- . - ' - " ' ... ..- ...-? . . .-iT, , i i-. r A .!-t f t v ( i. 1 I ! ti tl Any thi ng that jijVith biraf fliabolical, whitbj lowing of banknotes, would wish that j the '' tends to I restore to the people tfa noessioii of Borough! villains should 6 persuaded by argti ' v iheir rPgbtaj "noy tlyngiriat tends u the putt ng mcnt Xb gTvi us our rights. , Let tbr gentle ' " aWn ot il Bon)Ug)i-vilaif8 ; wi tliiiig i.hat men go, 1 hen, and try their peiBUasive puwr ' it..ftti8 tull:rainish the power ot the Uotisella ,'. .and the rest ofllifc Borough crew. 1 shall no; be surprized to hear, t.tat there ers upon a band of robbers in a cave. Let tbein try to persuade "such bund to give up its booty'. No, no Never will this reform tome ia'sN()mfwiiatWft6riflcAbetweeatbelioTyugh-witb the consent of those who live on corriip- fehWs and ,' the Bank teilows.V; he latter tion. Never will it come, while they can cun puyi it tlie former wiil find the means, it employ an army This is a Mettled point, is i he former who are auswrrablotfor the i. Andvtlitui, what we have to iTeterraine M is. amouut of the bank noteft and for the payincnt whether, there be any means of depriving them - b douo. lfjbd- Baroiighuionges' reduce the f the dvidends also, 1 he lower' the value of i of tbeiwer of employing an array. .And 1 interest of Vie debt, ttiougfl in oulv a tnaiDij Itie pater ine ueur 11 is ioi luciuut i ici- book or paper where yoti bare feaany thing i to be referred to,, hereafter. ' LGt every an keeban aetfiunt of what paYtea io bifc-owa neishborbtt.jd remember ail aett . of tyranny, whoever be (he agent fior every lei vi mi" kind will be of u. ' 1 have a great "collection. I reiniiu bere, for the' present, priuci pally, that I may, before 1 leave the eouotry, know wh&t theibauk fellows are doing in kialaud. This, probtuiy, 1 not know lr a cer-v tainty before Jlay mXi, ;aud llieu i--anaM hve to toj a. little to cotHUll a to whit ougui to lows. But, ttie Batik-ltUows may ear , fur themsetveS.y hey may Ie38eu the q canity ol tfifir paper, and thu9 create adtihand m the Borough fellows, .'l'liese hater would throw the , f uiidholders joverbuaid, if they dared. TJiey'dare not, lest the fundhulders should drag tbenr over along with them. It is 'certain that the lundholJei s would lianir on to J he side of tne boat, until their hands were chopped oft'. t-i me nut returu til) 1 have hi) am, decidedly of opinion, that they .always ! degree, 1 mnke my ie.ii, atiil a u utt at o ien , ill employ oii, ami a powerful out; too, as for ihen th ? ga.ne.bejjm But, let ine Uf act loni as tlnrhmk notes svill push current, faeliilJ'iah j.att; let me not So home co .jsouit I do notsav. that a sowinr of" bank notes! uC.git n is the on cli.inces ar oth-r causey I th.i.K that the pretty orks ((r (r(h?rs ttU(J labuUl.erii m asr cuUure but oi wet mains iironwi-ivrs wiium ui-vr ui . , . utl.tl.ttm 80 , j t-., manufacl Uu chance ;(,; 1 think that tlie h"i uiy wo.k here. " i c i i r i b" ! ym ull to remain whore you i trreaf y m favor ol a hi ivv up Troin , 3 3 . ,. . , .. ft ,. , . ' , ! and U't some hHher. 1 hi m a hue eo are, country state to. which ihey have .". . . 1 w , . , , ,. ' . . itit.-'i?, if-V! 'loriiii d tour to the W csu-rii liC K SJ,1T aP;,'n,K' ' i:.,iii.r., A la"-u,ot; theie v,umcs eo-iaiii a .J .,f thi-ir amba-Hsador, to fu4llknl , J . ,Cc(lllt uf y,u countrv. ;fhei witi.. p i iain v li a; ilit pr i:rt ii!iiliiH!5' . oui, .nt .y .oiy ol iuo or six servu a .whole ers: thing. But 1 d . not s-e, why the people are .Mlt ....j, r.r.aruzan-, i. i uoi auys J.ou. to wait to see llr. tu day their pranks I do lt 14 (l farnunz country, liver, la.. eoiSeei- There witl, it jthings should tke this turn, be 'not see, why iff iliio h not to . doe hy e I wu.i n-Mcuhure thrives - But eve, in a UieatHul slmeglo bctwten the partus, wnJ blow li'o.n .the h.vnd- ol tne uppresseu. .ltj.Hs. cats, a removal ' i. ut ao pieaalut a ti?e, ny fiiehds, with the kitig,lJiopej' : ..ounwiil be am using, to be sure, to sre how the T ibn. t h'-.v. jus. aeut homo the to laitlfejii'trf head, shall decide lietem them Mr. Free-1 tyranu will woik auout whb t! thing tisie,I;! 'wy Y" w s Itesidnxne. 'oe volum' te mantle, Rt Bo'Jey, was once waiting am. o. l' around, then. They will be like v. asps tu aj'' '"'y; Iju u-ii.' story ; .and iiey .nil aome busbes to shoot a hate, which ho ix-jtar Lam I. Bft, I do nt see why tl.w erwi;i i nili" l 1 iul'e diasipute tuu drlosioli of . tectedto.ne through a gate. While he! should tint be irampk-il mi at-once.- tt h w-; i;kj 'cit "J"?h w liy ,ro1u,, was waiting, a cat ciwe and seated UeraHf tislactoiy,- at any rate, to view (heir ctc.fu. 'i he 't" i 'V a v , 4 ..... , ..;... i i uird I'art f oulan, the JoucimI' ol aar fmad fi-P"w T r'7 7" . J, oi .lurioi a Tour to the Vcten. f n- canie lUI OUgU, lUC CMC K'aa upon iter, iiu,a uumgui nicu nuana terrible struggle becan. t'recmaii Je siiot and ihrough the chann.1 ' isilUd them both. Such, or very niuch like ii, A nerieun artists to suve them from oar vci s i Will in all likt lihood, . i the fate uf the bo. gi a m t ! rouchmouccrs and tua iiiddtrf lie you assured, that notunijr can save them' neiihborho.d. Tii.-v -im? a -mix-.j oiedlev of You will io the iriara speech aud la the from i he effects of a blow leve.led at them liom arieutiur., .irdehm, p.iiiu. luw and rcli aentpAoera be very regularly amused with the this aide otv the water. Ih-re are all the Lank g ,a : iiu. niey iy-x - la view increase of tti-revenue. No. t, observe. ..'I he note arts hi the height of perfect' on. 1 hey u e jht-Butioh-viliam an-1 :.cn- .eia of i'raod , amuuui ol (he reveiaie that i to say: i!s relu- 'wanting Mi nothing. Any thing can be iuu ' a-id oppreioii iue, hav, t 'fjr'eui" nale in tiVe amount," dej.tnda, uow-a-day, ji r iicipalty taUrt .Cf imv paper, ink: all as om.'"'" eHry ; they tuve pa,Ji.-.-J -iCat etL-et. en -the quantity J paper money .jtoat For J)Kndv a? possible. All that will be wanted, I'y ,,l4V0 ' ver. paruzm of the Bo- . instance, when the quantity is , greet uudpr.e s W b"e wdmens .,f what tlx- tyrants pat for th. : W' J i h ' vnuon ,., the -tram AA,aceru,eWfle8edSlorypo i he -rjia.e r 8 inrfS 0f COU!l(' bank f A.''.ima fo A.- fcarfc Aoh ; though receipt tax ou thie traimactiou ib 5s. (or whatj, t 4 , , iney never ll iuer, anJ v i ulicu reusure, tlie evert may he), but it the borne .ell for fir: "',te13 ttM 5 l',r tl,tse arc 11 I,a,t ut. acTu people nere : .til. .hey have brougM -the.r au . ty puundsU he will wiien .he quanliiyj.f pa . ' S However, measures will be take If t.lL, fri',nJ ship oi thuu,a'oa of men ol peri small, I be lax is perhaps tiity 3. Ihus to obtain all these.- lU'st yu MatlMfl.il, 'that; sre4t wei-l:t ta their aeveVal i.eighbon.oodsj a ' it ran. t hroogliwil the stamp duties : and thus lle business will be done 'in g and btfjle. ; faet not has i.ouorabse to tue' people of Aue it goes uu all the way through ; for, whi n m - - In -answen to a friend, . who ks iuc what ; net than to me. oey itplenty, inre of .tbtiig taxed are 'kept he ouglit to do with money that In in ihe- het no on-? i-xpevt to nr4ke friend here by aoJ used, though the nominal price i higher, fund-, I say, let him turn it into l'oilual! Dmcta vimg w.d abun g K gland. :.Tbe fact So that, if the paper were put forth in quanti- G Id, and keen it in that shaue. He will, is so uu.iuiurui m it II, and amour bo niueh . a a a I.. ... .1?r.. ll.. UltttUul am lt..f cutl ... . I I I .1 t nc bu 5rai iu m.iivc-me uu. ui i.a.rt.. nu'n, iih c read v . money, wiieiiine oi w up for five pound, U. would be ivri easy to col ect t;0m s j-aml he s ill with hi gold purchase an taxes ; but, then, the fuudholdei would gel ou eMjlle (,U1. ie val(J(. of onc lut ,ie Cai I) about a tenth part of-.wbat be n..w gets 5 ,mv fw a,. Wliat wdl sell fur about and all unnuilim vvtrtJld be in ine aine gttii-. . n 1 1 1 r. 1 'I be boaxtnt;, theref.oe. a out the icrfeof tl '! '.". bulS,,t' ",S,ea(J !if V' A m-raite are, iuraeboastuieaabou. the in- il!U'ni killings, and, ol course, land wiM.be crease of the quui.tiiy of the p.iper money. a')mit a furth ol the present nominal price. Tow is the light iu which you ought to view , ' t!e best 1 specula, ion that ever man en Iheui. .tered into. He is .ure to gain cunniiouhly. If indeed, the taxes we paid in g Id and il-j if the blow-up come ; and, in any case. In ter, which ha an intrinsic value, and which, Cau only i,oe' a little i'.i.erest. There is n.. therefore, enuoot be augmented or tliuiiuished ity tor those who keep their money in tin at tie pie. cure of anv man, or body uf men then .he increase "of the revenue would be a proof of au increase in life reuJ rennui ees of the nation ; fur it wouM arise frm an mereuse 111 tlie real poRoeiniyns of wealth. But, the paper is a bubble altogether. It makes every I hint; uncertain. Every- contract Wi de under a sys tem of pnper meney i liable to be violated eve ry hour, by 'hose, m1k bave it in (heir power, to thange the cpiautiiy, and of course, to change the value of ihe paper. 'Laugh, therefore. 1 beseeeh jou. when you fund after this warning. Executors and guardians persist in keeping the property of others in a state of such manifest jeopard). They will plead the Boroughmongfi's sanc tion of 1 heir proceedings ; but I hope that wilt not avail them much. ( . 1 tuiuk it probable !hat, during the very next sessi ir, soiuetjiing will be done, directly or iri(iiiec,tlyi;rAeiiierfSr,Ac Debt. They wiil cnu.li, hwxer. ylt will he the tit mi of a regu ar scne. of lowering. It will b- t ful Skear Jenkmsou aud Harrowby and Vansitiart ! filmcnt of my predictions ; and, it will pull and Castlcrengb pi ating about the increase of down the funds. most d liglnfully. "'it vvill be therevenue, wl.ieh is no oiher (ban uu .ricreasean oiien avowal of the-iiiruacli f the end. It" '- of b is-ii '.i j ui t'ie u , ive,v ihdt all tood uieu luru wilo J i --5 u a t from lU wian wha is gui:ly :if 11, V iieu my .l u 'ricu.i irn uds lauh at me ab ut the uusuidny of Uered tary Miles aud u;Iiee, i tell the, 11 of no oe of iheir j.reUy little irieki mat ure played here, especially in Penn sylvania. F tr iny.pan 1 lo uat know what may becoini neccaaury tu order to chtaiu aud see ire me lio.'iiitfi f B:ig!aud , but, while 1 am uere, 1 will not s.-eui even to agree to ny ihiti j d.Qereut f .tin ,h Coustiiuuou i.t Eiu !auu, iesi 1 suuuid b sus.iecied oi flatters , tii l, letl 1 siiuuid he sup cted of preferring this CuUairv before En ' and. VM COBBETT. Hyde Park, Loiig Ilan !, ad. Jan 18i". this of paper money. Luub at 1'errv and ouler'a confused j'igHU in their coiiiiueutarie. on the! ' hoasings of the Courier Tbty nre hunting about afir reasons ; they fin il n one thai are worth a iliav. ; the Courier fan iy triumphs over tfieirr ; when, all tlie w hile, here aie the reasons as plain as one' nose upon one s face. All matters finance are how nothing at. alt.' T be-w hst e sj stenrT. 1 8 w a yrc TS u jroTTlTcf 1 Tr, a fals'e. i fiuii.'.u.'ent i)ij.er, which no: I i;ig ean av iro.uideslructjiiii. A pp.r, which ha been ihe means of eaus:i g more misery aud p- ' pression In the w in Id than all other ihiigs put together, withiu the lust half ce tnry. Tet- there are men,, w f u prete.td to-be -formers, aud who call me a monster and a fiend i'or pointing out the sure, cerium, easy ai d el Teeiuttl means of ftestroji'.t? ibis iulVri al pa per. The L verpvo .Mercury makts use of ihis - -w ci..fiend. "aiii ? litt s he wish ihe syns. tun fj last, then, thai lie ivoy livupon his ..railing against it ? He bun, tor a lofl lile b' n telling u, that a tyranny prevails in ihe CDLDtry ; that the perple are iiiOiiStrously op prtssei ; and. the moment an tifeclual mode uf ' ret ; stirg oppression, and that, loo, jJt Lout (l,e flhtuit eol bloodshed, is pnHirfd oot, 1; the author of the guiresliou a jiftid.'" 'li e , . tiuih is, that such then do 11.1t, at ho.tdai, iv.sh in) retorni. ' i Ley are mi re party men. 1 hej lo i-grumbl ng aud gabbling but, I they do i-ot wi!i tor anj change that wouid give fair-play la every mctn. ' , Tne srfieme is'tlie touch-stone. .Those who boggle at this, are short of the mark. I hey live th vglit (hey weie, biif. tliey yVere not. v. 'Jr.ey'lurve bten angry villi the. tyranny ; hut they, w-(icn tl.ey 1 ome ,to consUlei , find that it lias many ti.ii.gs that thty would' nit vtill irg Jy part with., i hey cannot, tender soulfc, en dure the idea of a-blowing up f tlie paper riiiwy J Jusi as if any rational ir.au ever ex- - cted a reorm'jw ijhmit such, blowing tip ? How is; it to cuiwe then ? By 1fpen'vr h '1 he coutlkt'i. tud uuern ; more liangi rigs and shootings ut least. Besides, would not open war blow up the paper l If '.Brand, eth had trirclicd to Cot enti y, a pimnil wuuld not, in any part of i.ndahd, bceii-ujorth a bhillinaf. . .1?erbaiS tliGsc gemlemen, who are agaiiist tiie j WhenncTllVaT1meure heiri.s to be talked if, you will hea.no more of Pitt Clubs. Tlff se gangs of marauders will begin to scratch their names trom the list. Bolton Pletcher and the Hampshire Parsons will begin to look sharply about them. Lawyer Gross will have something else to think f than tu tell lie -ImutTtry-IVvr Imry"Yalm7, tlaveimT eye upon every thing rehtins to Bank Voics : for, compared to them, all other things are trifles." ' In conclusion, let ine express to jou my satisfaction, that you have, in your proceed ings, avoided all attacks upon the Ai'ri' and his family. It is not that family who oppress! us. . Cape'ear Navigation Cttiuiiany. jjU lioU A . V lit Ihe p uv:sious ot me iu I uf J l.tcorporaliuii, notice is hereu) given that iuc annual uiccunj; ol ihe .ckho.ilt is of the Cape Kcr Njvtgiiion Compiii). will lie iiuhi at the, Town It tiiic, 111 r'j);Uend, 011 I hursduy the h. st day ot July twin., ui which 1, me Hie atlcu.a,,i ,.i Hi ,1 Mie 1.1s is uiju.rtu, i 1 .oLai or Ly ilt.r u jiUMiiiiuvrs liy oruct' 1 the Pics.ikm aim Directors. ' ' J W JUUiil', Hcaeiuiy. Fayetuvii'tc, Jj.ie 1, 1J19. .it ' Public SfiU On Tuesday the arth day of Juk . 100 LOIS irrf .t. ? . . - ' ti r ra 1 u " OP . , 13LAKKLY. JVarth east-side, of J'edee r.r, xt . ' : . . County, jr. c. ' , a l0W0 is situate, at the be4)1 ftf . . i ble water, below the 0. rl.f ni"ft rows, a portage will tonn a commumcation . " vigable water of Jthe river above M.e Ms , JJ 'H ments. now in operation, will, in a short "K navtttion for boats ot ven lo fifieen 1. 1, T'i XVdtoboroteh to the head of Z SS "u 1 maiieiy 10 me Head of Steam Bn,! on tbJ Pt.jve , by these .mprovemem tt western countriea will be coneentraied at hi tt musi secure to I bat place a permanent S busmen : its local nJvwtage, wiUbe ttm,? mi J .. pvec-uedby those who may visit CV" . I'e. m of W-A credit of 12 .ml rven, purchMew givu.g bonds with a . -Jg- S 1'ILLS. arte t. i.-rk or' pewrtr. I'lii- .iiU ave. made of CUKs.Hvit ' :.li :i'.rlit m:i.d nt -i,t,n, .? .. - " ,v- y iu anv -n ,..11 sutes. Pc-riis at (oine distHtice can j, ,' 7 ,.'t iuVn;'ed if application is made. In-fi-re U,. !' " ' iu tv' ri a'Hi 11 (i: tier :ir . n in v,.n . f cited Wi'.h despatcb. Old. ktUU tail 'be '.hi sum: pbre. 1 t .tnis'ioroah June 2, 1819 y S. Hor.tJ, :..- v"c ,,n:,,Jttrae assort, ot spring, taticy aU Uile bhuV .... rtidei j-iit receivcl. are auDi-rfi.il,i.. ". pjics Nankeen, V.st'.ns, (..r,K-aiiw litl K.,b s ti.4 d.lto Cair-m Cr.pcs l-.t.. Sl.awl, S.: l S ate and UrowiiLiniie ns. ft I V ii j. PaijMiK It 1 1.,.. 1. 1. , ,1"cl s. Parasuls, H HiibaaetU. tbecks.Camb-iri, Z isltientu men's tiKiVfs arp,..l ,,,.. u . . ,. r. 1 , .v-.j wi ii' inc. Mi 1 , Umals. S:.--ini t iUini 1.I11M nru , , -.wu.iii mtii ojc b, Mrtruware riri.i I nt' alfg-- HMorriae.il' of Larhesand (i.v.,lemen'4 fi J 0-5e Slioes, Elegant t,lgs ware, fiwand I'o.r I l and Brown Suar. lVa and Coff-e, hr.01 CU!ll hi tlM'inA Si-, .r ... .. ... u,ari1. in uinit. .,11. 1 "rtn on,, ,1. Is, Iravtll iil' Tro.ik.. &c fc Wav 2'J. 1819. ,n j.n.tli'j Ice-Creains, if AN be bail at tlie house of th il;L V " Monday, the irih nut. ami .-verv J..' fo ing, f.vinien o'clock .11 the morii.ne till tun in .6 on , ..I .. I... .1. .... " I "T' .5 ,aw ct le uu.iticl u pitund. KaleiRh Mky, 13.J, 1819. SL'sANNA S( l!At', Wnnteil- WO' JOURNEYMEN-, Cll aequaijli with tbe Siage or Was-ou makiiii; hi nii, wbo wilk meet witli liberal yajjts-and consi; j i'twiiiciii. 11. w vi.i 1, a t Kalf.gh, April 7, mo. 12 if "HHE celebrated and uneqtialfeA RAC1 I HOUSE, 27.tffJl0.V. will stanJit. tHi'i, SMson at the subsct-iber's stable, 3 inilts iionl otiai'i i iU.Hi. -he tentl-i. blood and nt-rtorinii.ri w 3 .1.. . . ' - Dtiaii' Known in due tun;. KOB'T U. JOHNSUN. De'rfniber 'f . " ' 81 it' 31i AV INu ttikca . a tinuv i ear tlie Acade my, is Willing t'jftcene iulj Ler launly as 04.d:rs tew klua.. n.U mtin. It .U itf li; jou 8, .019 213 y. Cape Feta- JSuYialiun Coitipaiy. J lLUa U-VN 1. to ibe ju ov4siMt..i -t H nti iL 'ler, notice tiereb) gnen, Unit ilu ai.Uits i.I .-Ufli oi tlie -'I'tckitctdtiSu, ili.ss: i'r.i.,iij a hav. 'alp, iiiaiaLb.'jiu due and unpaid U,t icon, w il be si A t pnlilc auction fjctovclbs'Tuwn Hv.us. in Fau-tt v'.lle on M i -d y tiie T'ii d.y ot June ii' xt u 9 o'clock Al. 'aiit' sac, i del . i q.icitts r. noi.ccd that ,f'su( !i .safes ball nut p.uiace be lull hu.n lit rc'.ofore otdt ud and du'ecttd t;. be atlv til.c-a otit'.ieir n&p -cUXk .vliar.b7 w.'liii.: uS. and in;leiaal cii.-rges. I'l'e Piv-s.dcnt ai.n'l D.reclora, i.iv audiorised by.Ftii.- chai'ter ot tlie company, to nue aiW. recover vbe balance. Uy inut.oir in a'liy cwitrt ...t ''cmnpt tcin juristi.r.i.oii, on ten d..,;; urevioi.s'r.otice. ami ilu i 1 will (eel ihen. selves bound to n. force the nroviioni o The immense sums placed to tlioir a-conn!. tney do not receive. 1 licsi- sums arc. lor tin;' ib-j ciiaitir m "me.r b.I,aii far greater part, actually taken awsv l,v the Vji ?rit'r ftle-,reHU!ii and Dir.cois. HEN KY UliANSON, J'rcsidait. Uorougli . umbers, ' though they rr t?'rnfed toP- W...,, 'ne.xpyai laroiiy. .JUet us ue cautlous.lMiw We -Under . authomv 'of me .iVesld.nr an,i iw,. talk allntt changes hi tliourm of govrrntnrnt. I the sale ot stock above ni, ntijbiKd is pos.jTjTiclTTu I know much mnfe. about this matter than' m obJ tIiiJ uu",ul' "tet ucl.nqu.nt. I. 1F feO IIUllVVl :-' 3 V. &.VXim St c'rtiaf you can Jiti tw. My dtxiiled piriio.n that we o;ig!;t to stick to our single object : a re form if the people's Ilmse of Parliament. Lrt us have th;it j that is all we need ; and that we will have. If you hear of banknotes beine introduced from America, say nothing' about the matter,,- Keep quiet, and let the thins; work. You'-can never do any good by a premulure bustle. Let I lungs g; on a little, and, if a crisis arrive al way.i be ijri your guard ugitingt those" who re commend -.violent, measures j for then will be th lime for you to be more tool and patient thn ever Take n'o vengeance in our ovvu bands, when audi a lime arrives ; leave the guilty to the taw of the land ; which 1 warrant willovertake them noon enough. Do nothing unlawful in any cae. lie linn, be considerate, but, at the game tim, resolute y and. the kitig arid people will be safe j and all but tbe ty rants a'.'dtlieirmoola will have cause lo rejoice, 'lu 11 ft meanwhile let every man make his Wff-' morandum us i Wt of tyranny ty whomoever commuted. Keep all - pampblela and para grapu!hat come into your" bands about any tucli.- .If you do nothipg more, note dowp the Ta ke No t Leer A JNY perso.i wishins tu.,buy LAXUSeti I sL Cape Fear river iu the neisLiorliood ol ravctteville, can be accom-.TipJa.ed u!i a.u qtiaiitit) not exjetdin SyJ acres, ov applying to the s'ubs'rr.be: living o'n said, nver tight niiitB above the town.,, 0. ,lhe preonses are two Saw Mills, D.vtll.u.; and otir.ou .hbuea, several ,lai.taiioiis, &c. The b.nds 'hc4rad verlised lie on botti side of the rivvr wiibin the nnlc ifaix and eight of Fjyettevillu j Also, one halt ci . .Lot in the town of Faytttevilie, fi-.ji.tn.g ir. J. Win. lo'a d jvclbng i.oue and jv.iim Mr. p. r.Til1riHlu.si,s rii.ise Lands ate atUi.dcd w.tli several other adva'i.t iajjesjoo tedioui to mention ; however, 1 deem it unn ce iai-y, as p'm-clr, i-s wotild prefer tbeti: own'jnd-gni.!ii to .any di script urn 1 could give than respeclme; tli . same, tbei-ufoiv J invite, them to come tbrward, eia n me Ihe Land ami jud,je for themselves. Terms of pa ment wiil be nude easy to 'purchaser,. , -r---- ' . KATH.VN KIG. ' April' 1.1819. . . ' ... 12-3in: Tti Journeymen Taylors. Ij or three good Journeyman Taylois ' i. will meet with constaut eiujdbjment an'" liberal Waes by applying to, " ..' ., . ' ' ' . T. TliOM renN', &Co. SO til on Is trv in 2il if ti lrl t tiA linn .-s . C; , "full ' I A vl)i I !n setkon at ,f v s- l.'-Jn iUa- ,vil,e enmity, live mile n; t;: . f itm-. :n l i vermis ai,t-,-M Kr, illit- 'Inch e-au be divharj. d by.. t ... . oUtO- ilu H i' i.i tlie 4ea-.ii. Maiva r., -tltta ur iiji.ce on uroporiib i -.: sn: I'ar.to t!,e Kioom in evert .s ' ,- tIAUr o! Hie !un. is .:nest hirseseve; . ... '. Ifis olo J unacceptianaMe : a. ; imA tap best racer ever r a se.l in . J. -Iiipe- anl ptrfor. nances at twe a.t . itite printed at UaleiU. x. h'y H.'lSl'. INotce. rlB pnhjic &n.iulin" t' xf a L'rfiidetit a'jl Il,r;c : it. y.Mav gaiion ComnaiW. as . ' Va J is considered by riiy co- , , atiJeJi elore Void, anil thU.ni ; melie persons regulirl a. ' I ,)eri,ar,e thei-efoi" cituiionV'U'..,- . .... tracn- arrangemenis Jclaiiv, Saidjiip:t!iy with, the gyul'pe l).i l , iiTitd tiie.r coiTSpetenc, ea:a llt by the coltrti of law v i.iot c nnpelled to apply tor's . . rei utiou Xu my mdcieasib. e i k K, Uj!i, May-5, - , " .... : ., , .- ' 'A.tE VUUNTY. . S -5eW V.TiiSi. J. C.Guv vs. Ja n 11 U - ui .ip Y tneiit Lcviid on j'i aciesoi'l.'i,'1, ii Defendant bavins removed ' ' SitTeorW conceals !::tnf If, tli'a.1 e- nan'Octss of T.aui c.:,iinoi b- i.-rved on h If.. I. ; lialiert. Ordered-by the court tiiaf publ,ca,."ii';l'cS I 'it tl$alcig.b Mu.erva, for thrcj montiis, t!it if i1' I 'eiiddSe n ifcoiUe forward ot or be.'vie t,'s; TerWHiis Cv.tn t, wlticli w:!l be heiJ . o"."' . il juln RabVh, on. the tlurd lond..y uf-Au.ti r-J" I'battilim-raiir.ai y rH be-iiad against him ' 1 .iro.hr L.;v.cd on. condemned U piit.n's rc'f'' t, . : : -'... B S.'EIXG,CI' - i 1 " .. r " e'sf iil t :i' .-,! i., sr -Ail -..If., tls -' ;;'. ,i "t"' T 'I' .i . . OV S. C AU0L1.VA, Court of Pleat , cou.Mtr- y .sessions. -""j , j . iiiu" . WnUl vs. Jaines Uaylesi-Oi igin-1 AtU'.j 'n' ' on acres ol land. . , (E defendant having reawed cut oi liHle or an conceals himself, I hat 'je r. 1 u rocess of law caiihit be served on hmi; it -V -.nOrdtrell. by the Court r-that publ.cat, "' t iKaloigli Minerva, .for three nrnt!i. tr'"it,,. f.knLi'oes nqt come forward on r M1-", ".. i-iife this Court, which will , be tieid ' "' ' 'mb U-deigh, on the inrd- Mondav in A-i,'' . U . latfiement final will-be had H-,-olirrevied on.couJcmnedta the plain"-1 iK . 0.