-;j,H'f in; bar h(" JT'"n ' ' ihert:tw": psccfam i-i nrjcs, nrc in ',,.,..,1 I'l-ti'-x- fir- one dollar ; for Vwenty-ffvc ;';,s raft, subfpient in?tiio rand in life, y.fWv whtre there is a renter numbe of j,',ei than fourteen, cash must arromp-ov (!); fr., P'Ti' ns unknmvn to the e.Vitor. ..'u Mib&criptin-cai. i. any Cfse he' fceircd favmott of a lcat gl 50 in advance i. ,i;i.ti; !-..? ''in'C' weluwl pymen ofar lis, iM-i1- ''' n ff t'i ;'-r:s .... i -. . ...... .......... - . rj-i 1 9c -azenev. i3iint r, i.i.. . . - - . . - ' - - .v...- .. -a j mi iiic inrrwHiinr. m n r ... r . m . i . . . . . r - r 'a . i ehaw vula "X " " V9 of tie natiafc. - UWer. haV tf.e..BJ,iBCLiV .J "7 .i0( .AnW"ttee further renortthat two iir"" r.. .,.,,. ah hui uon to tlHNP mo.'' ear9.r mm nilit-irv . '..w.i . V , ." -y''""a " tnev.aov know in"nn'ikM 28 28 .first lieutenants, -a d h'V .odr i&Wa. Zl'Snn aT i W e-8 ,1 I?! ' . SnrT' tfa.. To. levy IrSiiChSi md lieutenants, wore atmoh, ed ' 'Aence, that I,e Sllid ! ! 7' ? at .ce o,Ier of Ma- .horhiof Ooojre., i.? thLTJ ltuleibrce having .been diCided 0' ropariies. 'I hese offiocra vveio , iU " Mrch. isis- ""t i,,i the crvice were mi.S J, 1 P ' " e" jorce, -.f mdinduali, in tie place of the ijL bv the.CWIr ..e . 3 ai)f,0,,! 1 d warrior,, ict or nr R.rt Ar;,-.!.ii LikI!? ' J!" .' c,v rr ecuuv, winch the peoole Lav nrhW.x.,1 vV. vjtALvwn,v.) , ; ?dfiarar fnru'::. 2.Wtha Cfoi .... II iI 1 , n I m r . ...-n, WEEKLY, BY I.VUSWJJAH.Er- rota nil ... ".Mwaia itj IS Ull) .TV.rifar, .ff ? f servants. Frtur a5. and 1L I'-? i':a :wlvs"!ce'. No .paper to be "'1'1"1 commissaries ofi purchases vn Ch 1 , u ; ,oim, ye commaiHlinjgcncraJ. ".v ui-'ui'irny ;:-.c or .!.. .... iv'-.-Msanizauon-was c.'ianil. anil an aiMiUon nambrrof lhf. ;j stilff '"Hrns- appoint d, 11C Con.n, yi n-.t :. von . ll)l.,c;,nrsiveT, torcrtai;, ; Jt as ihrse v;,!r,(H transartioiw aai on Uin reeiilar- i,., .iij .1... . ' I'll' I V " " UIC (.()' IS. .-.nnoinfr,! .n,v,,xS,QVe ,w '" e credit of , ; . V :v,i' "nr u mM th,- Hs!,,..,n,.,.i SKMINOl.i: W'All. ftcv coNVftr.i-Sso n i- ui: " : I'cbi uuru 23. 5lr. &'om l!Rot'J in I he folli.ivin-' rle. ta.Ti : ' 1 Tiirnin.i hvA rnsr. To ,m::i.-P .mil r ;.d h,ve hee, rrcni,,,! at tlS W,' rriatI by C.gr, f,r ? hr my anl u!,. ,,l!l)!ic fcV'.V. , " L,re,l'.lhc r-sn.Iar mv ofthr TTi. ,i.;.i. , ., " .'. "a. I, '",""'. iSt of any " .. ,,irii vrvirrs. am-Hint lot iiHv limn TtteMinori y ot t-ms, ,-espertful- sa:;d onr hum!,,,! and Ucntv-s.ven dol- " ' ,. "V vv lonv nine ecu 1m, h'.ci'.u Yin t'i- mux in irim. ii' in i n- cijui-u aiarcsviurty-eight eiollar: ii!!n'ry, una was nnoiu 10 prrreJ trora paid t; tlie G i;;tni'.Tii n me Mue m eoria, to tiie ascertain out of Ueek Ajrcucy, on pnhlie service, was. niania were ' .....lk. P . -- f . y IV. m oruer. irni i -irtjor ILilmiind I'. foHthc Scro'nd OSitifS Huiiiorised to receive into tlic in -a (i se oil jfrwi! 01 rne, u. not excecdmc jOO' fefJ. whirl. Indians nf the Creek,Jiation ; an j s!i;i;il:I on Mm iitii kvv .l.mteer tuior "ervires. to mustor, rc)orf. fiy Uiiv com-nanrati wspect, ami y.r v.-sicn tliem, and d,p.r pe.-rs that 'it becanie question $1veheerP,Htot!!7,pp,t by o.rc:;,':,; any aratf.o oet.w.nt ,f troops 1 he sums paid , ue I-ii ltl fo;m ..M (I.-c-msent of ihc Ho, f r flieir spires. all,M,nt f thirU I ,n ' thereby consnrni: a large quantity, of the ippiiM laid i ,,-!, J-.t.hrtr.fnr llie re iit of fort -., and f(lrtlIS, tU6 I nacsiire viaiiieM,' w:ic.V .c't i tlu r-- ...uiiegeino navo.iBBded iiia.iife.llj to ine iSjury o( ie Venice." After ::n. invei!!-::ti-n or " seve'ra' days colonel RrAily xva, :'lionoralily ac ''i 1 ted oi !j jlieTharws nii.feri'nl s- s-amat him. 'i;iie.o:.,m:u-rj.j? gt.,M.,;a,t oy an order oMh ri ty 11-nst, 18 IS, approving tlw fienuce 0 ihe! court 00 iliiH .WA'inr-i!.,,,,. ..Ii v.,! "that, -they baiU frnru tli l(-yr,iers produced, prnpei !y f,ind iitrti not tni: y, Us it appeared from ii.-ncral UaTnes i.-t- ler. bearing date 'iiii UliV SIHIA nr lirrlln... IJ.. .1. L. .. I . 1 . A "IIUITi JJ lUL'SUiCIV. Iattn e tr-. :( lit 1. . J'. li'e Alabama territory, dated-n the 13diLfr binniure r character of this ailfl, Hv.,f a....;i ." . ,l0n O" Power rffriVf.. n -f... i"ii. 1010. iLiirmparii 11. ..I ft 1 thai pnl. 1813. itarmtnrii il,Ht t ihu, dte he vv,s -iSiioraiil of the .views ol n.e tfoverivrnent with run-.,,.,. ... v ;.. , w. , - ' .u".xi''nHi) i.itai no -urietviioi t!o orile I. -v1 4 a . uerii ...msijcu. to Ufa. Jak O '"'' I'-ll L Li 1 ion or power denvea no exeoiptiif fr "10 apphcaiion of ihPa .,.-:!-. , , reason of the particular deacfipfi&tft" 1 ".v e.'" fa- Jaekaon... A Mrn': 'tte; fur S,iu;.,t-tlnre-piiri;de ;t,J: part of the a. l ""-ii"! ' 11 c i,;t(. (Fuv cf-Mav. tsi J 7 " No have JacKiion... A litifa, ? ..Ketiidii? officer iitheV service of U,e UniiM ..lii: 1 . . uiu 1 . : vi i..t ... .... . rnrdcriKl I., a. u.l ..!." J. 1 V,f,; W tt-' ',(5 War D lllW mi1' ;t he ilij 1,. i .. m !,.;.!. ... :.. ..- NotwiJhs' ,MJi!-'ti n Li r i.Tiroml......-.:.. . 'v. the ' J t " ii iiillll 11 ill III TMIIX .......... , 'eg recufincr w iil.ir. -.it. ti' nal limits, .dn rilation in f n.: finitsi r ,.-.. 11. j . , - . j.m ui une loreca ller ii... 1 ""w.; -r .uilB'.iiullOII 4IU ifi-retfre received a practical wpoiTu Jrom Iflnerrcns1 rtliii.!.. l.rki. irter lhp 'nori s.mer:,.r ntr.eWre ..i:..- i .. ,,U !e.vi 1, ' w J,?n,ailministratiun- this illuslrmion S.rf...MJ proceed incs have bVen sine,-, ! f . ! ro;n;,1(''"''! addressed ih !... J re ?ratesr eoaaideMUar , ' " i f .... i. .i. '".jiimju irasjfcr: a - - - tfi'ir marcb to Fort Scott. and lortv.eic'it. iuts fi v the ivsn.u;!,;i:i,, c . . ..!. .i .. ., , by (he Seerwiarv r v.... .. !. '"i'r- early does if Mem It encral Field ami StaiT. T.. fence on the ofllrev hnm A,:..m .r..'? . .,. - !,ls!a!"- nil ihe iri.r.n!.i !. . " aVr at l"ne considered, - tha( whaU-und these ,;ib, eiomrn.v! ''"",v ,u" in i!e War IWrt. . . ' 1 Kr 01 '-P-oyiag Indian feree la made aletter.ua, addressed ... ' - to ibehu companies of Ap-co's. '11 1. ll,. ,r - r!!!'"1 e.vttir?r 4be protection Auditor of tJm IV-;,,,.v L; .: : ,ur.Iliri:,sr "port, that iM;,?t.Iorr'bch tho4e forces-om r.it .. 7iV ". ""'T. .a "0I ed ever Co these arcoiiivii wii- n'iii; . 1 i.'l.. r ?U!"en! s Wmri the letter cf General . f Z. 'A P"n 1 . . V"" I t w-l',, -reierrea . ny tiio etfr of ijj0 ! to the Var l)-hrt-nt ,i,,i. . r , ' VV,'',CU in act -niakinir fortheiJ i uwmiuiis ; 'jr uenerat Andrew Jatknou bavins sfd to llieai nero to (en ! '"" ?r the United Si(es;'d , ..n it i bp en ft i r tolur! ,l.. it.. . I i . -SCOttr. t U( 'COU.i In 'Dr.tVed nn tt. R.k - ma . .If . . ,.-,. - i .... . ....... nilfSMfiriii hip n.i! r-f -ilu I (inv III !l.f i hnr lor ... w" un iii u - i iiiii 'ii I I nere -liieerc iv.,nr. t,. l.n . n (Mnini nil .i t t La '.. .... : . .. .!.: ..... -..l ft i .,- ., . . . " wo iiani ; ta ii ii ifi f in . k in. r.'!i v. v CI.. i,T it n.fAM i..'. r. .... ' " - i i.i.,,in.i .irui. ai.er esaminatK bi.'c ad Auataehibola r ta. f,,, " i,ittrfn l H , l' assume Tver, exterin natiti? i,V....i. iT.,. (.,. .. " "-y w aenve teat witV, the v!ei,HyhV. H,old dare fo re " TZr ftT : UP "M:!l(!nfy Sre ; aid ti tux esijuiaii enninv i:" -.. . ; iv.. .i... it" r . - ... . I ... ... e;imau oiiiv. la be suuinntiM t it. i..o . . 0: r P, ""!." I ri6-': ?f . a . . pe.r. thereby ' V ' Z " ? T -' J U r,. f . V -,l,VTCr rU,af;fTT::i,m,n;1,,ii!,-it was concluded " r nc"11' -was -ordered to edJ'uj.Vu' surrender, and ren.oywi , r,r ' 7, M - ,, V" M Um!td Btat m Zt Apte"?' Pr"c;l.,y ' Secretary ofthe War Department, '"" .?j.u.n3s,ate..f.r S!,ch -ove ,,; 3m d"e f t ' v UU I'rfi i .r"'5 "f " BUthoVn fclfiUneiuteritioiw nf the ronim.HHq-for.tho reasons stated in tbe said letter ;l'd,l"'r''- 'Wa force of the ..d sun-s, eepi., th.V leiu-r' I'u. 0, 1, ! Con5 , M ,0 CmP v. 'n the puBlie nersJ. I he necessary measures were f;, carry the expenditure to the char-c of ,,e:8,," J ,,ep'W ieqii.ite to rane for relative to these force- v li'eh p x 1 !J ! ,cc ." ;'e f. hat dwer,,.. efc teken for assrmhli.'s the r;arnr., of; ihe appropriati m.d v hy CW.I n ' e eaUm ofhU ,,r,iers' " -rriaie the X r l)'.rtlirlf, , , jl flU .V;", V'9 1,1 forci' e oW deem the niea'tl tribe and it b.inS asccrtl, that the-piy of ,,e ativ of the Utn "cd te-lliet then eo,n,ae.eed, with the sc. pci. refc.reda act ws, Wlytlie whole rfiVctive force of tinlfor ifct epr ' ;. e Inbocindi.,,. ln.tr ad of obey, tarv of War of t ij rii i- f;,e-i "' '7 Co-cs. od ihe authority Wu;n-old connt t servV. arrange. Fo'r ihe n..rBB r .t.:.t- , '3 i"'? or." proceeded to levy a ar- thea. ,t nvp-nr,. .ul rv,.i..;r r -.,: 'T -7 .V" ;a-d, Cd the 3 l day ef f. W do lor mSterin5 tltento'eert.aia.y, ..Jy what aulh rt V he ''n,1-5h,?s T- M-' -er of .n-'Vl, Ve', ' .! "f , . . ... . . -4 ....u (i i.i j r , ; - alll itr nr-h.. . .-I - '.i eutueky, by rircnliir !eiters, mfanfrv, Mas direct' cued to individual ci'izenii the Isili.dav of .SeuteMth. tot .1' '.rP f0,iws' d the woinlia-ir Nto be denominated a reeiment to! eamonttoe copies of anv order, f f . ..!LV 7 ' ,"'e'n:u,ar ,l" l,aTe ''e of .he annont ,f f, ri4rJ;V IV. ' iv ?er of OeneWf; ... ... . " - . :. . .. ' . J ... .iuivu nil. u II I V III . :llinnri' Hl'C'ULti p., .n ....... .1. .v. .... I " ' " 5i oi eigntten comnan es. to ieoftl. -"ucu-exmeil winch mi-hi hav ... c.io n :.i ' : ."". : " '"W ."e"" - ll weandorganuing tlf.nr. These ar- "e raised, the Seeretati of i. V, . ,;.....!. .T, " foments were, that tha whole force Denartmynt was- renuesieil toftfrniafl !ie.i.;a .".;..'-. !mj or the Uuitfd Staffs, th.it Willi am feo'",nndinS &.erg 0; (he suui'he'rn divi r77"ink"V ' 'oiouei, nna e1 nflJ ukp, jnto !iiM,ietH,uor liOveu,ani iiooieJSlver 0f,i,e Sccrt,ta irniard,Rs majors. Tliisarranifcment dated on. tbe 22i "ere af.ia tbe opini.n of ihV 't.ee, nn b.fris..tnrut "on i li for suijsistence per lotfy liuliars .per! neir j.f ther in aecordanee with the views of the: these iir.nulhorWd nreeedin" i n"iei- . 1 .. I . . .-.. ' . . ... . . .' . V dianrrepreM'titalives, theV justly relv fm l.'ie proieetion of tbe soiemn trust eo!;(i,. eil to tlif-ir charge, do unrcservediy ex press to the House, their opinixo:, ihaflhr levying of ibese forces, their orgartiza- non una .employment in the-public ser NlWfntv.SM'Pt ..... n..;,fi. ..i!-.,. a! Jaefcaoh. of the 2fiihit,v nf IWiimW. L.,..M? ... -i.V i. .....!.. l.J .-''' vio lai in of ..e constitution pefor servants ; linvinn. C,e 18tr, dirrctins him t atauin'e the com eamn no lea, lha,.,n.nv ,.,.!S.m Tl,C: U U . tCS ,'' ""ous ,u t . .t v . . . - . i - - , ir i " .th ni na ohdji-o ..i i1...... ervic 2d ullim m Coflimenica'cd to (,cncral Gaines. - commit lee in th?: if lie ii hi Iwtiet HiirUord wlio approved of th" contains' all the infor weeding )f t olonel Brcarly, informing; 'he subject of inouiry e iia by a letter f tho 2tth day of .1 nu-1 1)efrimeut.. After enref 7.1S18. hat he would d'eerfaliy ac f (Tie net vi -es of all. the Indians, who tight be disposed, to ioin him, which (lis listiiin Colonel Bn aily wps directed to nfoiirape as far as praiticahle.- Pur t to tlies4nsfruCtioris,onc th ..usaud bundled and thirty seven, warriors W mustered into the service of the U. ''cs , n nr about thetth day of Fe- WT, 1818, and siTveiLnni.il (he early !lof the months of May thcrcafter.-lr. 'Ading Onir Ilaujo. a chief, of the lftk nation, and seventy-five warrior".' v.. ... .. nan ucen mustered in:o service on i(!8tli day of Derfmhcr.- 18:7. tiie We number of Indian forces -employ- lUlirin? tili.4 Iierinil onn.iiiifi.fi t. mn - O I ... .,..v. usand Whin Al'fiifnw!. twlrt It.iv ' a i" n ihv i niiii a - a a - w general, ami received, in tlii.'rca ;,,Jj ne Inindrrd and four do hits ncr In.... I . "'ll nav. seven! v.tivn' i nt ):iva 7 ..... v.-'.....-. i I 7-1 w T a i i Mr Coma of levies. m thi. imli ,,. f Inr nml m.irv.i n..,r .... J al V 'rTrrr-rMl e ' The nn ' ,im,aft : I- I. i i 1 1 ' I , . "-.-- "j uiiiuiiing ei5oi.wiia:ever,not derived f otn fle will or tnl'Jl e t lie at:-: .lanuarv llierenlter. I il'r.ni'.t I I ,..hnn i. t IhhisiuhI livn f,iin, I,,.,! .;,.. .. i , .2 u . .'. f that HepanmeflLleepted die service, ,.f iw r.eu. , larS. for nav. : 'M!,,e' ' not "'l' ...V''M.rtl o. retVrin- -the h r.i v..... -i:L." .?...; 'Zlu .i..iur.- r. ' ' ""u. l" antral y lo t: e tnodainenrf . nriiieipleo ufH nt. theVei,, a'uted wftre .BerdiBwi; ... 5 . Z " Z H " i " j" l"""7V,r7 r6 B.vcn.!n,nti.tr.l.de 'orderliH matiou rel.t,nS o si,,io, of one ih'imd wo ni iT d n '.f. J1 F" erns. xuiincj,. the War!ei.:!.tv-8ix r itiz,,, r ..nr.. ,,J " 1 ar"- .declared .jl;0i the nation bI 'ui .ma .lui.i.ur I ..,.., ..... . :1 . i .. . '. , ms virion., unces, lortnine no pari trusted to tbe l'r-dent and benale alon8 c iyj "i i ii.ri tii n ii x 1 1 1 ti r 1 1 Mm i r 1 1 j ii n nr. r ii, .. ....l. . i t . . . . ate ex-unination of these i doeomeuta.- th- .v of ,,u.n, i,.t ..,.,.... n'"' i' l" ,,,J,,r-v "ne"' oI t"e Ul" ",e P,,.Wer ?' ap,.iiiiment to- all uie,,i . ,. ., . . . - --i-!. icti aiai "-c v-tniiot umuvcr luai any or- ima oi J ne iiluceri ea authorized by Congress, ami not otherwise provided fr by the consti- lulian. Ihe .prudeiiee and wisdom of these eminent and dig-tiiieuitlicd function tries of Ihe govcrn'nent, vere t lie guar- anieea oji winc'i the people relied for tho .lor. .th.f.,, .--... ':....:; T V. i;- -:;"""-- r 'V's;.':jiiiiiiiviiii nn ealteit iuto serv.ee bv vir. ....... ...... v.l. u.o ...ririii -cm milieu, inieiua wn m ule under ihe anllioniv t ,,r t i .,,,. i e i. . which, by ,he-m,.st forced or artiHeial .. sane.', ,f ,he cmndin,- ,e,,raf, e iVof h v rll Vnl' Construct on. Ci.ll d b- Mteemnil -rvoM J P ?J: .' ' " '?a " ' "C V?r 1 ' l C0OI- . ' 7 .......... v,,.,.v , tn.juini uuiiliuiil ini'll'O in iili,.i.inbu i 1 1... . I..- r imnlv h Vntf.nritte fr. r ! i . .. .. ' . mnu e omo.enec t-. (lie resuliitioo ofi narimFnt to mn.ter.U. aer.ice, o wn.-.U, " . C ' . 1" ' " ' lhe ,0"' w "cii " '"i"ed on tbemreld .fjection of thoae subordinate; or -employ, the Indian fureet 'anifeKiJ .L o tu.!4;.!! .C: . M, 1'ort.ng A bether any of ,hei?ts to wfiom the sword of the nation comioand of W illiam 31 Intosh and the clue's ol tha (reek nation. The jMper referred to ej.itain no orders whatever eral, ono judge ad v oca I e,-one p hap lain, appropriations tw o eoloneK, four niiijnrg. Cinr adfuiaiiti, t(!nce 0f t1(; rt. .111.4 r.ifni.., mitdl.r .. I . .. I'.. . . master,- two mireenng. four for tho nay and Kubs!8-'AVfi8 ,0 be-enfratted.-' The. - assnmptioD.' ie regular army ui ihe -United!,iliprcf"rrj by others, of the responsibility-1 ire ben npplied ta the support iofcexereisinS; this powerv i self-created ' adi reaaed -U Ueneral-Giinea. unit .inlvf ,n.i. - t .rf.., - . r . J . " -f'ju. ' VV"H""-"" v "lauiuiioin,. one brs dole nrPo- r.. 1 1,.. . ' . ' . ,, e'5 W,l"',Ut Uie Cl-l of this lloua. or .1. to the most pemici-US nd the order, bv (h.t ftrne7r loCo r.nVi I X . r " !, 1" .T. , , ,he "l!;r"y " Core.s. deeming that ' r, in the administration of I. , .. . . ' i . ' - 9""-6-"-' ""!on.iiie preacrvailon of die ponfciii..i...itirovernmcnt In iheWeaaM f nv it eniiJtovi iff irie iiimiri ivni ri,ir. n,. I ti., t wr. . ... ..............: ' -............ .,. - ------ -.. !.:, ...:' ;;rti!rps,.,l t ;-.r i .-r , V- i- X ' ,4' - I power..r UonSress tbe -chief, security of nppouiimeiits., tbe most powerful a , 1 lus oroer is aduresseil to .aJahm (ji'tier- twenty brat lieMeiranta. twen v Heeoki! i.. . i.. . . .? . ' .i .. . . 1 . .. ial Jackaca, and, so far as this eonnnani-ilieuie .a-,., eleven ih..a fi,.,,, J V, ' " u'lke unreu tc aga.nat - n..onv ou-eor.siceral.oM, caiion and the answer of tiene,d-Japk,or. .ev,re "rtTTi .V. ' 2S "rae,ra.enis on tlieir libert.c. .,n.ui ny,iomantf that.tb.. powcr.ahonld thereto, of thV 29th d.v of i :" and that oa (be fir,nne, "trd iron, the hands of those , ... , " - " 'ff-wa-w, I ( VllUtlJ til ,1 rill I LdLII I rrtMiri I lMllx.lial. .... , I I I . . fl -, I . . Illili ., n I a 1- . . . ' ) --wj Mil;, in v ui LIU II IIII IF If I ui"iiL aa, U lOll'UUUIl liU9-IIII ... I al . : i. I. f . unman uiiy oiu mi una iirnurn oi me in-uvaa muiie in eoiweoij.-iice ol an agreement (pjiry, it is iri)D!;ly to be iHlener,-.thttt : for that porpuse onirinikllv nmde by tien ttie employineni of these forces was'. nei-.era-L JaeKsnti. The raiiuins tendenev Nb for forage, and for'v two dollars!' the War Department, 'nor juatiibd by b!y ijlimrated by the f.icf,' that, on the any existing necessity. Jn the cpitimuiii-j'aaVuihling of these forces for the purpose ai'on ct tue secretary of Wr to 'euer-Tof" heiust mustered ioiu aerviee, nt Fav- friths and fittrrn iLivn serviee. fVi.m I aoiiii) .if, the forces employed in the vicrai-1 reason uiven bv the liisneeti.r General nf inai.ii , . . " -' " ;.e- ... ,-:.. .. .i.. . i.. ... .. ... V . . " a day of rrbrincv to the 0;h d-n 3 ,JCU"i "Si"'"" .-"cHwinue in.e sou.-nern nivjsion oi ttie army, who 'nJlSiS, the t-nin'of si-i hiirrdn lli be wns.mforiiied that the rrgo,;mustered ' ihem into service, by order ol for'ty.five do'lais and' 's vixt v-t wo ! hr,'f "rt'C no ther ' about ilifbun-;Oeneral'.-Jaeksi,n,. for appoititin; an ex a!s' GtntL'o Line t' X 'lie k i i'iT't ,ror,Sf a.d " "r,ti ih"Uaiid onlma iiaonhnarv 'numbeT an ) gi ade ofc.nnpaiiy ael.H-uti 6 i p r':iau"!of 'be state oT Georgia wereTcall'ed" into ! ollieers. appears in a letter addressed to iHr - ' f i U.t" VT- r rv t,lat Ueneraf Gniocs estin.:ued 1 the .Seere t.trv .of. War,. by that ofliser, ot !w2- ra"k " !!i"J',i s- 5Hwb;lijt.hc strength of tbe -Indians at twentv- the Oih February,' is8T "in this-letter Vbr,m .1- v . .. I I l- ; P V u'v served lrom me- 2t'ii day .seven oundred." l'he ai.swtr of G-.ierol coram Until too 11 b day (' April tj tcks-.n tilhe War DeaarlinenU .of the ' thoirtmeriraii army titider t!iej2ot!i of January, 1818, informed that i;.'par(inent, that " tbe troops assembled on. tlje snulhern boundary, reinforced with lite. . Tennesseo volnnteers, called into service, lf would enable him " to inUici vp-edT .!id merited ehamismenl ou.t,be ii.!udd Seminoles." .These I.id.n foe Himar.fl .m. t . i-.. - t .-.-i:-y1 ' -aiiiiiij gen, xnurew joi Kfon i navujw arrived near fi - Snwsipev tr after the rnnfnn. Ilni.? rT. ("'M. in the Str.n-Kli iirnvinee ..f K.Kt r'ja, Lbvtt and' Kennard were pro.- fan'; of foil co.,tifls. a;:d cej tyrre not mysiereduit ervice mi lime to tiie, ran ; n neii e;i-i.i . -. .... e t'-i..... .i.r,. i re.i ... . . .- . . - . service. Thes fTHeeonimaiiJ' division of. ihe Ii'CuIimt . -. itii . .JH.;i uay oi renruary Jjneis, uvfthu-lrqipacities-they rrK-jf, iv served until they were di.schdi,-jir ',.ui-er of th'e soutnerrt ''will KPPt'ifih "I1! .. i i. . a a . at.- ''forth " persons receiv jarmy ot te u oiled Miti, uie audition dt(, .. Tt' Services tim ing these '.piTi'uilsmf "lias extraitrdinary force of six'ioen han B allowance made for pay, stibsis dred andjliirteen Indtanwarriors, was Slurage, and "servants, to oificers of -ant deemed iiecessary to tho .execution f "' iii i. m ti... .. 1 rn. tiin nrriira tvnifn nn.i u.'..:i i.m.i'i iiir a. ill the v Kfi faidi in the regular army. The ll,e or'lers which had bee.;visud- for Jf orrasioned .'iH tiie regimental and.'siiecMsful tero.ina.ion of ,;:anU staff. bvU.ranrnmnfii-a ..,"... India"- war." l.i eoufirmation of H hv Ihn r m of rtn iyvwh harYetI as captaitis c ilh d'ayf February: until that fi ' J a iia J!1J( JUlf HI, VTt't I . , a a m . a a davoTAmii to o ii opinion that the employment ofthese lor e Pn lt 'J "ifl 'vas viewed in tMli5h by.the com. lKi,, n.tai,,e r9n.k l mandin-General, the committee sutmiil, tltTrk L C, a i r m ", ""unt, jonn uernardatitl n.ill .iris-renorf. the nroVeedins, of a , ' - a ' a . , w. til that ihi. trial of ColoinrTTJavcd Brearlyi "who! court martial., convened by fiis' order, for Colotii'l Il-ayne observe, thai to "'nierge the leaser fractions into ihe 'greater, and t'nis KmalgaToate thein into single compa nies, to cot down citolams. to.iehvc out frinsem.-nt on the powers of 4Jo.itf ies To .attempt seriously to est'ajjiish, by argn rm'rtf, that C uhs aliiiit possesses the power loruise artniesiristead of par ! tiikmg of tiie nature of naeoijuiry how extensive the breech sustained by the con- stitntion has beVu, would rather implv I fiat it nii.-;!it he doubted whetherxvve Imve any c.mstitiitidnat all. la no.ju-st..tfco-0-f the delegation of stivoaeignty . the federiU-giiveriiinenl have the people lottnilested greater cuution olid wisdom. isian in conhilingo their im.ii.'diate r Id subalterns and yet o satisfy ond n V pver ns ... d .he men has b.eu a ,verVl,ffi.,whieh, bv all ethers, is susceptible of 1, : !nlBI .en,...t.alar.i8.b.ei in evry tro- tin vhni-n . ,Ki;,? ir, ,. n.,- r" ..... I ;."" "" iu . every go- ...... . . . ..u...uV , u,.,cS, vernuient. 1 be exper euceof all nations1 lovan addmoiml -l-euieaant and cor- hai, unirorinj , , t (,,efn neUnl ifl,c,impan,e.:.U.,lw mh-UT; 112 oi these troops. Genera Jackson nro--.. ... . i. i. 1 :.. .1 ,. , ' . 2 rrrrr -rr-rvmr . : ."" .r- w-iecttretorTestrarnt or , .ureei ,e ,spr,s,.,on lor ihe its exercise- In the elective franchise an u,,e of the funds placed m the hands of ,phi 7 the regnlarjypaud oieersof the ar- redreSs f mo, h; e Lb wb d orl my ot the Oarted States, imposed on Ma- r, .1?. '1...-. V W5V " :. m.. i .-. . . .. vu ...no iriiiiiiit.ini s oi nvnriec J -,n.5 01 ' eoriH 01 artillery, the dhn nffp ftr,,u..V... ., . " . .... ........ : i a .. .u v. ,uui nir tveilKliew :r k lj r.r.Br.v liberties .bo.id ... .... .r ...... auuiuri- urectlv assai ed, the physiml force of tv to draw on iho qaariennaster general ,he government alone could he resoneo ftr any additional sums wantw for sap- t0f flfr lhe gliccefu,, aU , p ishment of fc.:? ,ltate the,r ""Ch, ha-al.. -he designs of ambition. Tu'e oStel her cc,; , pwauield -an-rsiair fur- waa arrested on tho ivl ?no assistaivt 'wljutant- al Games, on.'eliang ' "ccivci 3)tr mont h CfJ-rfnL.ofdutvi innot fowarui authorised the insDeetof . eeoer! ofit. ... - ' " u southern division irftWarmy to dr Z !L" X"" "f -,B,,HarJr .C" general at Fort Scott, foruch 1,0 Z S S : ther on the SeeretarV of Wnr r th Z"" "Tf. -umi- vei. u' 1..... . 7 V" v-ju5rc, anu-ine term or a ici .nasi' j - - wa. w.m aMUdfra niiv nn hiririiranvmni .. 1 . . i" 1 appliationofUeaee es of alleged neg cet r6Wd, served' from tbSi.t day.f IV uit V, h S JWZ cprtata annni1ef.jftj15.ary, tsj a mitillbe rjJhavflf-Jurie ... . LIL -V" .' - ;.. f: c- : . -.- . - ; " '!:i'v ;.ioiir mnitenaitse,. been con- ana alarm-- fb raiiitary well , epe- : not. on nosed (his -res'poiisibi'lily. The Co.nzre.ss of the Uoited States alone is vested with the general authority to or. ; .viJiie the ini'itirt, und to provide lorcall- '' ing them fjrth for the riu'rnose expressed in the rontilu:i(in. 'J'hrse powers hAue liev;n executed. Not" only the .r?!in:za- ' tirin, but the ranlc T.nd 'deaeription'of the j,')!iii!erS)(nf (bv uu'itiii has bee,.- prescribed j 'by.the a?t oi' Cotigress of the Jkh day of . : IuV. trtJ. sliid ihe net of the 2d duv of March, i 8.03. Nei lit r of these cts con- if lain any utit hori v. k 1 be appointment of;; M those deseripl inr.s of olliecirs Kelcct!d for , the eommand ft. (he coip of volunteers, l who wt r? re-pi-cti". ( ly invested with the Si rank of Assistant A''i'ii2rt General, An- - v s"hfant Inp'!-tor General, and Assistant ; 1 Deputy Q iarterniaiter Genera. These x'p itiice have been created only in the regu- "it lar army of the United 8rates, ft 1 he extraordinary assignation of an au litiotrai l.ieiitetiant Colonel and Msjor to . each -Pediment, and A third l.ientennnt O - . ..- . ----- - . - - w . ana uoniet to caon company, is also pn knowii tjj the !? ws pwvidiiig.forx the or sniuition of the militia. With whale-) ver force the prepnely or necessity ofva-JjL rying these liivva may be urged, until the Congress, of the United Slates, who are i? 'he.coustitutional judges of the ntilitj of sueh n measure, and who hove the exclu sive right to provide for calling forth the nilitia. and the sole .power to establish 1 regulations for their government,, shall hy tbe, authority with which they have heen thus invested, revise tiie present sys tem, there is ho puwer known to our in" stitutiort " which can. Jau folly -execute any senemes ol rciormntran or ."improve ment in tho tstablished--orqanizattoa i.ol tie military furee'ofho notion. , 1U the further provisions of the consti- tutions, the appeinTl'rt?lkT7.'f the' officers 'oi tnc militia is . expro'ssiv reserved 'bt-e'- stV;V" '"The object of thts reserraiibc ef A" .t" ... y V-j

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