bravtry the tiit aceoUDta came awut. Pi oregn: if iGESCE. . 1NTKBESTINO MTy tfomsUl Extinct of a leUerfB .cn Balti. in Angostura, i r v v nf thA Patriot dated greatly declinea ana do -wa ,i - ? Tlift twtriY is embalmed, and i5 fotl present. in WCburci. of ean learn from former jtciouton the offt SrnflSlf , -J vtso. was Wounded-, I Je . Wiiese intrepid frf' lwwuecwu t deal, m to .acktaiwfedKcd U,? rV?? nur troons fraud between the the with) M.lst iudcmenf Wl i, . . of;B,ona,,8n(j;?q6adrof the ZrtSS&lVTrt si umcli implies uim that traaiaetron, Pampeluoa SarsviXld . ... f -'. -' . -i.i.... '" , . .. tV.t p.,,-. , . : ht the moment SUl ha. agreed by maty to give Mooter (gl,4fob,000' f irtry Ti,fl - rulumns t lama mm d the riuht a eninefroia aobody knov Uwbere th;inener wfrgj 0fliccrs,;and skiers of be tifc obody knows. !. ., . I cjldoP,i armyt on"'8- inmoraMc day. A Prtm the TriniU.l c'-nt M s -pt., f i-rrr.wnK RtiiACA. v...t dav break, ttsc advanced VUI VI 7 - , ta- vooiia rifflit muntlis, anu i days. He had bfcenJ years in army, nu unn ; ' nwwi . ' I'll The nwst dreadful xrcss arc suu nr-M.f thR.Iews. ln some tIBUll"0"'" ' ilium' attempts havtf Bcct maw ui tbeir bu8e on fire ; and Iwrn ttrne u.u . - . aiM a, tal ofCi.ul time ivai." T -m --... .r-pvit was asctrtamcsi uiai u v " s.i,...i;.in U nasa the bKle of HUtci,, his cjtninuiiiaiioii, sum i'iuli. r i'pan. According lo tetters frhv drid. a reporfprovaiTs itat Km. ij,,, vcr hat spread from the Ik i f .t , 1 1 . I . I 4 - II A I I Seville, au inn on vKtuiniKi.'i HiaiC U IU "".I I 1 o Cot., ili'livered ' "a than juenceg. jiawpwr 1 8 iyv. (Jad;s:' fur :'-'i.fttftbe r leagoi at wUiebldU1" nnoe the cufii,,n i( StlHbVd77DIJiOT Ti!..,.;ai iiftid Quartcra. at V cow I that tho tnemy wei Urn ih Angnst. lSy. i riu iiiauiti .i inarebms by tlio Samaca road.; thc ar- . ' KS 8600.000 in Ike JJfSSZ' -tf i t 1 1 iw v li t: ii..--f . iir. -- , .. , . i ion ( tll-1 military - wu. : J Amtostura, wbb lately rfiaciiea tw, - fiU . A .. jf milt-tiv One f the people are exiwrted t- mussaere an the K '" Intelligence ficra Copenhagen, dated v,A 4-il'iBsf. stales, that a second Hot against the Printed al Santa Fdo Bogota tlapi. dinam;m;il trom inerresa ui lSt9- tar if "iri.ii -' Wmlf in cw.UvX witli le ca1(ital, w , fhNt Jew ltd taltei. lcv n uu. ; ' hnme ACMtu , , ,,,H- i';tiif to lire u won. - . . . ..... v.. k""" - - - ,.-...,...,. r-f-t t t?ir In lit i.f, wiicn.Mui i rtfli eiul.wiucn 8evw!r"v,'v r' 7 .T i . i.0,wlv7. ..i.t.r. iii ronsenucnt had been killed and many wounded. ,.; v. ' .... J" LONDON, SY.Tf.'2H, YebkrU.y alter noon, about 0n.' iubitk, 'one ut those nc current eawiiWi -ate , alike stgrai e k human. nature, t,? livilizaiioii. l-k piaec in Sm'dkdeU. An iII-Iookji, diminutive MUm, l apparently lu d- .flia..if. liAhita. 'cu(eif( tne ui.ii'kti, LA :"t'K"s5 T VKOM-KNGt-AMi. .1 beJiuvtho l mi - j .... ship William tTf", tajuaiu U-Atnitton, in 33 da) train LiVer- ... r ... c . of I.iver- t ?; e 2(it!j of September, (i,.ttH ,i Cavalry sheweti -ineflisci. papers . to The chomy; Vu.i om.I! rat yvt see our!feei 12 Jays later than ur prcv.ou. v -.rrV d s-M-J'-'-l hinnelf in Feenbc;8a!ll. () a rapid 8Urf.e atjlte.r con. UVOlution ... at.r wnibe u- profligate uabits, eutma in.i , finest rcto.l wt u 1 4 a ,m, cr ,,jUud hot- ..ecli pkned to robttcal and commerce - ; dilloWed by a nnme. -ous c fiiivd witWOwral B.LIV1 V oft-ial ki,.his"K,olunm 1 account oV t rapiuic- -ff isinthc band, of .Mransjator. f ilbltea g under the J" Tlli8 bbodv gimiing Of tUe campaign. 'flwirbsi ea:tracJs.vv.e nave ku Eodisb ttapersby tho ...... . . y. 1 1 U ( " I vr holly umnwresM"' T nv AON. SEPT. tie ani k"I siiciiii-if, titit ... ,"'.,'. i' -i wui'il iti d iit- U i ti. ...uvniv's sri-atlMnnehester l . .1 null I'll'. Ill .11 . . & to Mul prim anil ttie P'iiiet! : nil war and tianspoHs composing tlilL (?rn lioatls if Kta, with orders not i j eomi? IHCillO wnn Kjnuie. uaj , none Ok trn)kp are guflV-reil to gome on .L.. The lrtp re ic, cantonment -at XXh iiis on'iwer'tn ihe Ail!rSH f 'il oil U!) eiiiineiicc ch;k twnnuitiL ini , , i, ,i.. a Hue .in Con of re- A good dealis still said it, the J.mgn naMn about the Jews. We lake the ffiofiheir fflV??, S Kothacbild, a jcw? a ,h' " lied .. i.i-i-i..! iii furnishing tne amui ScW money. Other ?w.c? rrhans concerned ak i. UelpinA purchase t hejf far Europe At any ran, iucmmi nne was uromincat on tbe rVandtbeJe may ceBsenny ve rev,vf u r1"' ZiLiA .lL, i;nlnt it. tnxl more rc i- : C , this accWlJf,al0Snt trlde falls in, and iucreasfeS tlie taunts . lift larremaining EH' : dices fall ,f jfigtf fia rcrsccutipn ii complete. .JP-Jl prejudices remaining to Ueej bp jntb moJliBg ab8ordirie9, of themselves.; ,b s refused to accept bills drawu1 .ppn the town Hbere lib brethren have bee, ill treated: Cbristians will, oi aod then go antl fevenge themselves ol their reslieCtivt5 enemies. . ' - - t0ND0N, SErT'27. "We have received this mo. oing Dutch and Hamburgh Mail? ; the former and the latter to the21sti.nst. They confirm the news of .Prince Blucter's tfcath, in tne iu,n nm ..! nf elorv. He expired on the iOth inst at his seatf Kriblowitz, in Silesia 'The King-ot rruss,av . . mi!iaUv received tlie melancholy tntcl- licence, and gave orders that the army -u.IJI inniirninP- fiif Clcht daV.S ' and despatched Co,unt Blucher of WabL . sfatt, the grandson oi tbejlepartcd her o, with a kind letter coddolencc to tho tinivnr Priririeia The Hamburgh r.nrrrMndenTeITETveatbe; fulloWlrtgl iiitrreatirig particulars of bis last mo- -', 1 ise.its - i i ' g : . On.tho otb, bw Majesty sent from Brwlau bis Aide-Ue uamp, wajor v -i TrX vvit7.bben. to him. l no rtiwd i of Vrsotw, The poor ictnaie, wuov- vmced same shame at uns vueexp:iMnj, wa muscuiar, as compwed to iter ms band, and possessing an advantage of neatly two feet in hciglit neyonu ner dwarfish corapanidrt. her countcnnnci- and manner belraycl evident signs oi better sensc and dcsccncy. I lie wretcu placed ber near the llam inn, ami there, amid the disgust of silnie and laughter of others, put her up formblic sale. Re for sometimeattempted to obtain a hiddinff for his wife, until, at length, the sum of 29. d. being offered, the sale aacd as bitch an ib. At " .... 1 ... . .1 - I 1 ... ...1. Iifl n-.'lt OiUtion. 1 liuciieiiiy auv.iv.v. .... . . ......t Sf 111 MtrsniE o. II 1 ,1 I"" 1 bsike very little eulcwUted tJsoolh the ffrt..i Pulllic seu'ihiHty. I 3 Tim Mayor l Liverpool ft! been re- i.. :.i III IlljjU, nen. in been married-13 years 1 I be monster' escaped iamid yells of disgust and aUiiur rence, which is to be regcettcd, a3 lie is iiunishaolc for" a misdcmcaiiiir. Self UtHOUOnlM ioijowiii bmrv lias appeared in most of, the. papers-: m j miller's dog biukchts chain j the nrwi I ITiX c r cl.e: ts m artJIs v rrnr : i him mi airain. She was attacked and bitten by the dog. On hearing bar cries, the miller and bis people ran to hey as sistancf. 1 Keep off !' said she, shutting the yard door, 4 tho dog is mad. I am already bitten, and must chain him "tip alone.', Notwithstanding his biting, she did rtot let him go, hit chained him up, ami then retired to her .chamber, and with the noblest resignation prepared to die. Symptoms of hydrophobia soon broke out ; and she died in a few days. Thi do!? was killed, without doing any - o ' further mischief." , A proposal ha9 been made at the Workhouse Board of Leeds to discon- tinuo parochial rjnier to every pauper who keeps a dog. Viilattes. and tho rest wtH below at auottij nacstCli ia call a pub lie n,cnS to pc . .,,.r n ienL'ti.! distant iiMfJM.tlie ,,.:,. Prince llesent tof.nnte tin '5 T - .... - ...... li.; and shewed a force ot aouiit ,tuj etlicient, strict and iaiemn. f'l"7 , riie battalion f. Caaadorc oil tho proceedings ai Mancnei, obi ,nn.u relusoa ; ,n cftnscijiicnce oi f "icn lice for a public meetini? tjf be held in Ciayto-J Square1; on the 2f Sept. was .iM!Utfi"nftil b? 2.orpo most ree- tipcinhle men in Liverpool There had been but vel little fiuctti ntion in the aiaket, ns 'xrfl'Se perceived liv tho nriees naoted bel - . . i wi i K -vPiml reirnneCtS naeen orueruu a he iliibandcd. Ki.rini4 riot had ber at uiiSffovy. fand Paisley ; and indcf mo whole lin- ish--Jnpir4-.appers.tliJ-0--annniMuaj. stutft of fermtMitatiuu.iInt was visit ing tlie theairtis and e pjaes of plib lift resort, and ttas feyr w hero received with abotita ami ehecfigs.' ' , In France the piiblatterition appear ed to be entirely oceed by the peiiditg eWctitJns lTe uitrinoasini a inornpii irtihn election, of jr. llablebajae. or Tii'ilnuse The new Queen opa0 arrived at hu it ti th a leili pt. liie truvell.d without stat 6jd dec'Jneirfsaird of honor. Aaeount fromflttdrid represtted that tlie vellmv fef hud extended from Cailiz to rtavillB. ,i,. advance, detacliea a company Guerilla, while the remainder in column, attacked" the enemy's Cazadorca, and drove them back precipitately to "an old ruin from whichh wcro. dislodged ; he thrii passed the bridge and took up a position uu.'the- opposi o sid4- In the moan time, our infantry descended rrom the eminence, and the cavalry kept- its hv the road. The wicmyihcn rigni, and m.iiftiiulivhai? runsidftiv i alternated a movement from his una iiiwiiviit tv . , .. , n . n cast and laughter excitea, drew to the. the British Company. I tie lu st mtai of th! city office, .wh spee- ion oi Barcelona, and the Bravo of Pae,. d iy terminated the barbarous scci, by with the squadron pf tho upp. r plain, ariaintf- tho wife, untwisting Ihe Imller formed tl.o centre. -Tbo ba tahon lie f 5...... u .' V nnAr.,nvtVurt lini :f New -Grenada, and the Guides li" IIIJIOUUI IICl MWl, ..u ...,3 ..... I . .r .' r .h;i.i e fLu..!!. imifpd tn tne batta ion l away to a place oi satoii . i .-p-"- i. atrnritv this Hhiniieful. CflZadorcfl, were on the lett ; tho col exhibition was, the citfuinst&ftco of ajumr.s r.r Tanja and in re-eood-lookittrr young womaii tii-3 daughU!t'Ve , " 7T7 , ter of fitAviVe, standing, or rather ding- im.nsJiatt.y tho action became ge: Inc to her mother, during the shameful .cfal thfou5hoiit the lino. General An- i ri . trt t ir,n :i!J iRnrfi i rrmik , 1 1 :i nt tuii itio i' iwiainnw attfocious, the lrtics,. it seeiM, had-centrc ami the itJjht ho attacked a bAt!--i!;.!M nv):u the. enemy. had deployed in column Icjt, anil obliged lt.i4". The Prine'e Rfnt, attended by 8r tJeiirge t;CK.oiirni" ueeu on a visit 10 Portsmoatlr, fronfbence he was to make a cruise of eight ten Hay n, the Roy al 'Yacht. ctor, betep knowlfn by gentnman Siuitu, ui t. ia th 8(Jbh var of ormaneo of tbarle, in a.lal, bas been eonsi- fect repreiautatioa on lit v.suUi iii'i " n s telb-'.: i' '" wlich,,n iv on a'lTmi.u-rice, wit', three pieces nf can non irt,;tl!t cv 'tre, and tw. corps of Ca valry, 'Wuit'e.d o;;r attach. . Tho tr:- ji3 iii oi'.p centre, n itwitli. fltandrtr n severe fire' from' stjfca force flf thc'.cncmy, on our left flank.- attacked his main b-nly " lto kept a heavy tire, but our troops in the most audacious i latv it... stylo oxeruiiU'ineir moveineniswuu yie best disc inline, surrounded the wtioie oi the enemy's (fops. Tha squadron of tile . . ' . i ...:ai. : ... r mains . xi arsstt wiui in tippe usual Mr -Smith, t the appellation ed on the IStii his aije. His tha behool for dered the most the stasc. I.Vmirts w eicneviod on, the ci ntinent rif nriaui diffies between the courts nf PetBrbcircrf'enna, and lierlin, - rel- W - . all the ) peetir.!5 the pfcts ot tne fcmperor ot Russia with ru io ianu. Exira'ct of a tetter to the Jitlit or, dated Ai.Tin. SKPT. 2. war . xllb(sb the 1 rcaty is net rattlied, it does hot appear that it is nbst,?Litely re jected, but that the matter i referred J ..t t ... i ft .l:n once more to m asningmn,, ami h vui ic main with nor goyernuiaHtio dteide h hat meaMirei they may uha.a to adopt. ' has tftk-?n a liOHse at Madxid, more saitabb to hi- rank, and having more tha appearance f bis intention to he a permaiit-nt rtmueni, bravery, and trom that moment etf ids of the Spanish General were tilt- availing J and no was driven irom ms I LivEiirooL, sept. position. The company of mounted J lloiland.-ich pa jiers to Sunday last GrOTadf6rfl,-iiitjSinwrda were. the fit ' UlMe been rfv-'d. Cnun'e de Mon- that flad. The it,lantrtr-aemprc.i to i tholon wasiy expeeteu at urtusets, on I'orinnn a neighboring liii, hut were im-; uer retur Franco saccompanied by 'mediMely "destroyed. A Corps oi" Caval- her ehildri It is add- d, that her bus ry in reserve, waited f r ur3, with, their ; band h'adf used n4; leaye-Bonaparte, lances preparcd 'b clKinge. and were j who was I? "tm-r tle memo,r. Sally cut pieces j aud, fmally, tho of hi- exrdmary hie, and was ..jut U.I.UIJ cuw i , eil l,v 2Jil bertraad and count M..rt Tioie opj,ni.-H army ... c. .p.v , . ' "je compilation of thent. The is by the Dueb mail are moBt .!nom'vacPreHontiS'-ifio trade i titat 7-1 " " ' iW - Prised was very weak, bd in full pos. . session ol bis mtmai acuuies. y r,w:(Wnl W'itzVebento thank Ins -VSMesty fof $tl tbe favors he had ,lm'" which b-.k! somewhat 'a if hk . ftried " Wt J'w rcctynnicna nis wne io( that ,h0 wishe of Spain were not iristij.e Ws Matesty'a kindness j and to beg that j rfthIe But wnal it i4 ,,at tt; tm int day JiOligbt f buried without ostentation, 0y gtg(e req,,ired by Spain, and wVifch. -"in tlsc open'i:,rtW'try, jn ueldT.on-rtne ' 9Wui 0St h&yebsen as plainly yiseeme..; ' .ruattlfen ICriblowitl a.fldanjb, on on .lbc rt readiog itTtha Taty, ad pnonvlncU bo describcil Oner Uirce;..,,SSeted at rtiat momeot, . so as f bt a WiciKnu . oopvftlio(. ibe!met.tbeapprbalioa of the American Gov- ' emoieotls Mac, we m... wait patient uenrai wwww.'W . iy toijearirom your side of the water.- ,o near, as be physicians by JJJ '7 be:r the, is any iiaeerity in' al aiid hemmed in tvery side, laid unvn their arms, an'd 'Surrendered prisoners of Nearly at the same time, siinulta- ncojisty.-'GeneVaTutanur",. wft ' cb'm tnandwl the left, and who bad. mot with; a teiinrai iotis resistance from tho ene my's vanguard," tti which fe. had only to panics of the line, by tue.uiiuies mine, rear, 'passed tho bridge rind cainplctsd j tire -ictory. - . Tho wlbl u f tliu c'.iwiriy's a.-iiij' -aro ', Priioncia. Genera! B u reyro, "X6"Ui- i ,flau:kr in-Chief of tha force in New Gnada,"aiid his second in command., : Gi l. Ximeires. al.inost all too commandera.' and c!u. t'i - f corps a mtibitud'of stib.kl- i (e: uJ, and aoove lo.uu men are prisone.a, xvT.h' th; ir.arms ammunition", cavalry i &c.--Not ivhrive SOnien: with some o Ul cers of cav-.tlpy wlioH d hef ro tlie h it 1. ni.f;.. clinio Jtiil stating, 'tfi-at lhnts most in pyiifliecimio vvit'it) us Iniiir as tlie til so obnuiaiciv persists iu Us nercial rcj'ulaliojis, which,, it tvt) dissruHted nn'd. alienated all aiti see: then i i i a n k ' .m..i..i if; us desncrate, he said I know that I shall- die, for, I feel it bet ter than the physicians can; judge of rny stftfttiori; ;Iliewttbout relnctanc ior t am now of no further use Heir the - ihnt I haro lived and shall die faitlt- i- L! ; tiA rtnii' ilio pp.iieraH bis1 jui to, mm., ; 6w,i.f :. hand to lalie leave. Tht next day his Ma icsty accompanied by ; Puncer Guar les, paid . Urn a visit. At f,rt he as in a . i ;n,u'r fctlmppv. and did not notice what was pass but' afters ards ha kuew .the .trji. , !t Atalestv. aaiona: other ex- . fressiobsof Ugard. - said fu hlm, iou - .6,aybe.;6.bM'tbatiiobody takes more: - -l ." Interest in your a clfttto Hban I do. I . ' kno viUt the couitry avd myself owe "to jou. Do aot g'ttoup the hype ot recuver v s. fallow the ad lea cf ) our phy- ' sician?, MM tkeretneiitn tbatv ere r ruo Prmcfi v r.d Iatcrly v 4 ,.m iMPfl. tii d ianked: bis e riin.,?' Whethe'r thert is any sincerity in aw this diplomacy oil the part of Spain, or whether it is not rather a piece of tliul nys: tem of proerastiaationd'or which she isJio remarkable ia all her roll' real relation, end especially with the Uaited State?, -A tresiy tor tiio linul ar I I. .. I : (IV 1 . .1 . ' ' raCBT-oi. in i;iu .iHiisrenees . ei.wcen Swf an I Jlm-naik, Wiii gitjwed-'at tm on the ltly the D aush Min- r..- 11.. I, . ''' 'l'l ! :.. ... , ujj, KUfkt hvveden'isto pnv three md- ht' dollars ( Itituibiirg b'urw) in tei4 t payinentu, ami also to nay lour. nt. per an ium interest, but the in- t. iiut'tha Hiierest io ho naiil (inr- and the bonds tar the priori p i I und est are depusicfed l'l the hands ard the minister of the ialiiit; power, - fc Commajiider in Chief, Uftrreyrc; WK'tfJermany,--1 ho storm rained- in ' Ger takcriliy Pedro Martinet, 'a private oMny by the pre(nded Prussian- conspi the Uille Corps. -. N ! appear graduaMy to die away General Santauder, with the advanfi"? Zf I" icinoi, uas uccu oiri Tit iiojriy, anu mt tta was i liTidcd. have escaped. Hie - PoliticnI. I'llOM TUB IIAbllMUIlS PATRIOT A QUESTION 'Ftm.STATUsMo jyill ttie United States permit the Iitk iutuke and hntd Cuba? What paraliziiig influenee has bens ed the public mind ?f A l'evv'dy8 si0( eertain press in uoton, patron ized m maintained, ns we have some reason it suppose, Uy Vniencau reauers, .openly tended that the' people of England, )tfate ably nssehibLd to remonstrate) Pguiiutti, heaviest political -oppressions that pressed a natiaii to tbe -c;irWi t'?rf: the "allows J and more . thai in uiim that tiios.' who Were cut dwnaud sinuJ tered, deserved their fate .' Thin J, graceful paragraph 'pass id without a J htary commeat;lroiii any paper, in thet. nonM! NV'c may cdlr ihis n libst; hiii minded exemption, from party's li : ou. may ve uoi aiiureueiiu inaiib something more that we are pansinii to me otner extreme uiai a meiaiieinii. indillWeiiee to the principles of put freedom is rapidly perradiiig the ,iuim What do we 'iiehol'd a( this very morn ni ; The British, Ihe natural, theimpiuc& Jtneinu of JLmenca, preparing as certain;; as there i a in heaven, to take ju, session, by treaty or by rce (for to fter matters nol whicbjof an island that cm. Siitotes tho foey to the Golph of Mem and gives her fumpleUunlimiittd contn over our wuoib ira-e in inose seas; y yet not one voice is raised against it inle paper excepted ! 1 declare tb eoa s ider t he pu bi le juind as in a s tate k more alarmiii and daurou :to free.'oi than When Governor Strdng treacheroil ly refused to organize the milita-y furs of Massachusetts on ' the side of thc Alma an government. 1 eonaider 'ifieit! ciipation of Guba, (v the British as it most deadly blauf ever, was aimed the prosperity of this countr-ythe uati abo'ufd ward it off at all hazards, iu man w.juld do tbe dagger of the aiiaisi pointed at his heart. . NViib twenty sail iti-s lino iu the harbor of Cuba we, cil not breathe freely, commercially sneakii Wbat must be , tbe condition of all ill Western country f A damacrois m mth.of the Mississippi as bigh' as t cixiuus woaiu not oe worse tor ttaem,tif susti a state ot aosoiuie, atnect. lutoler bio dependence vn the will of la - 'Mr Am Mi inn. I lit. it irvum uici) (1KB tne Dig, mare' on the Spirit and growth of all tiul region oi isouniry. xi would 06 DettCrii war to eternity With tbe faintest bop's J Aueeessy rather than settle down' uW and emburrassmeut. Have -vc forgnliil me oiacic proeiamaiions orouant in Cochra ne'a fleet to be distributed in S uih ? Vet who lifts bis voice w. the impendras'storin' ? Natirfos, hk individuals, arc tbe glint of prejudice; we have ' inade up minds to take the Florida' '"' All the ft per have said, ut, : let us take the Fk daS and so, politic or impolitic, we a: take the F oridas ; btit for r.nv, preferti the solid interests; to filse vie vs ofii honor of my eountrj, I pray that e not take theTFtoridas u'aless we pre pan! tne same tune to, i6a aUoJ hetter to seize or neiehbour'S eane, let a ruiUvn snatch .it to break our A b;id. We can . take Florida' token pl;ae. and when times are more aw cio':s." Tho follflwiug tbea is ihr palic; would litiim!y reunmmeBii I Let tii.g verumeut, in anticipate Ji&vSiig the Fl iridas, assume the iM iijiiii i for spoliations onroarcitizenM inisitig to pay it when couvement, a"1 the mean time proceed to ascertain ad just tWse clTiims. I would forbear In Florida atpresent, fyenlf ;En jhou'ld wt in the mean t'nue take C because I would deprive her of tbe i (low a pretext- but it fcnslarid take Cubii or threaten it,v tben it we take Florida ; and n'ule-swe are io.jj that b'e should be tutii-key toleti or out, "of the Mississippi and nil West India seas, ut her plent'i?, ! ' wesile with her for that keyh.ti oiie win "shot to be found in tiio iordi or a pulse beat iu the" American bo! . GOPllNIUGE 1 . - - and theGuides id' the reserve, pn lime aloo'e will deterroiue. It appears snWantlyrin pursuit of the fugitives, fll(.llishorial Commission, which has Domes titfc! IbiK V Mejcsty, HT.d rcouimrnoe',,. oddlthal any re.asanabl6 obpctioiy to the Trealy M'hieb "the American minister eeuld have felt lijmelf ahtborised to lis. fep to,' were nnf hiade atan eartkr period, that lite latter sag5astion, taaen in cn nisction with theli general dilatory and e ipiivoaating poliey of Spain, is the best reeeived opinion in ibi country. AftM how tarthe prurieni iiisposiirou i w eland may have operiUea to prmiuee iw aft'nrHi'i.f - flinticp. that limiUIO 3 wuw . Momthin man turn up lo prefvtsat the utti- roate ratifieatiou ef tbw Treaty; (Whiebi he would, irsne eouia, upeniy prevcu,; we are also left to conjecture, . T jD'jrjonneirw he was - to have . com" Wnded the exneditioii fropi Cadiz, and who only a month ego was invested with .new-honor for bis luyaity eapptessingl this place ; and ..general auz "aievi,,,, a tlie basinos,'b8 declared (vith the rest ot the army, remaineu i tiat j,e was peftetty inn.icerit. ' U has ring ,i'o tiigni on in hciu . s"juiTerei two nionins imprisonment - It is action The advantages obtained by the Hefiakl that ha .intends bringing an lie ui yesterday's glorious . vieXory, agaiast.M. Kauiptz and the other incalculable v t - ' H ber of Cmois,i'nr--U is.'agi Our troops never gairfed a mri sivc tritnnphand ;tieyJiavc'Deeti.sf iipuoseu5, to trtmp belter disci pliuf. bettet' commanded'. Nothing is comparable to th 1! pidity displayed by Gen. An4f at the head of two batallamsi; squadron ot Jvaity, wnn vv tittoL-Pii. And made Drisoner37 i body of th.e enemy to hinrwef in a great meas'tre ia!coten tortn pry. ported in lierjiu, nas ai ienzi.n ciiuscnieu lo eenaiu firm cipba vhich are tii form the ground work of the constitulibin, " ""''..' Denmark J -- Fresh distiubanees have broken otttUn,.. Confab agenj where, the windows or many houses, more partteu Bedford, . fcisiu,.dor I) V VI n '.I.KWJSjLk l":fC On tho night of Sttifbrf li Lewis ami his two tHni. j ''ffikffli Connelly and Jamc IU Hi ' iu ui vwti iieirroea wihi weien the s inierroom and not liandrJ Jed, ceeded it, breaking out of 6n ijail, (l iail it can he ralhul T!iivViirnedl iwied to, certalu nrint r(,Tbt"'Merf tl!l larly Ihose'inhjibited by Jews were tiro-il" ntUbc jatloVs wood-pile. I. ken so, that the troop ia various . jSafts of the towu, were obliged 1 fife- on the mob. Eighty persoas were arrested, and some cf theoT lenieneed to rijrorous pup- . aiifficicntly .'-'large to" pass tbnmsldti dcrtnined the jail wall, asVlso tf around the jail y ardand in a sink witbui. sighf of town, cut oflT tb.'iri with an axe and a h ow. , which nearly or fiuitelay-light before the. vested themselves of their irons. i Immediately am the alarm bcngl that tho prisoners- had esrarcd. V" "Iff,' rT!l.!''dt.ip 4