,.g, and which ereio J?, w:,wfu. f' The tlist ance bj Jaudtg 'cfttmai brWateVis bclfctcd l ie'oiil fifty- Tb'rt inciwishferaWe- qttepm i n rraiwNcaidetttioo w ?ivor or me nwg, .fjtfc Icacl f allllie important falls, ,il K 'licred a i:ansI may Uethkfen ..witb.grw lan. jnt f lie liver btjcrtf &ii titf ias, fi; wuu smaller insetjiW wa'sJcontcinpIaUnLb Ihi t,nnrtnf-Col. Baldwin, a former hngitteei'.; from tlience to Tarlwrougb (ho irtxr.w J it cxa:niiic'Jt but was midcratood t be Li .k; condition (W tlje jassagj of brtaN. ny-pflrtaii( seas ns, and buymd rtoborougH tb? 6rapa-' bj-'h diartf rf diwi nut extend. It is Inwever fully bfelicrcd that from 1 arbor,u t to Wash ington, many and great difficulties present Ve filing tbo sigcnc ol the company to H'tnoviE ,.'!'AiMl-U.-feinbl-tbe. rrrrttcd that, the load prrjudiCfs r that section of - tb (fomdry, improprfy considered, and unfairly exerted, did prevent at the hut assembly tin extension of the charter to Washington. JJut it ishoied that the thing will be better cwn.. Videred ; and if it is not', that ungenerous and illiberal sectional prejudices, may be made to subserve to the general good. The people Nsh counts as well as mu fti af .JW - day ,?f,thU tgoiiih was;tblaiiB BAnp .: ' .y -aSii i ( .. ..' i pnirr hip name ui ucu uklvui rhu iit wcaviu - . -i if i .-' w u.i .v. r.1" ... .... ..Zu-.ZJi. s -...i --fi - rw. -j--. r- - strj-s;-t ':ie.I.wrfeViaad to find bY visit p. 4 tbf f Capitof, that tlioapaHmc y KjsfineMyioi' ie cienaie anu nous8oi ucpv:"; Vetalje will be rca3y .for their reception a? i)e operiing""of tliie, ensuing1 sesshm of Con' -rrts.7 The Schiitc phamberr in tbo 1 Noj-i' Wins, nnpeare to ht fh Nearest to cnmplpti-Mt will be a more splendid apartment tliav 1 .Jit: ' 1 .A tr- A ' I -. J t 4. a, neroicirculir, wdl , at least eual iit inagmfi -ence tue lornier. HiUi, n will posai'ss, over tbo nid rtmiu, siiit? treat advantage t ; iraiiont anner to have been- made to ctle le R-Witli taer than nsoaf olemnily'. by ' hoi )bde in the yieSnity o.uthe apot,, riieremoiCT were to oramen.ce'vib ji pro-;-ii'o'n to the loeting-booso , where, after tilmndj aol prayer, wte'to be 'read Geo 'Urk'i olBcial aeeouul of the auipiqioas nu ver-mcmorabls battle of lieurunpion, seat y ftacon, .. v " Bees-wax,, V y Bwitdy,; Apple I'euch,' Corn, ' rtitTiVoi, opst 19.' J bim extrresn to' the eountriTj and Lieut. teo- ;lie one. in vfiiicli'that body formeily site. I .tirgoyo inairueliana' lo Cf,' 'lUum.-tikwiftosdy fijifhj The ReHT9cntativc8Ha1l,iritKe'SoutliTinir f roin blrni oo tbo day '-of battle; forwardeJ to taanr Iron, , hoiightbe. lormls . rlianged,' p-jrhajw diad . fenpt to one of the cogotUte oy ut saiar- uua, varitageusfy, but iwceasarjly, from oval, to ly mail." . Alter whieh au AMreM: wa to rt h participated-iii the dungerg au J triuoiph of Whwi v tne oaiiic, aau woo now repose m men m. D. ,,iuas nb5jahincil ai'wi il as crnveoience. The beaiitti'ttl l.trgi pill.u's, nf va i0i;yo4 Hitotua. :irbt1n rnif tinit," and the htiatlr onC. H tWtbe1H U; A t t Nt: bli.n . muri tianl iili.i A lawtef f W1UJtI'y - failfb ing.nerally aiWnred. lfic.l.1a i .,jifh reacted i;i the dtatb of the loraier. riie Hurvivor ttud liii eeontl were indicted by live Grand Jury, an I trwd.v fW day after- 1 he accused ueleoaeu mi statue of Liaerty, raised aloft over the Sieak er's ( hair is a fine object but would appear per haps to greater .idvantago had it an ainplut space for its display. ' The galleries in both rooms, but particularly in the Senate Cham lrT ni'P murn r.imptiipntl v itwndd than iHii old one. The tout ense mble of both" Halls. r. 1 ' and the arrangcmetits ol oijices, committee elsewhere, hate' &c jt - su),m9C(j, wjh iave been ereat- viewed the navigation as impracticable, ana irnjfroVed by their re-edincati i. therefore have not rendered that, efficient aid' At length, too, the Centre Building begins which they wold have done under a different rise from the ground. The ample found . , , . twns and subterranean vaults, commenced belief. 11)ey nevertheless manifest great hn( fannftwe been very substantially com Icidide, and the company entertain a ration peted. ."The western wall is already rising id belief, that they will derive much support towards the second st ry, and the eastern or from tiiat county. ! When the company arriv- -front wall is some feet above the ground. It , .. . ..y 4i , is supposed that, before thii winter sets in, the ed on the river opposite the Iiousc eX Mr. ... , ' , . . , " u building will have rc.irhed some wm-re about Lemon, a representative (if , ft ash : that feti- half its' height. If Caress, coutinoo to look lleman very politely, not only extended to them -with a tavor'able eye oo tins great national his hospitable board, but accompanied them work, it is hoped the end of ho r.att season to the end of tbeir investigation, more than fuid thc twior walls .prepared to receive ., . ,. . ,r . . the lofty dome they are destined to support: twenty.mi es, extending to tlicra very efficient j.ut. . n iw i-ifi ' o j and that two more years will suffice lor the services which called forth their warm- ack- corni)ietion of the Capitol. MtL Int. nowlcdgcments. Amid the general gloom , produced by thc scarcity of money which ne- We ventured, a day or two ago, a.few.ug cessarily "depresses, laudable enterprise, it' 6w" re'Peengtbe Pabihy of the rat,- f , ... . .t a . fication of the Treaty with Srawi. Thi ar stiomcJ iurniSH cousoiauon in ' u'"" ticlc the Editor of the iAorora ha noticed, that in thc career of privation, a river, consi- w;th his uual politeneta. When wr wander derabW in length irradiating and watering a .wtothe. field of conjecture, wo arcull liable to Busier, Con)',. Floor, -. i Topucco, Wbikty, BaCon, Brand, Appley vurd for Alnnler fiwa cause, viudtcated his eaaduet, uu the ground thai it was "justified iu tbevye of laankiud,?' ami litat " Uucllinc wan autiiuruceu oy lue cus tom if atrei."' "I be Judge aonean lo bave;,.- Iieeii of opinion with the Defendant, for he tbui Cotoni charged tbe'Jury, according to the newipaperi: Flour, f wfc) V In the eye of the law. (he obierved,) the kill- . 'jc'' . log of a perou in ft duel va roasirfererf mur- wh'f, dec, and . ubjeeled principal aud second to the j ' punishoient of death but he bad not been able Bacon, . to discover in the range of hi reading,.tbat ! Butter, sueb a puniboient had ever been wjltrted, where , ecs', . the conduct of the partiea engageit in duel aJ had teen fair and honorable I" I be CoOnael 1 f'eJchJ of the King, too (who, by a legal fiction,', was Orn, PlaiuiiJf in the case) ' drew a distinction be. -. tween the taking of a life, under the influence j!"' nf oi&lace and depravity of mind, and the ta king of a life in a due!, where the conduct of. -tobacco, the parties ii proved to have been fair andhon- j orfli.ln the latter, insubee, l.e asserted, a j Bacon, verdtct of murder bad never been found." The j Bdy.Apple, prosecutor, the accused, & the C.urt, agreeing Cnrn new " to vVelt io opinion, the reader will auticipaie ; Cotton, the verdict of A at UuUty, which wa promptly rendered, bo the Law or JNova hemia u es labliibed, that killing in a duel ig an innocent truinaciioti, prnviUel every tbiug Las been '-fair and honordbltv' In what aeeeptatiou these terms are to be received must depend on the feelings in the community from whieh the jury happen to at selected M3 r '407 6 CO 75 3 09 i X2 80 ,"Wiiari, A.i1. 4 W 25 : To C , 7 c6 48. irrtffffjrrAtre. 19L ' . - - ; . i , 13 W S 'J4 I 00 S .140 ' .30 vt - s r . vi.'. J1 -4 VdOtf y: - i, :u . y t ir 8 04 XI ' . 155 J 3 00 V; 4 or,- - ' -12 '4:', 'ri5 v3oo -3 so r . i' 50 ' .fi3 , g (10 lo 55 ;,1 25 - , ' $6 3 00 " 70 . 75 'SO 60 - 12 - r w -no 3 - 8 54 . ia IFZTEBSBCHS, A CO- 20 " M to 'Slf'' . " , . . ' . ..... error, and sagacity ev.-o j1. ila.t.of ibe 1 We have noticed this case more particularly vv.v.v. . j , -... - . .lurorais soaioumew ai raun, at, in me -pre- rn?(rt;fp tne la .1 - .1 1 1 A ... t ...... . . . : . . . : . I .i.. .1 1 - g- i . i ions uccil uaeiehs, is at iciiuiu iu hii cuuuciit eni instance, wiu.-n u is ct;irnieu in.n uir ar degree to administer,, by being made naviga blc, to the ease, the comfort, the convenience, and the interest of man. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Capt. M'Kihbou, if the fcliip Pb'.iix, arriv ed here on Tuesdav from. Canton. On the 7th July anchored oil' Hi. ll'eleua, and received a Upply of waler. VVuiie I here be wa iniorni ed by his Brilame majesty's oHicers, tbut Bo KAPMiiE was well. FottUons Jldvctliser. liele in questions was " begotten in the Cabi net." It bad so little connection With (he Ca binet, that, for "aught we know, it isiudireot, opposition to the view entertained by every Member of it. We rye t hope, however, that the opinions expressed in it will prove to be substantially- correct t that our differences with Spain will thus be amicably settled: and that the vultures tbat in anticipation eagerly snuff the tainted gale," will be disappoint ed of tbeir prey. JVat. Int. The lion. Mr. UUHbELL, (late uitnister at Sweden,) and bis lamilv, arrived at Boston on Sunday lust, in the Curdeha, in 36 duys from Gibraltar Ibid. THE COMET taut. Gillender, of the tiip Hector, arrived at New-York, from Li verpool, informs,, tbat he saw the Comet frofa the 4th ot JutyJat. 53 long. 17, to the 1st Aug. lat. 43, 80, long 62. Ibid. ' . , Mr. George Finnell, of Culpepper county, Va. lost his life a few days agu, by the follow ing accident. Whilsthe was assisting in rais ing a hay ink on riuiay evening, before his death, and unloading the hay alternately as it camp, he Slid the rAke down the stack, and having finished the necessary work on such an ioccasjon, and Httempting to descend, he fell directly on the handle ol the rake, which en tercel his body eighteen inches ; there was but one ivraon present n this mehincho- Pcesident BOYfclt, of Ilayti. has presented! )v occasioti : he says the deceased appeared pcrleclly composed after the rake was cxtn Flour, superfine,' y ' ' lobacco, Wheat,-. .... Whiskey, double rectlfiedjand fniited, 1 1 " rectified, . i - r.ntttmrm. r British Dry (ioods adr. 75 3 37 15 00 6 10 "l io i oo ,90 50 109 uO 4 00 3 5Q : i tC50 1 13 1 09 S3 Bool, tterling, to the NV eslcyan Methbdinr Mis- w was laid down very differently in our Oodrt, by the Jndge who charged ihe Grand Jury at the opening of the iitst term of the Circuit Court lor this eonnty. , .te deliber ately and solemnly inrited (tie attention ol the Jury to the sunject, and pronounced the survi vors of a Duel proviu fatal to one or the par ties, to be guilty of Murder in the first degree,. in the eye of the law," without any qunlifi Cittiun wlialever.-AVif, Intn FROM THE COMMBKCIAL ADVERTI8F8. One of our papers mentiojis that tin- King of France has revoked the permission he hail giv en lo Marshal JSoult to return, to Pans. A- .1.1.. fl,u i dtfee r:tiscd in th.? Eatern part of Tennessee i 'at least I uiuti irniri.1 niitv9 mo nam niiui ftui, u a a ti i jr . m'l V ii i 4. 3 tr west flg jbncsboroueJi. t on the 18ih of June, and bad a conference with j Ilie msrin Urn the eastern part pf this the Minister ot Marine. -1 state to uto stern countries passes' ihrpnjjtr-.lhisi , . 1 he death .or the right lion, hobkht Lion- place ani nu nerous roMft.kaouJj; to anrl (rom all prt DAB; Idt Lord Chief IJ.trou of the Court of of the su0 intersect at and near this place The im Eieliequer, is ai.nuuueed in the ol the 21U j 1 'river whfco anow in operation'-. , .' . , , , ' will in a short time open a Nancraiion for boat of tea ot June, it is at.o tated, thu. hir Samuel to fifteen trnis burthen from thl4 phce to the steam -THEfMKHO, who had been appointed successor, boat navigation on the Pedee, from this river a canal' had proceeded to assume the otlice. is already commenced and is saiifwiil'sbortly ba com .... n .i... . e .i . '..i : . i- l'lie same paper states, that ihe inlelliiteuce ;h :'- 'u lu:i; .ure " yver '! loose ... . , ' ; . , ... . . . , ot bunta ; so that m a short time an inlan 1 nav .cation Heail of thc Yadkin Matijrationt ; vyENfY JLO fS in the lownof Wifkev. tro,-NtfW-uarnnaa; wiil b ioM at pnblic Miction on Monay the 10th ScpVmher next. ( bis beautiful vilLijre, stands on the South sideoftl Yidkm Kiver. and directly at the head .ot the Navifarf tton of said Kirers on a high and healthy nitoat'ioo and surrounded by a rich and &4rtile Cou itry ; Xot. withsiandinjf as muchaj b be said in r-fitbn to theaaviUion of other Uivers n th.a state, the clnffbU scit-s for towns, and thc rapid progress cl'sHK" in im proTeinents Yet we sincerely believe there is no one town, on atty navinble water in this sta'e bat com pr:ses nwwr real f dvim.e'( in a comm.'rcial point of view than 1 he town of .Wiliirsb irmgh. We Jie sensible in the belief that nothing is waniny to raiike it are of the most iirportant places on the river t but to if.vi it the'prt)pr eneourajjement. FiUjjt is evi'tent t&a tbia pl?ce will be the great deposit of ali-lhe prodnse raised m tins siate to tne west ot vnis place-, & oi iit tne praR. sionary oocieiy. outs an example oi roui.in-i rated frHm hU b(lllv but laniri.ishint? nr.iler . o o cienee in a son of Africa, deserves the in.ita- tion of Piiucess in more favored nation'. --JviA NA&HYJLLL BANK.. .' ' " By a letter from a gtnOemun at Nashville, to his 1'rieml in this place, w e are informed that the stockholder ol the Nashville Bank met on the 8iat July, uit. and requested the President aud Directors to surrender the charter and wind up the business of that institution. ;'....- Knox Register. - Ye are Informed that Mr'. J. Wusorf, who lately kept theliotcl at Blakely in ihist-r-ritory, iu travelltiig to the fetates, accompa nied by two only daughters of tbe ages of 11 and 13, when .within. 15 utiles of the Creek ugeticy met With' his untimely fate, but in what manner is with us as yet conjecture. - Cahau ba iaper. - The Coroner wa3 tailed yetcrdny m"rninc ' 9 viw thebJy of Ann liuthwtll, at No, 9i White-street, aged 35 years, a native of line- land j verdict of the jurors, ApopUxy, brougut on by io tempera nee. - Also, si nojm trFOss-strcet, the body ot " James Oriffen, aged 2S years, a native of eli go, li eland, v hojad taken a walk of ten miles and much overheated, took atlraft cf told wa ter aiid immediately expired. Also, the body ot James Morris Smith, a n tive of Huntingtoh, LongrUland, an honest aud ' iiidnstrious labourer, residing in the upper end ; Forsyrh-streetr who imprudentlv veaterdaV forenoon U tbiaaet of discharging a w pod sloop, Ltar a qn oi water, ana m an instant the i fleets caused him to fall in the slip, bu by ue exertions or twit, lavlor.'was bruiiht i the store of Mall and WiUUmg, where medical severe pain ; lie was sensible, trom the mo ment, of hU approaching dissolution. Joseph Liukletter, a journeynmn shoeinaker, was drowned last Sondu , wlvile buthingai llu Passaie Falls. He unfortunhltly got under the ! sheet ot water which tails trom the precipice, and although immediate efforts were made to extricate him from his perilous situation, yet all was to no purposr.. His body wis not found until the Tuesday following. Ev. font. On Fft'Iay morning .last, (say a the Nationa Adyocate) Id. Bn'iixvillo i oollen Factory was entirely consumed by-tire.-! he file broke out, between the Uvb House nntl Carding Uonin ; ..but it isKot ku.tffeit at pr'seni iw it origina ted. '1 he. loss is estimated at g9000. . The "Military -exfedition from the Lakes" to the MiiMssippi, consiting "of the 5th regi ment of Infantry, under Co!. Leaven worib, ar rived at Prairie du Chien about the 1st of Joly, by the way of the Fox and Ouisconsin rivers, with only a portage of two or three miles. A detachment has also ascended the Mississippi from St.. Louis, with provisions, clothing ordnance, and munitions. Our cor respondent states that Col. Ii. will hare it in his power to establish the post at the Falla of St. Anthony this season,' should it be deemed adv isable tu do so. " We also learn that the Missouri Exneditinn hinder Col. Alkinson, was in advance of St. Charles on the ltlh July, and, notwithstand ing the delay occasioned by some defects in the steam boats, there was no doobt th troons wonldarriye at the Council Bluffs, more than six hundred miles in advance of St. Louty this trom Leeds, .received on the Jtst was of the must atitriniitg nature. The uumher tf iiialcon lent, , U if stud, is -eoniderabiy incrensrd, and all the characters of a i''rene)i revolution seem already to have taken place. The Cap of li berty, il i xaid, ,iia -nieu iused, pU'iatun ot tlio the most i..ll. nuiiutiiry ua.ure have Oteii d vi. ciliated in all posted bp an direction It has been proclaimed that M.jor Cartwri tiud other rtrmii politiciaun imve been mvi ted lo reniatc tiieir proceeding, and that tvobvJett is to Oe solicited to return to Kolam! Athton-udei'-l-ioe, Jloiislei-Aiuo'i, and uli Hie adjaeent plae.es, dri lo a stale u . la.iioit iind eonftisioti. lu an$fl, every tM.ig, aevius" ripe ior an exiensive iiisiii l ectinu, 1 he onJy -rwn sola1 ion 'is,' t hat' goverumeni, we uro asaured , is fully apprized ol these diiiigeroii proeteiiy and is'uclively tkine -socrt- measures' as t;Vv stale of utt'tira hirjieriously demands. irom wnaestioroitgif to unarleston, s i. f tli-; wirotr excepted) will b - ciimrlrt2d nd it is Tti icffht that tli s mai net i- tli-4e!tt-ii the United Stafesi for t ho pro ductiiins ol the above countries The m rch:n t of eust' Tennessee, can 'ijr'etfive their gools by: this rent miKh cheajier than by any nfVr ; 1 1 fiet theoitiens of ut Tennt'ssc havp for a lo p tune felt a lively interest fur the roK;tity ofth-S-vi li;e- and it la omfidentl hiped 'hat ss soon-'is the aavi.ition is coniidtf'et their prospects will,., r. il zed. - Wofiof the lots odeivil f ir sale lie on the m:in, Street or adjoining the puShe srjiare-a credit of six" tttsdva . and eighteen moaiha Will be given to the rm'.rljasfrs. THB PKOritiETtlllS. .JVilkesboningh, Vn.-Uit 71S:9 ,32-3 v. N Mo nda j the 6 Hi1 Jit e pi e ia be r ne x t . a t, 10 o'eloek in the for. noon, the annual met ting of 'Thtf Italeith Ceqiaie Tr-ct 6ocicty." wul -.nice place at the State House, a:id yvill be opeiuM witnl rrayer : Ami mi uie pitctuiny suuuay, aay on bun(I;, , ilie 5th liay of theisaii.c month ; the Uurd nnivt-raary sermon of this Society , will bepr-arhed n t!),- B.iptiH Meeting House in this city, t u u'ciuek. in ttie inorii mff. . " - ' , " A full meeting of the members of the Society, is ho ped for ami expected on both davs abe ineiuioiiei!, aod many will be lejoictst, should an increase of tiieir rum bers and an .addition' to their funds beainoiig the happ CUllt nuenctr vviiil ii limy tnue. Kaleigh, 2a li August iti9. Notice. fOHN NINE and 6AM URL NIE, sons of Daniel Mine, of Oley towtiship, Berks ounty; Pennsylvania, are hei-eby informed that on, apph. catfoii to the aubsoribee they will receive infoimation of some advantage to them, relative to the estate oft their deceased aunt. ' . ' y SAMUFXLEE, August V- 61 3tr. THOMAS COBBS, COACH-MAKEU,- RALEIGH, N C. . HAH employed from the cities of Newark, N; J and New-York. A number of first n r. M'ork-mi-n. of the several branches of his business ". viz: R'Mldy.makinp.Carriite Makinjr.Tn-immjnp, PinU . Smith's, &c. who have been carefully selected by his , fi und in New Jersey- He hss aiao received from the cities of Xew Ym-lc and Philadelphia large. and eJCten- sivc stock of tbeibcst and most fashionable materials. Ha : grateful for the very liberal encouragement he hasaV reaily receivedi and -hopes fromis assiduity ami atteiii' tioxi to his business, to merit a Continuance of their fa vours. - Carriages of any description, or price, can h had at a short notice. ; ..,:, orders from any part of the continent are solicited. Befi rrence , for excellence and e'egnce of his work,, and- tl e character of the advertiser, is made t5 his no. merous nctpnintances in this and the neighborhijr atitas lialeish, Fib. 19, 119 : 6-eovrt 1 14 ;4