will be presented, ill be "that of a proposition to appropriate for the p'aysnelfrt of one, oaly, instead of two major generals in the army. ( After a debate, yesterday, in the Sentatk, the resolution in vcd by vlr. Dickcrson, pro posing an amendment to the constitution of the United States, to establish an uniform mode of election (by districts) of Representatives to;. Congress and Electors of 'resident and Vice-President, was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, by majority of 28 to ll. This vote, we presume, ensures its passage, in that body, by the constitutional majority of two thirds of all the. members present. We hope, the period beiog so auspicious to a dis embarrassed view of this question," that it may dc cauuiuiy aiscusse.i eisewnere, ana nnahy S t'A I K Otv N. CAttULlXA, , Huperiar' Cowl vf Law iii.iiLL cookty. 5 Fall Term, .i- 1) l&ia. 1'lioin.iS tl. -l tns, vs. his wie Mary ti-.ddons Petition ' lor divoiv.e. I c (tDrvRED, ly (be Court in this jcase that Xy publication be made for three inouths in tiicSin; ,.it Minerva, tlut unless the defendant appear at the i:i x'. Superior Court of Law. to be htld for the count o( Ir.-dell, on the iit'tb Monday after the tburth .londj m M.tisli ntTt , the pUintiffs pelitioa will be taken pro tonl'esio and heard eipanc. It. VVORKK, Clerk. . . . t 3m. A THAYEl Oti STOLEN, From tiu sub- scnbt:r o;i the thirJ instant a Bright 11 iy itoise, a'JO'.i five feet three inc',i n li.g:i, i;i tjlerubie )-od ordci 11 i - mane an-! tale is thinuii i tolerubic lunV has a Star, and S nail buze in hi l.ji he.id, Ins lei t hind foot is winle uud Iim tile uppearjinct- ot having been Iiurt Tins lioisc ha.s quite a long neck, ami is Sjair made; his comin m giiic i a Wrack bus riurk ot gec-r on besides auu 'higliv. II.' is uIkiui eigli- yeais old. lti.iuK.iieojiec-tujiuw feet than one. 1 widrew.ird any person lor tiu delivery of said hurse. .m i .luuid he be stolen, 1 will give a re ward u! fifty dollars, on lue cOiiviction of the thief. THOMAS COBBS. R ileigh January 15, 1 319. 1 tf. i T ATC OF N CAKOUX Superior Court uf Law, iitKDELb coi-KTt S Full Tt mi. A D. .8 8. Squire Parker, vs. Ins wife Kli.,ieUi lai kcr, Petition tor dlVOi'Ci' r IIDEREI) by the Court in Hmh ease, ihat pubheatton be made Mr three mouths in the ar and l .i-rva, that unless ti e defendant a;pcar uie nexi juperior v"" i uw, to be nelu Ijr co nity ol li-cd ii, on :ti, fifth lonJay after the fourth Monday in Marcli nex: ; ilie pluiiildis petition will be uuu:n pro coiii.-ojo a:u acaru exp.u'te. U. WOrtKB, Clert. I Jm 1 3 '), ensuinB seasonal ttto subscriber's1 stable. 3 mil orjv.rrent. The termn band-,aU!afc3 bemwle knAwo iYittuertime. ROB' TU. JOHNSov 1 December 1& -f 85-tf S fATB OF S. CAIIOLLVA, SvltMer . C"7 ' iECK:xBtTRO fcobSTT. $ Aivembe? T rm ii??' Alexander Tarence, Guardian, w Wdliant Han't it ' ginal atiadirpeBtv Levied oa the legal and'edMiTO?" (Claim pi ,UiUiam,Harlt. on the nlantation c m.. i . i . z " jJizaiiA'o "V J I Ford, where Andrew Haftt died; t UDEUED, l'hat publication be and- tkf icigu, iuioervs that unless Jhe defendant appear at the next Siit ' Court of Law,' to-be held for said county, at theco.?. house in Charlotte, and replevy, judgment will be t.U. against liun. . ,.- r i GEO. GRAHAM C S C. U f : 5-3m. ,1011 ALE-My valuable fLAN fA 1I0J 1 Iji on Swift Creeki ahoot 7 miles from Rdeih, with ihe Sta(;e Hoad to Fayettevdle pj,38; through it r this place contains about 400 acres, wiuj cjgaren land sufficient to work to advantage eigh ten htnd-. ; and has upon it an excellent Mill-seat. Ah. 90, my town, property, viz i excellent ST0i& HOUSK,' in the block of new huddingi, latt y fmuhed on Fayetteville streetpart of Iit, So, 84 -Lot, No. 3 with a fine Spring thereon and nine acres nd Vhalfof gi-odnd, below my late dwelling-house, aiid 'cilendinjr to the Spr'iig Branch. 1 i , If not disposed of at private sale, befo g the first Monday in February, the foregoing property Will on that day, be offered at public auction m vUw cUV Terms of ale will then be made known. :" '"' ". """ WM. 9COTT. na'.eish, Jan. 8, 1819. v 88 tf O' IDlitiF.VT. Ti-.o .UhIIii.o.'11..i1.a - r V IF 1 his place. Ralegh. R. A JOXF.S. Udcigu, J.murv tr, 119 ; i - t to the suU;nh'r iu the vieiuiiy of For terms, apply to Mr. V u. Boy lan, at DOLL A '.ti UE V Mil) o i i he 191 ii d.ty Ij. t ua of O'-cem- k, ray rO(;i;iiv COOK, in i r liners : Ooe nou- ara,iist Ho- x of my locket ber last, near J-co'-ijrvTN which W'-re the fol ow himon Hriet ior R37 50, (!aed 19th Sepefiiber. 818, and payable 1st January 1819 ; one note agumst Frede rick J-iijcs far dited l'Jih Deccmocr. ioi8. .tmipay :b!p 1st January, 13 9. (li. Sutrn a subscribing wit ness ;) one n.e against Drew Young and Peyton K. l'uiutall for g 200, paj'abe 1st January,. 1319, '(when giT), not recojllected ;)one note agkinst Southeriaild .Xlaiuy for gi3 50, with interest from 'h- date, (June It. Liscom! a subsc ibinir witness ;) one dur bill ;ir linst Nathan Mayo, dee'd fir one or two dollars uiul fiftv cents, daltd in' 1808 ti.!i other papers--ot iroiv recol lected. l'he above rcwir I wi'l h.; givea to any persjir vvho will deliver said book an I papers to me, Iivip .- 1 1 the neighborhood ol Seoil-jid Neck. An I I hereby tor warn all peroii from trad, tig for the sa.J notes, and the above named peVsons .IVoni paying the ino'icy for them to any other person but myself. JO'I.V L. MAYO. January 8, 1819. 3tp ' a AKEN UP, at my plamat! "y. near .vlart-biiroCourt-lloii.?, A.N Vi'MiC VN NE- (, MAN, wiia call-, tihn.elf Iv':mi ; :i o 'it live ti--t oigu uaric comuuyanas twj ii-onj-ieeia .utiiowi.aiii. 3! CROCKERY VOUE-FayettevilU.adjoi tng the Mansion Hotel. WILLIAM NVC, SHIHLKY h 'S received, direct from the manufactoriei and is now opening, an extensive assortment of rich CUr-GLlSS, CHINA, an I t A RTHEN W AUE, whick he offers at a low advance on the original purchases-. AUobv retail Via .-Blue and other China, Dinner,' lkiuiert. Tea and Coffee oets, Blue and Fancy Toilet sets, Pitchers of various descriptions. Chimney umi. m-nts and Vases, Cut and Plain Glass, Decanters, Goblets, Tumblers and Wine glasies, Sweet-meat dishes! Celery-stands, ButeC'dler8, and Sallad-bbwli, Cruit-' stands and Hall-lamp-, with i her articles too tedious to men'ipn. N HCauntry orders -packed as;low- in price a scsn b bought m the original packages and with equal safe, January G, 18J9- 88 tf ' ' ' 1 1() ISA LEON REMOVABLE TE'IMS all my' SHARKS m the NEUSE UIVEIl NWIG VTIOM CO-1PANY Mm, mv contract for clearing said river from Mr. Stone's M il, to Fort Banr well. JOHVD.DELACfc RaIe'igh,Decea.Btrr, 1313. 1 ?-v. ORTH-C ROLfVA M'JS'-Vj.M. This establish ment is now ip n Tor the recep ion of visitor Admittance,' 25 conts Tickets for the year, five dollar. i . ' s the plan embraces a Reading Boom, where most of the principal newspapers, li ei-ary rorks, revie-vs, 8: are regularly filed, it is confidently believed that : will afTord an agreeable anjl useful plice of resovt. ' Natural and artificial curiosities, skt-iches, map drawinirs and pointing1), rare coin and bookn, will be thankfully received and added to the collection, with the names "f the liberal donors appended to them. rf3eneral Calvin' Jones had ohli'mgly trsBsftrred tfllr Mlioleofliis Collection to this institution. , ilaleigh, Aug. i2. , J l HUSG & CO. - TESTciRN" STAOa. The subscribers have commenced running, asreeahlv to contract with the Postsnast- r General, a Mail Stage be tween Raleigh and Salem, bv way of C"pel Hill and Hillsborough. It leaves It deign every Tuesday at' 2 o'clock & reaehes Salem on Friday at 4 o'ebek. Leaves ile.n on .Suur.ljy oior.i'in, aivl riacli.-s Italeili every Tues lay at 10 oiclo'ck. As every attention will be paid to the accommodation ofPtmerrger!, they Hope fur public support. -.'. JOS I V Si OHRIST MORI SG. j.iTirv 5 - ' 89 tf nne an nv. niM;K" s.ivs:u oi l ;!irrs to i J.imn ii V receive the 8ame sanction from the 0ifitT ' Carolina, the county ho dots not know, on s-is about branch of the Legislature, and from the' uVrly op,ftfr,lr milc8 bc',d S:n't;.H.-id.-tiad on. when o. , . i ! c uken.a hnnR-sriiiii siurt, nintiloo.is filled hi with -black States, as.it has received in the Senate. Ve ; 8,,e sp wool, a round jacket ot twille'Ii .homV-spuo and a tiave always been Of the opinion lliat Slirll an fell hat : says he absconded m July last, speak Im.t Knt a-iienu ",ent, was important to equalize the rights of ihe jietiple, and the influence of flic states in general government. Tho moivun mediatety; too, the will of the people is collec ted, in their respective districts, the more sure ly, it appears to us, arc ttic doors of promo tion to the Executive chair guarded against the fraud of cabals, the' intrigues of low ani bition, and the no less baneful bargains of those who make a merchandize -of political influence. , -. - ; . ' .JVfc. Int. gli'sh Marboro'SC Nqv21818 JO'.N KU-.fiUS 8,ilani3n TOTICE. It is essential to - me that the Pl largo amount of uiy out standmsdebts be speedily collected. .1 pcyrncnts have not been punctu ally made, tt has, I know, been much my own fault; but 1 never was an adept in the art of dunning My subscribers, who arc in urreas are however now inform ed, that I need their assistance, and that their account shall be sent to them without delay. Remittances ma be made direct to me in Ualeigh, or through those post musters who may be kind" cnaugh to take charge i." them. I will be responsible for the riskYuf mail. The patrons of the .Vinerva, will, I trust, excuse t his appeal to their justice; since they assuredly intend'1 a real and not a nominal patronage to the paper. Th'. y will not therefore scruple ti assist me in discharging tii' obligations 1 am under to others. . A. LUCA9. January 22, 1819. - 1 tf. (J3Those who may have business with me, or may re quire, my services as Notary Public'ul find me from t' ill 1 o'clock ; and frojn 3 till 9 at night, at' my office iu rear of the Museum. . - . ' i VfAKV. I) IMMEDIA tELVat tin f .office, en apprentice between tho age ol twelve and fifteen years. One from the t country wouk be preferred.. . ' ' - A OVER I'lE '"1ENT Proposals... Will be 1. received- at the. Geileral Posl-Kittiee, until the 10th day of January n.Xt, fir transporting tlic mail; oiice a week from SoiTorlk,Jfab)5o!nerton, Wiulrm, N. t. Murtreesboroiign. Nortlvumpton e h Halifax, Kucb Landing, Little Ordinary. 'u iviitoii, I'.llisvilk', Vil liaaiborntigh, -Oxford, Purpaps, Person c li Carv v'd, liaina'und Milton, N C tc Daiir.die, Virtruiia - . SCHEDULE " Leav.j Suffolk every Tuesday :.t 3 A M.'and arrive at Danville the next Friday, by 10 A M, leave Danville eve ry 'Friday," jt 2 P M and an ivc ui bufS'oik thc'iWxt Mon day by 7 P M. ' The proposers will state the terms on.wb'.ch they will transport tilt mail ami wlicdter by sagcor'bn horseback: the proposals must be in writing and accompanied by re commendations staling tile ability and e tergy of the proposer to carry his proposal into cfieot, the uuol pui altics will be exacted. R. J. Mr:i(.3. Post Office, Department, Dec. .17, 1818. OIX HUNDRED AMI) El K IT ACRES 3 OF Ti-ND, 'it mih s M. W. of Rleigliv lying oi new post road from !1 Usboro' to Raleigh. The 1 uul is inferior to no high land in the Coturtt', tor the production of Co n, Wheat- and Tobacco ..The plants ion in good repair, 10 "Ifaitds may be1 worked to an advantage, aqnann-y of prime Wheat is already sown, a to'.'-rible d welling h'Hise and other necess.iry out houses, a r-r.svire ootti.-, aiv.i a gooci neig:inor;t io,a iora siore-v st- ol hi! kiudi ijioludiiKT ijoats atid deer will be sold to the purchaser if reqiiired. Terms of Sale made known on viewing the premises, ar.d payments easy .... SAM'L G. B:UCG3.. October 20, 13137 78-ff "' JOHV J Bttir.t; will sell 169 acres prime Woodlar.J,; adjoining the above tract; STATE . F V. CAROLINA. . Court of Flea and Q'tW ''WAKtXCOCJtTT, J-' tpi V'.W'0lt. Caleb Jetor, vs. William Rr "Wayne. ' "al ntnch ment. Levied in the haudg jl'a-muel Canbs aiid he. . summoned as Guarnishee ' . , TME defendant having re -ove l himself out of tho st ile, nr.su' eoueealed himself that the ordinary process of law ciniiot be served on tiim. It is tliercfore Ortlnred, fh-it publication be male Li thu. Minerva,- for tlirve months, that defendant corns for ward on oV bstW ffiFncxt County Court of Pie? and Qurrter Sessions, to be held for the c unity of Wake, on 'the third M-)-.iday.,of Februaav next, and replevy .hl i)iuj;h-otiiei-.v!se. ludtrment will be' mad fiiiaij and tlia I ,1 .'..Int'.trv iki. - V . B. S. kivo.c. c; Raleigh, N. C. 86 -tF5 ;'lAliliVEr MAK.L0 UUslNESS. tin J subscriber . informs his friends and the pub lic, that he has moved his shop into the new buildiuv lately erected bi Joel "Brown, on the corner of Fayette. eille and Martin strsets,. wlu-iv from tho excellence ol maU rials tie has . on hand, and experience in w wo knien, he flatters himself that he' will be able iofuf uish us elegant; and fashionable furintvic as ever wa? imported from the north. ' ALi:XANDF,R ROSS. N' B - One er two boys, between. 1 6 and 17 years ot ig will lie ti.ken as apprentices to'the above business, d one or two steady jouineynien will meet with tm ployment. " , , . v. oi k packed up o as be carried safe to any dis sure. w. vviiiiiry custonsers ires gi expense. A. R Italcigh, April 2, ' .. . 49-tt ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE M-lK SALE. The undersigned offers ior sala the following VALUABLP. PROPERTY, (towi.m t!ie town cf Fayettevilk, a BRICK iiOUSE, tliree stones high, to be finished in the first style Of elegance, suited to tbc accommodation ot'ti'ive famifes, andtw stores This property lies in one oi'lhe raost favored Station, for business, and is increasing in value daily. Atsoj " the citv of lialelg'i, a HOUSE & LOT, With six acres ot land, near the Governor's rsid'.c. The house is news and large, andjs amongst the mosfollgarit mansions m the citv, and is well adapted to the comfort snd conve nience of any gentleman who wishes to resile at J'11" seat ofgovert'iTiient, tor the purpose "f health sxl p-3' sure Also, two other valuable lots for" family re-;-i tbf centre nf tile citv. Like !',. 1500 acres of on tt)e water above prop allowed, tho rinifmv acnr.c. l.are s;iaa. Raleieh. irlV icsitt"Wi mut make lines. Irid near the floubing town ot m i- . s of Hyco creek- Fa.- all or-.nny pan o. u -tv a credit .ot one ana io jei -. r .m.- .... .. .n.,,;iu . Il.i- : parcliascr Riving suraciem. Ralcikh, Xugu.At 12. lotf.v Cf-t ; ' ..BLANK rarrSLTVAT THrH'iT.n:.

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