1 m SfATfc OP N. CAROLIKA, V '-' IftEUBLt corsTT top Cmri Tn nae thtcomaiittce remark, that "here security and prevention nrc imperiously call 'Talao fat St. Marks) ,wer6 tiiken twoIndian ed for. . ..Men, vhi know the Indian charac- emeu one or wnom -pretended 10 possess uw ier, are wen aware oi mo iony oi uwcmnc pirk of prbphecy--tbey I were hong without operations tq restrain their massacres a id pre trial, and with little ceremony." The coin-, datory expeditions. If the whole army had xbittee bare forborne to $tate, that Francis the been extended in a cordon, along, the southern' ter ad tendency is destructive of W dearest L Prophet had long been one of our .'direst and frontier, they would faye been laughed at by ( rights.. Kvery citizen f the republic is w'u'wt- 'most dangerous foes that he' hail a Briga the Indians. R iered from all apprehension! in in duty lo'liu country who ! itoJerati-r -dier commission from Preat Britain and - of'attack, and the .privation theirSpanisli ly protest against so novel and Bncowt.tuuonai that he successfully employed his soncrstif ions, depots, they would have, leisurely cwiceTitraq a- proccedhilffHtMtittHavatxuiia S Foil Term. Jl V' airedK h miht have given impu itbRBED by the Court iaifci.. tW r' iT-Wf PMiWq ' be. made . fortlree mood . ! the Star and' Minerva, that unless the defendant iV at the rixt Superior Court of Law, to he held tf'u'I countv 'of Iredell, on the fifth Monday aft?, t)," (','? nitv ti crime. . a .."! 1 1- , lo.eoBeiaae lneieremarKarpresejjieu 10 the wori l, from a deep conviction, tht the re port of the committee not,oirlyiloes the grcat- est injustice to general J aexson, nut in us cuarc Monday. in March next :, the plaintiffs Di3t il'm:. ...:i. taken pro confesso and heard expasie. 6 in influence airi the promises of his trans-atlan- ted their forces, and broken the cordon at al- can oe insmuie.i who ...e eerier oi . .u.v. Vticfriends f instigate his deluded brethren to most any po ut It was then, necessary to at- tt,8 l ,m" tw, u 5"m wBlu. " ..laP -:J"h K,.; r-ri.vBPP-l. tank thrt 9n,l. in West Florida tUev-ne-! Sw,t'n, whyd,d lh? greHlraniers f our "vwvr-ip -v rin h i Auhi - ..J eottstitutron cive m a iodiciary and executive f i so to have forgotten.that Homathhm.co, the ver were embodied, the General ad e.the.r 0j - can agi(i tieUieittl a(1jxe. other chief, had headed, the in party whom march his whole arni in pursuit of each lUtle. ivo- fuitctioI ; n,i'the President; Mr W . I teat is acquiesced in "by, iIib houvrnbl- body 1 iiuin one ol wh ose coui'iiilteo it euiuonlel ; il ; .j AJi-, l'Jij romiianinnstru( k the recklin? tomahawk detail, ur to adopt such measures; as would into the bosoms i of defenceless women, and relieve his army from treeless toil and blood- dashed but the brains ortheir infants ag iinst shed, and his Toinlj'"from unnecessary . cx- the boat."' ' ' ; , pense. This measure vas ...th .provisional oc- Was it mere technical retaliation" tinder cupation of Florida. It was an act of neces- "IfhTch these monsters were execute.!, pr, was the nrcrssity wc.wcrc under. hall ca- fhif dnnth an awful hut iimi ininiilimrnt for scs. to nro?e t the lives and liberties of (MIV of! . their unhallowed crimes ? Is it wrong to speak citizens. I f the occupation of A mclto Island 1 . J. t ba een inuniuinf i hat somtgMito- .uond.-.j of the no; ofeotinns- nil I trust that mero is lUSlifiahle. the Seizure of 1'ensuco'a U still W '"e e.Hini.nue l.ave rxpresscu me;r re v - v , : 7 - , r - ' THS celebrated and uueaq'jnfej RApv MUSH, TLWLEfhV, -will stnn j ib cnMcr-ir 8easn at tlie ubn!fcr'ta!,1c, 3. ni'iles nr"i orWfinenlon. Tlie terms, blo.i.l ami p..i-i'irmnhre-he nia le knlwn in due time. ', UOlt'T it. Jt-nXsox ujyA-mnrr to ... .,,,. K ; r t Jx' V. rililli AAVKMnOv rein,, N' . raMuaut to a jtsciuiioii n greatly, t hf feared, that such an uaurutu& will he infinitely .more duieiousf ih.i tie nrii irortsof anibilioii, even u lien supported by li:e the Sis h Iu'n!m-ii of theorigiuid c.-nxSl iieentiouiies of stuo'dinc armies. jcond niitalmeiuof ii.e iiicreasc t,t lxvxmbi Prts'.i!,.u and 1) rec.nr-i, Xbtlc hah March 5, .W:i nix;' I8K i-sia: t'letr report. ''Tuilirv itliall r.r vir bo urerril tin an excuse fur le- inure so : for 'the lives of nur ciUzma s:re ol priviiig a fellow being of existence hut crimi- in1ini. ly f,t uU-r iinportance-tlian'tlsc plunder i . t? .. i. i i. r . .i ,.r ., r....n nis arc execurar twin lor xa:upie miu iuiii ui inmunvi't auu urem-i ".m; "i i ,'",, t' nroetirin'all' 2Mvllt, una lite ilWlUI tX.tmjliU muo i l uintio hi iiuin AiKMOii in, diuti, im iiiH,ii and Hamattilimico h.td a wide spread inQu- i interest titan the prevention of smuirgimg. ' encc. Two Indians had been taken with them find released and. in a few davs. the nrh.QPtrihnoiirrpn.tfrpdatfWrotion. TIipv of ranscers, was ordered fo semir the fi.unlrv. were treated, humanel sent into the rei. that ttll -tho facts cn tit-nhjeel oi" llicir " I'lyetievdl e qtiiry h:id not been obtained beoro liiey muiie ' rlt-n Ik, ILit s ri eurU and every bliarc. L i '." p.id to .TiNMsurer, ia't'avettevilio. ou'i;,'..',...', oi Anril n. xi. ' '' " " , .1. t !L:(j!IT, Tr... '.i.-rli, 18! 9.' rfJ-ui.M." Mo excuse i left tah ier not! I'AI'ii the fuels ; tor eenernl .larksnni KKAlt NAVMiaT (. tO.Jj'A. rw:eK(iou,er!i aatlcr ti e orisutai a(,. siatu to one r lue feiect counnmee, tnut l:e r "J 1,1 ' ' ' iesomnon oi j-ujp ... wtis tvaiiOs to a,Mer before then, as a witness ' 'Vn,"'cr.!,!,e'cj-capii.., re r.otirltiut u'uvi: 9 . i .. .. . . . uerul o! Jit!!Mi !cr rMi;. on the r.-.:iii;.: . - UK;n all the ueunients iu his r,-.. i,.n.. ..,... . :m II., from "I in April ih-si . li'ildrrs h , runs the auhscri-, tTin:;l icr.. .... ,. .,m a, irr secoiul .Mirn'j . For the oujment of'ili.s divij-nd, S''k ansfer w;il lie iqu.rtil to c ;.!;.b.t t!;c- c.i Ii thrm ! To destroy tlip oeattri e.l 'mi ties in West ' i ... ..i ..... ' aer'1' 0 '" l,er r""! r, , " . . . ; - .. . rjkiw in iui.ii un iiic wocuiiiciidi iu ins - orj. Im f nr ren- on tii ...U. I. Ptnril. in, n Tin. I, .a ..111. t l ' ...... ........ I . V .' ' , '-". Jll 1 II wumr w-r. ..., jiossesjiion. ti snouiu ne rccoueciCH mat l!ie clarect by 'resolution ot the President TIipv 01 ranzers, was onlered to scmir tne ci.untrv, fMi!.riil liflr.iw.ll' I'll rfii.ho.l lliu ...... v ,. f t.. ..V,lAr ill:'.. SJ'llf. '1,11 !.r-ri4il i'pl.l... ..! I... .1 ... . ....-' t,'-"'-".. iiiwkii ....... ..... vi-j "i uf.iii . ---.-'.' -v.w...-. .(.v "- I'-iu i.y uir lUMsur,,- , furnished with trans- an,i1 n,s S""! a" success are wen Known. , 5f;Ill.rjl (iuines respecting the seizure of St. 1,1 , lcv" l? "t,e -.stocktioW.-.s. or their att.,rk; nn..r..fi o,l n.....r.;..r. .ml opnf mfri Ii in prb , ii.b rt ir ere is h-iiiciik,.,.,.. ..... , .r. second .Mir Mill dllU Jl.. jIUM, MliVJ D. ....v. ...v . . . . . . a .... i" C V, . . ' calculated to induee a belief Mint Ihe ierni of; r Cm'I MHllon. 7 cpilulaliori were 'forcibly imposed upon the' An effort is made uv the committee to shew. ' ,-. . ... r, that, at the time; Gen. Jackson believed the mVwer. J roSo d by Se G c r hi .out l.th oay of February ,a,t, a . i i i l j i I icroia were proposed oy tne Unernor nimen, u.vY M.iiiC. nbout jo t-u( ull wuh jtr ut i t out. . war to be-ended, Kc h,ad resolved on occupy- before surrendering tbo Barrnrreas : and were and ,uui We soot ia .he mer oi k rn-. etc I in.w itnKirrtIn. IVi PAtaliiiii this r haifTi. lliev .(! MMK, t A nv..u..t : ivo Am .... i v v.rur iufm -m -.i i ai . .. n V.. I iif wc o , ,1;.,, . more .tnan once reler to extracts irom 111s ier.- ed the sceurity "f the occuu.tncv, auJ the ob-, l,M,u,J,, ,lc.ctvtu' . l"e .'-pcrticr .ivin m :i q cn l.ie rct.ief.eo t f Willnim ier, wuei.in ivs siaiui inai ini' oe miiixii;- wu jec.s oi 1110 caoitiHn. v dispersed and their means of annoyance ties- It. was unnecessary to remark ti;a. General tr yed It will he recollected, that these let- J- abolished the revenue laws of Spain (p. 0 ) ters were trritten after tho end of that part of l r,e capitulation engaged for the transport- lh.. .umnaio-n it Uirh -uq nnnriiirtiwl in K.zat " OlllC.er 01 C'VCmai VUll.lfKISU Vfff.BVI. . , . I. V. ..V, ... ... . . ... .. Fajeltc-viile, March 1, J. M lot 9. Wfi.'f.lIT Ttvn,: 7 i'Lr.diA. nu a I. txiieiihcs taiv! Jlarc Ii 15, 1319, JO.'IN'KINt;. Florida, and had a necessary reference t' t he ni,ary' , .. . ii . e their revi Genera! s success in securing tliat .portion oi. , ,. . .. .. , i " , . auiiheii our Irontier immediately open to pie incur- t . sit us of the Eastern Scminolcs. At the time the despatches were written, the . numbers of hostile Indians in VesTFftwida were unknown and, without attributing to General Jackson ; the ruiwers of prophecy and magic, it was im possible, in stating " the Seminole war was elided," that he meant to extend the remark nt. cm! and military, to llavanna. Wlml then beeatne of revenue lawn k The Governor virtually fihfil them himself. not a fact that all tho officer of lite new government were military men. O TICK. The'subscriber J -JOjiiN C. I I'jAu 'iJS, havir.tr recciv- Li a co- ' i'te.se.!, (in V. rie.lt, on .' ere fTfoi'S, ::id '.lie 'I rcns?d 'iic l'.ir fei!-:vi and ;;irl :, '. e p... tiii-r in tlie w .itwll aiol ci.oi-K niiiUiiijr jusn.es, iic. The. J,-Xit.ies wiil hcieulter Ui oomioUcd uiMiei' the iii.n of sava;:-:& oTkiKm.mV. JA,s it is lndispoiisiulv occesiry tiial he slwidd 'clc.e ll : f. t .11 ild r . ........ .a. 1 1 1 , ,. '. . , :. .. ... ' & .... .I.. wiiiiw; urn. -. li ii uijiui a- m y null '.0 m.Ue pnvilieu. i H-Jitu S X.SMliir an.. ry g'lvernur, vol ivuur. a an oiitceni ine nr. m-ircoviy a v.'a:n of rw. n.t.'t coai.iut.-t lt:tn .:ali .iiVh.s my ; but civil oificers were appointed in the dif- at Smitj. iivn Courtly.) oa the .'n.l Jiv or' "' njin :.r .-.:hs fit t n l.kuv ,'u baloice of the i)v"ih:iii Kst.-oc niu.t pvt "f htii.l'lv !:', a d vervl Itelv. : iw. mi to elodi; Ii, ii.li ' !(l 10 till! 1 ere rit deparimentH from among eifizenfaiid M. M'Kinzie, a na!ivi of Mobilewus pliicrd The civil risrlits cu.oHa'i 1 -r sctik'Sujit. Jicfij ipjj none v.'dt ikhiyji.u nwui, and ui...t,isctuclant!y ivjr! to ctc-cive aieasurCs toe tfect .! aae. , . " .Kiitv y. s.vVagi;. TlIJi siib.r.b.'rs inform thi.ir ii icius and tnc piiliLc, ih.i uit v 1-i.vc "m ImihI a v.o-,et it W.VlCllKS nC JCKl.ii, olIAr.ri, (ilj.l iwi i'Uiiia WOKK, which iiity oiur Ij.r saic u very resiwhL- i'e.-oi. Also V .;..M tKiiUS TCOI.s'aiid AlA l'K.wLiLb ilM strbs'si j hi- hriw any. : duet'f"'is, attd la e.iahle soutKTa,!, m-iiIio dispose oi' Ui .'foix-r.v TtnlT u . u; :i:v yiiy or It ilri 't, -uvt in the oii'ilv V Tiie lot c mtii:tun.lr one acre on u-lii-h IhirdU .. inly one of tn m-wt nt;ibks in lii.; Citv. a be :).' i at the iiead ol t lie iinn'iHlraev, of the inhabitants were secured to them, and, in to all future aggressions, both on the c:ist rn . omo instances, particular privileges ol mdi. and western extremities of our southern bor- dual vvera.held acred, which nerd -totally .u.. t. G...r.;,.i..o ,n h,at ivti.iJita reiitisruant to the nature of. our political insti- dispersed, not exterminated their , towns uv .' . . . . ---.-XwiCioctvaiied'aad Warranted. , were burnt and their cattle taken from them- e f.W' tne repoit.nnere ,s a rt- s.y.vuii & S'fKvintv. I- . . . . . . . ,. hnai K thai b"lore e;cneral Jaekun could in tku al U-ilij;!i, March !0ib 16 lt(l S-2. of course, when scattered and m a state l jtl0glilu R13VeWr on the , Uh ,,os..i,nti . obi O0I4 ordyor reived in j,aya,eot I ...v. 0 ... ;t!,ev onil tmve "opposed biia by plijsical not aid the war with them was at an end. But j lori, n,rce 1( , noM-asy to understand this the mcvisof subsistence they might soon a.ain J d.iineiion. but 1 presume Ihe commiltee mean piucure trom labor auu tnc ympatoy oi meir of Sahwannee and, we illhy ;.; I poI;te ':'f: Ol' the Ct'V Lild-.viiC a tfiC. of hiiKl, 'ibont in ids 1'rom the C.tv, ro-iUininj; .133 . ::c, 1 ll'i'mcanii ini.'i i.ir ;,i .if ,.'..i i i. . , ; and a few St. i'!',i;l( lit CI ,OfJK-MO ' K.viK.N T.- . ftn, I.", ; n-xv ;?i t. . ' . Vs' . :i rodk dam on-!- as )h, iiuiieiit an !jii:inis!i f; lends easi tin sc obtained, , they still possessed the power ol concentration and iucuisto i. although it was confidently trusted that the awful lesson which they received would have permanent salutary influence. V .. In West Florida, tho same outrages had for some time been committed, almost daily, on the Irontier of Alabama ; and the letter from - Sio KKWAIIS). rOI.EN mi t-'ridkv last a liLACIC .MAI1K. I 'Urtiilaaiid .Satldle, foiirieet, 10 or il inch- s ui iii her rorelread, uml bland es nij;n ; wnii a wJn.e cd v.-ub' the letters 1. li. on her shouhh r. Vhn,v,., will deliver the suid mare to inc,nr'ix-e rte information sothurf hera'aiu siuill receive 'the above tiiv.ud. 4 "" JAMCi IJUUtVN. March 18, 1819. ' 9 Jt. r' In.re ol oar country. . am to irenerai .Mekon s order Governor Bibb of the 19th May, .which was received on the arrival of the arniy at the Escambia, plainly shewed thai.the territorial ' bui dir called as loudly for dt fence and secu- riiy as thefrou'.icr of. Georgia. Mast and West Florida were similarly si tuated ; both weie inhabited by Indians hos tile, to .the United StatC3-- in - both had British . in&itrutors cherished an.d jnatu"'ed this spirit ofhostility, and inach had the savages a tie- i.neral Garnet to oceiipv m. :n jMit, ftht jticc they drew tin-ir warlike rauni . Jioiis, and on w!uch they could retire u cs.se of deieat. fali these tacts, theGcncr.d hatl the fti.l'st proofs v and with - tlitse prools b--foi'e him, he htul'tn clr.tosc bciAVccii ft-tii ini; lVoin Florida into i ennessee, content with do ing half his duty by securing .half : he frontier, or executint; his orders entire, by pursuing the s;.me course to traiuiMtlize the West. . i. : i I s - r 11 . i . - 1 which ne na.i succcssiwiy adopted in toe ivisf. iu. eonsidercil "I mean not now to enicc iipun a. dch'-nre of. 1 the occupancy of IVnsacola. General J ok son believed it neccsan , and tlu-refore 'he did it- If it saved tin life of a single frontier set- by moral force, the us- of perw.isi.i:i and insti jr-itimi aniuitg the Indian, and furnishing them w ith arms and ammunition. If the ue of nucli a " moral force" i not 10 be opposed and aveng ed, without an infraction of nat'tral Jaw, aiid the cotntiioiion, in what a situation are placed? I be adoption of such a nrincinle.' i A rotevff pal. . .,.,. rr. ;s?tet; the pt-oiid spread ot nur hardy population. Ii Adtn.tu.ice, ccnu-TickeiJ for the year, tivt declares to t i e .. rprisio sett 1 r of th- wj'. dollar'. ' M derhes?-, that it is illeeal to nroteei liini fiooi : , Vs tI,? P,an embraces a Re.ulinfr Hi om,w!:crc most ol Indian incursion s ami it khv in i i infnmn,..- r ",i."i'vs "'y orK.sv.ivvie-s, &c eminaries of Britain: Your saf-tv is now se. ov; rennriy tneu, it is cor.n.lcntty believed thlt-it vvdJ sdiol'd uh' ueriirhlde ail. I ii."hi4-ir.! ,.1 . .. , - n - .j'.ta...,. v ... J . v. eure,.$o amoujj our 1 idians, and, b gold ami; X-itoraind miu'kial cui-iTuu s, steciclves, mr.ps superstition, spirtt them to reiterated oiitrazc ; i dinvui; aU( painting, rare co.n.s and books, willoe delti-e our IrofiUer in blood : e.dat e toil tuert , 1" ,,""u I'-eimi ana aiuio to- me collect .on, with yon ; ta:nlii'tpinoer the h?!'.er -of ntr -eoht-i-lution. your putiishrnentyoold be a t-'ah to the liberties ii iii.xi.iiiv rtcuiyt'tl and a UW.d Uv i n- rrM. ru,,,. lac tiajuts ol I lie IitJtir.il donors aimt-M.It: m iluiu. . 1 i L-ncr:!? t.i.h-.Tr .ionpi Ims vhi'rn"W- .il'di: .115 villt.xlio; niniS UlSlltllllOM. i.l t . , iw.mui.i. iu;:n l ;e sT'lli; l..(lsf " .... ... ...'mi.i, iim iniM-nioms are ticn ,.s l , ;en'f..M;tmnv or jmv p.- siii .lii- kind. :t helnj .x.ielieat in ;.,:)!). ;:!.). 1 nt V c tii.ist accomoiodui ion of u. P'iseri io d business ot anv snd, ..ml in tha'imT'iedut it failing stream. iviUi anv ci h.'r perhaps in "lie ivirf j. in I 'i t:v,, a'l"-.li:iic as'to'reh tinHcr ! tli- o st iinlityiib be- .snincitnt tn" ..: n ; ..! - I y a-, ..i ij i nptrin, jrrt.it itemand thr u'nuer ot' uu it.l . i ) v, rj. rend r:, mm ill the a id a lari" Ml.it AlK S I M ira 9'jtU'Le f MILL, pardy the" adj a.n itijy com tn"c!i pr.ifi ; liius.iea, iv;!:'.ii, xvne i co:r;)i;:ii.(l 'Mil ue ot more va u- '!t.in a.iy ot!i,r within fit' y nines, bcin- .:i trie niri of a rich r.eilibirlii.'Til, andpo m.naf.ic tiling' mill neurit. In .ho City I liave ;i Lot, in a C'nivi.-itunt part of ii ol j acres of prouad, wc.h small i:npr.'.vi:n;c'r., yet sujl'jont forafaradx residcp.ee; and near tiie'a.arKet-h-iuse, a let wiucli I piii'jjiise o . I'Viile to .leco'niTioi! tl'.ojj? .!n Wish to o!)tain cbpi'.i'e s; ites tor s ores, shops, "Si. k heinir in a Kiost conveivint ..nd suitable sitnution ; tii.i last mt ntiotittl I"1 near the m.iricet lii'it -t l vv.ll sent, auction, f.'ll the 15iil ihstant(-.i, ritis u sale; ami loi liie other firopc rty a rt-asoi aMr croiiii, .to xvit . one lindpart on the yu of Oc'ooer ii'Xi -and the luUnce. an one .1:1! two yea s upon rood an I sijfftY.t nt" e'mty. l'us ;- ii mi will b- g'iv' ii hy th,. 9ih .m (ijwx,-. o. v, or.sui.iK" if required jl'.iil.' SCO I' takt-s this .in'j'orinni y r! iiitiTining m:l t!i".se vlw.bavc claims a;.tnst lii.-n to.s hihit tneni for settietv-cnt, tevi thiihv w staiul imU-ii:..1 to linn Kre e .rn .'.tvji!:s!i'(!:l to male delay, as the ⁢i itij.i of Ins bawnsjs longer lildillj '.l.C.l. p vytnent '. . i it .. J. st:o;r.' k CO. iMme, l I onlv nt'Ci'snary to ay, I bat it was untied ia cool'.-.r .nity to 'he same principal .whicyh'.'iveried the general in all Iii movements in F ori'la, iz : 1 hat where 'tie .paniacdi identified"! Iirmgelves with the Indian, by aruiin.-; or heltering1heni, i.ey vefe to he' treated as enemie in our oxvi defi nee j one of the most sacred necessities im poiied on man. . In pace 11, th eonmittc Rsk. ' if (bone V. 5. A i I .t:n deriniiif,1. fu . . - r r ; ... i- property a i;real o-irzam innv 0: j - 1 i.H,rv.l.iV TOI Hlui;vtliv -? Uiljoln ! tiw- I '.vad. mv L.!''of tigs o kv I J iriZ the .'Jansidii JIote!. ll J J -Ui W w r,''t;i: l!r'i7- ;i; a i SIMU.-KY l,..s reo-iva;, d.vol t.'.,.n the iia.'.tiV.ir.tor;.. i Mid hetT. tlwt tv, I .. 1 is riovV otx.:nini'. an . v .,,h: n,.t,n...,i ..r '.rtmcm o .l. '.v ..-y. U.ili. un.i I tent ievcis, .;..vi.t ! . ,10, a 1 bine' are admitted in (he South, will not thi as auihaiised in the North i a-jSNver, yes. It i necdJesH to remark on that, part pT" t lie ! ' Ju,.l;.y f,, report w.iien regards tij execunoo ol 7Vilinli. - not )fn the 111a .iil.ir.mries i.nl is riovV oticiiiti!'. an nvpnut. .... -n-t 1 ,.r - . Ill- n "I'lJV.J I -1.1. a:, . .UN A, sod I'. x KI'i'IUN WaI.'!: Iir n'lci s at ),yy advance, on the orijnal p.ur Alsohy retail v,z . Ulue ''and otK-'r Curn:., Drssert, 'ft..,'.. a l jvj;;e re, Hlne and l ane Se!S...I':tc!'Ci of various 'Icscriptiotis, liiir.:u: mollis and Vaie., Cut and P-win U-u.s. "if .f.i.ic.s, 1 Hmworsaml .nv. g!:-,fS, Sxv.er-iia-.t Jis,as-Cclery-stands, IhC'er-O-l.-r:., and l-.-i-h. . .x in, VTX-1 st iiv.K and Hali-lainp'-xvitli other articles too tedious ! 'to nentiri. ' . ' ! ! N.". Uviuntiv orders p.fecd ns low ir. price as ran' f ik ..inij.u in tliu orijjuul ii.trKag,s and xvilh , wliitl y To.h-t y c'r-i.'.- C'.lllt 1 I watoilT, and ' Z i.'.I 'ira c.'.Hrt.M, warr.iiiti'd to i;-c;i r j.IhIi-, Piilii-'i'' '1 1 tie! .uy I 'IMC j 1 1 1 j v. ili l-j dune hi I v until f''dis !'.ve !-.:.-Er .ad bx a.i ,"-:-.rl'. ..;( . i : tO idy of ie:a v i lilfX'.ir Ji..st ' iiiii iiamlsa 1 ' ..Mi" i iH'ii "'J f e:.( ' x inc livk, With ir:n ' !o, a q I'i'i"'; - ' 1, s, .'V:. M.. at' 1.'' 1.1 ' ii. ff i.'o:a:' a : -.-move. - ' - J 3: ?5 :().' I I A it US i'i i.'ie ii!') ' I jPANV AJs-'-tav .ciin "iTTn Mr. SiL"ir- .1. .,. i .1 .ml Ambrintef. The eoinmiiteo ad in 1S10. I'd I tier, it was right ; and it can only he proved j tha h ivin- left tlieir country a:id tinited i ii it 0 i'-HKiv, wrong uy shewing t.Uat these '.vastiot a singlfte w.ih savages with whom the Unit. d uln ! V;. ''." j; ;, body f Indians in WV t Finida at the tiineT-"v' wur, th v forfeited tfceir claim to the i ' '7 11 . I. . ir' .... ."' ...... . ' . ' ' "'" ' ''''-1 - "' '" ''' ' Jt fiisatoia was octtipieil. J lie Savant's -'Wt proiecnun. oi tneir ox.n government Uf snii- conm ii ..faxuil Sch:cie, or rensacoia liav were 'scatreiv.! m t if .rric" niemseives io me name in .atmeut. u lneii t !'" ' - van.-ms Jfwamps, obtaining, after the,ir. dispersion by tho movement of .vltrjiir Young's, and Gfinei" al Jackson's advance into the Country, a mi serable sulisistcnce by hunting aiid dt preda tingon the cartJe of the itihabitants. Had these Indians, irritated -by defeat, been graut i . ... - ... . . . . ujirsessiinmr epoi. they would, iu l.lyi ,M,rt8rs f 0iir entry had no jurisdiction t parties of ten aniTOctiryT-hayccnt4wr it remains ,,nlv to state, that i more murders on our .open border than rould ever have sat easy on G.neial Jackson's con st lent e, had any act or neglect ol' his facili tated their rominissi in. Common sense as well as national law 'pro-, hi'dts any violation of neutrality to prcv pt an evil remotely prospective. But, ' wher the exjiected danger is both of vital character and certain occurrence, to licglcc.t any, means of : preventing it is not only-talscly generous hut . gnssiy criminal, inuit iduais iiV.v,i tiiake .such SftcriliceM, when mere" personal. dauber y.' n I i!!V Sj t i' i I 'l lV ' ( ck- it ;i.. mi. I river wtM. .JOHN D.DKLA' V rWUUCIIAN i-ti "Ax'i "'c;i.Ji,J)eeembeVr.t818 . nmt onJLhursday the J'A h ; - - " la,;,l.uiii:rt,m,e and Store of j ??. A WOOD'S MANUAL A netv sei in iii.:. (Jitvof MA v. ill li j-i. lion of (his va.'uahV li "ii- (lei : aT.us Stork eU (Jor d (a band,' I 4dr ,s just inilil s':e.l, lv .1 'i ,.iS i.-ii;- t of I?re (Jooxls! reeled i. die otvactit. lime. iV a e..;iUeit!-: ' . ptirciiasrd i;ji' liSSOrtuK'l liids, laic dv. Sioii. ir. ought, according to tli jirineiplrs 'and y n.-tiet j ' hIk ieipn'ia atut exe...tc, tniiy picitu and packatr. s,' Tla form of tUU work-, in ..hi. of the American government, he extended ti?'!"cl I' :'v'J"cut ' on.hti,. It vxonld lv; r.ind under dwt.n.rt heals in A ard those with whom thev were nPt...1 ' ,lse!c'8i l, a,;t '11!'1 th-:icnplion,of the flooitB r.s tl.eviby cxiicritnce been n.iuul to he uirnu-.i mm, uiuiii, I aiiid mi assoiiniciu ior i ni.s nuirK'jt . antl 1 1 1 1 n -i-od n.... I Ti..t .,t,r...., ;0 , ,i.. h ..-ll '!u-1 Lnli-ibi't ic.it 1 most 'coitven rnero in tho cataiogqe nl depravity, can we find a hi icker crime than the excifemebl of sa vates to butcher women and children ?) and the : ! .... i - . . . ' . 4. . I,.. . . r , the.guill of -the prisoners and the'power of the general, what object have we in cnvijling at the mode of their trial ? '-Aii-erroin- The formal part of-the pre -.ceding would not have proved the Innocence of 1 he accused, and of cmirsc. could not vitiate tjie whole rlraustfctfouv ll'.ili conduet of lliene nten had bcn sueh as waB itj;- poieil to,tliem ibeir death wanchly merited j am. son, .. , a vi. uiun m- xrnuuui reserve, or Dye bid-' auil ' convction tiers, i' ill bi well worth the attention of .iiu rii1Uni : formi-- iv,,, anu otiicis who nice good bargains. Six moi.ths credit will Ir.- allowed to :pm chasers, for all sums over four dollars, on ivinur noteaViili iu-.'..r prox'ed Serurities. . . - -r ' of ,-ed hvnwrff.-- ei'ioi's and nmisiioni dx'.itctc same time wi The rented until the first of ' al"' olher:lR-.-.ers. general Jackson had th?TiTraTid-the-jTowei to execute the laxv of nature ttiiifuf i)ation'im llieflllll fir lliH riruniiurc ..... ,1 il.n ......... e l... c f xt i .. .. " " ":"''X. POTTKIiS 'JUSTICE.- Anew and'irucii approved Voik f(U'4-;'vt''" .l .nifttry wxTOTTtmTementhwscsreither-: w.uld bint a'Stotle .t ofUwor Fhynck, o. any persont Kdeiirl), Jan. 2J. 1 ll'J. oomo.ivcRmcs oeior.jrmg to the Estate will probably oe till-..ft nt tlir finm. I in.. r.. .W"l...i ' , .. ' J un i.it iimance oi uie vt-ar, botli inale and female, ota size aiW age to btj services., bie. i he sale wiU continue from day to day uiilil tbe whole is sold. . -. . ' 1 " '"' M HK. COOKB, Mm-r Kith the iMl cnucxtd, of the estate of Kaleighy Feb. 25, 1819 7 4w. jr. a iii ,i(ui iu!ii.,ut.l .hat sv''kWNjr-iA,t'ltirt) imtzthiTM I fHfen nrfeii heanjtagfr ;.. f7t- in,Iuushiug'siieh n.onster erred ii.lor-f . OFlfJCK. 1.1 ' .C'-'lh ' '' ' ' ..".'' ',' ''.'''.'. i. ::::''77 ' ' " ' -; ' ".' ": '. : ' '' '7" "v'r: '-r-. rt dot-lt S r A IE OK N. (J iHOLbV.V, Snferin- If- IIIKIIKLL COITNTT.. ria Thomas G.ttdons, xi. his xvil- MaryX" X. i- .11. ..... ior uivorw. j... OftDIiRED.fy the Court in '.tlii-;, ij, . publication be made for r", lh St p i.n,l f;,i...-i,. -ll.jt iinlSl the Uel.'J.i ..... y. ....... n9 vv ! cMtiHf'vwf Iredell: on the fifth Mowby aft. Vlntltt..,, tn M......I. n. t -flirt ohir.tirt net lir i !

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