-1 : mm X.J! -' r FU1DAY, JULY 33, 1819. --r -spy-.. :,.T i -H---r-;----r- M- ---cc.;;;;.; T ' 1TALEIGH,(N.C.) "ynlNTID, WEEKLT, DY HARVEY AHD CASSO, JCDITkD BY A. LUCS. ftrmt of Subtcriptlon t Three dollars per year, one half eer tirvn three mouths after a year's subscription be ,,,ics elite, mid notice thereof hill luve beenfciwn. Ifr'rttssmentt, not exceeding 14 lines, are inserted ' tlirite tor oie dollar ; for twenty-five cents each sub sequent. inserCon : and in like proportion where there is a peuter number of lines than fourteen. The cash jm:?t acebmpun those , from persons unknown to the e:lit.)i". ' rVN'o Mihscription can i,i ;my cae be received w Uliout '.vmeiit of at leist S1 advance; and no d.-con-j 'timfsaee-witlKMit payment, or arrears, ur.uis at tiie optica pf the editor. vex&tioui, costs to be granted to bita shall appear that the prisoner any of hit debts fraudulently without baring any reasonable or probable expectation or pay ing the same, the Court sball extend the term of confinement from nix months to a period not exceeding three yearsand in case the prison er shall have put any of his creditors to unne cessary expense by vexatious or frivolous de fence to any nation, then his couiinenent mar ue extended to a period not exect'ding lively biia, BaJ if it probably wootd be very generally applicable to .thing, wan' not tr knowledge a febiswiniw bat contracted, use. To malbematicians, engineers, and othen, let-, and Joseph Bonaparte' minister w h? r to disclose iheir method, on coDdition that they ue remunerated in a respectable manner. livEiirooL, MA,l 31, , On Sunday, the 2d instarji a; venerable minis ter nf ttie establishment in Derbyshire, walked twnuy-four miles, did liis dutv otlhree.i?hu'rch- mmilllA! Of if llA hhnll IiAVA f'rM iwt'tlivtv n fl .1 1 ltf- iV rll t! ini rr a , or a nA it aa A It tn Fnn m t i m AO vviifullj oniitled in his chedu!u elects to lli Le uisb baptised an infant,' and churched the :froimiG i HAC T Ui'' 1 tlU f'iV i.NsULVmV V BILL. The new.Insolrent Debtor's Iiill authorises ujo(hcr. pubtjhtd the hand of one couple, mar- rif: unot.'tfr, and interred a corpse ! lie use ien!y years ol'ng. , amount of Uo, then In ';all not be discharged under a pei itd 'not exec; r'ii.r a .nf.:!i. There are provisiunn t'tr ixann.ivtions at t!ie Quarter Settstnns of Counties and binding-! in lurtiit ranee f this Aci : tl.eMti!;iirati to ti A Extract of g luter from Italy, dated tie iOtk mil the iiroeeediiHjs li tliii Court. j . .Jrt.'. " The Court, upon t plication by tl.rce foswl'is The concourse of slrcireurs at Uomo.is said of the creditor in int.i ! r nod value, may or to be beyond precedent. Maay cor jeetrrct) 113 however, it -would present manv advantages; acknovtledceii as snek. hin.. au. 1. ,1. and it shomld ae known 'that toth have offered thing in Mexico. ' ? : , - On the aforesaid 8ib day of Feb. Mr. Man fon addressed a letter to Don Louis in behalf of the 'prisoners. ' r v On the J3th of the same nonth Pod Louis an-', iwered, (bat ho, would transmit the application to the viceroy ot Mexico wiih a rtquea (hat be notild exert his Jtutbority to csuse the A therjean citizens toe liberated, provided no ufiiiyent causo'of dtteut.'on appeared against themr . -f ' . - - .. ,tn the S9th Deembcr following, nothing having been, heard in'le meantime in favour of the p.isoneis, Mr. fe'cbtt delegate, in eongrest Irrni the .Missouri If rritoiy addreieed Mr. Adam, Sitrertify of State, a forma! Dote in their behnlf. ; , ln the ytfi Jan. foiowinc f 1818 Mr. Adam. 1 .1 .... 1 ... : 1 . . 1 1 . r .1 . . . . . 1 . ... . . . . if it itjm hit ill., it I'liitiiiH u i.ihi'iiurifii . 1 ilm 'r'i.fkii.riir.. r ru.vi ... .r... I. . ..... , ........ t . la. l M i.n. a. '.h w . . . . 7 . . . " v lt ti Ic"kf rtoj t ' .c wlf,!r !,r idtd thnt u:!i priouer 'ui; v thvngb balf iri- tobin tb pc's Lnia de'OniJ nftti a request in the name of f ,h pjef ,f InsolveiifDe6tor6- . it Min"t huTtf.KH.tracted a; v tf liie .di.Ui trauduleat-j-aBchim to the-divorce of Alalia '4mmml tmn'the rrtsideut otLc.,kJnitel States, that the ci. ?obei Court of Record. Ti e Connuiioners; .... r . , W'deon ; and the matriSe of the king of! it ntigbt he reused, aB(l furni.bed ith t ireto itmoint a CHief Clerk, four aiat! , J1'0 ckfCC ! oer, judgment , rruantcmpliKcd.- ; aufe eouduet ;Co return to tbcr homes." ; i ru u i ill v i;r- in sunr-iiui' t . . i 1 i lie iali dou.uui liTiiiii. H 11 u ana thai t IjierKU nl)U tt A lift laiuilflvt lUDeiiinvc i;hhj puuii n . I' ! I 11 . ,1 ril ' - , .? . .. Courts uiid m caso Ltd debts ahull not exeeed j red up fur j . .: have notver 0 tnm u uie nuraniancc 01 wu- ,j , . , ..hi 1 - - , . (400, tlicu Hie iiitlif iiKiit shall be cute ....no. Ilm nrniitli inn lit lillllk". ii;nni and . .in ' 1 ' a less sum, il a petition to thnt ellect ""'"W c frn rS ! r mJ ' irf'.'..d to the Court by three fourths well an of iiutug tueir olhceralomcshgeuceur f ;;,;d Q.. trJ,,i0(9. ... tloincsttc. hall be iu uuin-; hud liot jreceind information of'tbeect of his application to the viceroy of Aiexieo, made' lSih ttbj iHlT. That he had" on that da ( 121k 1 t? n . , - , . . . . . .. . . , . mi w. . . ..w uuii ui. nidi uai I Iin inr, .Ti.ui.5ifl. ',HAI.I7. .' i 11 i . There are :he men, u..i pirt.euUrlv scirn- .." 'viceroy, auit.bg tt,' tiSineu ivllo -p. - bate the niins jrcnerallv ,,,m Ultl 0 tc 01 Amvricau citizens ii prevat, that sunt exeei an Unknown S0,u" '? ?Uflta ee inS Pr"3 :an! 81ml'V corty- !., ..i-!-:...., . i.-.: 1. .... userciul.it was hoped tLathe.ihe icero.euld ':iaiuui ui , , , " " v i..i lihii iiiintr i i mi imiuia i . , . . . .. . . , ' . tny pa.tof n C!lS 0t a,!'P?r,,uu ,,'"SeJ ball come ;cMehUl ;or jj,. -n,e niimJrc, lf,slsiice9 immediately give orders lor their release. ; r r other du- " P0ess'-." ol any atockia the public uad, pJer b, raB.ls,d , iU jr, cve. On tbo 16th A, nl 1818, the ease of the prK ouieau anu uq Aikdtosap an la Feci Htpresenta- . of ihosu who ucv. r suv the power practised, a y -'""' eaii.i.fi lor iitioMuation on couvictiuif of it? i-uth ,'msc 0,,Jec!? ; at'(l ,runl ,lje department of A.uongflia.-iyoth.n Stances capaMef proof, lla,e w?s ' ''';catcd the letters and doeu I -will relate furiosi.,-.; mcnls rUic stated. . laJalr.TstS. the writer w, eotrased in re- lNo P;;,.',u'.ar B''ure was adopted in Con. i.L' with b , ., -.. . . , . the Assignties muy uj.ply to the Court setting pJe ; , , rv , ' ttlririv irw,,m i(r ' 1(i .Muo, robbed by the hpau.ards on the torlb the case, and the Court may remand the 4re ...... 0 ' . Hni. lirilll:lv. ia 1817, and corned prisoners to debtor into custody, in tue actual goal, uul ruies n.,,rut i tt.,,, ;,, i,.,- ,!,, i :, ... ,i w-n brought before the iljuse i of 7 'rf' n r-iver-j i. i1 1'i'itoners lio shall take a false oath to iu Ihe sa;d Commissioners, Chief Clerk and ir ,, .,,,;- ... ., itlipp fiHippra fn I n k i no t ip. mnripv. f'rntnitv nr . . . rctvurd, Irom any sunor; nor snail flie proceedings bo liublo to stamp or othei fv wnatsocverr Any persuu in custody for debt ii days may apply for their discharge. The petition to con- n r A 1 , I , , I ,1 a ft lliAiK.ltilfl a a . I I e a n tl A I I tUIII n BII1CI1IIII7 UI llllill UCVlBf 11CII ttl UI Ull I'l .I I 1 II. "T iv 1 I - . Ill HUH 1ICS, Ulltll fIC 31IUII 9UI i cuuci BU Ull IUI.U i. tic euccH, real and persoDul, in po.4i4C8ioD, re- j ... . i- , . , ' . 1 I . i I . . iMoae out Attoruiei or bolicitors in the supe- verslon, or expectancy : and ol all debts owin' , , , ., , . . . ., . . to them ' a nor Courts d ba allowed to act iu this court. . ' , hi t . The suui oi' t'nee s'iiliiu:;, and no more to be In case any person shall have been i.t custo. , f , t . .u , ' r P ... paid for the lascrliou of notices in the new. fly ou mesne process for nine muntnp, without ' ... , ... . . f n, v.- Aml , ... papers. 1 he names oi pcrsous discharged to c aiming the benefit of thu Act or shall have f 1 , , . ,l - - III- I 'l ill lit!" Il l I I IP. 1 II Hi n ' , in the year, . . .i . iv ui" ! uo iCfrciuivi. hi uiicicu ai any iiuir. pounds, or ot any two to the a- .... 1 .... . J ... . i... i : : a .. ... :.i , iu I'l'ij ur iiciiiiun iu iiic saiu been cliarced in execution upon n judgment it , n i . i?...i.... i- . iJ. s. .t. . - t continue tin tmttii ue lawiui tor any one crcaiiur in uie a mou.it of mount of ' butl Jlaif 29.-11 is wrvh pleasure we are surveying a traet of 1 iml. In dm mi'irniu. fiiVr k. i.l' J the biouth of Aovea.ber lollowlns, Mr. the wood U the- cont- r at which he was kcott, ikSMe in congress 1. on. the Aisturi' ,!t.i,con.mccc, (all walkinr) he observed a li'truory, a.eu 10 me cccrciarj ot aiale lor enabled ,iir nJilcL , eul 1U .., offt ,0,, the urtber intel igcce which h,, department uii iu wie saiu , , . a.., ., .. niigc ui4v& iciiicui 1'itiu: oil wiu ton oi a loir, . . ., . to state uporfctlie authoruy ol private .letters ,,,.!, i .. 7 i - . . i .i miel compelled to ,. . . . . , J. 1 -"""."ittiucli lot; litnl a burnt cavity underneath, in " .i if t. Ifom Liverpool, that trade is once more rcviv- , y .'...., r . i . ,i. . - ot a the benent ot . , , . wbien nt a l.are or raoluli Uio serpent was , . . iii m that commercial town. Cotton is on the' 1... . ., 'raJ,f . ,r:..,4 ... -Junt rms dnd con- ? ,, . ,. ... . . . . . Ciookei!, or redtner cranipetf up; i Hint every , Court, and such prisoner shall he surrender his ir her property for the nil the creditors; auu the same torms ititiou shall luutary appl ion shall refuse their effect! Irk 5 m nPIIin tlia r in t , tx nmmkik nnfll - O far I Hi nriOiiil i lju nniiiui ioIi.i-ii.I nr::..t.. of correction, thereto be kept at hard. labor, i-ri ' .v.v..s il3tu .. . . . . . . ' finw li.li.fl . until ne shall submit hiuiselt to said-Court. ...... . .. ... . the All freehold (erisnal parel Vincial ach of the prisoner. . . , . by the bank. It was rtdd a Grst ie aud order-:bttiiK Ui or offeur. unU he L-ft the ste-tt. W e i'"H" i"-"""" .-v...a - -- --- Cll l(J jt, reaij tt seeoinj itn.e on v eajesuay next ght cuiilain. !lo received fro in him the copy u letter J'rom Don Luns tic Oni, dated 26ih tine 18SJcoveriiig the copv of another from p;t;.y to view them. c ",usl -xiiiou woiim oo live fut. hut neither G,v,lM' V ;'.' compatible with the laws and ed or sccmHto m..0.1 vemgu. ewf. - tha Spanish n.!ii.tir, u uniilili I in: and twelve month ..- ..i. i ui-.. .l,.l!lu.Mii. in mi t t.Lci v-tl i ttK nr i! " ' k . . , i - serted in the London Gazette, and two other , " ' . K v ...,! ' " " "T. . .... fc,1,CK',"e vicerey rtpntteca sajs uiainecau gn- Hsnaners, and shall appoint u day for the ' . " " . ' 'f uuie ci.-. ..s ,o u... , .. c ... en orders for immediate enquiry and the most xuispapers, anu stia i apuoiiii u uUjr loi i glue. , snovei:ieiit r-juitd t heia, nod loud talking did i,,.,,, u .M-Hinn whicl t the laws and orders of iTsilni.ru in Hiit.pnr hptiir iino ol ihe said Com ., r o..i-. f : i .... lavornuie uevision w men ioe mws nuu uiucn ut "V". 1 - ., . - . n:e luuriu iu- iuii irum mc uciru vuinuiiv,ni)! C4U,C ,,,1,,, ih'xhii, me sr.aKe ns , -u .. fc; ..nn,i n,jmi 0f Now Sunt! taissiODcn, withia ouC calendar month, to prove B,. y,,..,,, i1114 1P4Ml nnif...l l, orJ.-r of .. ..... . . .. ,i ,lie r1"1"11 K,rS would aumuoi. iow oani .... . . . v tuetr respective debts, and to cnoose uu Assig nee or Assignees 5. anil there is" a proi ision lor verifying the debts' of crcditori at a ciUlauc r abroad. The Assignee or Asigiiw'"s, clio-ien-by the majority, iu .value of the tuMlitors, shall, kce"p hooka, otTh"e7i.8!ters nceivi-d., to wuicb ail ttie ereuitoitf snan ildve i.e access. lfjcut lrt.e fr(tm .ao apricot had '"o' . The Commissioners to he authurised tcoui-. ,,.. , ...i .,,.,, ,. ...,;,.!, rptsin in u'V't 1 Del witheiscs, to attend to prove orflfcroye ",., riim:.,,' lllt,t. three tiit.e that ihiih- 4ebt, aiid examine thtMii on oat Ti, uiid all. iv or . 1 ? disallow, cUiuis not satHlactoniy proven : an A nj,. y.ileauo has recent! y 'made iu opiiear l.t 'Vnt-t v. cathcr. J in y boMCVcf iu tiii lc a H. 8peal lo be from ihe decision I one Commib-' ; u lu iicaftfii 01 0.0.1; a iilJb-e .u till u.e Uay, li tcinm- :;i 3 r;.n: IVun tl:C f . .. I I. .t...lj I. .. 11. ,',.l..r . ... '-J " . . , . . EJLZJJJ2 ht it;ci down ui tumi ;i iniuft tne sume. jua m eisi? u ikchui ana ,r,...., .!... t.i i, ascended to u cousii, sumattt of tha uiouulaiu,- ttid-iuasie ot stou hastened to the. spot. uddr.srt- thvm r.i lni were luuicl m a tveal (iisUnec. Un the toi . . -.it 1 i .iiiciTi'iwiiiiiinii'u.'.'ii.."...'. . v. .. . tee on ttie r iitnuce has been pointed by or.hr ol h,jacj Uen illS chlS1IU Was itiMautly ut an end. y : b ci h t u .1 , t 1 Injles from St. Loiiir, the Louse of Cu.iia.ons.. ll.is relate" excu-j the c-ui.try a pruii ic btHveen, and llTirty dayi sively to thu ord-.aaue.e department, and ues, ; From the Store House of Old Tunes. - - r h fr tlile to arrive at home if that the estimate lur the preseat year, a com-j A fclebn.teii fiivi::e ot luutK u-iinnry, , 4,tl fr0ll1 uond?fte,.. Yet they hve not lm,cu "'4 u' 'olo "'""orcasi.jtiaily nt;;!e a viry good u.s-ity iip"t-C(jn,P,ntr been heard of; and a treaty or .2mi- ot expense to the amouat ol ,t. 8. v.,ids. ii-.v. ut i.is ii.itn.iest vtus- t!.s- lolmv..-,, i- ...t h..twn their'cl'mitrv and tAeiroiJ- A g.utlemati at Colltiigrum has lulm.g.irden , . , , v.iRvhtiAib tvllhnnt rttntniiiiiur one word in nutf ui iihiI 1- r o ' " - - u . dwelling Ikjum-- titvie a fciat'h,.gntioit of their fate i i ti 1 t ,,i 1 ir Ii L i i t ii t . 1 fiiti-Mi t 1 ' f i 4 f ill ltv- Jlliiv mi i ui n iiji'k i.iij .j,i fi i til.' sih i Ih.Ui tu iU! tip aiid r 1 r i;;.s-:ib: . ihe tinio hps when tie citizscs of a Repub lic cMnmanded tLe Vtspett ol ibworld : when t!.' crj, J.r;ni rt Low an cjMzen, wcu.ld butst ihe I't iurs cf the bcuadslay. the hand oflba txcttiiiriiir, ni,d imTp rl.t Kirg of the earlli neglect lo prove his debt, be shull fureycr he de barred from .recovering the same. . ' 2 The one Commissioner u bo shall have to ex amine the schedule, aad the tiulhof the state- tiieuls therein as well ue tbo inatmer in Which ear I .juaKe. .1 he i.ue. e,t part .ol it, a:. tli.y w, c.WU., aI.ST. . Llt( aAVitH of Home ii derail heigUl .aie the llllU wade ouf. Our divine .....1 iheniuial . ' jn, erjc, .n cHtzms. ,t iZed, bound, fet tam.u.iJ mascot stou Lasted to the, spot, ucldretd -thvm R-i I'll- lctr,f(i a,:,l treated a tios, iu vain in. ,vas observed iu iLe lows : ufiitltuteii, 1 h'.uc lout; g.i' n 'x!.rt iiiv; you to mend ymtr ways, ami .,m .( et i:it lowing day a lai tc opening IV,.... ... .... I. it... 1 .V .I.i' .an . '. t!.o debt, were contracted, aud if the debtor stria, snieil of sui.hu,." Ureal damage ')''lUit ll" T.1) " tinii'JH( Ihl shall have put his creditors to unnecessary ex- L ,,y.au.L!u,CJ iuU, u,. hiatkr.-Bislun LutauCCorC. y. pense hy vexaiious'tr irnoious uejem-e, u.c. . . . 1.,. w.ie lo.l. TL date of ibis such Commissiouer shall report ibesaino to the tye(ll Cotfclll,toul;s Mila lUut 0f 'u,e Ju d;8as- Fuo:i TIiE .LOfisQCinEa. Court. !,....:.. :;t. . " "-"" I Jiitiercau Citizens in Utelfuvzt'Ui. tj viiiti 1 10 in : 1 n. - n : a., 'rt... 11 ..,..1 ,. X (IU 1 1 11 V ISl.llI U I illi:ucc3 uiiaii u.i.n . v . - .. . , , .1 . 1 1 ,1 ..II...' i cry rc nai nuuio Hicicui nnj s;cu m .uci' to ihe Assicneesr e!:use.i) bv tht: ctcdi.ofs ull the ! , '.,T . . . r . . , , , . , , 1 lv . 1. 1 " ri . a deeu 011 CuUt'Suuy Iho aih uai. at aout hair istate aad etiects 0.1 tbo pnsoaer.f 1 he Assjg--, ,. , . .. ' ,, ,- , , nn.t 4 1 11 I 1 1 1. f 1.1 . .i.j.fTl . LI u:.iiii.r.'il i: t l.t.Ht.! U. . I ,1 .... V,.- ... v.. vv. w. u . e the spirit of their co,untn . Letters are wji!:'eti f;i,tn u Secretary l- an An bafiuilor, "they hiiic t!a l- i ot:t 1,0 Mtbscribe tkcmxelrea; I villi j;ifr.t toi;i'!tri.lioi!, each otluis humble :!'fcivan'is. in the. mean tin c liars roll awnj, I tl e e'aj tin s j :i:'e ii. dungeons, tii.d a treaty of . u liKiidship s.qnt'1. -xi ith"tl-c ptiver which de 2't.. L'ilieycar lt-sTUobtit .iHUigui, Jai. 'prTvt'th- n of lifch. Ami by Wbrm is this. Laird, tier j -shreeve, All'rcU Allew, .Uiebaci ,icrc rJ'.cuii.-Aiiu rietui .citizen,, read by -whum. M'l)ou.a)i,. Suial- CHiimbe"rs,. Wiltiaai "in.es, 1 in tl;e follow ipg aeceunt 01 . !r. .fie Mkn anil l'cter baiiu 'i l'iouias Coo-ks anu ; - Malik,' 'Cheud t.ii'' Heutment ut ?nta Fee in 1817: . a 1 . .1 s'. j.i-.ii 1. t'S niir-niiiiH,; hv l.ii! vrt-u i urs id uc litiLiiui vA u sue for, and recover the debts &,c. Aud lil1uai'; u ."edr,'.i1s lIeSfee9 v1,l':3.'he 1or"1 eu.s ot t!.c Ciiled Slates set out from St. ' On the firs', of June we were conducted into there is a clause toVlIi-.e the debtor iu execute u buU -.;ib a -suort lull, daruug tXoi, with ui udvcatuio- ol ia4.ra.uud:zo"tfSuUta i' ee. i was lir.t introduced to the Gov, diicharg,. ..Tytiill iai.k aalcof, li --'i ,V - - l:"""iefl,! WUi ""'"lu.u,r 5ta Fee. Vi he urucl e.u,i,tt d 01 ii-ht aa.S : ernor w ho it quired in a very ai grj manner why. the ittect, upon due notice iu the Gazette. cud'tlcf tfif Uii'l' Mufa ""Slil ;liSsL," ; valuable pwdi.1fiuas..wlicii- wo"ld be tTi'y'cf; 1 LaTn'ot cbeiedTlm whVn'ortered 16 go ottt ti.-o iicWkp-mers, cxf. j .Mtdthe Ansitjuc-n, a l -the btf " lu-uui .ivc an-utes Leri truJ ( tt.,d yi.cM a sfcut proL't, us bt s'atita'i to the Spanish domain ? i replied Ibat his or, . . .... . .. .. :. -i .: . .1' !... 11 wa., uLscrveu. tt exutoued with u.cotisidrabitt-. ' 1 t . r. ...... ' ,...-:. 1 1 -M e..;vt .. iliai ;u 01 tune (iioin us, M.tiii ttii.ik. u juai utviueuu , ' ' - . - .- .i'te itity 11:11 ct sjuuu hbikii arucariiiu ouiii utrs hhc :,cjtu muii oof...v,..... -i e.il funds that shall liuve,conre it.to their i"" ttl;" u 7V " . 7La Vera Cr.z to" the eitv ol Mexico, aud hence! were taken .011. the, American territory wiiere bauds. .Mortgages mauV prior to the tilling ol uined the ior.u oi a smal; white eiuuui .j. ou rouie8" ibout 13U imics to Sauta.Fee;.jur governor had-givcu us u licenso to go. At the schedule uotiLe ubieel to the Asstguc.es. v1 ue weter w seen 111 wauy paits oi the cuua- ua:1 t'h4t by OQOlflJ-lX(iti rtilt, get what .they this he got into a violent rage, sujing that we . , Where dehors tretcnauts 7u fitate for life, ; iu "f V" ol iw.ntorc, b lutray, the ! .,eajle-0 uemend. Allured bi the prospect of should pay for our own ard our Governor's 15. HvitL nower to -ra.it Te:.ses. the same uow or... to j'oise ol ioe explosion was so loud, that the eat tic; i.ar.dtimi; i.n.iU u!o. ami , it'l,...it tUukiiitr of norauce. usiiic all the time very abusive Ian Power f craut le:.ses, the same 1: be traiisferied lo the Assiguets, Aasig.ite, lo be allowed to compouud v, ah llie debtors uf the prigouer, with the consent of the creditors, iu case Assignees shall not discharge the trust, the Court shall arrest uud commit i hem lo goal, without bail or luuiupnze', uutil ihey uecuuui tor the. proceeds of tUe tstate. Ou the iinal exumiualiou of a prisoner, cre iiituis whose debts have beey allowed may put Viejiiouslo hiin touching the matters iu his ivUtiou, and such other matter's as the Court tt.ull judge to be tit aud proper to inquire iulo. I the-prisoner shall ausiier satifaclorily, ibe Court shall (order, hi, djseharge at the end of six months from the date of his commitment. If the opposition shall be deemed fruvtou, aud tu the field, became teriliedaud bellied '-fpohlicul objeet,,-4tio party set out from Si. LiMJ-lgitage, rVpet-injs. icveral times that he would . , T uia uuhout passports, aw la ihe day lime; FROM THE LOttO O M QUA HI EHLV JOCRNAi. ULOUUti liiUijEU ZUAli COLiiUKV George liidder of'.Morlou, who possesses such ready. aud surprising powers of calculating, is ul piesenl iu( Loudon. t is perhaps not geuei akf kuow n, fihat he asserts the ability ot com tuuuicaliug his method to others, .nd of ena bling them to, perform the same things as him self. Zerah . Colburn baa also made the same statemeulj and fr.om the developemenl of part of his method, there is do doubt it can be done. but wo Bid require uu excellent; memory and passports, and without other arms jhavo 011 r brains blown out ; that wfe were fur- thau lliofu necessary for their defence agaiust Indians. -... - . . ; . They arrived at Sauta Feewere robbed of their properfyaud distributed among dillereat prisoners. . In the year 1813 'Mr. Ilamslead, delegate in congress from tue Missouri, laid their caso be fore the department of state, and demanded the interposition of Ibe American government. -' '"This application seems to have beeu unat tended toby the American government- until the 8th day of February, 1817; possibly be cause in the interim Don Louis. de Ouis, nhosc iutori'ercuco alone would not have availed auy ttiuctf tlut heltad not come aner. us nimse.i, IV lc would .tot haie taken us alive. We were then ironed and rut into seperate dun geons. Af;cr forty four dajs iuiprisajiment we were placed- uelore a court maruai, compos elTirtrTWB who wa the Governor himself. Only onetfthe sixep--peared to have some information, the others not knowing even how lo sign their names. Many questions were askfed us, but more particularly why we had staid so long in the Spanish domi uious ? 1 answered that being on the w aters of the Arkansas, we did not consider ourselves in the dumiuiom of fcpaia, a9'w e had a lieenie to v i i -X

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