AM:M T1 J. FJK1DAY, JUNK 1$, 1819. Ittfl ii- t HALEIGII, (N.C.) fBlVTED, WEEKLY, BY HARVEY AND.GASSO, ' JEDlTkO BY A. LUCAS. fern of Suitcriptton t Three dollars per year, one hai o be paid in advance. No paper to be continued km jrer than three months after a yesr's subscription be comes due, and notice thereof ahad have been jfivui JMvertwsnitrtts, not exceednp 14 lines, are inserts thrice tor one dollar ; for twen.ty-five cents each sub seciucnt inseriion: and in like proportion where there is a greater ntimber of lines than fourteen. The cash must accompany those from persaiio unknown to Uie , -editor,, . ; - .... . ;,' jrjXo subscription can n any case be received vfithou. ' payment of at least 50 in advance ; amTno dcmi timmnce without pav.inent of arrears, units at the option of the editor IMitic'ai. nadurgeon, where I would have been, while and no body seemed to pify a mi. thus onmer-! the fundine item KVe wnuM i.-m r...i:"l - : : ..,"! " V " waicu u carried would have been doing itis best lo.arm, and to combat corrupfioD, while J keep their de. d againi't me. Thii would jniyt If Wt'uf tbe reaeh of her knife. Nobody n my fate ; and what i more, if I hidiealled iffe Oraniera eoward, because he did not liar missed ibeir priueipul oiijt ct, they loos eneil their u'ett. V hat u-uuidhace, bet'n said by the vile press, it boeu in a ilungeori. may ba i-asily tru'e.' ed fro fit what Wi$ said by V'oo)r uu.i On wlier Ihev U oMiit Ihat.uiv wriiiiia wiiiiid ne er m'h hog. m l otfiiio. iiow o IVuolUt ..v ' " o l ,!, ...,:,... ii li I i.... i LV ..l: I i.T i - ndii thm nvpr In fhRl ti hn "ttOB u c cu anew, muu ims ii -iisiunaii in lui.g'iiicre us vi 1 mtm 'fit Fiia nnndnhf lu Lrrtutip Iv'-i f Iia u. i u aii.t 1 L .,1.1 1 I v'i mi buuuubt uv nmn iiiuv mm v urn iiiiiiu a ili j Uj'tH ill liif IlllUT " " Citbbett' Utter,- la titi eyeiiir.g' psjfr will be found .a leher from, this singular n: ic, addressed to The Reverend Joseph Hari iMO, and the (ienilenun asuibled at the block -it meeting on theSih of September, 1818." V'e eive thin extraordinary production just as e find it in the V etkly Political llaistcr, wi ten here, bur published iaJkondou. it b-irs the marks of being genurae, and yet we hardly-believe that it is so. The im-astm opi'iiiy reeommends, thai is, the ceunten'i ij . o! iiie inns oi tut? uui'iv, ui ivngiauu io country, and se put in circulation there,, is so otterly at v aoce Itag! ketween Ipn: there tions have elusru among tDcxim witieli prohibits the poisoning oud poos ; and they are all warranted by thoireo mou. safety to repress and punish the Grt L gliuuid oner to. break through that law. A st more general unaaiinity prevails in Cundei Ding the practice of poisoning wateis, wefc and gjirinits." What is the material dilTereuq, la principle, between the measure rcennuuen ed in this letter aud that here so foroibiy co demned r ITtOM COBBETT 8 WEEKLY ?0L. BEG1STE LONDON, FEBRUARY 20. 1819 hu:J lue Iht g- pitclieu upon n.y rvpaiHoi youlVont JhuftiMt atid, my readers may dppendi m.,.,.... Oa.i .... ;i A... I , . i.. ;,..,.?! - i ,., up II!'. Tin, f.-.J:'.: . K" " iv, oiy, Anencaoi, sell heir infamous press would have read about cifullv beaten. .es against me or all sons, aBd while the base conduct ut this Grazier ; to .resort, lo a long for the sake of were luer. UDirueii - melion ,.ava been bJen in their dungeous, those dungeons Would: stay lo oppose his lists to a pointed and cutting not nave ueen opened so soon as ttey were u truiiii at. My ehaice, as J saibefure,7!ea- 1115 all considerations 'o? personal safety out of the question,) ties between 5i7eeeand retreat, if 1 remain here, all other means will he first id ,t, rtvluee me to silence; and, if all mose meai.8 tail "tlwn will come the du igeon. Tffere fore, that I ioy still be ableto write, and to write u it.i fretiicjm,iio ; J shall write, if 1 live, tures of ihoimtti ruble notes of the Vhmt! phiaTabrie fnd, it is quite impossfole V people beneral rt Mvh e other, bo that, f the Borough villiin, ; tt niijtd.iphk fbr,c, hj-vt However, as f pec mens" are be Id E. ti ? hud, a will be but eivji td Jet u have mens of the Borougti. notes iu'eiehahke. t-. ,' the 0,,, thereforeV r,: ef-ive ne thKHwaUM that the mu.'.. saw :oiu' raiiw aio nypoer te, aevrur, 1. inm u wut not he more than Jour n.oot!nAutSfxkj-do arwIdeeiV'' "AI'lu k 1 oo st OW JjuiH aud made use of ail the Htenv ftu the dU of tLis aJdrw, before the publi.(;it-e a f; will be MUfieieat' Let o ' 'tt'0 .mis-portAj-ey; m aaky'-f ? Hyr-ikbt UUfr t ' vt tt'we4,ool v! 0flj ?pifHSd' turn, but Aw of vbai I ha-l d4e hii(,re in Z.oort,.ud be continued ver iiear-' tlitm. bade safety iii tfA da'aeeZ r&e'1 lie thooghi i have raised himelf j;u;... a.yl a m-alarfy a it ha, been for jers past." You seV, then, ihere may 52 mf!''1 mardereJ name. What, then, wtuld. lie, audi . This !rmi, at wbieh U"o..Sr aUeeied in soil tr n.v rf'mainii.. i.f.. - . IrmH t Which tVin ier aUeeitill In JSrf. !.r n.v rKnminli.. I,.... . TiJ fast in a duuseoa r udieve uie. oiv trieod.'sine tine.i hav reuaid. o th inirnduoiinn r(n. ,.... .i. fci....' ' . - nr w ' ......... t...,.., uiu.i 1 mi enough hi r u lii,,.. . -' ' that he, and atl such men, and .especially liar 'greai ariPuitural i np. ov menu, the Country limbs tremble, hose 'hearts aiLii- T S jt.deCf, wotifd have done all withiu liittr potr to which ha en ibled me t ue my long ar lf8 ' preveul me f.iun ever couiuig alive out of ihui I have oh, l it i j some purpose. Kb;, in n otingeonv; I had the hatred tit tKe li i ouh-i .1- hint pluc,.,Hell ea mot ou nl jf-iaini, and the envy of thts.; wretcijea 10 cu;i- made- the ' 1."! ' .' vil! litis ng tend agiiiist. Burdrtt,JhougJi guiny, was n -t grtat Ooun 5 - jjj, then exposed. Ills name was great wi.h ie ithahdoaed iKn.... ,. limbs tremble, hose hearts aieriadv to ." turtiX their sides to be t' th ;n.i. . the set their blood all in a pn.n.n,in . AVu ti-iit plae,.,Hell eamol ue blacker I iive the luUiaul who ate tramnlin !k.-f: ,Vi hr..iiuhoui this ' their country, who r ..".""' Hi , o 'no ting rl!eln, hi iirnil. o.i ...1 . , losirii- 11 s ms-anci', munlering his ptoule. ami wi.I1B vijmio.iiil.) beru an'meni is a Iraudulent paper upheld bv lbillf!" felt as m lieai t din? of rivers of blood. 3 ibt' ivnir- However, vou mnut k.VJj- ''. I I . I ' " l csa at anil n t m I D I. a !.'.. I 1st . I r . I u .. .1 ... 1, . . I !.......-... I ' J 1 1 1 wim our mens ui uiurai reumuue, mai it . . - . . , ... . J ""o'"" 'n inn any iiiirtJ? TIM 1? iu ...i 5ers our credulity. Even ih a state of vkr ' "!.r': v V"?. . . .. . i-'c, ...b the plains iWt to: .Z; nations, the poisming of the wells atj - ru ;'"u UVU "y-7 -r,- ...v.-. ,i ,, .no ;ur ..xer adopt JMr. Wuolei's iimu fc .rA V . ,gs of an fuemy are prohibited. - U fc, ! V " ".?!.-fc"u ' ' V -' ru'C"er, ' '"W" -"'V ,.rrJonaffe, the editor of :7&,"rl fore, with sood reason, (says Vaitel,) aid ""7, uc"c'c " " , u . ""'V'! , "4,e ' 1(1 riu--utt" u? ""- lu . ' ,,a,.4. lir-w , T 'icrcu- coufonnity tJ their duty, that c vil.zed ii- ,ttUia uo, uwruauueuiy, .y v.iiai.i. 1 1 . 1 ovwo. tiuS a.uhg,t 1 ' k-fi" fi " ' V1 ma from trie laws ni war tie . All this I know very well; anif, then fore, ud c;irfsse scd, a.,d win..- ay s tl'4",oo P'nt ; In-e, and, if jtiifjsible. live in England. iori of au.j. p -nujiVof ioriuoe, w' he iattn ami prudent si 7. 1.. ........ .. 1 . ovm'v f!,iit ......... i 1 . lai " t hero was no nosibility of coMiiuuiiiir Uiestruj?- ' a new gle without retreating Yoa are good. dki..iOJ " ..accidents can shake. evoty tiling ronie out rgh; t a short time -I enough to say, that you regard me. as being by You say, that ) u should , 7 f.'ie r my nieati couipai aii'fcly bh-'ii i; for jhat ts a .l f far the most able to assist the: cause. So tiioujlit ' 'ir'i hvtn i pit r,juuu,g 1 hank jou wheii We aie tfaVg abord enrh events NV'Toler, and so th uglit iJirdeiij and il was wl, ail iny heart 1 1 shaa rsiurnihen think Havel not reacted their UiJaniefi A precisely because they. o thUgh.:, and because my return will be likely lu h, u'ttehOi d ills ef- Do tliey hotj'i'f iny tdows ? VVill il ' iheu kniia tlmttht. people s.tnoutit, that'lhev fvet 'he most i.k fy 0 do li.nJ to Lie ht. ody- ,; fur havii.o- .1. . ., ilp-v no? wi;iHil ini d.ii.,v. ,1. iV h .u-v... 1 linen..--. - JUIIldeu Villains, tu 11 hum till! IaihiIv uf H,l-u ..... o .... . M 111 ' their bane envy of me. 1 kneuy iadeeJ, tlmJuo & t0 -K-uttr. Ji'f do jmase. mi ofjrOI i named vtifii imimi ? ci.ii . AJiiaji i nit ari-nnr.r Hll,!)) sums of the viila.n, who hou d have sent mr ,lu,1J 'tiC,; which you think i do,' is it , , , ZW " WIC" e audited? Shall " 11 m i , i i p nimmiiiii.. ........ .7 ""ij.tiiii r mu : Ii. . ... i i . . 1 . i i ..t I.L-al., I ... I . . . I rr-rr- . .. - - . ik, i,-.v . ..... itnia ...! '..--wu men assembled at the Stockport Meeting, oIT 7 " " " w " y , ,v . - u r u u r i tik I'm i..i i . . . iai ts the most likU way luwjiub 1 tu ex- . ' ,,w ,uus ave their due at !-. 9 cauNf at thai lime, and it mitrht have bee at- er' 0,ystlf wUi tne b' cdt-fit ? h.eave ay M ie"". toyai. We haveiio rtuai ivi tendi'd with eonsequeuees that ue-vrveulJ' ''entents to me i auJ ify.iusee me; wfitiiig yfl tlie king., pi with lib family, or wilk atiy bave uiived. V" . hkbfack hogs &p tiweahk, 'uui 8 i latrfut. It is tyranny that w4 ulltr ynui-pvouiu, aim mut we will, destroy, . '.. ... iiiuu. nuiiui nils. xnrli the 28th dan oj September, 18 1 8 On the fiire inemis oi destroy rijf ihe tantjy,. MORI B HAMP'TEAO 30TH DKC. 18 t8 Hentlemen lue lhanh. whici,y- u were "fteid. ' (W ai l 6t f vc'-.r Irf cii.i .vfV- bort, in SeftiBiber last, have been' received b me wutt iceiiugvoi peculiar pleasure. 11 Jdeasieg to me, that 1 should be retriembeied b. vou; it is more iiieasuig that siiouia iiaw been deemed ortby of tour .praise aud, it above all, pleasing to iiud lliat you iiin.k ihl U) exertions have bxd, and uiHt ?et have, teodei cy to serve our count ty in an hour of pw !l 'T.1 i wl f. ind,ed, 1 had, as the Isse WioJIemwrf- "T ,uu uuuWr ro Oo,-'ul loss 1 ..L-Uod. tr. ,(ruJe..e .if n.. r,. Ior my w,uu injin lo my iuuLy. it is noise treating might nave been less evident.- But, 1 ao il no indulgence in any 81. bus ..avep.ov4!d, than had bub. 1 huve provldvV'; U ' Ctt.rtfM ,o1 ue!Shhor lUt -Bclkv. ,;,v rt-;r.;n- - kt-p, ,aje here, separated as 1 am l.oai all mv it will i ... ... . v. . .aw. u ntll n, UCClSSdl I. and yet artful lies uiI be put f..,",1. MlfTbere are some sentiments expreksed'iDuive st-Hgreater tii-jlA yet to d; or, to cause , . joor vote' of Thanks, which I lb;:.nk, it may Mo be doH;- - - - ; ' . , useful to notice in a particular manner, and ihiL. In mV fieive-Takin?? Addrp. .latrtl VK ' I wi,t do, first beggiug leave to insert ike w bolbtst of ftWh, 1817, w.s' the flflow iiig pa8. oi tuat utsoiuuon, wnicu x aeem swrs ge . .. foi me, 1 shall never cease io use firest horn ur. . Ihe best of.myieudeavours to nave fcvr from tire l hat the warmest i nanKS oi iuiff iueeiinitmjters wMch threaten her ni.Pr d. mm, l ..v. . .. . ' . . ore ilut-, and hereby given ib . Wm. Cbhikn I hoie'yWwill always bear in miml, ti,t e... .1 ...... I... .1,1.. -J.ifc,. I.. ...llv r . . . J ... . ' .. JV'U. MM IIIC III UK 1 THCUH.UIC CBAOTS ( "lit ten, and njiniiig r,t,t An aitproacb tim liivvee nir-uu u,. mo i-... i .. i ... v..., , to nrnniirn oii..-i. My e.uysV. hose very essays., whi.h you deem HS? those of 1817. 1'ayrn.ntc!: rams ii.afe.ver were possessed of ;n i w jrrajreatl. BlTitll) i nner ncrnmui nnl,l i . . . .- have watched the nroressi of their affairs. . . A will ,h(re ore it nrovr i. oew well, that all u i.v ds u, on the banv-- !nat "' never ran )ayjn aperi- witfmiblov.'. tiUe. 1 lave told vou luA for vearjtand wn.,. tHS P ' Slptemik IVlliahS thev-fna nv J now yo.u are ' enabled lo.dett r...i jv . w hni.ei Par kjMveri or- in. Home Wa to make t!;a n hot, I ar- tlie siih old' mail," J.j- n.;- Hi - I'y&enl cumbrous ;uu diffic ult to the reer-Wi- .. . . i - i i .. !, i . - pain n ooner una Uie Uasetejs t . c.l u. , u..u, iun w ill hnsvvi'l' no end !s.i Vk'Wlv, prove, that 1 hJ sound j;idguieiu 1u',u19 tt as well as ardent zal. Much .had.doite be'-1 111 6" 'J1 I5re I left glund ; and, as yon wjlj see, J " fower. v.. 4 u -?.. -j. . . . . . ' 1 nave watt Hon : for. it will mi v ii.u(,ioo, wuue e w , i.viu; i ,. v doc- ifquiiT a Jew bank notes to be sown in o-d," I u I 1.1... ' I' '' I . . . A n v. . iiius arm itit'aa hi (ii,,i W 111, wittnul beii uiile ( ;i lie 1 01 n. u fed. . to make pcopl,- pre' ei- specie prtymejits, even liiii u&etreat. Corruption has put on her dtggir. r-mVVmustlitWre, 'fairbtiif krattd enTerTTUT 3 .. f , u Will III , rather, ..,i,...i.i..-..i... ; .: 1. . ' ,, ,. " v otM-ivjiiions, wiiicii were mni. ai-om pla.,s ,or s,. Fl..ri(.is Ulllfln,, . ... " " -riui nt 111- ifii yon. that l ows mnm vumume essii He 11ns wnnr 1 n 1 i.Cf .Fmi.. r... ...i.ii . . . ... 1.. i the ereat serv.ces be his'VliidereiVl,. ,uir.,,tBB If hi. i.:n -1.1. ' I ' u vejist. pa; t, i - i ! r j;'..i .,ii L7 ... ..-..wtww-t vviu. villi uiv xf at ' i t iiri. l litl.i . j. i siree ha nnf.irlnnatalv left ' -lliis. Lir.'uativfci im.ii.u,.,;..... ... ... . .... v , , w .u umu um 10 sc. twenr't. iv uuuy. Mint our oanuiaitce, ini"ii-' umnai iue soie cuoit'efjuw is httweeij sue ift or.d Uie it nj of his relurn wilu tieartieit xjCiUef fuf. -gflustttas -tn at. ha 't liy-lai'.. in.e..i,iiiistt.,abla t .. v.,.. . . . v . T' ..... . ' atei iH, irrumen cnuprryuien oui 01 uie cmw stives in WWy so as to he abe lo ,13!. t ut of thalymons'lerbe l as dragged forthaudle; mi more eifnal terms. 'fjie U.fl'jids, iWe Sou naked to our scorn j which monster is no theys, the Vallers, the Stuart, the t ddtr'-, writhing, under the small of retorted ii jurie Mi U i!ie hireling crew, who were nimble to and, liku tl e seipeiit. dying by the poi,on.'J( answer, with the pen, n&v ru b at n:e m m h their angry bites mfuse into its own 'corrupt flesh, jrawn knifo, and exelaim " write unJ" I'o use No, Gttlenien, it vvasnoi, 1 hope, Hwtirho words-of. the Westminster .addres., l;,e M that I left my native country ; for if i ha shake the halter in my face, and railie in my B t left it, 1 am well convinced, that th e ar ihe keys of iheTlungeoot and then 1 hey ex ws WDictt you are pleased to eonsiucr so vlaun, Willi a malignant arin : Th do iiuu , fmnuiuoie ouaX'hule-yU.o t luable, woe Id-itseer have been written. It h&ot continue to write on, you coward ? ' A K- w ''t'''J,ii.tTa. bunk:.' i Ids is apieity soi t ten,. now uappeneuYthat ihe tyrants have relaxed lears ago, being at liarnet Fniryl ttLv a bailie . ..tml't3J''''lut 1.! : e ut. a king ibf v,;l u - ' ai uie cstt I f nu ho i..i..h ...-.- i l " .. . o.naers aud thl batknie iuseritble.S J 1: T" r i'"Hu w rut- not to be htlieVd, that lshould, during thalouuty Grazier. The Butcher. tlMiBgi, d:'it 1""!J li,l nr wisbjf. "hc ,lav1 r'iroS time, have lien left to the free use of ten,4ulunerior in noint t.t fi ,.i;. h... the iM,Sf(.A,l!aiii4 hnc uw.u ,, their ai- ; , , ., ' u! t .uwdy4vI am COmitJCCifJ, ....1 .. .5 - tj, ..1 t... ..u:-. .... . r . s ,,u. . - y woio SVKUm T( tie lM'llu?lul.- 10 ii 11 ilea, e iria . payment in Wheat would The re. more than 16 hid not amount to nearly 8u much. For, a great part of the i r, l'!' w '.m!d b- wholly ruined. An annroarh . - . ! . I ' I ' . a t7'rr, io pajiticii'S ir miner. In t in ah,,, - "lei. n et, iln iil llfte.- VVX." ,T. r" xi , vou will niiCI So;i! u, in Vt o'ber p a .ii iiaKn.i; inimtcaoe bumi ?i. 1 ...1 hi,.. . .1 . 1. ... ..... . i in nu v i. l iar iiincA ..... i.ui .1,11 ,1 j it ' i i. 1 nt III , ue W' UO US 11, . "wni:,. ainTle'iiu,V..ei i. i.i t.i... 1 ,.-.i-..ii i.i,,u-l ' 1 ntittsrrrfrwrimff. niev h.' good w... : lisii ul'i i.e ..... k, a ionb up...i- nia,f' l)ar- uf a l'ecli dictated to himby me, ike subject ieib.v .v..i,s.-..a.?; ' hae .ftway qotoil them as. Am but) it b I wUf fell you ioj-' upon the s jbject of : J'"" J"'w f"r me.t0 tke''.back property Irot.i baiik-ntes that 1 worth j).trhaug- it is Jhs sC(Hv ; .this man. who has, in the most this: ihuube "co-uiia; 'hii,ui. ipiiu, by' di- fou . .c,v' "nll manner, calumniated ree ion of Hagut, Cus!l."feguijvo) to An.e- -'n(-' " j u great denl worse, betrayed t:s ilea, wIkV ic.u.s ! !., of ,'AVashn.g on. al, Vw''--!nTr; has appfei h artist .a 1 lidelph.a for nj.e- hn as bare as the bVrk my hviiitL He n t;"uft ofniuuiubie; ui tJte vit .wished lo see the fell i-fthe tumlim By no iriPHm. V hat an exposure of ii'i 11. .11. if 11.0 us iti in-iiv hiiiA w- w - .,r 1, 1 1 1 1. .' 1 , (w "ami. niii: uiaun wears 1 XL. II IliHCl I i ..' Ii.. t!.l kl..,l I I:, I II..' .. I 1. .. 1. - 1 . .3 -. u paper. Aiuucea, uie iimhu. .inject ui uiieiimg iue Worst ut r, rtiOild a siep or t0, - ' 1 I ) t" 'lea,, ei gia y ui, ; - . .V" whs taVerenl the tfiiblicatioii ofmdJiind drew nnf. hU'Lnir it,.... ,u .:J... ... ,7'' reri to resoatbeu. from ! A lis iv the. lou V,M '"' .!? '"-at, if 1 vuri'v believe, lhat, if 14ad souTtleaVon. the tirazier tur..eLlhni' ,1 r.. . ir Uie hynivcriie i-'ci V Jrtxut n - W W ?' n' m'Wm$ praceT the tyrants,, end agreed not to writ e. any Jnorelll iw earn up'-wUh.' was-" -( MHon,VJ , . , l!' :U We rjmr UUhvgs a lusheL '.hey would bat have passed the Bills. Uiiluardine bis herd, and out of i!ie.hin,U of if. I .-Do they want soec' y P.iii!,. '1!.... ' n,ie L4HI'tl thwailiount to Was as cood aa saidtiv tbe. acting tool of tlilroier 'J of 17 lriiliionn. Indeed it ro tyrants. They traced the whole of the stir ting,. Havin ttius sol whtii ho ealiei M, tnn.r but a whole pit reef cjrit b.-hd ut ihe hie ; they said, while they cuashed their lysreriwi, he relun.ed to the .'i.A,l.r. iZ vi.rt tee of Zie1 Ile-isttr'it,i Lm,.-!,.,, 1 u.'i,. t?e'h. (llHt it UIB 1. XA'll.l llfld tllkeil tilt. l,ll.ll lim,, 1, I, .. I ..... 1 . . . I 7 ... .,r.. ' ...... .., .. - , " I ' ' V""-' "r f)" " ir nu uiier u oiow uuon ue ITA.r.A.. i! . I.. I . i. I) ... I .... J k U.. I - . . . . . J ' bt-auce or me peopid rroui ouicuers anu xiarist whic'a brought h.sJkuife.. to tLe grouud cii, snops, irom .vnii aim oarns ; a tin naoMie Urazier then fell to ftoik willhis stick iu ai.Merreii mai vfng.utc, to me yryuer oo-icii a style as 1 never before witsessed. Ti.el Jtds. -Lach villain seat-seller couid faaVe eat-Lteher fell down and rolled ahkiked : butil' hundred fn I. , ..I' .. 11... u A .1 L ...I .. ..e 1 . ... . . . . ' 'I .. . .. . , ucsii, auu uiivrii m mjt semeu ont v 10 eianse In a nrfu torn, in nnUr They were actual ly expiri ng under myl iusure , to every part of ld careass a 'due re of the penalty of his baseness. AfterflTe azier had, apparently tifd himself, hwas uug away, wuen, happening to cast bis eve n the Arnc, he ran back and, renewed the iiug, exclaiming evety now and then, as he ght In, breath : f tra thy knife wo't 1" Ue ie awav a aeeonH tim. u.l .u...,n.i nce. ,The, would have du geoned many ot you Lrned and set m4 ,upoa the caitiff again : and vf'tl ' A.?0i vTe ,,n a58 1 b 'epetited several times, exclaiming al- s . w uen lie re-commriiHfi ) driiliin.. . tfo7 '! Till, at lat. the Butch'' as so bruised, lhat he'Was actually unable and. or even to get up; and yet, such, n- ay 1: . 1... . . . " ' :.. i jugusuun-n. is me aunorrfnee oTJou1 iPg, tbal not a soul attempted tujuterfete, bluod blows. '1 (lev knew all this. t hev avow eil it. They openly alcribed all their fears aud dis w5raee to me. Can it be supposed, then, that they would oof lmve proceeded to use some means or other , for preventing me from writing? They would pot have adopted the dungeon towards ine all at horror. Talked of horrible rfes'-ns. Tliev would, as they did.- have alarmed nil the rid and timid. 1 hey would, Iheu, if they had fail ed iu subornint; false witnesses, have first pre pared tllO war bv the means of lhoir nreu. Hint ut the end of a month, would have shut me up tliey are ! inVy ciCukci ti ,11 iiiieu tiiit-l lo this would pi'otlure a fuie confusion cft'kiuoi get. -They tO'.get' u tile that a.-.''.i'i. Aml-er if it be not (lone, our match, U'aonot feet iu.itautl, it 1 ehuos,, t-Hii.r ilu.t t inuv. at any time' Iia niit tn iLnlraln .' x-auoot, it 1 like, have ui7rd"":ilor a da.- I sop. that tht'eiienrieiiirli.. u-ico mnitAm 2, . ... 1 ' .uvvuii,iuaii, eh thousand ut miv ule Mr. IVrrv. has hroarhpil .i 1. . . . ' . ..... ..u . o, ,e n,.,,,,,,,,! ii.c- s0,sc .. VTImfis llial ! u nv. : . .. . " I s LU ,!TS 1 Or. iiitiouuciug ihe uoies into hugi.uid, 11 is much easier thau to introduce a di,zen pair of ,1ti . Waithnian' gloves 1 huve 110 need to lay-nut a farthing, i have only to suij the Word, ntid the thing is uoiie aud if 1 liaJ had no; feeling for the widows aud, orphuus, whose muncv the Borough-villains have spent, the thing wpiild have been dune Ions aoi ' .. ..... O In Canada,, there is a. regular trade of mak ing bank-notes for the United States! They are called pictures, ami are sold iu bundles' by he hundred, or tnQusand ; nud, if the iiatrJuat i a u k tie r ete d idi 0 1 pay in specie,-" and, if tfec debt wtrajaotso saiail as it-is'-the whtilarol or, a tiling of that sort, "thoa'sh dif- I'.. . ... , - "r..-.. 11 t, . ., . . ii-i' in 111 urgrtc.. very wii : uni tills 19 a bursting oj the bubble. , It is a reducing of flip ihteixht debt one third, and reducing all inter tot in; the same degree. This would not do, however ; for .a soiii uf bank notes wbtilii distrt y -oilpaper ; and thtn. in order to pay the lulrivst of the d "Df3cumea trffisr 'pass' fur itc- or three pounds I But long before things i.tne to this pass, the whole thing would he annihilated, Borough. villains and all. iVn y i all my scheme-, whii h, indeed id r not mine, a dtVuu-usnvige-iiiM To bt sul ("See jviirih pugcj 1 ' i f ;t- V

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