? ,-;- ''-v ' V ' Z - ;' - ' '"V'".'. ' :- 77:' -77' j Jul. I. ., . , . . . . .... . UALEiOH,(N;C.) tlie corjWfations ? Cutaajain; wiH they leave tlie w!ioIe fi'M to the United States Bank, that mammoth institution, which was generat. eUin an infraction f the constitution, which FBINTEDj WEEKJ.T, BX HARVEY AND OASSO KDITltO BY A." LUCAS. fermi f Subscription t Three dollars per year, one hal miarht Jl lSsiblv fftlier additional Capital and tobepaidin advance. No paper to be continued Ion- reafe(, strength from the dissolution of OUP eer than three months atier a year s subscription be- o ... . . . a comes due, ami notice thereof .hall have been given. State Corporations, wlliCh slioots its influence JJverfuemcnts, not exceeding 14 lines, are inserted with its branches throughout our Country, and thrice for one doll n- j tor twenty-five cms -ac!i sub- wljc., threatens to overshadow its morals and i-arreaternumberof line than ' fnuriwh. The cash! t8 liberties ? Of has the State K'lJIsUtUre an.Y must accompany tiiose tram persons unknown to tht - fdtor. rt-No subscriptio'i caii in any case he received withoii1 payment of at least SI 50 in advai.i-e; an-! no discon tinuance without pvynai nt i arieavs, unit t at the option of the editor. " T Finance. ' TROM TUB niCIIMOND ENOVIRER. BANKS OF VIRGINIA.. legitimate and constitution il means tf re- si rifting its operations or bauishnia; it alto gether Irom our aiil ? '!'!."' d other re medial project are iviih import ance. t he j are surroittd(! .) ii'fi'u!a t a?l sides. , I h-y arc" not to be hotMeJ ov a si-iv, inv'ed in them, upon the dividends of which wera taken down from their lucre are many widows or orphans, occ. rely ing solely for thir support.'. Arid whereas, from the multiplicity of officers employed in the Parent Bank and some of its branches, and the extravagant salaries allowed to many of them, it would appear as if the bank had been established to provide lucrative offices' for a few individuals, whose unreasonable aa- 'NX own lion, eaeli i'iv. rf i ing bit relation lepnratelv and alone : ifJ iapt. tierce, ot JJovtr. N. . whoeiimtnnd u t ed the VHsel,- and appeared to be a aintt oT ?' judgment and Rood sense, "stated, .)Jiat,"o5-rtiiV " "r 4 my morning, ao. , near qutiu br, b-i ween , 9 and 10 o'clock, bis vessel having very hhta ft i f . L. l. . L i n . ? - i .' . . I. ' dash of the pen. Th.y rcnuiiv tixn-j and"" 4 ""J" " '" ' r-'' !"" ,. , ,i . i , r - 71 ' ; . .,777" i', scenerl intrt-iitVTn au institution, and that nrolnund. thought for their (inclusion. "i?,. . .. , . , . V , . , . . i . tr Uie said cominmee he gtiecial y iulructeu to do not proles to dci.ic tt.Tm at present. Ve, . ,....,:,. ... ,L ,.i,i,L ii.. wis i to hazard no otMiiion ..lishliy upon this' -?.. . ... ,. , , i . i. In nublishin? the resolution of s.indry! ,1 ' " Z "l ' .' : n oeral meetiato bo held in Kiebmand in Jan ahxkhnldm of the Farmers' Bank of Virgi- 7, . "ctl " jl,t"c " ' "V0 ext.i ob.ninin,, headway, and the aweeps havintc beeu i,ecioj- nlly used, he saw the Sea Serpeni, a, lie lathr helievei it In Imvo hpn. u iitn.. inn ... ion . laries, aided .by other circu.nstances already J pa8sit,s very ,,ew, aUfirt lhfoustl , referred to absorb no small portion of the ttnd direetly athwart the b'iw of hrTVrfUl. But.. in giving ins idea ol 1 he uistanee, be pjmled t an object down the wharf, ulucIuintAf opttiion of several afeotjmeo j.lndiig by at Yhe. tmA wai tuijVt " wet b m ,iWn (iid. lie Rrtyti it Wat almost eafm, f.ftTne wtt?trnm$ itmooih. He a the aoimal very distiiietljf and should liavo gujiposed :itn;to be 100 feet or nearly that. He pluii.ly ruw the buDebs, which cotitinutid out of waic'r ome tiwe, with out vuriuliou, and in the satr.e relative dtsiaiico to each other 5 that his head was above water nearly two feet, cf about the tize offi faqrse head, And very much euch shape.4 JU saw hint t again, at a little greater digtaneesooii after," when hn momni was more ranid.' 10 that ha r v-: profit which, if right, should be paid to the stoiiholders. He it t'-jrefare Resolcrd, That a cointn'rttee nt iV. .j:'k-tie,.iiM' vf jen id i osv appointed to draft an addrensto the fetoekhet A .:. ..;.mi,L,i..i tu:,i,,i, ii!.ki , '"'"a1- 11 reni(!iioii 01 ine (diaries 01 me rresi- . -r..s.. s..i.:: ..... .i,.... I dent of the in ' her bxnk and the branches Ki j-;1'"' "Y . n V1 WtMCHBSTTSR, ACQ. r. Uiereof. " mrvJ "Tr FAKIMERS' BANK OF VIltGIMA. 2,1. The tnssios of a bv-law to restrain the' which is lurmslieu us in a piece ptiiili ieu in At amccting 0f hi ndry Stockholders of. the Directorrof the bank and it branekes, in the could not observe him. so- aeurtel j'akt fi'rs' the Winchester paper, signca " Jl Bank lh- pannm of Vii cinia, assembled on amount of tkeir loans to individuals, so that a yet the baoehes, were io be distinctly seen. Hi-? TtcJtr ; the source 110 tlouut otln.i .l. It is ga(unay Jie 3tst July, at the court-house in loan to any individual or co-partnership, shall the waters was three or lour fathoms deeuK made in reply to a "Fair Dealer; who had Winchester, in pursuance of a notice publish- not,. ii any case, exceed 30,ooo dollars. when !M firU saw hi.n, and about half tjmil,; previously bronght out certain charges a p; most j the iicwspa'iers of the place, for th-; pur-i 1 Jiesulved, 'hat said committee be further in- from land. Though what ho sw out of water V the Bank jn a Winchester paper. " J Bank )( ruMHi,jtj, ,, tlt, i,r.riety of a- sri,cl,J to.uige the necessity of the stockhbl- was of dou.iderable length, he is confident hey Director' states that J,-,J. mSurM ct'nlHted to secure the fu- ,,"r '" 6neral meeting remonstrating to the did n t see the whole of the animal, parUeularV "The Bank of the United States, cither '-Uij-"7 t w , 1, , .d in Uir'"f ne Parent 1ft ok ao-l its branches ly bis tail and the parts adjoining. The con-V-from policy or necessity, or both, instead of ,'C ",h ''c " ' 1 ' r i ;' decisive terms against the number r officers ftnsiou he drew iu hit ornid at the time, he' fu.nishii.ty a circulation such as its advocates f ,l" " V n J m! n . a,,d t!,e ttlttriB9 wd 10 many, said, from what he did see, was, that the Ser,i predicted, instead of aidin" the facility of ex e 1P' a" Jl'Pns, jr. appoint- iu their employ, and request au adi-iiuate reduii- p.ut .mu.t be about 10O feet in length. What change between different places, have ; faded in cd Secr:",arJ'- , . ' . lion of salare an! numbers, proportionate 10 he saw was as long as a sloop (then lying "by, .... . . . .... . 'L'l.n n.....i;.u I. 1 mi- nwinnnd. it niic. mi the tiinpo null Pire.unisliLUeesi at lliev at nr.seiit or aliolj' 100 ton 1 In wIiirIi tin nnuitifl. When . votn tnese important particulars, imy nave "u "- - --v - - h- ., . , . ,, , , , r v; .,,r witiidrawn r.erlv the whole -i-non- t r'f their motion, llslvcd, Tliat the number of Stock- exut. he saw. him the last tune, the serpent, and the xvttnurawn neaiiy tne whole ainoti..t ot .tliui , . : . , ., ..w,,, Tli.t thU moinimr vio-s with . ake oe-asmmtil b. hi. mntinn. v..'tsn ' . r ! 1 . .... ' . . Iir.iilij iii'.-ui'iit iii tiTSrtn. nr hv nrniv. ami Iwsmi ITlT'V 2?: e .7ou, t f Stod owned by them heascer- - F and as soon as they get a ballance against t:li,,ed' Hhw names inserted in the mi- them they denmrd spexlo or what is equtva- nutQS ,,rth inect,"S' whereijpouit was ascer- lent. The balanceof trade being against this tain, d tll',, e were thus PreJ.cnt t!ury st"ck' stateenables the northern banks' and brokers, !W-"s. .possessing in the ag?ragate seven to traifif in nnr i.,itpa anrl mut r,.i.funt il. llUlldied and SiXtV-si.X shares to wit : mmU rin n for .hpriv I Henry V. Baker iitf, Thp npfpsattv nf th mn(i.n bonl-a ; ir. Abraham Miller 92, John Miller 5 J, Jacob inffthe branch notes, and the lar?e balances Sawyers GO, Lewis H ijf 37, Ko Directors of the mother bank 10 call u special , ,..yV Robinson, of Uoveralso, one of the pasiij ' general meeung 01 ine siuciiuoiieri , u sieji .?i-:'ig' ytars, aim wno appearea.t g', : which would have heencalculated 10 attract tho h tin intelligent man, and without any dispo t ' public c nti.L'uee towar.U the inSTTliili'Yii7 and sitioti to exaggerate or to excite admiratioa, bare emiueiitly cantrib ired toi:isiire this meet- stated, that he saw the Serpent at the timeaqd in? with eonbilfface and resoeet for thusu who under the' circumstances mentioned bv Cant. ; Daniel CloM "100, admciisler its afTiirs. ll'ierce. ft was almost calm, the vessel havVV' 5), Jacob . Rsmtlced, That however great the causes of ing very little motion- He should jud$e ths) t Gray 33, complaint, on the part of the stockholders in Serpent to be about 100 yards ahead, passing 1I..0 fi...i n. i,r,nM,aa ,.r tt,r tnaiitii. John Irwin 15, Godfrey M tiler S3, Robert reJati.ni t their iutercsts in the iustitutious may slowly in a direction across their bow ; his"-"" uuu 11 vmi inv ui miiviivi-ui s-iivj iciasian u - - ; 1 m c 1 in, exnose them nernliirlv to ntdtd the Baldwin 'it, James Liitic 'Z . Samuel Win- be the eoan K-ucc ol this meetm; m the ability head about two feet, or nearly s, eut of tho , I J " W T - s r t . . .T 1 ... LV. hrnnt of Hiierie dmuntlq! and trit'iis. thtt the "lea executor 20, Jolio Mniis tit Irs lo, u r r" 'armers' B tik to redee-n its paper n.dd water, and as large nearly as a htlf barrel j l - 1 i wnM "V5 compeuw not niy oy n - 11" n wT" ufshi u supK)rtthe credit of (he r inst tut ons, but a vc 1U 7 V; ,? . tf k t( Jh lUF i 5. JHU nalt 1 'J. iU7,abcttLIla PC??'.r V lV' A I. "77, llll !..!. . UIHID'Ll. . i wvR tMmf-tf. ,d "p,-it:r ro a tea" i gi Hon keg, observed, as Jajre a that. His William iitsolvel, By the mealing, that Henry V . opinion was that thVerpent was about 100 certainly not less than 80 as he ex- dlrey Miller, llooert Uiuy, Itiberti pressed - urmteif. :ain TyU'r 10 llobert ''t,e.i, u ine metMing, uiai usury opinion w 1. t V , . n Baker, John Aliller, Daniel Oold, Aurdham'leet lone, m k, t rustee ul the G. ,, 01... T 1 1 11 . . . Miller, Oodfrey Miller, llobert biuy, Iliberti pressed b ile couute'l 19 bunches all I. w of the state iriflir-tinp a iienalfv nti them oaniuel Ilea IO, 1 : it.. 1 tflerict 10. I'l'ter LiUK to ynj sjirtitr. untier tnese circunisiaiiies , , ... , , . Miner, uodirey Miller, uouert Uiuy, what could the bank Ho-? They had only one ij- - 7 1 r 1 , V . Ualdwii, Jaeob Sowers, John Irwin, and John at one t-me above water,. His onioiuu of the a - . Ml:. .,11,. C C......c.. I.'ai.j Aitil.n jit v . I .. . . ..... . . 7 . . . ( . .. ... course to pursue to keep up a steady cur- vvniuiv., vy . V M" Hopkins, Jr. compose the coniimtiee or corres-1 'length of the animal, he iail, w as lonned lioin: tail, making it as moderate as the distresses Cainpbell.fi, James Ueiley 5, r rcdciickKurts pou leoce in pursuance of ilu first resolution looking at him some time, and observing the of the country could hear, and refusu ta do pa- 5 Jnhn Hopkins, Jr. 4. contained in the repin ub.vc recited. jbunebes. .'Hie Serpent'aoon disappeared, he per to any considerable extent." i It was moved anil seconded that a commit- Resolved, That it bu recommended to the Di- said, but wa seen again a little time alter, but "AtBunk Director" further atcn, that the tee of five gentlemen be appointed to consult reetois of the bra.ieh haak iu this place, to at a -greater disia.i. e. and hm motion more ra a'mounUf bills discounted by the hank here upon the adoption of such, measures as in call a meeting of all tho stocklioiawesident pid, when he thought .1 more difficult tofortn (Rirhtnondy does not now exceed its capital ; their 'opinion would most essentially contri- ih,s .eet.ou o the coa.ury ,0 be hefd ... the a correct opinion : the branehe. were now also ht thi: uL t,a oii-nr. i,i;.. I r b,.t, t. -iW. the obiect of this mcetinir. nod Uj,t M0"""1 tb" a?l1 ul leasl Uy ""hs distinctly se-u by him, but not so many counted " -,; . - .. - ; c- - Ufcure ti,e eeueral meeting of the stockholders as before. il-..w is seen a Ihird lie by some rn r 1 1 iron aiiiri. k-.ns ........ - rtitikir tna inui 1 111 1 ni'ir iit'iini-i i'in . . 1 tlMVI OUUIMintll Itml'Ha Til II II II III 1 II A LllO I CirWI ' 1 l-'si --. ..,.. , Dureufbank, has prevented a dividend for the .Messrs. Powell. Hetskell, ia.1l liail TCflf. Iir HhKS. Il II 1W7 ritll il , ill I nvm iu-wiuihsii ohohuv it ,u.turai mn.itir is ..i.tiu.I ., F-- J - . - - uWllVlltl UI'.I,UI'Ih iruui c-i better to be deprived for a short time of a di-: after a short retirement, reported the lollowing Resolved, Thatihe paner containing t!i?p7o- that the protuberances were not owing to the Tidend. to Weather tlip stnim of rmnrrirrrial Dreaoihle and resolutions, which beinz sever- ceedintrs of tUrt-nvetm r ti s d "ni5in.il i ih in nil on nflli.. Iimlv iii its eiertinna to (flida advcraitT. and aftrrwards tn nrenent hisshamH allv read, if Was resolved bv the nieetins that storetif Mr. ilenrv V Biker, for the iusneev' thrnueh the water.. safe, and moke future ilividcn.k. tlmn hv an thirt v thousand dollars. t!ie susn in the second tiou of such stocktioiders as are not now nre- R. .Slunctu- of DoVer. n mariner, but a-very improvident rncroarlimeni on t in rnnital.fn reoolution mentioned, as tlie lilir icst. sum in seui, auu mat i:ie n noes 01 sucti as concur in inieiii:'tMit anu 01.se -rninsr man 01 aooui twenty-. icndanger all V He further states, Qa reply t(W discretion ot tbt Directors of the Bank, measures artoptel by -ilia 'meeting, and. the live years ot age, statedthat He also saw the " ., . , ... . utiore iue eeuerai meeting ot ine eiocKtm ours as oeiore. u..w is seen a iiiiru nne oy some of their deliberations : . ... , &, - e . . . . . ....... r ir 1.- .. p . iu llictiinonil. fir the purj' e or appointing a of tlte people, hMtid, but as it us Tar on he letskell, Uamble, Uray. and. rpl , ,)ns t0 reureeeut them ul the said did not attend -When interrogated, fbo ap- accordtngly appointed, who enerai m,cti,5. peared coufid.iMat it was one ani.naY, and to a siatimio.t nf Jl V,,,r IWWM that there nrrtWC t.i lie Inaned to anv tidiv t 1 1 or Co- amount 01 stocs own. u oy tneii, ue added 10 Uiesrpe.nl at mo lime an .ve maniioneu. u was 13 llOt line I e it rin t ii umL- ummml n to tiartncl s nil. 11; Sll ICvt'll oof. atia Wi'MtV I Kill- - r-t...,tu in iue ircum cu.u. a..., i.m. -."0 2 , , j :. I 1. .. 1 . 1 I I- .U U 250,000, not t wo exceeding S20.000. nor three sand dollars be inserted instead there .f : the OI ," 'o- ' !"" ,e SttW omeiH nS au, wn.e. ., .uF- r . ' ' .. . . : ... . . . . . - It . I'l. ., 1 ... 1 . r- !.(! tvna IfinMon "i.rri!nr. I hIKCII. Kn III lie. atnountme to S15.con : that vn v lew of ts sau tut-amu ant ros iliiliotib. 1 Uus aincnaaliJ!it ' T. ' ' - " .T': - -7tJ.., - J. . m...-w-..a. ' . , , , a '.... .. . I i.I,. -1 SVf f ..-k .... . u I n iim r Its, lilD ffk n W tZ debts are bad. or ewn dmibtfn ;' that t hrre were unan mous v adopted. t '" , r ,lTu,"" " l" ,i,s"r ll" . .. , ... i" - ---- - a i'i:. . !. o 11m rnssiii a? snnni inn nrif-zii variu. hi in IS not. mnip t ban ; i.r R7nno. 1,1 tint'- !U!l'' Mill li" JL a ... . ,.t., -r -i..- U wv,- a... VVI ... I 1 M V I V l' IB . llll tl ' . I IL fP Ifl,t',r(l8 nil'llllrl HAPI 11. IIJ 11 V -T III iiajifi s. iiij.x o i ii . u rvr.lt, '. .' Jons JIopkinj, Jr. Scc'ry. Domestic. the liirht hoiHR ou Ho ii am. All on board, I believe, saw him at the time. His head but of water, say one and' a half feet. .. In length he appeared nhoiit eighty fpt f, and the bunches on t his back appeared like black tar barrels. Wo ' could only sae the head and bu icbes, which & were two or three feet anart. lie soon went Various avdaevu ululated as are the evidences under, and afterwards appeared again, aiming; eady before the in.lilic rts;etting the up- towards Halibut point. ' His headewas out "of traordinary ani'iial in our hay water as before ; bunches clearly seeiif Ttnd I tub ska am vks r. FUOM THE BOSTON CENTINEt. and a considerable tia i t nf tl.ivi U kpcuip nn, . s f no rv r r . . 'F-jsSD- ' ' 7 - IVIliin IliVIti it iiiniiu u ut iii n, 111! til that the ihai P- fif fine nl' (lw li,ini:la riVLino- ,1... ... ,..,,,.,te ,vi,i. l I, .... ... ,.!., I 1. . ... ... ......... ..,r i nil a .11 l IIVIIIID . l llr-TT" tm, V I i .11 11CII IIIVI. 100,000 to the hank, isniilnn- tin- liffoat ,.r debt UllV Hlllfle tlirrctnr mvna nut rvni'il ...l.:..i. : ,,n i..., n I,. ttli r. ilii'jiliiinntfil o " w . - -. " v il il ii in a ii v njuii. nav otiii toiiout. dLiii 87'6'OQ : several of the directors owe nothing . lit' tlio onhonniii'ht ffisf riT flip in iKili.v f I f w StlU the whole amount loaned to Ihrt directors nt tlio h'urinura Rantr tn?Aaiin . - . i ii ui n 01 v i iv a in '-n i uuini uii.mi t a would not average K2.snn arh v - -1 .i:..:,i,....i it. ti... i iw.i,in.u i.ii,n i...',i ti m - www I l-l 1 1 lt 1 11 1 III llllj UlOl nilOIUll,? IT I 11 1111(11 II rtl 2d. We learn that the question of useless Ttirlmiond in an official form, accomnaiiied Jr,7.r'' Qmces and extravasant aalariesi wan' taken 111! la-ailk uimA o v r ti ' -1 ' " I 11 II BVI 1111. 1. aiinuiuioii inv v iwi.7 IIUIII i . i a r u ,,. I an v t tMIHVI W . in htl. I..,..l .... TI........I .... . . , . " t'"''. ' " r"."" , uuui uiiiiiva mi inui niiav uiiu in iit'pvniit ine iicriaraii on oi a. in i'iin. wa . i i i . . , . iVkirta. fl. ci. .,.i . xi -i i . " T - , , lIllro jctis iiasi, coniiiiouiy CBiicu a siiouii! say (tieooaetll ne-ivas 7U. or oo loot . un.uu, aim out him. un r riuai nisi, , ,'iivei I li'imi aii-iH(.;ru: :ai iuia'-rani m 1 if 4Ur..nt : :.. .!....i..ji i .1.. ,11- . '..l:...;i u.t.rf llin l..i e 4.1 a-- ., . , ' 1 -- ----- ......1, 1 ., 1 11,11 n in, mm 1.11150 lun, liiouirn we eouiu uui ms iaii- 110 IllC board nt tllO Virginia ll.ml.- -imn ti .a 11... 1 .1. . tVrw.rtTfxir-.1. ... 1 . ' ,.-. ' B. . . . . . - .' "c v .... w, i,i, nit alien uic L.1111 un ii , in 11 Luiuani!) ti wno nve mosi carei.i v a temltU tn Itim cvi- a rrroat ivlc in Hia nntcr. ami when ne moveu resolntinn nf nhiilislimn. inn (-.iif,L-l.-ii,tii n.,i .1... .1... .i...:.i.....i . . . .. . ...i . . i 1. . -.. . . P . . . . r . 7 i"' iinnii.iiion in;u inv 'iiviui nu-7 mijMi netessii- uenco, me iieriecuy sniiNueo 01 ine eXHs.'enct' ot last, tlie wnKe was uerliaiis, lau leei ions. One Clerk, nnil I'i'iIikiimi- (I... cil... Ii.q ..I" .,11 -i 1 1 1 . :. 1. .1. -:i . . p . 1 1. .-, : i . . . . i. . ... i ' .... , . .... i-i. i .1 - - - 'ry " inv tie- itu iu .I'ti iui uiu 1 urtaiiiitt 111 01 ineir,au,;" " aniunn, ei, a i.icre art: a lew, who, ine annearanco 01 mm. was iikc nuncnes. 01 tllUCPrs I rum thn.'auliiiit' il,,....,...,..,l.. ., IV.... 1 1... r 1 . 1 1 .. 'I t. 1 1 in . .I..... . .1... ... I. ....... I 1:. . , 1 . 1 ' -.,.' I . 1. .11 .. .1 ..iv..,uivi u'lniiiimu!, inn me uie minks m i csHi uiiu iiiosi itiMO ne afterr- untmuiu, me uiuiii ncmi civciMii iiuniiii new- uarreu struncr inireiner. ami luev an uivct 1st of October iu amimhhidiii ri in- III 1 1 V I ill" If If II I III I tlLlUdl 11 llMlirilf'llllll. J 7 - w i " Tliuivijl, SUDI.I l IIFS WtllU LUZC1UEI l"HO f wwj npleisto be extended to all the branehe :-IV,im th f-iilnn. r -!t riitnmnp f.i.' il.nuaihas become -iuiHortant to nreaerve and uu'ldish 'which was uot out 'of sicht for some minutes. UlO vlliih Kavino- fr. tl,i nciolill.mm,l lan.i: i.- ' .. . . 1 ft 1 1 ii e w e v ul e nr e w h i e h "up, t V, linur nlmr i I Ii 'I' ) & i ti r l ii ma li ivn. uuun lia null fiirtlmr on -..'" louiii.u iiiH in in V3.I- . nilTI I III K'imR CHSI S UK 811 ITrtHJ HM nil! in I1PP- ' . ...w . i..,, ...ui ..v ..H .. Uatetl at fi9i.no. ... Tho Km-mi.iv' ll in'r Loo ...: j. .i:. :.i...i.. :.i t :. lact, that an animal, of the deici i-itiou-before at sea. and ! did not attend, as I was bus v on - - - ' v .'.i .44tSIStlSl.ViIIII HIIV illl Ilirillll- Wlllllllll llll I 11.11 IHCIir llllflll . I ' 1' - " . i W llif fliihi' ir1nBa n.MiU.,.!iM ' -i !'..- .1. . t . v V ,' . ' 8ttit6u. luis been nn(J still is. in the Uiiv and near hnnn!. Hrf.ifP iliia.'I wa cfnulit TfiC aboul suell j i uiiiivi i,iiiaiui i it' idi i ii iiL i i ratirii CTiif!: ni inn. timiu " in mtini i l j - ... - .w- . . - I . - - - ,win vn nun ,hom vi m miiii.i, iSII S llllllia II I. II . . . . uar.Ic huo tun im.1- I A,w...o . ...l..,.. i . . . . our coasts. iWAKin" ttil reaMOiiabte aWovvatiee an animal a hail bepn aeUcriheil in lie paper; - iitu wuuiv Rtciiui a iraa iiirttJ w ill iirr nan in ituol t aiiMiiarori ii avrtra oi i.-rh nwi - - ha.lL- ti.. t- r ......:.,. . : i.... ", nMU for iirobahle Ueceotioii iu viewiou ohiecti iu .7r hut now I am nerfectlf satisfied it was not a ..v. onitii j mi m initit in n utTtimi rivn inn irrnaipp in jucmtinv ififi pnnouro m . .-,..."-!.. lie VPSirll nf I (in K,n,! K-r oK i .1 . . . ? ! ., avsi,vj uiiu. iiAiu uv Liij i i ri 1 1 1 uTKifi iiiaT iht sain riimnrnr.dii naa ana stockholders the 1 hue is one idea which is not noticed iu by" the 1 failure of its debtors, attributable, it is e resolutions from Winchester which 'nrow Oil! For rnnciflpritinn. Hmu lalrnTso. . 1 "r 1. 1 1 . - , w,..iau. Mrwi a . il - it i v 1 1 1 iiMiu 111 i ti i i' p. iiiiii riiiii'iiiis'nr aiiinnnr n llUle. that With th 11. o hnnue i.f r,o- .:. i.:i. :r . ' ------ v - i v " jtn i' i. iii ii; ill hi i'. u mi ii. ii iiMrsiGTR i i ti ii. 1 1 1 n n va r r An io uie state and rhe expenses of the establish- dencv to ieohardiza the vitnl interi'Mt nf thu 'ST' tnent at fiQnr Kn nnn it nun l.o juw.ww. . . v. .. . . uv . . a i . iiiiiti rill. t't tlie afurl-lw.1.1....,, I. i r ..Bumuiu iiiiuci ine i irLuiuaiani es m (nese tiroes, to go on with the business ? Is it out better for Mrm Undissolve the comoratinim. ur to rennm tha st-nis ..r ii,a;n ,.nnn: ti -. - - - v. my oumi. ui ihlu i'iivi aiiiiim r 1. 11.3 toeniH ti iinna rw rismtinn sa J( 4 1... - a - - iuua varol ii ica iu iHC Jjrt'ai- question for.the consideration of the-stock lolders. The questions for the Legislature beWill thev reliiiouish or rfilnr tu "onus I Will thev CdflAP.nt. tii a A iccitl ui if, ..i members of this corporation, and to destroy in a greater measure the artillery of banking in stitutions ; as tending to engender a system of monopoly and favoritism, instead of diffus ing the benefits which a bank, under proper restrictions, would impart to the? community in general ? And whereas1 it appears to the meeting, that one of the primary bjects, in the management of batiks, should be the in. (erest of those whose capital and --funds are across the water, and for the exaggerated state- whale, or porpoises, or any thing . 1 ever saw menu ol a lew individuals, who have published belore ; and tlioi.it was a e.aerpent. ed what was supposed to be seeu in the evening or at a distance, or under the immediate influ ence of either great trepidation or sanguine tx pect&lion, we think, if any fact can be establish ed by huhiau testimony, lhat no rebsoriablejier son will longer be sceptical respectinslhe ex istence of the Sea Serpent. . When it .was stated, in one of the papers. of Tuesday last, tbat this animal hail been Seen by Capt. fierce and others on board his vessel, on Suntlfay morning last, near Cape Ann, some gentlemen of tbisitown called on Capt. I'ierce, und conversed with him and his crew, and ihe passengers. The following ia, Ine substance of their "testimony. ' Mr. Vanity's account was given in a letter to one of the gentlemen, to whom he has long beeu kuawn ; aad the oihcri . ' .- ' '77 " " -4. ' ' Mr- Jesse Varney. of lJoverL a respectable printer and bookseller, of abnut.35 years of age, "a man of good judgment ami undoubted, veracity, was also ou board Captain Pierce vessel on Sunday, August 8th, as above stated, and his account, written by himself, at the re quest of a gentlemen of this town, isasfullowi, viz: 4 Aboat 9 o'clock in the forenoon, as the" vessel was crossing the bur io Squam harbor, bound from Ports-mouth to Boston, I discover ed, at the distance of abouTi 00 yards ahead of us, the bea Serpent : at first sight he appeared to lay-pretty still in the water, with his head raised ab'ut one and a half foot above the sur face 1 also observed (he protuberances on the hack very distinctly, about a foot above water J he soon passed ahead rapidly, I should ssy at :$ ?' i IS

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