V M . i UALKIGH,(N. C.) n. wKKKLTi B LUCAS Ot( HlttTlT 11 cf.subKi-iptioui Threa dliari per yenr, 'half lo I I'"1 ln No paper foJji f.. -uVsobicquent iasei'lioii 1 and i:vl':kf .ninn whtrc liu-re is a greater number ol r,' u,i fourteen. The cash mm accompanj 'f K - tVi.n nerson. unknown to the editor. . ;.iu.ui ruyment ofut least 5) m advance; i ...in.nlimiaiir.e uMnont payment ot ar ivars uaUs-" at.th.e jpiion of ttie editor. Domestic Ix I ... II.. .. 4 trenlieinan mi iiuwurnxtusi uas cl tsiiil us the following extract from a HCP WUIVil I.,.;lltl U "11 1111 undent al NalcliticliC3r aod observes.4 I am acquainted aviHi the parties, 1 1'C 110 UOUUl VI tll'io ll.ljv ill o( rib. Burtsell and Barker, mentioned lathe 'exlract, are well known in New- Jffltk, and will enable your cUizi-iiS t Lfgf of the accuracy of the report." Hei-e fullotvs the extract ; V. Y. Ev.rtntt u JS'atchitocIm, 6i YTw, it Nine o'clock th'19 everting w- ro- ((ved the news of tlie arrival wf 2000 iimniartla on the Banks of the babine. ,1! niouiito'lO and within 50 miles of us riit viiave driven alf bilrethera oh nit march Irom of. -Antonio, and urnt all the villages. They have dm n the remainder of the Republicans in directions, and have put several to Jleatlr. Gen. Long has, witii risk, ; got lear with his family ; but the comaian- ler ?t this place has orders to send him, m K i i 'tiera .gy Ui.AM DaiNia I hero hs Godfrey, a soldier of the United States lhem (ooI wdohef jmpi era 4a all eoveramenfs a g.eat deal of artu au nvrnf a.1 in this village, in . .v " lu'Z. , Afcord canung about the consomptton pf HUance of ,,j8 8ctece, for the mur. : e;cll oT the aseou a n ftputts. vve Miicve tne uesi plan ts io d f hHmM Branaghan, also a sol- been allowed lBOQ dollars to thenriu teipeupjcuruiB. wiuinucy niwc, anu wy dicr in an affray which happened atieipal, and 1200 tu the other. All oaf that tiny like..; to make no samptuary FortNiagara,on ihe 23th of Aug. 1813. ; puW'c ageDt on Hip eoa of Afriea, laws euiicr ir iuv whj r mo ua . xh jje jia(j juf a Jq,, j,me previous to the received salaries lor ta& services, aim n thefirst pjacc, laws agalust rum and wa- j f execution manifested great insenst- was' understood that none of oUr eiiizens. tey are made bV taen who Can change a hllitv nm hardiboori. His in.liBerence poiesiug the requisite qualihe&lins, Irrt fur a dry one whenever they i wa doubttess increased lv the expecta- vvou!d ceept these trusts by which they Use, and who do not often work up to . tj f rei,rieve. wilic, ,vc un(crstand voallS be co.uha!1 to. Prl lUe ,ottl ,rts' Mr knees in mud and water : ami, in Kfl ' , tn hiit iaat Imur. 1uenieU aua w"nut .r0MU,m the next place if this stimulus did alj the w .. hnr in Mhw Hartfnwl. r.(nnec. taiscuwnti? tbaugM tout bjr tne wweUicut, and was about 25 years old. would rather lessen ; han increase .thii aid;iy with which it is at present simght fur.. Again, human life ia subject to sucu manilold wretchedness, that all na tions have inveiited a southing liquid or Mil ill fi Tii'iirhw-e n hi-iftf nhlivinn. Pm- 'n v " - ..... ... i ... . . i . " w it,wi" . pies, Uarjey, grasses, sugarr pepper apitotuted uii yne memunai oi .nc sunt- wi be given ,0 tbe,e agenfs, defiu wuL iftfiousand ottior tb"nrs have been I viug Otficers of the Uevoluttonary Ar ing j prseise terms, theirduties in re r tO tile prohibition of the mifralinn nf itillara orn t'nnpfnpitt tkn nrtial ' nnaptri. wliioti nnt liMn nroviniiRlviif Slaves from' Ibn nrdAn .ir. i , ! ......j n . ' I . tur.llnn.n ...... ..I I 1 ... - ... w.r wuien yongress pave - on ,iue coftbide ration of the several it it. that we . f. i ' . ....... kuoof.a .lave'who wasteborn in tbe;'8 aJ J'? V .7" Uaited Statetand we are q1e sure there' u.ndep ' and laD,kd ,rf Africa, should be . : i niilift in thpir return tn ter former was aviave-sui uiieu oui irom u. " wisu soma or the districts most in tent on imposing restrictions on Missouri euutd say as much. Nat Int. ANOTHEIi ACCOUNT. NEW-YORK. DEC 22, Unfortunate occurrence .Yesterday af ternoon, about 3 o'clock, as Mr. Stouh tno, attorney at law, was walking down nroauway, near tbe corner oPAlaiden- lane, be met with Mr. Itobert Goodwin, of Baltimore ; ami, after some words and blows, Mr. Stoubton received a wound from a csne sword, of which he died in a few minutes. Mr. Goodwin walked off. and at this momeut, we believe, has not been taken. A circumstance of . this na ture caul '1 not have failed to excite tnueb utiulio feelin and various rumors and reports have arisen on the subject. We have endeavored to aicertain the eauses which led to this disastrous affair. Mr. Sloughton, it appears, had acted as eoun svl in some suits brought against Mr. Goodwin, iu relation to Spanish affairs, in whieh Mr. Goudwin took umbrage at some translation, and had challenged Mr. Stoughtwn, wbieh he decliued accept ing. We are told that iu walking ait Mr. Stoiighton, Mr. Goodwin used some harsh terms, which- was resented by Mr. Stoughton, who returned and struck Mr. Goodwill ; a scufn enuing; Mr. stougn aided in their return to their former homes, or in their estahtisbtnent at or near the idaee where lauded. Some shelter aed food would be necessary for them there as soon as landed, let their subsequent disposition be what it might. Should they be landed without such pro visions having been previously , made, they must pei inh. It was supposed, he the authority given to the Executive to appoint agents residing on that cocst, that they should pruvide such shelter and ftod, and ler.forni the other Ben'efi cient and charitable offices, conteiopla- granted.' T - . rf.'l ' 4 A. Ttransx.atiomV - .Original omitted. To the Duko of Alason. All the uncultivated land not ceded in East Florida,, which lies between the banks of the river batnt Lhcia and that of Saint John; as far as the. mouths by which they empty themselves" into the sea, and the coast of the Gulf of Florida, and the adjacent islands, with the mouth of the river Hijuclos, in 26th degree of latitude, following the left bank up to its nurce, draviing a line from Lake M cap, and then descending along the road Irvm tile river at John to tbo JUike V I der : crossing another line from tbe ex treine both of said Lake to the souree of tbe river Amuratna ; following its right bank as far as its mouth, iu tho2$lh and 25th degrees of latitude, and running a lung the sea 'coast, with all the, adjacent ted by the act. The cuast of Africa I islauds, up to the mouth of the li ver having been explored, and na persons nijueUs. residing there, who uos&essed the renui site qualifications to eaiitle tlein to the trust, being known to the Executive t B TRANstAf ion.j Original omitted To tbe Count of lJuou Uostrn. Air the nneulti vated land not ceded ie of plate. rHe'rafoliew'fr .Iri&liires.l . Addressed ' . ' j'.t . , To tba GoTernor aae1 Cant General ot ' : the Islaad of Caba-and its district, tbat ,,. he may do' what U soitable, to tbe eod t that the r favor granted ta Don Pedro d"o ' argas, oi various janos. iiiuavea xm ids Flbridas, and other things therein mel; uouea, may nave eneei. .uorr'af. luero follows a signature. lakes notice of this, in tbe Aeeonntant General's of tbe - ' Indies' Department. Madrid 18th Mareb. ' 4 1811. Josef de Tekada. ' If is rnbriented . fees gratis, f Here is aDofher signature 1r- Fron Mr.4Ervine 6 Mr. Adams, dated Aiauriu, 2oiB April, 10 1 o. ix.raci " I perceive that "Mr. Pizarro Weutd be ' . very glad to terminate it (the negotiation) v ?;, herf. In tbe mean time, I shall continue . ' to work with him, to the end that his eom- ; municatioos to MfFQnis may be made as favorable as possible to prompt' adjust- . mem oi u ai aiuiugiuu. to iu ticw, 1 asked him yesterday What bad been said respecting Florida. He answered Vague ly but 1 perceived that there was some question none such could It be. committed. It Florida, is comprehended between the was believed that citizens only, who river Terdid,' to the wesrorthe Gulf of would go hence, well instructed in the' Mexico, aud the river Ainamjo and St. views of their Government, and zealous John, from lJpa, until they empty th'em to give them effect, would be competent selves into the sea on the eastern side ; totlie3a duties, ami that it was not tho by the north, the line of demarcation with intentiun of the law to ureclude their the United States, and en the oulb by ..n:..fr.M- i-.-o .vi., i....a tt.ut the Gulf of Mexieo, incsudiufr lie desert longer these persons should be detained u,aad 00 lhe ccai,t- in tne United btates, in me nanus oi Vram M. rc,v; , m, Admi. dated the marshals, the greater would be t!i3j Madr.J, sth April, lsis. Extract. exwnse, and that for "the same term iu my dispatch No. So, fof February wobkl the main pat pose oi the law ue ; 05. 1 u,etioacS the grants of lands in ton rRiivriiI (lit, wound whieh terminated ' aiwnofwliil. dt appmed. therefore, to Le : Florida lateiv inado bv the kmir of tfnain his existence. Mr. Goodwin walked lei-; incumbent on me to make the neccssa y! to several of his courtier, aud enclosed o reigtitj, territorial properly, &e. ctef n of pasiiBe it to tbeTJuitet) tStates, S iu compensation tor the elaiws. 1 there , fere begged bio to prepare, in hi iatr6'f; tieog to tr. Onis, fof a difficult wbftft most 'certainly arise, if any " trans-x , Hon" of that kind should bb proposed '" that the elftiros in question woultf probably. C ue iiquia&lcc ny the united states, in snea form, by commission or otherwise, as ; . might he molt convenient lo themselves j, but that final I j, they mast be paid out of tbe sale of the lands: XVow,'tbe rvingba lately given all those lands away, as I bad. duly informed my government)) to eom- picie the 44 transaeJioo," u tvoaid, mere fjrp.he absolutely necessary' tbat the whete of tboee grants should le cancelled, Mr- f izarro held me a long diseodrse, nbou f caught, to Washington, by direction 1 surely lt. buch is the uceouut given to . arrangements for carrying this f the President; We do not know y poni wno saw me aaair. effuct in Africa,-in the tune to Kheru thi wilt end. We have hut lifty deepry regret mai an event 0 sucn a na- Ulien at this p..st-They have got one ur h0U,V nave occurr.eu 'n our 0Ul aail.rVom New-York, iust a-ttled thMe.iittrocar r5,u5 UI'"U " l"Vu ry" ---- - ------ the name of Burtsell. We buried Mr. Barker 25 days since." JVaf. Adv. NitJFAI.,, NIAGARA, DEC. 7. Execution. On Friday last, John act into i extracts from those- in favo7"o4' the Duke meet the ! ' Alag a ,&nd the Count of puuoii Rostro. delivery of any persons who might be'1 have ju.t now. obtained a copy of that in i. ..... .KirQOla n,,d lwtwl ! 'avor ot Don Pedro de Vargas, treasurer . of the household, and it is herewith trans- mere unuc. h. ' milled. 1 houe soon t.. be able to obtain ua in., view oi tne policy anu sane-1 u A I agon and tinna nf I l.u am. it llaa I.API1 1Alllll la .. 0 J . ..... .. . , a .: 1 l uuou Kostro." senu a puuue snip 10 me coast oi nice) with two such agentr who will take with ements necessa- yfor the purposes above mentioned. J o crents a small salary uas o .... bte eompeiis&tioB. Seeb aHoaaee, therefore seenieJ lo be indispensable to the execution of the aet. It is intended also to subject a portion of the sum appropriated, to tbe order of tbe principal agent, for the special oh- HOUSE OF RfclPKESiSN TA TIVES. :i"lB. al?MV.e ''rt.LHJnu 20 whole, including Ihe salary of the agent . . A . for one year, to rather less than one third Mr. Sera-can,!, from select committee . -Sni:i ...irua. Congressional Proceedings. 1 told him that We had no difference" o opinion about' those distinctions, and Ihe other matter connected with them, bpl that his error was in supposiog that we meant to pay for the sovereignty only. We did uot es innate that so highly as he imagined; 1. enlarged very mueb upon whatever re- -lates to these poiuts, and brought him to consent tbsl these erants laigkt be eancell- ed, and innerar.ily given to the grantees in New bpaiD.bi elsewhere: I say broDjnt hmt to conscnU I mean that he said e- nough to convince me that there will ifTJ no difficulty on this head. I nm not so " certain that I have indueed him to send," by his courier, such instructions on it to Mr. Unis, as may render anotber refer ence to his government unneeessafy ; but I propose to se bim njaia lo-morrow, and (6 re-urgd the matter." - :: From the same to the same, dated Mad rid, May 14, 1818. Extract,!' , Iu my late private letter (,wbieb was da ted Anril 2ft M related to vou what pass. led between Mf. Pizarro and myself, open the subject ofHhtf grants of lauds in trior rida, lately made by the Ring, and I men- -tioned. that 1 should see him the day fol lowing, & endeavored io preasmy opioioa . l..v 4..... ... w .. " . .. .'. . , Mtaeezed, pressed, pounded, anJ purified ; my, maivc u.crcu.,, wu,.0 gura ,0 me persons inujaeMvereu io meai. i. ,...i..,.uo in ii c ill a tci ui uv imiu'Tinu, mlvviii- lue u uur:.cu cut ui hid uiuuct i UPii'Maiv ua ' mi : ..... . . . ... - The original, &f whieh the following is u translation 'is omiireu. The Kiko : My Governor and - Cap taiu General cf the island of Cuba und its district, under dale of the 25th of January last. Dou Pedro de Vargas manifested t me as follows ; Sire; Don Pedro de. Vargas, kuight of the royal military c;rder et Alcantara, treasurer eencral of the royal house and patrimony of your majesty, with the most profooud respeet, at your royal leet, exposes that there is a quantity of vacant end unpeo pled land in the territory of the Florida, aud desiring that if your mujemy shall deign to reward his vajula services, and the proofs which he has given or his loy u!tv, it may be without the least burthen on the public trenry or in prejudice of any thud person, as may ue uoue at pre sent by some land of that eountry, he 0a that point, ioueb way, astlf possible, "t beseeches your moicsly that, by an ettecti0 obtain that he misht in advauce instruct' of your sovereign goodness, you wnu!dAjr. On s rreocformily to if. I saw him deign to gruat to him the property of the ou ibe syth, as 1 proposed jifefore tbe'de-i, whieh lies compriheJ withio tpe to jiiKiluce litis temporary happitu Nobieiuen and members of parliament, have large cellars lull ! scaled bottles, to enable them the better to endure the wretchedness, o I life. The poor, "man seeks the s me end by spending three ball pence in gin , but no moralist can tuimfe the idea of g'iu ' .. Edinburg Review. panied by a bill for their relied", Whicb principal agent and his accountability bill a as tw ice read and committed, !for the same. They will alsohae pow- rhe following Message was received er to seleet the most suitable plate on tne from-t he-President of the United states, by the hands of Mr. J. J. Monroe, his Secretary. To the Senate and the House of Repre sentatives of the United States. Some doubt beiug entertained respec- iTT1 A new and cheon conductor of- tins the true intent and meaning of the lgld,nn and fluid Mr. Capostolle, 'act.ot tne :ast session, eninieu jxu m that a rope d' straw supplies the llace of u.ctal conductors. Tliu experiments wJiiv hiie has made confirm, as he says, in additioir-jotliacta- ju-ohibitinsihe slave trade,' as to he duties of the agents to be appointed, on theftuast of Africa 1 think it proper to state tne ltnerpreia- ili-.it tiiu itrrlit nin " f..tcla c filDP fit' fif rn IV t lull which liaa been eiven of the act, and placed iu its way, and pa ses through it the measures adopted, to carry it into into tltu ground so ci'nlly that the hand effect, that Congress may, should it be nt u iufc.r it r.r i m furiA at lht ImiK ili'I'llli'll fl V IHSIUIC. aillCIIU UlC BdlllU uu- does not perceive it. Mr. Capostollo adduces the tollowing fore further prncteding is had under it. The obligation to. instruct tire com. n proufiifliie assertion : h 13 well manders of all our armed vessels to seize known," says hr " that a severe shock and. bring into port itMhips or vessels is received by a person who iimiiedinfeJy touches tte Leyden vial. toast of Africa, at which all persons who may be taken under this act, shall be delivered to them, ttitb an express in junction t,o exercise rio power rouudeu on the principle of colonization, or other power thau that of performing the bcrv evolcnt oDiees above reeited, bylhe. 'per mission and sanelion of lbs existing gov ernment, under which tbey may establish themselves. Orders will be given to Ibe commander of the pTTCXie8TTp, id" wirieb they will sail, to cruibe along' the coast, to give the more complete effect to the principal object of the aet. Washington Dec 17A, 18i. DOCUMENTS Transmitted to both Houses ' of Congress wA the message" of the 1'tesidenU cf 7th Vec.i8W. fotlowinc limits ; thai is to say from the1 mouth ofthejiver rerdido," aud its bav in Vhe Gulf of Mexieo, following the sea coast, and ascending hy the rivcrsj!R(.qUeDe of whieh, l he council sent or' of' Bueu Soedrro?' aud of Mobile,",jt;r4 t0 the Dtike of Alagun, and the continuing along the Mobile" till HjCoUat de Pnnon Itostroj directing 'them uot touches tbe northern line of the United L UIttke sales of the lands, granted to Dm if a per- Bon take a rope of sUuav, only 'seven or eight inclTes long, iu his hand, and touch, with the end of this i ipc, a Ley tlen vial, so strongly chaiged that Tan ox might be killed by it, ho will neither see a' spark; nor feel the slightest shock." In Jvlr. Capi.stolle's opinion,, such a .conductor made of straw, whirh j would iot cost above three francs, would be i . . .. . ' snieto protect au extent ot sixty. . acres f ground from hail ; aud were the houses and fields protected in this maii- he", neither hail nor lightning could of the U. States,' ..-wheresoever tound having on board any "negro, mulatto, jf pet son of color, in vtolationof former acts for the suppression of tlie slave trade , being imperative, - was evxuicu without delay. No seizures have yet brien niade, but as they were contcmpla- (1 by the law, and might be presumed, it seemed proper tomafte the. necessary regulations applicable to such seizures, or carrving the several provisions oi the act i4." eflcct. It is enjoined. on the Executive to lainage them. f The Missouri Question We take this nictiiou of announcing to correspondents generally, that we decline to publish any uiore eays on the Missburi question, or iu any manner connected with it,- until the anjeet shall have been acted ou by Con gress. Further contention will only serve t exasperate into .enmity what is "now were difference of opinion, in whieh soroe Weling mingles. Our columns have been delv opened already to all iartIe?on the abject, andwe have teinperately,,expreis d our own oniniuii rilativ In it. ' ' Whilst referring to our expressed opi rasa 'm. 1 1 -.'' . a. ... .V' Is O. I. Extract of a letter from Mr. Erving, Minister Plenipotentiary from Ihe United States, io Spain, toMr. Adams . dated Madrid,-iOth Feb. ISIS. - . The king has lately made large grants of land m East Florida, to sevtr al of his Idvorites; and i am credibly in formed that within these few davs he has, by a sweeping grant, given ail the re maindcr to thespuke of Alagon, captain of his guards, and the Count of Punon Hostro, oae of his chambcrlaitis. -This is. Dei baos. his mode of ureparinir for a cheap cession of the territory to the Unit cause all negrneH, tnulattues, or persons of color, who may be taken under the act, to be removed to Atrica. It we(icdState3.M--'. obviouo intport ot, tne law, mat none oi the persons thus taken should remain 'From' the same to Mr Adams, Secreta withitrthe U. States and no place oilier than the coast of Africa being designated and parture of his eourier ; whether 1 produc ed the desired effect, or not, 1 cannot posi tively ay, but, immediately after, lie: wrote lb the etuneit of the Indies, in con-' laics, and descending by that in a right iue to the source of the river Perdidi.," and following the river Mobile," in us ower part, and the bay -o .Jhat name, returns by tlieSettjeoast lowanfs the west: ss .r - eomprelienuuig an ine ereehs, yntx nod ila:ds. a.djaeent, whirh aetually be ' - . . . a S' ont; to Spain, till it reaches the west line oF'OTeTJTlsuTeitTh northern line, comprehetiding ' utl lh them : this fuct, which 1 Lad received. through a private channel, I ascertained yesterday in Conversation v ilb Mr. Pizar ro. 1 cunnoi Imd Hi at tbe council naa written to the other grantee, Vergasj but Mr. Pizarro fcaid. lhu( it should be done iu be that as it mav. ell sales made by the grantees' are, ib iniiio , ,..lJJLua. aw a of Indies; there are obligations, ai of a very otierou kind, imposed oj' HO hose laws, on all grantees, calculated in wbtcn eacn waiite lands which belong to bpain, ar:d are in dispute orr'6'elaniuti.in with the J.j;ae to produce the ohjecls which ea States,. aceortliug to thcit iur oi the lrea-ij.rants have io view, viz. Ibe population ties, aud, also ulf tfe waste-land not and icnltivation of the territory. '.Obliga- lions, Wliieli grantees iy iaig iracn ua eeded to uoy other iiidividtinl, whiuli i between the river " Ilipuelos," in East Flo rida ; and the rirur iSan Lucia i" itrawiioar a line irom ino (inurtc oi4one ri ver to ibe source of the other, and follow iug, by the coast of the Gulf of Mexieo, froin'the mouth ot the H.ipWloU" to the point of" Luncha," and duubtiub tlis oythe coustbi the Gulf cf Kioridf.lo the uioutli of (he river '?Sauta Lucia," with ihe islands, &e. adjacvut. - . . i . . . t-onsiuering iue conienis oi- inn einosi- -- o - lf r".w. -ei. TttiPil v -..,l ..l;,.. ,Y. .!., ,,;,. ur iiL ;n. modaie himself to tbe VicWI ef the U ailed , V " Y :"T States, had concluded to make tbctes-' ...hiiuu, any iui... j Icr a prohibition to mnke sale) cannot pos ihly fulfil ; less of all, Ueb grangers a these, who, besides not having a cent, are (overwhelmed with d.ht. - :;, . From the same to lliu same," dated la- drid, I2tb Juue, 1818. Lttract. ' He, Mr. Pizarroi then entered into the -rincii.al matters in itiuestion, and, firstly, v. MM.ke of tha Ifwits on the aide of Floridav T He concluded ttus sucjeci uy saying, . though the liing, With a'efe aeeoon- royul service,, as also to the advantages t result to the state from-peoplinghe said countries, Lhuve thought propurto.aecede to the favor whien he solicits, in as lar as it be not opposed to the laws of these my dominions, and eomitfnuicated it to uis Couueil of Indies for its fulfilment in a royal order of d Fe binary last. Couss uueutly, I coinmaud and charge you, by ihirf, my royal cedula," scroll) that, conforming to the laws w hich regulate iu these affairs, and without prejudice to third persons, that you erheaeiousjy aid the ex ry of State, dated Madrid, 20th Feb 4818. Extract. ther Temoval or delivery, whether' Car;;? The King, has lately 'made Jargeleeuiion of ihe said grant, or favor taking ..imi nini i ne u. states or lauueu un- .crania ui iana in tne rioriuas io several an in measures wuicu may conuuoo io u "mpdi-itlv finrri the vessels in which they of Ids favorite servants. ') The enclosed'due effoet, as also to.lhe augmenlation of a tnkr'n. was an united to be confined nauera. A. and B. have been furnished to'.ibe population, agriculture, aud commerce .. . i .t . ..i... .i.iinn . . ... r: i...,nf iha aforesaid nossessions. ivins ae-l to tnaiwast. '.no eiucuiui..sii ,c, as cAiraku .irons iu ; iuo .- - 4 -.:... . .' " '.;..KT J....I i..J 1. fnrrmiin which I received from a, goridioutee, that j .1. . I l.n.l ai.;'nilAit lli itrnbihtt ink ' I proi.er piacp. iu w, ;. V ""u "c tb Aeeoualaot General's Department ofpUeed U the . later grantees of laud ia ; . lateen snnuiu oo ucuvciou. uwisnm rnr, isrgas, uoaourcr oi inu B,i:aa - Tun.,! ; Pf.a. 4dih Marl..:Vl.lt.. enmmun cated. to VOU M UfL r Executive is authorised to appoint one household, bas sfhotber grant In fine.,1 l818t i the Kins. - It is rubricated.' bvtpVivata letter of May 14. On this oeea: of a thus ble to the United Slates, as 1 bad seen in the protoptiiude withwbich ae, had on my suggest ion, anu given grutu m eoiibetl of indies, relative io tne iaio 'rants, (as particularly coromunicatcd to . you io my private lettsr .f Mayi14.3yt his majesty "was fullyaware.ithat the - value of the publie landn ile erTitory t . . ! . r r , . I I . 71 . to bo ceded wouia oe inunuei what the United Slates eeuld demand n-" der lb beadVaf undemnitie; heBee,ik was reasonable tovexpeet, that the (litter- enee should be made up to him by eoncei sions on the other side." . From the same to the same, dated Madrid, o-A .Tnfv. lats. F.xtract. 1 . . . . The convention had seareeiy uecn ra.. - . m i .1 ... ..... .. .. ... ... ' . . . J - . - .... . uion. u. ,:n .....I.., ...... -il'. inr mora agents, residingtnerc to receive am tea to uctteve that his Maiestv has nr th Kia. i.nrrf p..iav l urota st cnofidential note to Mr 7 taid,; that we have nd decided objection jsuch persons, and one hundred i thonsand givon away the wholo of the lands jn that, Verea. It is ibrlea(orfeesj.9f0 realej Pizarrty roiatiBg eoHl.'fl ,

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