0l v t vC "4 'o .. -ir - ---- ; 1 ' V "V : , t . . ' f . r'TiMiw .rmni f'i'.thft Hicirniil KiKjantr. "n i n u ! If" A I . IIKAP. A tlP. H ICS. SUM! - ; r - W; '.. '.' nmJunturij Scr I i-id under 'f Mosaic hau: , v c, whatsoever th:ns w written j in - H2- - U r FRIDAY, MAB(m t7,180. yT, i l, ; v . PM--!'. " M.fJ;"Ctf . gW'imwfaniiv if lie made a nlai iWlaM,i'r.;. U.:.' 4.JJiC '-" "it!''".'iliv-iC- ... 1'. " ''VLi '.'V).",?' -v-.f' f protection. in?fcfa! tiu'-fiintOiibiti(m (od, nuaeto J, both iQibriio4l MA'Mir4Ml; iuw re joist i-m'tmicrl of the Hebrews. H the Lord fiY tbo ioMilatioQi, ore not obltl&hei. bt-Ho W "WimoeoTcrr if lie made a nlain "" " ' BALEIOIT(N 0.) jtion before a magistrate, that the iciit i"t1ZZ. being h,'ifiohtfP " jnbjcrptiof beomes (Jue, 3.1) fwtice ,fSr r. k.n h.vff been c5vm. . " ' r.rr one dollar: bf WeiityfiVf ,tfif,i ' ami in like '"t'lii'n t'oiiV'ccn. The cash mint accompanv 'TZfp'rn pfrsoas unknown fo the o.ttitw. v nhscriritioii cn in any cw ne reoeivtd U wineirt of at leant t 50 in advance : i .l.'.ron'irniance without piyment of ar- r . . ,1 AVI ,n (" t' ...-.r. ratified by an ear M irk, c entire familv oecamc tun masters aosoiufe property. Not will the methnd of marking th'f bundmai be doemsd an harsh process tv those of us, whose most delimit danzhttrsi$ Lord have by a similar process, been Jitted to weap costlif car-rings. That bargains for 'botindmen and boundwomcn. and their value as pr(jwrty, was recognised chtMlrei by tiic; Mosaic code. yc must also inft'f irom enactments that vc fnld'iri two t!ier Statutes. Tiy one (if them' man stcaliiig is viade felony, (using our terh r.ic;d idioias ) aud by the other. Je1n vah, after allowing a Jew, in special casc, to , espouse a Gentile. trihibifs sacred btstorian) dwromfirted Hhm I V. iwrbetaal ibjHttiio&Viaitee. Keldwmin 'ihomMle ri fore Israel, aiul slow thWifti Wm;TIio role that ettabluh the Ooralilf prtv footln of ekriM. L.iw .t slaughter jat Gibeotf. and chaied tfcm'Vn5rww M bJ '59"? WWMJW -re aJthoK: rjt n lime oy tua oencht the hus'jaiid from selling the. ffir.ale cap- tivc wiiro he had espoused for beaut y. iiciimPt wrr? written fur oar tciicii- Und wished to divorce from disgust ; the u-".-. SI Vauihihe Tidmnns. i:ihilitb)n is absolute, and tlie reason also the writ ;Gr it k assigned by tfw? laivw, Ijiou dijienntioni sdialt not &A her at aU ftr money, focaiut Tie 1 osaic laf. caBcd i hir utl thfr Altaic l,.rt.drdJh9 priml thenrracy. "Not;lKo Jwetimmbled ber.VT Deut. XXI e if bvtiie pnblUTit ton of the former,! 1. ; 11 ..ti. i .1....: .-. . ili.t ft. ..Jt : 1 ' C hitter flSd Hern i'uniij iiuruaiwj y r ui wc nuvarai; uiir si;i i)uu .ii HV III JJj iTr iKioi j" v wri.-! 'run 11 ivovnivuvn imuti iiiv lUiinit ni.ij'tina- (jiif'M'iii'd bIigation, lino b'cn relaxed, thnrwe tinn slave-iiolding and. contracts ,P !ibu!ilcil Out becaiise lehovah for the purchase of servants not only Wisrcitdiiic to establish a special cove-' authorised bqt encouraged by tho laws Imt witli a chosen race of mortals, su-1 of-Jchoyab. The following enactmeni W,liled in the days of Moses swh - in one of those laws Which we find re tafiar rites and. particular cammamU -corded in Leviticus, 25thchapter, sccins Wj. is should . distinguish Hebreiv. to aurauot no other constructor!. fnilBrianSf from Pagan Idolaters. This " Both the botindmen and bonnd- odt wrn in scripture w often calloil the ' maids (says the Supreme lawgiver) ". . ..1... 1 1 a : .. i.:.,i. f. i...n i. i.u !...'. t. sn jte!it9 mud hay men oi'lliniii i.wiih .11 iiiuii Biirtii nan, oiiaii ua ui 1111 fcjlfd lawgiver of the Hebrews- not he- heathen that are round about you ; ol fiutf such code was enacted by him-- them shall ye buy botindmen and bound' lt because Jehovah" 'on Mount Sinai maids. Moreover of the strangers that WJotalhj delivered it to Muses torn do sojourn among you ; of" them shall rf nu two (auiesol stone : whicli ye buy. and ot their lamilies that are icttatiTes when Moses moved by zeal 1 with you which they begat in your land ', at tuou m-ncvcst. . . - Ipnwt Hebrew id dalers had tiroKen 1 ani they siiaJuc your possession. And 7NO 3 V Wall ordering Mosea to hew two o- ye shall take them as an inheritance fori Touching Tenures und Involuntary fi'er- tables, wrote thereon with It s ervn'yonr children at cr you, to inherit tlsiem as , tuce under f he Gospel Uispmsntinn. rtcrihe words' 'that iverc in the first a .possession ; they ' ' shall be your bound-," The Lcatne by MoseOm't Grace uid iv 2ii!Kr-Kxfictlv how long Ins law was men forever. Surely (hesc words are force from tts promulgation, men ol uincnt erudition liavf controverted. along the way that goclh tit Botblio. :"..7" ?rv-ri?W"lmmmW oy tua ipnm prviip ron. arid m,IV tt, in-KHto. A-.l Ff li ' 'mmor 4 t(om .s:WMradtiitfd Wtfter tKiintiaiialU cast .IdVtV Heaven ,,ponm 1 X t t : . V'vcr9J K Pfiaciples wd laws Well kr iba vek iU t.nure 'JTff-U w th tfiehai Btunrs than thev whth U.ut !;tn LAZi JuiutJli Valir?I::;lT..-.50.11: 1 ol Israel Slew tVilJt hwun! tff.rffl)nen and aninaoH nrr. U fch il. ' Josh, X. 10, it. Hat this was not all. When Joshua in tl heat of Uie .battle ordered the sun to stand still upon Gibeon, and the moon in Vi&vttlet ofJijahn, bik stoxit sl'uT about a whole my, until the peeeplt had avenged t$ntiye3 vpo their enemies. So that w litr the Al mighty not only P)ifght bst those Amorites for aJnfting tlrtolest these newly 'acrjuircd ..crats of his slave- holding jK'opIe, but moeove disturbed tks sohr system. ' And v&etfs&la mtracli on pwpast. i setur jaf i&ranhtink cri -fance of suck- posspsib. A fid that e vrnfutdly this was confirmed to the He brew slave-holders and their posterity, we learn from the proceedings of Ring David and the Gibeooitr servants nearlv our hundred years afterwards, nay a- hove pre hundred years after David ?lept with bis fathers, we find it recorded, .that amon? 42,360 souls that returned to Jerusalem from the Babylonish cap ivi- ty, there were reckoned more than sev en thousand man scrvasds and maid scr After such citations fronwthe holy writ, who wdl Ucuy that slave-h3lding in fenftdation of the new. IrS ptoof .tK inch d.oetrn is indiipuUb,,andrtbal deefarM that b derifti If frnfi; Ueif iat thQrity, fqf lueh iottruetioh tf:Tmotb k..l.l-.t it . t . :. k-. m. ?t lb sapposed opinion whiehwe arelajoi- deemBr.of RInkindi Ukk flnnaj ing to orreet requires eorteefionvwe re-jtbis sreit. Apostle,) ieteb tterwiBft a-. le? very tiered. 'nt : 'J liiuf? laid bcl that edodfleaa 1 h ia nminl. ,A;nVfi.;! ' I not. cmJotfeitw bat t Wd j ... ; - y . Vf , .V, - ..I..11 it 1,.. il. liliii-i..L lil 't ' ; deey bea on J fd. ut Sabmittio snail toofa. frm l!i in aor' Jef ihall tire lieaven. aod thi riMiUiBnueijiiusoi inMswiAij.'-ji M N now iurf A-LvL 'dircelli:.. tsfaJdiBf U tBlkarfiaiWia'a-.-ak.Ll"?' iuvoltiatary wrviee, wfo MtieadeinBedr;t(ifMtt or iirohibiicd by the great laniinaries oMlodeaor serjhjteraj reiearfibM hj plai: the Netv Tffatament. Our first geiiersUoopisft alatement of. certain Wopqijijon: re:nrk(is, thi'.t we find no disapprobation, that Ave presume few faithful HUereti or. any jtri.hiIii.tion of inrolutihiry serv'tee will eontrorert. "'. .'.71 In either f tho fnnr Evangelists'. Iq all , V ' v f them the Gospel dispensation is exhi- ,,.TIiat'tbe olutfia of 7aereA,'WriU'' bited "as never interfering with aby,of thecorbmonly eallod the bible, ebmpretipd. evil institutions or ptiJical establiib- iag the old and new Testaqient. eostaihi n.nn,. .. T .1.1' II 1 . i. 1 .1 J j . J '. . , .t ' . .V mi ni, iii me vuriu. nence perttaps mcme uuerrine aeeisioo ui lue WOrfl of tibJ silence oi us great author concerning the subject matter nf our researches. Ne vertheless the blessed Redeemer in Iw-o nf his hi autil'til jiatabirs demonstrates, (by igternul evidence) that the servile coudition was familiar to his divmie, imu- II. I the second veriod of our researches iiamf-i f:,uati0!1- And lhat aervnrtt which i.. -.j .i. . .. . I trtii-w Li! ly. -under (he Mosaic Laiv, wus valid with divine approbation ? " Kin Agr ip pa. bclicvest thou the prophets I know bv Clirist The t liriitian disprusatwh, styled the willing critical disotfesion and polemi- li controversy, weuiway venture wit'i- itprc;ti(licc or benefit to the object of w lcsent researches to fix that period tt.thc date of, the Apostles council at ffrusalem, inasmuch as by an express Iccrce of that council, the nte of circum- Ision and other Mosaic observances, were IstenOy of no further obligation, This auncil (adopting the compata-'ion of Mrfltbishop Usher) assembled in the year ttftheworld 055 : And since, according itlie chronological cotn nutation of the kmc ftrelate. the Mosaic law was nro. piitrd in tlieycar 2513, it follows that racode cmtinued in. force fifteen huiu pdond forty Atoo years. After -such mi explanation ve begin asscverattng atilic la3 and usages under this sc- W Otitic dispensation, not ordu nev riid prohibit slave holding, or having mmen as mcrcJiandize, bul,did on the .. i -. . -r i mntrij sanction sum tenure, possessore. contracts. Moreover we avpi k rotinriehtious renders, that the proofs c shall adduce fromsciipture to pionsliate such assevcratien shall not fV grounded on such observatices as con- ii'rd oi, v the ritual or titvical part of . -. - ' iratnowJVo. our oronts sliall he the pwrtzfcf dosngs of JJod's chosen people p '"i-'ir vest seasons ot correct ouedience. or sliall be entirety erounded on such iUisfiedprccepis ant I formal statutes as togetbrr exhibit the iuisopl.ijlicated ino- 'i'l'y nt (lie Mosaic system. in making tins port of tmr.scr rotor .d: Arches, it struck us 'as a icmaikablc ,ci that the very first' law. rnarted hv W .himself immediatclv after ho had iiverctl to Moses the ten command- WntVnn Mount Knnh. is st canon pie rule and regiilation of slavj; lud Miis-crihoff we thus accurately r""Tribe. - (Ex.- XXI.' 1. i. ,,r11i?8e !( i he judgments (says God wMoacs) which 't htm shall .Bet before win. li'th.-ju hoy an Hebrew servant 8: years lin shtill . wvcnThnhaii' Tci -gufffco'for fill! linn IPT"- - . . l i IP I m go out "by hi.2is:-jt' il" he were "latriod, then his wife j!ialfgo "out 'h liinv-If his master have given '"m a wife and she have borne, him J"18 and daughters, the wife and cbil- " Miall be hn muster's and he shall himself." And in the next ir'iff'ewacTr . , i III a iiu i ni niiBH UIPUrUiHl ""v rv r-"-:. . . .law r tbrtst, (he christian reli'sion, mandatory ; yt shall buy. and, they shall aw of (, ;" fc GoD'e!-disifeasati,. le your bohidnien forever ! the new covenant, the new teBtuntciit, H By tins decisive,1? xpiici t. irrefragable , t,Bt auldiine and r ure system of f.iih and uthoriiy of tho written word of God it ei hies, which pmeefding from the 'eternal is evident that servants, other than na tive Hebrews, arc commanded under the; Mosaic law to be bought ; and that when so bought of alien sojourners, that they r-Bol their issco became inheritable property.' In addition .to the oxuresn, authority of such plain Btatut s, we.shal) cite a case of" elave- holding 7under the bent and most Obedient times of the Mo 3aic disj ensaUop ; t nnnlj.in. the life time and under the command of the first great pupil 'of Moses, Joshua; a leader so celebrated lor exemplary morals ana piety, that our greatest divines consider htm a9 a type of the Redeemer. 1 shall here cite the words of one of them, a.pi ius and learned Bishop : Our Lord Jesus, captain of hn fatliors host, ap-i pcaved to Joshua, the typical Jesus, be fore Jericho, 'with a drawn sword in his hand, and promised there to defend his pe il-.': I he case to which wc refer is that of the Gibconites ; the scriptural report ol which is recorded in the Dth chapter of tin? book -of .Joshua. This race of gen tiles anciently replenished tulid adjacent to their four populous cities, in the land of Cauaitnv 1'liey were doubtless in- dudtil m the number of those idolaters, . . i w i rs who by .the express commanu-ni jenovan were prescribed and were to be utterly destroyed wApprised of such impen ding duo.ml they had recourse to strata gemr,l'hey"caTnc--to-Joslitia in- -iborn out shots "and tattered raiment, preten- fcuew his Lord's will, and DriTJarcd not himsejf, nor did according to Ids Will. nil n 1 1 ll hlin Wlfll tnnnw .tpinna I' - - - - ....... ...... IIIUUJ P 1 I J Aain. Out Vf thine own mouth will 1 j u dga-t h ee-1 hou-vvk kd-sefvfitr11 Mave-nolding was a tonore extensive in the Unrimn luw : ivnil none will deny llmt our Saviour exhorted his -hearers-- tn obey wthat law; in those remarkable words " render unto t'asar the thing tiiftt are t rjsar s." " - I!it if we examine the precedents' and nocirifies m uio.uiispei iiispensation, as; expoundei? for pructicl !mOng the Gen i e. nations hy tn,e great founders of Chris tianity , fii. I'aiil aiiil St. Peter: it will if. - That as the Supreme law civer" judze of man, is infinitely just and . wise in all bis decisions, and is esseDtiatff'ir reiponsiblc for. the reasons of his eoeflDci in the moral ebvernment of the world- i : ; i.t.i .J..r -i iJ ..... . t it ia cuip&uiy auuuciuua in usciours was regulated and sanctioned bot never tnterdttted by the primative, Prelates and Apostles : we shall cite sundry paisngesj Irum rucsft insniren wnlirc tn nrnv H In.iiii... .Ji i .atX. LJ .. wi siV'niebi ortfude of any I'etcr, it is thus wriften 1 1 You who areUtanee, servants be sp'dfct to your masters withtherKan wisdom of the Almiebiy, oar blessed Re deemer promulgated with bis grncicu lips, and sealed with bis pfesious blood. This great Gospel of salvation is to re main io full farce till time shall be no iqore. And since do ereatr d being can as myittit, r efeaftnrnjrvtwr-, at what peri od there shall be this consummation of all thing, so Ibreeanbeoo assignable limit tn the duration of its divine jurisdiction " Of that day and that hour, knoweth nu man KJo, Dot the angels wbieb 'are.in hea ven, neither the Son, but the Father on I v" r , The events, tranftctioi doctrines and ed bolh to menials and masters precepts of this new code are recorded for vaots, obey io all respects those w ho are our edihcuUm among the sacred writings your masters ftceoruiiiir to the flesh ; mas ofihe Massed llvansdists aodjiolr Apos- ter-i, rondur to your erTotits what is just ;tlesi ''TIk fart, commentaries, miracle?, 'and equitable. 'Cola. .-.33. 'Sarvofitj and reported cases of these inspired' men; lohey those who at.: maviers'aceordiiig to contp'iso that fiurt of ihef sAcred volume : the flesh, with feur and trembling tn you commonly qHUed 'be iNewT es'.a'nent. do the. Chnsi ; nut wuh eve-service o No.fatiht'ii: be Ivv.'r-, ?n dmibW that ihe ! men plensers ; b4t as "servants of the Uhrisi ; knowing laat vnatever any onw ii. 111. tin- Lord will reward hnn tor H - he her I e be aboundinan or a vreeman. Au l you masters observe the same con ject to your all reverence. . Not ou y to bu good aud sentle. but alo to the morose. If, when acting well you meet with ill treatment this is well pleasing in the sight of God "8t. Paul is etjually explicit; repeats again and again, Ins ennortat.o is adurcsi- ser- That these decisions are o thority ia both testaments, a tliai.ihk auinwriiy 19 lueeiseuuai veiaciij 01 uoa. no is tratfl itieir. . " ai That since there Can be no Oreierrntio against the autborit; of (d,whatevej is declared ib any part of the boly bible to be lawfu' or illicit, must be elaentiaJt; so in its own nature howeverjrijigjt jnl 5achrdec!aTation wafrToTbe eiirretrt t pioioos of men during, htij period time. tion the rectitude of any one of those" ds-i cisions merely beeanse we do not, an- ! appear inconiesuoiy mat siave-noiding prehend the inscrutable priaeitdes efsotft wisdom and justice, V' r C mied r'trine, piecep s And. ilti i ie thti einiijr'ilcitf'd ciovetnin. right ai Uvrotitr. justice and inifj-iily. are of f'-p - fual oblitMllon., And nil bem dietmed by the h'dy npirit of God ln'njsell, cannol jduct towards them; knowing that you cnnisteoity with -our rutii'fiitioo of his ,Toursclve have a master 111 Heaven. - ' . 1 - eternal i rT 1 1 ; U 1 1 ? f v ai;d infuiiie risdnin. idiply any repuni'iee n simiiar precep and "principles of. dutyT" dieialed by the tame immortal spirit, and which are found both ii the primal.theocraey .and the..Mosaic law, and recorded in the old Test ment. . Olhui wie inrousisteney might blasphemoUrilv btva'rihdTojJhe ATmTghiy :' andnifio relTgioii of the neto tCKtamcRt misht b d?etri''d reniinant ding that 'at home such t!rs4l'ad J)e..nti,e prophecies uf thc.'a,ond l!:e law rf put on new. In fine,. 'prctcnding'thatjror'B would mi hr the fulfilment of the they inhabited a far distant region ; they 'naturalMwl (tie .Mosaic law., upon, the besought Joshua for a treatv. of peace, 1 1 ruth of which the p-rfeel. verity of the and that the conquering Israelites would j fMein tally ifeprniN; . make a league with them," And JosHua . r"m -ln.rX p....f.n , ,t U n!u.pr'tl,hrm tnhHhPv, lh,e. lo"S.tbat us the .scripterc of bolh test:.- and the princes of the congregation svvare unto them. And it came to pass at the. end of three days alter they had".' made' a league with them, that they heard that they were near neighbors.. Ami Joshua called for them and he spake unto tlienr say ing ; wherefore have you beguiled us, saying wc arc very far from you, when ye tlwell Among us ? i6w, 't here fore, none of you shall be freed from be ins; bonndmen and hewers of woo l and tin. 3 6. ' Hxhiitt servants (0 be obi'di out to llieir masters to be iu all -things itiulio'iis Io please not answering oguii. noi.eriibe.zlins4-but bhewina all euod lididilv." Tit. 1,29. ; But in his first rpislls to Timnthy, this blessed 1 nostle nut only cives to the - - a w younir Bishop of Knhesus formal inti:uc tjons by which he is to guide aTfthe slave in his U neess but he siiperadds lo sanction of tlie, Ited emer's aulhoriij wvliich onth'cM.icates those instrectiona. fliat U one, or more decisions pV ttft ' the acquisition of a servant liy fa-i ee of lofeh'ase whoever believes i tlat the written word ef ;.tiod , is cenTy j itself, must eonspquently trelicve in Ikcr j absolute rectitude of si ive-holding. A.1 Jin Jnquistiv$ biamiolder. ;i htatlord, f eb ad, 1820. Congressional Proceedings. ' ' Tuesday, March 7, IN 8EArK. Mrv Trimble presented to the. Senate certain resolu linos of the Legislature of. Ohio, io favor of the application of &,fJ0fl lollars heretofore appropriated, bat not expended, to the surveying: and opening 4 road frum the fool of the Rapids of the viiamaol the Laki to the western lina if the Cnicecticut Reser-f. end a road. from. Lower .Sundusky, s dthwbrdlji to the Indian bnundffry I n-i which were-. ead and referred to the -eomiBlttee en jr roads and canals. .1 : . Mr. Williams, of Tea. having ebtain d leave, introdueed agreeably to notice, a bill further to amend the judic al yMl tern of the United States; ft fnrinr an ail;j -litjonal judicial Circuit, to' "enpwdhft f the districts "f East and West Teonc7i see and the siate ot Alabama, and lor the bf a Circuit Tuue, ote. (.iioi'iiir.eut of a herefor ;-which hilt was fwiceread,by ,.n.. rl (tiiiscrtt. and ref rred. 5 The Senate resumed the considerat ioa R of ihe tll making payment fW hfrrses, lke.f,i In mini" (if the eases "nbove cited it inn'ii' tiMr li.l flit n. .iiioni'ed. that the Word ser Inst in the - Sjniinole Wat1, and ' " . . . . . . m . . . J ..I vant d'l"' ii'H, ueeensarily impit Siare ioecn lurtner nmenaeu ar, anfl naviugf (by adding" they ,) was ordered II drawers o Now, had Joshua's sentence of bon- dagc Seen only fha't ruin to which for idolat y they had been forcdo(Mncd,'thc tenure of their inyohrni tary service wWd have been life esj,ak, onlyrto ex pi re w i th-1 he-exist ing md t v td tials of Gibeon. 41a we find it was a tenure in perpetuity. Yet such compre- mY Bay I "will tint pa (iit iron th J?,1, !'iatI bring him'imto the judges, i .J-'all bore his ear through with' an !m-4ic-smu serve liim forever.11- jjjj. jxjnuivc, maniirsi, ex-jtcnure in jnn.iuy. r,-..- .vu.j.-- hiJ.tjon of slave holding by God hensiveandxery extensive slave-holding; lh. inai ion ai:jirhrero xki-i:e n iar ironi ucine marat-u ur nuj niw nt en is IntS the h une ri::t uf authority es'nUitll v iir.Mijuttiie nl self eixit rtaiietion. entire: nlin; t'ie iiitritisicjuoralil y or immo rality of htimuiV emddct so, wjiHifver i ileeiurecLii toe ma re.wumi'iii to n intrin sically good or'bad i.i njr tranmieiions muit infcvitahly . bf? the san areorJintr to I lie principles of the ucip tctfnmeul. liven were'lhis reiisoning uiisii jijiurted liy nu n bertess proofs .found in toe written Gos pel would tint siicti nromeut alone verify our third asseveration ; namely, that slave-holding is not incompatible with the doctrines of the new testament ; but On Un in tlx. wr iifii i'l'rndiictintis lhat we nrnviso to the last section next 'transcribe the pliruse. " under theto be engrossed and read third tnre ioui obicetion. as ioiiowi uu uortls in ur-iCKets oeinz irica.cn uui.j yoke" fixes the nature of the involuntary servic?. 1. Let as mhpy srrva its as "arc ua der the , yt ke. can n their own master worthv of all honor, that i. e n tin f God and InVdoeirine lie hot blnp"med. !'?' " And ihv that hav beliovine mas ters, let them liot despise them beoause they are brethren, hut rather do them ser vice because Vht-y. are faithful and beloved partakers of tho benefit.. These thiags tcoeh."' ' ' In these words the Apostle designates two classes of christian slaves. 1st. l he Be it enacted c Th 1 omeer. vo- luuteir. or raagtr, engaged m ine eam jiaign ef eighteen hundred nod eighteen, Against the Seminole Indians, who has sustained da maze by reason of the loss of) any horse or horses, killed or woundeiiw . 1! I t. . .. V in battle, or wnicn uieu, or ottomc less, in consequence of wounds rceeivwi ivhiUt en!?aL'ed in said campaign f or! - a j . . - - . :ii which, in consequence or trie government ill toe unvieu ijiuicb laiima "uri"j ;i sufficient forage, while engaged m said the eoniraryaiuhutized.by.ebristiawty t4laves belo he special s linemen t of such inferences here seems, the moro rierlinent to bur ob ji?et, i'i milking these scViptural research Sr-becaiise we 'have reason to imagine that-some good rmen 'eten in the"slaye- "V.li71tM . iieL k" i. Cn of God8 chosen people mat ion of divine displeasure, was, in the liable b.ouhl Judca, and become : sequel, sanctiiucd by undoubted" mani iii rV9 'nvltthtary service, fi. st for festations of divine patronage. 3V6 find T' A . . N. . V S 1 A. 1.1. .kAaKl s-i... IMM fit. I J . - - " T -.-.-- w . 4 .,m - Ut "u tp'he "f -I " a .. li ,, sluvirs, belonging to be licvers. And having uhandoued and lelt ; or wnicu, oerog uis-r ' 1 . Sl...a nna.,l;., .ItllnMnn Uf 1 I 1 1 n SI 1 1 &t f Prt fJ 111 battle, eseaned from thai ...t. .J.nVrpni nmvrii'tnvs. thn first class owner and were lust, snail be allowed?: are to be taught to count their own mas-the value thereof.. . WsVthougtnrTrfe'sr' orthy. of all hohor: -iiccrind be it further indcied. That that is in other words, to such commandj-aid ofiiccrs and voiuntees, for the loss V ilinm t.mnprtv In ifin person, of af anv necessary enuippage of said . IiOfVi mental confors. And such injunction is ses. or for any gun lost, in said service holding stater, men not quite so inquisi live as wa have beeo erroneously sup A iAS.a (hat kv ttta ami alil'iaiK'sjioisf nf It n f2rtC - iinow aata, ai t livy vviuui iq iiui kii.ni uw Ui V 111 V IJ IU-B bllllivioi Aa.tv w " i I'--7 " J tJ - m m i I ... . .- . I I l.h !(Ka nAcaaisiAn Af I hfl f pet, that the Mdsaie Jaw to all intents by the Apostle enforced by n niouve, co-or yuicn weroiei j.--..v.,. -ru and nurnoses. moral anJ Ivnieal. is abol- iPht with eaIou. nroselvtes. nameiy,UniledJ5tat8, or o " " v",s? 1 nr.i. i .. j: - i .i: .'.: j . . .I....I.I l. ll..nl,nm. mien. y iwi lacii erring inniviuuais, oi lesi inc oevuociriue auouiu uu uoi"iu eoii'rse 'arguments that vindicate the mo- ed, that-is. lest jnfidel-maslersZltodingj ral validity if slav-hiJtairig,drawn from their christian slaves disobedient and as' tbe sacred'writines in the o'J .testament, crihine sueh rebellion to the Eospel doc- would losernuch of thas.authentic, weieht trine, should .revile that doctrine. The s . . "-a . . r . .... . ....... 4 a. a u uuuim t laww...-.'-' . -1 - mi- ' j, t'.t.- . , m. that in troth properly belongs to them, second class,'' Wontnfo- ftetrs aretiie;oceountiDg tracers .01 o. ethorted, noienly,ot4o be less oaeot-Department suaii uu ,w , shall he allowed and paid the vatoe there ,f ; said elaimi to he paid out 01 any mo-it niy s in "the TreMury, not otherwise npU pronrttted.';- . - l . . . 7 ; v tin Ses. 3. ina 06 1 (iiirn" . "I True it is that the typical part of the Mosaic law ind ceremonial ; ssi&of hiy aw master : andmonitcs, inccosctl at tUe'ineif of Oibcon jabolishe Bat surJytU is 110 w hi terly ent to their christian masters, because'accounts, under inch 1 rules nft.1 reguiati .-09 1 i. n 1... 1... .....J a.rn. .r-lAtnr mpnbrrs -f the President of tb9 UfitttO BiatC-i- .1 t -T- 'JT' y ,

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