UALEIGH.(N.C) T"Nn uibsci it)' '.,- can lil W ... - . . .1 . wjlhow :;tyrm;ni oi i lean j a" ,n "' . and nc dim'iniincc without payment f ar rears, trn'ess t the ojt;o of the dior . . I l.!nli annaaMd VUkJr0MV Oallnfl A 1111 tenr subscription becomes owwjww nuitu upi,aiiwpoixu - - .--. K.v Kmii rin. ' t .stimuli a 'ahntit an lnrh lftno- WUIi'll :Mm0nu, iKt "ceedmg 1 4 - mu9t have generated lo tto ifoffim aertta ' lance .tor one ooiwi w . ... . 1:1.. tin AtwisBf AMnai an I rw, iiiuphmr iir. tion where Uiere is e Eiwrr wmidct o chareeo to me weavci-llKC insects ue- itief thftn fo'iHcon. The cash must r company Lu.I.!hjl the ranid nrnereju ofthe disease .i r .... ,ir,V..wn to thp Mitnr. - - o - tlll.K- T - . , , 11... C. , . 1.- Mlindiilll; snvtim be -reeemtil'.nroUKIl cuim iirivis inni iowjiimii .. . ...... 1 . M . mi . I .. l,lr& a a.avn. VI . 1 1 I . ,ir oumeu lor iiimj Rural Economy. ROT IN COTTON. The cause of this destructive disease Which bas so severely annoy rd our In; 1ers, is, we. think, fulty developed in the following CrtminunicatiQit from a gentle man of intelligence and; extensive agri. cultural observation, to tho editor of Ikv Augusta Chrouicle. ,- , i r ' Columbia Tflesan. HINTS ON THE ROT IN COTTOtf. A diversity of opinion seems to prevail as to tlic cause of the rot in cotton. Some persons attribute it t' a detect in the seed, some to tlic great moisture of the Reason, or of the ground m which the cotton h plar.tcd and others to tlie op rations ut so:n kind of insect. Tht wi iter f these hints was inclined, in lh year 1817,, to attribute the ciusei to ex cessive moisture snd many cirruoiitan , cos guintul to Sear hi in our jn his ihcrv , Although in that seavn insects weK obsi vble in iia rofton wd.lip conti ded tiiat -the insect wshi not the canst Dur. rue comeoieuce or rue -niseasc, m the same matiuer th:it the blow tiy and 8nnie nthf r niwcts, selio'td substdru cfc liaM-' to jitiiretV-tion, ss t!e it.-t nait. able to: the 1?- sited and iiroauivni . o tiiMP onstriitg. But too otHiSi''j acqmrea as it goes, it is nopeu-wiai onie nefsott better qualified, and nrovid d with a rood raiCfoscoiw, will follow up die kubjret of these hints. At this ad vanced saason, the insect with its' young oiaV be aliakeo from almost every de fective pod, jhs they 'appear alTei'ted hv the weiither, flf U should prove (of which I he writer h:is littlo donht in Ms .n ndnr) that this insert is t hi; cause of the disease, a considerable adtutn:e v il I naye ben made l the knowlesgf of it, ia'jfklinjr.ajHifdir..,'' VViuW n'ot Mur &rs cnM7TwbitJi otrers r.seirut?, now is this insert preserved throngh the win ter ? Will it stand exposure to the cold vr frost ( Js it preserved in 'the' rotten: pods which stand in the fields through-! out the winter, and are Rfterwarda bed-! Jrdnpotu or left in the field to rot and i urn to loainue? or is it pctServeJ irt the need or iu tho furze, which adheres to Aw mud 2 At nil events, no irury can accrue to the planters of cotton' in care-, fully destroying hy lira tlic rrinaining ilstlk and detective "pods, airJ by alight ircali r.f tlie plough exjMjsing the centre -if the -bed on which the coitoii grwv, tu -the adiouof frost and tho winier's air, and by very parttrular attention to the selection 'lor njfttithig, of the seed least apparently liaUe to contain the ogg3 of the-iiiKRCU And such a By si cm ought to be general, for if it be an insect which - rtow, we o noi prtna lo possess vote tsr glveni of llcl farther: liglita int ft character ofWn,-! Vw&ttfvff. j , w," at i .waiiuiuiiiM lui ud tl.e in liia fortunes fThe tynipatigr which tbi Editor of ttifttruN for; theirvfefeulatlohi to' Loagress for admission into t m a aeparate and indeetidef ' to report n ronstitution e r for th' new atateJt-A" t. X ir,, nwf rhti,hd tr int SCC11)9 w.r fw M h . 1 heie are placed the' I--. . -.A ... . . . for the benefit uTl 10 f o I and u imtmi mnv nnvl.ainii 1. . la the enimaticn of lie i we raiKTES, traiaiT, at ivcklm Bkvrti . ' . ..a,WMiMi Thrm ilntlw Dr vetf M MIT!. Wl . .1111 WHItU IVHI mv . w. ...av .uwwt . . . . . . . . . m1". wwwvs Ul, . . i i T j h mnMiA ni . . . . . . . a . t a n... niaiMbiiu m mm m mm ii.n. . - - 3 . . , - - m.dwmpw... r-r--- f d had in tba opposite Iobe, 5' 77""" V f o iwpuiaM cltWi TMEdkBfruafa.r-il,ltMl Chairm cntimira innr wn rw : -i . . . ' ,fi..i ".i Uu.liUW i.Ba omiuruunoa iaa- ftf tt n..ti-V-ll- -iTi- -aa ...lZl. rr V 17, . viaers m .is Xiueria ui? ddbd . .. . - i .rr'1,''' r '"'v. ... t made to farw tbt io seaaan for w- Pf ran. naaDer: ttaent, JmShefe io3tbi.MI. Iftt exeeHeat and fteienti- Miwm iJht B iitgaiea oat teal ma ay tur teeda, """" w-,iw, u, c"-, awan ojoBrEtnKloo i anJaeverml istaHttias baaka. One ia ken of bioi, thtat we must Wwell oiiaiD-3 c1ock;V;'a bttonvtiaoii t Catatvgaa af tk alanta grawlog in th with the character itl tUat oratnp and and, bit ination'lf Mr Whit ' "8 "t -c "JB . - ' t ' vwii-iiviM.. ' VMT3 WJIUUTO UI II IlrCL. tfier is a m ar, ea wanted ror plant- vim. itjiir 4800, ilb the diterituinaling any eharaeters f ta'tfaw and liltla known this specie, and Willi cnastue deseriotion t a ' have, itaeL tYn SnfufxioM ta tn l,U fUt.J.Aa ' i.-.i i -bird eoHta.Marta.n general and .peers, racler, are Urawn from his pWoch. Committeea Ve tuVn tltdfe i.f nliinli w!miB lr tillif tint riuht.nni . ... .. .f. I - . .1 . I'W'r1 known, or irt Madrid in f Sit V, -; v" I and anccess, may pcruapa be justified by! luriintion to ZJf,iniw. Th di.Hn- 8 mcr ii-nt! acnuaiiitaiice .with Jiiroi ijU!i4r.a5erMadrid,inpai,b-!,,' Caw P-nd to pussi's hotl iHiiiit in 111? ktr. tea. it tnrrp-mi in iir.i judginsr from Jiis conduct and publttr dts-l rf-ciinzii nrw ctiratiin of vrffetklf.! course, w hhuuhl conclude biw t bo tapK Mr. Chy Would ?ind mae Hi mc(i0d, btlWmV J"ra pvrLteulriy jextrentaly iginirant JMhCtttpt-V aVh aammand XFie reqaiait eniMtt -ta ire t ptaati Wltft' eon.pmud,fnihr 'Mr4wtjeY ' f,0Fro?'ag& !jltr, to - grans,, to the ambell.fero, Care the Editor btTliVt3aietfe menfirtrtr'r "Jhcient; made. Hod to the natural family or setbwso. I a single rrspectab'e iudivhju'al, connected n'wlf"f "'I PJW'ttj Fr ibis ho 'wi.liM to obtain tbe; wir, a Whig p,ry of Great Diitain " d,n.tPt' i her dry and ripe of ,h, plan,. peaaliTi lit ,,a9 m winJly HyM M lnler, e to North Aniema, of th, aforesaid dc C0Q,.9e or ftWociatirfilh hitn.or a ai- SeldawlHaV dcnptioo. If the Biiecinieii in flower,' iA . . . ..v, i'"eaus um,on labje toduer and with mature fruit, could be sent him S'e "W' ' a4 interest that Llh, western peaplfick if f the they w.uld enable !..n to porae c P "?jeai eunu0el.lB.'nii papir. Miitlly hit underlakingHe will graie.I " mu 5.miu fully acknowhMlge tlio rwdpt uf eollee.,,,r,,m t( 8Cf other tug"'' Passes he tiooi of tberns and cryptogaiuco of the;"1" tho9e corruptwl ones of die persoiLS, Ifredouian "Staff, and ul whatever rUe uowur in mai counrry, aiiuneu 10 oy that may bf. smi to him fcy the bofanimahe Gazette, which have exposed his ur j of the li'nir, siieh as Lecoiie, Torrv, Tul-J rngaiire, folly and coarseness. We must tl, Rich, Katturiiie, EaluD, JvegvBige-! really then 4hhik that the Alitor of tlieJ low, Barton, (Jivhri, nujuur other ir-j Gazette means it as a jest, when ho holds ma io mat ci-nti. I up Mr. HF.wut uuNt as a pattern olj In the prncecdingt of tlio Agricultural i moderation and tho model of a gonuine aoaieiy ol .tlaruorrt, ti i.atert mar ,)il(,.iot Al any rate if hc j, wrio(i(, jn " I he impri.vemvi.ta onj.e farm .of t!pl. llieopini,(n ,htt the conduct of his pattern iVdwin, are of a eliaraerer; of , trio?.R f . travelling ftom rkitrttPlllBP tlfnnflA .11 n Hill Ai.ina nual 1 T 1 P;;t earth y... rT u cnmdi f,'" ci,y,40 city- a bill or haron'tlow .aid, , f about five a-: ro.,: l',e WW K ll,,S- "P ,m,,,a' C0 ppm. it f.onfi.1 r.Md. mI hv il.i ...!"htufc8 the fairest title to applause and d his other land in lb vicinity froji be-:(?i',inc,i,"' we confident that iti thiid oj overwhelmed ih drift land. Henumrni no win nnu no reeling or Thia eii'i iinent rise committee dem moderate person to agree with him on :e mure iiri'i-rUnt it deinoantinteH t'itlier Ride of the Atlantic. There art '.ic utility of peat earth a a meaHure on inny who hate oppression and love liber il-" " Itv as fervontlv as the Kditi.r of Uu 11-. occasions this disease, (heir own natural cxtieaie m irvneai-ot t he las? smsoii when the dtsr.ise seemed equally t ir-' "'Sht. independent of the influence of the vail as in tho precedi;gr proved the! winda. woiild propel them from Held tn fallacy of this theory, and kit some other el(J and sPrt aJ abroad Mu ir d.tudatitig to be sought after. . i hdlucnce. In hopes that these hints tn.i Among those persons who charged 1 lead to useful investigations, which limy the disease to the operation of an insect. ! in their effects serve to arrest the progress "their appeared as much diversity t of an evil, which threatens f-usfratioiu-nninion in rtparri to Hip kind f insert J the best wishes and exei lioin of the ae- to toe maimer in which it effected its pujp'e. Some persons say that it 'u a inotu, whose eggs turn to. small wjcnet j Others that iti a sort of musquetoe with a long bill, which perforates the young p i ; some others again that it is a small iwactjouch rcScniW-Rg a v.eaw! io 8i'z-. shape, and c ilar. Tho natural course .cf icfloclirm led the writer of these hints ihc belief that an insect must hc h. causeil the ihscase lor if it pron-nlt-d fromt hchdhienre of moisture, the ippo. fitc extreme ofroughtcoolj no' jn-o-luce precisely the sr.rropiject ; r.or could i' b -reasonably aUiibutroMQ dei'ertixe kst:; a cjrg that only (3r'icu!avpotji,.v(ii: Ii ,deriv;.Hheir aus'tiiaiic;: from tlnnmi:io:t at oi k et root, v ert acted by fiiedTsanC, ami in no tew instance'., oa'y a; dg .lobe out of tour or!': w;;! ! the pods are divided; but exc'ur.iv ly i .,; the. sudden stoppage, end ri-atcehsi'w a, tins disease wliii h r'uimw hi thi; "coilise of the last nieiith, Sc-jfrr iiibcr) lelt little doubt on suiycrf, ., - . , It ore hrred to the writer that if an in- aec.t va the cause, it should. be sonsrhf after not in hoe ilpTective ikm'Ih i which lirsf began to belrsv dyuiptoms of the.uri,,S somewnaT sc:iar to that ot a IH. ricultural intenwsts of the country, they are respectfully submitted by'an OBSiiUVER. JK iM THE AMERICAN FARMER. Mr. Hkinntr.; Believing it would promote them-te grnru.1 diftaNiaii of the arts, were notices -of patented im pieveiuents occasionally published in y -;n extensive ciivulatiag paper, I shall, it i'. meet your approbation, now and then, forward you concise descriptions of ne w and valuable inventions! particular ly of r.'.n h as are connected with agii- u!ure ; aiid. as the commencement oi the pl.ui, I oiler you the following notice TIS l) ALE'S G U A1NV CLEANING MACHINE. U hodv of this rnarhine is a frn$'ir-ir, Wit'. hainr a case of sheet "iron v.i.uh ispeifyrat'ed all over; the hole? (m ik very. losetogetlier, and hbuuthalf it he Mze f a gramV of wheat On the Political. sill F. Quu-;tlicinsche8 I'EHsKCU HON OK LOKDOV, AUO. 2 LAeiagt4FISjin Vdoeaf week zctte, nnd yet dislike to see her cause profaned in the language and dishonored in the deeds of those brawlers, who set surface ofthe. inner con. tdififbi istles are closely and firmly, widen conie in Contact with this perforated cfrse. Tlie tliSctiinacts)erp diseaso. nor in those which had undpr- . gone it in its lull extent j beccnse in the fi;,st the roucilrtgTiii us state of die y oung 'freed andcofon would reiidT( detection c.f iiie itjy?ct diflicuft ; and in the latter, beeu-ie (he iascct.' havitie attained its fee mill', the bi istles acting as so many icelh, which foicibly press tiie grain a gainst the inner side of the perforated Case, and through these holes every thing smaller than the grain is Worked out. The grain d'scend into a ulitc which 1 . ... . a .. .... nuuuntv, must have escaped with the 1,88 a sieve oouom. trie openings ol whica 6ji-ct. of.lurt.her propagation. Tl.tjpoda'.8'80 xwMtr than the grain. Now ac iecteu for .examination on the hst of , a Vrcvtnt torrr substances from enter Augustrwere thone diseased, just iithc in5 ,ln; machine. Jo effect this, the art of exflanion. In nearly every in hopper at op has a sieve, show or basin, tanccin the defective lobe insects were V'e spaces of which are f?ufficiently large discovered ; a few in the shapo f small !to allow the grain readily to pass thro. m.ggofs or worms, but in the major 0Ul Tr'1 o large na to atiow any sun ian, in little excavations or cells which liiey seemed to have prepared, either jh t'te consumption1 of 'food or otherwise, Jttrt discovered from three to four small iuieijs, which bore a great resemblance to the weavel, having on first epesure ty the light, the appearance of two scars on their backs, dividing them nearly in ta three edual parts. They hetra red at jrat apparent reluctance and aueasinessJ at quitting tlieir cells, until they had coh lected en their bodies from three to four very active small lice, scarcely percept.. Lie tohe eye, which doubtless must have Deen tbeir young. Aftenlispusin' of Jiese on their bodiei, 'and ,'beinj warm ed by the inn for a few accotyii , a '.strug gle ensued the scars on their backs dis. appeared, transparent m iners were uu stances to pass which art over the size of the grain. It is worked by a crank and the hop. per is kept agitated as in the common mill, to cause the grain to. pass rapidly. It is confidently believed that this ma chine will separate the wild onion seed from wheat. Its construction is simple and cheap, awl, i doubt not, it will be come: eminently useful to our extensive up us her chosen iustru men's. ' The Gazette says, 44 to write seriously! lent to Mr. lkK of tf.e Mr.tfcd the S- Si,M"1 T RUt T" .!. .1- H'Mimiu.irr .,,.;.,,. . i casonhuie man, no re.narKS. verauvo- .leMriughU immediate attendance at the caM 'hem in any shape. aiid uenirsthat)' n Am..M t r I h I I . . A Huna Pi iii Alii. iM !the 'MunrlieHter Alcohnir ran lift called! "iiilv ui w a unit; . tir lit . rj U..b lirooK keeorninuiy rruain-ii luitner, mio i""r, 'i wan im iiimius. uu vn n i.trndiced m o ,a room, where he i Editor of (he Gazette, or could cveii Mr. found i.e'd Siilmvuili, the Attorney Ge-.HUN'r himself huve undertaken to say iieml, the Chancellor of tho Exchequer,' that it would not have become si ? There tnd some other memlier nt the ' adtiu ration, sealed, i Inpnau Oiinofa l ....... t ,Uv... ,.t v"1' grievances ov petition and remonstrance, n, the land ami the natural advaat', -em lor you id. eoncmueee oi a uuer ,,,.,. tl0guijafic. f leaders who have the eouotry. They represent tha i, has appealed in the publ.e p.pen,iaome gUk,. , ,.Ht ,hrtSe mM be of lUe qoalityhearily ti to the late traduction at Mniiche-' .. ... ' '., ,. .. ......... ...:.w rr-.. r . . rnues inai acseinuie atiur can or iutit- " .ujv.. . tion of some popular person like Mr.'ak nut timber, and a large j IMPORTANT TREAtt; Wl I -bataioT, i We nnderatand that the Tret the Chippewa Indians b4 Keen e hy Guv, Caia, forlheeislfflftta j ted StulM of a considerable poriii Territory, taetding all the tons' the Sagan.i river and itl braacbt boandary af tht tract now pttreha! enret m at tbepretent TadiaB- bi line weitef this place, and riloi ft! p-lnt due west sixty mile, thence n et line to the bead of ver. and dawn the aame to thV : . . ...... i- m prouaoij irera leveaiy Hi hundred mile nortbweit of Sag--t he treaty has been eefaelaj' terms equally advantageboa to trit states uud to tbe Indian, and io ner o &tifctory to the latter.'' t learn their chief speaker, Noihem quet, va deipatebed by the) ai waij. r..r Gov.. Gas epeo thU fide; flagana river, aod to infsjrm himt felt perfectly aatiified with thaal ment wuieli bad been aaad,aa' tbankfol fer the aUantioa ahawati Comiderahlrt rpartr:iana k&.' made for mem, smd' ifie rueaaa oil for afnistiut; (hem; in asrieul ur here it reason to none, from tha'i lion they now manifevt, that ta hvlnmii ftl.ilnriBrv. indllilriil, farming people.- ' , , : ', Thi rfico, eantaibiog mora t millions of acres, it very important 1 crnli ry. i be gentitmea who ai -menil.em of the " ahmrn-1 j8 no friend of ficedom that can object t.j,ue treaiyfrom I hi place, tai , inconiiliation. The At- assemblies of the people for a ttdrcs of njon respecting tho quality m 4 Mr. Brooks, we' l','ive.grevft,K.,.s uv petj(in anj remonstrance, n; the land and tbe natural ad coaearr and lj eher, signed,. Frnnci Burdttf' va it Ho you that, letter wan uddresscd ?' Mr. rJrooki es.' Atlurriey General iltvt you got the original letter r' Mr. Brooks Msy 1 hn permiltcd tor.klhe purpose of the emjuiry r 'Attorney Ge n'ral: The letter i n Rediliout Iibtd : und our pnrpose is to prosecme it. Wiil y o u g iv e i t-p to- n ?'J 1 I rr B ok 4 I am not )t the prrtunt cnonitii! prepared to KJV wfietncr l will or nt. l slioultl like a litile lime lo advice on the mihjrH." The counsel eonsitlied lg(4ber. The Atlorney Geucrul 4 Will jog he prepat e.tftg':ve en answer to morraw ?' Mr Brook 4 i should like to have -till Fri day.' Aitorucy General 4 VVellj on Friday, Mr. , Backs, we bliull eypeet your nnswer.' Air. Brooks thru withdrew. Mr. Brn-ik having writteo tn Sir F. Bur dctl an areoniil of tht: proceedings of the I'ri'vy Council, .with regard to his letter lo the Elector of Westminster, the Baron has cotr.e. forward in the most candid and manly way, and avowed himstlf the au thor. On Monday tbe Secretary of State received lha following letter : CorTRBaooK,,AUO. 8, 1849, . My Lord : Hearing your Lordship has' applied . to the gentleman liirougn whose hand my address to the -Elector of Wetuinsterwa transiniUed nothe Hiicm . ii., ni i.A . irfmint it (anal in every point of view io t ' . O I. 1 nJL I. l. V. .Xt A MOI 1m lllA rhey do n.ore very generally before Ihcy ,..ui- u-uu,B . tU. . Ohio. Tbe Sasana i stated to be a fine! river, navigable many mile from r? gnna tiaj for vessel of burthen, l into the interior of lha eoumrv for I ,u ....... ... ...... .nj "-v "Dosts. r ive voDsiueraoie ti earns disperse beside petitioning and rein on. Crating. They fieijuemly proceed to acts if-open outrage, and somettmcs In volvc in destruction all who are obnoxi- newspapers, (o give up the author; and had, at the same lime, intimated that a refusal Would subject Lira, a well e the editor ol the their enemies. There is nt controlling the passions 'of, a multitude when once excited a spark applied will kindle a devouring llame. I here is a contagion in popular feeling that is ift vsistable, and the sphere "fur the -'inflammable iloqnence of the popular orator becomes (he wider in propotton to the number, and cousc quer.tly the ignorance of his hearers. MrJ Hint may possess tiie ail of stopping at the proper point, bul the next orator that succeeds may set all in a flame It ia on! these grounds that reflecting men areJ adverse to the assembling of multitudes of heinera without education or rclloction under the guidance of leaders tiiat are neat ly as ignorant and unreflecting as tKemselves. ' : , But can the Editor ofthe Gazette b scriona in belu?yjngtlialaiiy refortrritt EnglandTnSIytoJiejc.flV by such popular assemblies as those which have been recently called into existence by the violent partizans of reform, without phn or organization- or motive or end char nl filae.a nallpH l.M Knrkif. to fn river, presenting an almst uuex?, iust&nce of a beautiful and highly eoiintry being watered ib the moil t ful manner. . I We anticipate a speedy tnirrat! tbi traet, aod a great increase of I Idtion and wealth to tbo Territsryi Domestic rial paper, to a Ministerial I - . : I it. I'l . . 1 a - a ot la srtk " at . n..'..r r..- : :- prwsecmiou, tc me iiueny. in oruer iv oetineu ' noes lie real v tiling tna particularly desiened. althouzh it can be i . "!e W?u r "T.f1 a.rthw lube: lt,,e government of that country is to be! . .. . " " e lav a,, in 8tnnr aoovemeoiioDoa a 1,rrifitd" wliiUt it iMirrcivea all this adapted to ever species of train. L. Jl...: . . . tfrryicu wnusi u perceives an mia Yours, resoectfullv. K'il" IKV:"?. '.T?'" oru: and that men without talent, . . MKCHANICUS. frajiingfon City, SevU 1819. We understand the investor, Air. 1 i i iiuu niuisi II insit' nil im, an anm.t pro.eeution, to laforui your lard.- and that men without talent, rripvctabili .hip that I am the author of the Addre.!t w influence in eockiy ,,eaU ihtm ? in question ; and, moreover, to assure i ' .i . . your Lord.hiP that, ahhoueh penned in a P9 he. piously supposoU.e time to p mat, although penned excited feeling, 1 caa discover nothing pfjraim Tisdale, oPHerkiraer, N.'J. baa; authorized Mr. William Blaerove, aeent tf on re-peruaal, unbeeomine tbe ebarao : oa . . .a . A O " - n, s . " . a a . a a . a ra oiued, they became complete gnats, and 1 Ior ra,cnt Lorry, and under the influence of trooalv'h.aye aived when liberty, civ.l and. re- discover OathiDK ID "fi"'148 " oui w Vvt nn in uiiinuumi j, IRANSeaiBKO rOB TH8 ATETTS ..Obskrver. ' no: I.c Jitu c?r ;r , Voor Utter weleoaied. ii-whietrAru manifest Ian' impatne of a rentk of 'dine ih . pntitinn or tur Kep'fseetilive lwk nicffd awtv with some others in tbrt 5roond,XjjlTJHJati-TVitiiigT Jeclarotuti vjf Jndeiftndence, indue!, rla:ive importance or this ttatot j cnurae of your long defauce, yoU di most pfalwortby ffliogs t yet ad,1 loiiaie eooideratiOn mult eoovia that North CaJolinv doe j not hoi standinz iu our nofnical family, to sfae seems to be entitled by her terri ilimle. &e. 1 To answer year letfsr, I shall ha take a cursory review f war state. more onsusive remarks are made, 4m seeeh you attribute them- to provoki carrenees, and'eomplaio no more n flew off with no small rjrobahiiitv to da. ,nStn posit these youncones intho neit hW described floms of COttOn. I he rnnne tdia position: was, that just before the exanii. X1 ?e f"wBg " eommaaicated te M by;;: tent and Cody Rights, at Waab- ter oir" honest man and an Eagliibman. than ptrfumed memorials and ttvtel ,to dispose of rights to tbe above' " 1 "main your lordship's most obedi- acftitedl renwaifraacci, to use bis own bed machine Ed 'eat and very bumble servant, language, must be employed ? In other 4 ' " FRANCI8 BURDETT. words physical force ? ' Where jare mv0 mmr w W isW'.SVme' nation ia question was undertaken, .me of the party present remarked, he -wa9 sure that if an insect occasioned the dis ease, ii must be'a moth as he never en lalirieal spirit, thosgd if may t nrl that snmethinef of sterner tfualitv erooiDt them. i '- I ' a . or . . . ... ,. I ia judgiog ot ine ana iapo; of North-Carolina, the erdiaary eril weald Drove fallaeico. for.ooeh at! ill Olirei . ...... . v-.. . - n :.-. words physical force ? ; Where areT""m "L ltV 'r'fLJS her patriots in this terrible Crisis I Where are her Hamnieni and Stdhets 1 Oil ihm n si HA n t i n o Aaapalaesi oF Kai M Yerk Asioeiatioo for tbe pre motion of T18 "Washington City. Gazette )oeiw4 their mantles fallen on the shooldsrs interoai improvement, aod it nigniy r mvifmr-w uw fi-' uu vyw 0r air. iiEsnr avirg na Mr. nizi interesting. Jr. l Columbia. 1 ""? merwecus pepuiar tuceiiags in jam UoBBETX iSQUlh, rat. rHKiBiin. namvtiiian wee navem nriv r'taneisiaa trasi MAINE CONVENTION -wi. .... . I?m.I...j i ..j....' I m.Ai.: it ... , .... I wffricuiiHrai.--xne intna lamniei ei urmiuu, uacauao we uare nui cuuacn iiksj ; TT OP SpaiUh wheat brought by FlC. Feowike, itself to I applaod that vulgar a'odT pre-: uw fwm Alr.-VtBsil ifttkle, in hshnir SttmjntHOta lfimS, Jfr.Uiat KVitTa A4 BWtiis tl .tht n? entitn tt ihd tatej that the Castem House Beoksij ibusI BJt be considered' lodiees ul ed i odree.i j . We esjoy mapy Advantages bst Caroliaa kaa her , deformitiet.-W i greater portion of sea eeast than) a) , tbe atlaatie state t we bae te lam arei' iprovideae, instaroely giv' i a good Port ia its whole esteat. J I a r k . t- . ' - . .... I " - ' -- . , :-':', '-. - " -'" 1