- - v-- '...v , -r.., . , . v. :.-;a.: V.-r ' . . I f. I-''' ' . ' : , w J.-r 4lA .. . ' -4-' ' ' ! od ttiat the aine eaa bedpne inDjjlaH jit " iewwi therefore That it i espedjeol (o build a iuit toumber of g..d-aliiMt , tor one vm ewry eelft lr land, loaded wpiyUith dirlyuoo.l . auf hr auJ to return as noon as poiMble. wtn the same, carzu, nruperly ekaned aud slo"d A 8Urf Whieh Ha uls. tend 6rt-iljHo .eyOe our drooping eourtitree, nd eurica uur bankrupl SLUiils A KD LAZY BON liS.Tresidcnf. Taohag dAiJiWHK. Secretary. From a commuu:cutiuu under the signature f " A Workuiau," in ti.e htmocvanc From. l the editor i llie aliolla lotelueHcer areiiotiufonturJi 1 uu uui Dt!'.iaie iu Mjuiej ere the onlj -iBdividHal. u IDtf wutiun wbt bt iDfonntd ll.ai the latuf , tbiic tvflair.v the peojle uliir,ae ia a ditteri-n't Hal troyi that Itt ti-ai wljijif tx.!cl at the tune t'o.. grew aJj'ifii U. -V lree ..iduui.. huve jete'aj Mii ': e th&l cuiply ' f othj, talking tudv, leiu.nMi.vd lU ni.tn.ie. tiuiu it en tu i!.e prediCfMMi of "the ei Ule f ati'inr" Hut i ri!dly in oaciiiitg, and, vhlu c, n.iiKCfttuei.t, tt rnble a it m, awJ filling ail liar .'tli depundeuvji and duaiaj, i Lui the RK ; mg t)Mli rwiiiii g tomt, Ue tr i a b.nt. in hu t i)J iiu? detjt l ijautl oi. lb f tva ,ty. V.r, fiiid that" Ot.i ii,.t4rt ti,f uvlvictf ol ocue oivtt ft Boimdeit hea y ami irii.Bi heart, iu ilift nalio. bufw nut bui " -lawjeis? eie iuoked upun wilhi'o: t'in? t, RleaO ol 'equatidernig the lunm y uud l time cf liio tatiyu, iu oruer to kej ti ijpe-wMb- JulelligeiCcr ib opeiatioQ iurmg tin sin.ut li vci ed lj $om9 oi of the geptlemett, of this ct ty AjMtHic Jjinaer Pwill be funiiahed, jkring of caiinobi&c. usual. . . Tbo cifizeni of fpainkliti Comfy? in this State, have enterti inti jres duiiou tivute I'm ti jierstHU' tu rtj)re.9'ut tljt-ia i:i r the-Gc'tieral Asv'inhlj,. wa shall be knuvvii ro treat with ar Jeiittt spirits. If all the counties t!rou!i u- tuw 8!att w il1j adit su;:h a m.'asurc it wouid be teuer for m ; we shouU then get able and disinterested men. do Culb viri article, addressed to ths peo ple of tno several tfouutios in thn stute, contains, we think, some rciiuiriu "which are too stvere. Yet as ie corJiulljr uoite with hihlhf his gem-raT tioti iS, we cheer fully insert his piects, "as it 'stands -with all its 'quaint. iibss and oddi'-. u it n iched. iUTUaVuXH.WAT TUB KNUl.NO IXBCflON IS AolJ'l'H CAitoU.VA. r- r Candiditt's Irivo gitTii'ily tome tornYat'd a4 slioaldr riot Be tMepfed, thej wifi faive the j pleasin.; eeiiittion of liavffi tfered to, serve Hi'crvdit&bi.term4,iint haye.' puifcacraficed & t entV nob a sinjrltj particfb of Uit; ntty. 'f v if I should b.4V. yie p'iiortuiHty -of giving my suit aije to anygentletp.ui ou such honoi -. tie . priticipietf, and I hould lo.se my "tote, the pleasing reflection of having given it lor Ho good an object, to an honorable man, will well comiifiisate for the. Ius3. . -I v -A- VOTER.. FROM THE KENTUCKY A110U3. ' A a V iC ilUN A,V iVI . Report aj, that the United States Braoch Uaii; Lui.rillt :jinjti.ae ao ha J A Iarg9 l'iaulijy ttt' niueie couveved tu a boat in the tug it. A ueztouiun wad eaipl'iyeiito ajismt j iu iJAomgtue waou4. in ine iu ouiug ue sum t- h' tjiistt;rr '.Miiita, jou gi 'uy.,.Lfuei "'' note Wiiv, Cuile? iiccue he ruo wy hat liiig it 1 hcij aim olT." 'i " n i i Air. Yti. IIouLc!., a n:Uivc of M.irtin coun ty, . (J. en.i'.ui'.irc.l the burnt! ci f rt ci lo, Jiy itiaUiu ti l l 9 i jjiing huui'i.! f.i a in.xt oar u a.m.j tUAn.itr. Tin iuneatd a i'limilVy list, t).iui tx inilu i'rwnt l'ljpiriu ilii. 1j uhieii c vm be iidl ue'en ou a, vuu. iu wa tuu-i'i e- Ilfcrt&ftSfctljia' VbeBLKEUY2liTrE;krerqueiK "- v-r r- -.. ...... ' . ... ... . ... L, , . WALTER 1O$R0EA FRO Pi E iiS tiU t'rofeisioall Mrtietfi (for 4; 1 a ahort time)' to the-adie uU ulvbtle j ,L". of "leirh. --Appiiciimna,'. fit ibcH-e ot Mjv:vA ' '"J inter- and studied the uitans nf iiminotiiig the stand welfare of their tu'imj, insii of reeeuilvmig for lounge, then iuigi (ilnj k! the evils that are no auneiiiig ueuj. Clinch threatea a wide-npreud iuii3 lni ftverleU" . 'ihese tlingi, nefjave aul, are . if lud leoijier nut fiivornb.e to a ciidtUli a .u clear un.Jertaiulin ol the iiuettiot tru v tUV If wlial Ve l.ue a.o -Irt'tbt tut-, if wa neither mroaut nor insolent it. it Would be no violent iolieiie , tut from the tauguage the Aumi a bu eu'i that whatweliave saul was n .Miiii profusely, anU o.ljreil t?u;irsei v ires sopura-i ftfwr j,, u,.Ml u( uu,niier of uuz burulaniiy -liut iwthey aeeai oaewjid .Mi tbt d !! nvei' (m o.t.wUere belay j te icture. it c,ui:iot 00 ' Utff un-d preiu iipCive 1 uiat mtifix v?v fiti.ui j Iu jaw b -a at t-r V:. . T- lUllCtUI We are not -aliifg to say any tiling against' our former re$. escntaiive- ml we aiv stui jealous, that we atiall 11 t be 1 ejjre nted ly u.T; hd it 1 J o even I 4 abn ill Iu rful side, it.. J 111 1:11 u.ii .vd) eji entirely .rcriiM i s t lideulua 1'ajjer, I , . - .'. . " " U WW.IIIII ifi S.-niifiVj &c, who hMrc tee carefully telecteiiy hit fnenJ in New Jersey. . He hss uko received from the cities of New York and, Philadelphia, a large andejten, give stock r-f the best mid most faahinnahvSt.!.;. u our Oest nitoi : and wo are .11.10 aii.n izd n AXtrax J i -ftier jro.n an ojjicer on ooara t.te praiciui io iho viy UtierA encouragement be haiaU, Uadthet knouthir bo,ine.u l,4.irN Lt. uic ol b la; ivso,., J 0 , o.o-.t - --V . t,onto h buMt;SS, oC .cri. a ctlKh TII03US COUBS, 4jO CII-MAKE5U, llALKlGII. I. fc; S S employed fram th cities of Newark AJ N J. and New-York, nuoilier of fint been tone !6iou e.i . . - attest! I 1 1 . .9 . r tr. It ii'a f . 1, ..rt 1 11n.11 1 u a. , t tu v it l'1 11 jiv rti a tin 111 a.7jiifi a uu1rieiil iMtluoetn.'lit ami ar; lj a 1 eijui-1 valeut-but.sdll tu.il.H iiol tile j.imu d yVaaStf i wiiy vvo li.HC not dt'e'o, aid vSiy wure iidi ! likeiy to be, butter rej.ix-j;'ii(eifc t He i a. mj Uins theicioie turn ou ooe u liieSe t.vo,ooi.it, 12 : int. Electioneering has hem ca,ninl lobueii Cadiz APRIL 19. 1 nuin.ss, to merit a contuiumbe of their fi " I Uave'thepleaauro f btorui-tou of our ; .tic.' 0, ' aafj urrivai ui tut port, ou toe 14th iut..'afi.er L. cdera frtfm any part of the tontinent aae solicited. j'K-AU'i..inge of IS Uav. Ma the Sdi day ,'4lprcnce fir rtccllcnce and elegance of his work, out, w,- were au.e.wl of Ouivo, ui,on the ttlbf?4:'char?er f adtertiser, 4s-nMU tu bit no. tu bear ,V. ; ai lhls U .til iit':i .U' fro.ir V. 4 vV'. vt beii it ;urcl to .V t!. iMiiuii Uiled till our arrival. 41- ir. U'my ti , Vir. t;uv ick, aud C'tpt itead,? ptr favorable to a cuudid difisif ant. uiidersiabdioc uf t'hiti co-KtrwvtTuj. ' i 1'ereoce is suuporlvd b &i.beineiii e! tor mark of the Aurora, troiii wmui o,1 r parage or two by way ol sau j.le, ti.e i wLith is pretty much the same. IKoM THE ACK'.HA Ut JU.MJ 9. "Ko (in timstaiice is more htirking i ' tjanset tiuns l the genet al govm.im nt a lui.wjut, thl iiutnt gi ui. i iiii-n aie am t.n d' will .eavo t;is fur Madrid to-uiorrow, uniiler4u, -JtO.'itil, PgARL strkkt, mbw-.VOBK. uat cavalru Ui -dr. bu(ainLUFOIlTERSJ)F Dill TISHI nuvnnnwia '..1 1 I s.. ' T - ' - 1 . " . . I t ! i- . ' I . ' ytil, w n' ''" noises, riuo o or s weeivs pre Wua : Vioos to llie election, to every iiiusier i.i ineir filed iittimadveraiuus "r in a tniit-.aiilu&i ; rounty, and tui n out S tu id gallons of v his ?ui i key rn evci y c.onipatiy, walk a Mvv Htejis out u-;of their way', to shake, handi with every joi. l'e-driiik and carouse a lay and a nigJtt un the j B. t n li" . t ii svi vice, a. id loey are deter. wo- 1 eert of utu oia iV.K'd wo .jo uorepreseu.cd, ratber tnau tuey ieavn toe ilorael, e aiuieu niui witn 17 , AVE farmed an estabiisa'inaiit At- Pavette-. ga. , u,u,. u . J ti i Ti ( . V 5 1 a-fl- vdle, wliere they ,,ropu8e to i mport direct aieu had a beau.i.u. ell el. i he next day we ,olu England, such srticio a Ly be reqad tor .hi j'ji-" v'v -yv . 3 , ......... I. .utic iucj wu. iiispusc- ot qniy by the pack-. rrturued from liie furt. age or p;ece, as they li&ve i'esolved to confine themaclvea I'lure arc lure six ship of the line, five T to wholesale bus.iu-ss. During the last thir. , ,tl.u ... -!(.., of war and 21m bri- aid a TV year?' ,-v Ua? been exclusively --American 'Mer . iatt s, il sluups 01 war anu guu un , aiu a , m,, mlndon and New- Vork. iiadinK m dry iroods a- c.v ncUoouers. desiiaed jf liueuo Ayres, U j lone ; and have been in the njrular practice ot selline iu a . i . . i it-r i.i r i l -" - "- -? : . -..v. uccii in tue rt fillar nrirtir-e nt qbI !... ,v nsur gr.iu.iy- iimc touuy lor tnose te.uaus: c. -.h lhra ,R ,. -3 fia ..,,, ... , riu io thie hW who h, ..r."i. IT. :. jr.i.2 rt" , woo u.av rtiTTTrviiu ou t tie muster anu-e;cTi,.;,.. ,.,t 11-.. ortiK.an-:iha. This Ioisp tx the M I I If ;t,.,n giuuna. carry their pockets oi apples j cri! O.uaell, u,w Oaveraorof Oadll, to b, euS, and ekes, wit i which to treat the children. V.-. t.. ..i it.in.is Avres :uu J cannu.fr il. i, h .. ..' 1 ffL V,tm.8e,e thit l,,ey . , . , . . , ..- I '. . . . ' . - 4 . u ,c' l"e,r K(H,G " as low prices as ..... ... . ..... .1 I u t ... . ... I I. ... L- .. ... J r. I . . I . ... u .1 . . ...... ... I. I .1...' h .ttii )VT ... V 1 r- . . . wi.iiv in- t ii.iiiiiic 1'iviii unit nuits'iuiu irjiun .. . . .-if ., . . ....... tlx :i ii ,v( -i.i. rii.n r nirir a"-i.i-t ul fvi'iv i in. ...... ..: .:i --- o - v t-r the tctai absence ei every iiitns imr lmvCoiiUl) lo tWat ?vcry Vo,jcr Kactinrni, or luai umuir OJ .... . wit , WUlk, , i.ee cost. 6. d. Or be- tiotifm, wb'u h blends the iuieres-ol a$ " in titii?4 ar.u wf iit., wl.nc r n ff c tola tu know if there was any trunk iq partie- t'f cause ih .n who lie Jiot asha ned tu i-coude-! w.uel. ue wautsd ; tu wuteu 5J.r. iJ. repl tery ; Sl i'l ll fit Ul' xl. .V.' ll.iUl' IW':I;'i!I'i'M H I I'. A llllll! ther coflsidcration hut the HHilH , a r' tl.ev mW'be renolsed. Whites of the nation. We prt-dn i tnf the ' li4.. ,,. .. lllti ,, the day is not reHiote wlan tins too iei.; t p . ...,- .v..,. h ue udftllirrrf ti.. -t;.vpiiu,rnt.iitl!,!(L,il(. ' ... rlli,.n,w,lrilllv utii,,'; ... : , uiiu rtiii ui.il u uii.1. nm ui jjun in nyLu.iuii- try t nued in ruin. nv 1 wibh gentleman candiJittcs not to Conuesceiid to tiio Cuniui .i iu do it e.eciion- er produce that eflect which h.s been so 1 . apirehended a dissolution of the eoinplt ; Or the absolute necessity of re-orgunix g t in.suct a form '? as shall revt nt the co try from being, as it tta been hitherto the cr eate sport ol an eujlern ui id a southern la .on, in which the best jntettnts of the wluh en ple aie Sai i ifiicc'ito the rapacity oi In oi Jjovcer cf a.U w .iiul leadei a'and ini i igi . It i.s as uo'Uiuus as the 'sale of se : U the British l'ai liametil, that Congress h pe--c.-iim: a mere iti uim-iitin tue hands lx Executive. Ai Mian wln has evTs, am ri. fti.d utideistaifding. tnusi see the l'ai t d n Btrated in tlrt? hal.k i oncertis -in the sui eion uf 'invivbgathiti imo the pi'st fin -in the t-xtrt'tixye iliiibi- ii ol tin -luiitiing sys l in the secutcU live jeais law iu the n " tcnai.ee gym to thai, uruatijii al out rag he attaik irifi the pali ul s of south A me lahd4 wboye.4iliiii..thL.hUiCiAiiil - inuai ji nt bj 'wkut-b qwat-ioh ti Mi . lt.Tyb ighr foi waiVcem ei ini'g Soiiih Americu was- eti thd byy asi m. jo-tty-aga'iist l.ini, w , i tho.qfstion had bten taken betore th xe cutivjf ufchinei was put iu motion, it v n- -''toiiuis that the inajwity was a great on fiis a'ie. lie result of the del ision, in the i in pi to pj ( tjb'e (Jeneral Jatksurj, .ryves t five I' - in ajrilier wayfot, haung lis spur m a twoddstratMgeui 5. the" first being ub- Serve "elect ion and peisunai uijoles-, second ".to "iciup pnUic attttition on a " which wouid tlivioe if so as to withdi J let tc tntiiUd iudignathm el the cocidi tie bitbk' it mst nts, on w hw h i t ?fc vieN.etrT. a ueploialde ii sUrue of siuii cf cblit ti i.M, " ca . ia . v tin heci the m it ti. FRIDAY VOrMM, Jt Nt 18, 181 iPt or AW 4th. VF JULY. The Knleigh Hi-.. on Suturday last, to make prepai atii ''celebrating the 4th of July. TI1.1t la ing on Sunday, Jh'.s J em , they app'-n a conin.itbe to wail tm tlf P.t . n. Ale e tersto know if lie- wouNi U-lier a an tig. ,aeion to them on --that octaeion. If ci j ?s, (which theie ciiirbe no doubt lllic Wi.iy the C,oiany at to attend ;4SiC t,t:..ve ..House. at" 9 M.i( k, tii d iiiarch it fcKsirintu ilw church, tn uuiloim.but wlut 'muskets. ' . ' ' ." " .Mr. rorsvia uaetftije was duiuej t the any ttausetiti New York, from whom th nvMhm. in grtte of 109 city oa it la.idiog, at v airh be w is ttiw stae atprcsciit buy. 3 - .bach duiUeatcd ; an bifiicar a shon liuie alter I ' to ,hetr ,,ouse at FayetterilU, R J 8c Co. i j " T "KJiiers OI 1 nreaa L.ace, m tne VJiiittd .btules : and supply wuh that article, all the targe towns aiKlctues, from New-York to Savannah. Ihtir atocfeiof this description .of fancy goods, will be here tw.ee 4ycar, "about -a month e:.ch ttme, it is now expected daily. !. - A K . J Si CoL are atrancers mibia ntaca. uU Uw.nM sr nt ataie ol:trade is pequliarly.unccrtain, their term of ed, he' Wjuld .bive all or none, and refused .giv iti uj a uy of hi koys. Tbd aeil lay he (.Vir. b) orute 'to lbs Governor, deiiiaitd.iij a I his j ikUJuig taar, tr ue reiuoeu uira, ue woll 1111 tued iately re-eiulinrk for ibu Uoiltd :cidit will b ni ilie outsci, 'negotiable notes at six Sua- ; oiiscrun, it li.e saaie tune, tual his j mo,,,,8 wiUl ol,e fcpproved. mdorser. a .jn,i ' Miais.cr, IJ .nOais, was am only per- , 'f " ,PJf oil aimed lately at Charleston. ltrt htfiui! ..t 1.. c.r , r f -"r a 1 . ... i. . . . 1 . 7-T -v.,,WmV,,, uivctuuui. uui a cinecito npre u.ted w. laaa nis uaS5ago wiiuuui us "e'"S next week, by the Steamboai from VVilmingmn. It cent seareiied, bat aliwed to l nporl his tomes tree mstsot the following b-o1s. to which the attention of duty : au( 01 Hit case thought i un uuireu eeting, and those who will do it, 1 do not ! eious act. The Governor made every apolo winii foi my -represenratives. IJ.u if any real gt, and gve up the truuks." Dun. Pres. Patriot will only aay' lio.will seue if eS.c.iid,! ' and that he doea n it mean to atieud tae wiis- I () ie uf the fifhiouabl. auiuseineuU of the day tiis.. iwr givj a gill ol spirit ous- lupiors on ' 1 nd or dnvitig, or running, at the Wash. occioH, he is the man for whom I will I I3U" " "i'u'4 ll,t ucuouiiuatea a ;e, and cultivate his iu ei est, and I bclirvu I """ . uloe,I';1de' .I.t Bl" ;irj.r tu ue a picasaai inversion auu a salutary x-reie. aad is peculiary wrll adapted lo ttie the vo he will mtet withmanv geiiiiiue liieiui'who w ill do. all they can iu an lionora de w.,yj to Hiippurt his election ; because I know titere tie tliousaiids as sick of the common niu.'le of electioneering. as ever a dog was ot scalding broth. . ' " , ''' hsay, an) leal Patriot, htca'aso I wish all piilau a( h nils, and party si hemes "hoi id i amusement of peisons ol L'deiilary habits, who have the advantage of.exerei.i it epoa a re gular and tolerably level surface,, such as gra ved ,.way, pleasure gri)umt, pavenieuts, 6tc. I'll i uuchiue bus been constructed by Mr, Hlowurt., late of linlliuioi e, froai aa origiual drawing by the tier mati invc.iior, and is said lo the seav ot uhiiviOu, and I wish to jec ajlAl hadecidod iheneafis tiiiiu d to support - fhe. conn sseoly. be.st consiitiiiioii iu the world, which we have Ane Ironor of maintaining ; kirming while we are uiu'etl wesaali be as a three-lo,ld cord," not easily bi . keu but if we be il.vulul, f shall be as bamjison's tow stringy - -Jl rt.lly Bcetiis, any real Patriot can be e.le ft d 'on iluse terms and il he be-not elect- ; ctv.. be needs nJt sact ime a cent nor a piinci-; pie ol'honor 011 the account";' a'd it ctn be no iiiparagcmeni to anygenlleman t-, otfeivhis se; vice iu bis country, ou honotahle teryis, if! not ;u.t epted. Who would be elected at the t xpejise ol honor auddecency I 4 would nof j thank any man to vote lor rue, whose vote 1 1 uiiltl be bought with whiskey. IT-sids, after a:l 'their - whiskry .baru-i iug 1 - have observed wiiiskey votes aie very uncertain. Some men wiil tli ink. and bottle a gallon of your whis key, and lien vu.te for another man, unle you take them by the hand, and lead them up ro llie box;. anu before I would lead up a a disuucn beast to vote for me, or uty frieud, 1 would go without hid vote. i kn w there are many sot3 who will exclaim :tgaiii.i the candidate who will not treat pro iistly. btnw ho cares What I hey may say I Allsiihei and respectable men w ill say ,w his Key shall n-yer buy my vote," and I will vote in piVlen nco for t lie m.iu wtioiliscourages vluskcj bai tci ing. Ve need a reformation, and -il ever we att.nn it. i must be begun some where, ant! T know tio.better liine ilianto he. gin .iiow.-l'ossildy it .can he be gun on the a-oovt- plan, and if it should not obtain at first, i ciseverancc (as in all utiicr cases) will ccr3 afly-erect(il. . 'At all events tire consblatiorf is, if anj shoidd slie their 8erviccsoa the above fetuis whit'h havo been ma te in tins ti ty, uf which there re several'. c. '. Gaz. Org nal dnnd.jte. V.Vouiig Lawyer in the county ui H .ujp-Uiire vvi.o was almost discour aged of pelting a divin by his profession, eu terer into the fanning Business I a gchllemaii one d ty asked linn," wiiy he tanneii for 'Lis -li v 111 ? hi unswcrid, i nave skiiiiied long enough, and no.v ihiuk it tune tu be Uuniug. ti ELisim noN s r. .iOjins day,. J The lireihuMi of Il raih Lodge, No. 40, Itrti- ijl), i;l f ior.-ad 011 St, JbioVs diy..(luuisday, the J4d nijt.) in oi occsii.ju t,- tiie Sute ih.u.-p, her a-Ma.-ouic bi-rmon dl be iklivpied by til H. . aiid Ret. lirand Olnplul, Lu'jcusier ar'ur Wiii!i thfe li.le will rc'iirtVand parlHlt,.: of a l.nn';r at their Hall. Brethren wiui are not meiiilivfs of tiiii. I. iidc'aie cordially invited to join in liie te 1 bi ..turn . and llie cmzuus .;enei ally to bttresuil a. tht cciuiomes in Cie Siaie tlousc. ' . , , fiv 'Order, .f Bl.VJ. A.li VRIUM, Secretary lliiani Loc'ire. Junel'i,18T9. ; ; . " " 1 if j S hereby given'to Robert Cannon, jnlin V. Havice, 1'bouia Knmrifl fiobert Niiit, le- uuiel (J. It.11f.and, J hn iloll wav. Susan Schib. Sarah r.lendenjiiii;, Samut l "Andrews, W illiam t'eck; . Barnes & lloottle, K imunchUne,- Burrell Ri ll, Wiliiam ISagan, 11. Ktbb, I'onicroy, KtVt, ,?o!ir Hhftjdu, E. Robeson. Jehu Scott, Thomas Towns, C..feb Jeier, Kenneth Gil. hs, Benjamin Smith, J.ilm Ruftln, Ann Pulha.n David fio)Ster, Wiil.am Thompson, and IViatt Hair s-m.and to all other persons whoiusoevcr and whsivsoeYer, that are in any m.mher or wise iulercstcd.Jhat 1 shall apply tor the benrfti of tlw laws of. .this state (S'orta Carolina) for the relieff insolvent deb'ors m t riday ., Uitwml of July next, at the goal of Wake fouutv, ; between die hours of nine unl twelve in the forenoon of said dav, when and where those wh j are so disposed may attend' ind shew cause, it any they or either of thtm hate whv 1 should not bt dischli jed agreexblv to t!ie said law. O. F. MATIIHS. Raleigh; Wake CO. Jure 16,1819. - . 22 2l the trade is ieSpecttullv iifvited. Thomas sheppard's" best London Cloths and Casi- meres, Black, Blue aDd Medh-y colors, Cotton tjose, women and mens white, black and slate, colors, "' ,. Cotton ha!, I 'Hose, ' 1 Sewing S Ik and Twists, , j ColLr Velvets, Black, Brown. Olive and Bottle, Stripped Florentines for summer trowsers, wide, ' Blue snd VVnite Cotton Tiyist Checks 7-8,4-4" f and 6-4 wide. Ginghams 7-8, 9 8 and 6-1 wide, ' " Fins and Needles, . Colored Threads, Marseills Gudtings, white and s'.riped, in a great variety of chiiice patterns, .. Cambric Muslin, 9-8 and 6-4 wide, Plate Calicoes and Cambrics, 1'uie Printed Calicoes, Grandrells an I Cotton Cassimeres, . -llanukerchie! Madrass, Pullicate, Roma!, Mak bar and AlassutipaUitii,. - t ' '' Linnen Plat ilia's, Ir ish Di ipers 3-4 wide, . " " Irish Linn:-n's 7 8 and 4-4 wide, Steam lom Co ton shirtings 7-8 Wide, Fancy Muslin's, 6-4 wide, Hair cord, do. 6 4 do. 'Figured Cambrics 6 4 do. - D.mitK s, Elastic Cotton rid braces," Cotton slnritiiigi 7-8 and 9-8, Scarlet Cotton Yarn, " Dajnusk Shawls 5 4, 7-4, and 8 4, Buttons, Plated, Gdt, Sdvered.and Fancy, ' . India Mull Mull .Muslip 4 4, - ' " " Book Muslin 6-4. N. B. Country dealers ere respectfully invited to Call. .' : . . ' . Fa'yettewlle, May 6, 18l9.. I76w. CI llOCKKUY TOliK-Faiettev llt,adjoin- ingthe JIaimon IIoteL VV J LLi A M W. MilltLKV has receded, itireel Irom the r.i.-inui'aclories and is now opening, -an (fXKnsive .asrtmen! of rich CUr-(iLSS, CiilNA, and E tKTIlKN YVAItK, which he otrers at a low advanre on the original purchases Also bv retail viz . Blue and1 other China, l):nner Dessert, Tea and . Cotl'ee sets, Blue and Fancy Toilet sets, - Pitchers of various descriptions, Chimney Orna ments .and Vases, Cut and Plain fjlaxs, Dt canjeis, Goblets, 'Tumblers and Wme-glasseS, "Sweet-meat dishes, C lery-atamls, Hutter-coolcrs, and Sallad-bowls, CrOit. staiids and lla.l-lainps, wilh-other articles too tediouS I j mention. - . " " N. il. Countiy orders packed s tow ir. price as can . -be bought in the original packages and with equal safe . ty- . . January 6, 1819. . S3 . , Notice, , Lli those iiiiUbfed ti the subseriber ara, i 4 ei.rne,ily rin;tii8tefl to eomc forward and settle their respective accounts, 'ss longer iff lulgence .nun t be givj n: my boiks andi.c'counU are in die Ii.uhU if Thomas G. Scott, where those indebted wiil please pp'y- - ' . :V - t 31. P-vAYES "Jutie2, 1819. 20 3t. - 1 I? ill l;:x A.

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